void Sprite2VertexArray(const sf::Sprite & sprite,sf::VertexArray & vertices) { sf::IntRect texBox = sprite.getTextureRect(); sf::FloatRect box = sprite.getGlobalBounds(); vertices.append(sf::Vertex(sf::Vector2f(box.left, box.top), sf::Vector2f((float)texBox.left, (float)texBox.top))); vertices.append(sf::Vertex(sf::Vector2f(box.left, box.top + box.height), sf::Vector2f((float)texBox.left, (float)(texBox.top + texBox.height)))); vertices.append(sf::Vertex(sf::Vector2f(box.left + box.width, box.top + box.height), sf::Vector2f((float)(texBox.left + texBox.width), (float)(texBox.top + texBox.height)))); vertices.append(sf::Vertex(sf::Vector2f(box.left + box.width, box.top), sf::Vector2f((float)(texBox.left + texBox.width), (float)texBox.top))); }
void drawPoint( pair <sf::Vector2i, int> & pnt) { sf::Vertex vertex; vertex.color = sf::Color::Black; for (int i = pnt.first.x; i < pnt.first.x + pnt.second; i++) { for (int j = pnt.first.y; j < pnt.first.y + pnt.second; j++) { vertex.position = sf::Vector2f(i, j); draw_arr.append(vertex); } } cout << draw_arr.getVertexCount() << endl; }
/** Append a quad to a vertexarray. This version takes Texturecoordinates */ inline void AppendQuad(sf::VertexArray& vA, const sf::FloatRect& Pos, geom::irect coords, sf::Color _color) { sf::Vertex vs[4]; SetQuadPos(vs, Pos); SetQuadTex(vs, coords); SetQuadColor(vs, _color); vA.append(vs[0]); vA.append(vs[1]); vA.append(vs[2]); vA.append(vs[3]); }
int main() { sf::TcpSocket socket; //sf::RenderWindow * win = new sf::RenderWindow(sf::VideoMode(200, 200), "QQ"); draw_arr.setPrimitiveType(sf::LinesStrip); int port = 8000; string name = "admin"; string pass = "******"; std::size_t received = 0; socket.connect("", port); sf::Thread th(&workOnWin, &socket); char ns[1]; ns[0] = to_string(name.length()).c_str()[0]; socket.send(ns, 1); socket.send(name.c_str(), name.size() + 1); //system("pause"); socket.send(to_string(pass.length()).c_str(), 1); socket.send(pass.c_str(), pass.size() + 1); char ans[1]; sf::Int8 t; sf::Packet p; if (socket.receive(ans, sizeof(ans), received) == sf::Socket::Done) { if (static_cast <int> (ans[0]) == 0) { cout << "Welcome" << endl; int t; cin >> t; if (t == 5) { ans[0] = 5; if (socket.send(ans, 1) == sf::Socket::Done) { socket.receive(ans, 1, received); if (static_cast <int> (ans[0]) == 0) { cout << "BOARD CREATE" << endl; th.launch(); } } } if (t == 6) { ans[0] = 6; if (socket.send(ans, 1) == sf::Socket::Done) { socket.send(to_string(pass.length()).c_str(), 1); socket.send(name.c_str(), name.size() + 1); socket.receive(ans, 1, received); if (ans[0] == server_ok_code) { th.launch(); } } } } else {
bool load(const std::string& tileset, sf::Vector2u tileSize, const int* tiles, unsigned int width, unsigned int height) { // load the tileset texture if (!m_tileset.loadFromFile(tileset)) return false; // resize the vertex array to fit the level size m_vertices.setPrimitiveType(sf::Quads); m_vertices.resize(width * height * 4); // populate the vertex array, with one quad per tile for (unsigned int i = 0; i < width; ++i) for (unsigned int j = 0; j < height; ++j) { /* // get the current tile number int tileNumber = tiles[i + j * width]; // find