int main( int argc, char* argv[] ) { // Initialise window pangolin::View& container = SetupPangoGLWithCuda(1024, 768); size_t cu_mem_start, cu_mem_end, cu_mem_total; cudaMemGetInfo( &cu_mem_start, &cu_mem_total ); glClearColor(1,1,1,0); // Open video device hal::Camera video = OpenRpgCamera(argc,argv); // Capture first image pb::ImageArray images; // N cameras, each w*h in dimension, greyscale const size_t N = video.NumChannels(); if( N != 2 ) { std::cerr << "Two images are required to run this program!" << std::endl; exit(1); } const size_t nw = video.Width(); const size_t nh = video.Height(); // Capture first image video.Capture(images); // Downsample this image to process less pixels const int max_levels = 6; const int level = roo::GetLevelFromMaxPixels( nw, nh, 640*480 ); // const int level = 4; assert(level <= max_levels); // Find centered image crop which aligns to 16 pixels at given level const NppiRect roi = roo::GetCenteredAlignedRegion(nw,nh,16 << level,16 << level); // Load Camera intrinsics from file GetPot clArgs( argc, argv ); const std::string filename = clArgs.follow("","-cmod"); if( filename.empty() ) { std::cerr << "Camera models file is required!" << std::endl; exit(1); } const calibu::CameraRig rig = calibu::ReadXmlRig(filename); if( rig.cameras.size() != 2 ) { std::cerr << "Two camera models are required to run this program!" << std::endl; exit(1); } Eigen::Matrix3f CamModel0 = rig.cameras[0].camera.K().cast<float>(); Eigen::Matrix3f CamModel1 = rig.cameras[1].camera.K().cast<float>(); roo::ImageIntrinsics camMod[] = { {CamModel0(0,0),CamModel0(1,1),CamModel0(0,2),CamModel0(1,2)}, {CamModel1(0,0),CamModel1(1,1),CamModel1(0,2),CamModel1(1,2)} }; for(int i=0; i<2; ++i ) { // Adjust to match camera image dimensions const double scale = nw / rig.cameras[i].camera.Width(); roo::ImageIntrinsics camModel = camMod[i].Scale( scale ); // Adjust to match cropped aligned image camModel = camModel.CropToROI( roi ); camMod[i] = camModel; } const unsigned int w = roi.width; const unsigned int h = roi.height; const unsigned int lw = w >> level; const unsigned int lh = h >> level; const Eigen::Matrix3d& K0 = camMod[0].Matrix(); const Eigen::Matrix3d& Kl = camMod[0][level].Matrix(); std::cout << "K Matrix: " << std::endl << K0 << std::endl; std::cout << "K Matrix - Level: " << std::endl << Kl << std::endl; std::cout << "Video stream dimensions: " << nw << "x" << nh << std::endl; std::cout << "Chosen Level: " << level << std::endl; std::cout << "Processing dimensions: " << lw << "x" << lh << std::endl; std::cout << "Offset: " << roi.x << "x" << roi.y << std::endl; // print selected camera model std::cout << "Camera Model used: " << std::endl << camMod[0][level].Matrix() << std::endl; Eigen::Matrix3d RDFvision;RDFvision<< 1,0,0, 0,1,0, 0,0,1; Eigen::Matrix3d RDFrobot; RDFrobot << 0,1,0, 0,0, 1, 1,0,0; Eigen::Matrix4d T_vis_ro = Eigen::Matrix4d::Identity(); T_vis_ro.block<3,3>(0,0) = RDFvision.transpose() * RDFrobot; Eigen::Matrix4d T_ro_vis = Eigen::Matrix4d::Identity(); T_ro_vis.block<3,3>(0,0) = RDFrobot.transpose() * RDFvision; const Sophus::SE3d T_rl_orig = T_rlFromCamModelRDF(rig.cameras[0], rig.cameras[1], RDFvision); // TODO(jmf): For now, assume cameras are rectified. Later allow unrectified cameras. /* double k1 = 0; double k2 = 0; if(cam[0].Type() == MVL_CAMERA_WARPED) { k1 = cam[0].GetModel()->warped.kappa1; k2 = cam[0].GetModel()->warped.kappa2; } */ const bool rectify = false; if(!rectify) { std::cout << "Using pre-rectified images" << std::endl; } // Check we received at least two images if(images.Size() < 2) { std::cerr << "Failed to capture first stereo pair from camera" << std::endl; return -1; } // Define Camera Render Object (for view / scene browsing) pangolin::OpenGlRenderState s_cam( pangolin::ProjectionMatrixRDF_TopLeft(w,h,K0(0,0),K0(1,1),K0(0,2),K0(1,2),0.1,10000), pangolin::IdentityMatrix(pangolin::GlModelViewStack) ); pangolin::GlBufferCudaPtr vbo(pangolin::GlArrayBuffer, lw*lh,GL_FLOAT, 4, cudaGraphicsMapFlagsWriteDiscard, GL_STREAM_DRAW ); pangolin::GlBufferCudaPtr cbo(pangolin::GlArrayBuffer, lw*lh,GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, 4, cudaGraphicsMapFlagsWriteDiscard, GL_STREAM_DRAW ); pangolin::GlBuffer ibo = pangolin::MakeTriangleStripIboForVbo(lw,lh); // Allocate Camera Images on device for processing roo::Image<unsigned char, roo::TargetHost, roo::DontManage> hCamImg[] = {{0,nw,nh},{0,nw,nh}}; roo::Image<float2, roo::TargetDevice, roo::Manage> dLookup[] = {{w,h},{w,h}}; roo::Image<unsigned char, roo::TargetDevice, roo::Manage> upload(w,h); roo::Pyramid<unsigned char, max_levels, roo::TargetDevice, roo::Manage> img_pyr[] = {{w,h},{w,h}}; roo::Image<float, roo::TargetDevice, roo::Manage> img[] = {{lw,lh},{lw,lh}}; roo::Volume<float, roo::TargetDevice, roo::Manage> vol[] = {{lw,lh,MAXD},{lw,lh,MAXD}}; roo::Image<float, roo::TargetDevice, roo::Manage> disp[] = {{lw,lh},{lw,lh}}; roo::Image<float, roo::TargetDevice, roo::Manage> meanI(lw,lh); roo::Image<float, roo::TargetDevice, roo::Manage> varI(lw,lh); roo::Image<float, roo::TargetDevice, roo::Manage> temp[] = {{lw,lh},{lw,lh},{lw,lh},{lw,lh},{lw,lh}}; roo::Image<float,roo::TargetDevice, roo::Manage>& imgd = disp[0]; roo::Image<float,roo::TargetDevice, roo::Manage> depthmap(lw,lh); roo::Image<float,roo::TargetDevice, roo::Manage> imga(lw,lh); roo::Image<float2,roo::TargetDevice, roo::Manage> imgq(lw,lh); roo::Image<float,roo::TargetDevice, roo::Manage> imgw(lw,lh); roo::Image<float4, roo::TargetDevice, roo::Manage> d3d(lw,lh); roo::Image<unsigned