void ViewProviderPythonFeatureImp::onChanged(const App::Property* prop)
    // Run the onChanged method of the proxy object.
    Base::PyGILStateLocker lock;
    try {
        App::Property* proxy = object->getPropertyByName("Proxy");
        if (proxy && proxy->getTypeId() == App::PropertyPythonObject::getClassTypeId()) {
            Py::Object vp = static_cast<App::PropertyPythonObject*>(proxy)->getValue();
            if (vp.hasAttr(std::string("onChanged"))) {
                if (vp.hasAttr("__object__")) {
                    Py::Callable method(vp.getAttr(std::string("onChanged")));
                    Py::Tuple args(1);
                    std::string prop_name = object->getName(prop);
                    args.setItem(0, Py::String(prop_name));
                else {
                    Py::Callable method(vp.getAttr(std::string("onChanged")));
                    Py::Tuple args(2);
                    args.setItem(0, Py::Object(object->getPyObject(), true));
                    std::string prop_name = object->getName(prop);
                    args.setItem(1, Py::String(prop_name));
    catch (Py::Exception&) {
        Base::PyException e; // extract the Python error text
        const char* name = object->getObject()->Label.getValue();
        Base::Console().Error("ViewProviderPythonFeature::onChanged (%s): %s\n", name, e.what());
void FeaturePythonImp::onChanged(const Property* prop)
    // Run the execute method of the proxy object.
    Base::PyGILStateLocker lock;
    try {
        Property* proxy = object->getPropertyByName("Proxy");
        if (proxy && proxy->getTypeId() == PropertyPythonObject::getClassTypeId()) {
            Py::Object feature = static_cast<PropertyPythonObject*>(proxy)->getValue();
            if (feature.hasAttr(std::string("onChanged"))) {
                if (feature.hasAttr("__object__")) {
                    Py::Callable method(feature.getAttr(std::string("onChanged")));
                    Py::Tuple args(1);
                    std::string prop_name = object->getName(prop);
                    args.setItem(0, Py::String(prop_name));
                else {
                    Py::Callable method(feature.getAttr(std::string("onChanged")));
                    Py::Tuple args(2);
                    args.setItem(0, Py::Object(object->getPyObject(), true));
                    std::string prop_name = object->getName(prop);
                    args.setItem(1, Py::String(prop_name));
    catch (Py::Exception&) {
        Base::PyException e; // extract the Python error text
void ViewProviderPythonFeatureImp::attach(App::DocumentObject *pcObject)
    // Run the attach method of the proxy object.
    Base::PyGILStateLocker lock;
    try {
        App::Property* proxy = object->getPropertyByName("Proxy");
        if (proxy && proxy->getTypeId() == App::PropertyPythonObject::getClassTypeId()) {
            Py::Object vp = static_cast<App::PropertyPythonObject*>(proxy)->getValue();
            if (vp.hasAttr(std::string("attach"))) {
                if (vp.hasAttr("__object__")) {
                    Py::Callable method(vp.getAttr(std::string("attach")));
                    Py::Tuple args(0);
                else {
                    Py::Callable method(vp.getAttr(std::string("attach")));
                    Py::Tuple args(1);
                    args.setItem(0, Py::Object(object->getPyObject(), true));

                // #0000415: Now simulate a property change event to call
                // claimChildren if implemented.
    catch (Py::Exception&) {
        Base::PyException e; // extract the Python error text
        const char* name = object->getObject()->Label.getValue();
        Base::Console().Error("ViewProviderPythonFeature::attach (%s): %s\n", name, e.what());
DocumentObjectExecReturn *FeaturePythonImp::execute()
    // Run the execute method of the proxy object.
    Base::PyGILStateLocker lock;
    try {
        Property* proxy = object->getPropertyByName("Proxy");
        if (proxy && proxy->getTypeId() == PropertyPythonObject::getClassTypeId()) {
            Py::Object feature = static_cast<PropertyPythonObject*>(proxy)->getValue();
            if (feature.hasAttr("__object__")) {
                Py::Callable method(feature.getAttr(std::string("execute")));
                Py::Tuple args(0);
            else {
                Py::Callable method(feature.getAttr(std::string("execute")));
                Py::Tuple args(1);
                args.setItem(0, Py::Object(object->getPyObject(), true));
    catch (Py::Exception&) {
        Base::PyException e; // extract the Python error text
        std::stringstream str;
        str << object->Label.getValue() << ": " << e.what();
        return new App::DocumentObjectExecReturn(str.str());