its position in the tileset texture int tu = tileNumber % (m_tileset.getSize().x / tileSize.x); int tv = tileNumber / (m_tileset.getSize().x / tileSize.x); */ // get a pointer to the current tile's quad sf::Vertex* quad = &m_vertices[(i + j * width) * 4]; // define its 4 corners quad[0].position = sf::Vector2f(i * tileSize.x, j * tileSize.y); quad[1].position = sf::Vector2f((i + 1) * tileSize.x, j * tileSize.y); quad[2].position = sf::Vector2f((i + 1) * tileSize.x, (j + 1) * tileSize.y); quad[3].position = sf::Vector2f(i * tileSize.x, (j + 1) * tileSize.y); quad[0].texCoords = sf::Vector2f(0, 0); quad[1].texCoords = sf::Vector2f(0, 32); quad[2].texCoords = sf::Vector2f(32, 0); quad[3].texCoords = sf::Vector2f(32, 32); /* // define its 4 texture coordinates quad[0].texCoords = sf::Vector2f(tu * tileSize.x, tv * tileSize.y); quad[1].texCoords = sf::Vector2f((tu + 1) * tileSize.x, tv * tileSize.y); quad[2].texCoords = sf::Vector2f((tu + 1) * tileSize.x, (tv + 1) * tileSize.y); quad[3].texCoords = sf::Vector2f(tu * tileSize.x, (tv + 1) * tileSize.y); */ } return true; }
void fTilemap::drawTile(int tileIndex, sf::VertexArray &vertices) const { // posición en coordenadas globales de la esquina superior izquierda del tile sf::Vector2f tilePos = sf::Vector2f((tileIndex%_width)*_tileWidth, (tileIndex/_width)*_tileHeight); // coordenadas de textura de la esquina superior izquierda del tile sf::Vector2f tileCoords = sf::Vector2f(((_tiles[tileIndex]-1)%(_texture->getSize().x/_tileWidth))*_tileWidth, ((_tiles[tileIndex]-1)/(_texture->getSize().x/_tileWidth))*_tileHeight); // posición de los vertices del triángulo superior del tile vertices.append(sf::Vertex(sf::Vector2f(tilePos.x, tilePos.y+_tileHeight), sf::Color::White, sf::Vector2f(tileCoords.x, tileCoords.y+_tileHeight))); vertices.append(sf::Vertex(sf::Vector2f(tilePos.x+_tileWidth, tilePos.y), sf::Color::White, sf::Vector2f(tileCoords.x + _tileWidth, tileCoords.y))); vertices.append(sf::Vertex(sf::Vector2f(tilePos.x, tilePos.y), sf::Color::White, sf::Vector2f(tileCoords.x, tileCoords.y))); // posición de los vertices del triángulo inferior del tile vertices.append(sf::Vertex(sf::Vector2f(tilePos.x, tilePos.y+_tileHeight), sf::Color::White, sf::Vector2f(tileCoords.x, tileCoords.y+_tileHeight))); vertices.append(sf::Vertex(sf::Vector2f(tilePos.x+_tileWidth, tilePos.y+_tileHeight), sf::Color::White, sf::Vector2f(tileCoords.x+_tileWidth, tileCoords.y+_tileHeight))); vertices.append(sf::Vertex(sf::Vector2f(tilePos.x+_tileWidth, tilePos.y), sf::Color::White, sf::Vector2f(tileCoords.x + _tileWidth, tileCoords.y))); }
void set_vertexarray_to_dvectors(sf::VertexArray &va, DVector &xs, DVector &ys) { unsigned int i; vector<double>::const_iterator xit, yit; for (i = 0, xit = xs.get().begin(), yit = ys.get().begin(); i < va.getVertexCount() && xit != xs.get().end() && yit != ys.get().end(); i++, xit++, yit++) { va[i].position = sf::Vector2f(*xit, *yit); } }
void reset() override { following = nullptr; path.clear(); smoothedPath.clear(); positionInPath = 0; #ifdef _DEBUG debugDraw.clear(); #endif }
