// Update the database by filling in test_results.first_error information for those tests that don't have a cached first error // but which failed and have output. static void updateDatabase(const SqlDatabase::TransactionPtr &tx, const Settings &settings) { std::vector<std::string> args; SqlDatabase::StatementPtr q = tx->statement("update test_results test" " set first_error = substring(" #if 0 // [Robb Matzke 2016-02-08] // Look at all output stored in the database (which is typically only the last // few hundred lines of the complete output). "att.content " #else // This coalesce tries to find where a parallel make command failed and looks // only at the following serial make, which is assumed to follow the parallel // make. "coalesce(substring(att.content from '(\\nmake: \\*\\*\\* \\[[-_a-zA-Z0-9]+\\] Error 1\n.+)'), att.content) " #endif "from '(?n)(" //----- regular expressions begin ----- "\\merror: .+" "|catastrophic error: *\\n.+" "|^.* \\[err\\]: terminated after .+" "|^.* \\[err\\]: command died with .+" "|^.* \\[err\\]: +what\\(\\): .*" //----- regular expressions end ----- ")')" " from attachments att" + sqlWhereClause(tx, settings, args) + " and" " test.id = att.test_id and" " test.first_error is null and" " test.status <> 'end' and" " att.name = 'Final output'"); sqlBindArgs(q, args); q->execute(); }
// Clear all cached error information from the database. static void clearErrors(const SqlDatabase::TransactionPtr &tx, const Settings &settings) { std::vector<std::string> args; SqlDatabase::StatementPtr q = tx->statement("update test_results set first_error = null" + sqlWhereClause(tx, settings, args)); sqlBindArgs(q, args); q->execute(); }
static void postprocess(const SqlDatabase::TransactionPtr &tx) { int windowSize = tx->statement("select window_size from run_parameters limit 1")->execute_int(); int stride = tx->statement("select stride from run_parameters limit 1")->execute_int(); assert(windowSize != 0); assert(stride != 0); cerr << "About to delete from postprocessed_clusters" << endl; tx->execute("delete from postprocessed_clusters"); cerr << "... done" << endl; cerr << "About to postprocess" << endl; SqlDatabase::StatementPtr cmd = tx->statement("select cluster, function_id, index_within_function, vectors_row" " from clusters order by cluster, function_id, index_within_function"); SqlDatabase::StatementPtr insertCmd = tx->statement("insert into postprocessed_clusters" " select * from clusters where row_number = ?"); const size_t numStridesThatMustBeDifferent = windowSize / (stride * 2); string last_cluster = ""; string last_func_id = ""; size_t last_index_within_function = 0; vector<string> rows_in_this_cluster; bool first = true; for (SqlDatabase::Statement::iterator postproc_reader=cmd->begin(); postproc_reader!=cmd->end(); ++postproc_reader) { string cluster = postproc_reader.get<std::string>(0); string function_id = postproc_reader.get<std::string>(1); size_t index_within_function = postproc_reader.get<size_t>(2); string cluster_row_number = postproc_reader.get<std::string>(3); bool differentFunction = cluster != last_cluster || function_id != last_func_id; bool endingCluster = differentFunction; bool beginningNewCluster = first || differentFunction; first = false; if (endingCluster) { if (rows_in_this_cluster.size() > 1) { // Skip clusters that have only one element left for (size_t i = 0; i < rows_in_this_cluster.size(); ++i) { insertCmd->bind(0, rows_in_this_cluster[i]); insertCmd->execute(); } } } if (beginningNewCluster) { last_cluster = cluster; last_func_id = function_id; last_index_within_function = index_within_function; rows_in_this_cluster.clear(); } bool keep = beginningNewCluster || (index_within_function >= last_index_within_function + numStridesThatMustBeDifferent); if (keep) { last_index_within_function = index_within_function; rows_in_this_cluster.push_back(cluster_row_number); } } cerr << "... done" << endl; }