    return DocumentObject::StdReturn;
PyObject*  DocumentPy::addObject(PyObject *args)
    char *sType,*sName=0;
    PyObject* obj=0;
    PyObject* view=0;
    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "s|sOO", &sType,&sName,&obj,&view))     // convert args: Python->C
        return NULL;                                         // NULL triggers exception 

    DocumentObject *pcFtr;

    pcFtr = getDocumentPtr()->addObject(sType,sName);
    if (pcFtr) {
        // Allows to hide the handling with Proxy in client python code
        if (obj) {
            try {
                // the python binding class to the document object
                Py::Object pyftr = Py::asObject(pcFtr->getPyObject());
                // 'pyobj' is the python class with the implementation for DocumentObject
                Py::Object pyobj(obj);
                if (pyobj.hasAttr("__object__")) {
                    pyobj.setAttr("__object__", pyftr);
                pyftr.setAttr("Proxy", pyobj);

                // if a document class is set we also need a view provider defined which must be
                // something different to None
                Py::Object pyvp;
                if (view)
                    pyvp = Py::Object(view);
                if (pyvp.isNone())
                    pyvp = Py::Int(1);
                // 'pyvp' is the python class with the implementation for ViewProvider
                if (pyvp.hasAttr("__vobject__")) {
                    pyvp.setAttr("__vobject__", pyftr.getAttr("ViewObject"));
                pyftr.getAttr("ViewObject").setAttr("Proxy", pyvp);
                return Py::new_reference_to(pyftr);
            catch (Py::Exception& e) {
        return pcFtr->getPyObject();
    else {
        std::stringstream str;
        str << "No document object found of type '" << sType << "'" << std::ends;
        throw Py::Exception(PyExc_Exception,str.str());
Exemple #6
RendererAgg::get_color(const Py::Object& gc) {
  Py::Tuple rgb = Py::Tuple( gc.getAttr("_rgb") );
  double alpha = Py::Float( gc.getAttr("_alpha") );
  double r = Py::Float(rgb[0]);
  double g = Py::Float(rgb[1]);
  double b = Py::Float(rgb[2]);
  return agg::rgba(r, g, b, alpha); 
SoDetail* ViewProviderPythonFeatureImp::getDetail(const char* name) const
    // Run the onChanged method of the proxy object.
    Base::PyGILStateLocker lock;
    try {
        App::Property* proxy = object->getPropertyByName("Proxy");
        if (proxy && proxy->getTypeId() == App::PropertyPythonObject::getClassTypeId()) {
            Py::Object vp = static_cast<App::PropertyPythonObject*>(proxy)->getValue();
            if (vp.hasAttr(std::string("getDetail"))) {
                Py::Callable method(vp.getAttr(std::string("getDetail")));
                Py::Tuple args(1);
                args.setItem(0, Py::String(name));
                Py::Object det(method.apply(args));
                void* ptr = 0;
                Base::Interpreter().convertSWIGPointerObj("pivy.coin", "SoDetail *", det.ptr(), &ptr, 0);
                SoDetail* detail = reinterpret_cast<SoDetail*>(ptr);
                return detail ? detail->copy() : 0;
    catch (const Base::Exception& e) {
    catch (Py::Exception&) {
        Base::PyException e; // extract the Python error text

    return 0;
std::string ViewProviderPythonFeatureImp::getElement(const SoDetail *det) const
    // Run the onChanged method of the proxy object.
    Base::PyGILStateLocker lock;
    try {
        App::Property* proxy = object->getPropertyByName("Proxy");
        if (proxy && proxy->getTypeId() == App::PropertyPythonObject::getClassTypeId()) {
            Py::Object vp = static_cast<App::PropertyPythonObject*>(proxy)->getValue();
            if (vp.hasAttr(std::string("getElement"))) {
                PyObject* pivy = 0;
                // Note: As there is no ref'counting mechanism for the SoDetail class we must
                // pass '0' as the last parameter so that the Python object does not 'own'
                // the detail object.
                pivy = Base::Interpreter().createSWIGPointerObj("pivy.coin", "SoDetail *", (void*)det, 0);
                Py::Callable method(vp.getAttr(std::string("getElement")));
                Py::Tuple args(1);
                args.setItem(0, Py::Object(pivy, true));
                Py::String name(method.apply(args));
                return (std::string)name;
    catch (const Base::Exception& e) {
    catch (Py::Exception&) {
        Base::PyException e; // extract the Python error text

