Exemple #1
 * Fetch data
bool	CDatabase::fetch(const RY_PDS::CObjectIndex& index, RY_PDS::CPData &data, bool fetchIndex)

	if (!initialised())
		PDS_WARNING("set(): database not initialised");
		return false;

	CTable*		table = getNonConstTable(index.table());

	if (table == NULL)
		PDS_WARNING("fetch(): unable to get table '%d'", index.table());
		return false;

	bool	success = table->fetch(index.row(), data, fetchIndex);

	if (success)
		PDS_FULL_DEBUG("fetch '%s' successfully", index.toString().c_str());

	return success;
Exemple #2
 * Map a row in a table
 * \param index is the table/row to allocate
 * \param key is the 64 bits row key
 * Return true if succeded
bool	CDatabase::mapRow(const RY_PDS::CObjectIndex &index, uint64 key)
	if (!initialised())
		PDS_WARNING("mapRow(): database not initialised");
		return false;

	if (!index.isValid())
		PDS_WARNING("mapRow(): index '%s' is not valid", index.toString().c_str());
		return false;

	CTable	*table = getNonConstTable(index.table());

	if (table == NULL || !table->initialised())
		PDS_WARNING("deallocate(): table '%d' is not initialised", index.table());
		return false;

	bool	success = table->mapRow(index, key);

	if (success)
		PDS_FULL_DEBUG("mapped '%016"NL_I64"X' to '%s' successfully", key, index.toString().c_str());

	return success;
Exemple #3
 * Dump database content and info of an object to xml
void	CDatabase::dumpToXml(const RY_PDS::CObjectIndex& index, NLMISC::IStream& xml, sint expandDepth)
	if (xml.isReading() || !initialised())

	CTable*	table = getNonConstTable(index.table());

	if (table != NULL)
		table->dumpToXml(index.row(), xml, expandDepth);
Exemple #4
 * Search object in database using its key
 * \param key is the 64 bits row key to search through all tables
bool	CDatabase::searchObjectIndex(uint64 key, std::set<RY_PDS::CObjectIndex>& indexes) const

	uint	i;
	for (i=0; i<_Tables.size(); ++i)
		if (_Tables[i] == NULL || !_Tables[i]->initialised() || !_Tables[i]->isMapped())

		RY_PDS::CObjectIndex	index = _Tables[i]->getMappedRow(key);

		if (index.isValid())

	return !indexes.empty();
Exemple #5
 * Fetch data
bool	CDbManager::fetch(TDatabaseId id, RY_PDS::TTableIndex tableIndex, uint64 key, RY_PDS::CPData &data)
	CHECK_DB_MGR_INIT(fetch, false);

	CDatabase*	db = getDatabase(id);
	if (db == NULL)
		nlwarning("Unable to fetch(), db '%d' not created yet", id);
		return false;

	RY_PDS::CObjectIndex	index = db->getMappedRow(tableIndex, key);
	if (!index.isValid())
		// row is not mapped
		return false;

	return db->fetch(index, data);
Exemple #6
 * Release a row in a table
 * \param index is the table/row to release
 * Return true if succeded
bool	CDatabase::release(const RY_PDS::CObjectIndex &index)
	if (!initialised())
		PDS_WARNING("release(): database not initialised");
		return false;

	if (!index.isValid())
		PDS_WARNING("release(): index '%s' is not valid", index.toString().c_str());
		return false;

	CTable	*table = getNonConstTable(index.table());

	if (table == NULL || !table->initialised())
		PDS_WARNING("release(): table '%d' is not initialised", index.table());
		return false;

	bool	success = table->release(index.row());

	if (success)
		PDS_FULL_DEBUG("released '%s' successfully", index.toString().c_str());

	return success;
Exemple #7
 * Set value with human readable parameters
bool	CDatabase::set(RY_PDS::TTableIndex table, RY_PDS::TRowIndex row, RY_PDS::TColumnIndex column, const std::string& type, const std::string &value)
	TDataType	datatype = getDataTypeFromName(type);

	if (!checkDataType(datatype))
		return false;

	switch (datatype)
	case PDS_bool:
	case PDS_char:
	case PDS_uint8:
	case PDS_sint8:
			uint8	data;
			NLMISC::fromString(value, data);
			return set(table, row, column, sizeof(data), &data);

