bool BridgeDetector::detect_angle() { if (this->_edges.empty() || this->_anchors.empty()) return false; /* Outset the bridge expolygon by half the amount we used for detecting anchors; we'll use this one to clip our test lines and be sure that their endpoints are inside the anchors and not on their contours leading to false negatives. */ Polygons clip_area; offset(this->expolygon, &clip_area, +this->extrusion_width/2); /* we'll now try several directions using a rudimentary visibility check: bridge in several directions and then sum the length of lines having both endpoints within anchors */ // we test angles according to configured resolution std::vector<double> angles; for (int i = 0; i <= PI/this->resolution; ++i) angles.push_back(i * this->resolution); // we also test angles of each bridge contour { Polygons pp = this->expolygon; for (Polygons::const_iterator p = pp.begin(); p != pp.end(); ++p) { Lines lines = p->lines(); for (Lines::const_iterator line = lines.begin(); line != lines.end(); ++line) angles.push_back(line->direction()); } } /* we also test angles of each open supporting edge (this finds the optimal angle for C-shaped supports) */ for (Polylines::const_iterator edge = this->_edges.begin(); edge != this->_edges.end(); ++edge) { if (edge->first_point().coincides_with(edge->last_point())) continue; angles.push_back(Line(edge->first_point(), edge->last_point()).direction()); } // remove duplicates double min_resolution = PI/180.0; // 1 degree std::sort(angles.begin(), angles.end()); for (size_t i = 1; i < angles.size(); ++i) { if (xd::Geometry::directions_parallel(angles[i], angles[i-1], min_resolution)) { angles.erase(angles.begin() + i); --i; } } /* compare first value with last one and remove the greatest one (PI) in case they are parallel (PI, 0) */ if (xd::Geometry::directions_parallel(angles.front(), angles.back(), min_resolution)) angles.pop_back(); BridgeDirectionComparator bdcomp(this->extrusion_width); double line_increment = this->extrusion_width; bool have_coverage = false; for (std::vector<double>::const_iterator angle = angles.begin(); angle != angles.end(); ++angle) { Polygons my_clip_area = clip_area; ExPolygons my_anchors = this->_anchors; // rotate everything - the center point doesn't matter for (Polygons::iterator it = my_clip_area.begin(); it != my_clip_area.end(); ++it) it->rotate(-*angle, Point(0,0)); for (ExPolygons::iterator it = my_anchors.begin(); it != my_anchors.end(); ++it) it->rotate(-*angle, Point(0,0)); // generate lines in this direction BoundingBox bb; for (ExPolygons::const_iterator it = my_anchors.begin(); it != my_anchors.end(); ++it) bb.merge((Points)*it); Lines lines; for (coord_t y = bb.min.y; y <= bb.max.y; y += line_increment) lines.push_back(Line(Point(bb.min.x, y), Point(bb.max.x, y))); Lines clipped_lines; intersection(lines, my_clip_area, &clipped_lines); // remove any line not having both endpoints within anchors for (size_t i = 0; i < clipped_lines.size(); ++i) { Line &line = clipped_lines[i]; if (!xd::Geometry::contains(my_anchors, line.a) || !xd::Geometry::contains(my_anchors, line.b)) { clipped_lines.erase(clipped_lines.begin() + i); --i; } } std::vector<double> lengths; double total_length = 0; for (Lines::const_iterator line = clipped_lines.begin(); line != clipped_lines.end(); ++line) { double len = line->length(); lengths.push_back(len); total_length += len; } if (total_length) have_coverage = true; // sum length of bridged lines bdcomp.dir_coverage[*angle] = total_length; /* The following produces more correct results in some cases and more broken in others. TODO: investigate, as it looks more reliable than line clipping. */ // $directions_coverage{$angle} = sum(map $_->area, @{$self->coverage($angle)}) // 0; // max length of bridged lines bdcomp.dir_avg_length[*angle] = !lengths.empty() ? *std::max_element(lengths.begin(), lengths.end()) : 0; } // if no direction produced coverage, then there's no bridge direction if (!have_coverage) return false; // sort directions by score std::sort(angles.begin(), angles.end(), bdcomp); this->angle = angles.front(); if (this->angle >= PI) this->angle -= PI; // #ifdef SLIC3R_DEBUG // printf(" Optimal infill angle is %d degrees\n", (int)Slic3r::Geometry::rad2deg(this->angle)); // #endif return true; }