    return "";
std::string ViewProviderPythonFeatureImp::setDisplayMode(const char* ModeName)
    // Run the setDisplayMode method of the proxy object.
    Base::PyGILStateLocker lock;
    try {
        App::Property* proxy = object->getPropertyByName("Proxy");
        if (proxy && proxy->getTypeId() == App::PropertyPythonObject::getClassTypeId()) {
            Py::Object vp = static_cast<App::PropertyPythonObject*>(proxy)->getValue();
            if (vp.hasAttr(std::string("setDisplayMode"))) {
                Py::Callable method(vp.getAttr(std::string("setDisplayMode")));
                Py::Tuple args(1);
                args.setItem(0, Py::String(ModeName));
                Py::String str(method.apply(args));
                return str.as_std_string();
    catch (Py::Exception&) {
        Base::PyException e; // extract the Python error text
        const char* name = object->getObject()->Label.getValue();
        Base::Console().Error("ViewProviderPythonFeature::setDisplayMode (%s): %s\n", name, e.what());

    return ModeName;
Py::Object DocumentObjectPy::getViewObject(void) const
    try {
        Py::Module module(PyImport_ImportModule("FreeCADGui"),true);
        if (!module.hasAttr("getDocument")) {
            // in v0.14+, the GUI module can be loaded in console mode (but doesn't have all its document methods)
            return Py::None();
        Py::Callable method(module.getAttr("getDocument"));
        Py::Tuple arg(1);
        arg.setItem(0, Py::String(getDocumentObjectPtr()->getDocument()->getName()));
        Py::Object doc = method.apply(arg);
        method = doc.getAttr("getObject");
        const char* internalName = getDocumentObjectPtr()->getNameInDocument();
        if (!internalName) {
            throw Py::RuntimeError("Object has been removed from document");

        arg.setItem(0, Py::String(internalName));
        Py::Object obj = method.apply(arg);
        return obj;
    catch (Py::Exception& e) {
        if (PyErr_ExceptionMatches(PyExc_ImportError)) {
            // the GUI is not up, hence None is returned
            return Py::None();
        // FreeCADGui is loaded, so there must be wrong something else
        throw; // re-throw
const char* ViewProviderPythonFeatureImp::getDefaultDisplayMode() const
    // Run the getDefaultDisplayMode method of the proxy object.
    Base::PyGILStateLocker lock;
    static std::string mode;
    try {
        App::Property* proxy = object->getPropertyByName("Proxy");
        if (proxy && proxy->getTypeId() == App::PropertyPythonObject::getClassTypeId()) {
            Py::Object vp = static_cast<App::PropertyPythonObject*>(proxy)->getValue();
            if (vp.hasAttr(std::string("getDefaultDisplayMode"))) {
                Py::Callable method(vp.getAttr(std::string("getDefaultDisplayMode")));
                Py::Tuple args(0);
                Py::String str(method.apply(args));
                if (str.isUnicode())
                    str = str.encode("ascii"); // json converts strings into unicode
                mode = str.as_std_string();
                return mode.c_str();
    catch (Py::Exception&) {
        Base::PyException e; // extract the Python error text
        const char* name = object->getObject()->Label.getValue();
        Base::Console().Error("ViewProviderPythonFeature::getDefaultDisplayMode (%s): %s\n", name, e.what());

