static void FromXml(const pugi::xml_node& xmlNode, DataSetElement& parent) { // ignore non-named XML nodes // // pugi::xml separates XML parts into more node types than we use // const string& label =; if (label.empty()) return; // label & text DataSetElement e(, FromInputXml()); e.Text(xmlNode.text().get()); // iterate attributes auto attrIter = xmlNode.attributes_begin(); auto attrEnd = xmlNode.attributes_end(); for ( ; attrIter != attrEnd; ++attrIter ) e.Attribute(attrIter->name(), attrIter->value()); // iterate children, recursively building up subtree auto childIter = xmlNode.begin(); auto childEnd = xmlNode.end(); for ( ; childIter != childEnd; ++childIter ) { pugi::xml_node childNode = *childIter; FromXml(childNode, e); } // add our element to its parent parent.AddChild(e); }
bool Config::parseNode(const pugi::xml_node& node) { UnicodeString currentPath = StringConverter::fromUtf8(node.path('/')); currentPath.append("@"); pugi::xml_node::attribute_iterator attrIter = node.attributes_begin(); pugi::xml_node::attribute_iterator attrEnd = node.attributes_end(); for (; attrIter != attrEnd; ++attrIter) { UnicodeString configKey = currentPath; configKey.append(attrIter->name()); std::map<UnicodeString, Variable>::iterator itm = variablesMap_.find(configKey); if (itm != variablesMap_.end()) { if (!itm->second.parse(attrIter->value())) { return false; } } else { LOG_WARN << "Ignoring unknown config value " << configKey << std::endl; } } pugi::xml_node::iterator nodeIter = node.begin(); pugi::xml_node::iterator nodeEnd = node.end(); for (; nodeIter != nodeEnd; ++nodeIter) { if (nodeIter->type() == pugi::node_element) { if (!parseNode(*nodeIter)) { return false; } } } return true; }
void SettingsManager::mergeAttributes(pugi::xml_node _nodeTarget, pugi::xml_node _nodeSource) { for (pugi::xml_node::attribute_iterator attribute = _nodeSource.attributes_begin(); attribute != _nodeSource.attributes_end(); attribute ++) { pugi::xml_attribute attributeNode = _nodeTarget.attribute((*attribute).name()); if (attributeNode.empty()) attributeNode = _nodeTarget.append_attribute((*attribute).name()); attributeNode.set_value((*attribute).value()); } }
virtual bool for_each(pugi::xml_node& node) { Log::log(logModule, level, "XML node type = [%s], name = [%s], value = [%s]", node_types[node.type()],, node.type() == pugi::node_cdata || node.type() == pugi::node_pcdata ? node.text().get() : node.value()); for (pugi::xml_attribute_iterator ait = node.attributes_begin(); ait != node.attributes_end(); ++ait) { Log::log(logModule, level, " attribute name = [%s], value = [%s]", ait->name(), ait->value()); } return true; }
void UIParserChangeTextureDelegate::constraintWithParent(const pugi::xml_node& node, const pugi::xml_node& prev_node, cocos2d::Node* parent, cocos2d::Node* recent) { if (parent) { std::string src; std::string atlas; std::string frame; cocos2d::Node* target = nullptr; for (auto it = node.attributes_begin(); it != node.attributes_end(); it++) { if (strcmp(it->name(), "src") == 0) { src = it->value(); } else if (strcmp(it->name(), "atlas") == 0) { atlas = it->value(); } else if (strcmp(it->name(), "frame") == 0) { frame = it->value(); } else if (strcmp(it->name(), "target") == 0) { std::vector<std::string> ids; ui_parser_utils::split(it->value(), ':', ids); target = parent; for (int i = 0; i < ids.size(); i++) { if (ids[i].compare("this") != 0 && target) { target = target->getChildByName(ids[i]); } } } } auto imageview = dynamic_cast<CustomUIImageView*>(target); if (imageview) { if (!src.empty()) { imageview->loadTexture(src); } else if(!atlas.empty() && !frame.empty()) { imageview->setSpriteFrame(atlas_cache::getSpriteFrame(atlas, frame)); } } } }
void xmlManager::print_node(pugi::xml_node source_node, string prefix) { cout << prefix << << ": " << source_node.value() << endl; for (pugi::xml_attribute_iterator it = source_node.attributes_begin(); it != source_node.attributes_end(); it++) cout << prefix + "\t" << it->name() << " : " << it->value() << endl; for (pugi::xml_node_iterator it = source_node.begin(); it != source_node.end(); it++) print_node(*it, prefix + "\t"); }
