bool watch(void *p, ArrayElement *a){ rc_count.fetch_add(1); if (a->load() != p){ rc_count.fetch_add(-1); return false; } return true; };
void test(std::atomic<int> n) { ___________________________________________(); ___________________________________________(); ++n; ___________________________________________(); n.fetch_add(1, std::memory_order_relaxed); ___________________________________________(); n.fetch_add(1, std::memory_order_seq_cst); ___________________________________________(); ___________________________________________(); }
bool just_spinning_barrier(int tid, int gn) { unsigned int step = step_.load(); if (nwait_.fetch_add(1) == gn - 1) {; step_.fetch_add(1); return true; } else { while (step_.load() == step){ std::this_thread::yield(); } return false; } }
void runSimulationThread(UCTNode* root, int millaSecondsToThink, Patterns* patterns) { struct timespec start, end; clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &start); clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &end); int i = 0; std::default_random_engine engine(time(nullptr)); while (diffclock(end, start) < millaSecondsToThink) { i++; UCTNode* v = TreePolicy(root, engine); int reward = DefaultPolicy(engine, v, patterns); backup(v, reward); /*if (i % 100 == 0 && i != 0) { char buffer[100]; sprintf(buffer, "#%d - %d", getpid(), i); Log(buffer); sprintf(buffer, " %f %d", diffclock(end, start), millaSecondsToThink); Log(buffer); }*/ // end = clock(); clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &end); } simulationCount.fetch_add(i); Log(std::to_string(i).c_str()); }
void Schedule(const char * name, task_fn fn, uint32_t threadid) { BASIS_ASSERT(Scheduler != nullptr); if (threadid >=0 && threadid < ThreadCount) { scheduler_data * s = SchedulerList + threadid; s->privateTasks.push_back<task_entry>({ fn, basis::stralloc(name) }); s->privateTaskCount.fetch_add(1, std::memory_order_relaxed); if (s != Scheduler) { SignalScheduler(s); } } else { BASIS_ASSERT(threadid == TACO_INVALID_THREAD_ID); Scheduler->sharedTasks.push_back<task_entry>({ fn, basis::stralloc(name) }); uint32_t count = GlobalSharedTaskCount.fetch_add(1, std::memory_order_relaxed) + 1; if (count > 1 || !Scheduler->isActive) { AskForHelp(count); } } }
void* fhBaseRenderList::AllocateBytes(uint32 bytes) { uint32 offset = allocated.fetch_add(bytes); assert(offset + bytes < renderlistMaxSize); assert(renderlistMemory); return &static_cast<char*>(renderlistMemory)[offset]; }
void threadFunc(int threadNum) { std::random_device rd; std::mt19937 randomEngine(rd()); int writes = 0; volatile int accumulator = 0; // Prevent compiler from eliminating this variable for (int i = 0; i < m_iterationCount; i++) { // Choose randomly whether to read or write. if (std::uniform_int_distribution<>(0, 30)(randomEngine) == 0) { WriteLockGuard<NonRecursiveRWLock> guard(m_rwLock); m_sharedInt++; writes++; } else { ReadLockGuard<NonRecursiveRWLock> guard(m_rwLock); accumulator += m_sharedInt; } } m_totalWrites.fetch_add(writes, std::memory_order_relaxed); }
/** * @brief Allocates a new slot for a texture and returns a shared pointer to the new slot. * Slot lifetime is tied to the pointer's lifetime. * * @param tex Texture to insert */ auto allocate_slot(texture_t &&tex, image_layout layout = default_layout) { // Find a location for the slot: If there are tombstones, replace one of them with new element, if possible optional<std::uint32_t> location; { std::unique_lock<std::mutex> l(tombstones_mutex); if (tombstones.size()) { location = std::prev(tombstones.end())->start; tombstones.pop_back(); } } // If no tombstones, use a location past the vector's end. if (!location) location = count.fetch_add(1); // Create slot and pipeline image, we can do that without a lock value_type val = lib::allocate_shared<slot_t>(slot_t::token(), std::move(tex), *this, location.get()); auto img = image_t(val->tex, layout); // Update changes data { std::unique_lock<std::mutex> l(general_mutex); add_change(location.get(), std::move(img)); } return val; }