void computeCatmullRomPoints (const T& P1, const T& P2, const T& P3, const T& P4, unsigned int numSeg, sf::VertexArray & line_points){ line_points.append(P2); for (unsigned int j = 0; j < numSeg; ++j) { float t = (float)j/(float)numSeg; float t2 = t*t; float t3 = t*t2; T P = 0.5f* ((-t3+2.f*t2-t)*P1 + (3.f*t3-5.f*t2+2.f)*P2 + (-3.f*t3+4.f*t2+t)*P3 + (t3-t2)*P4); // addpoint2(P); // line_points.append(P); line_points.append(P); } line_points.append(P3); }
static void plot(sf::VertexArray& va, int x, int y, float c, const sf::Color& color) { const sf::Color newColor(static_cast<sf::Uint8>(color.r * c), static_cast<sf::Uint8>(color.g * c), static_cast<sf::Uint8>(color.b * c)); const sf::Vertex vertex(sf::Vector2f(static_cast<float>(x), static_cast<float>(y)), newColor); va.append(vertex); }
void Renderer::draw(sf::VertexArray const& vs, ZIndex_t zindex, sf::RenderStates const& states) { auto bounds = vs.getBounds(); if(isInScreen(bounds)) { m_drawCallbacks.push_back({ zindex, [&vs, states] (sf::RenderTarget& renderer) { renderer.draw(vs, states); } }); } }
void draw_box_old(sf::VertexArray& verts, const sf::FloatRect& rect, float thickness = 4.0f, const sf::Color color = sf::Color::Green) { float left = rect.left; float top = rect.top; float right = rect.left + rect.width; float bottom = rect.top + rect.height; // Add a quad for the current character verts.append(Vertex(Vector2f(left, top), color)); verts.append(Vertex(Vector2f(left, bottom), color)); verts.append(Vertex(Vector2f(left, top), color)); verts.append(Vertex(Vector2f(right, top), color)); verts.append(Vertex(Vector2f(right, bottom), color)); verts.append(Vertex(Vector2f(left, bottom), color)); verts.append(Vertex(Vector2f(right, bottom), color)); verts.append(Vertex(Vector2f(right, top), color)); }
void Renderer::drawHUD(sf::VertexArray const& vs, sf::RenderStates const& states) { sf::VertexArray v = vs; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < vs.getVertexCount(); ++i) { auto px = vs[i].position / 100.f; auto pw = m_renderer->mapPixelToCoords({static_cast<int>(px.x * m_screenRect.width), static_cast<int>(px.y * m_screenRect.height)}); v[i].position = pw; } m_drawCallbacks.push_back({ ZIndex_t(ZIndex::HUD), [v, states] (sf::RenderTarget& renderer) { renderer.draw(v, states); } }); }
void set_vertexarray_to_color(sf::VertexArray &va, sf::Color c) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < va.getVertexCount(); i++) { va[i].color = c; } }
int main() { sf::Clock clock; double s = 0; double viewZoom = 1.0f; srand(time(0)); for (u32 i = 0; i < PN; i++) { particule[i]._px = rand() % WINX; particule[i]._py = rand() % WINY; if (INITIAL_SPEED_ACTIVATE) { particule[i]._mx = ((rand() % INITIAL_SPEED) - INITIAL_SPEED / 2) / INITIAL_SPEED_DIV; particule[i]._my = ((rand() % INITIAL_SPEED) - INITIAL_SPEED / 2) / INITIAL_SPEED_DIV; } else { particule[i]._mx = 0; particule[i]._my = 0; } particule[i]._mass = PAR_MASS; particule[i]._color = PCOLOR; } planet.setPosition(sf::Vector2f(WINX/2, WINY/2)); planet.setOrigin(sf::Vector2f(10.0f, 10.0f)); planet.setFillColor(sf::Color::Blue); win.create(sf::VideoMode(WINX, WINY), "ORBITE"); win.setFramerateLimit(MAXFPS); clock.restart(); while (win.isOpen()) { s = clock.restart().asSeconds(); s *= SPEED; sf::View