enum Kompare::Format PerforceParser::determineFormat()
	qCDebug(LIBKOMPAREDIFF2) << "Determining the format of the Perforce Diff";

	QRegExp unifiedRE( "^@@" );
	QRegExp contextRE( "^\\*{15}" );
	QRegExp normalRE ( "^\\d+(|,\\d+)[acd]\\d+(|,\\d+)" );
	QRegExp rcsRE    ( "^[acd]\\d+ \\d+" );
	// Summary is not supported since it gives no useful parsable info

	QStringList::ConstIterator it = m_diffLines.begin();

	while( it != m_diffLines.end() )
		if( it->indexOf( unifiedRE, 0 ) == 0 )
			qCDebug(LIBKOMPAREDIFF2) << "Difflines are from a Unified diff...";
			return Kompare::Unified;
		else if( it->indexOf( contextRE, 0 ) == 0 )
			qCDebug(LIBKOMPAREDIFF2) << "Difflines are from a Context diff...";
			return Kompare::Context;
		else if( it->indexOf( normalRE, 0 ) == 0 )
			qCDebug(LIBKOMPAREDIFF2) << "Difflines are from a Normal diff...";
			return Kompare::Normal;
		else if( it->indexOf( rcsRE, 0 ) == 0 )
			qCDebug(LIBKOMPAREDIFF2) << "Difflines are from a RCS diff...";
			return Kompare::RCS;
	qCDebug(LIBKOMPAREDIFF2) << "Difflines are from an unknown diff...";
	return Kompare::UnknownFormat;