Exemple #1
void EventDriven::initOSIs()
  for (OSIIterator itosi = _allOSI->begin();  itosi != _allOSI->end(); ++itosi)
    // Initialize the acceleration like for NewMarkAlphaScheme
    if ((*itosi)->getType() == OSI::NEWMARKALPHAOSI)
      SP::NewMarkAlphaOSI osi_NewMark =  std11::static_pointer_cast<NewMarkAlphaOSI>(*itosi);
      DynamicalSystemsGraph::VIterator dsi, dsend;
      SP::DynamicalSystemsGraph osiDSGraph = (*itosi)->dynamicalSystemsGraph();
      for (std11::tie(dsi, dsend) = osiDSGraph->vertices(); dsi != dsend; ++dsi)
        if (!(*itosi)->checkOSI(dsi)) continue;
        SP::DynamicalSystem ds = osiDSGraph->bundle(*dsi);
        if ((Type::value(*ds) == Type::LagrangianDS) || (Type::value(*ds) == Type::LagrangianLinearTIDS))
          SP::LagrangianDS d = std11::static_pointer_cast<LagrangianDS>(ds);
          *(d->workspace(DynamicalSystem::acce_like)) = *(d->acceleration()); // set a0 = ddotq0
          // Allocate the memory to stock coefficients of the polynomial for the dense output
          d->allocateWorkMatrix(LagrangianDS::coeffs_denseoutput, ds->dimension(), (osi_NewMark->getOrderDenseOutput() + 1));
Exemple #2
void EulerMoreauOSI::setW(const SiconosMatrix& newValue, SP::DynamicalSystem ds)
  // Check if ds is in the OSI
  if (!OSIDynamicalSystems->isIn(ds))
    RuntimeException::selfThrow("EulerMoreauOSI::setW(newVal,ds) - ds does not belong to this Integrator ...");

  // Check dimensions consistency
  unsigned int line = newValue.size(0);
  unsigned int col  = newValue.size(1);

  if (line != col) // Check that newValue is square
    RuntimeException::selfThrow("EulerMoreauOSI::setW(newVal,ds) - newVal is not square! ");

  if (!ds)
    RuntimeException::selfThrow("EulerMoreauOSI::setW(newVal,ds) - ds == NULL.");

  unsigned int sizeW = ds->getDim(); // n for first order systems, ndof for lagrangian.
  unsigned int dsN = ds->number();
  if (line != sizeW) // check consistency between newValue and dynamical system size
    RuntimeException::selfThrow("EulerMoreauOSI::setW(newVal,ds) - unconsistent dimension between newVal and dynamical system to be integrated ");

  // Memory allocation for W, if required
  if (!WMap[dsN]) // allocate a new W if required
    WMap[dsN].reset(new SimpleMatrix(newValue));
  else  // or fill-in an existing one if dimensions are consistent.
    if (line == WMap[dsN]->size(0) && col == WMap[dsN]->size(1))
      *(WMap[dsN]) = newValue;
      RuntimeException::selfThrow("EulerMoreauOSI - setW: inconsistent dimensions with problem size for given input matrix W");
Exemple #3
const SimpleMatrix SchatzmanPaoliOSI::getWBoundaryConditions(SP::DynamicalSystem ds)
  assert(ds &&
         "SchatzmanPaoliOSI::getWBoundaryConditions(ds): ds == NULL.");
  //    return *(WBoundaryConditionsMap[0]);
  assert(_WBoundaryConditionsMap[ds->number()] &&
         "SchatzmanPaoliOSI::getWBoundaryConditions(ds): WBoundaryConditions[ds] == NULL.");
  return *(_WBoundaryConditionsMap[ds->number()]); // Copy !!
Exemple #4
void Hem5OSI::computeJacobianRhs(double t)
  DynamicalSystemsGraph::VIterator dsi, dsend;
  for (std11::tie(dsi, dsend) = _dynamicalSystemsGraph->vertices(); dsi != dsend; ++dsi)
    if (!checkOSI(dsi)) continue;
    SP::DynamicalSystem ds = _dynamicalSystemsGraph->bundle(*dsi);
void SchatzmanPaoliOSI::initializeWorkVectorsForDS( double t, SP::DynamicalSystem ds)
  DEBUG_BEGIN("SchatzmanPaoliOSI::initializeWorkVectorsForDS( double t, SP::DynamicalSystem ds)\n");

  // Get work buffers from the graph
  VectorOfVectors& ds_work_vectors = *_initializeDSWorkVectors(ds);

  // Check dynamical system type
  Type::Siconos dsType = Type::value(*ds);
  assert(dsType == Type::LagrangianLinearTIDS);
  if(dsType == Type::LagrangianLinearTIDS)
    SP::LagrangianLinearTIDS lltids = std11::static_pointer_cast<LagrangianLinearTIDS> (ds);
    // buffers allocation (inside the graph)

    ds_work_vectors[SchatzmanPaoliOSI::RESIDU_FREE].reset(new SiconosVector(lltids->dimension()));
    ds_work_vectors[SchatzmanPaoliOSI::FREE].reset(new SiconosVector(lltids->dimension()));
    ds_work_vectors[SchatzmanPaoliOSI::LOCAL_BUFFER].reset(new SiconosVector(lltids->dimension()));
    SP::SiconosVector q0  = lltids->q0();
    SP::SiconosVector q  = lltids->q();
    SP::SiconosVector v0  = lltids->velocity0();
    SP::SiconosVector velocity  = lltids->velocity();

    // We first swap the initial value contained in q and v after initialization.

    // we compute the new state values
    double h = _simulation->timeStep();
    *q = *q0 + h* * v0;

    //*velocity=*velocity; we do nothing for the velocity

  // W initialization
  initializeIterationMatrixW(t, ds);

  for (unsigned int k = _levelMinForInput ; k < _levelMaxForInput + 1; k++)

  //      if ((*itDS)->getType() == Type::LagrangianDS || (*itDS)->getType() == Type::FirstOrderNonLinearDS)
  DEBUG_END("SchatzmanPaoliOSI::initializeWorkVectorsForDS( double t, SP::DynamicalSystem ds)\n");

Exemple #6
void Topology::insertDynamicalSystem(SP::DynamicalSystem ds)
  DynamicalSystemsGraph::VDescriptor dsgv = _DSG[0]->add_vertex(ds);
  _DSG[0]->properties(dsgv).workVectors.reset(new VectorOfVectors());
  _DSG[0]->properties(dsgv).workMatrices.reset(new VectorOfMatrices());
  ds->initWorkSpace(*_DSG[0]->properties(dsgv).workVectors, *_DSG[0]->properties(dsgv).workMatrices);
void MoreauJeanDirectProjectionOSI::initializeWorkVectorsForDS( double t, SP::DynamicalSystem ds)
  DEBUG_BEGIN("MoreauJeanDirectProjectionOSI::initializeWorkVectorsForDS( double t, SP::DynamicalSystem ds) \n");
  MoreauJeanOSI::initializeWorkVectorsForDS(t, ds);
  const DynamicalSystemsGraph::VDescriptor& dsv = _dynamicalSystemsGraph->descriptor(ds);
  VectorOfVectors& workVectors = *_dynamicalSystemsGraph->properties(dsv).workVectors;
  Type::Siconos dsType = Type::value(*ds);
  if(dsType == Type::LagrangianDS || dsType == Type::LagrangianLinearTIDS)
    SP::LagrangianDS d = std11::static_pointer_cast<LagrangianDS> (ds);
    workVectors[MoreauJeanOSI::QTMP].reset(new SiconosVector(d->dimension()));
  else if(dsType == Type::NewtonEulerDS)
    SP::NewtonEulerDS d = std11::static_pointer_cast<NewtonEulerDS>(ds);
    workVectors[MoreauJeanOSI::QTMP].reset(new SiconosVector(d->getqDim()));
    RuntimeException::selfThrow("MoreauJeanDirectProjectionOSI::initialize() - DS not of the right type");
  for (unsigned int k = _levelMinForInput ; k < _levelMaxForInput + 1; k++)
    DEBUG_PRINTF("ds->initializeNonSmoothInput(%i)\n", k);
      SP::LagrangianDS d = std11::static_pointer_cast<LagrangianDS> (ds);
      if (d->p(k))
        std::cout << "d->p(" << k <<" ) exists" << std::endl;

Exemple #8
void EulerMoreauOSI::setWPtr(SP::SimpleMatrix newPtr, SP::DynamicalSystem ds)
  unsigned int line = newPtr->size(0);
  unsigned int col  = newPtr->size(1);
  if (line != col) // Check that newPtr is square
    RuntimeException::selfThrow("EulerMoreauOSI::setWPtr(newVal) - newVal is not square! ");

  if (!ds)
    RuntimeException::selfThrow("EulerMoreauOSI::setWPtr(newVal,ds) - ds == NULL.");

  unsigned int sizeW = ds->getDim(); // n for first order systems, ndof for lagrangian.
  if (line != sizeW) // check consistency between newValue and dynamical system size
    RuntimeException::selfThrow("EulerMoreauOSI::setW(newVal) - unconsistent dimension between newVal and dynamical system to be integrated ");

  WMap[ds->number()] = newPtr;                  // link with new pointer
Exemple #9
SP::SiconosMatrix EulerMoreauOSI::WBoundaryConditions(SP::DynamicalSystem ds)
  assert(ds && "EulerMoreauOSI::WBoundaryConditions(ds): ds == NULL.");
  //  return WBoundaryConditionsMap[0];
  //  if(WBoundaryConditionsMap[ds]==NULL)
  //    RuntimeException::selfThrow("EulerMoreauOSI::WBoundaryConditions(ds): W[ds] == NULL.");
  return _WBoundaryConditionsMap[ds->number()];
Exemple #10
SP::SimpleMatrix EulerMoreauOSI::W(SP::DynamicalSystem ds)
  assert(ds && "EulerMoreauOSI::W(ds): ds == NULL.");
  //  return WMap[0];
  //  if(WMap[ds]==NULL)
  //    RuntimeException::selfThrow("EulerMoreauOSI::W(ds): W[ds] == NULL.");
  return WMap[ds->number()];
Exemple #11
SP::DynamicalSystem Topology::getDynamicalSystem(unsigned int requiredNumber)
  DynamicalSystemsGraph::VIterator vi, vdend;
  SP::DynamicalSystem ds;
  unsigned int currentNumber;
  for (std11::tie(vi, vdend) = _DSG[0]->vertices(); vi != vdend; ++vi)
    ds = _DSG[0]->bundle(*vi);
    currentNumber = ds->number();
    if (currentNumber == requiredNumber)
      return ds;

  RuntimeException::selfThrow("Topology::getDynamicalSystem(n) ds not found.");

  return ds;
Exemple #12
const SimpleMatrix SchatzmanPaoliOSI::getW(SP::DynamicalSystem ds)
  assert(ds &&
         "SchatzmanPaoliOSI::getW(ds): ds == NULL.");
  //    return *(WMap[0]);
  unsigned int dsN = ds->number();
  assert(WMap[dsN] &&
         "SchatzmanPaoliOSI::getW(ds): W[ds] == NULL.");
  return *(WMap[dsN]); // Copy !!
void SchatzmanPaoliOSI::display()

  std::cout << "====== SchatzmanPaoliOSI OSI display ======" <<std::endl;