char, roo::TargetDevice,roo::Manage> Scratch(lw*sizeof(roo::LeastSquaresSystem<float,6>),lh); typedef ulong4 census_t; roo::Image<census_t, roo::TargetDevice, roo::Manage> census[] = {{lw,lh},{lw,lh}}; // Stereo transformation (post-rectification) Sophus::SE3d T_rl = T_rl_orig; const double baseline = T_rl.translation().norm(); std::cout << "Baseline: " << baseline << std::endl; cudaMemGetInfo( &cu_mem_end, &cu_mem_total ); std::cout << "CuTotal: " << cu_mem_total/(1024*1024) << ", Available: " << cu_mem_end/(1024*1024) << ", Used: " << (cu_mem_start-cu_mem_end)/(1024*1024) << std::endl; pangolin::Var<bool> step("ui.step", false, false); pangolin::Var<bool> run("", false, true); pangolin::Var<bool> lockToCam("ui.Lock to cam", false, true); pangolin::Var<int> show_slice(" slice",MAXD/2, 0, MAXD-1); pangolin::Var<int> maxdisp("ui.maxdisp",MAXD, 0, MAXD); pangolin::Var<bool> subpix("ui.subpix", true, true); pangolin::Var<bool> use_census("ui.use census", true, true); pangolin::Var<int> avg_rad("ui.avg_rad",0, 0, 100); pangolin::Var<bool> do_dtam(" dtam", false, true); pangolin::Var<bool> dtam_reset("ui.reset", false, false); pangolin::Var<float> g_alpha("ui.g alpha", 14, 0,4); pangolin::Var<float> g_beta("ui.g beta", 2.5, 0,2); pangolin::Var<float> theta("ui.theta", 100, 0,100); pangolin::Var<float> lambda("ui.lambda", 20, 0,20); pangolin::Var<float> sigma_q("ui.sigma q", 0.7, 0, 1); pangolin::Var<float> sigma_d("ui.sigma d", 0.7, 0, 1); pangolin::Var<float> huber_alpha("ui.huber alpha", 0.002, 0, 0.01); pangolin::Var<float> beta("ui.beta", 0.00001, 0, 0.01); pangolin::Var<float> alpha("ui.alpha", 0.9, 0,1); pangolin::Var<float> r1("ui.r1", 100, 0,0.01); pangolin::Var<float> r2("ui.r2", 100, 0,0.01); pangolin::Var<bool> filter("ui.filter", false, true); pangolin::Var<float> eps("ui.eps",0.01*0.01, 0, 0.01); pangolin::Var<int> rad("ui.radius",9, 1, 20); pangolin::Var<bool> leftrightcheck("ui.left-right check", false, true); pangolin::Var<float> maxdispdiff("ui.maxdispdiff",1, 0, 5); pangolin::Var<int> domedits("ui.median its",1, 1, 10); pangolin::Var<bool> domed9x9("ui.median 9x9", false, true); pangolin::Var<bool> domed7x7("ui.median 7x7", false, true); pangolin::Var<bool> domed5x5("ui.median 5x5", false, true); pangolin::Var<int> medi("ui.medi",12, 0, 24); pangolin::Var<float> filtgradthresh("ui.filt grad thresh", 0, 0, 20); pangolin::Var<bool> save_depthmaps("ui.save_depthmaps", false, true); int jump_frames = 0; pangolin::RegisterKeyPressCallback(' ', [&run](){run = !run;} ); pangolin::RegisterKeyPressCallback('l', [&lockToCam](){lockToCam = !lockToCam;} ); pangolin::RegisterKeyPressCallback(pangolin::PANGO_SPECIAL + GLUT_KEY_RIGHT, [&step](){step=true;} ); pangolin::RegisterKeyPressCallback(']', [&jump_frames](){jump_frames=100;} ); pangolin::RegisterKeyPressCallback('}', [&jump_frames](){jump_frames=1000;} ); pangolin::Handler2dImageSelect handler2d(lw,lh,level); // ActivateDrawPyramid<unsigned char,max_levels> adleft(img_pyr[0],GL_LUMINANCE8, false, true); // ActivateDrawPyramid<unsigned char,max_levels> adright(img_pyr[1],GL_LUMINANCE8, false, true); pangolin::ActivateDrawImage<float> adleft(img[0],GL_LUMINANCE32F_ARB, false, true); pangolin::ActivateDrawImage<float> adright(img[1],GL_LUMINANCE32F_ARB, false, true); pangolin::ActivateDrawImage<float> adisp(disp[0],GL_LUMINANCE32F_ARB, false, true); pangolin::ActivateDrawImage<float> adw(imgw,GL_LUMINANCE32F_ARB, false, true); // ActivateDrawImage<float> adCrossSection(dCrossSection,GL_RGBA_FLOAT32_APPLE, false, true); pangolin::ActivateDrawImage<float> adVol(vol[0].ImageXY(show_slice),GL_LUMINANCE32F_ARB, false, true); SceneGraph::GLSceneGraph graph; SceneGraph::GLVbo glvbo(&vbo,&ibo,&cbo); graph.AddChild(&glvbo); SetupContainer(container, 6, (float)w/h); container[0].SetDrawFunction(boost::ref(adleft)).SetHandler(&handler2d); container[1].SetDrawFunction(boost::ref(adright)).SetHandler(&handler2d); container[2].SetDrawFunction(boost::ref(adisp)).SetHandler(&handler2d); container[3].SetDrawFunction(boost::ref(adVol)).SetHandler(&handler2d); container[4].SetDrawFunction(SceneGraph::ActivateDrawFunctor(graph, s_cam)) .SetHandler( new pangolin::Handler3D(s_cam, pangolin::AxisNone) ); container[5].SetDrawFunction(boost::ref(adw)).SetHandler(&handler2d); for(unsigned long frame=0; !pangolin::ShouldQuit();) { bool go = frame==0 || jump_frames > 0 || run || Pushed(step); for(; jump_frames > 0; jump_frames--) { video.Capture(images); } if(go) { if(frame>0) { if( video.Capture(images) == false) { exit(1); } } frame++; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Upload images to device (Warp / Decimate if necessery) for(int i=0; i<2; ++i ) { hCamImg[i].ptr = images[i].data(); if(rectify) { upload.CopyFrom(hCamImg[i].SubImage(roi)); Warp(img_pyr[i][0], upload, dLookup[i]); }else{ img_pyr[i][0].CopyFrom(hCamImg[i].SubImage(roi)); } roo::BoxReduce<unsigned char, max_levels, unsigned int>(img_pyr[i]); } } go |= avg_rad.GuiChanged() | use_census.GuiChanged(); if( go ) { for(int i=0; i<2; ++i ) { roo::ElementwiseScaleBias<float,unsigned char,float>(img[i], img_pyr[i][level],1.0f/255.0f); if(avg_rad > 0 ) { roo::BoxFilter<float,float,float>(temp[0],img[i],Scratch,avg_rad); roo::ElementwiseAdd<float,float,float,float>(img[i], img[i], temp[0], 1, -1, 0.5); } if(use_census) { Census(census[i], img[i]); } } } if( go | g_alpha.GuiChanged() || g_beta.GuiChanged() ) { ExponentialEdgeWeight(imgw, img[0], g_alpha, g_beta); } go |= filter.GuiChanged() | leftrightcheck.GuiChanged() | rad.GuiChanged() | eps.GuiChanged() | alpha.GuiChanged() | r1.GuiChanged() | r2.GuiChanged(); if(go) { if(use_census) { roo::CensusStereoVolume<float, census_t>(vol[0], census[0], census[1], maxdisp, -1); if(leftrightcheck) roo::CensusStereoVolume<float, census_t>(vol[1], census[1], census[0], maxdisp, +1); }else{ CostVolumeFromStereoTruncatedAbsAndGrad(vol[0], img[0], img[1], -1, alpha, r1, r2); if(leftrightcheck) CostVolumeFromStereoTruncatedAbsAndGrad(vol[1], img[1], img[0], +1, alpha, r1, r2); } if(filter) { // Filter Cost volume for(int v=0; v<(leftrightcheck?2:1); ++v) { roo::Image<float, roo::TargetDevice, roo::Manage>& I = img[v]; roo::ComputeMeanVarience<float,float,float>(varI, temp[0], meanI, I, Scratch, rad); for(int d=0; d<maxdisp; ++d) { roo::Image<float> P = vol[v].ImageXY(d); roo::ComputeCovariance(temp[0],temp[2],temp[1],P,meanI,I,Scratch,rad); GuidedFilter(P,temp[0],varI,temp[1],meanI,I,Scratch,temp[2],temp[3],temp[4],rad,eps); } } } } static int n = 0; // static float theta = 0; // go |= Pushed(dtam_reset); // if(go ) if(Pushed(dtam_reset)) { n = 0; theta.Reset(); // Initialise primal and auxillary variables CostVolMinimumSubpix(imgd,vol[0], maxdisp,-1); imga.CopyFrom(imgd); // Initialise dual variable imgq.Memset(0); } const double min_theta = 1E-0; if(do_dtam && theta > min_theta) { for(int i=0; i<5; ++i ) { // Auxillary exhaustive search CostVolMinimumSquarePenaltySubpix(imga, vol[0], imgd, maxdisp, -1, lambda, (theta) ); // Dual Ascent roo::WeightedHuberGradU_DualAscentP(imgq, imgd, imgw, sigma_q, huber_alpha); // Primal Descent roo::WeightedL2_u_minus_g_PrimalDescent(imgd, imgq, imga, imgw, sigma_d, 1.0f / (theta) ); theta= theta * (1-beta*n); ++n; } if( theta <= min_theta && save_depthmaps ) { cv::Mat dmap = cv::Mat( lh, lw, CV_32FC1 ); // convert disparity to depth roo::Disp2Depth(imgd, depthmap, Kl(0,0), baseline ); depthmap.MemcpyToHost( ); // save depth image char Index[10]; sprintf( Index, "%05d", frame ); std::string DepthPrefix = "SDepth-"; std::string DepthFile; DepthFile = DepthPrefix + Index + ".pdm"; std::cout << "Depth File: " << DepthFile << std::endl; std::ofstream pDFile( DepthFile.c_str(), std::ios::out | std::ios::binary ); pDFile << "P7" << std::endl; pDFile << dmap.cols << " " << dmap.rows << std::endl; unsigned int Size = dmap.elemSize1() * dmap.rows * dmap.cols; pDFile << 4294967295 << std::endl; pDFile.write( (const char*), Size ); pDFile.close(); // save grey image std::string GreyPrefix = "Left-"; std::string GreyFile; GreyFile = GreyPrefix + Index + ".pgm"; std::cout << "Grey File: " << GreyFile << std::endl; cv::Mat gimg = cv::Mat( lh, lw, CV_8UC1 ); img_pyr[0][level].MemcpyToHost( ); cv::imwrite( GreyFile, gimg ); // reset step = true; dtam_reset = true; } } go |= pangolin::GuiVarHasChanged(); // if(go) { // if(subpix) { // CostVolMinimumSubpix(disp[0],vol[0], maxdisp,-1); // if(leftrightcheck) CostVolMinimumSubpix(disp[1],vol[1], maxdisp,+1); // }else{ // CostVolMinimum<float,float>(disp[0],vol[0], maxdisp); // if(leftrightcheck) CostVolMinimum<float,float>(disp[1],vol[1], maxdisp); // } // } if(go) { for(int di=0; di<(leftrightcheck?2:1); ++di) { for(int i=0; i < domedits; ++i ) { if(domed9x9) MedianFilterRejectNegative9x9(disp[di],disp[di], medi); if(domed7x7) MedianFilterRejectNegative7x7(disp[di],disp[di], medi); if(domed5x5) MedianFilterRejectNegative5x5(disp[di],disp[di], medi); } } if(leftrightcheck ) { LeftRightCheck(disp[1], disp[0], +1, maxdispdiff); LeftRightCheck(disp[0], disp[1], -1, maxdispdiff); } if(filtgradthresh > 0) { FilterDispGrad(disp[0], disp[0], filtgradthresh); } } // if(go) { // Generate point cloud from disparity image DisparityImageToVbo(d3d, disp[0], baseline, Kl(0,0), Kl(1,1), Kl(0,2), Kl(1,2) ); // if(container[3].IsShown()) { // Copy point cloud into VBO { pangolin::CudaScopedMappedPtr var(vbo); roo::Image<float4> dVbo((float4*)*var,lw,lh); dVbo.CopyFrom(d3d); } // Generate CBO { pangolin::CudaScopedMappedPtr var(cbo); roo::Image<uchar4> dCbo((uchar4*)*var,lw,lh); roo::ConvertImage<uchar4,unsigned char>(dCbo, img_pyr[0][level]); } } // Update texture views adisp.SetImageScale(1.0f/maxdisp); // adleft.SetLevel(show_level); // adright.SetLevel(show_level); adVol.SetImage(vol[0].ImageXY(show_slice)); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Draw glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); glColor3f(1,1,1); pangolin::FinishFrame(); } }
int main( int argc, char* argv[] ) { const int w = 1024; const int h = 768; // Initialise window View& container = SetupPangoGLWithCuda(w, h); ApplyPreferredGlSettings(); // Open video device const roo::ImageIntrinsics K( 570.342, 570.342, w/2.0 - 0.5, h/2.0 - 0.5 ); roo::Image<float, roo::TargetDevice, roo::Manage> ray_i(w,h); roo::Image<float, roo::TargetDevice, roo::Manage> ray_d(w,h); roo::Image<float, roo::TargetDevice, roo::Manage> ray_dist(w,h); roo::Image<float4, roo::TargetDevice, roo::Manage> ray_n(w,h); roo::Image<float4, roo::TargetDevice, roo::Manage> vis(w,h); roo::BoundedVolume<roo::SDF_t, roo::TargetDevice, roo::Manage> vol; roo::BoundedVolume<roo::SDF_t, roo::TargetDevice, roo::Manage> vol2; LoadPXM("save.vol", vol); LoadPXM("save2.vol", vol2); SceneGraph::GLSceneGraph glgraph; SceneGraph::GLAxisAlignedBox glboxvol; glboxvol.SetBounds(roo::ToEigen(vol.bbox.Min()), roo::ToEigen(vol.bbox.Max()) ); glgraph.AddChild(&glboxvol); pangolin::OpenGlRenderState s_cam( ProjectionMatrixRDF_TopLeft(w,h,K.fu,K.fv,K.u0,K.v0,0.1,1000), ModelViewLookAtRDF(0,0,-2,0,0,0,0,-1,0) ); Var<float> trunc_dist_factor("ui.trunc_vol_factor",2, 