Socket* SocketPool::GetSocket() { for ( ; ; ) { Socket* sock = nullptr; { std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mtx_); if (pool_.empty()) { break; } sock = pool_.back(); pool_.pop_back(); } pool_count_.fetch_sub(1, std::memory_order_relaxed); if (sock && sock->IsValid()) { return sock; } delete sock; } if (pool_count_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed) < pool_size_) { pool_count_.fetch_add(1, std::memory_order_relaxed); return new Socket(remote_side_.ip, remote_side_.port); } return nullptr; }
DWORD DNNModelThreadForward(ThreadLayerState *tl) { SetTrainingThreadAffinity(tl->_threadNum); #ifdef PREALLOCATE_THREAD_BUFFERS // tl->PrintSparsity(); #else float **inputActivation = new float *[tl->_numLayers]; float **outputActivation = new float *[tl->_numLayers]; for (int i = tl->_startLayer; i < tl->_numLayers; i++) { inputActivation[i] = new float[tl->_LayerState[i]._InputSize]; outputActivation[i] = new float[tl->_LayerState[i]._OutputSize]; } #endif while (true) { INT64 sampleId = g_CurrentSamplePos.fetch_add(1); if (sampleId >= G_SAMPLE_COUNT) break; int numLayers = ((sampleId % G_WORKER_COUNT) == 0) ? tl->_numLayers : tl->_numLayers-1; for (int l = tl->_startLayer; l < numLayers; l++) { #ifdef PREPARE_COMPUTE_DATA std::vector<std::vector<float>>& layerActivations = g_Activations[l]; int activationId = sampleId % layerActivations.size(); std::vector<float>& activationVector = layerActivations[activationId]; Sparsify(layerActivations[activationId], G_FORWARD_SPARSITY); const float* inpACT = &activationVector[0]; #elif PREALLOCATE_THREAD_BUFFERS float *inpACT = tl->_inputActivation[l]; #else float *inpACT = inputActivation[l]; Sparsify(inpACT, tl->_LayerState[l]._InputSize, G_FORWARD_SPARSITY, G_ACTIVATION_CACHELINE_SPARSITY); #endif float *outACT = tl->_outputActivation[l]; Layer *layer = (tl->_LayerState + l); DECLARE_TIMER(timer); START_TIMER(timer); g_DNNKernels._feedForward(layer, inpACT, outACT); STOP_TIMER(timer); tl->_FLOPTime[l] += ELAPSED_USEC_TIME(timer); tl->_SampleCount[l]++; } } #ifndef PREALLOCATE_THREAD_BUFFERS for (int i = tl->_startLayer; i < tl->_numLayers; i++) { delete [] inputActivation[i]; delete [] outputActivation[i]; } delete []inputActivation; delete []outputActivation; #endif return 0; }
virtual ~JavaBBinder() { ALOGV("Destroying JavaBBinder %p\n", this); gNumLocalRefsDeleted.fetch_add(1, memory_order_relaxed); JNIEnv* env = javavm_to_jnienv(mVM); env->DeleteGlobalRef(mObject); }
JavaBBinder(JNIEnv* env, jobject /* Java Binder */ object) : mVM(jnienv_to_javavm(env)), mObject(env->NewGlobalRef(object)) { ALOGV("Creating JavaBBinder %p\n", this); gNumLocalRefsCreated.fetch_add(1, std::memory_order_relaxed); gcIfManyNewRefs(env); }
/* This function checks the emulated CPU - GPU distance and may wake up the GPU, * or block the CPU if required. It should be called by the CPU thread regularly. * @ticks The gone emulated CPU time. * @return A good time to call WaitForGpuThread() next. */ static int WaitForGpuThread(int ticks) { const SConfig& param = SConfig::GetInstance(); int old = s_sync_ticks.fetch_add(ticks); int now = old + ticks; // GPU is idle, so stop polling. if (old >= 0 && s_gpu_mainloop.IsDone()) return -1; // Wakeup GPU if (old < param.iSyncGpuMinDistance && now >= param.iSyncGpuMinDistance) RunGpu(); // If the GPU is still sleeping, wait for a longer time if (now < param.iSyncGpuMinDistance) return GPU_TIME_SLOT_SIZE + param.iSyncGpuMinDistance - now; // Wait for GPU if (now >= param.iSyncGpuMaxDistance) s_sync_wakeup_event.Wait(); return GPU_TIME_SLOT_SIZE; }
std::shared_ptr<HiresTexture> HiresTexture::Search(const std::string& basename, std::function<u8*(size_t)> request_buffer_delegate) { if (g_ActiveConfig.bCacheHiresTextures) { std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lk(s_textureCacheMutex); auto iter = s_textureCache.find(basename); if (iter != s_textureCache.end()) { HiresTexture* current = iter->second.get(); u8* dst = request_buffer_delegate(current->m_cached_data_size); memcpy(dst, current->m_cached_data.get(), current->m_cached_data_size); return iter->second; } lk.unlock(); if (size_sum.load() < max_mem) { std::shared_ptr<HiresTexture> ptr( Load(basename, [](size_t requested_size) { return new u8[requested_size]; }, true)); lk.lock(); if (ptr) { s_textureCache[basename] = ptr; HiresTexture* current = ptr.get(); size_sum.fetch_add(current->m_cached_data_size); u8* dst = request_buffer_delegate(current->m_cached_data_size); memcpy(dst, current->m_cached_data.get(), current->m_cached_data_size); } return ptr; } } return std::shared_ptr<HiresTexture>(Load(basename, request_buffer_delegate, false)); }
