void VlanSettingTest::testSetting() { QFETCH(QString, interfaceName); QFETCH(QString, parent); QFETCH(quint32, id); QFETCH(quint32, flags); QFETCH(QStringList, ingressPriorityMap); QFETCH(QStringList, egressPriorityMap); QVariantMap map; #if NM_CHECK_VERSION(1, 0, 0) map.insert(QLatin1String("interface-name"), interfaceName); #else map.insert(QLatin1String(NM_SETTING_VLAN_INTERFACE_NAME), interfaceName); #endif map.insert(QLatin1String(NM_SETTING_VLAN_PARENT), parent); map.insert(QLatin1String(NM_SETTING_VLAN_ID), id); map.insert(QLatin1String(NM_SETTING_VLAN_FLAGS), flags); map.insert(QLatin1String(NM_SETTING_VLAN_INGRESS_PRIORITY_MAP), ingressPriorityMap); map.insert(QLatin1String(NM_SETTING_VLAN_EGRESS_PRIORITY_MAP), egressPriorityMap); NetworkManager::VlanSetting setting; setting.fromMap(map); QVariantMap map1 = setting.toMap(); QVariantMap::const_iterator it = map.constBegin(); while (it != map.constEnd()) { QCOMPARE(it.value(), map1.value(it.key())); ++it; } }
QStringList FindKeyOperation::findKey(const QVariant &in, const QString &key, const QString &prefix) { QStringList result; if (in.type() == QVariant::Map) { QVariantMap map = in.toMap(); for (QVariantMap::const_iterator i = map.begin(); i != map.end(); ++i) { QString pfx = prefix; if (!pfx.isEmpty()) pfx.append(QLatin1Char('/')); if (i.key() == key) { result << pfx + key; } else { pfx.append(i.key()); result.append(findKey(i.value(), key, pfx)); } } } else if (in.type() == QVariant::List) { QVariantList list = in.toList(); for (int pos = 0; pos < list.count(); ++pos) { QString pfx = prefix + QLatin1Char('[') + QString::number(pos) + QLatin1Char(']'); result.append(findKey(list.at(pos), key, pfx)); } } return result; }
QgsExpressionContextScope* QgsExpressionContextUtils::projectScope( const QgsProject* project ) { QgsExpressionContextScope* scope = new QgsExpressionContextScope( QObject::tr( "Project" ) ); if ( !project ) return scope; const QVariantMap vars = project->customVariables(); QVariantMap::const_iterator it = vars.constBegin(); for ( ; it != vars.constEnd(); ++it ) { scope->setVariable( it.key(), it.value() ); } //add other known project variables scope->addVariable( QgsExpressionContextScope::StaticVariable( QStringLiteral( "project_title" ), project->title(), true ) ); scope->addVariable( QgsExpressionContextScope::StaticVariable( QStringLiteral( "project_path" ), project->fileInfo().filePath(), true ) ); scope->addVariable( QgsExpressionContextScope::StaticVariable( QStringLiteral( "project_folder" ), project->fileInfo().dir().path(), true ) ); scope->addVariable( QgsExpressionContextScope::StaticVariable( QStringLiteral( "project_filename" ), project->fileInfo().fileName(), true ) ); QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem projectCrs = project->crs(); scope->addVariable( QgsExpressionContextScope::StaticVariable( QStringLiteral( "project_crs" ), projectCrs.authid(), true ) ); scope->addVariable( QgsExpressionContextScope::StaticVariable( QStringLiteral( "project_crs_definition" ), projectCrs.toProj4(), true ) ); scope->addFunction( QStringLiteral( "project_color" ), new GetNamedProjectColor() ); return scope; }
static inline bool valueFromVariantMap(const QVariantMap &v, const QString &key, T &value) { const QVariantMap::const_iterator it = v.constFind(key); const bool found = it != v.constEnd(); if (found) value = qVariantValue<T>(it.value()); return found; }