void insert_timing(const SqlDatabase::TransactionPtr &tx, std::string property_name, const timeval& before, const timeval& after, const rusage& ru_before, const rusage& ru_after) { SqlDatabase::StatementPtr cmd = tx->statement("insert into timing" // 0 1 2 3 4 " (property_name, total_wallclock, total_usertime, total_systime, wallclock," // 5 6 " usertime, systime)" " values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"); cmd->bind(0, property_name); cmd->bind(1, 0); cmd->bind(2, tvToDouble(ru_after.ru_utime)); cmd->bind(3, tvToDouble(ru_after.ru_stime)); cmd->bind(4, (tvToDouble(after) - tvToDouble(before))); cmd->bind(5, (tvToDouble(ru_after.ru_utime) - tvToDouble(ru_before.ru_utime))); cmd->bind(6, (tvToDouble(ru_after.ru_stime) - tvToDouble(ru_before.ru_stime))); cmd->execute(); }
void addVectorToDatabase(const SqlDatabase::TransactionPtr &tx, const SignatureVector& vec, const std::string& functionName, size_t functionId, size_t indexWithinFunction, const std::string& normalizedUnparsedInstructions, SgAsmx86Instruction* firstInsn[], const std::string& filename, size_t windowSize, size_t stride) { ++numVectorsGenerated; vector<uint8_t> compressedCounts = compressVector(vec.getBase(), SignatureVector::Size); size_t vectorSum = 0; for (size_t i=0; i<SignatureVector::Size; ++i) vectorSum += vec[i]; ExtentMap extent; for (size_t i=0; i<windowSize; ++i) extent.insert(Extent(firstInsn[i]->get_address(), firstInsn[i]->get_size())); unsigned char md[16]; MD5((const unsigned char*)normalizedUnparsedInstructions.data(), normalizedUnparsedInstructions.size(), md); SqlDatabase::StatementPtr cmd = tx->statement("insert into vectors" // 0 1 2 3 4 5 " (id, function_id, index_within_function, line, last_insn_va, size," // 6 7 8 "sum_of_counts, counts_b64, instr_seq_b64)" " values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"); int vector_id = tx->statement("select coalesce(max(id),0)+1 from vectors")->execute_int(); // 1-origin cmd->bind(0, vector_id); cmd->bind(1, functionId); cmd->bind(2, indexWithinFunction); cmd->bind(3, firstInsn[0]->get_address()); cmd->bind(4, firstInsn[windowSize-1]->get_address()); cmd->bind(5, extent.size()); cmd->bind(6, vectorSum); cmd->bind(7, StringUtility::encode_base64(&compressedCounts[0], compressedCounts.size())); cmd->bind(8, StringUtility::encode_base64(md, 16)); cmd->execute(); }
void insert_timing(const SqlDatabase::TransactionPtr &tx, std::string property_name, const int groupLow, const int groupHigh, const int num_elements, const int k, const int l, const timeval& before, const timeval& after, const rusage& ru_before, const rusage& ru_after) { SqlDatabase::StatementPtr cmd = tx->statement("insert into group_timing" // 0 1 2 3 4 5 " (groupLow, groupHigh, num_elements, K, L, total_wallclock," // 6 7 8 9 10 " total_usertime, total_systime, wallclock, usertime, systime)" " values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"); cmd->bind(0, groupLow); cmd->bind(1, groupHigh); cmd->bind(2, num_elements); cmd->bind(3, k); cmd->bind(4, l); cmd->bind(5, 0); cmd->bind(6, tvToDouble(ru_after.ru_utime)); cmd->bind(7, tvToDouble(ru_after.ru_stime)); cmd->bind(8, (tvToDouble(after) - tvToDouble(before))); cmd->bind(9, (tvToDouble(ru_after.ru_utime) - tvToDouble(ru_before.ru_utime))); cmd->bind(10, (tvToDouble(ru_after.ru_stime) - tvToDouble(ru_before.ru_stime))); cmd->execute(); }