view = win.getDefaultView(); view.zoom(viewZoom); while (win.pollEvent(eve)) { if (eve.type == sf::Event::Closed) win.close(); if (eve.type == sf::Event::KeyPressed) { if (eve.key.code == sf::Keyboard::Add) viewZoom -= 0.25f; else if (eve.key.code == sf::Keyboard::Subtract) viewZoom += 0.25f; else if (eve.key.code == sf::Keyboard::Space) { trace.clear(); for (u32 i = 0; i < PN; i++) { particule[i]._px = rand() % WINX; particule[i]._py = rand() % WINY; if (INITIAL_SPEED_ACTIVATE) { particule[i]._mx = ((rand() % INITIAL_SPEED) - INITIAL_SPEED / 2) / INITIAL_SPEED_DIV; particule[i]._my = ((rand() % INITIAL_SPEED) - INITIAL_SPEED / 2) / INITIAL_SPEED_DIV; } else { particule[i]._mx = 0; particule[i]._my = 0; } particule[i]._mass = PAR_MASS; particule[i]._color = PCOLOR; } } } } planet.setPosition((sf::Vector2f)sf::Mouse::getPosition(win)); for (u32 i = 0; i < PN; i++) { particule[i].updateToPosition(planet.getPosition(), PL_MASS, s); part[i].position = sf::Vector2f(particule[i]._px, particule[i]._py); part[i].color = particule[i]._color; if (ACTIVATE_ORBIT_TRACE) { sf::Vertex cpy = part[i]; trace.append(cpy); } } win.setView(view); win.clear(sf::Color::Black); win.draw(planet); win.draw(part); win.draw(trace); win.display(); } return (0); }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { sf::RenderWindow window(sf::VideoMode(1000, 1000), "Physics Game!"); delete world; CreateWorld(); int currentLevel = 1; #pragma region Background Graphics // Load the background images, create a sprite and assign the image. // Sky sf::Texture backgroundTexture; backgroundTexture.loadFromFile("assets/Sky.png"); backgroundTexture.setSmooth(true); backgroundTexture.setRepeated(true); sf::Sprite background; background.setPosition(0,0); background.setScale((float)window.getSize().x,1.0f); background.setTexture(backgroundTexture); // Sun sf::Texture sunTexture; sunTexture.loadFromFile("assets/Sun.png"); sunTexture.setSmooth(true); sunTexture.setRepeated(true); sf::Sprite sun; sun.setPosition((window.getSize().x - (250*0.6f)) - window.getSize().x * 0.1f , 100); sun.setScale(0.6f,0.6f); sun.setTexture(sunTexture); // Cloud sf::Texture cloud1Texture; cloud1Texture.loadFromFile("assets/Cloud1.png"); cloud1Texture.setSmooth(true); cloud1Texture.setRepeated(false); sf::Sprite cloud1; cloud1.setPosition(window.getSize().x*0.15f,80); cloud1.setScale(1.0f,1.0f); cloud1.setTexture(cloud1Texture); // Hills sf::Texture hillsTexture; hillsTexture.loadFromFile("assets/Hills.png"); hillsTexture.setSmooth(false); hillsTexture.setRepeated(true); sf::Sprite hills1; hills1.setPosition(0,(float)window.getSize().y - 184); hills1.setScale(1.0f ,1.0f); hills1.setTexture(hillsTexture); sf::Sprite hills2; hills2.setPosition(766,(float)window.getSize().y - 184); hills2.setScale(1.0f,1.0f); hills2.setTexture(hillsTexture); sf::Sprite hills3; hills3.setPosition(766*2,(float)window.getSize().y - 184); hills3.setScale(1.0f,1.0f); hills3.setTexture(hillsTexture); #pragma endregion // Prepare for simulation. Typically we use a time step of 1/60 of a // second (60Hz) and 10 iterations. This provides a high quality simulation // in most game scenarios. float32 timeStep = 1.0f / 