/* {{{ MySQL_Connection::nativeSQL() -I- */ sql::SQLString MySQL_Connection::nativeSQL(const sql::SQLString& sql) { CPP_ENTER_WL(intern->logger, "MySQL_Connection::nativeSQL"); checkClosed(); return sql::SQLString(sql.c_str()); }
/* {{{ MySQL_ArtResultSet::findColumn() -I- */ uint32_t MySQL_ArtResultSet::findColumn(const sql::SQLString& columnLabel) const { CPP_ENTER("MySQL_ArtResultSet::columnLabel"); checkValid(); boost::scoped_array< char > upstring(sql::mysql::util::utf8_strup(columnLabel.c_str(), 0)); FieldNameIndexMap::const_iterator iter = field_name_to_index_map.find(upstring.get()); if (iter == field_name_to_index_map.end()) { return 0; } /* findColumn returns 1-based indexes */ return iter->second + 1; }
/* {{{ MySQL_Connection::setSessionVariable() -I- */ void MySQL_Connection::setSessionVariable(const sql::SQLString & varname, const sql::SQLString & value) { CPP_ENTER_WL(intern->logger, "MySQL_Connection::setSessionVariable"); checkClosed(); sql::SQLString q("SET SESSION "); q.append(varname).append("="); if (!value.compare("NULL")) { q.append("NULL"); } else { q.append("'").append(value).append("'"); } service->executeUpdate(q); if (intern->cache_sql_mode && !strncasecmp(varname.c_str(), "sql_mode", sizeof("sql_mode") - 1)) { intern->sql_mode= value; } }
/* {{{ MySQL_Uri::setHost() -I- */ void MySQL_Uri::setHost(const sql::SQLString &h) { setProtocol(NativeAPI::PROTOCOL_TCP); host= h.c_str(); }
/* URI formats tcp://[host]:port/schema unix://socket pipe://named_pipe */ bool parseUri(const sql::SQLString & str, MySQL_Uri& uri) { if (!str.compare(0, sizeof(MYURI_SOCKET_PREFIX) - 1, MYURI_SOCKET_PREFIX)) { uri.setSocket(str.substr(sizeof(MYURI_SOCKET_PREFIX) - 1, sql::SQLString::npos)); return true; } if (!str.compare(0, sizeof(MYURI_PIPE_PREFIX) - 1 , MYURI_PIPE_PREFIX)) { uri.setPipe(str.substr(sizeof(MYURI_PIPE_PREFIX) - 1, sql::SQLString::npos)); return true; } sql::SQLString host; size_t start_sep, end_sep; /* i wonder how did it work with "- 1"*/ if (!str.compare(0, sizeof(MYURI_TCP_PREFIX) - 1, MYURI_TCP_PREFIX) ) { host= str.substr(sizeof(MYURI_TCP_PREFIX) - 1, sql::SQLString::npos); } else { /* allowing to have port and schema specified even w/out protocol specifier("tcp://") */ host= str.c_str(); } if (host[0] == MYURI_HOST_BEGIN) { end_sep= host.find(MYURI_HOST_END); /* No closing ] after [*/ if (end_sep == sql::SQLString::npos) { return false; } uri.setHost(host.substr(1, end_sep - 1)); /* Cutting host to continue w/ port and schema reading */ host= host.substr(end_sep + 1); } /* Looking where schema part begins */ start_sep = host.find('/'); if (start_sep != sql::SQLString::npos) { if ((host.length() - start_sep) > 1/*Slash*/) { uri.setSchema(host.substr(start_sep + 1, host.length() - start_sep - 1)); } host= host.substr(0, start_sep); } else { uri.setSchema(""); } /* Looking where port part begins*/ start_sep = host.find_last_of(':', sql::SQLString::npos); if (start_sep != sql::SQLString::npos) { uri.setPort(atoi(host.substr(start_sep + 1, sql::SQLString::npos).c_str())); host = host.substr(0, start_sep); } else { uri.setPort(DEFAULT_TCP_PORT); } /* If host was enclosed in [], it has been already set, and "host" variable is empty */ if (host.length() > 0) { uri.setHost(host); } return true; }
/* {{{ MySQL_Uri::setPipe() -I- */ void MySQL_Uri::setPipe(const sql::SQLString &p) { setProtocol(NativeAPI::PROTOCOL_PIPE); host= p.c_str(); }
/* {{{ MySQL_Uri::setSocket() -I- */ void MySQL_Uri::setSocket(const sql::SQLString &s) { setProtocol(NativeAPI::PROTOCOL_SOCKET); host= s.c_str(); }
/* {{{ MySQL_NativeStatementWrapper::prepare() */ int MySQL_NativeStatementWrapper::prepare(const ::sql::SQLString & stmt_str) { return api->stmt_prepare(stmt, stmt_str.c_str(), stmt_str.length()); }