    return 0;
Exemple #12
RendererAgg::antialiased(const Py::Object& gc) {
  //return 1 if gc is antialiased
  int isaa = Py::Int( gc.getAttr( "_antialiased") );
  return isaa;
ViewProviderPythonFeatureImp::canDropObject(App::DocumentObject* obj) const
    // Run the onChanged method of the proxy object.
    Base::PyGILStateLocker lock;
    try {
        App::Property* proxy = object->getPropertyByName("Proxy");
        if (proxy && proxy->getTypeId() == App::PropertyPythonObject::getClassTypeId()) {
            Py::Object vp = static_cast<App::PropertyPythonObject*>(proxy)->getValue();
            if (vp.hasAttr(std::string("canDropObject"))) {
                Py::Callable method(vp.getAttr(std::string("canDropObject")));
                Py::Tuple args(1);
                args.setItem(0, Py::Object(obj->getPyObject(), true));
                Py::Boolean ok(method.apply(args));
                return static_cast<bool>(ok) ? Accepted : Rejected;
            else {
                return NotImplemented;
    catch (Py::Exception&) {
        Base::PyException e; // extract the Python error text

    return Rejected;
std::vector<App::DocumentObject*> ViewProviderPythonFeatureImp::claimChildren(const std::vector<App::DocumentObject*>& base) const 
    std::vector<App::DocumentObject*> children;
    Base::PyGILStateLocker lock;
    try {
        App::Property* proxy = object->getPropertyByName("Proxy");
        if (proxy && proxy->getTypeId() == App::PropertyPythonObject::getClassTypeId()) {
            Py::Object vp = static_cast<App::PropertyPythonObject*>(proxy)->getValue();
            if (vp.hasAttr(std::string("claimChildren"))) {
                Py::Callable method(vp.getAttr(std::string("claimChildren")));
                Py::Tuple args(0);
                Py::Sequence list(method.apply(args));
                for (Py::Sequence::iterator it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it) {
                    PyObject* item = (*it).ptr();
                    if (PyObject_TypeCheck(item, &(App::DocumentObjectPy::Type))) {
                        App::DocumentObject* obj = static_cast<App::DocumentObjectPy*>(item)->getDocumentObjectPtr();
            else {
                children = base;
    catch (Py::Exception&) {
        Base::PyException e; // extract the Python error text
        Base::Console().Error("ViewProviderPythonFeature::claimChildren: %s\n", e.what());

    return children;
PyObject* Application::sAddWorkbenchHandler(PyObject * /*self*/, PyObject *args,PyObject * /*kwd*/)
    PyObject*   pcObject;
    std::string item;
    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O", &pcObject))     // convert args: Python->C 
        return NULL;                    // NULL triggers exception 

    try {
        // get the class object 'Workbench' from the main module that is expected
        // to be base class for all workbench classes
        Py::Module module("__main__");
        Py::Object baseclass(module.getAttr(std::string("Workbench")));
        // check whether it is an instance or class object
        Py::Object object(pcObject);
        Py::String name;
        if (PyObject_IsSubclass(object.ptr(), baseclass.ptr()) == 1) {
            // create an instance of this class
            name = object.getAttr(std::string("__name__"));
            Py::Tuple args;
            Py::Callable creation(object);
            object = creation.apply(args);
        else if (PyObject_IsInstance(object.ptr(), baseclass.ptr()) == 1) {
            // extract the class name of the instance
            PyErr_Clear(); // PyObject_IsSubclass set an exception
            Py::Object classobj = object.getAttr(std::string("__class__"));
            name = classobj.getAttr(std::string("__name__"));
        else {
            PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "arg must be a subclass or an instance of "
                                             "a subclass of 'Workbench'");
            return NULL;

        // Search for some methods and members without invoking them
        item = name.as_std_string();

        PyObject* wb = PyDict_GetItemString(Instance->_pcWorkbenchDictionary,item.c_str()); 
        if (wb) {
            PyErr_Format(PyExc_KeyError, "'%s' already exists.", item.c_str());
            return NULL;

    catch (const Py::Exception&) {
        return NULL;

    return Py_None;
QIcon ViewProviderPythonFeatureImp::getIcon() const
    // default icon
    //static QPixmap px = BitmapFactory().pixmap("Tree_Python");