void doStart(const JavaScriptCommand *cmd, Transformer *transformer) { m_result.success = true; m_result.errorMessage.clear(); ScriptEngine * const scriptEngine = provideScriptEngine(); QScriptValue scope = scriptEngine->newObject(); scope.setPrototype(scriptEngine->globalObject()); PrepareScriptObserver observer(scriptEngine); setupScriptEngineForFile(scriptEngine, transformer->rule->prepareScript->fileContext, scope); setupScriptEngineForProduct(scriptEngine, transformer->product(), transformer->rule->module, scope, &observer); transformer->setupInputs(scope); transformer->setupOutputs(scriptEngine, scope); for (QVariantMap::const_iterator it = cmd->properties().constBegin(); it != cmd->properties().constEnd(); ++it) { scope.setProperty(it.key(), scriptEngine->toScriptValue(it.value())); } scriptEngine->setGlobalObject(scope); scriptEngine->evaluate(cmd->sourceCode()); scriptEngine->setGlobalObject(scope.prototype()); transformer->propertiesRequestedInCommands += scriptEngine->propertiesRequestedInScript(); transformer->propertiesRequestedFromArtifactInCommands = scriptEngine->propertiesRequestedFromArtifact(); scriptEngine->clearRequestedProperties(); if (scriptEngine->hasUncaughtException()) { // ### We don't know the line number of the command's sourceCode property assignment. setError(scriptEngine->uncaughtException().toString(), cmd->codeLocation()); } }
void BridgeSettingTest::testSetting() { QFETCH(QString, interfaceName); QFETCH(bool, stp); QFETCH(quint16, priority); QFETCH(quint16, forwardDelay); QFETCH(quint16, helloTime); QFETCH(quint16, maxAge); QFETCH(quint32, ageintTime); QVariantMap map; #if NM_CHECK_VERSION(1, 0, 0) map.insert(QLatin1String("interface-name"), interfaceName); #else map.insert(QLatin1String(NM_SETTING_BRIDGE_INTERFACE_NAME), interfaceName); #endif map.insert(QLatin1String(NM_SETTING_BRIDGE_STP), stp); map.insert(QLatin1String(NM_SETTING_BRIDGE_PRIORITY), priority); map.insert(QLatin1String(NM_SETTING_BRIDGE_FORWARD_DELAY), forwardDelay); map.insert(QLatin1String(NM_SETTING_BRIDGE_HELLO_TIME), helloTime); map.insert(QLatin1String(NM_SETTING_BRIDGE_MAX_AGE), maxAge); map.insert(QLatin1String(NM_SETTING_BRIDGE_AGEING_TIME), ageintTime); NetworkManager::BridgeSetting setting; setting.fromMap(map); QVariantMap map1 = setting.toMap(); QVariantMap::const_iterator it = map.constBegin(); while (it != map.constEnd()) { QCOMPARE(it.value(), map1.value(it.key())); ++it; } }
/*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ QString TemplateSet :: resolve(const QString& name, const QString& format, QVariantMap* dict) { QVariant result; QString resultStr; bool found = false; if(dict != NULL) { QVariantMap::const_iterator it = dict->find(name); if(it != dict->end()) { result = it.value(); found = true; } } if(!found) { StringMap::iterator it = strHash.find(name); if(it != strHash.end()) { result = it.value(); } else qDebug() << "Variable" << name << "not found"; } if(!format.isEmpty()) { QString formatStr; if(format.at(0).toAscii() != '%') formatStr = "%"; formatStr += format; switch(formatStr.at(formatStr.size() - 1).toAscii()) { case 'u': case 'X': case 'x': resultStr = QString().sprintf(formatStr.toAscii().constData(), result.toUInt()); break; case 'd': resultStr = QString().sprintf(formatStr.toAscii().constData(), result.toInt()); break; case 'f': resultStr = QString().sprintf(formatStr.toAscii().constData(), result.toDouble()); break; case 's': resultStr = QString().sprintf(formatStr.toAscii().constData(), result.toString().toAscii().constData()); break; default: qDebug() << "Format specifier not supported" << format; resultStr = result.toString(); break; } } else resultStr = result.toString(); return resultStr; }