1, 4); Var<bool> switch_sdf("ui.switch_sdf",false,true); Var<bool> diff_sdf("ui.diff_sdf",true,true); ActivateDrawImage<float4> adrayimg(vis, GL_RGBA32F, true, true); Handler3DGpuDepth rayhandler(ray_d, s_cam, AxisNone); SetupContainer(container, 2, (float)w/h); container[0].SetDrawFunction(boost::ref(adrayimg)) .SetHandler(&rayhandler); container[1].SetDrawFunction(SceneGraph::ActivateDrawFunctor(glgraph, s_cam)) .SetHandler( new Handler3D(s_cam, AxisNone) ); while(!pangolin::ShouldQuit()) { const float trunc_dist = trunc_dist_factor*length(vol.VoxelSizeUnits()); Sophus::SE3d T_vw(s_cam.GetModelViewMatrix()); const roo::BoundingBox roi(T_vw.inverse().matrix3x4(), w, h, K, 0, 50); roo::BoundedVolume<roo::SDF_t> work_vol = (switch_sdf ? vol2 : vol).SubBoundingVolume( roi ); roo::BoundedVolume<roo::SDF_t> work_vol2 = (switch_sdf ? vol : vol2).SubBoundingVolume( roi ); if(work_vol.IsValid()) { roo::RaycastSdf(ray_d, ray_n, ray_i, work_vol, T_vw.inverse().matrix3x4(), K, 0.1, 50, trunc_dist, true ); roo::SdfDistance(ray_dist, ray_d, work_vol2, T_vw.inverse().matrix3x4(), K, trunc_dist); if(!diff_sdf) roo::Fill<float>(ray_dist, 0.0f); roo::Remap(vis, ray_i, ray_dist, -trunc_dist, trunc_dist); } glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); glColor3f(1,1,1); pangolin::FinishFrame(); } }
int main( int argc, char* argv[] ) { // Create OpenGL window in single line thanks to GLUT pangolin::CreateWindowAndBind("Main",640,480); SceneGraph::GLSceneGraph::ApplyPreferredGlSettings(); glewInit(); // Scenegraph to hold GLObjects and relative transformations SceneGraph::GLSceneGraph glGraph; SceneGraph::GLLight light(10,10,-100); glGraph.AddChild(&light); // Define grid object SceneGraph::GLGrid glGrid(50,2.0, true); // Define axis object, and set its pose SceneGraph::GLAxis glAxis; glAxis.SetPose(-1,-2,-0.1, 0, 0, M_PI/4); glAxis.SetScale(0.25); SceneGraph::GLMovableAxis glMovableAxis; glMovableAxis.SetPosition(-3,3,-1); SceneGraph::GLAxisAlignedBox glBox; glBox.SetResizable(); // Define movable waypoint object with velocity SceneGraph::GLWayPoint glWaypoint; glWaypoint.SetPose(0.5,0.5,-0.1,0,0,0); // Optionally clamp waypoint to specific plane glWaypoint.ClampToPlane(Eigen::Vector4d(0,0,1,0)); // Define 3D spiral using a GLCachedPrimitives object SceneGraph::GLCachedPrimitives glSpiral(GL_LINE_STRIP, SceneGraph::GLColor(1.0f,0.7f,0.2f)); for(double t=0; t < 10*M_PI; t+= M_PI/50) { glSpiral.AddVertex(Eigen::Vector3d(cos(t)+2, sin(t)+2, -0.1*t) ); } // Define 3D floating text object SceneGraph::GLText glText3d("3D Floating Text", -1, 1, -1); // Add objects to scenegraph glGraph.AddChild(&glGrid); glGraph.AddChild(&glWaypoint); glGraph.AddChild(&glSpiral); glGraph.AddChild(&glAxis); glGraph.AddChild(&glText3d); glGraph.AddChild(&glMovableAxis); glMovableAxis.AddChild(&glBox); // Define Camera Render Object (for view / scene browsing) pangolin::OpenGlRenderState stacks3d( pangolin::ProjectionMatrix(640,480,420,420,320,240,0.1,1000), pangolin::ModelViewLookAt(0,-2,-4, 0,1,0, pangolin::AxisNegZ) ); // Pangolin abstracts the OpenGL viewport as a View. // Here we get a reference to the default 'base' view. pangolin::View& container = pangolin::DisplayBase(); // We define a new view which will reside within the container. pangolin::View view3d; // We set the views location on screen and add a handler which will // let user input update the model_view matrix (stacks3d) and feed through // to our scenegraph view3d.SetBounds(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 640.0f/480.0f) .SetHandler(new SceneGraph::HandlerSceneGraph(glGraph,stacks3d,pangolin::AxisNegZ)) .SetDrawFunction(SceneGraph::ActivateDrawFunctor(glGraph, stacks3d)); // Add our views as children to the base container. container.AddDisplay(view3d); GLWidgetView panel; panel.Init(0,1,0,Attach::Pix(200),&WidgetDrawFunction); container.AddDisplay(panel); // Demonstration of how we can register a keyboard hook to trigger a method pangolin::RegisterKeyPressCallback( pangolin::PANGO_CTRL + 'r', std::bind(GlobalKeyHook, "You Pushed ctrl-r!" ) ); // Add keyhook to save window contents (including alpha). The framebuffer is saved just before it is swapped pangolin::RegisterKeyPressCallback( 's', std::bind(&pangolin::View::SaveOnRender, &pangolin::DisplayBase(), "window_OnRender" ) ); // Add keyhook to save a particular view (including alpha) at 4 times the resolution of the screen. This creates an FBO and renders into it straight away. pangolin::RegisterKeyPressCallback( 'r', std::bind(&pangolin::View::SaveRenderNow, &view3d, "view3d_RenderNow", 4 ) ); // Default hooks for exiting (Esc) and fullscreen (tab). while( !pangolin::ShouldQuit() ) { // Clear whole screen glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); // Swap frames and Process Events pangolin::FinishFrame(); // Pause for 1/60th of a second. std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(1000 / 60)); } return 0; }
