Exemple #1
Resource File::Open(const String& filename, const String& mode,
                    int options /* = 0 */,
                    const Variant& context /* = null */) {
    Stream::Wrapper *wrapper = Stream::getWrapperFromURI(filename);
    if (!wrapper) return Resource();
    Resource rcontext =
        context.isNull() ? g_context->getStreamContext() : context.toResource();
    File *file = wrapper->open(filename, mode, options, rcontext);
    if (file != nullptr) {
        file->m_name = filename.data();
        file->m_mode = mode.data();
        file->m_streamContext = rcontext;
    return Resource(file);
PhpFile *FileRepository::checkoutFile(StringData *rname,
                                      const struct stat &s) {
  FileInfo fileInfo;
  PhpFile *ret = nullptr;
  String name(rname);
  bool isPlainFile = File::IsPlainFilePath(name);

  if (isPlainFile) {
    if (rname->data()[0] != '/') {
      name = String(SourceRootInfo::GetCurrentSourceRoot()) + name;
    // Get the common fast path out of the way with as little locking
    // as possible: it's in the map and has not changed on disk
    ParsedFilesMap::const_accessor acc;
    if (s_files.find(acc, name.get()) && !acc->second->isChanged(s)) {
      TRACE(1, "FR fast path hit %s\n", rname->data());
      ret = acc->second->getPhpFile();
      return ret;
  } else {
    // Do the read before we get the repo lock, since it will call into the
    // stream library and will needs its own locks.
    if (isAuthoritativeRepo()) {
      throw FatalErrorException(
        "including urls doesn't work in RepoAuthoritative mode"
    Stream::Wrapper* w = Stream::getWrapperFromURI(name);
    File* f = w->open(name, "r", 0, null_variant);
    if (!f) return nullptr;
    StringBuffer sb;
    fileInfo.m_inputString = sb.detach();
    computeMd5(name.get(), fileInfo);

  TRACE(1, "FR fast path miss: %s\n", rname->data());
  const StringData *n = makeStaticString(name.get());

  PhpFile* toKill = nullptr;
    // run this after acc is destroyed (and its lock released)
    if (toKill) toKill->decRefAndDelete();
  ParsedFilesMap::accessor acc;
  bool isNew = s_files.insert(acc, n);
  PhpFileWrapper* old = acc->second;
    // run this just before acc is released
    if (old && old != acc->second) {
      if (old->getPhpFile() != acc->second->getPhpFile()) {
        toKill = old->getPhpFile();
      delete old;
    if (!acc->second) s_files.erase(acc);

  assert(isNew || old); // We don't leave null entries around.
  bool isChanged = !isNew && old->isChanged(s);

  if (isNew || isChanged) {
    if (isPlainFile && !readFile(n, s, fileInfo)) {
      TRACE(1, "File disappeared between stat and FR::readNewFile: %s\n",
      return nullptr;
    ret = fileInfo.m_phpFile;
    if (isChanged && ret == old->getPhpFile()) {
      // The file changed but had the same contents.
      if (debug && md5Enabled()) {
        ReadLock lock(s_md5Lock);
        assert(s_md5Files.find(ret->getMd5())->second == ret);
      return ret;
  } else if (!isNew) {
    // Somebody might have loaded the file between when we dropped
    // our read lock and got the write lock
    ret = old->getPhpFile();
    return ret;

  // If we get here the file was not in s_files or has changed on disk
  if (!ret) {
    // Try to read Unit from .hhbc repo.
    ret = readHhbc(n->data(), fileInfo);
  if (!ret) {
    if (isAuthoritativeRepo()) {
      raise_error("Tried to parse %s in repo authoritative mode", n->data());
    ret = parseFile(n->data(), fileInfo);
    if (!ret) return nullptr;
  assert(ret != nullptr);

  if (isNew) {
    acc->second = new PhpFileWrapper(s, ret);
  } else {
    PhpFile *f = old->getPhpFile();
    if (f != ret) {
    acc->second = new PhpFileWrapper(s, ret);

  if (md5Enabled()) {
    WriteLock lock(s_md5Lock);
    s_md5Files[ret->getMd5()] = ret;
  return ret;