void toJson(json::ostream_writer_t& os, const QVariant& var) { QVariant::Type type = var.type(); switch(type) { case QVariant::Map: { const QVariantMap map = var.toMap(); os.object_start(); for (QVariantMap::const_iterator it = map.begin(); it != map.end(); ++it) { os.new_string(it.key().toStdString().c_str()); toJson(os, it.value()); } os.object_end(); } break; case QVariant::List: case QVariant::StringList: { const QVariantList list = var.toList(); os.array_start(); for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { toJson(os, list.at(i)); } os.array_end(); } break; case QVariant::String: { os.new_string(var.toString().toStdString().c_str()); } break; case QVariant::Bool: { os.new_bool(var.toBool()); } break; default: if (var.canConvert< double >()) { os.new_double(var.toDouble()); break; } os.new_string("unsupported yet!"); break; } }
Tileset *VariantToMapConverter::toTileset(const QVariant &variant) { const QVariantMap variantMap = variant.toMap(); const int firstGid = variantMap["firstgid"].toInt(); const QString name = variantMap["name"].toString(); const int tileWidth = variantMap["tilewidth"].toInt(); const int tileHeight = variantMap["tileheight"].toInt(); const int spacing = variantMap["spacing"].toInt(); const int margin = variantMap["margin"].toInt(); const QVariantMap tileOffset = variantMap["tileoffset"].toMap(); const int tileOffsetX = tileOffset["x"].toInt(); const int tileOffsetY = tileOffset["y"].toInt(); if (tileWidth <= 0 || tileHeight <= 0 || firstGid == 0) { mError = tr("Invalid tileset parameters for tileset '%1'").arg(name); return 0; } Tileset *tileset = new Tileset(name, tileWidth, tileHeight, spacing, margin); tileset->setTileOffset(QPoint(tileOffsetX, tileOffsetY)); const QString trans = variantMap["transparentcolor"].toString(); if (!trans.isEmpty()) #if QT_VERSION >= 0x040700 if (QColor::isValidColor(trans)) #endif tileset->setTransparentColor(QColor(trans)); QString imageSource = variantMap["image"].toString(); if (QDir::isRelativePath(imageSource)) imageSource = mMapDir.path() + QLatin1Char('/') + imageSource; if (!tileset->loadFromImage(QImage(imageSource), imageSource)) { mError = tr("Error loading tileset image:\n'%1'").arg(imageSource); delete tileset; return 0; } tileset->setProperties(toProperties(variantMap["properties"])); QVariantMap propertiesVariantMap = variantMap["tileproperties"].toMap(); QVariantMap::const_iterator it = propertiesVariantMap.constBegin(); for (; it != propertiesVariantMap.constEnd(); ++it) { const int tileIndex = it.key().toInt(); const QVariant propertiesVar = it.value(); if (tileIndex >= 0 && tileIndex < tileset->tileCount()) { const Properties properties = toProperties(propertiesVar); tileset->tileAt(tileIndex)->setProperties(properties); } } mGidMapper.insert(firstGid, tileset); return tileset; }