  DynamicalSystemsGraph::VIterator dsi, dsend;
  for (std11::tie(dsi, dsend) = _dynamicalSystemsGraph->vertices(); dsi != dsend; ++dsi)
    if (!checkOSI(dsi)) continue;
    SP::DynamicalSystem ds = _dynamicalSystemsGraph->bundle(*dsi);
    std::cout << "--------------------------------" <<std::endl;
    std::cout << "--> W of dynamical system number " << ds->number() << ": " <<std::endl;
    if (_dynamicalSystemsGraph->properties(*dsi).W)  _dynamicalSystemsGraph->properties(*dsi).W->display();
    else std::cout << "-> NULL" <<std::endl;
    std::cout << "--> and corresponding theta is: " << _theta <<std::endl;
  std::cout << "================================" <<std::endl;
Exemple #14
const SimpleMatrix EulerMoreauOSI::getWBoundaryConditions(SP::DynamicalSystem ds)
  assert(ds &&
         "EulerMoreauOSI::getWBoundaryConditions(ds): ds == NULL.");
  //    return *(WBoundaryConditionsMap[0]);
  unsigned int dsN = ds->number();
  assert(_WBoundaryConditionsMap[dsN] &&
         "EulerMoreauOSI::getWBoundaryConditions(ds): WBoundaryConditions[ds] == NULL.");
  return *(_WBoundaryConditionsMap[dsN]); // Copy !!
Exemple #15
const SimpleMatrix EulerMoreauOSI::getW(SP::DynamicalSystem ds)
  int dsN = ds->number();
  assert(ds &&
         "EulerMoreauOSI::getW(ds): ds == NULL.");
  //    return *(WMap[0]);
  assert(WMap[dsN] &&
         "EulerMoreauOSI::getW(ds): W[ds] == NULL.");
  return *(WMap[dsN]); // Copy !!
Exemple #16
std::pair<DynamicalSystemsGraph::EDescriptor, InteractionsGraph::VDescriptor>
Topology::link(SP::Interaction inter, SP::DynamicalSystem ds, SP::DynamicalSystem ds2)
  DEBUG_PRINTF("Topology::link : inter %p, ds1 %p, ds2 %p\n", &*inter, &*ds,
  if (indexSet0()->is_vertex(inter))

  unsigned int sumOfDSSizes = 0, sumOfZSizes = 0;

  sumOfDSSizes += ds->getDim();
    sumOfZSizes += ds->z()->size();

    sumOfDSSizes += ds2->getDim();
      sumOfZSizes += ds2->z()->size();
  DEBUG_PRINTF("sumOfDSSizes = %i\t, sumOfZSizes = %i\n ", sumOfDSSizes, sumOfZSizes);

  inter->setDSSizes(sumOfDSSizes, sumOfZSizes);

  return addInteractionInIndexSet0(inter, ds, ds2);
Exemple #17
void EventDriven::initOSIRhs()
  // === initialization for OneStepIntegrators ===
  OSI::TYPES  osiType = (*_allOSI->begin())->getType();
  for (OSIIterator itosi = _allOSI->begin();  itosi != _allOSI->end(); ++itosi)
    //Check whether OSIs used are of the same type
    if ((*itosi)->getType() != osiType)
      RuntimeException::selfThrow("OSIs used must be of the same type");

    // perform the initialization
    DynamicalSystemsGraph::VIterator dsi, dsend;
    SP::DynamicalSystemsGraph osiDSGraph = (*itosi)->dynamicalSystemsGraph();
    for (std11::tie(dsi, dsend) = osiDSGraph->vertices(); dsi != dsend; ++dsi)
      if (!(*itosi)->checkOSI(dsi)) continue;

      SP::DynamicalSystem ds = osiDSGraph->bundle(*dsi);
      // Initialize right-hand side
Exemple #18
void D1MinusLinearOSI::initializeWorkVectorsForDS(double t, SP::DynamicalSystem ds)
  // Get work buffers from the graph
  VectorOfVectors& ds_work_vectors = *_initializeDSWorkVectors(ds);

  // Check dynamical system type
  Type::Siconos dsType = Type::value(*ds);
  assert(dsType == Type::LagrangianLinearTIDS || dsType == Type::LagrangianDS || dsType == Type::NewtonEulerDS);
  if(dsType == Type::LagrangianDS || dsType == Type::LagrangianLinearTIDS)
    SP::LagrangianDS lds = std11::static_pointer_cast<LagrangianDS> (ds);
    lds->init_generalized_coordinates(2); // acceleration is required for the ds
    lds->init_inverse_mass(); // invMass required to update post-impact velocity

    ds_work_vectors[D1MinusLinearOSI::RESIDU_FREE].reset(new SiconosVector(lds->dimension()));
    ds_work_vectors[D1MinusLinearOSI::FREE].reset(new SiconosVector(lds->dimension()));
    ds_work_vectors[D1MinusLinearOSI::FREE_TDG].reset(new SiconosVector(lds->dimension()));
    // Update dynamical system components (for memory swap).
    lds->computeForces(t, lds->q(), lds->velocity());
  else if(dsType == Type::NewtonEulerDS)
    SP::NewtonEulerDS neds = std11::static_pointer_cast<NewtonEulerDS> (ds);
    neds->init_inverse_mass(); // invMass required to update post-impact velocity
    ds_work_vectors[D1MinusLinearOSI::RESIDU_FREE].reset(new SiconosVector(neds->dimension()));
    ds_work_vectors[D1MinusLinearOSI::FREE].reset(new SiconosVector(neds->dimension()));
    ds_work_vectors[D1MinusLinearOSI::FREE_TDG].reset(new SiconosVector(neds->dimension()));
    //Compute a first value of the forces to store it in _forcesMemory
    neds->computeForces(t, neds->q(), neds->twist());
    RuntimeException::selfThrow("D1MinusLinearOSI::initialize - not implemented for Dynamical system type: " + dsType);

  for (unsigned int k = _levelMinForInput ; k < _levelMaxForInput + 1; k++)

void SchatzmanPaoliOSI::initialize(Model& m)
  // Get initial time
  double t0 = _simulation->startingTime();
  // Compute W(t0) for all ds
  DynamicalSystemsGraph::VIterator dsi, dsend;
  for (std11::tie(dsi, dsend) = _dynamicalSystemsGraph->vertices(); dsi != dsend; ++dsi)
    if (!checkOSI(dsi)) continue;
    SP::DynamicalSystem ds = _dynamicalSystemsGraph->bundle(*dsi);
    Type::Siconos dsType = Type::value(*ds);
    if (dsType == Type::LagrangianLinearTIDS)
      // Computation of the first step for starting
      SP::LagrangianLinearTIDS d = std11::static_pointer_cast<LagrangianLinearTIDS> (ds);

      SP::SiconosVector q0  = d->q0();
      SP::SiconosVector q  = d->q();
      SP::SiconosVector v0  = d->velocity0();
      SP::SiconosVector velocity  = d->velocity();

      //  std::cout << " q0 = " << std::endl;
      // q0->display();
      //  std::cout << " v0 = " << std::endl;
      // v0->display();
      // We first swap the initial value contained in q and v after initialization.


      // we compute the new state values
      double h = _simulation->timeStep();
      *q = *q0 + h* * v0;
      //*velocity=*velocity; we do nothing for the velocity

      // This value will swapped when OneStepIntegrator::saveInMemory will be called
      // by the rest of  Simulation::initialize (_eventsManager->preUpdate();)

      // SP::SiconosVector qprev = d->qMemory()->getSiconosVector(0);
      // SP::SiconosVector qprev2 = d->qMemory()->getSiconosVector(1);
      // SP::SiconosVector vprev = d->velocityMemory()->getSiconosVector(0);
      //  std::cout << " qprev = " << std::endl;
      // qprev->display();
      //  std::cout << " qprev2 = " << std::endl;
      // qprev2->display();
      //  std::cout << " vprev = " << std::endl;
      // vprev->display();

    // Memory allocation for workX. workX[ds*] corresponds to xfree (or vfree in lagrangian case).
    // workX[*itDS].reset(new SiconosVector((*itDS)->dimension()));

    // W initialization
    initW(t0, ds, *dsi);

    //      if ((*itDS)->getType() == Type::LagrangianDS || (*itDS)->getType() == Type::FirstOrderNonLinearDS)
Exemple #20
void LinearOSNS::computeDiagonalInteractionBlock(const InteractionsGraph::VDescriptor& vd)
  DEBUG_BEGIN("LinearOSNS::computeDiagonalInteractionBlock(const InteractionsGraph::VDescriptor& vd)\n");

  // Computes matrix _interactionBlocks[inter1][inter1] (and allocates memory if
  // necessary) one or two DS are concerned by inter1 .  How
  // _interactionBlocks are computed depends explicitely on the type of
  // Relation of each Interaction.

  // Warning: we suppose that at this point, all non linear
  // operators (G for lagrangian relation for example) have been
  // computed through plug-in mechanism.

  // Get dimension of the NonSmoothLaw (ie dim of the interactionBlock)
  SP::InteractionsGraph indexSet = simulation()->indexSet(indexSetLevel());
  SP::Interaction inter = indexSet->bundle(vd);
  // Get osi property from interaction
  // We assume that all ds in vertex_inter have the same osi.
  SP::OneStepIntegrator Osi = indexSet->properties(vd).osi;
  //SP::OneStepIntegrator Osi = simulation()->integratorOfDS(ds);
  OSI::TYPES  osiType = Osi->getType();

  // At most 2 DS are linked by an Interaction
  SP::DynamicalSystem DS1;
  SP::DynamicalSystem DS2;
  unsigned int pos1, pos2;
  // --- Get the dynamical system(s) (edge(s)) connected to the current interaction (vertex) ---
  if (indexSet->properties(vd).source != indexSet->properties(vd).target)
    DEBUG_PRINT("a two DS Interaction\n");
    DS1 = indexSet->properties(vd).source;
    DS2 = indexSet->properties(vd).target;
    DEBUG_PRINT("a single DS Interaction\n");
    DS1 = indexSet->properties(vd).source;
    DS2 = DS1;
    // \warning this looks like some debug code, but it gets executed even with NDEBUG.
    // may be compiler does something smarter, but still it should be rewritten. --xhub
    InteractionsGraph::OEIterator oei, oeiend;
    for (std11::tie(oei, oeiend) = indexSet->out_edges(vd);
         oei != oeiend; ++oei)
      // note : at most 4 edges
      DS2 = indexSet->bundle(*oei);
      if (DS2 != DS1)
  pos1 = indexSet->properties(vd).source_pos;
  pos2 = indexSet->properties(vd).target_pos;

  // --- Check block size ---
  assert(indexSet->properties(vd).block->size(0) == inter->nonSmoothLaw()->size());
  assert(indexSet->properties(vd).block->size(1) == inter->nonSmoothLaw()->size());

  // --- Compute diagonal block ---
  // Block to be set in OSNS Matrix, corresponding to
  // the current interaction
  SP::SiconosMatrix currentInteractionBlock = indexSet->properties(vd).block;
  SP::SiconosMatrix leftInteractionBlock, rightInteractionBlock;

  RELATION::TYPES relationType;
  double h = simulation()->currentTimeStep();

  // General form of the interactionBlock is : interactionBlock =
  // a*extraInteractionBlock + b * leftInteractionBlock * centralInteractionBlocks
  // * rightInteractionBlock a and b are scalars, centralInteractionBlocks a
  // matrix depending on the integrator (and on the DS), the
  // simulation type ...  left, right and extra depend on the relation
  // type and the non smooth law.
  relationType = inter->relation()->getType();
  VectorOfSMatrices& workMInter = *indexSet->properties(vd).workMatrices;

  inter->getExtraInteractionBlock(currentInteractionBlock, workMInter);

  unsigned int nslawSize = inter->nonSmoothLaw()->size();
  // loop over the DS connected to the interaction.
  bool endl = false;
  unsigned int pos = pos1;
  for (SP::DynamicalSystem ds = DS1; !endl; ds = DS2)
    assert(ds == DS1 || ds == DS2);
    endl = (ds == DS2);
    unsigned int sizeDS = ds->dimension();
    // get _interactionBlocks corresponding to the current DS
    // These _interactionBlocks depends on the relation type.
    leftInteractionBlock.reset(new SimpleMatrix(nslawSize, sizeDS));
    inter->getLeftInteractionBlockForDS(pos, leftInteractionBlock, workMInter);
    // Computing depends on relation type -> move this in Interaction method?
    if (relationType == FirstOrder)

      rightInteractionBlock.reset(new SimpleMatrix(sizeDS, nslawSize));

      inter->getRightInteractionBlockForDS(pos, rightInteractionBlock, workMInter);

      if (osiType == OSI::EULERMOREAUOSI)
        if ((std11::static_pointer_cast<EulerMoreauOSI> (Osi))->useGamma() || (std11::static_pointer_cast<EulerMoreauOSI> (Osi))->useGammaForRelation())
          *rightInteractionBlock *= (std11::static_pointer_cast<EulerMoreauOSI> (Osi))->gamma();