	case PDS_ucchar:
	case PDS_uint16:
	case PDS_sint16:
			uint16	data;
			NLMISC::fromString(value, data);
			return set(table, row, column, sizeof(data), &data);

	case PDS_uint32:
	case PDS_sint32:
	case PDS_enum:
	case PDS_CSheetId:
	case PDS_CNodeId:
			uint32	data;
			NLMISC::fromString(value, data);
			return set(table, row, column, sizeof(data), &data);

	case PDS_uint64:
	case PDS_sint64:
			uint64	data;
			sscanf(value.c_str(), "%016"NL_I64"d", &data);
			return set(table, row, column, sizeof(data), &data);

	case PDS_CEntityId:
			CEntityId	data;
			return set(table, row, column, sizeof(data), &data);

	case PDS_float:
			float	data = (float)atof(value.c_str());
			return set(table, row, column, sizeof(data), &data);

	case PDS_double:
			double	data = (double)atof(value.c_str());
			return set(table, row, column, sizeof(data), &data);

	case PDS_Index:
			RY_PDS::CObjectIndex	data;
			return set(table, row, column, sizeof(data), &data);

	case PDS_dimension:
			uint32	data;
			NLMISC::fromString(value, data);
			return set(table, row, column, sizeof(data), &data);

	return false;
Exemple #8
 * Tells if an object is allocated
 * \param object is the object index to test
bool	CDatabase::isAllocated(const RY_PDS::CObjectIndex &index) const
	const CTable*	table = getTable(index.table());

	return table != NULL && table->isAllocated(index.row());
Exemple #9
 * Get value as a string
 * \param path is of the form '[tableindex|tablename].[$key|index].attrib1.attrib2'
string	CDatabase::getValue(const CLocatePath::TLocatePath &path)
	if (path.size() < 3)
		PDS_WARNING("getValue(): path is too short");
		return "";

	uint	node = 0;

	// select table
	const CTable*	table;
	uint			tableId;
	if (sscanf(path[node].Name.c_str(), "%d", &tableId) == 1)
		table = getTable(tableId);
		table = getTable(path[node].Name);

	if (table == NULL)
		PDS_WARNING("getValue(): unable to select table '%s'", path[node].Name.c_str());
		return "";


	// select row
	RY_PDS::CObjectIndex	object;

	if (path[node].Name[0] == '$')
		uint64	key;
		if (sscanf(path[node].Name.c_str()+1, "%"NL_I64"X", &key) != 1)
			PDS_WARNING("getValue(): unable to select mapped row '%s'", path[node].Name.c_str());
			return "";

		object = table->getMappedRow(key);
		RY_PDS::TRowIndex	row;

		if (sscanf(path[node].Name.c_str(), "%u", &row) != 1)
			PDS_WARNING("getValue(): unable to select row '%s'", path[node].Name.c_str());
			return "";

		object = RY_PDS::CObjectIndex((RY_PDS::TTableIndex)table->getId(), row);

	if (!object.isValid() || !isAllocated(object))
		PDS_WARNING("getValue(): object '%s' not accessible", path[node].Name.c_str());
		return "";


	const CTable*	subTable = table;

	// browse through row
	while (node < path.size())
		const CAttribute*	attribute = subTable->getAttribute(path[node].Name);

		if (attribute == NULL)
			PDS_WARNING("getValue(): '%s' is not an attribute of '%s'", path[node].Name.c_str(), subTable->getName().c_str());
			return "";


	return "";
Exemple #10
 * Map a row in a table
 * \param index is the table/row to allocate
 * \param key is the 64 bits row key
 * Return true if succeded
bool	CDbManager::mapRow(TDatabaseId id, const RY_PDS::CObjectIndex &index, uint64 key)
	CHECK_DB_MGR_INIT(mapRow, false);

	CDatabase*	db = getDatabase(id);
	if (db == NULL)
		nlwarning("Unable to mapRow() '%016"NL_I64"X' to row '%d':'%d' in db '%d' , not created yet", key, index.table(), index.row(), id);
		return false;

	return db->mapRow(index, key);