    // Run the getIcon method of the proxy object.
    Base::PyGILStateLocker lock;
    try {
        App::Property* proxy = object->getPropertyByName("Proxy");
        if (proxy && proxy->getTypeId() == App::PropertyPythonObject::getClassTypeId()) {
            Py::Object vp = static_cast<App::PropertyPythonObject*>(proxy)->getValue();
            if (vp.hasAttr(std::string("getIcon"))) {
                Py::Callable method(vp.getAttr(std::string("getIcon")));
                Py::Tuple args(0);
                Py::String str(method.apply(args));
                std::string content = str.as_std_string();
                QPixmap icon;
                // Check if the passed string is a filename, otherwise treat as xpm data
                QFileInfo fi(QString::fromAscii(content.c_str()));
                if (fi.isFile() && fi.exists()) {
                } else {
                    QByteArray ary;
                    int strlen = (int)content.size();
                    for (int j=0; j<strlen; j++)
                    // Make sure to remove crap around the XPM data
                    QList<QByteArray> lines = ary.split('\n');
                    QByteArray buffer;
                    for (QList<QByteArray>::iterator it = lines.begin(); it != lines.end(); ++it) {
                        QByteArray trim = it->trimmed();
                        if (!trim.isEmpty()) {
                    icon.loadFromData(buffer, "XPM");
                if (!icon.isNull()) {
                    return icon;
    catch (Py::Exception&) {
        Base::PyException e; // extract the Python error text
        Base::Console().Error("ViewProviderPythonFeature::getIcon: %s\n", e.what());

    return QIcon();
std::vector<std::string> ViewProviderPythonFeatureImp::getDisplayModes(void) const
    // Run the getDisplayModes method of the proxy object.
    Base::PyGILStateLocker lock;
    std::vector<std::string> modes;
    try {
        App::Property* proxy = object->getPropertyByName("Proxy");
        if (proxy && proxy->getTypeId() == App::PropertyPythonObject::getClassTypeId()) {
            Py::Object vp = static_cast<App::PropertyPythonObject*>(proxy)->getValue();
            if (vp.hasAttr(std::string("getDisplayModes"))) {
                if (vp.hasAttr("__object__")) {
                    Py::Callable method(vp.getAttr(std::string("getDisplayModes")));
                    Py::Tuple args(0);
                    Py::List list(method.apply(args));
                    for (Py::List::iterator it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it) {
                        Py::String str(*it);
                else {
                    Py::Callable method(vp.getAttr(std::string("getDisplayModes")));
                    Py::Tuple args(1);
                    args.setItem(0, Py::Object(object->getPyObject(), true));
                    Py::List list(method.apply(args));
                    for (Py::List::iterator it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it) {
                        Py::String str(*it);
    catch (Py::Exception&) {
        Base::PyException e; // extract the Python error text
        const char* name = object->getObject()->Label.getValue();
        Base::Console().Error("ViewProviderPythonFeature::getDisplayModes (%s): %s\n", name, e.what());

    return modes;
bool ViewProviderPythonFeatureImp::onDelete(const std::vector<std::string> & sub)
    Base::PyGILStateLocker lock;
    try {
        App::Property* proxy = object->getPropertyByName("Proxy");
        if (proxy && proxy->getTypeId() == App::PropertyPythonObject::getClassTypeId()) {
            Py::Object vp = static_cast<App::PropertyPythonObject*>(proxy)->getValue();
            if (vp.hasAttr(std::string("onDelete"))) {
                Py::Tuple seq(sub.size());
                int index=0;
                for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator it = sub.begin(); it != sub.end(); ++it) {
                    seq.setItem(index++, Py::String(*it));

                if (vp.hasAttr("__object__")) {
                    Py::Callable method(vp.getAttr(std::string("onDelete")));
                    Py::Tuple args(1);
                    args.setItem(0, seq);
                    Py::Boolean ok(method.apply(args));
                    return (bool)ok;
                else {
                    Py::Callable method(vp.getAttr(std::string("onDelete")));
                    Py::Tuple args(2);
                    args.setItem(0, Py::Object(object->getPyObject(), true));
                    args.setItem(1, seq);
                    Py::Boolean ok(method.apply(args));
                    return (bool)ok;
    catch (Py::Exception&) {
        Base::PyException e; // extract the Python error text

    return true;
PyObject*  DocumentObjectGroupPy::addObject(PyObject *args)
    PyObject *object;
    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O!", &(DocumentObjectPy::Type), &object))     // convert args: Python->C 
        return NULL;                             // NULL triggers exception 