      // for ZOH, we have a different formula ...
      if (osiType == OSI::ZOHOSI && indexSet->properties(vd).forControl)
        *rightInteractionBlock = std11::static_pointer_cast<ZeroOrderHoldOSI>(Osi)->Bd(ds);
        prod(*leftInteractionBlock, *rightInteractionBlock, *currentInteractionBlock, false);
        // centralInteractionBlock contains a lu-factorized matrix and we solve
        // centralInteractionBlock * X = rightInteractionBlock with PLU
        SP::SiconosMatrix centralInteractionBlock = getOSIMatrix(Osi, ds);
        inter->computeKhat(*rightInteractionBlock, workMInter, h); // if K is non 0

        //      integration of r with theta method removed
        //      *currentInteractionBlock += h *Theta[*itDS]* *leftInteractionBlock * (*rightInteractionBlock); //left = C, right = W.B
        *leftInteractionBlock *= h;
        prod(*leftInteractionBlock, *rightInteractionBlock, *currentInteractionBlock, false);
        //left = C, right = inv(W).B

    else if (relationType == Lagrangian ||
             relationType == NewtonEuler)

      SP::BoundaryCondition bc;
      Type::Siconos dsType = Type::value(*ds);
      if (dsType == Type::LagrangianLinearTIDS || dsType == Type::LagrangianDS)
        SP::LagrangianDS d = std11::static_pointer_cast<LagrangianDS> (ds);
        if (d->boundaryConditions()) bc = d->boundaryConditions();
      else if (dsType == Type::NewtonEulerDS)
        SP::NewtonEulerDS d = std11::static_pointer_cast<NewtonEulerDS> (ds);
        if (d->boundaryConditions()) bc = d->boundaryConditions();
      if (bc)
        for (std::vector<unsigned int>::iterator itindex = bc->velocityIndices()->begin() ;
             itindex != bc->velocityIndices()->end();
          // (nslawSize,sizeDS));
          SP::SiconosVector coltmp(new SiconosVector(nslawSize));
          leftInteractionBlock->setCol(*itindex, *coltmp);
      DEBUG_PRINT("leftInteractionBlock after application of boundary conditions\n");
Exemple #21
std::pair<DynamicalSystemsGraph::EDescriptor, InteractionsGraph::VDescriptor>
Topology::addInteractionInIndexSet0(SP::Interaction inter, SP::DynamicalSystem ds1, SP::DynamicalSystem ds2)
  // !! Private function !!
  // Add inter and ds into IG/DSG

  // Compute number of constraints
  unsigned int nsLawSize = inter->nonSmoothLaw()->size();
  unsigned int m = inter->getSizeOfY() / nsLawSize;
  if (m > 1)
    RuntimeException::selfThrow("Topology::addInteractionInIndexSet0 - m > 1. Obsolete !");

  _numberOfConstraints += nsLawSize;

  SP::DynamicalSystem ds2_ = ds2;
  // _DSG is the hyper forest : (vertices : dynamical systems, edges :
  // Interactions)
  // _IG is the hyper graph : (vertices : Interactions, edges :
  // dynamical systems)
  assert(_DSG[0]->edges_number() == _IG[0]->size());

  // _IG = L(_DSG),  L is the line graph transformation
  // vector of the Interaction
  DynamicalSystemsGraph::VDescriptor dsgv1, dsgv2;
  dsgv1 = _DSG[0]->add_vertex(ds1);

  SP::VectorOfVectors workVds1 = _DSG[0]->properties(dsgv1).workVectors;
  SP::VectorOfVectors workVds2;
  if (!workVds1)
    workVds1.reset(new VectorOfVectors());
    _DSG[0]->properties(dsgv1).workMatrices.reset(new VectorOfMatrices());
    ds1->initWorkSpace(*workVds1, *_DSG[0]->properties(dsgv1).workMatrices);
    dsgv2 = _DSG[0]->add_vertex(ds2);
    workVds2 = _DSG[0]->properties(dsgv2).workVectors;
    if (!workVds2)
      workVds2.reset(new VectorOfVectors());
      _DSG[0]->properties(dsgv2).workMatrices.reset(new VectorOfMatrices());
      ds2->initWorkSpace(*workVds2, *_DSG[0]->properties(dsgv2).workMatrices);
    dsgv2 = dsgv1;
    ds2_ = ds1;
    workVds2 = workVds1;

  // this may be a multi edges graph
  assert(!_DSG[0]->is_edge(dsgv1, dsgv2, inter));
  InteractionsGraph::VDescriptor ig_new_ve;
  DynamicalSystemsGraph::EDescriptor new_ed;
  std11::tie(new_ed, ig_new_ve) = _DSG[0]->add_edge(dsgv1, dsgv2, inter, *_IG[0]);
  InteractionProperties& interProp = _IG[0]->properties(ig_new_ve);
  interProp.DSlink.reset(new VectorOfBlockVectors);
  interProp.workVectors.reset(new VectorOfVectors);
  interProp.workMatrices.reset(new VectorOfSMatrices);
  unsigned int nslawSize = inter->nonSmoothLaw()->size();
  interProp.block.reset(new SimpleMatrix(nslawSize, nslawSize));
  inter->setDSLinkAndWorkspace(interProp, *ds1, *workVds1, *ds2_, *workVds2);

  // add self branches in vertex properties
  // note : boost graph SEGFAULT on self branch removal
  // see https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/4622
  _IG[0]->properties(ig_new_ve).source = ds1;
  _IG[0]->properties(ig_new_ve).source_pos = 0;
    _IG[0]->properties(ig_new_ve).target = ds1;
    _IG[0]->properties(ig_new_ve).target_pos = 0;
    _IG[0]->properties(ig_new_ve).target = ds2;
    _IG[0]->properties(ig_new_ve).target_pos = ds1->getDim();

  assert(_IG[0]->bundle(ig_new_ve) == inter);
  assert(_DSG[0]->is_edge(dsgv1, dsgv2, inter));
  assert(_DSG[0]->edges_number() == _IG[0]->size());

  return std::pair<DynamicalSystemsGraph::EDescriptor, InteractionsGraph::VDescriptor>(new_ed, ig_new_ve);
Exemple #22
void SchatzmanPaoliOSI::updateState(const unsigned int level)

  double h = simulationLink->timeStep();

  double RelativeTol = simulationLink->relativeConvergenceTol();
  bool useRCC = simulationLink->useRelativeConvergenceCriteron();
  if (useRCC)

  DSIterator it;
  SP::SiconosMatrix W;
  for (it = OSIDynamicalSystems->begin(); it != OSIDynamicalSystems->end(); ++it)
    SP::DynamicalSystem ds = *it;
    W = WMap[ds->number()];
    // Get the DS type

    Type::Siconos dsType = Type::value(*ds);

    // 1 - Lagrangian Systems
    if (dsType == Type::LagrangianDS || dsType == Type::LagrangianLinearTIDS)
      // get dynamical system
      SP::LagrangianDS d = std11::static_pointer_cast<LagrangianDS> (ds);

      //    SiconosVector *vfree = d->velocityFree();
      SP::SiconosVector q = d->q();
      bool baux = dsType == Type::LagrangianDS && useRCC && simulationLink->relativeConvergenceCriterionHeld();
      if (level != LEVELMAX)
        // To compute q, we solve W(q - qfree) = p
        if (d->p(level))
          *q = *d->p(level); // q = p

        // if (d->boundaryConditions())
        //   for (vector<unsigned int>::iterator
        //        itindex = d->boundaryConditions()->velocityIndices()->begin() ;
        //        itindex != d->boundaryConditions()->velocityIndices()->end();
        //        ++itindex)
        //     v->setValue(*itindex, 0.0);
        *q +=  * ds->workspace(DynamicalSystem::free);

        *q =  * ds->workspace(DynamicalSystem::free);

      // Computation of the velocity

      SP::SiconosVector v = d->velocity();
      SP::SiconosVector q_k_1 = d->qMemory()->getSiconosVector(1); // q_{k-1}

      //  std::cout << "SchatzmanPaoliOSI::updateState - q_k_1 =" <<std::endl;
      // q_k_1->display();
      //  std::cout << "SchatzmanPaoliOSI::updateState - q =" <<std::endl;
      // q->display();

      *v = 1.0 / (2.0 * h) * (*q - *q_k_1);
      //  std::cout << "SchatzmanPaoliOSI::updateState - v =" <<std::endl;
      // v->display();

      // int bc=0;
      // SP::SiconosVector columntmp(new SiconosVector(ds->getDim()));

      // if (d->boundaryConditions())
      // {
      //   for (vector<unsigned int>::iterator  itindex = d->boundaryConditions()->velocityIndices()->begin() ;
      //        itindex != d->boundaryConditions()->velocityIndices()->end();
      //        ++itindex)
      //   {
      //     _WBoundaryConditionsMap[ds]->getCol(bc,*columntmp);
      //     /*\warning we assume that W is symmetric in the Lagrangian case*/
      //     double value = - inner_prod(*columntmp, *v);
      //     value += (d->p(level))->getValue(*itindex);
      //     /* \warning the computation of reactionToBoundaryConditions take into
      //        account the contact impulse but not the external and internal forces.
      //        A complete computation of the residue should be better */
      //     d->reactionToBoundaryConditions()->setValue(bc,value) ;
      //     bc++;
      //   }

      if (baux)
        ds->subWorkVector(q, DynamicalSystem::local_buffer);
        double aux = ((ds->workspace(DynamicalSystem::local_buffer))->norm2()) / (ds->normRef());
        if (aux > RelativeTol)

    //2 - Newton Euler Systems
    else if (dsType == Type::NewtonEulerDS)
      //  // get dynamical system
      //       SP::NewtonEulerDS d = std11::static_pointer_cast<NewtonEulerDS> (ds);
      //       SP::SiconosVector v = d->velocity();
      //       std::cout<<"SchatzmanPaoliOSI::updatestate prev v"<<endl;
      //       v->display();
      // #endif

      //       /*d->p has been fill by the Relation->computeInput, it contains
      //            B \lambda _{k+1}*/
      //       *v = *d->p(level); // v = p
      //       d->luW()->PLUForwardBackwardInPlace(*v);

      //       std::cout<<"SchatzmanPaoliOSI::updatestate hWB lambda"<<endl;
      //       v->display();
      // #endif

      //       *v +=  * ds->workspace(DynamicalSystem::free);

      //       std::cout<<"SchatzmanPaoliOSI::updatestate work free"<<endl;
      //       ds->workspace(DynamicalSystem::free)->display();
      //       std::cout<<"SchatzmanPaoliOSI::updatestate new v"<<endl;
      //       v->display();
      // #endif
      //       //compute q
      //       //first step consists in computing  \dot q.
      //       //second step consists in updating q.
      //       //
      //       SP::SiconosMatrix T = d->T();
      //       SP::SiconosVector dotq = d->dotq();
      //       prod(*T,*v,*dotq,true);
      //       // std::cout<<"SchatzmanPaoliOSI::updateState v"<<endl;
      //       // v->display();
      //       // std::cout<<"SchatzmanPaoliOSI::updateState dotq"<<endl;
      //       // dotq->display();

      //       SP::SiconosVector q = d->q();