int main( int argc, char* argv[] ) { if(argc != 2) { Usage(); exit(-1); } const std::string model_filename(argv[1]); // Create OpenGL window in single line thanks to GLUT pangolin::CreateWindowAndBind("Main",640,480); SceneGraph::GLSceneGraph::ApplyPreferredGlSettings(); glClearColor( 0,0,0,0); glewInit(); // Scenegraph to hold GLObjects and relative transformations SceneGraph::GLSceneGraph glGraph; SceneGraph::GLLight light(10,10,-100); glGraph.AddChild(&light); SceneGraph::GLGrid grid(10,1,true); glGraph.AddChild(&grid); SceneGraph::AxisAlignedBoundingBox bbox; #ifdef HAVE_ASSIMP // Define a mesh object and try to load model SceneGraph::GLMesh glMesh; try { glMesh.Init(model_filename); glGraph.AddChild(&glMesh); bbox = glMesh.ObjectAndChildrenBounds(); }catch(exception e) { cerr << "Cannot load mesh." << endl; cerr << e.what() << std::endl; exit(-1); } #endif // HAVE_ASSIMP const Eigen::Vector3d center = bbox.Center(); double size = bbox.Size().norm(); // Define Camera Render Object (for view / scene browsing) pangolin::OpenGlRenderState stacks3d( pangolin::ProjectionMatrix(640,480,420,420,320,240, 0.01, 1000), pangolin::ModelViewLookAt(center(0), center(1) + size, center(2) + size/4, center(0), center(1), center(2), pangolin::AxisZ) ); // We define a new view which will reside within the container. pangolin::View view3d; // We set the views location on screen and add a handler which will // let user input update the model_view matrix (stacks3d) and feed through // to our scenegraph view3d.SetBounds(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, -640.0f/480.0f) .SetHandler(new SceneGraph::HandlerSceneGraph(glGraph,stacks3d)) .SetDrawFunction(SceneGraph::ActivateDrawFunctor(glGraph, stacks3d)); // Add our views as children to the base container. pangolin::DisplayBase().AddDisplay(view3d); // Default hooks for exiting (Esc) and fullscreen (tab). while( !pangolin::ShouldQuit() ) { // Clear whole screen glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); // Swap frames and Process Events pangolin::FinishFrame(); // Pause for 1/60th of a second. std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(1000 / 60)); } return 0; }
int main( int argc, char* argv[] ) { if(argc != 2) { Usage(); exit(-1); } std::string obj_basename(argv[1]); std::size_t find_dot = obj_basename.find(".obj"); std::size_t find_slash = obj_basename.find_last_of('/'); std::cout<<" find_dot = " << find_dot << std::endl; std::cout<<"find_slash = " << find_slash << std::endl; obj_basename = obj_basename.substr(find_slash+1,find_dot-find_slash-1); std::string data_dir = "../data/" + obj_basename + "_data"; const std::string model_filename(argv[1]); int UI_WIDTH = 150; // Create OpenGL window in single line thanks to GLUT pangolin::CreateWindowAndBind("Main",640+UI_WIDTH,480); SceneGraph::GLSceneGraph::ApplyPreferredGlSettings(); glClearColor( 0,0,0,0); glewInit(); std::string system_command = std::string("grep -R \"o \" ") + std::string(argv[1]) + std::string(" > object_names.txt"); std::cout<<system_command << std::endl; system(system_command.c_str()); std::vector<std::string>objectNames; ifstream objectNamesFile("object_names.txt"); if ( objectNamesFile.is_open()) { char readlinedata[200]; while(1) { objectNamesFile.getline(readlinedata,200); if ( objectNamesFile.eof()) break; istringstream iss(readlinedata); std::string objectName(iss.str()); objectName = objectName.substr(2,objectName.size()-2); std::cout<<objectName<< std::endl; objectNames.push_back(objectName); } } objectNamesFile.close(); // Count the number of shapes int max_label = 0; for (int i = 0; i < objectNames.size(); i++) { int training_label = obj_label2training_label(; max_label = std::max(max_label, training_label); } Eigen::MatrixXd colours(max_label,3); std::map<int, int>colour2indexMap; // <= since the label was seen, so need to include for ( int i = 0; i <= max_label; i++) { // With the same seeded label, the colors should be the same across runs // +1 since srand(0) is srand(1) since rand can't be initialized by 0 srand(i+1); colours(i, 0) = static_cast<float>(rand()) / static_cast<float>(RAND_MAX); colours(i, 1) = static_cast<float>(rand()) / static_cast<float>(RAND_MAX); colours(i, 2) = static_cast<float>(rand()) / static_cast<float>(RAND_MAX); colour2indexMap[ (int)round((colours(i,0))*255) + ((int)round(colours(i,1)*255))*256 + ((int)round(colours(i,2)*255))*256*256] = i; } Eigen::MatrixXd renderingColours(objectNames.size(),3); for(int i = 0; i < objectNames.size();i++) { int training_label = obj_label2training_label(; renderingColours(i,0) = colours(training_label,0); renderingColours(i,1) = colours(training_label,1); renderingColours(i,2) = colours(training_label,2); } // Scenegraph to hold GLObjects and relative transformations SceneGraph::GLSceneGraph glGraph; SceneGraph::GLLight light(10,10,-100); glGraph.AddChild(&light); SceneGraph::AxisAlignedBoundingBox bbox; #ifdef HAVE_ASSIMP // Define a mesh object and try to load model SceneGraph::GLMesh glMesh; try { glMesh.Init(model_filename); glGraph.AddChild(&glMesh); bbox = glMesh.ObjectAndChildrenBounds(); }catch(exception e) { cerr << "Cannot load mesh." << endl; cerr << e.what() << std::endl; exit(-1); } #endif // HAVE_ASSIMP const Eigen::Vector3d center = bbox.Center(); double size = bbox.Size().norm(); // Define Camera Render Object (for view / scene browsing) pangolin::OpenGlRenderState stacks3d( pangolin::ProjectionMatrixRDF_BottomLeft(640,480,420,420,320,240, 0.1, 1000), pangolin::ModelViewLookAt(center(0), center(1) + size, center(2) + size/4, center(0), center(1), center(2), pangolin::AxisNegZ) ); /// Create a Panel pangolin::View& d_panel = pangolin::CreatePanel("ui") .SetBounds(1.0, 0.0, 0, pangolin::Attach::Pix(UI_WIDTH)); /// Add named OpenGL viewport to window and provide 3D Handler pangolin::View& d_cam = pangolin::Display("cam") .SetBounds(0.0, 1, Attach::Pix(UI_WIDTH), 1, -640.0f/480.0f) .SetHandler(new Handler3D(stacks3d)); int width = 640; int height = 480; std::vector<TooN::SE3<> >poses2render; int render_pose_count = 0; float