    DocumentObjectPy* docObj = static_cast<DocumentObjectPy*>(object);
    if (!docObj->getDocumentObjectPtr() || !docObj->getDocumentObjectPtr()->getNameInDocument()) {
        PyErr_SetString(Base::BaseExceptionFreeCADError, "Cannot add an invalid object");
        return NULL;
    if (docObj->getDocumentObjectPtr()->getDocument() != getDocumentObjectGroupPtr()->getDocument()) {
        PyErr_SetString(Base::BaseExceptionFreeCADError, "Cannot add an object from another document to this group");
        return NULL;
    if (docObj->getDocumentObjectPtr() == this->getDocumentObjectGroupPtr()) {
        PyErr_SetString(Base::BaseExceptionFreeCADError, "Cannot add a group object to itself");
        return NULL;
    if (docObj->getDocumentObjectPtr()->getTypeId().isDerivedFrom(DocumentObjectGroup::getClassTypeId())) {
        App::DocumentObjectGroup* docGrp = static_cast<DocumentObjectGroup*>(docObj->getDocumentObjectPtr());
        if (this->getDocumentObjectGroupPtr()->isChildOf(docGrp)) {
            PyErr_SetString(Base::BaseExceptionFreeCADError, "Cannot add a group object to a child group");
            return NULL;

    DocumentObjectGroup* grp = getDocumentObjectGroupPtr();

    if (grp->getTypeId().isDerivedFrom(App::DocumentObjectGroupPython::getClassTypeId())) {
        DocumentObjectGroupPython* grppy = static_cast<DocumentObjectGroupPython*>(grp);
        App::Property* proxy = grppy->getPropertyByName("Proxy");
        if (proxy && proxy->getTypeId() == App::PropertyPythonObject::getClassTypeId()) {
            Py::Object vp = static_cast<App::PropertyPythonObject*>(proxy)->getValue();
            if (vp.hasAttr(std::string("addObject"))) {
                Py::Callable method(vp.getAttr(std::string("addObject")));
                // check which this method belongs to to avoid an infinite recursion
                if (method.getAttr(std::string("__self__")) != Py::Object(this)) {
                    Py::Tuple args(1);
                    args[0] = Py::Object(object);

Exemple #20
RendererAgg::get_dashes(const Py::Object& gc) {
  //return the dashOffset, dashes sequence tuple.  
  Py::Tuple _dashes = gc.getAttr("_dashes");
  size_t N = _dashes.length();
  if (N!=2) 
    throw Py::ValueError("GC _dashes must be a length 2 tuple");    
  return _dashes;
ViewProviderPythonFeatureImp::unsetEdit(int ModNum)
    // Run the onChanged method of the proxy object.
    Base::PyGILStateLocker lock;
    try {
        App::Property* proxy = object->getPropertyByName("Proxy");
        if (proxy && proxy->getTypeId() == App::PropertyPythonObject::getClassTypeId()) {
            Py::Object vp = static_cast<App::PropertyPythonObject*>(proxy)->getValue();
            if (vp.hasAttr(std::string("unsetEdit"))) {
                if (vp.hasAttr("__object__")) {
                    Py::Callable method(vp.getAttr(std::string("unsetEdit")));
                    Py::Tuple args(1);
                    args.setItem(0, Py::Int(ModNum));
                    Py::Boolean ok(method.apply(args));
                    bool value = (bool)ok;
                    return value ? Accepted : Rejected;
                else {
                    Py::Callable method(vp.getAttr(std::string("unsetEdit")));
                    Py::Tuple args(2);
                    args.setItem(0, Py::Object(object->getPyObject(), true));
                    args.setItem(1, Py::Int(ModNum));
                    Py::Boolean ok(method.apply(args));
                    bool value = (bool)ok;
                    return value ? Accepted : Rejected;
    catch (Py::Exception&) {
        Base::PyException e; // extract the Python error text