      //       //  -> get previous time step state
      //       SP::SiconosVector dotqold = d->dotqMemory()->getSiconosVector(0);
      //       SP::SiconosVector qold = d->qMemory()->getSiconosVector(0);
      //       // *q = *qold + h*(theta * *v +(1.0 - theta)* *vold)
      //       double coeff = h*_theta;
      //       scal(coeff, *dotq, *q) ; // q = h*theta*v
      //       coeff = h*(1-_theta);
      //       scal(coeff,*dotqold,*q,false); // q += h(1-theta)*vold
      //       *q += *qold;
      //       std::cout<<"new q before normalizing"<<endl;
      //       q->display();
      // #endif

      //       //q[3:6] must be normalized
      //       d->normalizeq();
      //       dotq->setValue(3,(q->getValue(3)-qold->getValue(3))/h);
      //       dotq->setValue(4,(q->getValue(4)-qold->getValue(4))/h);
      //       dotq->setValue(5,(q->getValue(5)-qold->getValue(5))/h);
      //       dotq->setValue(6,(q->getValue(6)-qold->getValue(6))/h);
      //       d->updateT();
      RuntimeException::selfThrow("SchatzmanPaoliOSI::updateState - not yet implemented for Dynamical system type: " + dsType);
    else RuntimeException::selfThrow("SchatzmanPaoliOSI::updateState - not yet implemented for Dynamical system type: " + dsType);
Exemple #23
void SchatzmanPaoliOSI::initW(double t, SP::DynamicalSystem ds)
  // This function:
  // - allocate memory for a matrix W
  // - insert this matrix into WMap with ds as a key

  if (!ds)
    RuntimeException::selfThrow("SchatzmanPaoliOSI::initW(t,ds) - ds == NULL");

  if (!OSIDynamicalSystems->isIn(ds))
    RuntimeException::selfThrow("SchatzmanPaoliOSI::initW(t,ds) - ds does not belong to the OSI.");

  unsigned int dsN = ds->number();
  if (WMap.find(dsN) != WMap.end())
    RuntimeException::selfThrow("SchatzmanPaoliOSI::initW(t,ds) - W(ds) is already in the map and has been initialized.");

  //unsigned int sizeW = ds->getDim(); // n for first order systems, ndof for lagrangian.
  // Memory allocation for W
  //  WMap[ds].reset(new SimpleMatrix(sizeW,sizeW));
  //   SP::SiconosMatrix W = WMap[ds];

  double h = simulationLink->timeStep();
  Type::Siconos dsType = Type::value(*ds);

  // 1 - Lagrangian non linear systems
  if (dsType == Type::LagrangianDS)
    // SP::LagrangianDS d = std11::static_pointer_cast<LagrangianDS> (ds);
    // SP::SiconosMatrix K = d->jacobianqForces(); // jacobian according to q
    // SP::SiconosMatrix C = d->jacobianqDotForces(); // jacobian according to velocity
    // WMap[ds].reset(new SimpleMatrix(*d->mass())); //*W = *d->mass();

    // SP::SiconosMatrix W = WMap[ds];

    // if (C)
    //   scal(-h*_theta, *C,*W,false); // W -= h*_theta*C

    // if (K)
    //   scal(-h*h*_theta*_theta,*K,*W,false); //*W -= h*h*_theta*_theta**K;

    // // WBoundaryConditions initialization
    // if (d->boundaryConditions())
    //   initWBoundaryConditions(d);
    RuntimeException::selfThrow("SchatzmanPaoliOSI::initW - not yet implemented for Dynamical system type :" + dsType);

  // 4 - Lagrangian linear systems
  else if (dsType == Type::LagrangianLinearTIDS)
    SP::LagrangianLinearTIDS d = std11::static_pointer_cast<LagrangianLinearTIDS> (ds);
    SP::SiconosMatrix K = d->K();
    SP::SiconosMatrix C = d->C();
    WMap[dsN].reset(new SimpleMatrix(*d->mass())); //*W = *d->mass();
    SP::SiconosMatrix W = WMap[dsN];

    if (C)
      scal(1 / 2.0 * h * _theta, *C, *W, false); // W += 1/2.0*h*_theta *C

    if (K)
      scal(h * h * _theta * _theta, *K, *W, false); // W = h*h*_theta*_theta*K

    // WBoundaryConditions initialization
    if (d->boundaryConditions())


  // === ===
  else if (dsType == Type::NewtonEulerDS)
    //WMap[ds].reset(new SimpleMatrix(3,3));
    RuntimeException::selfThrow("SchatzmanPaoliOSI::initW - not yet implemented for Dynamical system type :" + dsType);
  else RuntimeException::selfThrow("SchatzmanPaoliOSI::initW - not yet implemented for Dynamical system type :" + dsType);

  // Remark: W is not LU-factorized nor inversed here.
  // Function PLUForwardBackward will do that if required.

Exemple #24
void SchatzmanPaoliOSI::computeW(double t, SP::DynamicalSystem ds)
  // Compute W matrix of the Dynamical System ds, at time t and for the current ds state.

  // When this function is called, WMap[ds] is supposed to exist and not to be null
  // Memory allocation has been done during initW.

  assert(ds &&
         "SchatzmanPaoliOSI::computeW(t,ds) - ds == NULL");
  unsigned int dsN = ds->number();
  assert((WMap.find(dsN) != WMap.end()) &&
         "SchatzmanPaoliOSI::computeW(t,ds) - W(ds) does not exists. Maybe you forget to initialize the osi?");

  //double h = simulationLink->timeStep();
  Type::Siconos dsType = Type::value(*ds);

  SP::SiconosMatrix W = WMap[dsN];

  // 1 - Lagrangian non linear systems
  if (dsType == Type::LagrangianDS)
    // SP::LagrangianDS d = std11::static_pointer_cast<LagrangianDS> (ds);
    // SP::SiconosMatrix K = d->jacobianqForces(); // jacobian according to q
    // SP::SiconosMatrix C = d->jacobianqDotForces(); // jacobian according to velocity

    // d->computeMass();
    // *W = *d->mass();

    // if (C)
    // {
    //   d->computeJacobianqDotForces(t);
    //   scal(-h*_theta, *C,*W,false); // W -= h*_theta*C
    // }

    // if (K)
    // {
    //   d->computeJacobianqForces(t);
    //   scal(-h*h*_theta*_theta,*K,*W,false); //*W -= h*h*_theta*_theta**K;
    // }
    RuntimeException::selfThrow("SchatzmanPaoliOSI::computeW - not yet implemented for Dynamical system type :" + dsType);

  // 4 - Lagrangian linear systems
  else if (dsType == Type::LagrangianLinearTIDS)
    // Nothing: W does not depend on time.

  // === ===
  else if (dsType == Type::NewtonEulerDS)
    // SP::NewtonEulerDS d = std11::static_pointer_cast<NewtonEulerDS> (ds);
    // d->computeJacobianvFL(t);
    // double thetaFL=_theta;
    // *(d->luW())=*(d->jacobianvFL());
    // scal(h*thetaFL,*(d->jacobianvFL()),*(d->luW()),true);
    // *(d->luW())+=*(d->massMatrix());

    // //cout<<"SchatzmanPaoliOSI::computeW luW before LUFact\n";
    // //d->luW()->display();

    // d->luW()->PLUFactorizationInPlace();
    RuntimeException::selfThrow("SchatzmanPaoliOSI::computeW - not yet implemented for Dynamical system type :" + dsType);
  else RuntimeException::selfThrow("SchatzmanPaoliOSI::computeW - not yet implemented for Dynamical system type :" + dsType);

  // Remark: W is not LU-factorized here.
  // Function PLUForwardBackward will do that if required.
Exemple #25
double SchatzmanPaoliOSI::computeResidu()

  // This function is used to compute the residu for each "SchatzmanPaoliOSI-discretized" dynamical system.
  // It then computes the norm of each of them and finally return the maximum
  // value for those norms.
  // The state values used are those saved in the DS, ie the last computed ones.
  //  $\mathcal R(x,r) = x - x_{k} -h\theta f( x , t_{k+1}) - h(1-\theta)f(x_k,t_k) - h r$
  //  $\mathcal R_{free}(x,r) = x - x_{k} -h\theta f( x , t_{k+1}) - h(1-\theta)f(x_k,t_k) $

  double t = simulationLink->nextTime(); // End of the time step
  double told = simulationLink->startingTime(); // Beginning of the time step
  double h = t - told; // time step length

  // Operators computed at told have index i, and (i+1) at t.

  // Iteration through the set of Dynamical Systems.
  DSIterator it;
  SP::DynamicalSystem ds; // Current Dynamical System.
  Type::Siconos dsType ; // Type of the current DS.

  double maxResidu = 0;
  double normResidu = maxResidu;

  for (it = OSIDynamicalSystems->begin(); it != OSIDynamicalSystems->end(); ++it)
    ds = *it; // the considered dynamical system
    dsType = Type::value(*ds); // Its type
    SP::SiconosVector residuFree = ds->workspace(DynamicalSystem::freeresidu);

    // 1 - Lagrangian Non Linear Systems
    if (dsType == Type::LagrangianDS)
      // // residu = M(q*)(v_k,i+1 - v_i) - h*theta*forces(t,v_k,i+1, q_k,i+1) - h*(1-theta)*forces(ti,vi,qi) - pi+1

      //       // -- Convert the DS into a Lagrangian one.
      //       SP::LagrangianDS d = std11::static_pointer_cast<LagrangianDS> (ds);

      //       // Get state i (previous time step) from Memories -> var. indexed with "Old"
      //       SP::SiconosVector qold =d->qMemory()->getSiconosVector(0);
      //       SP::SiconosVector vold = d->velocityMemory()->getSiconosVector(0);

      //       SP::SiconosVector q =d->q();

      //       d->computeMass();
      //       SP::SiconosMatrix M = d->mass();
      //       SP::SiconosVector v = d->velocity(); // v = v_k,i+1
      //       //residuFree->zero();

      //       //    std::cout << "(*v-*vold)->norm2()" << (*v-*vold).norm2() << std::endl;

      //       prod(*M, (*v-*vold), *residuFree); // residuFree = M(v - vold)

      //       if (d->forces())  // if fL exists
      //       {
      //         // computes forces(ti,vi,qi)
      //         d->computeForces(told,qold,vold);
      //         double coef = -h*(1-_theta);
      //         // residuFree += coef * fL_i
      //         scal(coef, *d->forces(), *residuFree, false);

      //         // computes forces(ti+1, v_k,i+1, q_k,i+1) = forces(t,v,q)
      //         //d->computeForces(t);
      //         // or  forces(ti+1, v_k,i+1, q(v_k,i+1))
      //         //or
      //         SP::SiconosVector qbasedonv(new SiconosVector(*qold));
      //         *qbasedonv +=  h*( (1-_theta)* *vold + _theta * *v );
      //         d->computeForces(t,qbasedonv,v);
      //         coef = -h*_theta;
      //         // residuFree += coef * fL_k,i+1
      //         scal(coef, *d->forces(), *residuFree, false);
      //       }

      //       if (d->boundaryConditions())
      //       {

      //         d->boundaryConditions()->computePrescribedVelocity(t);

      //         unsigned int columnindex=0;
      //         SP::SimpleMatrix WBoundaryConditions = _WBoundaryConditionsMap[ds];
      //         SP::SiconosVector columntmp(new SiconosVector(ds->getDim()));

      //         for (vector<unsigned int>::iterator  itindex = d->boundaryConditions()->velocityIndices()->begin() ;
      //              itindex != d->boundaryConditions()->velocityIndices()->end();
      //              ++itindex)
      //         {

      //           double DeltaPrescribedVelocity =
      //             d->boundaryConditions()->prescribedVelocity()->getValue(columnindex)
      //             - vold->getValue(columnindex);

      //           WBoundaryConditions->getCol(columnindex,*columntmp);
      //           *residuFree -= *columntmp * (DeltaPrescribedVelocity);

      //           residuFree->setValue(*itindex, columntmp->getValue(*itindex)   *(DeltaPrescribedVelocity));

      //           columnindex ++;