void OgrWriter::_addFeature(OGRLayer* layer, shared_ptr<Feature> f, shared_ptr<Geometry> g) { OGRFeature* poFeature = OGRFeature::CreateFeature( layer->GetLayerDefn() ); // set all the column values. const QVariantMap& vm = f->getValues(); for (QVariantMap::const_iterator it = vm.constBegin(); it != vm.constEnd(); ++it) { const QVariant& v = it.value(); QByteArray ba = it.key().toUtf8(); // If the field DOESN'T exist in the output layer, skip it. if (poFeature->GetFieldIndex(ba.constData()) == -1) { continue; } switch (v.type()) { case QVariant::Invalid: poFeature->UnsetField(poFeature->GetFieldIndex(ba.constData())); break; case QVariant::Int: poFeature->SetField(ba.constData(), v.toInt()); break; case QVariant::Double: poFeature->SetField(ba.constData(), v.toDouble()); break; case QVariant::String: { QByteArray vba = v.toString().toUtf8(); poFeature->SetField(ba.constData(), vba.constData()); break; } default: strictError("Can't convert the provided value into an OGR value. (" + v.toString() + ")"); return; } } // convert the geometry. shared_ptr<GeometryCollection> gc = dynamic_pointer_cast<GeometryCollection>(g); if (gc.get() != 0) { for (size_t i = 0; i < gc->getNumGeometries(); i++) { const Geometry* child = gc->getGeometryN(i); _addFeatureToLayer(layer, f, child, poFeature); } } else { _addFeatureToLayer(layer, f, g.get(), poFeature); } OGRFeature::DestroyFeature(poFeature); }
QScriptValue JSONData::createValue(const QVariant& value) { if(value.type() == QVariant::Map) { QScriptValue obj = this->engine.newObject(); QVariantMap map = value.toMap(); QVariantMap::const_iterator it = map.begin(); QVariantMap::const_iterator end = map.end(); while(it != end) { obj.setProperty( it.key(), this->createValue(it.value()) ); ++it; } return obj; } switch(value.type()) { case QVariant::String: return QScriptValue(value.toString()); case QVariant::Int: return QScriptValue(value.toInt()); case QVariant::UInt: return QScriptValue(value.toUInt()); case QVariant::LongLong: return QScriptValue((qsreal)value.toLongLong()); case QVariant::Bool: return QScriptValue(value.toBool()); case QVariant::ByteArray: return QScriptValue(QLatin1String(value.toByteArray())); case QVariant::Double: return QScriptValue((qsreal)value.toDouble()); case QVariant::StringList: { QStringList stringList = value.toStringList(); QScriptValue array = this->engine.newArray(stringList.length()); for(int i=0; i<stringList.count(); i++) array.setProperty(i, stringList.at(i)); return array; } break; case QVariant::List: { QList<QVariant> list = value.toList(); QScriptValue array = this->engine.newArray(list.length()); for(int i=0; i<list.count(); i++) array.setProperty(i, this->createValue(list.at(i))); return array; } break; default: break; } if(value.isNull()) return QScriptValue(QScriptValue::NullValue); return this->engine.newVariant(value); }
/*! Converts the variant map \a map to a QJsonObject. The keys in \a map will be used as the keys in the JSON object, and the QVariant values will be converted to JSON values. \sa fromVariantHash(), toVariantMap(), QJsonValue::fromVariant() */ QJsonObject QJsonObject::fromVariantMap(const QVariantMap &map) { // ### this is implemented the trivial way, not the most efficient way QJsonObject object; for (QVariantMap::const_iterator it = map.constBegin(); it != map.constEnd(); ++it) object.insert(it.key(), QJsonValue::fromVariant(it.value())); return object; }