int GrMockGpu::NextInternalTextureID() { static std::atomic<int> nextID{1}; int id; do { id = nextID.fetch_add(1); } while (0 == id); // Reserve 0 for an invalid ID. return id; }
void operator()(BlockingQueue<int> &queue) { for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) { int value = product_item.fetch_add(1); if (!queue.Push(value)) { std::cout << "failed to push item " << value << " into queue\n"; } } }
MemoryCheck(const MemoryCheck& x) { // We have to do this to make sure that destructor calls are paired // // Really, copy constructor should be deletable, but CCheckQueue breaks // if it is deleted because of internal push_back. fake_allocated_memory.fetch_add(b, std::memory_order_relaxed); };
static inline uint32_t next_path_cache_id() { static std::atomic<uint32_t> gNextID(1); for (;;) { uint32_t id = gNextID.fetch_add(+1, std::memory_order_acquire); if (SK_InvalidUniqueID != id) { return id; } } }
void unsafeFree(){ this->rc_next=tl_safe_pool; tl_safe_pool=this; #ifdef DEBUG freecount.fetch_add(1); assert(freecount.load() == allcount.load()); #endif };
void FileMap::getRawBlock(BinaryDataRef& bdr, uint64_t offset, uint32_t size, std::atomic<uint64_t>& lastSeenCumulative) const { bdr.setRef(getMapPtr(offset), size); lastSeenCumulative.fetch_add(size, std::memory_order_relaxed) + size, std::memory_order_relaxed); }
void Push(int index) { int head1 = head.load(std::memory_order_acquire); do { array[index], std::memory_order_release); } while (!head.compare_exchange_strong(head1, index, std::memory_order_seq_cst)); count.fetch_add(1, std::memory_order_seq_cst); }
/** * Run a timed experiment */ void run(uintptr_t id) { // wait until all threads created, then set alarm and read timer b0.fetch_add(1); while (b0 != Config::CFG.threads) { std::this_thread::yield(); } if (id == 0) { //we use timer if (Config::CFG.opcount == 0){ signal(SIGALRM, catch_SIGALRM); alarm(Config::CFG.duration); } Config::CFG.totaltime = getElapsedTime(); } // wait until read of start timer finishes, then start transactions b1.fetch_add(1); while (b1 != Config::CFG.threads) { std::this_thread::yield(); } uint32_t count = 0; uint32_t seed = id; // we do constant number of operations if (Config::CFG.opcount > 0){ while(count < Config::CFG.opcount){ bench_test(id, &seed); ++count; } }else{ // run until alarm fires while (Config::CFG.running) { bench_test(id, &seed); ++count; } } // wait until all operations finish, then get time b2.fetch_add(1); while (b2 != Config::CFG.threads) { std::this_thread::yield(); } if (id == 0) Config::CFG.totaltime = getElapsedTime() - Config::CFG.totaltime; // we use timer, so fix opcount if (Config::CFG.opcount == 0) // add this thread's count to an accumulator __sync_fetch_and_add(&Config::CFG.opcount, count); }
virtual ~JavaDeathRecipient() { //ALOGI("Removing death ref: recipient=%p\n", mObject); gNumDeathRefsDeleted.fetch_add(1, std::memory_order_relaxed); JNIEnv* env = javavm_to_jnienv(mVM); if (mObject != NULL) { env->DeleteGlobalRef(mObject); } else { env->DeleteWeakGlobalRef(mObjectWeak); } }
void Profiler::addProfilePoint(const char* tag, thread_id_type threadId, u64 startTime, u64 endTime) { while(!m_canWrite); u32 pos = m_writeIndex.fetch_add(1); ProfilerSample & sample = m_samples[pos % NB_SAMPLES]; sample.tag = tag; sample.threadId = threadId; sample.startTime = startTime; sample.endTime = endTime; }
JavaDeathRecipient(JNIEnv* env, jobject object, const sp<DeathRecipientList>& list) : mVM(jnienv_to_javavm(env)), mObject(env->NewGlobalRef(object)), mObjectWeak(NULL), mList(list) { // These objects manage their own lifetimes so are responsible for final bookkeeping. // The list holds a strong reference to this object. LOGDEATH("Adding JDR %p to DRL %p", this, list.get()); list->add(this); gNumDeathRefsCreated.fetch_add(1, std::memory_order_relaxed); gcIfManyNewRefs(env); }