      //         }
      //       }

      //       *(d->workspace(DynamicalSystem::free))=*residuFree; // copy residuFree in Workfree
      // //       std::cout << "SchatzmanPaoliOSI::ComputeResidu LagrangianDS residufree :"  << std::endl;
      // //      residuFree->display();
      //       if (d->p(1))
      //         *(d->workspace(DynamicalSystem::free)) -= *d->p(1); // Compute Residu in Workfree Notation !!
      // //       std::cout << "SchatzmanPaoliOSI::ComputeResidu LagrangianDS residu :"  << std::endl;
      // //      d->workspace(DynamicalSystem::free)->display();
      //         normResidu = d->workspace(DynamicalSystem::free)->norm2();
      RuntimeException::selfThrow("SchatzmanPaoliOSI::computeResidu - not yet implemented for Dynamical system type: " + dsType);
    // 2 - Lagrangian Linear Systems
    else if (dsType == Type::LagrangianLinearTIDS)
      // ResiduFree =  M(-q_{k}+q_{k-1})  + h^2 (K q_k)+  h^2 C (\theta \Frac{q_k-q_{k-1}}{2h}+ (1-\theta) v_k))  (1)
      // This formulae is only valid for the first computation of the residual for q = q_k
      // otherwise the complete formulae must be applied, that is
      // ResiduFree   M(q-2q_{k}+q_{k-1})  + h^2 (K(\theta q+ (1-\theta) q_k)))+  h^2 C (\theta \Frac{q-q_{k-1}}{2h}+ (1-\theta) v_k))  (2)
      // for q != q_k, the formulae (1) is wrong.
      // in the sequel, only the equation (1) is implemented

      // -- Convert the DS into a Lagrangian one.
      SP::LagrangianLinearTIDS d = std11::static_pointer_cast<LagrangianLinearTIDS> (ds);

      // Get state i (previous time step) from Memories -> var. indexed with "Old"
      SP::SiconosVector q_k = d->qMemory()->getSiconosVector(0); // q_k
      SP::SiconosVector q_k_1 = d->qMemory()->getSiconosVector(1); // q_{k-1}
      SP::SiconosVector v_k = d->velocityMemory()->getSiconosVector(0); //v_k
      //  std::cout << "SchatzmanPaoliOSI::computeResidu - q_k_1 =" <<std::endl;
      // q_k_1->display();
      //  std::cout << "SchatzmanPaoliOSI::computeResidu - q_k =" <<std::endl;
      // q_k->display();
      //  std::cout << "SchatzmanPaoliOSI::computeResidu - v_k =" <<std::endl;
      // v_k->display();

      // --- ResiduFree computation Equation (1) ---
      double coeff;
      // -- No need to update W --

      //SP::SiconosVector v = d->velocity(); // v = v_k,i+1

      SP::SiconosMatrix M = d->mass();
      prod(*M, (*q_k_1 - *q_k), *residuFree); // residuFree = M(-q_{k}+q_{k-1})

      SP::SiconosMatrix K = d->K();
      if (K)
        prod(h * h, *K, *q_k, *residuFree, false); // residuFree += h^2*K*qi

      SP::SiconosMatrix C = d->C();
      if (C)
        prod(h * h, *C, (1.0 / (2.0 * h)*_theta * (*q_k - *q_k_1) + (1.0 - _theta)* *v_k)  , *residuFree, false);
      // residufree += h^2 C (\theta \Frac{q-q_{k-1}}{2h}+ (1-\theta) v_k))

      SP::SiconosVector Fext = d->fExt();
      if (Fext)
        // computes Fext(ti)
        coeff = -h * h * (1 - _theta);
        scal(coeff, *Fext, *residuFree, false); // residufree -= h^2*(1-_theta) * fext(ti)
        // computes Fext(ti+1)
        coeff = -h * h * _theta;
        scal(coeff, *Fext, *residuFree, false); // residufree -= h^2*_theta * fext(ti+1)

      // if (d->boundaryConditions())
      // {
      //   d->boundaryConditions()->computePrescribedVelocity(t);

      //   unsigned int columnindex=0;
      //   SP::SimpleMatrix WBoundaryConditions = _WBoundaryConditionsMap[ds];
      //   SP::SiconosVector columntmp(new SiconosVector(ds->getDim()));

      //   for (vector<unsigned int>::iterator  itindex = d->boundaryConditions()->velocityIndices()->begin() ;
      //        itindex != d->boundaryConditions()->velocityIndices()->end();
      //        ++itindex)
      //   {

      //     double DeltaPrescribedVelocity =
      //       d->boundaryConditions()->prescribedVelocity()->getValue(columnindex)
      //       -vold->getValue(columnindex);

      //     WBoundaryConditions->getCol(columnindex,*columntmp);
      //     *residuFree += *columntmp * (DeltaPrescribedVelocity);

      //     residuFree->setValue(*itindex, - columntmp->getValue(*itindex)   *(DeltaPrescribedVelocity));

      //     columnindex ++;

      //   }
      // }

      //  std::cout << "SchatzmanPaoliOSI::ComputeResidu LagrangianLinearTIDS residufree :"  << std::endl;
      // residuFree->display();

      (* d->workspace(DynamicalSystem::free)) = *residuFree; // copy residuFree in Workfree
      if (d->p(0))
        *(d->workspace(DynamicalSystem::free)) -= *d->p(0); // Compute Residu in Workfree Notation !!

      //  std::cout << "SchatzmanPaoliOSI::ComputeResidu LagrangianLinearTIDS p(0) :"  << std::endl;
      //  if (d->p(0))
      //    d->p(0)->display();
      //  else
      //     std::cout << " p(0) :"  << std::endl;
      //  std::cout << "SchatzmanPaoliOSI::ComputeResidu LagrangianLinearTIDS residu :"  << std::endl;
      // d->workspace(DynamicalSystem::free)->display();

      //     normResidu = d->workspace(DynamicalSystem::free)->norm2();
      normResidu = 0.0; // we assume that v = vfree + W^(-1) p
      //     normResidu = realresiduFree->norm2();

    else if (dsType == Type::NewtonEulerDS)
      // // residu = M(q*)(v_k,i+1 - v_i) - h*_theta*forces(t,v_k,i+1, q_k,i+1) - h*(1-_theta)*forces(ti,vi,qi) - pi+1

      //     // -- Convert the DS into a Lagrangian one.
      //     SP::NewtonEulerDS d = std11::static_pointer_cast<NewtonEulerDS> (ds);

      //     // Get state i (previous time step) from Memories -> var. indexed with "Old"
      //     SP::SiconosVector qold =d->qMemory()->getSiconosVector(0);
      //     SP::SiconosVector vold = d->velocityMemory()->getSiconosVector(0);

      //     SP::SiconosVector q =d->q();

      //     SP::SiconosMatrix massMatrix = d->massMatrix();
      //     SP::SiconosVector v = d->velocity(); // v = v_k,i+1
      //     prod(*massMatrix, (*v-*vold), *residuFree); // residuFree = M(v - vold)
      //     if (d->forces())  // if fL exists
      //     {
      //       // computes forces(ti,vi,qi)
      //       SP::SiconosVector fLold=d->fLMemory()->getSiconosVector(0);
      //       double _thetaFL=0.5;
      //       double coef = -h*(1-_thetaFL);
      //       // residuFree += coef * fL_i
      //       scal(coef, *fLold, *residuFree, false);
      //       d->computeForces(t);
      // //        printf("cpmputeFreeState d->FL():\n");
      // //   d->forces()->display();
      //       coef = -h*_thetaFL;
      //       scal(coef, *d->forces(), *residuFree, false);
      //     }
      //     *(d->workspace(DynamicalSystem::free))=*residuFree;
      //     //cout<<"SchatzmanPaoliOSI::computeResidu :\n";
      //     // residuFree->display();
      //     if ( d->p(1) )
      //     *(d->workspace(DynamicalSystem::free)) -= *d->p(1);
      //     normResidu = d->workspace(DynamicalSystem::free)->norm2();
      RuntimeException::selfThrow("SchatzmanPaoliOSI::computeResidu - not yet implemented for Dynamical system type: " + dsType);
      RuntimeException::selfThrow("SchatzmanPaoliOSI::computeResidu - not yet implemented for Dynamical system type: " + dsType);

    if (normResidu > maxResidu) maxResidu = normResidu;

  return maxResidu;
Exemple #26
void EulerMoreauOSI::computeFreeState()
  // This function computes "free" states of the DS belonging to this Integrator.
  // "Free" means without taking non-smooth effects into account.
  DEBUG_PRINT("EulerMoreauOSI::computeFreeState() starts\n");

  double t = simulationLink->nextTime(); // End of the time step
  double told = simulationLink->startingTime(); // Beginning of the time step
  double h = t - told; // time step length

  // Operators computed at told have index i, and (i+1) at t.

  //  Note: integration of r with a theta method has been removed
  //  SiconosVector *rold = static_cast<SiconosVector*>(d.rMemory()->getSiconosVector(0));

  // Iteration through the set of Dynamical Systems.
  DSIterator it; // Iterator through the set of DS.

  SP::DynamicalSystem ds; // Current Dynamical System.
  Type::Siconos dsType ; // Type of the current DS.

  // XXX to be removed -- xhub
  Topology& topo = *simulationLink->model()->nonSmoothDynamicalSystem()->topology();
  DynamicalSystemsGraph& DSG0 = *topo.dSG(0);

  for (it = OSIDynamicalSystems->begin(); it != OSIDynamicalSystems->end(); ++it)
    ds = *it; // the considered dynamical system

    // XXX TMP hack -- xhub
    // we have to iterate over the edges of the DSG0 -> the following won't be necessary anymore
    // Maurice will do that with subgraph :)
    DynamicalSystemsGraph::VDescriptor dsgVD = DSG0.descriptor(ds);
    VectorOfVectors& workVectors = *DSG0.properties(dsgVD).workVectors;

    dsType = Type::value(*ds); // Its type
    SiconosMatrix& W = *WMap[ds->number()]; // Its W EulerMoreauOSI matrix of iteration.

    // 1 - First Order Non Linear Systems
    if (dsType == Type::FirstOrderNonLinearDS || dsType == Type::FirstOrderLinearDS || dsType == Type::FirstOrderLinearTIDS)
      // xfree =  x - W^{-1} (ResiduFree - h(1-gamma)*rold)
      // with ResiduFree = = M(x - x_k) - h*theta*f(t_{k+1}, x) - h*(1-theta)*f(t_k, x_k)

      // to be updated at current time: W, f
      // fold is f at t_k
      // not time dependant: M
      FirstOrderNonLinearDS& d = *std11::static_pointer_cast<FirstOrderNonLinearDS>(ds);

      // Get state i (previous time step) from Memories -> var. indexed with "Old"
      //    SP::SiconosVector xold = d->xMemory()->getSiconosVector(0); // xi

      SiconosVector& x = *d.x(); // x = x_k or x = x_{k+1}^{\alpha}
      // xfree gets ResiduFree at first
      SiconosVector& xfree = *workVectors[FirstOrderDS::xfree];
      xfree = *workVectors[FirstOrderDS::residuFree];

      DEBUG_PRINT("EulerMoreauOSI::computeFreeState xfree <- residuFree\n");

      if (_useGamma)
        SiconosVector& rold = *d.rMemory()->getSiconosVector(0);
        double coeff = -h * (1 - _gamma);
        scal(coeff, rold, xfree, false); //  xfree += -h(1-gamma)*rold

      // At this point xfree = (ResiduFree - h(1-gamma)*rold)
      // -> Solve WX = xfree and set xfree = X

      // at this point, xfree = W^{-1} (ResiduFree - h(1-gamma)*rold)
      // -> compute real xfree = x - W^{-1} (ResiduFree - h(1-gamma)*rold)
      xfree *= -1.0;
      xfree += x;


