bool GraphicalUriArray::setValue(const QVariant & value)
  QStringList list;
  bool success = false;

  if(value.type() == QVariant::String)
    list = value.toString().split(m_separator);
    m_originalValue = list;
    success = true;
  else if(value.type() == QVariant::StringList)
    QStringList values = value.toStringList();
    QStringList::iterator it = values.begin();

    success = true;

    for( ; it != values.end() ; it++)
      if( !it->isEmpty() )
        list << *it;

    m_originalValue = values;


  return success;
Exemple #2
/** @short Take the initial text and mark it as a quotation */
QStringList quoteText(QStringList inputLines)
    QStringList quote;
    for (QStringList::iterator line = inputLines.begin(); line != inputLines.end(); ++line) {
        if (UiUtils::signatureSeparator().match(*line).hasMatch()) {
            // This is the signature separator, we should not include anything below that in the quote
        // rewrap - we need to keep the quotes at < 79 chars, yet the grow with every level
        if (line->length() < 79-2) {
            // this line is short enough, prepend quote mark and continue
            if (line->isEmpty() || line->at(0) == QLatin1Char('>'))
                line->prepend(QLatin1String("> "));
            quote << *line;
        // long line -> needs to be wrapped
        // 1st, detect the quote depth and eventually stript the quotes from the line
        int quoteLevel = 0;
        int contentStart = 0;
        if (line->at(0) == QLatin1Char('>')) {
            quoteLevel = 1;
            while (quoteLevel < line->length() && line->at(quoteLevel) == QLatin1Char('>'))
            contentStart = quoteLevel;
            if (quoteLevel < line->length() && line->at(quoteLevel) == QLatin1Char(' '))

        // 2nd, build a quote string
        QString quotemarks;
        for (int i = 0; i < quoteLevel; ++i)
            quotemarks += QLatin1Char('>');
        quotemarks += QLatin1String("> ");

        // 3rd, wrap the line, prepend the quotemarks to each line and add it to the quote text
        int space(contentStart), lastSpace(contentStart), pos(contentStart), length(0);
        while (pos < line->length()) {
            if (line->at(pos) == QLatin1Char(' '))
                space = pos+1;
            if (length > 65-quotemarks.length() && space != lastSpace) {
                // wrap
                quote << quotemarks + line->mid(lastSpace, space - lastSpace);
                lastSpace = space;
                length = pos - space;
        quote << quotemarks + line->mid(lastSpace);
    return quote;
Exemple #3
QString CallTipsList::stripWhiteSpace(const QString& str) const
    QString stripped = str;
    QStringList lines = str.split(QLatin1String("\n"));
    int minspace=INT_MAX;
    int line=0;
    for (QStringList::iterator it = lines.begin(); it != lines.end(); ++it, ++line) {
        if (it->count() > 0 && line > 0) {
            int space = 0;
            for (int i=0; i<it->count(); i++) {
                if ((*it)[i] == QLatin1Char('\t'))

            if (it->count() > space)
                minspace = std::min<int>(minspace, space);

    // remove all leading tabs from each line
    if (minspace > 0 && minspace < INT_MAX) {
        int line=0;
        QStringList strippedlines;
        for (QStringList::iterator it = lines.begin(); it != lines.end(); ++it, ++line) {
            if (line == 0 && !it->isEmpty()) {
                strippedlines << *it;
            else if (it->count() > 0 && line > 0) {
                strippedlines << it->mid(minspace);

        stripped = strippedlines.join(QLatin1String("\n"));

    return stripped;
Exemple #4
QString MessageView::quoteText() const
    if (const AbstractPartWidget *w = dynamic_cast<const AbstractPartWidget *>(viewer)) {
        QStringList quote;
        QStringList lines = w->quoteMe().split('\n');
        for (QStringList::iterator line = lines.begin(); line != lines.end(); ++line) {
            if (Composer::Util::signatureSeparator().exactMatch(*line)) {
                // This is the signature separator, we should not include anything below that in the quote
            // rewrap - we need to keep the quotes at < 79 chars, yet the grow with every level
            if (line->length() < 79-2) {
                // this line is short enough, prepend quote mark and continue
                if (line->isEmpty() || line->at(0) == '>')
                    line->prepend("> ");
                quote << *line;
            // long line -> needs to be wrapped
            // 1st, detect the quote depth and eventually stript the quotes from the line
            int quoteLevel = 0;
            int contentStart = 0;
            if (line->at(0) == '>') {
                quoteLevel = 1;
                while (quoteLevel < line->length() && line->at(quoteLevel) == '>')
                contentStart = quoteLevel;
                if (quoteLevel < line->length() && line->at(quoteLevel) == ' ')

            // 2nd, build a qute string
            QString quotemarks;
            for (int i = 0; i < quoteLevel; ++i)
                quotemarks += ">";
            quotemarks += "> ";

            // 3rd, wrap the line, prepend the quotemarks to each line and add it to the quote text
            int space(contentStart), lastSpace(contentStart), pos(contentStart), length(0);
            while (pos < line->length()) {
                if (line->at(pos) == ' ')
                    space = pos+1;
                if (length > 65-quotemarks.length() && space != lastSpace) {
                    // wrap
                    quote << quotemarks + line->mid(lastSpace, space - lastSpace);
                    lastSpace = space;
                    length = pos - space;
            quote << quotemarks + line->mid(lastSpace);
        const Imap::Message::Envelope &e =<Imap::Message::Envelope>();
        QString sender;
        if (!e.from.isEmpty())
            sender = e.from[0].prettyName(Imap::Message::MailAddress::FORMAT_JUST_NAME);
        if (e.from.isEmpty())
            sender = tr("you");