depth_arrayf[width*height]; CVD::Image<u_int16_t>depth_image(CVD::ImageRef(width,height)); float near =0.1; float far = 1000; srand (time(NULL)); CVD::Image<CVD::Rgb<CVD::byte> > img_flipped(CVD::ImageRef(640,480)); char trajectory_fileName[300]; // bedroom1_poses_0_interpolated.txt std::cout<<"data_dir = " << data_dir << std::endl; std::cout<<"obj_basename = " << obj_basename << std::endl; sprintf(trajectory_fileName,"%s/%s_trajectory.txt", data_dir.c_str(), obj_basename.c_str()); std::cout<<"Trajectory_fileName = " << trajectory_fileName << std::endl; ifstream SE3PoseFile(trajectory_fileName); TooN::SE3<>T_wc; if (SE3PoseFile.is_open()) { while(1) { SE3PoseFile >> T_wc; if ( SE3PoseFile.eof() ) break; poses2render.push_back(T_wc); } } SE3PoseFile.close(); OpenGlMatrix openglSE3Matrix; int skip_frame = 1; ofstream model_file("3dmodel.obj"); float u0 = 320.0; float v0 = 240.0; float fx = 420.0; float fy =-420.0; // Default hooks for exiting (Esc) and fullscreen (tab). while( !pangolin::ShouldQuit() ) { static Var<int>numposes2plot("ui.numposes2plot",0,0,100); { numposes2plot = render_pose_count; if ( numposes2plot >= (int)poses2render.size()) return 1; TooN::SE3<>T_wc =; TooN::SE3<>T_cw = T_wc.inverse(); TooN::SO3<>Rot = T_cw.get_rotation(); TooN::Matrix<4>SE3Mat = TooN::Identity(4); /// copy rotation TooN::Matrix<3>SO3Mat = Rot.get_matrix(); SE3Mat.slice(0,0,3,3) = SO3Mat; /// copy translation TooN::Vector<3>trans = T_cw.get_translation(); SE3Mat(0,3) = trans[0]; SE3Mat(1,3) = trans[1]; SE3Mat(2,3) = trans[2]; /// Ref: /// It should be a transpose - stored in column major for(int col = 0; col < 4; col++ ) { for(int row = 0; row < 4; row++) { openglSE3Matrix.m[col*4+row] = SE3Mat(row,col); } } /// set the model view matrix to this pose stacks3d.SetModelViewMatrix(openglSE3Matrix); stacks3d.Apply(); numposes2plot = render_pose_count; // Clear whole screen glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); // d_cam.ActivateAndScissor(); d_cam.ActivateScissorAndClear(stacks3d); glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); #ifdef GENERATE_RGBD_VIDEO glMesh.DrawCanonicalObject(); #else glMesh.DrawCanonicalObjectSegmentation(renderingColours); #endif CVD::Image<CVD::Rgb<CVD::byte> > img = CVD::glReadPixels<CVD::Rgb<CVD::byte> >(CVD::ImageRef(640,480), CVD::ImageRef(150,0)); /// save the image //#pragma omp parallel for for(int yy = 0; yy < height; yy++ ) { for(int xx = 0; xx < width; xx++) { img_flipped[CVD::ImageRef(xx,height-1-yy)] = img[CVD::ImageRef(xx,yy)]; } } char fileName[300]; sprintf(fileName,"%s/scene_00_%07d.png",data_dir.c_str(),render_pose_count/skip_frame); CVD::img_save(img_flipped,fileName); // CVD::Image<CVD::byte>labelImage = CVD::Image<CVD::byte>(CVD::ImageRef(640,480)); // /// save the annotations //#pragma omp parallel for // for(int yy = 0; yy < height; yy++ ) // { // for(int xx = 0; xx < width; xx++) // { // CVD::Rgb<CVD::byte> pix = img_flipped[CVD::ImageRef(xx,yy)]; // int ind = + 256* + 256*256*; // labelImage[CVD::ImageRef(xx,yy)] = colour2indexMap[ind]; // } // } // sprintf(fileName,"%s/label_00_%07d.png",data_dir.c_str(),render_pose_count/skip_frame); // CVD::img_save(labelImage,fileName); glReadPixels(150, 0, 640, 480, GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT, GL_FLOAT, depth_arrayf); int scale = 5000; /// convert to real-depth //#pragma omp parallel for for(int i = 0; i < width*height; ++i) { float z_b = depth_arrayf[i]; float z_n = 2.0f * z_b - 1.0f; depth_arrayf[i] = 2.0 * near * far / (far + near - z_n * (far - near)); } /// save the depth image //#pragma omp parallel for for(int y = 0; y < height; y++) { for(int x = 0; x < width; x++) { int ind = (height-1-y)*width+x; float depth_val = depth_arrayf[ind]; u_int16_t val = (u_int16_t)(depth_val * scale); if( val < 65535 && depth_val < 100) depth_image[CVD::ImageRef(x,y)] = val; else depth_image[CVD::ImageRef(x,y)] = 0 ; } } char depthImageFileName[300]; { sprintf(depthImageFileName,"%s/scenedepth_00_%07d.png",data_dir.c_str(),render_pose_count/skip_frame); } float rand_r = (float)rand()/RAND_MAX; float rand_g = (float)rand()/RAND_MAX; float rand_b = (float)rand()/RAND_MAX; if( render_pose_count%1000 == 0 ) { float max_depth = *std::max_element(depth_arrayf,depth_arrayf+width*height); float min_depth = *std::min_element(depth_arrayf,depth_arrayf+width*height); std::cout<<"max_depth = " << max_depth << std::endl; std::cout<<"min_depth = " << min_depth << std::endl; for(int y = 0; y < height; y++) { for(int x = 0; x < width; x++) { float depth = (float)depth_image[CVD::ImageRef(x,y)]/scale; if ( depth < 10 && depth > 0 ) { TooN::Vector<4>p_w = T_wc * TooN::makeVector(depth*(x-u0)/fx, depth*(y-v0)/fy, depth, 1.0); model_file << "v " << p_w[0]<<" "<<p_w[1]<<" "<<p_w[2]<<" "<<rand_r<<" "<<rand_g<<" "<<rand_b<<std::endl; } } } } std::string depthImageFileName_string(depthImageFileName); CVD::img_save(depth_image,depthImageFileName_string); render_pose_count++; d_panel.Render(); // Swap frames and Process Events pangolin::FinishFrame(); } } return 0; }
