BOOL install_util::CreateLnkPath(std::wstring wsSourceFilePath, std::wstring wsDestLnkPath, std::wstring wsArgument, std::wstring wsAppId) { IShellLink *pisl = NULL; HRESULT hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_ShellLink, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IShellLink, (void**)&pisl); if (FAILED(hr)) { return FALSE; } pisl->SetPath(wsSourceFilePath.c_str()); pisl->SetArguments(wsArgument.c_str()); int nStart = wsSourceFilePath.find_last_of(_T("/\\")); pisl->SetWorkingDirectory(wsSourceFilePath.substr(0,nStart).c_str()); IPersistFile *plPF = NULL; hr = pisl->QueryInterface(IID_IPersistFile, (void**)&plPF); bool shortcut_existed = false; if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if (PathExists(wsDestLnkPath)) { shortcut_existed = true; install_util::DeleteFile(wsDestLnkPath.c_str()); } if (Win7OrLater() && !wsAppId.empty() && wsAppId.length() < 64) { IPropertyStore *piPS = NULL; if (SUCCEEDED(pisl->QueryInterface(IID_IPropertyStore, (void**)&piPS))) { PROPVARIANT property_value; if (SUCCEEDED(InitPropVariantFromString(wsAppId.c_str(), &property_value))) { if (piPS->SetValue(PKEY_AppUserModel_ID, property_value) == S_OK) piPS->Commit(); PropVariantClear(&property_value); } piPS->Release(); } } hr = plPF->Save(wsDestLnkPath.c_str(), TRUE); plPF->Release(); } pisl->Release(); SHChangeNotify(SHCNE_ASSOCCHANGED, SHCNF_IDLIST, NULL, NULL); return SUCCEEDED(hr); }
static std::list<std::wstring> _TokenizeString(const std::wstring& str, const wchar_t* delims) { std::list<std::wstring> components; std::size_t start = 0; // start from 0 std::size_t delimPos = str.find_first_of(delims); while (start != std::wstring::npos) { components.emplace_back(str.substr(start, delimPos - start)); start = str.find_first_not_of(delims, delimPos); delimPos = str.find_first_of(delims, start); } return components; }
bool MSCalibrationForm::parse_formula( const std::wstring& text, std::wstring& formula , std::wstring& adduct_lose, bool& isPositive ) const { adduct_lose.clear(); std::wstring::size_type pos = text.find_first_of( L"+-" ); if ( pos == std::wstring::npos ) { formula = text; return !formula.empty(); } else { formula = text.substr( 0, pos); if ( pos ) == L'+' ) isPositive = true; else if ( pos ) == L'-' ) isPositive = false; else return false; adduct_lose = text.substr( pos + 1 ); } return true; }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------| void MGUtils::StringSplit(std::wstring& str, std::wstring& delim, std::vector<std::wstring>& result) { int start = 0; int end = str.find_first_of(delim); if(end != -1) { while(end != -1) { result.push_back(str.substr(start, end - start)); start = end + 1; end = str.find_first_of(delim, start); if(end == -1) { result.push_back(str.substr(start)); } } } else { result.push_back(str.substr(start)); } }
// Strips the filename and leaves the path std::wstring CInjector::StripFile(std::wstring filePath) { int pos = -1; for (int k = 0; k < filePath.length(); k++) if (filePath[k] == L'\\') pos = k; if (pos != -1) { return filePath.substr(0, pos+1); } else { return L""; } }
void DevelopmentResourceZipFile::ReadAssetsDirectory(std::wstring fileSpec) { HANDLE fileHandle; WIN32_FIND_DATA findData; // get first file std::wstring pathSpec = m_AssetsDir + fileSpec; fileHandle = FindFirstFile( pathSpec.c_str(), &findData ); if( fileHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { // loop on all remeaining entries in dir while( FindNextFile( fileHandle,&findData ) ) { if (findData.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN) continue; std::wstring fileName = findData.cFileName; if( findData.dwFileAttributes &FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY ) { if (fileName != L".." && fileName != L".") { fileName = fileSpec.substr(0, fileSpec.length()-1) + fileName + L"\\*"; ReadAssetsDirectory(fileName); } } else { fileName = fileSpec.substr(0, fileSpec.length()-1) + fileName; std::wstring lower = fileName; std::transform(lower.begin(), lower.end(), lower.begin(), (int(*)(int)) std::tolower); wcscpy_s(&findData.cFileName[0], MAX_PATH, lower.c_str()); m_DirectoryContentsMap[ws2s(lower)] = m_AssetFileInfo.size(); m_AssetFileInfo.push_back(findData); } } } FindClose( fileHandle ); }