void add_calls_to_syscalls_to_db(SqlDatabase::TransactionPtr tx, DirectedGraph* G, std::vector<SgAsmFunction*> all_functions) { // load the functions in db into memory std::map<std::string, std::set<int> > symbolToId; SqlDatabase::StatementPtr cmd3 = tx->statement("select id, name from semantic_functions"); for (SqlDatabase::Statement::iterator r=cmd3->begin(); r!=cmd3->end(); ++r) { int func_id = r.get<int>(0); std::string func_name = r.get<std::string>(1); if (func_name.size() == 0) continue; std::map<std::string, std::set<int> >::iterator fit = symbolToId.find(func_name); if (fit == symbolToId.end()) { std::set<int> function_ids; function_ids.insert(func_id); symbolToId[func_name] = function_ids; } else { fit->second.insert(func_id); } } DirectedGraph& graph = *G; SqlDatabase::StatementPtr stmt = tx->statement("insert into syscalls_made(caller, syscall_id, syscall_name) values(?,?,?)"); // Iterate over all components of the reachability graph typedef graph_traits<DirectedGraph>::vertex_descriptor Vertex; graph_traits<DirectedGraph>::vertex_iterator i, end; for (tie(i, end) = vertices(graph); i != end; ++i) { if (*i < ids_reserved_for_syscalls) continue; std::set<int> syscalls; // Iterate through the child vertex indices for [current_index] std::vector<Vertex> reachable; boost::breadth_first_search(graph, *i, boost::visitor(boost::make_bfs_visitor(boost::write_property(boost::identity_property_map(), std::back_inserter(reachable), boost::on_discover_vertex())))); for (std::vector<Vertex>::iterator it = reachable.begin(); it != reachable.end(); ++it) { if (*it < ids_reserved_for_syscalls) syscalls.insert(*it); } int caller_id = *i - ids_reserved_for_syscalls; ROSE_ASSERT(caller_id >= 0); SgAsmFunction* caller = all_functions[caller_id]; ROSE_ASSERT(isSgAsmFunction(caller) != NULL); std::string func_name = caller->get_name(); if (func_name.length() == 0) continue; std::map<std::string, std::set<int> >::iterator equivalent_ids = symbolToId.find(func_name); if (equivalent_ids == symbolToId.end()) equivalent_ids = symbolToId.find(func_name+"@plt"); if (syscalls.size() > 0 && equivalent_ids != symbolToId.end()) { for (std::set<int>::iterator sit = syscalls.begin(); sit != syscalls.end(); ++sit) { int syscall_callee_id = *sit; extern std::map<int, std::string> linux32_syscalls; // defined in linux_syscalls.C const std::string &syscall_name = linux32_syscalls[syscall_callee_id]; for (std::set<int>::iterator equivalent_id = equivalent_ids->second.begin(); equivalent_id != equivalent_ids->second.end(); ++ equivalent_id) { stmt->bind(0, *equivalent_id); stmt->bind(1, syscall_callee_id); stmt->bind(2, syscall_name); stmt->execute(); } } } } }
void operator()() { // Database connections don't survive over fork() according to SqLite and PostgreSQL documentation, so open it again SqlDatabase::TransactionPtr tx = SqlDatabase::Connection::create(databaseUrl)->transaction(); // Use zero for the number of tests ran so that this child process doesn't try to update the semantic_history table. // If two or more processes try to change the same row (which they will if there's a non-zero number of tests) then // they will deadlock with each other. static const size_t NO_TESTS_RAN = 0; NameSet builtin_function_names; add_builtin_functions(builtin_function_names/*out*/); InputGroup