MotionPlannerGraph* MotionPlanner::init_graph(int island_idx) { if (this->graphs[island_idx + 1] == NULL) { Polygons pp; if (island_idx == -1) { pp = this->outer; } else { pp = this->inner[island_idx]; } MotionPlannerGraph* graph = this->graphs[island_idx + 1] = new MotionPlannerGraph(); // add polygon boundaries as edges size_t node_idx = 0; Lines lines; for (Polygons::const_iterator polygon = pp.begin(); polygon != pp.end(); ++polygon) { graph->nodes.push_back(polygon->points.back()); node_idx++; for (Points::const_iterator p = polygon->points.begin(); p != polygon->points.end(); ++p) { graph->nodes.push_back(*p); double dist = graph->nodes[node_idx-1].distance_to(*p); graph->add_edge(node_idx-1, node_idx, dist); graph->add_edge(node_idx, node_idx-1, dist); node_idx++; } polygon->lines(&lines); } // add Voronoi edges as internal edges { typedef voronoi_diagram<double> VD; typedef std::map<const VD::vertex_type*,size_t> t_vd_vertices; VD vd; t_vd_vertices vd_vertices; boost::polygon::construct_voronoi(lines.begin(), lines.end(), &vd); for (VD::const_edge_iterator edge = vd.edges().begin(); edge != vd.edges().end(); ++edge) { if (edge->is_infinite()) continue; const VD::vertex_type* v0 = edge->vertex0(); const VD::vertex_type* v1 = edge->vertex1(); Point p0 = Point(v0->x(), v0->y()); Point p1 = Point(v1->x(), v1->y()); // contains() should probably be faster than contains(), // and should it fail on any boundary points it's not a big problem if (island_idx == -1) { if (!this->outer.contains(p0) || !this->outer.contains(p1)) continue; } else { if (!this->inner[island_idx].contains(p0) || !this->inner[island_idx].contains(p1)) continue; } t_vd_vertices::const_iterator i_v0 = vd_vertices.find(v0); size_t v0_idx; if (i_v0 == vd_vertices.end()) { graph->nodes.push_back(p0); v0_idx = node_idx; vd_vertices[v0] = node_idx; node_idx++; } else { v0_idx = i_v0->second; } t_vd_vertices::const_iterator i_v1 = vd_vertices.find(v1); size_t v1_idx; if (i_v1 == vd_vertices.end()) { graph->nodes.push_back(p1); v1_idx = node_idx; vd_vertices[v1] = node_idx; node_idx++; } else { v1_idx = i_v1->second; } double dist = graph->nodes[v0_idx].distance_to(graph->nodes[v1_idx]); graph->add_edge(v0_idx, v1_idx, dist); } } return graph; } return this->graphs[island_idx + 1]; }
void BridgeDetector::coverage(double angle, Polygons* coverage) const { // Clone our expolygon and rotate it so that we work with vertical lines. ExPolygon expolygon = this->expolygon; expolygon.rotate(PI/2.0 - angle, Point(0,0)); /* Outset the bridge expolygon by half the amount we used for detecting anchors; we'll use this one to generate our trapezoids and be sure that their vertices are inside the anchors and not on their contours leading to false negatives. */ ExPolygons grown; offset(expolygon, &grown, this->extrusion_width/2.0); // Compute trapezoids according to a vertical orientation Polygons trapezoids; for (ExPolygons::const_iterator it = grown.begin(); it != grown.end(); ++it) it->get_trapezoids2(&trapezoids, PI/2.0); // get anchors, convert them to Polygons and rotate them too Polygons anchors; for (ExPolygons::const_iterator anchor = this->_anchors.begin(); anchor != this->_anchors.end(); ++anchor) { Polygons pp = *anchor; for (Polygons::iterator p = pp.begin(); p != pp.end(); ++p) p->rotate(PI/2.0 - angle, Point(0,0)); anchors.insert(anchors.end(), pp.begin(), pp.end()); } Polygons covered; for (Polygons::const_iterator trapezoid = trapezoids.begin(); trapezoid != trapezoids.end(); ++trapezoid) { Lines lines = trapezoid->lines(); Lines supported; intersection(lines, anchors, &supported); // not nice, we need a more robust non-numeric check for (size_t i = 0; i < supported.size(); ++i) { if (supported[i].length() < this->extrusion_width) { supported.erase(supported.begin() + i); i--; } } if (supported.size() >= 2) covered.push_back(*trapezoid); } // merge trapezoids and rotate them back Polygons _coverage; union_(covered, &_coverage); for (Polygons::iterator p = _coverage.begin(); p != _coverage.end(); ++p) p->rotate(-(PI/2.0 - angle), Point(0,0)); // intersect trapezoids with actual bridge area to remove extra margins // and append it to result intersection(_coverage, this->expolygon, coverage); /* if (0) { my @lines = map @{$_->lines}, @$trapezoids; $_->rotate(-(PI/2 - $angle), [0,0]) for @lines; require "Slic3r/"; Slic3r::SVG::output( "coverage_" . rad2deg($angle) . ".svg", expolygons => [$self->expolygon], green_expolygons => $self->_anchors, red_expolygons => $coverage, lines => \@lines, ); } */ }