// Extends the length limit from 260 to 32767 characters // See: std::wstring GetExtendedLengthPath(const std::wstring& path) { const std::wstring prefix = L"\\\\?\\"; if (StartsWith(path, prefix)) return path; // "\\computer\path" -> "\\?\UNC\computer\path" if (StartsWith(path, L"\\\\")) return prefix + L"UNC\\" + path.substr(2); // "C:\path" -> "\\?\C:\path" return prefix + path; }
static std::wstring cleaningYomiForWord(const std::wstring& yomi,const std::wstring& word) { int pos = yomi.find(word); if (pos != std::wstring::npos) { if (pos == 0) { return L""; } return yomi.substr(0,pos); } return yomi; }
void ChatBackend::addUnparsedMessage(std::wstring message) { // TODO: Remove the need to parse chat messages client-side, by sending // separate name and text fields in TOCLIENT_CHAT_MESSAGE. if (message.size() >= 2 && message[0] == L'<') { std::size_t closing = message.find_first_of(L'>', 1); if (closing != std::wstring::npos && closing + 2 <= message.size() && message[closing+1] == L' ') { std::wstring name = message.substr(1, closing - 1); std::wstring text = message.substr(closing + 2); addMessage(name, text); return; } } // Unable to parse, probably a server message. addMessage(L"", message); }
std::vector<std::wstring> split(const std::wstring& str, const std::wstring& sep) { std::vector<std::wstring> ret; for (size_t pos = 0; pos <= str.size();) { size_t new_pos = str.find(sep, pos); if (std::string::npos == new_pos) new_pos = str.size(); ret.push_back(str.substr(pos, new_pos - pos)); pos = new_pos + sep.size(); } return ret; }
/** * Split a string into elements as a newly created arrayBuffer * @param inBuf The CharArray to split along * @param splitChar The char to use as splitter * @param &argLen [OUT] The length of the Array * @param escape [IN] Set to true to try to escape ":s ie. //token1 "token2 with space" token3// * @return The arrayBuffer */ array_buffer::arrayBuffer array_buffer::split2arrayBuffer(const std::wstring inBuf, wchar_t splitChar, unsigned int &argLen, bool escape) { if (inBuf.empty()) return createEmptyArrayBuffer(argLen); std::wstring::size_type p1 = 0; std::wstring::size_type p2 = 0; std::list<std::wstring> token_list; while (p1 != std::wstring::npos && p2 != std::wstring::npos) { if (escape && inBuf[p1] == '\"') { p2 = inBuf.find('\"', p1+1); if (p2 != std::wstring::npos) p2 = inBuf.find(splitChar, p2); } else { p2 = inBuf.find(splitChar, p1); } if (p2 == std::wstring::npos) p2 = inBuf.size(); if (p1 == p2 && p1 != inBuf.size()) { p1++; continue; } // p1 = start of "this token" // p2 = end of "this token" (next split char) if (p2<=p1) throw ArrayBufferException("Invalid position"); std::wstring token = inBuf.substr(p1,p2-p1); if (escape && token[0] == '\"') token = token.substr(1); if (escape && token[token.size()-1] == '\"') token = token.substr(0, token.size()-1); token_list.push_back(token); if (p2 < inBuf.size()) p2++; if (p2 == inBuf.size()) p2 = std::wstring::npos; p1 = p2; } arrayBuffer arrayBuffer = new arrayBufferItem[token_list.size()]; argLen=0; for (std::list<std::wstring>::const_iterator cit=token_list.begin();cit!=token_list.end();++cit) { size_t len = (*cit).size(); wchar_t* token = new wchar_t[len+1]; wcsncpy(token, (*cit).c_str(), len); arrayBuffer[argLen++] = token; } token_list.clear(); return arrayBuffer; }