    return NotImplemented;
void ViewProviderPythonFeatureImp::setupContextMenu(QMenu* menu)
    // Run the attach method of the proxy object.
    Base::PyGILStateLocker lock;
    try {
        App::Property* proxy = object->getPropertyByName("Proxy");
        if (proxy && proxy->getTypeId() == App::PropertyPythonObject::getClassTypeId()) {
            Py::Object vp = static_cast<App::PropertyPythonObject*>(proxy)->getValue();
            if (vp.hasAttr(std::string("setupContextMenu"))) {
                if (vp.hasAttr("__object__")) {
                    PythonWrapper wrap;
                    Py::Callable method(vp.getAttr(std::string("setupContextMenu")));
                    Py::Tuple args(1);
                    args.setItem(0, wrap.fromQWidget(menu, "QMenu"));
                else {
                    PythonWrapper wrap;
                    Py::Callable method(vp.getAttr(std::string("setupContextMenu")));
                    Py::Tuple args(2);
                    args.setItem(0, Py::Object(object->getPyObject(), true));
                    args.setItem(1, wrap.fromQWidget(menu, "QMenu"));
    catch (Py::Exception&) {
        Base::PyException e; // extract the Python error text
void ViewProviderPythonFeatureImp::updateData(const App::Property* prop)
    // Run the updateData method of the proxy object.
    Base::PyGILStateLocker lock;
    try {
        App::Property* proxy = object->getPropertyByName("Proxy");
        if (proxy && proxy->getTypeId() == App::PropertyPythonObject::getClassTypeId()) {
            Py::Object vp = static_cast<App::PropertyPythonObject*>(proxy)->getValue();
            if (vp.hasAttr(std::string("updateData"))) {
                if (vp.hasAttr("__object__")) {
                    Py::Callable method(vp.getAttr(std::string("updateData")));
                    Py::Tuple args(1);
                    const char* prop_name = object->getObject()->getPropertyName(prop);
                    if (prop_name) {
                        args.setItem(0, Py::String(prop_name));
                else {
                    Py::Callable method(vp.getAttr(std::string("updateData")));
                    Py::Tuple args(2);
                    args.setItem(0, Py::Object(object->getObject()->getPyObject(), true));
                    const char* prop_name = object->getObject()->getPropertyName(prop);
                    if (prop_name) {
                        args.setItem(1, Py::String(prop_name));
    catch (Py::Exception&) {
        Base::PyException e; // extract the Python error text
Exemple #24
RendererAgg::get_linecap(const Py::Object& gc) {
  std::string capstyle = Py::String( gc.getAttr( "_capstyle" ) );
  if (capstyle=="butt") 
    return agg::vcgen_stroke::butt_cap;
  else if (capstyle=="round") 
    return agg::vcgen_stroke::round_cap;
  else if(capstyle=="projecting") 
    return agg::vcgen_stroke::square_cap;
    throw Py::ValueError("GC _capstyle attribute must be one of butt, round, projecting");
Exemple #25
RendererAgg::get_joinstyle(const Py::Object& gc) {
  std::string joinstyle = Py::String( gc.getAttr("_joinstyle") );
  if (joinstyle=="miter") 
    return agg::vcgen_stroke::miter_join;
  else if (joinstyle=="round") 
    return agg::vcgen_stroke::round_join;
  else if(joinstyle=="bevel") 
    return agg::vcgen_stroke::bevel_join;
    throw Py::ValueError("GC _joinstyle attribute must be one of butt, round, projecting");
Exemple #26
RendererAgg::draw_ellipse(const Py::Tuple& args) {
  Py::Object gcEdge = args[0];
  Py::Object rgbFaceMaybeNone = args[1];
  double x = Py::Float( args[2] ); 
  double y = Py::Float( args[3] ); 
  double w = Py::Float( args[4] ); 
  double h = Py::Float( args[5] ); 
  //last arg is num steps
  agg::ellipse path(x, height-y, w, h, 100); 
  agg::rgba edgecolor = get_color(gcEdge);  
  if (rgbFaceMaybeNone.ptr() != Py_None) {
    Py::SeqBase<Py::Object> rgbFace = rgbFaceMaybeNone;
    agg::rgba facecolor = rgb_to_color(rgbFace, edgecolor.a);
    theRasterizer->render(*slineP8, *theRenderer);  
  //now fill the edge
  double lw = points_to_pixels ( gcEdge.getAttr("_linewidth") ) ;
  agg::conv_stroke<agg::ellipse> stroke(path);
  theRasterizer->render(*slineP8, *theRenderer);  
  return Py::Object();
Py::Object DocumentObjectPy::getViewObject(void) const
    try {
        Py::Module module(PyImport_ImportModule("FreeCADGui"),true);
        Py::Callable method(module.getAttr("getDocument"));
        Py::Tuple arg(1);
        arg.setItem(0, Py::String(getDocumentObjectPtr()->getDocument()->getName()));
        Py::Object doc = method.apply(arg);
        method = doc.getAttr("getObject");
        arg.setItem(0, Py::String(getDocumentObjectPtr()->getNameInDocument()));
        Py::Object obj = method.apply(arg);
        return obj;
    catch (Py::Exception& e) {
        if (PyErr_ExceptionMatches(PyExc_ImportError)) {
            // the GUI is not up, hence None is returned
            return Py::None();
        // FreeCADGui is loaded, so there must be wrong something else
        throw; // re-throw
bool ViewProviderPythonFeatureImp::useNewSelectionModel() const
    // Run the useNewSelectionModel method of the proxy object.
    Base::PyGILStateLocker lock;
    try {
        App::Property* proxy = object->getPropertyByName("Proxy");
        if (proxy && proxy->getTypeId() == App::PropertyPythonObject::getClassTypeId()) {
            Py::Object vp = static_cast<App::PropertyPythonObject*>(proxy)->getValue();
            if (vp.hasAttr(std::string("useNewSelectionModel"))) {
                Py::Callable method(vp.getAttr(std::string("useNewSelectionModel")));
                Py::Tuple args;
                Py::Boolean ok(method.apply(args));
                return (bool)ok;
    catch (Py::Exception&) {
        Base::PyException e; // extract the Python error text