      // now the crazy intermediate variables
      // xPartialNS was updated before this fonction call
      // It constains either 0 (first Newton iterate)
      // or g(x, \lambda, t_{k+1}) - B_{k+1}^{\alpha} \lambda - K_{k+1}^{\alpha} x
      SiconosVector& xPartialNS = *workVectors[FirstOrderDS::xPartialNS];
      DEBUG_PRINT("EulerMoreauOSI::computeFreeState xPartialNS from Interaction\n");

      // -> Solve WX = g(x, \lambda, t_{k+1}) - B_{k+1}^{\alpha} \lambda - K_{k+1}^{\alpha} x
      // and set xPartialNS = X
      scal(h, xPartialNS, xPartialNS);

      // compute real xPartialNS = xfree + ...
      xPartialNS += xfree;
      DEBUG_PRINT("EulerMoreauOSI::computeFreeState xPartialNS real value\n");

      // deltaxForRelation = (\widetilde{K}_{k+1}^{\alpha})^{-1} xPartialNS - x
      SiconosVector& deltaxForRelation = *workVectors[FirstOrderDS::deltaxForRelation];
      deltaxForRelation = xPartialNS;

      deltaxForRelation -= x;


      // have a look at the end of the DevNotes for this part
      if (_useGammaForRelation)
        if (!(dsType == Type::FirstOrderLinearDS || dsType == Type::FirstOrderLinearTIDS))
          RuntimeException::selfThrow("EulerMoreauOSI::computeFreeState - _useGammaForRelation == true is only implemented for FirstOrderLinearDS or FirstOrderLinearTIDS");

        deltaxForRelation = xfree;

        scal(_gamma, deltaxForRelation, deltaxForRelation);
        SiconosVector& xold = *d.xMemory()->getSiconosVector(0);

        scal(1.0 - _gamma, xold, deltaxForRelation, false);

      // some output
Exemple #27
void EulerMoreauOSI::initW(double t, SP::DynamicalSystem ds)
  // This function:
  // - allocate memory for a matrix W
  // - insert this matrix into WMap with ds as a key

  if (!ds)
    RuntimeException::selfThrow("EulerMoreauOSI::initW(t,ds) - ds == NULL");

  if (!OSIDynamicalSystems->isIn(ds))
    RuntimeException::selfThrow("EulerMoreauOSI::initW(t,ds) - ds does not belong to the OSI.");
  unsigned int dsN = ds->number();
  if (WMap.find(dsN) != WMap.end())
    RuntimeException::selfThrow("EulerMoreauOSI::initW(t,ds) - W(ds) is already in the map and has been initialized.");

  unsigned int sizeW = ds->getDim(); // n for first order systems, ndof for lagrangian.
  // Memory allocation for W
  //  WMap[ds].reset(new SimpleMatrix(sizeW,sizeW));
  //   SP::SiconosMatrix W = WMap[ds];

  double h = simulationLink->timeStep();
  Type::Siconos dsType = Type::value(*ds);

  // 1 - First order non linear systems
  if (dsType == Type::FirstOrderNonLinearDS || dsType == Type::FirstOrderLinearDS || dsType == Type::FirstOrderLinearTIDS)
    //    // Memory allocation for W
    //     WMap[ds].reset(new SimpleMatrix(sizeW,sizeW));
    //     SP::SiconosMatrix W = WMap[ds];

    // W =  M - h*_theta* [jacobian_x f(t,x,z)]
    SP::FirstOrderNonLinearDS d = std11::static_pointer_cast<FirstOrderNonLinearDS> (ds);

    // Copy M or I if M is Null into W

    //    SP::SiconosMatrix W = WMap[ds];

    if (d->M())
      //      *W = *d->M();
      WMap[dsN].reset(new SimpleMatrix(*d->M()));

      // WMap[ds].reset(new SimpleMatrix(sizeW,sizeW,Siconos::IDENTITY));
      WMap[dsN].reset(new SimpleMatrix(sizeW, sizeW)); // Warning if the Jacobian is a sparse matrix
    SP::SiconosMatrix W = WMap[dsN];

    // d->computeJacobianfx(t); // Computation of JacxF is not required here
    // since it must have been done in OSI->initialize, before a call to this function.

    // Add -h*_theta*jacobian_XF to W
    scal(-h * _theta, *d->jacobianfx(), *W, false);
  else RuntimeException::selfThrow("EulerMoreauOSI::initW - not yet implemented for Dynamical system type :" + dsType);

  // Remark: W is not LU-factorized nor inversed here.
  // Function PLUForwardBackward will do that if required.

Exemple #28
void SchatzmanPaoliOSI::computeFreeState()
  // This function computes "free" states of the DS belonging to this Integrator.
  // "Free" means without taking non-smooth effects into account.

  //double t = simulationLink->nextTime(); // End of the time step
  //double told = simulationLink->startingTime(); // Beginning of the time step
  //double h = t-told; // time step length

  // Operators computed at told have index i, and (i+1) at t.

  //  Note: integration of r with a theta method has been removed
  //  SiconosVector *rold = static_cast<SiconosVector*>(d->rMemory()->getSiconosVector(0));

  // Iteration through the set of Dynamical Systems.
  DSIterator it; // Iterator through the set of DS.

  SP::DynamicalSystem ds; // Current Dynamical System.
  SP::SiconosMatrix W; // W SchatzmanPaoliOSI matrix of the current DS.
  Type::Siconos dsType ; // Type of the current DS.
  for (it = OSIDynamicalSystems->begin(); it != OSIDynamicalSystems->end(); ++it)
    ds = *it; // the considered dynamical system
    dsType = Type::value(*ds); // Its type
    W = WMap[ds->number()]; // Its W SchatzmanPaoliOSI matrix of iteration.

    //1 - Lagrangian Non Linear Systems
    if (dsType == Type::LagrangianDS)
      // // IN to be updated at current time: W, M, q, v, fL
      //       // IN at told: qi,vi, fLi

      //       // Note: indices i/i+1 corresponds to value at the beginning/end of the time step.
      //       // Index k stands for Newton iteration and thus corresponds to the last computed
      //       // value, ie the one saved in the DynamicalSystem.
      //       // "i" values are saved in memory vectors.

      //       // vFree = v_k,i+1 - W^{-1} ResiduFree
      //       // with
      //       // ResiduFree = M(q_k,i+1)(v_k,i+1 - v_i) - h*theta*forces(t,v_k,i+1, q_k,i+1) - h*(1-theta)*forces(ti,vi,qi)

      //       // -- Convert the DS into a Lagrangian one.
      //       SP::LagrangianDS d = std11::static_pointer_cast<LagrangianDS> (ds);

      //       // Get state i (previous time step) from Memories -> var. indexed with "Old"
      //       SP::SiconosVector qold =d->qMemory()->getSiconosVector(0);
      //       SP::SiconosVector vold = d->velocityMemory()->getSiconosVector(0);

      //       // --- ResiduFree computation ---
      //       // ResFree = M(v-vold) - h*[theta*forces(t) + (1-theta)*forces(told)]
      //       //
      //       // vFree pointer is used to compute and save ResiduFree in this first step.
      //       SP::SiconosVector vfree = d->workspace(DynamicalSystem::free);//workX[d];
      //       (*vfree)=*(d->workspace(DynamicalSystem::freeresidu));

      //       // -- Update W --
      //       // Note: during computeW, mass and jacobians of fL will be computed/
      //       computeW(t,d);
      //       SP::SiconosVector v = d->velocity(); // v = v_k,i+1

      // // -- vfree =  v - W^{-1} ResiduFree --
      //       // At this point vfree = residuFree
      //       // -> Solve WX = vfree and set vfree = X
      //       W->PLUForwardBackwardInPlace(*vfree);
      //       // -> compute real vfree
      //       *vfree *= -1.0;
      //       *vfree += *v;
      RuntimeException::selfThrow("SchatzmanPaoliOSI::computeFreeState - not yet implemented for Dynamical system type: " + dsType);
    // 2 - Lagrangian Linear Systems
    else if (dsType == Type::LagrangianLinearTIDS)
      // IN to be updated at current time: Fext
      // IN at told: qi,vi, fext
      // IN constants: K,C

      // Note: indices i/i+1 corresponds to value at the beginning/end of the time step.
      // "i" values are saved in memory vectors.

      // vFree = v_i + W^{-1} ResiduFree    // with
      // ResiduFree = (-h*C -h^2*theta*K)*vi - h*K*qi + h*theta * Fext_i+1 + h*(1-theta)*Fext_i

      // -- Convert the DS into a Lagrangian one.
      SP::LagrangianLinearTIDS d = std11::static_pointer_cast<LagrangianLinearTIDS> (ds);

      // Get state i (previous time step) from Memories -> var. indexed with "Old"
      SP::SiconosVector qold = d->qMemory()->getSiconosVector(0); // q_k
      //   SP::SiconosVector vold = d->velocityMemory()->getSiconosVector(0); //v_k

      // --- ResiduFree computation ---

      // vFree pointer is used to compute and save ResiduFree in this first step.

      // Velocity free and residu. vFree = RESfree (pointer equality !!).
      SP::SiconosVector qfree = d->workspace(DynamicalSystem::free);//workX[d];
      (*qfree) = *(d->workspace(DynamicalSystem::freeresidu));

      *qfree *= -1.0;
      *qfree += *qold;

    // 3 - Newton Euler Systems
    else if (dsType == Type::NewtonEulerDS)
      // // IN to be updated at current time: W, M, q, v, fL
      // // IN at told: qi,vi, fLi

      // // Note: indices i/i+1 corresponds to value at the beginning/end of the time step.
      // // Index k stands for Newton iteration and thus corresponds to the last computed
      // // value, ie the one saved in the DynamicalSystem.
      // // "i" values are saved in memory vectors.

      // // vFree = v_k,i+1 - W^{-1} ResiduFree
      // // with
      // // ResiduFree = M(q_k,i+1)(v_k,i+1 - v_i) - h*theta*forces(t,v_k,i+1, q_k,i+1) - h*(1-theta)*forces(ti,vi,qi)

      // // -- Convert the DS into a Lagrangian one.
      // SP::NewtonEulerDS d = std11::static_pointer_cast<NewtonEulerDS> (ds);
      // computeW(t,d);
      // // Get state i (previous time step) from Memories -> var. indexed with "Old"
      // SP::SiconosVector qold =d->qMemory()->getSiconosVector(0);
      // SP::SiconosVector vold = d->velocityMemory()->getSiconosVector(0);

      // // --- ResiduFree computation ---
      // // ResFree = M(v-vold) - h*[theta*forces(t) + (1-theta)*forces(told)]
      // //
      // // vFree pointer is used to compute and save ResiduFree in this first step.
      // SP::SiconosVector vfree = d->workspace(DynamicalSystem::free);//workX[d];
      // (*vfree)=*(d->workspace(DynamicalSystem::freeresidu));
      // //*(d->vPredictor())=*(d->workspace(DynamicalSystem::freeresidu));

      // // -- Update W --
      // // Note: during computeW, mass and jacobians of fL will be computed/
      // SP::SiconosVector v = d->velocity(); // v = v_k,i+1

      // // -- vfree =  v - W^{-1} ResiduFree --
      // // At this point vfree = residuFree
      // // -> Solve WX = vfree and set vfree = X
      // //   std::cout<<"SchatzmanPaoliOSI::computeFreeState residu free"<<endl;
      // //   vfree->display();
      // d->luW()->PLUForwardBackwardInPlace(*vfree);
      // //   std::cout<<"SchatzmanPaoliOSI::computeFreeState -WRfree"<<endl;
      // //   vfree->display();
      // //   scal(h,*vfree,*vfree);
      // // -> compute real vfree
      // *vfree *= -1.0;
      // *vfree += *v;
      RuntimeException::selfThrow("SchatzmanPaoliOSI::computeFreeState - not yet implemented for Dynamical system type: " + dsType);
      RuntimeException::selfThrow("SchatzmanPaoliOSI::computeFreeState - not yet implemented for Dynamical system type: " + dsType);

double D1MinusLinearOSI::computeResiduHalfExplicitAccelerationLevel()
  DEBUG_BEGIN("\n D1MinusLinearOSI::computeResiduHalfExplicitAccelerationLevel()\n");

  double t = _simulation->nextTime(); // end of the time step
  double told = _simulation->startingTime(); // beginning of the time step
  double h = _simulation->timeStep(); // time step length