void CredentialsManager::keychainJobFinished( QKeychain::Job* j ) { tDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO; if ( QKeychain::ReadPasswordJob* readJob = qobject_cast< QKeychain::ReadPasswordJob* >( j ) ) { if ( readJob->error() == QKeychain::NoError ) { tDebug() << "QtKeychain readJob for" << readJob->service() << "/" << readJob->key() << "finished without errors"; QVariant creds; QJson::Parser parser; bool ok; creds = parser.parse( readJob->textData().toLatin1(), &ok ); QVariantMap map = creds.toMap(); QVariantHash hash; for ( QVariantMap::const_iterator it = map.constBegin(); it != map.constEnd(); ++it ) { hash.insert( it.key(), it.value() ); } creds = QVariant( hash ); if ( !ok || creds.toHash().isEmpty() ) { creds = QVariant( readJob->textData() ); } m_credentials.insert( CredentialsStorageKey( readJob->service(), readJob->key() ), creds ); } else { tDebug() << "QtKeychain readJob for" << readJob->service() << "/" << readJob->key() << "finished with error:" << j->error() << j->errorString(); } m_readJobs[ readJob->service() ].removeOne( readJob ); if ( m_readJobs[ readJob->service() ].isEmpty() ) { emit serviceReady( readJob->service() ); } } else if ( QKeychain::WritePasswordJob* writeJob = qobject_cast< QKeychain::WritePasswordJob* >( j ) ) { tLog() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "QtKeychain writeJob for" << writeJob->service() << "/" << writeJob->key() << "finished" << ( ( j->error() == QKeychain::NoError ) ? "without error" : j->errorString() ); } else if ( QKeychain::DeletePasswordJob* deleteJob = qobject_cast< QKeychain::DeletePasswordJob* >( j ) ) { tLog() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "QtKeychain deleteJob for" << deleteJob->service() << "/" << deleteJob->key() << "finished" << ( ( j->error() == QKeychain::NoError ) ? "without error" : j->errorString() ); } j->deleteLater(); }
void FaceDetector::setParameters(const QVariantMap& parameters) { for (QVariantMap::const_iterator it = parameters.begin(); it != parameters.end(); ++it) { d->m_parameters.insert(it.key(), it.value()); } d->applyParameters(); }
void VRosterPrivate::onGetTagListRequestFinished(const QVariant &var, bool error) { Q_Q(VRoster); Q_UNUSED(error); QVariantMap tagData = var.toMap(); QVariantMap::const_iterator it = tagData.constBegin(); for (; it != tagData.constEnd(); it++) tags.insert(it.key(), it.value().toString()); q->getFriendList(); }
void QPpsObjectPrivate::encodeObject(pps_encoder_t *encoder, const QVariantMap &data, bool *ok) { for (QVariantMap::const_iterator it = data.constBegin(); it != data.constEnd(); ++it) { encodeData(encoder, it.key().toUtf8().constData(), it.value(), ok); if (!(*ok)) return; } // if the passed data is empty, nothing went wrong and ok is set to true *ok = true; }
void ccObject::setMetaData(const QVariantMap& dataset, bool overwrite/*=false*/) { for (QVariantMap::const_iterator it = dataset.begin(); it != dataset.end(); ++it) { if (overwrite || !m_metaData.contains(it.key())) { m_metaData[it.key()] = it.value(); } } }
/*! * Set the overridden values of the build configuration. */ void SetupProjectParameters::setOverriddenValues(const QVariantMap &values) { // warn if somebody tries to set a build configuration tree: for (QVariantMap::const_iterator i = values.constBegin(); i != values.constEnd(); ++i) { QBS_ASSERT(i.value().type() != QVariant::Map, return); } d->overriddenValues = values; d->overriddenValuesTree.clear(); d->finalBuildConfigTree.clear(); }
void expand_map(QStringList & keys, const QString & k, const QVariant & v){ if(v.type() == QVariant::Map){ const QVariantMap & map = asMap(v); for(QVariantMap::const_iterator it = map.begin(); it != map.end(); ++it){ expand_map(keys, k.isEmpty() ? it.key() : k +"." + it.key(), it.value()); } } if(!k.isEmpty()){ keys.append(k); } }