30.0f; int32 velocityIterations = 8; int32 positionIterations = 3; std::vector<shape> lines; sf::Texture wheel; wheel.loadFromFile("assets/Wheel.png"); wheel.setSmooth(true); sf::Texture bikeWheel; bikeWheel.loadFromFile("assets/BikeWheel.png"); bikeWheel.setSmooth(true); sf::Texture bikeFrame_t; bikeFrame_t.loadFromFile("assets/BikeFrame.png"); bikeFrame_t.setSmooth(true); #pragma region events while (window.isOpen()) { static sf::Clock deltaClock; sf::Time deltaTime = deltaClock.restart(); static float time; time += deltaTime.asSeconds() * 5; sf::Event event; while (window.pollEvent(event)) { // If the window is closed, close the SFML window switch (event.type) { case sf::Event::Closed: window.close(); break; // Resize window : set new size case sf::Event::Resized: window.setView(sf::View(sf::FloatRect(0.0f, 0.0f, (float)event.size.width, (float)event.size.height))); // Rescale and Reposition the background elements background.setScale((float)window.getSize().x,1.0f); sun.setPosition((window.getSize().x - (250*0.6f)) - window.getSize().x * 0.1f , 100); hills1.setPosition(0,(float)window.getSize().y - 184); hills2.setPosition(766,(float)window.getSize().y - 184); hills3.setPosition(766*2,(float)window.getSize().y - 184); break; case sf::Event::MouseButtonPressed: static bool pressed = false; static vector2 start,end; // When we click save the positions to a Vector2 if(event.mouseButton.button == sf::Mouse::Left) { //printf("%f - %f\n", (float)event.mouseButton.x, (float)event.mouseButton.y); // If we are drawing lines constantly, dont perform click drawing if(!pressed) { start.x = (float)event.mouseButton.x; start.y = (float)event.mouseButton.y; pressed = true; } else { end.x = (float)event.mouseButton.x; end.y = (float)event.mouseButton.y; if(start == end) { pressed = false; break; } // Create the SFML visual box based on click locations shape sf_shape = shape(start,end, 2); lines.push_back(sf_shape); vector2 center = center.GetCenter(start, end); // Create the Box2D physics box. static b2FixtureDef myFixture; static b2BodyDef myBody; myBody.type = b2_staticBody; myBody.position.Set(center.x, center.y); b2Body* body = world->CreateBody(&myBody); b2Vec2 vertices[4]; // Caluclate the positions of the Box2D Verts sf_shape.Box2DVertPos(); vertices[0].Set(sf_shape.a.x * SCALE -start.x*0.5f, sf_shape.a.y * SCALE -start.y*0.5f); vertices[3].Set(sf_shape.b.x * SCALE -start.x*0.5f, sf_shape.b.y * SCALE -start.y*0.5f); vertices[2].Set(sf_shape.c.x * SCALE -start.x*0.5f, sf_shape.c.y * SCALE -start.y*0.5f); vertices[1].Set(sf_shape.d.x * SCALE -start.x*0.5f, sf_shape.d.y * SCALE -start.y*0.5f); b2PolygonShape polyShape; polyShape.Set(vertices, 4); myFixture.shape = &polyShape; myFixture.density = 1; myFixture.friction = 1; body->CreateFixture(&myFixture); pressed = false; } } } } #pragma endregion if(currentLevel == 2) l1.Update(); #pragma region Keyboard_Input__Reset // RESET ALL if (sf::Keyboard::isKeyPressed(sf::Keyboard::Escape)) { // Clear all SFML Lines lines.clear(); // Pause the game paused = true; // Reset the World delete world; LevelLoad(currentLevel); } else if (sf::Keyboard::isKeyPressed(sf::Keyboard::R)) { // Reset the Level delete world; LevelLoad(currentLevel); // Recreate the physics on all the lines RecreateLines(lines); int x = 9; // Pause the game paused = true; } else if (sf::Keyboard::isKeyPressed(sf::Keyboard::Num1)) { // Clear all SFML Lines lines.clear(); // Pause the game paused = true; // Reset the World delete world; LevelLoad(1); currentLevel = 1; } else if (sf::Keyboard::isKeyPressed(sf::Keyboard::Num2)) { // Clear all SFML Lines lines.clear(); // Pause the game paused = true; // Reset the World delete world; LevelLoad(2); currentLevel = 2; } #pragma endregion #pragma region Pause static bool toggle = false; if (sf::Keyboard::isKeyPressed(sf::Keyboard::Space)) { if(!toggle) { paused = !paused; toggle = true; } } else { toggle = false; } #pragma endregion if(time > 0.016f) { if(!paused) world->Step(time, velocityIterations, positionIterations); time = 0; } window.clear(); #pragma region BackgroundArt window.draw(background); window.draw(sun); window.draw(cloud1); window.draw(hills1); window.draw(hills2); window.draw(hills3); #pragma endregion #pragma region DrawSFML size_t size = 0; sf::ConvexShape cShape; cShape.setFillColor(sf::Color::Red); //This loops through every single body in the game world for(b2Body* b = world->GetBodyList(); b; b = b->GetNext()) { //This loops through every fixture in the current body for(b2Fixture* f = b->GetFixtureList(); f; f = f->GetNext()) { //This checks to see if the type of the fixture is a polygon, if it is then draw the polygon if(f->GetType() == b2Shape::e_polygon && currentLevel != 2) { // Create the convex shape static sf::ConvexShape cShape; cShape.setFillColor(sf::Color::Red); //Stores a pointer to the shape stored in the fixture b2PolygonShape* s = (b2PolygonShape*)f->GetShape(); //Get the amount of vertices stored in the shape size = s->GetVertexCount(); //Set the size of the object in SFML so it knows how many vertices the shape should have cShape.setPointCount(size); //Loop through the vertices and send them from Box2D to the SFML shape for(int i = 0; i < size; i++) { //Stores the current vertex in v b2Vec2 v = s->GetVertex(i); //Converts the vertex from its local space to where it is in the world cShape.setPoint(i, sf::Vector2f((b->GetWorldVector(v).x + b->GetPosition().x), (b->GetWorldVector(v).y + b->GetPosition().y))); } //Draws the shape onto the window window.draw(cShape); } else if ((f->GetType() == b2Shape::e_polygon && b->GetType() == b2_dynamicBody)) { static sf::Sprite bikeFrame; bikeFrame.setTexture(bikeFrame_t); bikeFrame.setPosition(f->GetBody()->GetPosition().x, f->GetBody()->GetPosition().y); bikeFrame.setScale(0.5f,0.5f); bikeFrame.setRotation(b->GetAngle() * 57.2957795f); bikeFrame.setOrigin(0,0); window.draw(bikeFrame); } else if (f->GetType() == b2CircleShape::e_circle) { // // Create A cricle to be drawn // static sf::CircleShape circle; // circle.setFillColor(sf::Color::Green); // //Stores a pointer to the shape stored in the fixture // b2PolygonShape* s = (b2PolygonShape*)f->GetShape(); // // Calculate the radius for the SFML circle // circle.setRadius(s->m_radius); // circle.setPosition(f->GetBody()->GetPosition().x - circle.getRadius(), f->GetBody()->GetPosition().y - circle.getRadius()); // window.draw(circle); b2PolygonShape* s = (b2PolygonShape*)f->GetShape(); static sf::Sprite sWheel; sWheel.setScale((s->m_radius*0.01)*2,(s->m_radius*0.01)*2); sWheel.setPosition (f->GetBody()->GetPosition().x, f->GetBody()->GetPosition().y); if(currentLevel == 1) sWheel.setTexture(wheel); if(currentLevel == 2) sWheel.setTexture(bikeWheel); sWheel.setOrigin(50,50); sWheel.setRotation(b->GetAngle() * 57.2957795f); window.draw(sWheel); } } } #pragma endregion #pragma region DrawClickedLines // draw all elements in line vector for(int i = 0; i != lines.size(); ++i) { static sf::VertexArray quad(sf::Quads, 4); quad[0].position = sf::Vector2f(lines[i].a.x, lines[i].a.y); quad[1].position = sf::Vector2f(lines[i].b.x, lines[i].b.y); quad[2].position = sf::Vector2f(lines[i].c.x, lines[i].c.y); quad[3].position = sf::Vector2f(lines[i].d.x, lines[i].d.y); for(int j = 0; j != quad.getVertexCount(); ++j) quad[j].color = sf::Color::Green; window.draw(quad); // Create shadows under all the lines static sf::VertexArray shadow(sf::Quads, 4); shadow[0].position = sf::Vector2f(lines[i].a.x, lines[i].a.y); shadow[1].position = sf::Vector2f(lines[i].b.x, lines[i].b.y); shadow[2].position = sf::Vector2f(lines[i].c.x, lines[i].c.y+80); shadow[3].position = sf::Vector2f(lines[i].d.x, lines[i].d.y+80); shadow[0].color = sf::Color::Color(0,0,0,80); shadow[1].color = sf::Color::Color(0,0,0,80); shadow[2].color = sf::Color::Color(0,0,0,0); shadow[3].color = sf::Color::Color(0,0,0,0); window.draw(shadow); } #pragma endregion #pragma region Play/Pause // Change the play and pause Icon on screen based on state if(!paused) { static sf::VertexArray play(sf::Triangles, 3); vector2 location(10,10); play[0].position = sf::Vector2f(0 +location.x, 0 +location.y); play[1].position = sf::Vector2f(20 +location.x, 15 +location.y); play[2].position = sf::Vector2f(0 +location.x, 30 +location.y); play[0].color = sf::Color::Green; play[1].color = sf::Color::Green; play[2].color = sf::Color::Green; window.draw(play); } else { static sf::VertexArray pause1(sf::Quads, 4); static sf::VertexArray pause2(sf::Quads, 4); vector2 location(10,10); pause1[0].position = sf::Vector2f(0 +location.x, 0 +location.y); pause1[1].position = sf::Vector2f(5 +location.x, 0 +location.y); pause1[2].position = sf::Vector2f(5 +location.x, 30 +location.y); pause1[3].position = sf::Vector2f(0 +location.x, 30 +location.y); pause1[0].color = sf::Color::Blue; pause1[1].color = sf::Color::Blue; pause1[2].color = sf::Color::Blue; pause1[3].color = sf::Color::Blue; pause2[0].position = sf::Vector2f(10 +location.x, 0 +location.y); pause2[1].position = sf::Vector2f(15 +location.x, 0 +location.y); pause2[2].position = sf::Vector2f(15 +location.x, 30 +location.y); pause2[3].position = sf::Vector2f(10 +location.x, 30 +location.y); pause2[0].color = sf::Color::Blue; pause2[1].color = sf::Color::Blue; pause2[2].color = sf::Color::Blue; pause2[3].color = sf::Color::Blue; window.draw(pause1); window.draw(pause2); } #pragma endregion window.display(); } return 0; }
