bool OggPage::find_capture_pattern(std::istream& from) { char ch; while(from) { while(from.get(ch) && (ch != 'O')); if(from.get(ch) && (ch != 'g')) { from.putback(ch); continue; } if(from.get(ch) && (ch != 'g')) { from.putback(ch); continue; } if(from.get(ch) && (ch != 'S')) { from.putback(ch); continue; } from.putback('S'); from.putback('g'); from.putback('g'); from.putback('O'); return bool(from); } return false; }
void Sistema::cargar(std::istream & is) { std::string non; //adelanto hasta el campo getline(is, non, '{'); getline(is, non, '{'); is.putback('{'); //cargo el campo _campo.cargar(is); // cargo todos los drones // adelanto hasta encontrar donde empieza cada drone ({) o hasta llegar al ] que // es donde termina la lista de drones char c; while (c != ']') { is.get(c); if (c == '{') { is.putback('{'); Drone d; d.cargar(is); _enjambre.push_back(d); } } // despues de los drones obtengo todo hasta el final que son los estados de cultivos getline(is, non); Secuencia<std::string> estadosCultivosFilas; // con el substr saco el " " inicial y el } final! estadosCultivosFilas = cargarLista(non.substr(1, non.length()-2), "[", "]"); // este vector va a tener todos los estados pero "aplanado", todos en hilera // y cuando los asigne voy accediendolo como todosEstadosCultivos[n_fila*ancho + posicion en Y] Secuencia<std::string> todosEstadosCultivos; int n = 0; while (n < estadosCultivosFilas.size()) { Secuencia<string> tmp = splitBy(estadosCultivosFilas[n].substr(1, estadosCultivosFilas[n].length() - 2), ","); todosEstadosCultivos.insert(todosEstadosCultivos.end(), tmp.begin(), tmp.end()); n++; } // creo la grilla de estados con las dimensiones correctas Dimension dim; dim.ancho = estadosCultivosFilas.size(); dim.largo = todosEstadosCultivos.size() / estadosCultivosFilas.size(); _estado = Grilla<EstadoCultivo>(dim); // asigno todos los estados dentro de la grilla int x = 0; while (x < dim.ancho) { int y = 0; while (y < dim.largo) { _estado.parcelas[x][y] = dameEstadoCultivoDesdeString(todosEstadosCultivos[x*dim.ancho+y]); y++; } x++; } //gane :) }
void partitioning<Grid>::read_partition(std::istream& in) { int p; partial_mapping<int,int> part_nums(-1); CellIterator C = TheGrid().FirstCell(); char c; in >> c; in.putback(c); if(isdigit(c)) { while(in && ! C.IsDone()) { in >> p; int np = ranges.size()-1; //NumOfPartitions(); for( int pp = 0; pp <= p - np; ++pp) add_partition(); // if( part_nums(p) == -1) { // part_nums[p] = add_partition(); // } add_cell(p,*C); ++C; } if(!in && ! C.IsDone()) { std::cerr << "partitioning<Grid>::read_partition(): input ended prematurely!\n" << "creating new partition for the remaining cells.\n"; p = add_partition(); while(! C.IsDone()) { add_cell(p,*C); ++C; } } } else {
/** * Standard input for a Fuzzy SOM * Parameter: _is The input stream */ void FuzzyMap::readSelf(std::istream& _is, const unsigned _size) { clear(); int dim; std::string layout, str; _is >> dim; _is >> layout; if (layout == "HEXA") { HEXALayout *tmpLayout = new HEXALayout(); somLayout = tmpLayout; } else { RECTLayout *tmpLayout = new RECTLayout(); somLayout = tmpLayout; } _is >> somWidth; _is >> somHeight; str = integerToString(dim); str += " "; str += integerToString(somWidth * somHeight); str += " "; for (int i = str.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) if (_is) _is.putback((char) str[i]); FuzzyCodeBook::readSelf(_is, _size); }
static int getFirstCharacter(std::istream & in) { int const c = in.peek(); if ( c >= 0 ) in.putback(c); return c; }
std::string Template::readTemplateCommand(std::istream& in) { std::string command; readWhiteSpace(in); int c = in.get(); while(c != -1) { if ( Ascii::isSpace(c) ) break; if ( c == '?' && in.peek() == '>' ) { in.putback(c); break; } if ( c == '=' && command.length() == 0 ) { command = "echo"; break; } command += c; c = in.get(); } return command; }