  SP::OneStepNSProblems allOSNS  = _simulation->oneStepNSProblems(); // all OSNSP
  SP::Topology topo =  _simulation->nonSmoothDynamicalSystem()->topology();
  SP::InteractionsGraph indexSet2 = topo->indexSet(2);

   *  Step 1-  solve a LCP at acceleration level for lambda^+_{k} for the last set indices
   *   if index2 is empty we should skip this step


  DEBUG_EXPR(std::cout<< "allOSNS->empty()   " << std::boolalpha << allOSNS->empty() << std::endl << std::endl);
  DEBUG_EXPR(std::cout<< "allOSNS->size()   "  << allOSNS->size() << std::endl << std::endl);

// -- LEFT SIDE --
  DynamicalSystemsGraph::VIterator dsi, dsend;
  for (std11::tie(dsi, dsend) = _dynamicalSystemsGraph->vertices(); dsi != dsend; ++dsi)
    if (!checkOSI(dsi)) continue;
    SP::DynamicalSystem ds = _dynamicalSystemsGraph->bundle(*dsi);

    Type::Siconos dsType = Type::value(*ds);
    SP::SiconosVector accFree;
    SP::SiconosVector work_tdg;
    SP::SiconosMatrix Mold;

    if ((dsType == Type::LagrangianDS) || (dsType == Type::LagrangianLinearTIDS))
      SP::LagrangianDS d = std11::static_pointer_cast<LagrangianDS> (ds);
      accFree = d->workspace(DynamicalSystem::free); /* POINTER CONSTRUCTOR : will contain
                                                       * the acceleration without contact force */

      // get left state from memory
      SP::SiconosVector qold = d->qMemory()->getSiconosVector(0);
      SP::SiconosVector vold = d->velocityMemory()->getSiconosVector(0); // right limit
      Mold = d->mass();


      if (! d->workspace(DynamicalSystem::free_tdg))
        d->allocateWorkVector(DynamicalSystem::free_tdg, d->dimension()) ;
      work_tdg = d->workspace(DynamicalSystem::free_tdg);

      if (d->forces())
        d->computeForces(told, qold, vold);

        *accFree += *(d->forces());
      Mold->PLUForwardBackwardInPlace(*accFree); // contains left (right limit) acceleration without contact force
      d->addWorkVector(accFree,DynamicalSystem::free_tdg); // store the value in WorkFreeFree
    else if(dsType == Type::NewtonEulerDS)
      SP::NewtonEulerDS d = std11::static_pointer_cast<NewtonEulerDS> (ds);
      accFree = d->workspace(DynamicalSystem::free); // POINTER CONSTRUCTOR : contains acceleration without contact force

      // get left state from memory
      SP::SiconosVector qold = d->qMemory()->getSiconosVector(0);
      SP::SiconosVector vold = d->velocityMemory()->getSiconosVector(0); // right limit
      //Mold = d->mass();
      Mold.reset(new SimpleMatrix(*(d->mass()))); // we copy the mass matrix to avoid its factorization

      if (! d->workspace(DynamicalSystem::free_tdg))
        d->allocateWorkVector(DynamicalSystem::free_tdg, d->dimension()) ;

      work_tdg = d->workspace(DynamicalSystem::free_tdg);

      if (d->forces())
        d->computeForces(told, qold, vold);

        *accFree += *(d->forces());
      Mold->PLUForwardBackwardInPlace(*accFree); // contains left (right limit) acceleration without contact force

      d->addWorkVector(accFree,DynamicalSystem::free_tdg); // store the value in WorkFreeFree

      RuntimeException::selfThrow("D1MinusLinearOSI::computeResidu - not yet implemented for Dynamical system type: " + dsType);

    DEBUG_PRINT("accFree contains right limit acceleration at  t^+_k with contact force :\n");
    DEBUG_PRINT("work_tdg contains right limit acceleration at t^+_k without contact force :\n");


  if (!allOSNS->empty())
    if (indexSet2->size() >0)
      InteractionsGraph::VIterator ui, uiend;
      SP::Interaction inter;
      for (std11::tie(ui, uiend) = indexSet2->vertices(); ui != uiend; ++ui)
        inter = indexSet2->bundle(*ui);
        inter->relation()->computeJach(t, *inter, indexSet2->properties(*ui));
        inter->relation()->computeJacg(told, *inter, indexSet2->properties(*ui));

      if (_simulation->nonSmoothDynamicalSystem()->topology()->hasChanged())
        for (OSNSIterator itOsns = allOSNS->begin(); itOsns != allOSNS->end(); ++itOsns)
      assert((*allOSNS)[SICONOS_OSNSP_TS_VELOCITY + 1]);

      if (((*allOSNS)[SICONOS_OSNSP_TS_VELOCITY + 1]->hasInteractions())) // it should be equivalent to indexSet2
        DEBUG_PRINT("We compute lambda^+_{k} \n");
        (*allOSNS)[SICONOS_OSNSP_TS_VELOCITY + 1]->compute(told);
        DEBUG_EXPR((*allOSNS)[SICONOS_OSNSP_TS_VELOCITY + 1]->display());

      // Note Franck : at the time this results in a call to swapInMem of all Interactions of the NSDS
      // So let the simu do this.
      //(*allOSNS)[SICONOS_OSNSP_TS_VELOCITY + 1]->saveInMemory(); // we push y and lambda in Memories

      for (std11::tie(dsi, dsend) = _dynamicalSystemsGraph->vertices(); dsi != dsend; ++dsi)
        if (!checkOSI(dsi)) continue;
        SP::DynamicalSystem ds = _dynamicalSystemsGraph->bundle(*dsi);

        Type::Siconos dsType = Type::value(*ds);
        if ((dsType == Type::LagrangianDS) || (dsType == Type::LagrangianLinearTIDS))
          SP::LagrangianDS d = std11::static_pointer_cast<LagrangianDS> (ds);
          SP::SiconosVector accFree = d->workspace(DynamicalSystem::free); // POINTER CONSTRUCTOR : contains acceleration without contact force

          SP::SiconosVector dummy(new SiconosVector(*(d->p(2)))); // value = contact force
          SP::SiconosMatrix Mold = d->mass();
          *accFree  += *(dummy);

        else if (dsType == Type::NewtonEulerDS)
          SP::NewtonEulerDS d = std11::static_pointer_cast<NewtonEulerDS> (ds);
          SP::SiconosVector accFree = d->workspace(DynamicalSystem::free); // POINTER CONSTRUCTOR : contains acceleration without contact force

          SP::SiconosVector dummy(new SiconosVector(*(d->p(2)))); // value = contact force
          SP::SiconosMatrix Mold(new SimpleMatrix(*(d->mass())));  // we copy the mass matrix to avoid its factorization
          *accFree  += *(dummy);


          RuntimeException::selfThrow("D1MinusLinearOSI::computeResidu - not yet implemented for Dynamical system type: " + dsType);


   *  Step 2 -  compute v_{k,1}


  for (std11::tie(dsi, dsend) = _dynamicalSystemsGraph->vertices(); dsi != dsend; ++dsi)
    if (!checkOSI(dsi)) continue;
    SP::DynamicalSystem ds = _dynamicalSystemsGraph->bundle(*dsi);

    // type of the current DS
    Type::Siconos dsType = Type::value(*ds);
    /* \warning the following conditional statement should be removed with a MechanicalDS class */
    if ((dsType == Type::LagrangianDS) || (dsType == Type::LagrangianLinearTIDS))
      SP::LagrangianDS d = std11::static_pointer_cast<LagrangianDS> (ds);
      SP::SiconosVector accFree = d->workspace(DynamicalSystem::free); // contains acceleration without contact force

      // get left state from memory
      SP::SiconosVector qold = d->qMemory()->getSiconosVector(0);
      SP::SiconosVector vold = d->velocityMemory()->getSiconosVector(0);

      // initialize *it->residuFree and predicted right velocity (left limit)
      SP::SiconosVector residuFree = ds->workspace(DynamicalSystem::freeresidu); // contains residu without nonsmooth effect
      SP::SiconosVector v = d->velocity(); //contains velocity v_{k+1}^- and not free velocity


      *residuFree -= 0.5 * h**accFree;

      *v += h**accFree;
      *v += *vold;


      SP::SiconosVector q = d->q(); // POINTER CONSTRUCTOR : contains position q_{k+1}
      *q = *qold;

      scal(0.5 * h, *vold + *v, *q, false);
    else if (dsType == Type::NewtonEulerDS)
      SP::NewtonEulerDS d = std11::static_pointer_cast<NewtonEulerDS> (ds);
      SP::SiconosVector accFree = d->workspace(DynamicalSystem::free);

      // get left state from memory
      SP::SiconosVector qold = d->qMemory()->getSiconosVector(0);
      SP::SiconosVector vold = d->velocityMemory()->getSiconosVector(0);

      // initialize *it->residuFree and predicted right velocity (left limit)
      SP::SiconosVector residuFree = ds->workspace(DynamicalSystem::freeresidu); // contains residu without nonsmooth effect
      SP::SiconosVector v = d->velocity(); //contains velocity v_{k+1}^- and not free velocity


      *residuFree -= 0.5 * h**accFree;

      *v += h**accFree;
      *v += *vold;


      //first step consists in computing  \dot q.
      //second step consists in updating q.
      SP::SiconosMatrix T = d->T();
      SP::SiconosVector dotq = d->dotq();
      prod(*T, *v, *dotq, true);

      SP::SiconosVector dotqold = d->dotqMemory()->getSiconosVector(0);

      SP::SiconosVector q = d->q(); // POINTER CONSTRUCTOR : contains position q_{k+1}
      *q = *qold;

      scal(0.5 * h, *dotqold + *dotq, *q, false);
      DEBUG_PRINT("new q before normalizing\n");
      //q[3:6] must be normalized
      DEBUG_PRINT("new q after normalizing\n");

      RuntimeException::selfThrow("D1MinusLinearOSI::computeResidu - not yet implemented for Dynamical system type: " + dsType);

    /** At this step, we obtain
     * \f[
     * \begin{cases}
     * v_{k,0} = \mbox{\tt vold} \\
     * q_{k,0} = qold \\
     * F_{k,+} = F(told,qold,vold) \\
     * Work_{freefree} =  M^{-1}_k (F^+_{k})  \mbox{stored in work_tdg} \\
     * Work_{free} =  M^{-1}_k (P^+_{2,k}+F^+_{k})  \mbox{stored in accFree} \\
     * R_{free} = -h/2 * M^{-1}_k (P^+_{2,k}+F^+_{k})  \mbox{stored in ResiduFree} \\
     * v_{k,1} = v_{k,0} + h * M^{-1}_k (P^+_{2,k}+F^+_{k})  \mbox{stored in v} \\
     * q_{k,1} = q_{k,0} + \frac{h}{2} (v_{k,0} + v_{k,1}) \mbox{stored in q} \\
     * \end{cases}
     * \f]

  /** Decide of the strategy impact or smooth multiplier.
   *  Compute _isThereImpactInTheTimeStep
  _isThereImpactInTheTimeStep = false;
  if (!allOSNS->empty())

    for (unsigned int level = _simulation->levelMinForOutput();
         level < _simulation->levelMaxForOutput(); level++)

    SP::Topology topo =  _simulation->nonSmoothDynamicalSystem()->topology();
    SP::InteractionsGraph indexSet3 = topo->indexSet(3);

    if (indexSet3->size() > 0)
      _isThereImpactInTheTimeStep = true;
      DEBUG_PRINT("There is an impact in the step. indexSet3->size() > 0. _isThereImpactInTheTimeStep = true;\n");
      _isThereImpactInTheTimeStep = false;
      DEBUG_PRINT("There is no  impact in the step. indexSet3->size() = 0. _isThereImpactInTheTimeStep = false;\n");