//Parses XML data into calls to glTexParameteri void Visitor::setGLCodeFromXml(pugi::xml_node xml_input, Texture& texture) { if (std::strcmp(, "Parameter") == 0) { for (pugi::xml_attribute_iterator tex_parameter = xml_input.attributes_begin(); tex_parameter != xml_input.attributes_end(); ++tex_parameter) { //Signals whether the parameter passed to openGL is a macro or integer bool expect_int = false; //Signals whether the parameter passed to openGL is a float or an integer bool expect_float = false; std::string param_id = tex_parameter->name(); std::string param_value = tex_parameter->as_string(); int param_type = 0; //Filtering options if (strcmp(param_id.c_str(), "MinFilter") == 0) param_type = GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER; else if (strcmp(param_id.c_str(), "MagFilter") == 0) param_type = GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER; // Min/Max values for texture else if (strcmp(param_id.c_str(), "MaxLOD") == 0) { param_type = GL_TEXTURE_MAX_LOD; expect_float = true; } else if (strcmp(param_id.c_str(), "MinLOD") == 0) { param_type = GL_TEXTURE_MIN_LOD; expect_float = true; } else if (strcmp(param_id.c_str(), "BaseLevel") == 0) { param_type = GL_TEXTURE_BASE_LEVEL; expect_int = true; } else if (strcmp(param_id.c_str(), "MaxLevel") == 0) { param_type = GL_TEXTURE_MAX_LEVEL; expect_int = true; } //Comparison options else if (strcmp(param_id.c_str(), "CompareMode") == 0) param_type = GL_TEXTURE_COMPARE_MODE; else if (strcmp(param_id.c_str(), "CompareFunc") == 0) param_type = GL_TEXTURE_COMPARE_FUNC; //Swizzle options else if (strcmp(param_id.c_str(), "SwizzleR") == 0) param_type = GL_TEXTURE_SWIZZLE_R; else if (strcmp(param_id.c_str(), "SwizzleG") == 0) param_type = GL_TEXTURE_SWIZZLE_G; else if (strcmp(param_id.c_str(), "SwizzleB") == 0) param_type = GL_TEXTURE_SWIZZLE_B; else if (strcmp(param_id.c_str(), "SwizzleA") == 0) param_type = GL_TEXTURE_SWIZZLE_A; //Texture wrapping modes else if (strcmp(param_id.c_str(), "WrapS") == 0) param_type = GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S; else if (strcmp(param_id.c_str(), "WrapT") == 0) param_type = GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T; else if (strcmp(param_id.c_str(), "WrapR") == 0) param_type = GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_R; else { //If we are here an unknown identifier was supplied std::cout << "Unknown parameter type: " << param_id << std::endl; std::cout << "Check XML Resource file for errors" << std::endl; return; } //Now need to discern the argument to pass int gl_parameter = 0; //Regular filter types if (strcmp(param_value.c_str(), "Linear") == 0) gl_parameter = GL_LINEAR; else if (strcmp(param_value.c_str(), "Nearest") == 0) gl_parameter = GL_NEAREST; //Mipmap filter types else if (strcmp(param_value.c_str(), "NearestMipmapNearest") == 0) gl_parameter = GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEAREST; else if (strcmp(param_value.c_str(), "NearestMipmapLinear") == 0) gl_parameter = GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEAR; else if (strcmp(param_value.c_str(), "LinearMipmapNearest") == 0) gl_parameter = GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST; else if (strcmp(param_value.c_str(), "LinearMipmapLinear") == 0) gl_parameter = GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR; //Comparison functions else if (strcmp(param_value.c_str(), "CompareRefToTexture") == 0) gl_parameter = GL_COMPARE_REF_TO_TEXTURE; else if (strcmp(param_value.c_str(), "None") == 0) gl_parameter = GL_NONE; //Colors else if (strcmp(param_value.c_str(), "Red") == 0) gl_parameter = GL_RED; else if (strcmp(param_value.c_str(), "Green") == 0) gl_parameter = GL_GREEN; else if (strcmp(param_value.c_str(), "Blue") == 0) gl_parameter = GL_BLUE; else if (strcmp(param_value.c_str(), "Alpha") == 0) gl_parameter = GL_ALPHA; else if (strcmp(param_value.c_str(), "One") == 0) gl_parameter = GL_ONE; else if (strcmp(param_value.c_str(), "Zero") == 0) gl_parameter = GL_ZERO; //Wrapping modes else if (strcmp(param_value.c_str(), "ClampToEdge") == 0) gl_parameter = GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE; else if (strcmp(param_value.c_str(), "MirroredRepeat") == 0) gl_parameter = GL_MIRRORED_REPEAT; else if (strcmp(param_value.c_str(), "Repeat") == 0) gl_parameter = GL_REPEAT; //Function options else if (strcmp(param_value.c_str(), "LEqual") == 0) gl_parameter = GL_LEQUAL; else if (strcmp(param_value.c_str(), "GEqual") == 0) gl_parameter = GL_GEQUAL; else if (strcmp(param_value.c_str(), "GLess") == 0) gl_parameter = GL_LESS; else if (strcmp(param_value.c_str(), "Greater") == 0) gl_parameter = GL_GREATER; else if (strcmp(param_value.c_str(), "Equal") == 0) gl_parameter = GL_EQUAL; else if (strcmp(param_value.c_str(), "Notequal") == 0) gl_parameter = GL_NOTEQUAL; else if (strcmp(param_value.c_str(), "Always") == 0) gl_parameter = GL_ALWAYS; else if (strcmp(param_value.c_str(), "Never") == 0) gl_parameter = GL_NEVER; //Check if we are expecting an int or float else if (expect_int) gl_parameter = atoi(param_value.c_str()); else if (expect_float) gl_parameter = atof(param_value.c_str()); else { //If we are here an unknown identifier was supplied std::cout << "Unknown parameter value: " << param_value << std::endl; std::cout << "Check XML Resource file for errors" << std::endl; return; } if (expect_float) texture.setFloatParameter(param_type, gl_parameter); else texture.setIntParameter(param_type, gl_parameter); } } }