/** Append a line to a vertexarray ( 2 vertices). */ inline void AppendLine(sf::VertexArray& vA, const sf::Vector2f& start, const sf::Vector2f& end, const sf::Color& c) { vA.append(sf::Vertex(start, c)); vA.append(sf::Vertex(end, c)); }
void FogOfWar::initializeVertexsGiven(const sf::VertexArray& vertices, const sf::Texture* tileSet) { //const sf::VertexArray& vertices = vertexNode->getVertices(); Utility::CircleGeometry circle(mCenterPoint, mSightRadius); for (int i = 0; i < vertices.getVertexCount(); i += 4){ const sf::Vertex& topLeft = vertices[i]; const sf::Vertex& topRight = vertices[i + 1]; const sf::Vertex& bottomRight = vertices[i + 2]; const sf::Vertex& bottomLeft = vertices[i + 3]; sf::FloatRect floatRect(topLeft.position.x, topLeft.position.y, topRight.position.x - topLeft.position.x, bottomLeft.position.y - topLeft.position.y); /*if (!Utility::isPointInsideImaginaryCircle(mCenterPoint, mSightRadius, topLeft.position) && !Utility::isPointInsideImaginaryCircle(mCenterPoint, mSightRadius, topRight.position) && !Utility::isPointInsideImaginaryCircle(mCenterPoint, mSightRadius, bottomRight.position) && !Utility::isPointInsideImaginaryCircle(mCenterPoint, mSightRadius, bottomLeft.position)) continue;*/ if (!Utility::isCircleIntersectsWithFloatRect(circle, floatRect)) continue; //get the texture that the vertex is using //const sf::Texture* tileSet = vertexNode->getTileSet(); //get the corresponding img also sf::Image* tileImg = mTexturesInt.textureKeyToImg(tileSet); if (!tileImg) continue; sf::Vector2u imgSize = tileImg->getSize(); //is the size of the current vertex's texture size sf::Vector2f textureRectSize; textureRectSize.x = topRight.texCoords.x - topLeft.texCoords.x; textureRectSize.y = bottomLeft.texCoords.y - topLeft.texCoords.y; //the top left position of the 4 vertexs combined together sf::Vector2f vertexPosInGame = topLeft.position; const sf::Uint8* tilePixels = tileImg->getPixelsPtr(); //img we use to put into our mMapTexture /*sf::Image finalImageToTxt; finalImageToTxt.create(textureRectSize.x, textureRectSize.y); //for (float txCoord = 0.f; txCoord < textureRectSize.x; txCoord++){ for (float tyCoord = 0.f; tyCoord < textureRectSize.y; tyCoord++){ for (float txCoord = 0.f; txCoord < textureRectSize.x; txCoord++){ int a = (topLeft.texCoords.x + txCoord) + (imgSize.x * (topLeft.texCoords.y + tyCoord)); a *= 4; finalImageToTxt.setPixel(txCoord, tyCoord, sf::Color( tilePixels[a], tilePixels[a + 1], tilePixels[a + 2], 20)); } } mMapTexture.update(finalImageToTxt, vertexPosInGame.x, vertexPosInGame.y);*/ float finalSize = textureRectSize.x * textureRectSize.y * 4.f; int totalIndex = static_cast<int>(finalSize); std::unique_ptr<sf::Uint8> newPixels(new sf::Uint8[totalIndex]); sf::Uint8* ptrToPixel = newPixels.get(); int newI = 0; for (float tyCoord = 0.f; tyCoord < textureRectSize.y; tyCoord++){ for (float txCoord = 0.f; txCoord < textureRectSize.x; txCoord++){ int a = (topLeft.texCoords.x + txCoord) + (imgSize.x * (topLeft.texCoords.y + tyCoord)); a *= 4; ptrToPixel[newI] = tilePixels[a]; ptrToPixel[newI + 1] = tilePixels[a + 1]; ptrToPixel[newI + 2] = tilePixels[a + 2]; ptrToPixel[newI + 3] = 20; newI += 4; } } mMapTexture.update(ptrToPixel, textureRectSize.x, textureRectSize.y, vertexPosInGame.x, vertexPosInGame.y); } }