igroup; WorkItem prevWorkItem; SgAsmInterpretation *prev_interp = NULL; MemoryMap ro_map; Disassembler::AddressSet whitelist_exports; // dynamic functions that should be called PointerDetectors pointers; InsnCoverage insn_coverage; DynamicCallGraph dynamic_cg; Tracer tracer; ConsumedInputs consumed_inputs; FuncAnalyses funcinfo; OutputGroups ogroups; // do not load from database (that might take a very long time) time_t last_checkpoint = time(NULL); for (size_t workIdx=0; workIdx<work.size(); ++workIdx) { WorkItem &workItem = work[workIdx]; // Load the input group from the database if necessary. if (workItem.igroup_id!=prevWorkItem.igroup_id) { if (!igroup.load(tx, workItem.igroup_id)) { std::cerr <<argv0 <<": input group " <<workItem.igroup_id <<" is empty or does not exist\n"; exit(1); } } // Find the function to test IdFunctionMap::iterator func_found = functions.find(workItem.func_id); assert(func_found!=functions.end()); SgAsmFunction *func = func_found->second; if (opt.verbosity>=LACONIC) { if (opt.verbosity>=EFFUSIVE) std::cerr <<argv0 <<": " <<std::string(100, '=') <<"\n"; std::cerr <<argv0 <<": processing function " <<function_to_str(func, function_ids) <<"\n"; } SgAsmInterpretation *interp = SageInterface::getEnclosingNode<SgAsmInterpretation>(func); assert(interp!=NULL); // Do per-interpretation stuff if (interp!=prev_interp) { prev_interp = interp; assert(interp->get_map()!=NULL); ro_map = *interp->get_map(); ro_map.require(MemoryMap::READABLE).prohibit(MemoryMap::WRITABLE).keep(); Disassembler::AddressSet whitelist_imports = get_import_addresses(interp, builtin_function_names); whitelist_exports.clear(); // imports are addresses of import table slots; exports are functions overmap_dynlink_addresses(interp, *insns, opt.params.follow_calls, &ro_map, GOTPLT_VALUE, whitelist_imports, whitelist_exports/*out*/); if (opt.verbosity>=EFFUSIVE) { std::cerr <<argv0 <<": memory map for SgAsmInterpretation:\n"; interp->get_map()->dump(std::cerr, argv0+": "); } } // Run the test assert(insns!=NULL); assert(entry2id!=NULL); std::cerr <<"process " <<getpid() <<" about to run test " <<workIdx <<"/" <<work.size() <<" " <<workItem <<"\n"; runOneTest(tx, workItem, pointers, func, function_ids, insn_coverage, dynamic_cg, tracer, consumed_inputs, interp, whitelist_exports, cmd_id, igroup, funcinfo, *insns, &ro_map, *entry2id, ogroups); ++ntests_ran; // Checkpoint if (opt.checkpoint>0 && time(NULL)-last_checkpoint > opt.checkpoint) { if (!opt.dry_run) tx = checkpoint(tx, ogroups, tracer, insn_coverage, dynamic_cg, consumed_inputs, NULL, NO_TESTS_RAN, cmd_id); last_checkpoint = time(NULL); } prevWorkItem = workItem; } std::cerr <<"process " <<getpid() <<" is done testing; now finishing up...\n"; if (!tx->is_terminated()) { SqlDatabase::StatementPtr stmt = tx->statement("insert into semantic_funcpartials" " (func_id, ncalls, nretused, ntests, nvoids) values" " (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"); for (FuncAnalyses::iterator fi=funcinfo.begin(); fi!=funcinfo.end(); ++fi) { stmt->bind(0, fi->first); stmt->bind(1, fi->second.ncalls); stmt->bind(2, fi->second.nretused); stmt->bind(3, fi->second.ntests); stmt->bind(4, fi->second.nvoids); stmt->execute(); } } // Cleanup if (!tx->is_terminated() && !opt.dry_run) { std::cerr <<"process " <<getpid() <<" is doing the final checkpoint\n"; checkpoint(tx, ogroups, tracer, insn_coverage, dynamic_cg, consumed_inputs, NULL, NO_TESTS_RAN, cmd_id); } tx.reset(); std::cerr <<"process " <<getpid() <<" finished\n"; }