void MessageHeader::read(std::istream& istr) { static const int eof = std::char_traits<char>::eof(); int ch = istr.get(); while (ch != eof && ch != '\r' && ch != '\n') { std::string name; std::string value; while (ch != eof && ch != ':' && ch != '\n' && name.length() < MAX_NAME_LENGTH) { name += ch; ch = istr.get(); } if (ch == '\n') { ch = istr.get(); continue; } // ignore invalid header lines if (ch != ':') throw MessageException("Field name too long/no colon found"); if (ch != eof) ch = istr.get(); // ':' while (std::isspace(ch)) ch = istr.get(); while (ch != eof && ch != '\r' && ch != '\n' && value.length() < MAX_VALUE_LENGTH) { value += ch; ch = istr.get(); } if (ch == '\r') ch = istr.get(); if (ch == '\n') ch = istr.get(); else if (ch != eof) throw MessageException("Field value too long/no CRLF found"); while (ch == ' ' || ch == '\t') // folding { while (ch != eof && ch != '\r' && ch != '\n' && value.length() < MAX_VALUE_LENGTH) { value += ch; ch = istr.get(); } if (ch == '\r') ch = istr.get(); if (ch == '\n') ch = istr.get(); else if (ch != eof) throw MessageException("Folded field value too long/no CRLF found"); } add(name, value); } istr.putback(ch); }
void parseExpression(Node *&node, std::istream &in) { char ch = in.get(); while (!isNumber(ch) && !isOperator(ch) && !in.eof()) { ch = in.get(); } if (in.eof()) { node = createNode('?', true); return; } else { bool isOperatorCh = isOperator(ch); int added = 0; if (isOperatorCh) { added = static_cast<int>(ch); } else { in.putback(ch); in >> added; } node = createNode(added, isOperatorCh); if (isOperatorCh) { parseExpression(node->leftChild, in); parseExpression(node->rightChild, in); } } }
bool Lexer::readNext( LexToken &tk, std::istream &is ) { bool reading = true; char ch; tk.t_ = T_UNDEFINED; tk.s_.clear(); while( reading ) { ch = is.get(); /*std::cout << "char: " << ch; std::cout << " tok: " << tk.t_; std::cout << " state: " << state_; std::cout << " str: " << tk.s_; std::cout << std::endl;*/ if( is.bad() || is.eof() ) { ch = I_EOF; reading = false; } const Action& a = getAction_(state_,ch); switch( a.charAction ) { case A_ADD: tk.s_ += ch; break; case A_PUTBACK: if(ch != I_EOF ) is.putback(ch); break; case A_IGNORE: break; case A_ERROR: tk.t_ = T_UNDEFINED; tk.s_.clear(); reset(); throw IncorrectTextException(); break; } switch( a.bufferAction ) { case A_UNCHANGED: break; case A_CLEAR: tk.s_.clear(); break; case A_RETURN: reading = false; break; } if( a.newTokenType != T_UNCHANGED ) tk.t_ = a.newTokenType; state_ = a.toState; } if( ch == I_EOF ) return false; else return true; }
void setDataToIStream(std::istream& stream, std::string data) { int dataSize = data.size(); const char* rawData = data.c_str(); for (int i = dataSize; i > 0; i--) { stream.putback(rawData[i - 1]); } }
Token tok(std::istream& in) { char c; restart: c = in.get(); if(c == '(') { return Token::open(); } if(c == ')') { return Token::close(); } if(isnumber(c)) { int val = (int)(c - 48); c = in.get(); while(isnumber(c)) { val *= 10; val += (int)(c - 48); c = in.get(); } in.putback(c); return Token::number(val); } if(!isspace(c) && isprint(c)) { std::ostringstream ss; while(!isspace(c) && isprint(c) && c != '(' && c != ')') { ss.put(c); c = in.get(); } in.putback(c); return Token::sym(ss.str().c_str()); } if(isspace(c)) goto restart; return Token::fin(); }
inline void eatSpaces(std::istream& inStream){ char c = '\0'; while(inStream.good()){ inStream.get(c); if(c != ' ' && c != '\t'){ inStream.putback(c); break; } } }
void CdTreeStream::readToDelimiter(std::istream& is, std::string& str) { //str.erase(); char ch; while (is.get(ch) && (!isDelimiter(ch))) //if (!isspace((unsigned char) ch)) str += ch; if (isDelimiter(ch)) is.putback(ch); }
// skip_comments(is) utilise la fonction précédente pour sauter zéro, une ou plusieurs lignes // de commentaires débutées par '#' et allant jusqu'à '\n'. static void skip_comments(std::istream& is) { char c; is.get(c); // Lire un caractère. while(c=='#') // Tant que c'est un '#'. { skip_line(is); // On élimine les caractères jusqu'à la fin de ligne, is.get(c); // Et on lit un nouveau caractère. } is.putback(c); // On remet le caractère lu puisqu'il n'est pas un '#'. }