bool XmlEncode(std::wstring& data, int nMaxCount) { if ((int)data.size() > nMaxCount) { data = data.substr(0, nMaxCount); } size_t nCount = 0; std::wstring buffer; buffer.reserve(data.size()); for (size_t pos = 0; pos != data.size(); ++pos) { if (data[pos] == L'\n' || data[pos] == L'\r') { nCount = pos; break; } else if (data[pos] == L'&') { buffer.append(L"&"); } else if (data[pos] == L'\"') { buffer.append(L"""); } else if (data[pos] == L'\'') { buffer.append(L"'"); } else if (data[pos] == L'<') { buffer.append(L"<"); } else if (data[pos] == L'>') { buffer.append(L">"); } else if (data[pos] == L'\\') { buffer.append(L"\\\\"); } else { buffer.append(&data[pos], 1); } } data.swap(buffer); return nCount > 0; }
bool UIniConfig::splitSectionAndKey( std::wstring &formattedKey, wstring §ionName, wstring &keyName ) { size_t slashIndex = formattedKey.find('/'); if(slashIndex == wstring::npos) { //没有找到'/',sectionName为general。 sectionName = L""; keyName = formattedKey; } else if(slashIndex == formattedKey.size()-1 || slashIndex == 0) { //假如第一个'/'出现在key的第一个字符或最后一个字符,则认为格式错误。 assert(!"UConfig::set 键名格式错误,'/'不能为key的第一个或最后一个字符。"); return false; } else { sectionName = formattedKey.substr(0,slashIndex); keyName = formattedKey.substr(slashIndex+1); } return true; }
/// <summary> /// Get filename from full-qualified path /// </summary> /// <param name="path">File path</param> /// <returns>Filename</returns> std::wstring Utils::StripPath( const std::wstring& path ) { if (path.empty()) return path; auto idx = path.rfind( L'\\' ); if(idx == path.npos) idx = path.rfind( L'/' ); if (idx != path.npos) return path.substr( idx + 1 ); else return path; }
std::vector<std::wstring> plLocalization::StringToLocal(const std::wstring & localizedText) { std::vector<std::wstring> tags; std::vector<int> tagLocs; std::vector<int> sortedTagLocs; std::vector<std::wstring> retVal; int i; for (i=0; i<kNumLanguages; i++) { std::wstring tag = L"$"; std::string temp = GetLanguageName((Language)i); wchar_t *wTemp = hsStringToWString(temp.c_str()); std::wstring langName = wTemp; delete [] wTemp; tag += langName.substr(0,2) + L"$"; tags.push_back(tag); tagLocs.push_back(localizedText.find(tag)); sortedTagLocs.push_back(i); retVal.push_back(L""); } for (i=0; i<kNumLanguages-1; i++) { for (int j=i; j<kNumLanguages; j++) { if (tagLocs[sortedTagLocs[i]] > tagLocs[sortedTagLocs[j]]) sortedTagLocs[i]^=sortedTagLocs[j]^=sortedTagLocs[i]^=sortedTagLocs[j]; // swap the contents (yes, it works) } } // now sortedTagLocs has the indexes of tagLocs sorted from smallest loc to highest loc bool noTags = true; for (i=0; i<kNumLanguages; i++) { int lang = sortedTagLocs[i]; // the language we are extracting if (tagLocs[lang] != -1) { noTags = false; // at least one tag was found in the text int startLoc = tagLocs[lang] + tags[lang].length(); int endLoc; if (i+1 == kNumLanguages) endLoc = localizedText.length(); else endLoc = tagLocs[sortedTagLocs[i+1]]; retVal[lang] = localizedText.substr(startLoc,endLoc-startLoc); } } if (noTags) retVal[0] = localizedText; // if no tags were in the text, we assume it to be English return retVal; }
bool ObjectImporter::Import(std::wstring file, ImportedObjectData* rawData) { size_t first = file.find_last_of('\\') + 1; size_t last = file.find_last_of('.'); rawData->name = file.substr(first, last-first); std::wifstream in (file); if(!in.is_open()) { std::wstring msg = L"Failed to open file: \n"; msg.append(file); MessageBox(0, msg.c_str(), L"Import error", 0); return false; } else { std::wstring buff; while (!in.eof()) { in >> buff; if(buff.size()) { if(buff == ObjImpFormat::animationCount) { int count = 0; if(!ParseInteger(in, count)) return false; if(count) { rawData->animations.resize(count); if(!ParseAnimationFile(in, rawData)) return false; } else if(!ParseStandardFile(in, rawData)) return false; } else { ParseLine(in, true); } } } in.close(); } return true; }