    return true;
Exemple #29
RendererAgg::set_clip_rectangle( const Py::Object& gc) {
  //set the clip rectangle from the gc

  Py::Object o ( gc.getAttr( "_cliprect" ) );
  if (o.ptr()==Py_None) {
    // set clipping to false and return success
  Py::SeqBase<Py::Object> rect( o );
  double l = Py::Float(rect[0]) ; 
  double b = Py::Float(rect[1]) ; 
  double w = Py::Float(rect[2]) ; 
  double h = Py::Float(rect[3]) ; 
  theRasterizer->clip_box(l, height-(b+h),
			  l+w, height-b);
PyObject*  DocumentObjectGroupPy::removeObject(PyObject *args)
    PyObject *object;
    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O!", &(DocumentObjectPy::Type), &object))     // convert args: Python->C 
        return NULL;                             // NULL triggers exception 

    DocumentObjectPy* docObj = static_cast<DocumentObjectPy*>(object);
    if (!docObj->getDocumentObjectPtr() || !docObj->getDocumentObjectPtr()->getNameInDocument()) {
        PyErr_SetString(Base::BaseExceptionFreeCADError, "Cannot remove an invalid object");
        return NULL;
    if (docObj->getDocumentObjectPtr()->getDocument() != getDocumentObjectGroupPtr()->getDocument()) {
        PyErr_SetString(Base::BaseExceptionFreeCADError, "Cannot remove an object from another document from this group");
        return NULL;

    DocumentObjectGroup* grp = getDocumentObjectGroupPtr();

    if (grp->getTypeId().isDerivedFrom(App::DocumentObjectGroupPython::getClassTypeId())) {
        DocumentObjectGroupPython* grppy = static_cast<DocumentObjectGroupPython*>(grp);
        App::Property* proxy = grppy->getPropertyByName("Proxy");
        if (proxy && proxy->getTypeId() == App::PropertyPythonObject::getClassTypeId()) {
            Py::Object vp = static_cast<App::PropertyPythonObject*>(proxy)->getValue();
            if (vp.hasAttr(std::string("removeObject"))) {
                Py::Callable method(vp.getAttr(std::string("removeObject")));
                Py::Tuple args(1);
                args[0] = Py::Object(object);