void skip_comment_lines( std::istream &in, const char comment_start) { char c, line[256]; while (in.get(c), c==comment_start) in.getline (line, 255); // put back first character of // first non-comment line in.putback (c); }
void ObjectFactory::PutBackTag(std::istream& iStream, const std::string& sTag) { std::string realtag = std::string("<") + sTag + std::string(">"); std::reverse(realtag.begin(), realtag.end()); for (size_t i=0;i<realtag.length();i++) { iStream.putback(realtag[i]); } }
void ObjectFactory::PutBackValue(std::istream& iStream, const std::string& sValue) { std::string v = sValue; // copy value to reverse it! std::reverse(v.begin(), v.end()); for (size_t i=0;i<v.length();i++) { iStream.putback(v[i]); } }
bool putback_test_two(std::istream& is) { try { do { char buf[chunk_size];, chunk_size); if (is.gcount() < static_cast<std::streamsize>(chunk_size)) break; is.putback('a'); is.putback('b'); is.putback('c'); is.putback('d'); if ( is.get() != 'd' || is.get() != 'c' || is.get() != 'b' || is.get() != 'a' ) { return false; } } while (!is.eof()); return true; } catch (std::exception&) { return false; } }
static bool isGzip(std::istream & in) { int const b0 = in.get(); if ( b0 < 0 ) return false; int const b1 = in.get(); if ( b1 < 0 ) { in.clear(); in.putback(b0); return false; } in.clear(); in.putback(b1); in.putback(b0); return b0 == libmaus2::lz::GzipHeaderConstantsBase::ID1 && b1 == libmaus2::lz::GzipHeaderConstantsBase::ID2; }
bool utl::ignoreComments (std::istream& is) { int c = ' '; while (isspace(c)) c = is.get(); while (c == '#') { is.ignore(256,'\n'); c = is.get(); } is.putback(c); return is.good(); }
std::string getStartingDataWithoutTouchingStream(std::istream& stream, int size) { char buffer[size];, size); // it is necessary to remove eofbit flag in the case of when the blockSize_ // is greather than the total length of input stream.clear(); int lastReadable = (int)stream.gcount(); for (int i = lastReadable; i > 0; i--) { stream.putback(buffer[i - 1]); } return std::string(buffer, lastReadable); }
std::string ObjectFactory::GetValue(std::istream& iStream) { char ch = '\0'; std::string sValue; while (ch != '<' && iStream.good()) { iStream.get(ch); if (ch!='<') sValue += ch; } if (ch=='<') iStream.putback(ch); return sValue; }
bool simple_parser::parse_token( std::istream& xmlFile, std::string& token, bool& isComment) { token.clear(); bool isInTag = false; isComment = false; char c = 0; for(;;) { c = xmlFile.get(); if ( xmlFile.eof() ) break; if ( isspace(c) && token.empty() ) continue; if ( c == '<' && !isComment ) { if ( !token.empty() ) // end of a in-token { xmlFile.putback(c); break; } isInTag = true; continue; } else if ( c == '>' ) { if ( isComment ) { if ( token.substr(token.size()-2,2) == "--" ) break; } else break; } token.append(1, c); if ( token.size() == 3 && token == "!--" ) isComment = true; } return isInTag; }
bool ASMs1D::read (std::istream& is) { if (shareFE) return true; if (curv) delete curv; Go::ObjectHeader head; curv = new Go::SplineCurve; is >> head >> *curv; // Eat white-space characters to see if there is more data to read char c; while (is.get(c)) if (!isspace(c)) { is.putback(c); break; } if (!is.good() && !is.eof()) { std::cerr <<" *** ASMs1D::read: Failure reading spline data"<< std::endl; delete curv; curv = nullptr; return false; } else if (curv->dimension() < 1) { std::cerr <<" *** ASMs1D::read: Invalid spline curve patch, dim=" << curv->dimension() << std::endl; delete curv; curv = nullptr; return false; } else if (curv->dimension() < nsd) { std::cout <<" ** ASMs1D::read: The dimension of this curve patch " << curv->dimension() <<" is less than nsd="<< (int)nsd <<".\n Resetting nsd to "<< curv->dimension() <<" for this patch."<< std::endl; nsd = curv->dimension(); } geo = curv; return true; }