int main( int /*argc*/, char** /*argv[]*/ ) { // Create OpenGL window in single line thanks to GLUT pangolin::CreateGlutWindowAndBind("Main",640,480, GLUT_DOUBLE | GLUT_RGBA | GLUT_DEPTH | GLUT_MULTISAMPLE); SceneGraph::GLSceneGraph::ApplyPreferredGlSettings(); glewInit(); // Scenegraph to hold GLObjects and relative transformations SceneGraph::GLSceneGraph glGraph; // Create shadow light to illuminate scene. Shadow casters // and receivers must be set up individually. SceneGraph::GLShadowLight shadowLight(10,10,-100, 2048,2048); glGraph.AddChild(&shadowLight); // Define grid object SceneGraph::GLGrid glGrid(20,1.0, true); glGraph.AddChild(&glGrid); shadowLight.AddShadowReceiver(&glGrid); // Define axis object, and set its pose SceneGraph::GLAxis glAxis; glAxis.SetPose(-1,-2,-0.1, 0, 0, M_PI/4); glAxis.SetScale(0.25); glGraph.AddChild(&glAxis); // Define 3D spiral using a GLCachedPrimitives object SceneGraph::GLCachedPrimitives glSpiral(GL_LINE_STRIP, SceneGraph::GLColor(1.0f,0.7f,0.2f)); for(double t=0; t < 10*M_PI; t+= M_PI/50) { glSpiral.AddVertex(Eigen::Vector3d(cos(t)+2, sin(t)+2, -0.2*t) ); } glGraph.AddChild(&glSpiral); SceneGraph::GLCube glCube; glCube.SetPose(1.5,1.5,-sqrt(3), M_PI/4, M_PI/4, M_PI/4); glGraph.AddChild(&glCube); shadowLight.AddShadowCaster(&glCube); #ifdef HAVE_ASSIMP // Define a mesh object and try to load model SceneGraph::GLMesh glMesh; try { glMesh.Init("./model.blend"); glMesh.SetPosition(0,0,-1); glMesh.SetScale(4.0f); glGraph.AddChild(&glMesh); shadowLight.AddShadowCasterAndReceiver(&glMesh); }catch(exception e) { cerr << "Cannot load mesh. Check file exists" << endl; } #endif // HAVE_ASSIMP // Define Camera Render Object (for view / scene browsing) pangolin::OpenGlRenderState stacks3d( pangolin::ProjectionMatrix(640,480,420,420,320,240,0.1,1000), pangolin::ModelViewLookAt(0,-2,-4, 0,1,0, pangolin::AxisNegZ) ); // Pangolin abstracts the OpenGL viewport as a View. // Here we get a reference to the default 'base' view. pangolin::View& container = pangolin::DisplayBase(); // We define a new view which will reside within the container. pangolin::View view3d; // We set the views location on screen and add a handler which will // let user input update the model_view matrix (stacks3d) and feed through // to our scenegraph view3d.SetBounds(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 640.0f/480.0f) .SetHandler(new SceneGraph::HandlerSceneGraph(glGraph,stacks3d,pangolin::AxisNegZ)) .SetDrawFunction(SceneGraph::ActivateDrawFunctor(glGraph, stacks3d)); pangolin::View& viewLight = pangolin::CreateDisplay() .SetBounds(0.0, 0.3, 0, 0.3) .SetDrawFunction(SceneGraph::ActivateScissorClearDrawFunctor(glGraph,shadowLight.GetRenderState())); // Add our view as children to the base container. container.AddDisplay(view3d); container.AddDisplay(viewLight); // Default hooks for exiting (Esc) and fullscreen (tab). for(int frame=0; !pangolin::ShouldQuit(); ++frame ) { // Clear whole screen glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); // Animate position of light over time. shadowLight.SetPosition(100*cos(frame/100.0), 100*sin(frame/100.0), -100 ); // Swap frames and Process Events pangolin::FinishFrame(); // Pause for 1/60th of a second. std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(1000 / 60)); } return 0; }
int main( int argc, char* argv[] ) { const unsigned int w = 512; const unsigned int h = 512; const roo::ImageIntrinsics K(500,500,w /2, h /2); const int volres = 128; // Initialise window View& container = SetupPangoGLWithCuda(2*w, h); SceneGraph::GLSceneGraph::ApplyPreferredGlSettings(); Var<float> near("ui.near",0, 0, 10); Var<float> far("ui.far",100, 0, 100); // Allocate Camera Images on device for processing roo::Image<float, roo::TargetDevice, roo::Manage> img(w,h); roo::Image<float, roo::TargetDevice, roo::Manage> depth(w,h); roo::Image<float4, roo::TargetDevice, roo::Manage> norm(w,h); roo::Image<float, roo::TargetDevice, roo::Manage> gtd(w,h); roo::Image<float4, roo::TargetDevice, roo::Manage> gtn(w,h); pangolin::GlBufferCudaPtr vbo(pangolin::GlArrayBuffer, w*h,GL_FLOAT,4, cudaGraphicsMapFlagsWriteDiscard, GL_STREAM_DRAW); roo::BoundedVolume<roo::SDF_t, roo::TargetDevice, roo::Manage> vol(volres,volres,volres,make_float3(-1,-1,-1), make_float3(1,1,1)); ActivateDrawImage<float> adg(img, GL_LUMINANCE32F_ARB, true, true); ActivateDrawImage<float4> adn(norm, GL_RGBA32F, true, true); ActivateDrawImage<float4> adin(gtn, GL_RGBA32F, true, true); SceneGraph::GLSceneGraph graph; SceneGraph::GLAxis glaxis; SceneGraph::GLAxisAlignedBox glbox; SceneGraph::GLVbo glvbo(&vbo); graph.AddChild(&glaxis); graph.AddChild(&glbox); graph.AddChild(&glvbo); pangolin::OpenGlRenderState stacks_view( ProjectionMatrixRDF_TopLeft(w,h, K.fu,K.fv,K.u0,K.v0, 1E-2,1E3), ModelViewLookAtRDF(0,0,-4,0,0,1,0,-1,0) ); pangolin::OpenGlRenderState stacks_capture( ProjectionMatrixRDF_TopLeft(w,h, K.fu,K.fv,K.u0,K.v0, 1E-2,1E3), ModelViewLookAtRDF(0,0,-4,0,0,1,0,-1,0) ); Handler3DDepth<float,roo::TargetDevice> handler(depth,stacks_view, AxisNone); SceneGraph::HandlerSceneGraph handlerView(graph, stacks_view, AxisNone); SceneGraph::HandlerSceneGraph handlerCapture(graph, stacks_capture, AxisNone); SetupContainer(container, 5, (float)w/h); container[0].SetDrawFunction(std::ref(adg)).SetHandler(&handler); container[1].SetDrawFunction(std::ref(adn)).SetHandler(&handler); container[2].SetDrawFunction(std::ref(adin)).SetHandler(&handler); container[3].SetDrawFunction(SceneGraph::ActivateDrawFunctor(graph, stacks_view)).SetHandler( &handlerView ); container[4].SetDrawFunction(SceneGraph::ActivateDrawFunctor(graph, stacks_capture)).SetHandler( &handlerCapture ); const float voxsize = length(vol.VoxelSizeUnits()); roo::SdfSphere(vol, make_float3(0,0,0), 0.9 ); Var<bool> subpix("ui.subpix", true, true); Var<bool> sdfreset("ui.reset", false, false); Var<int> shape("ui.shape", 0, 0,1); Var<bool> sdfsphere("ui.sphere", false, false); Var<bool> fuse("ui.fuse", false, true); Var<bool> fuseonce("ui.fuse once", false, false); Var<float> trunc_dist("ui.trunc dist", 