DWORD DNNModelThreadBackward(ThreadLayerState *tl) { SetTrainingThreadAffinity(tl->_threadNum); #ifndef PREALLOCATE_THREAD_BUFFERS float **outputError = new float *[tl->_numLayers]; float **inputError = new float *[tl->_numLayers]; for (int i = tl->_startLayer; i < tl->_numLayers; i++) { outputError[i] = new float[tl->_LayerState[i]._InputSize]; inputError[i] = new float[tl->_LayerState[i]._OutputSize]; } #endif while (true) { INT64 sampleId = g_CurrentSamplePos.fetch_add(1); if (sampleId >= G_SAMPLE_COUNT) break; int numLayers = ((sampleId % G_WORKER_COUNT) == 0) ? tl->_numLayers : tl->_numLayers-1; for (int l = tl->_startLayer; l < numLayers; l++) { #ifdef PREPARE_COMPUTE_DATA #elif PREALLOCATE_THREAD_BUFFERS #else Sparsify(tl->_inputError[l], tl->_LayerState[l]._OutputSize, G_BACKPROP_SPARSITY, G_DELTA_CACHELINE_SPARSITY); #endif Layer *layer = (tl->_LayerState + l); DECLARE_TIMER(timer); START_TIMER(timer); g_DNNKernels._backPropagate(layer, tl->_inputError[l], tl->_outputError[l]); STOP_TIMER(timer); tl->_FLOPTime[l] += ELAPSED_USEC_TIME(timer); tl->_SampleCount[l]++; } } #ifdef PREPARE_COMPUTE_DATA #elif PREALLOCATE_THREAD_BUFFERS #else for (int i = tl->_startLayer; i < tl->_numLayers; i++) { delete [] outputError[i]; delete [] inputError[i]; } delete []outputError; delete []inputError; #endif return 0; }
void executeImpl(Block & block, const ColumnNumbers &, size_t result, size_t input_rows_count) override { size_t current_row_number = rows.fetch_add(input_rows_count); auto column = ColumnUInt64::create(); auto & data = column->getData(); data.resize(input_rows_count); for (size_t i = 0; i < input_rows_count; ++i) data[i] = current_row_number + i; block.getByPosition(result).column = std::move(column); }
static void CopyHeaderVariables(Array& server, const HeaderMap& headers) { static std::atomic<int> badRequests(-1); std::vector<std::string> badHeaders; for (auto const& header : headers) { auto const& key = header.first; auto const& values = header.second; auto normalizedKey = s_HTTP_ + string_replace(f_strtoupper(key), s_dash, s_underscore); // Detect suspicious headers. We are about to modify header names for // the SERVER variable. This means that it is possible to deliberately // cause a header collision, which an attacker could use to sneak a // header past a proxy that would either overwrite or filter it // otherwise. Client code should use apache_request_headers() to // retrieve the original headers if they are security-critical. if (RuntimeOption::LogHeaderMangle != 0 && server.exists(normalizedKey)) { badHeaders.push_back(key); } if (!values.empty()) { // When a header has multiple values, we always take the last one. server.set(normalizedKey, String(values.back())); } } if (!badHeaders.empty()) { auto reqId = badRequests.fetch_add(1, std::memory_order_acq_rel) + 1; if (!(reqId % RuntimeOption::LogHeaderMangle)) { std::string badNames = folly::join(", ", badHeaders); std::string allHeaders; const char* separator = ""; for (auto const& header : headers) { for (auto const& value : header.second) { folly::toAppend(separator, header.first, ": ", value, &allHeaders); separator = "\n"; } } Logger::Warning( "HeaderMangle warning: " "The header(s) [%s] overwrote other headers which mapped to the same " "key. This happens because PHP normalises - to _, ie AN_EXAMPLE " "and AN-EXAMPLE are equivalent. You should treat this as " "malicious. All headers from this request:\n%s", badNames.c_str(), allHeaders.c_str()); } } }
void SocketPool::ReturnSocket(Socket* sock) { if (sock == nullptr) { return; } { std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mtx_); pool_.push_back(sock); } pool_count_.fetch_add(1, std::memory_order_relaxed); }
void call_void() { ++count_call_void; // make sure this function is not concurrently invoked HPX_TEST_EQ(count_active_call_void.fetch_add(1) + 1, 1); hpx::this_thread::suspend(std::chrono::microseconds(100)); --count_active_call_void; HPX_TEST_EQ(count_active_call_void.load(), 0); }