std::wstring TextureClass::GetExtension(const std::wstring& filename) { std::string::size_type idx; idx = filename.rfind('.'); if (idx != std::wstring::npos) { return filename.substr(idx + 1); } return L""; }
std::wstring getFolderNameFromPath(const std::wstring& src) { #ifdef _WIN32 size_t s = src.find_last_of(L"\\/"); #else size_t s = src.rfind(L"/"); #endif if (s == std::wstring::npos) { return L"."; } return src.substr(0,s); }
// Strips ignored characters std::wstring strip(std::wstring token) { std::wstring out; unsigned int start = 0; unsigned int end = 0; bool start_set = false; // Go through the token to find the real start and end points for(unsigned int i = 0; i < token.length(); i++) { // Determine whether or not a character is ignored bool in_ign = false; for(unsigned int j = 0; j < ign.size(); j++) { // in_ign will be true if any of the characters in the vector ign matches the current character in_ign = ( (token[i] == ign[j]) || in_ign ); } // Set starting and ending points if(!start_set) { // The first character that is not in the ignore list is the real start if(!in_ign) { start = i; end = start; start_set = true; } } else { // Then find the end point if(!in_ign) { end = i; } } } // Evaluate output if(!start_set) { return L""; } else { return token.substr(start, end - start + 1); } };
/// <summary> /// Get parent directory /// </summary> /// <param name="path">File path</param> /// <returns>Parent directory</returns> std::wstring Utils::GetParent( const std::wstring& path ) { if (path.empty()) return path; auto idx = path.rfind( L'\\' ); if (idx == path.npos) idx = path.rfind( L'/' ); if (idx != path.npos) return path.substr( 0, idx ); else return path; }
std::vector<std::wstring> getuLines(const std::wstring& str){ std::vector<std::wstring> ret; bool curnew = false;int cnstart=-1;int curline = 0;int startpos=0; wchar_t lastchar = NULL; //may want to initialize to a different value using a different container size for(unsigned int a = 0; a < str.size(); a++){ if (str[a]=='\r' || str[a]=='\n'){ if (lastchar == '\r' && str[a]=='\n'){ //ignore this one } else{ ret.push_back(str.substr(startpos,a-startpos)); curline++; } startpos = a + 1; } else if (a==str.size()-1){ ret.push_back(str.substr(startpos,str.size()-startpos+1)); } lastchar = str[a]; } return ret; }
std::wstring SaveManager::getFileNameFromPath(const std::wstring& path) { size_t pos = path.rfind(L'\\'); if (pos != path.npos) { pos += 1; return path.substr(pos); } else { SDLOG(0, "ERROR: SaveManager could not extract file name from path %ls", path.c_str()); } return path; }
BOOL CSVPRarLib::SplitPath_STL(std::wstring fnSVPRarPath) { std::wstring fnSVPExt = fnSVPRarPath.substr(0, 6); std::transform(fnSVPExt.begin(), fnSVPExt.end(), fnSVPExt.begin(), tolower); m_bIsRAR = (fnSVPExt == L"rar://"); //SVP_LogMsg5(L"CAsyncFileReader File %s" , fn); BOOL ret = false; if(m_bIsRAR) //SVP_LogMsg5(L"This is RAR File %s" , fn); { // SVP_LogMsg5(_T("rar library loaded")); int iPos = fnSVPRarPath.find('?'); if(iPos != fnSVPRarPath.npos) { m_fnRAR = fnSVPRarPath.substr(6, iPos - 6).c_str(); m_fnInsideRar = fnSVPRarPath.substr(iPos + 1, fnSVPRarPath.size() - iPos - 1).c_str(); ret = true; } } return ret; }
// from string to list of directories void Path::parse_path (const std::wstring& pathStr) { std::wstring::size_type from = 0; bool firstIsDrive = has_drive_letter (); while (from < pathStr.length ()) { std::wstring::size_type pos = pathStr.find_first_of (L"\\:", from); if (pos == std::wstring::npos) { path.push_back (pathStr.substr (from, pathStr.length () - from)); return; } if (from == pos) { from++; continue; } // ":\\" // FIXME check only one ':' in a path above if (pos > 0) { if (firstIsDrive) { std::wstring driveLetter = pathStr.substr (from, pos - from); assert (driveLetter.length () == 1); drive = std::tolower ( (0), loc); firstIsDrive = false; } else path.push_back (pathStr.substr (from, pos - from)); from = pos + 1; } } }