2*voxsize, 0, 2*voxsize); Var<float> max_w("ui.max w", 10, 1E-4, 10); Var<float> mincostheta("ui.min cos theta", 0.5, 0, 1); Var<bool> test("ui.test", false, true); Var<float> scale("ui.scale", 1, 0,100); for(unsigned long frame=0; !pangolin::ShouldQuit(); ++frame) { if(test) { stacks_capture.SetModelViewMatrix(stacks_view.GetModelViewMatrix()); } Sophus::SE3d T_vw(stacks_view.GetModelViewMatrix()); Sophus::SE3d T_cw(stacks_capture.GetModelViewMatrix()); if(Pushed(sdfreset)) { roo::SdfReset(vol, trunc_dist); } if(Pushed(sdfsphere)) { roo::SdfSphere(vol, make_float3(0,0,0), 0.9 ); } // Raycast current view { roo::RaycastSdf(depth, norm, img, vol, T_vw.inverse().matrix3x4(), K, near, far, trunc_dist, subpix ); } // Generate depthmap by raycasting against groundtruth object { if(shape == 0) { roo::RaycastBox(gtd, T_cw.inverse().matrix3x4(), K, roo::BoundingBox(make_float3(-0.9,-0.9,-0.9), make_float3(0.9,0.9,0.9)) ); }else if(shape ==1) { roo::Fill<float>(gtd, std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN() ); roo::RaycastSphere(gtd, roo::Image<float>(), T_cw.inverse().matrix3x4(), K, make_float3(0,0,0), 0.9); } CudaScopedMappedPtr dvbo(vbo); roo::Image<float4> vboimg((float4*)*dvbo,w,h); roo::DepthToVbo<float>(vboimg, gtd, K, 1.0f); roo::NormalsFromVbo(gtn,vboimg); glvbo.SetPose(T_cw.inverse().matrix()); } if(Pushed(fuseonce) || fuse) { // integrate gtd into TSDF roo::SdfFuse(vol, gtd, gtn, T_cw.matrix3x4(), K, trunc_dist, max_w, mincostheta ); } if(test) { // override img with difference between depth and gtd roo::ElementwiseAdd<float,float,float,float>(img, depth, gtd, 1.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f); // roo::ElementwiseSquare<float,float,float>(img,img); roo::ElementwiseScaleBias<float,float,float>(img,img,scale); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Perform drawing glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); glColor3f(1,1,1); pangolin::FinishFrame(); } }
int main( int /*argc*/, char** /*argv*/ ) { // Create OpenGL window in single line thanks to GLUT pangolin::CreateWindowAndBind("Main",640,480); SceneGraph::GLSceneGraph::ApplyPreferredGlSettings(); glewInit(); // Scenegraph to hold GLObjects and relative transformations SceneGraph::GLSceneGraph glGraph; SceneGraph::GLLight light(10,10,-100); glGraph.AddChild(&light); SceneGraph::GLGrid grid(10,1,true); glGraph.AddChild(&grid); SceneGraph::GLCube cube; cube.SetPose(0,0,20,M_PI_4,M_PI_4,0.1); glGraph.AddChild(&cube); const SceneGraph::AxisAlignedBoundingBox bbox = glGraph.ObjectAndChildrenBounds(); const Eigen::Vector3d center = bbox.Center(); const double size = bbox.Size().norm(); const double far = 10*size; const double near = far / 1E3; // Define Camera Render Object (for view / scene browsing) pangolin::OpenGlRenderState stacks3d( pangolin::ProjectionMatrix(640,480,420,420,320,240,near,far), pangolin::ModelViewLookAt(center(0), center(1) + size, center(2) + size/4, center(0), center(1), center(2), pangolin::AxisZ) ); // We define a new view which will reside within the container. pangolin::View view3d; // We set the views location on screen and add a handler which will // let user input update the model_view matrix (stacks3d) and feed through // to our scenegraph view3d.SetBounds(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, -640.0f/480.0f) .SetHandler(new SceneGraph::HandlerSceneGraph(glGraph,stacks3d)) .SetDrawFunction(SceneGraph::ActivateDrawFunctor(glGraph, stacks3d)); // Add our views as children to the base container. pangolin::DisplayBase().AddDisplay(view3d); // Physics stuff // Build the broadphase (approximate collision detection) btDbvtBroadphase broadphase; btDefaultCollisionConfiguration collisionConfiguration; btCollisionDispatcher dispatcher(&collisionConfiguration); btSequentialImpulseConstraintSolver solver; btDiscreteDynamicsWorld dynamicsWorld(&dispatcher,&broadphase,&solver,&collisionConfiguration); dynamicsWorld.setGravity(btVector3(0,0,-10)); btCollisionShape* groundShape = new btStaticPlaneShape(btVector3(0,0,1),0); btCollisionShape* fallShape = new btBoxShape(toBulletVec3( cube.ObjectBounds().HalfSizeFromOrigin() ) ); btDefaultMotionState* groundMotionState = new btDefaultMotionState(btTransform(btQuaternion(0,0,0,1),btVector3(0,0,0))); btRigidBody::btRigidBodyConstructionInfo groundRigidBodyCI(0,groundMotionState,groundShape,btVector3(0,0,0)); btRigidBody* groundRigidBody = new btRigidBody(groundRigidBodyCI); groundRigidBody->setRestitution(0.1); dynamicsWorld.addRigidBody(groundRigidBody); SceneGraphMotionState* fallMotionState = new SceneGraphMotionState(cube); btScalar mass = 1; btVector3 fallInertia(0,0,0); fallShape->calculateLocalInertia(mass,fallInertia); btRigidBody::btRigidBodyConstructionInfo fallRigidBodyCI(mass,fallMotionState,fallShape,fallInertia); btRigidBody* fallRigidBody = new btRigidBody(fallRigidBodyCI); fallRigidBody->setRestitution(5); dynamicsWorld.addRigidBody(fallRigidBody); // Default hooks for exiting (Esc) and fullscreen (tab). while( !pangolin::ShouldQuit() ) { // Clear whole screen glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); // Swap frames and Process Events pangolin::FinishFrame(); // Pause for 1/60th of a second. usleep(1E6 / 60); dynamicsWorld.stepSimulation(1/60.f,10); } dynamicsWorld.removeRigidBody(fallRigidBody); delete fallRigidBody->getMotionState(); delete fallRigidBody; dynamicsWorld.removeRigidBody(groundRigidBody); delete groundRigidBody->getMotionState(); delete groundRigidBody; delete fallShape; delete groundShape; return 0; }