/*! Streams the \a collection to the given debug stream \a dbg, and returns the stream. \since 1.1 */ QDebug operator<<(QDebug dbg, const QOrganizerCollection& collection) { dbg.nospace() << "QOrganizerCollection(id=" << collection.id(); QVariantMap metadata = collection.metaData(); QVariantMap::const_iterator it; for (it = metadata.constBegin(); it != metadata.constEnd(); ++it) { dbg.nospace() << ", " << it.key() << '=' << it.value(); } dbg.nospace() << ')'; return dbg.maybeSpace(); }
QScriptValue variantMapToScriptValue(QVariantMap& variantMap, QScriptEngine& scriptEngine) { QScriptValue scriptValue = scriptEngine.newObject(); for (QVariantMap::const_iterator iter = variantMap.begin(); iter != variantMap.end(); ++iter) { QString key = iter.key(); QVariant qValue = iter.value(); scriptValue.setProperty(key, variantToScriptValue(qValue, scriptEngine)); } return scriptValue; }
QDebug operator<<(QDebug dbg, const QContactDetail& detail) { dbg.nospace() << "QContactDetail(name=" << detail.definitionName() << ", key=" << detail.key(); QVariantMap fields = detail.variantValues(); QVariantMap::const_iterator it; for (it = fields.constBegin(); it != fields.constEnd(); ++it) { dbg.nospace() << ", " << it.key() << '=' << it.value(); } dbg.nospace() << ')'; return dbg.maybeSpace(); }
/*! Returns the hash value for \a key. \since 1.1 */ uint qHash(const QOrganizerCollection &key) { uint hash = qHash(key.id()); QVariantMap metadata = key.metaData(); QVariantMap::const_iterator it; for (it = metadata.constBegin(); it != metadata.constEnd(); ++it) { hash += qHash(it.key()) + QT_PREPEND_NAMESPACE(qHash)(it.value().toString()); } return hash; }
void JsonDbSortingListModelPrivate::generateCustomData(QVariantMap &valMap) { Q_Q(JsonDbSortingListModel); QJSValueList args; args << injectCallback.engine()->toScriptValue(valMap); QJSValue retVal = injectCallback.call(args); QVariantMap customData = qjsvalue_cast<QVariant>(retVal).toMap(); QVariantMap::const_iterator it = customData.constBegin(), e = customData.constEnd(); for (; it != e; ++it) { valMap.insert(it.key(), it.value()); } }
void WirelessSecuritySetting::testSetting() { QFETCH(QString, keyMgmt); QFETCH(quint32, wepTxKeyidx); QFETCH(QString, authAlg); QFETCH(QStringList, proto); QFETCH(QStringList, pairwise); QFETCH(QStringList, group); QFETCH(QString, leapUsername); QFETCH(QString, wepKey0); QFETCH(QString, wepKey1); QFETCH(QString, wepKey2); QFETCH(QString, wepKey3); QFETCH(quint32, wepKeyFlags); QFETCH(quint32, wepKeyType); QFETCH(QString, psk); QFETCH(quint32, pskFlags); QFETCH(QString, leapPassword); QFETCH(quint32, leapPasswordFlags); QVariantMap map; map.insert(QLatin1String(NM_SETTING_WIRELESS_SECURITY_KEY_MGMT), keyMgmt); map.insert(QLatin1String(NM_SETTING_WIRELESS_SECURITY_WEP_TX_KEYIDX), wepTxKeyidx); map.insert(QLatin1String(NM_SETTING_WIRELESS_SECURITY_AUTH_ALG), authAlg); map.insert(QLatin1String(NM_SETTING_WIRELESS_SECURITY_PROTO), proto); map.insert(QLatin1String(NM_SETTING_WIRELESS_SECURITY_PAIRWISE), pairwise); map.insert(QLatin1String(NM_SETTING_WIRELESS_SECURITY_GROUP), group); map.insert(QLatin1String(NM_SETTING_WIRELESS_SECURITY_LEAP_USERNAME), leapUsername); map.insert(QLatin1String(NM_SETTING_WIRELESS_SECURITY_WEP_KEY0), wepKey0); map.insert(QLatin1String(NM_SETTING_WIRELESS_SECURITY_WEP_KEY1), wepKey1); map.insert(QLatin1String(NM_SETTING_WIRELESS_SECURITY_WEP_KEY2), wepKey2); map.insert(QLatin1String(NM_SETTING_WIRELESS_SECURITY_WEP_KEY3), wepKey3); map.insert(QLatin1String(NM_SETTING_WIRELESS_SECURITY_WEP_KEY_FLAGS), wepKeyFlags); map.insert(QLatin1String(NM_SETTING_WIRELESS_SECURITY_WEP_KEY_TYPE), wepKeyType); map.insert(QLatin1String(NM_SETTING_WIRELESS_SECURITY_PSK), psk); map.insert(QLatin1String(NM_SETTING_WIRELESS_SECURITY_PSK_FLAGS), pskFlags); map.insert(QLatin1String(NM_SETTING_WIRELESS_SECURITY_LEAP_PASSWORD), leapPassword); map.insert(QLatin1String(NM_SETTING_WIRELESS_SECURITY_LEAP_PASSWORD_FLAGS), leapPasswordFlags); NetworkManager::WirelessSecuritySetting setting; setting.fromMap(map); QVariantMap map1 = setting.toMap(); // Will fail if set some default values, because they are skipped in toMap() method QVariantMap::const_iterator it = map.constBegin(); while (it != map.constEnd()) { QCOMPARE(it.value(), map1.value(it.key())); ++it; } }
void StatusChecker::statusDownloadFinished() { QLOG_DEBUG() << "Finished loading status JSON."; QByteArray data; { ByteArrayDownloadPtr dl = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<ByteArrayDownload>(m_statusNetJob->first()); data = dl->m_data; m_statusNetJob.reset(); } QJsonParseError jsonError; QJsonDocument jsonDoc = QJsonDocument::fromJson(data, &jsonError); if (jsonError.error != QJsonParseError::NoError) { fail("Error parsing status JSON:" + jsonError.errorString()); return; } if (!jsonDoc.isArray()) { fail("Error parsing status JSON: JSON root is not an array"); return; } QJsonArray root = jsonDoc.array(); for(auto status = root.begin(); status != root.end(); ++status) { QVariantMap map = (*status).toObject().toVariantMap(); for (QVariantMap::const_iterator iter = map.begin(); iter != map.end(); ++iter) { QString key = iter.key(); QVariant value = iter.value(); if(value.type() == QVariant::Type::String) { m_statusEntries.insert(key, value.toString()); //QLOG_DEBUG() << "Status JSON object: " << key << m_statusEntries[key]; } else { fail("Malformed status JSON: expected status type to be a string."); return; } } } succeed(); }
void PppSetting::testSetting() { QFETCH(bool, noAuth); QFETCH(bool, refuseEap); QFETCH(bool, refusePap); QFETCH(bool, refuseChap); QFETCH(bool, refuseMschap); QFETCH(bool, refuseMschapv2); QFETCH(bool, noBsdComp); QFETCH(bool, noDeflate); QFETCH(bool, noVjCompare); QFETCH(bool, requireMppe); QFETCH(bool, requireMppe128); QFETCH(bool, mppeStateful); QFETCH(bool, cRtsCts); QFETCH(quint32, baud); QFETCH(quint32, mru); QFETCH(quint32, mtu); QFETCH(quint32, lcpEchoFailure); QFETCH(quint32, lcpEchoInterval); QVariantMap map; map.insert(QLatin1String(NM_SETTING_PPP_NOAUTH), noAuth); map.insert(QLatin1String(NM_SETTING_PPP_REFUSE_EAP), refuseEap); map.insert(QLatin1String(NM_SETTING_PPP_REFUSE_PAP), refusePap); map.insert(QLatin1String(NM_SETTING_PPP_REFUSE_CHAP), refuseChap); map.insert(QLatin1String(NM_SETTING_PPP_REFUSE_MSCHAP), refuseMschap); map.insert(QLatin1String(NM_SETTING_PPP_REFUSE_MSCHAPV2), refuseMschapv2); map.insert(QLatin1String(NM_SETTING_PPP_NOBSDCOMP), noBsdComp); map.insert(QLatin1String(NM_SETTING_PPP_NODEFLATE), noDeflate); map.insert(QLatin1String(NM_SETTING_PPP_NO_VJ_COMP), noVjCompare); map.insert(QLatin1String(NM_SETTING_PPP_REQUIRE_MPPE), requireMppe); map.insert(QLatin1String(NM_SETTING_PPP_REQUIRE_MPPE_128), requireMppe128); map.insert(QLatin1String(NM_SETTING_PPP_MPPE_STATEFUL), mppeStateful); map.insert(QLatin1String(NM_SETTING_PPP_CRTSCTS), cRtsCts); map.insert(QLatin1String(NM_SETTING_PPP_BAUD), baud); map.insert(QLatin1String(NM_SETTING_PPP_MRU), mru); map.insert(QLatin1String(NM_SETTING_PPP_MTU), mtu); map.insert(QLatin1String(NM_SETTING_PPP_LCP_ECHO_FAILURE), lcpEchoFailure); map.insert(QLatin1String(NM_SETTING_PPP_LCP_ECHO_INTERVAL), lcpEchoInterval); NetworkManager::PppSetting