SymbolSlab generateSymbols(std::vector<std::string> QualifiedNames) { SymbolSlab::Builder Slab; for (StringRef QName : QualifiedNames) Slab.insert(symbol(QName)); return std::move(Slab).build(); }
llvm::Expected<IndexFileIn> readRIFF(llvm::StringRef Data) { auto RIFF = riff::readFile(Data); if (!RIFF) return RIFF.takeError(); if (RIFF->Type != riff::fourCC("CdIx")) return makeError("wrong RIFF type"); llvm::StringMap<llvm::StringRef> Chunks; for (const auto &Chunk : RIFF->Chunks) Chunks.try_emplace(llvm::StringRef(, Chunk.ID.size()), Chunk.Data); for (llvm::StringRef RequiredChunk : {"meta", "stri"}) if (!Chunks.count(RequiredChunk)) return makeError("missing required chunk " + RequiredChunk); Reader Meta(Chunks.lookup("meta")); if (Meta.consume32() != Version) return makeError("wrong version"); auto Strings = readStringTable(Chunks.lookup("stri")); if (!Strings) return Strings.takeError(); IndexFileIn Result; if (Chunks.count("srcs")) { Reader SrcsReader(Chunks.lookup("srcs")); Result.Sources.emplace(); while (!SrcsReader.eof()) { auto IGN = readIncludeGraphNode(SrcsReader, Strings->Strings); auto Entry = Result.Sources->try_emplace(IGN.URI).first; Entry->getValue() = std::move(IGN); // We change all the strings inside the structure to point at the keys in // the map, since it is the only copy of the string that's going to live. Entry->getValue().URI = Entry->getKey(); for (auto &Include : Entry->getValue().DirectIncludes) Include = Result.Sources->try_emplace(Include).first->getKey(); } if (SrcsReader.err()) return makeError("malformed or truncated include uri"); } if (Chunks.count("symb")) { Reader SymbolReader(Chunks.lookup("symb")); SymbolSlab::Builder Symbols; while (!SymbolReader.eof()) Symbols.insert(readSymbol(SymbolReader, Strings->Strings)); if (SymbolReader.err()) return makeError("malformed or truncated symbol"); Result.Symbols = std::move(Symbols).build(); } if (Chunks.count("refs")) { Reader RefsReader(Chunks.lookup("refs")); RefSlab::Builder Refs; while (!RefsReader.eof()) { auto RefsBundle = readRefs(RefsReader, Strings->Strings); for (const auto &Ref : RefsBundle.second) // FIXME: bulk insert? Refs.insert(RefsBundle.first, Ref); } if (RefsReader.err()) return makeError("malformed or truncated refs"); Result.Refs = std::move(Refs).build(); } return std::move(Result); }