// Functions of HTMLParsr void HTMLParser::FindTag( const std::wstring& rHtml, const std::wstring& rTag, const std::map< std::wstring, boost::optional<std::wstring> >& rAttribute, size_t uStartPos ) { std::wstring sTagBegin = L"<" + rTag, sTagEnd = L"</" + rTag + L">"; // find the position of tag size_t uPos1 = rHtml.find( sTagBegin, uStartPos ); if( uPos1 == std::string::npos ) { return; } // find the end of the start tag size_t uPos2 = rHtml.find( L">", uPos1 + sTagBegin.length() ); if( uPos2 == std::string::npos ) { return; } if( rAttribute.size() > 0 ) { // get attributes std::wstring sAttributes = rHtml.substr( uPos1 + sTagBegin.length(), uPos2 - ( uPos1 + sTagBegin.length() ) ); // TODO: check attribute } // TODO: check nested tag? // find close tag size_t uPos3 = rHtml.find( sTagEnd, uPos2 + 1 ); if( uPos3 != std::string::npos ) { std::wstring sContent = rHtml.substr( uPos2 + 1, uPos3 - uPos2 - 1 ); } }
void readRealList( const std::wstring& str, std::vector<double>& vec ) { const wchar_t* ch = str.c_str(); const size_t argsize = str.size(); if( argsize == 0 ) { return; } size_t i=0; size_t last_token = 0; while( i<argsize ) { if( ch[i] == '(' ) { ++i; last_token = i; break; } ++i; } while( i<argsize ) { if( ch[i] == ',' ) { vec.push_back( std::stod( str.substr( last_token, i-last_token ).c_str() ) ); last_token = i+1; } else if( ch[i] == ')' ) { vec.push_back( std::stod( str.substr( last_token, i-last_token ).c_str() ) ); return; } ++i; } }
static std::wstring RemoveStringByDELETE(const std::wstring& str, int& spos, int& epos) { _ASSERT(spos <= (int) str.length()); int acp = spos; int len = str.length(); if (acp < len) { int rmlen = max(1, epos - spos); auto s1 = str.substr(0, acp); if (0 < (len - (acp + rmlen))) { auto s2 = str.substr(acp + rmlen, (len - (acp + rmlen))); s1 += s2; } epos = spos; return s1; } return str; }
std::wstring GetFilePath( const std::wstring& wsFullName ) { std::wstring::size_type nIndex1 = wsFullName.find_last_of(L"\\"); std::wstring::size_type nIndex2 = wsFullName.find_last_of(L"/"); if (std::wstring::npos == nIndex1) { nIndex1 = 0; } if (std::wstring::npos == nIndex2) { nIndex2 = 0; } std::wstring::size_type nIndex = max(nIndex1, nIndex2); return wsFullName.substr(0, nIndex); }
bool CServerPath::Segmentize(std::wstring const& str, tSegmentList& segments) { bool append = false; size_t start = 0; size_t pos; while (true) { pos = str.find_first_of(traits[m_type].separators, start); if (pos == std::string::npos) { break; } if (start == pos) { ++start; continue; } std::wstring segment = str.substr(start, pos - start); start = pos + 1; if (!SegmentizeAddSegment(segment, segments, append)) { return false; } } if (start < str.size()) { std::wstring segment = str.substr(start); if (!SegmentizeAddSegment(segment, segments, append)) { return false; } } if (append) return false; return true; }
std::vector<std::wstring> utils::wtokenize(const std::wstring& str, std::wstring delimiters) { /* * This function tokenizes a string by the delimiters. Plain and simple. */ std::vector<std::wstring> tokens; std::wstring::size_type last_pos = str.find_first_not_of(delimiters, 0); std::wstring::size_type pos = str.find_first_of(delimiters, last_pos); while (std::string::npos != pos || std::string::npos != last_pos) { tokens.push_back(str.substr(last_pos, pos - last_pos)); last_pos = str.find_first_not_of(delimiters, pos); pos = str.find_first_of(delimiters, last_pos); } return tokens; }