  /* If _isThereImpactInTheTimeStep = true;
   * we recompute residuFree by removing the contribution of the nonimpulsive contact forces.
   * We add the contribution of the external forces at the end
   * of the time--step
   * If _isThereImpactInTheTimeStep = false;
   * we recompute residuFree by adding   the contribution of the external forces at the end
   * and the contribution of the nonimpulsive contact forces that are computed by solving the osnsp.
  if (_isThereImpactInTheTimeStep)

    DEBUG_PRINT("There is an impact in the step. indexSet3->size() > 0.  _isThereImpactInTheTimeStep = true\n");
    for (std11::tie(dsi, dsend) = _dynamicalSystemsGraph->vertices(); dsi != dsend; ++dsi)
      if (!checkOSI(dsi)) continue;
      SP::DynamicalSystem ds = _dynamicalSystemsGraph->bundle(*dsi);

      // type of the current DS
      Type::Siconos dsType = Type::value(*ds);
      /* \warning the following conditional statement should be removed with a MechanicalDS class */
      if ((dsType == Type::LagrangianDS) || (dsType == Type::LagrangianLinearTIDS))
        SP::LagrangianDS d = std11::static_pointer_cast<LagrangianDS> (ds);
        SP::SiconosVector residuFree = d->workspace(DynamicalSystem::freeresidu);
        SP::SiconosVector v = d->velocity();
        SP::SiconosVector q = d->q();
        SP::SiconosVector qold = d->qMemory()->getSiconosVector(0);
        SP::SiconosVector vold = d->velocityMemory()->getSiconosVector(0); // right limit

        SP::SiconosMatrix M = d->mass(); // POINTER CONSTRUCTOR : contains mass matrix

        SP::SiconosVector work_tdg = d->workspace(DynamicalSystem::free_tdg);
        *residuFree =  - 0.5 * h**work_tdg;

        if (d->forces())
          d->computeForces(t, q, v);
          *work_tdg = *(d->forces());

        M->PLUForwardBackwardInPlace(*work_tdg); // contains right (left limit) acceleration without contact force
        *residuFree -= 0.5 * h**work_tdg;
      else if (dsType == Type::NewtonEulerDS)
        SP::NewtonEulerDS d = std11::static_pointer_cast<NewtonEulerDS> (ds);
        SP::SiconosVector residuFree = d->workspace(DynamicalSystem::freeresidu);
        SP::SiconosVector v = d->velocity();
        SP::SiconosVector q = d->q();
        SP::SiconosVector qold = d->qMemory()->getSiconosVector(0);
        SP::SiconosVector vold = d->velocityMemory()->getSiconosVector(0); // right limit

        SP::SiconosMatrix M(new SimpleMatrix(*(d->mass()))); // we copy the mass matrix to avoid its factorization;

        SP::SiconosVector work_tdg = d->workspace(DynamicalSystem::free_tdg);
        *residuFree = 0.5 * h**work_tdg;

        if (d->forces())
          d->computeForces(t, q, v);
          *work_tdg += *(d->forces());

        M->PLUForwardBackwardInPlace(*work_tdg); // contains right (left limit) acceleration without contact force
        *residuFree -= 0.5 * h**work_tdg;
        RuntimeException::selfThrow("D1MinusLinearOSI::computeResidu - not yet implemented for Dynamical system type: " + dsType);
    DEBUG_PRINT("There is no  impact in the step. indexSet3->size() = 0. _isThereImpactInTheTimeStep = false;\n");
    // -- RIGHT SIDE --
    // calculate acceleration without contact force

    for (std11::tie(dsi, dsend) = _dynamicalSystemsGraph->vertices(); dsi != dsend; ++dsi)
      if (!checkOSI(dsi)) continue;
      SP::DynamicalSystem ds = _dynamicalSystemsGraph->bundle(*dsi);

      // type of the current DS
      Type::Siconos dsType = Type::value(*ds);
      /* \warning the following conditional statement should be removed with a MechanicalDS class */
      if ((dsType == Type::LagrangianDS) || (dsType == Type::LagrangianLinearTIDS))

        SP::LagrangianDS d = std11::static_pointer_cast<LagrangianDS> (ds);
        SP::SiconosVector accFree = d->workspace(DynamicalSystem::free); // POINTER CONSTRUCTOR : contains acceleration without contact force
        // get right state from memory
        SP::SiconosVector q = d->q(); // contains position q_{k+1}
        SP::SiconosVector v = d->velocity(); // contains velocity v_{k+1}^- and not free velocity
        SP::SiconosMatrix M = d->mass(); // POINTER CONSTRUCTOR : contains mass matrix

        // Lagrangian Nonlinear Systems
        if (dsType == Type::LagrangianDS || dsType == Type::LagrangianLinearTIDS)

          if (d->forces())
            d->computeForces(t, q, v);
            *accFree += *(d->forces());
          ("D1MinusLinearOSI::computeResidu - not yet implemented for Dynamical system type: " + dsType);

        M->PLUForwardBackwardInPlace(*accFree); // contains right (left limit) acceleration without contact force
        DEBUG_PRINT("accFree contains left limit acceleration at  t^-_{k+1} without contact force :\n");
      else if (dsType == Type::NewtonEulerDS)
        SP::NewtonEulerDS d = std11::static_pointer_cast<NewtonEulerDS> (ds);
        SP::SiconosVector accFree = d->workspace(DynamicalSystem::free); // POINTER CONSTRUCTOR : contains acceleration without contact force
        // get right state from memory
        SP::SiconosVector q = d->q(); // contains position q_{k+1}
        SP::SiconosVector v = d->velocity(); // contains velocity v_{k+1}^- and not free velocity
        SP::SiconosMatrix M(new SimpleMatrix(*(d->mass()))); // we copy the mass matrix to avoid its factorization;


        if (d->forces())
          d->computeForces(t, q, v);
          *accFree += *(d->forces());

        M->PLUForwardBackwardInPlace(*accFree); // contains right (left limit) acceleration without contact force
        DEBUG_PRINT("accFree contains left limit acceleration at  t^-_{k+1} without contact force :\n");
        RuntimeException::selfThrow("D1MinusLinearOSI::computeResidu - not yet implemented for Dynamical system type: " + dsType);


    // solve a LCP at acceleration level only for contacts which have been active at the beginning of the time-step
    if (!allOSNS->empty())
      // for (unsigned int level = _simulation->levelMinForOutput(); level < _simulation->levelMaxForOutput(); level++)
      // {
      //   _simulation->updateOutput(level);
      // }
      // _simulation->updateIndexSets();
      DEBUG_PRINT("We compute lambda^-_{k+1} \n");
      InteractionsGraph::VIterator ui, uiend;
      SP::Interaction inter;
      for (std11::tie(ui, uiend) = indexSet2->vertices(); ui != uiend; ++ui)
        inter = indexSet2->bundle(*ui);
        inter->relation()->computeJach(t, *inter, indexSet2->properties(*ui));
        inter->relation()->computeJacg(t, *inter, indexSet2->properties(*ui));
      if (_simulation->nonSmoothDynamicalSystem()->topology()->hasChanged())
        for (OSNSIterator itOsns = allOSNS->begin(); itOsns != allOSNS->end(); ++itOsns)

      if (((*allOSNS)[SICONOS_OSNSP_TS_VELOCITY + 1]->hasInteractions()))
        (*allOSNS)[SICONOS_OSNSP_TS_VELOCITY + 1]->compute(t);
        DEBUG_EXPR((*allOSNS)[SICONOS_OSNSP_TS_VELOCITY + 1]->display(););
Exemple #30
void Simulation::initialize(SP::Model m, bool withOSI)
  // === Connection with the model ===
  assert(m && "Simulation::initialize(model) - model = NULL.");

  _T = m->finalT();

  _nsds =  m->nonSmoothDynamicalSystem();

  // === Events manager initialization ===
  _tinit = _eventsManager->startingTime();

  if (withOSI)

    if (numberOfOSI() == 0)
      RuntimeException::selfThrow("Simulation::initialize No OSI !");

    DynamicalSystemsGraph::VIterator dsi, dsend;
    SP::DynamicalSystemsGraph DSG = _nsds->topology()->dSG(0);
    for (std11::tie(dsi, dsend) = DSG->vertices(); dsi != dsend; ++dsi)
      SP::OneStepIntegrator osi = DSG->properties(*dsi).osi;
      SP::DynamicalSystem ds = DSG->bundle(*dsi);
      if (!osi)
        // By default, if the user has not set the OSI, we assign the first OSI to all DS
        //std::cout << "By default, if the user has not set the OSI, we assign the first OSI to all DS"<<std::endl;

      osi = DSG->properties(*dsi).osi;
      ds->initialize(m->t0(), osi->getSizeMem());

    // === OneStepIntegrators initialization ===
    for (OSIIterator itosi = _allOSI->begin();
         itosi != _allOSI->end(); ++itosi)
      // for (DSIterator itds = (*itosi)->dynamicalSystems()->begin();
      //      itds != (*itosi)->dynamicalSystems()->end();
      //      ++itds)
      // {
      //   (*itds)->initialize(startingTime(),
      //                       (*itosi)->getSizeMem());
      //   addInOSIMap(*itds, *itosi);
      // }



  // This is the default
  _levelMinForInput = LEVELMAX;
  _levelMaxForInput = 0;
  _levelMinForOutput = LEVELMAX;
  _levelMaxForOutput = 0;


  // Loop over all DS in the graph, to reset NS part of each DS.
  // Note FP : this was formerly done in inter->initialize call with local levels values
  // but I think it's ok (better?) to do it with the simulation levels values.
  DynamicalSystemsGraph::VIterator dsi, dsend;
  SP::DynamicalSystemsGraph DSG = _nsds->topology()->dSG(0);
  for (std11::tie(dsi, dsend) = DSG->vertices(); dsi != dsend; ++dsi)
    //assert(_levelMinForInput <= _levelMaxForInput);
    for (unsigned int k = _levelMinForInput ; k < _levelMaxForInput + 1; k++)

  InteractionsGraph::VIterator ui, uiend;
  SP::InteractionsGraph indexSet0 = _nsds->topology()->indexSet0();
  for (std11::tie(ui, uiend) = indexSet0->vertices(); ui != uiend; ++ui)
    Interaction& inter = *indexSet0->bundle(*ui);
    inter.initialize(_tinit, indexSet0->properties(*ui));

  // Initialize OneStepNSProblem(s). Depends on the type of simulation.
  // Warning FP : must be done in any case, even if the interactions set
  // is empty.

  // Process events at time _tinit. Useful to save values in memories
  // for example.  Warning: can not be called during
  // eventsManager->initialize, because it needs the initialization of
  // OSI, OSNS ...

  _tend =  _eventsManager->nextTime();

  // End of initialize:

  //  - all OSI and OSNS (ie DS and Interactions) states are computed
  //  - for time _tinit and saved into memories.
  //  - Sensors or related objects are updated for t=_tinit.
  //  - current time of the model is equal to t1, time of the first
  //  - event after _tinit.
  //  - currentEvent of the simu. corresponds to _tinit and nextEvent
  //  - to _tend.

  // If _printStat is true, open output file.
  if (_printStat)
    statOut.open("simulationStat.dat", std::ios::out | std::ios::trunc);
    if (!statOut.is_open())
      SiconosVectorException::selfThrow("writing error : Fail to open file simulationStat.dat ");
    statOut << "============================================" <<std::endl;
    statOut << " Siconos Simulation of type " << Type::name(*this) << "." <<std::endl;
    statOut <<std::endl;
    statOut << "The tolerance parameter is equal to: " << _tolerance <<std::endl;
    statOut <<std::endl <<std::endl;