setting; setting.fromMap(map); QVariantMap map1 = setting.toMap(); QVariantMap::const_iterator it = map.constBegin(); while (it != map.constEnd()) { QCOMPARE(it.value(), map1.value(it.key())); ++it; } }
/*! Converts the variant map \a map to a QJsonObject. The keys in \a map will be used as the keys in the JSON object, and the QVariant values will be converted to JSON values. \sa fromVariantHash(), toVariantMap(), QJsonValue::fromVariant() */ QJsonObject QJsonObject::fromVariantMap(const QVariantMap &map) { QJsonObject object; if (map.isEmpty()) return object; object.detach2(1024); QVector<QJsonPrivate::offset> offsets; QJsonPrivate::offset currentOffset; currentOffset = sizeof(QJsonPrivate::Base); // the map is already sorted, so we can simply append one entry after the other and // write the offset table at the end for (QVariantMap::const_iterator it = map.constBegin(); it != map.constEnd(); ++it) { QString key = it.key(); QJsonValue val = QJsonValue::fromVariant(it.value()); bool latinOrIntValue; int valueSize = QJsonPrivate::Value::requiredStorage(val, &latinOrIntValue); bool latinKey = QJsonPrivate::useCompressed(key); int valueOffset = sizeof(QJsonPrivate::Entry) + QJsonPrivate::qStringSize(key, latinKey); int requiredSize = valueOffset + valueSize; if (!object.detach2(requiredSize + sizeof(QJsonPrivate::offset))) // offset for the new index entry return QJsonObject(); QJsonPrivate::Entry *e = reinterpret_cast<QJsonPrivate::Entry *>(reinterpret_cast<char *>(object.o) + currentOffset); e->value.type = val.t; e->value.latinKey = latinKey; e->value.latinOrIntValue = latinOrIntValue; e->value.value = QJsonPrivate::Value::valueToStore(val, (char *)e - (char *)object.o + valueOffset); QJsonPrivate::copyString((char *)(e + 1), key, latinKey); if (valueSize) QJsonPrivate::Value::copyData(val, (char *)e + valueOffset, latinOrIntValue); offsets << currentOffset; currentOffset += requiredSize; object.o->size = currentOffset; } // write table object.o->tableOffset = currentOffset; if (!object.detach2(sizeof(QJsonPrivate::offset)*offsets.size())) return QJsonObject(); memcpy(object.o->table(), offsets.constData(), offsets.size()*sizeof(uint)); object.o->length = offsets.size(); object.o->size = currentOffset + sizeof(QJsonPrivate::offset)*offsets.size(); return object; }
Properties VariantToMapConverter::toProperties(const QVariant &variant) { const QVariantMap variantMap = variant.toMap(); Properties properties; QVariantMap::const_iterator it = variantMap.constBegin(); QVariantMap::const_iterator it_end = variantMap.constEnd(); for (; it != it_end; ++it) properties[it.key()] = it.value().toString(); return properties; }
void MetaModel::setMetaData(const QVariantMap &metaData) { //delete old metadata in key foreach(MetaItem* item, m_model) deleteKeyMetaData(item->metaName()); //delete old metadata in model clear(); for(QVariantMap::const_iterator iter = metaData.begin(); iter != metaData.end(); iter++) { insertRow(m_model.count(), new MetaItem(iter.key(), iter.value())); } }