        // One extra newline at the end of the quoted text to separate the response
        quote << QString();

        return tr("On %1, %2 wrote:\n").arg( + quote.join("\n");
    return QString();
bool TWScript::doParseHeader(const QString& beginComment, const QString& endComment,
							 const QString& Comment, bool skipEmpty /* = true */)
	QFile file(m_Filename);
	QStringList lines;
	QString line;
	bool codecChanged = true;
	bool success = false;
	QTextCodec* codec;

	if (!file.exists() || !
		return false;
	m_Codec = QTextCodec::codecForName("UTF-8");
	if (!m_Codec)
		m_Codec = QTextCodec::codecForLocale();

	while (codecChanged) {
		codec = m_Codec;;
		lines = codec->toUnicode(file.readAll()).split(QRegExp("\r\n|[\n\r]"));
		// skip any empty lines
		if (skipEmpty) {
			while (!lines.isEmpty() && lines.first().isEmpty())
		if (lines.isEmpty())
		// is this a valid TW script?
		line = lines.takeFirst();
		if (!beginComment.isEmpty()) {
			if (!line.startsWith(beginComment))
			line = line.mid(beginComment.size()).trimmed();
		else if (!Comment.isEmpty()) {
			if (!line.startsWith(Comment))
			line = line.mid(Comment.size()).trimmed();
		if (!line.startsWith("TeXworksScript"))
		// scan to find the extent of the header lines
		QStringList::iterator i;
		for (i = lines.begin(); i != lines.end(); ++i) {
			// have we reached the end?
			if (skipEmpty && i->isEmpty()) {
				i = lines.erase(i);
			if (!endComment.isEmpty()) {
				if (i->startsWith(endComment))
			if (!i->startsWith(Comment))
			*i = i->mid(Comment.size()).trimmed();
		lines.erase(i, lines.end());
		codecChanged = false;
		switch (doParseHeader(lines)) {
			case ParseHeader_OK:
				success = true;
			case ParseHeader_Failed:
				success = false;
			case ParseHeader_CodecChanged:
				codecChanged = true;
	return success;
    QString dirPath = _imp->fileEdit->text();

    if ( !dirPath.isEmpty() && ( dirPath[dirPath.size() - 1] == QLatin1Char('/') ) ) {
        dirPath.remove(dirPath.size() - 1, 1);
    QDir d(dirPath);

    if ( !d.exists() ) {
        Dialogs::errorDialog( tr("Error").toStdString(), tr("You must specify a directory to save the script").toStdString() );

    QString pluginLabel = _imp->labelEdit->text();
    if ( pluginLabel.isEmpty() ) {
        Dialogs::errorDialog( tr("Error").toStdString(), tr("You must specify a label to name the script").toStdString() );

    } else {
        pluginLabel = QString::fromUtf8( NATRON_PYTHON_NAMESPACE::makeNameScriptFriendly( pluginLabel.toStdString() ).c_str() );

    QString pluginID = _imp->idEdit->text();
    if ( pluginID.isEmpty() ) {
        Dialogs::errorDialog( tr("Error").toStdString(), tr("You must specify a unique ID to identify the script").toStdString() );


    QString iconPath = _imp->iconPath->text();
    QString grouping = _imp->groupingEdit->text();
    QString description = _imp->descriptionEdit->getText();
    QString filePath = d.absolutePath() + QLatin1Char('/') + pluginLabel + QString::fromUtf8(".py");
    QStringList filters;
    filters.push_back( QString( pluginLabel + QString::fromUtf8(".py") ) );
    if ( !d.entryList(filters, QDir::Files | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot).isEmpty() ) {
        StandardButtonEnum rep = Dialogs::questionDialog(tr("Existing plug-in").toStdString(),
                                                         tr("A group plug-in with the same name already exists "
                                                            "would you like to "
                                                            "override it?").toStdString(), false);
        if  (rep == eStandardButtonNo) {

    bool foundInPath = false;
    QStringList groupSearchPath = appPTR->getAllNonOFXPluginsPaths();
    for (QStringList::iterator it = groupSearchPath.begin(); it != groupSearchPath.end(); ++it) {
        if ( !it->isEmpty() && ( it->at(it->size() - 1) == QLatin1Char('/') ) ) {
            it->remove(it->size() - 1, 1);
        if (*it == dirPath) {
            foundInPath = true;

    if (!foundInPath) {
        QString message = dirPath + tr(" does not exist in the group plug-in search path, would you like to add it?");
        StandardButtonEnum rep = Dialogs::questionDialog(tr("Plug-in path").toStdString(),
                                                         message.toStdString(), false);

        if  (rep == eStandardButtonYes) {
            appPTR->getCurrentSettings()->appendPythonGroupsPath( dirPath.toStdString() );

    QFile file(filePath);
    if ( ! | QIODevice::Truncate) ) {
        Dialogs::errorDialog( tr("Error").toStdString(), QString(tr("Cannot open ") + filePath).toStdString() );


    QTextStream ts(&file);
    QString content;
    _imp->group->exportGroupToPython(pluginID, pluginLabel, description, iconPath, grouping, content);
    ts << content;

} // ExportGroupTemplateDialog::onOkClicked