void SceneImporter<real>::SkipBlanks( std::istream& stream ) { // Skip spaces while( stream && ( ( stream.peek() == ' ' ) || ( stream.peek() == '\n' ) || ( stream.peek() == '\r' ) || ( stream.peek() == '\t' ) || ( stream.peek() == '/' ) ) ) { if ( stream.peek() == '\n' ) mCurrentLine++; char c = stream.get(); // Commentary if ( ( c == '/' ) && ( stream.peek() == '/' ) ) { // Skip line while( stream && ( ( stream.peek() != '\r' ) && ( stream.peek() != '\n' ) ) ) stream.get(); } else if ( ( c == '/' ) && ( stream.peek() == '*' ) ) { stream.get(); // Skip to '*/' do { c = stream.get(); if ( c == '\n' ) mCurrentLine++; } while ( stream && ( ( c != '*' ) || ( stream.get() != '/' ) ) ); stream.get(); } else if ( c == '/' ) { // Cancel blank skip stream.putback( c ); break; } } }
// Try to consume characters from the input stream and match the // pattern string. Leading whitespaces from the input are ignored if // ignore_ws is true. bool match(const std::string& pattern, std::istream& input, bool ignore_ws) { if (ignore_ws) { eat_whitespaces(input); } std::string::const_iterator cur(pattern.begin()); char ch(0); while(input && !input.eof() && cur != pattern.end()) { input.get(ch); if (ch != *cur) { input.putback(ch); return false; } else { cur++; } } return cur == pattern.end(); }
void readFastaEntry(std::istream& i, std::string& name, std::string& description, std::string& sequence) throw (ParseException) { char ch; char c[512]; i.getline(c, 511); if (i) { if (c[0] != '>') { throw ParseException(std::string("FASTA file expected '>', got: '") + c[0] + "'"); } std::string nameDesc = c + 1; std::string::size_type spacepos = nameDesc.find(" "); name = nameDesc.substr(0, spacepos); description = (spacepos == std::string::npos ? "" : nameDesc.substr(spacepos)); for (ch = i.get(); (ch != EOF) && (ch != '>'); ch = i.get()) { if ((ch != '\n') && (ch != '\r') && (ch != ' ')) { if (((ch >= 'a') && (ch <= 'z')) || ((ch >= 'A') && (ch <= 'Z')) || (ch == '-') || (ch == '*')) { sequence += ch; } else { throw ParseException (std::string("Illegal character in FASTA file: '") + (char)ch + "'"); } } if (i.peek() == EOF) break; } if (ch == '>') i.putback(ch); } }
// skip blanks, tabs, line breaks and comment lines int skip_comment_line (std::istream & in) { int c; do { c = in.get(); while ( c == '#' ) { do { c = in.get(); } while ( c != '\n' ); c = in.get(); } } while (c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\n'); if (c == EOF) core_io_error_handler("CoreIO::read_from_file()","unexpected end of file."); in.putback(c); return c; }
void MessageHeader::read(std::istream& istr) { static const int eof = std::char_traits<char>::eof(); std::streambuf& buf = *istr.rdbuf(); std::string name; std::string value; name.reserve(32); value.reserve(64); int ch = buf.sbumpc(); int fields = 0; while (ch != eof && ch != '\r' && ch != '\n') { if (_fieldLimit > 0 && fields == _fieldLimit) throw MessageException("Too many header fields"); name.clear(); value.clear(); while (ch != eof && ch != ':' && ch != '\n' && name.length() < MAX_NAME_LENGTH) { name += ch; ch = buf.sbumpc(); } if (ch == '\n') { ch = buf.sbumpc(); continue; } // ignore invalid header lines if (ch != ':') throw MessageException("Field name too long/no colon found"); if (ch != eof) ch = buf.sbumpc(); // ':' while (ch != eof && Poco::Ascii::isSpace(ch) && ch != '\r' && ch != '\n') ch = buf.sbumpc(); while (ch != eof && ch != '\r' && ch != '\n' && value.length() < MAX_VALUE_LENGTH) { value += ch; ch = buf.sbumpc(); } if (ch == '\r') ch = buf.sbumpc(); if (ch == '\n') ch = buf.sbumpc(); else if (ch != eof) throw MessageException("Field value too long/no CRLF found"); while (ch == ' ' || ch == '\t') // folding { while (ch != eof && ch != '\r' && ch != '\n' && value.length() < MAX_VALUE_LENGTH) { value += ch; ch = buf.sbumpc(); } if (ch == '\r') ch = buf.sbumpc(); if (ch == '\n') ch = buf.sbumpc(); else if (ch != eof) throw MessageException("Folded field value too long/no CRLF found"); } Poco::trimRightInPlace(value); add(name, value); ++fields; } istr.putback(ch); }
std::string Template::readQuery(std::istream& in) { std::string word; int c; while((c = in.get()) != -1) { if ( c == '?' && in.peek() == '>' ) { in.putback(c); break; } if ( Ascii::isSpace(c) ) { break; } word += c; } return word; }