int main(int argc,char *argv[]) { try { // Initialise the device server //---------------------------------------- Tango::Util *tg = Tango::Util::init(argc,argv); // Create the device server singleton // which will create everything //---------------------------------------- tg->server_init(false); // Run the endless loop //---------------------------------------- cout << "Ready to accept request" << endl; tg->server_run(); } catch (bad_alloc) { cout << "Can't allocate memory to store device object !!!" << endl; cout << "Exiting" << endl; } catch (CORBA::Exception &e) { Tango::Except::print_exception(e); cout << "Received a CORBA_Exception" << endl; cout << "Exiting" << endl; } Tango::Util::instance()->server_cleanup(); return(0); }
//-------------------------------------------------------- void WebSocketDSClass::erase_dynamic_attributes(const Tango::DevVarStringArray *devlist_ptr, vector<Tango::Attr *> &att_list) { Tango::Util *tg = Tango::Util::instance(); for (unsigned long i=0 ; i<devlist_ptr->length() ; i++) { Tango::DeviceImpl *dev_impl = tg->get_device_by_name(((string)(*devlist_ptr)[i]).c_str()); WebSocketDS *dev = static_cast<WebSocketDS *> (dev_impl); vector<Tango::Attribute *> &dev_att_list = dev->get_device_attr()->get_attribute_list(); vector<Tango::Attribute *>::iterator ite_att; for (ite_att=dev_att_list.begin() ; ite_att != dev_att_list.end() ; ++ite_att) { string att_name((*ite_att)->get_name_lower()); if ((att_name == "state") || (att_name == "status")) continue; vector<string>::iterator ite_str = find(defaultAttList.begin(), defaultAttList.end(), att_name); if (ite_str == defaultAttList.end()) { cout2 << att_name << " is a UNWANTED dynamic attribute for device " << (*devlist_ptr)[i] << endl; Tango::Attribute &att = dev->get_device_attr()->get_attr_by_name(att_name.c_str()); dev->remove_attribute(att_list[att.get_attr_idx()], true, false); --ite_att; } } } /*----- PROTECTED REGION ID(WebSocketDSClass::erase_dynamic_attributes) ENABLED START -----*/ /*----- PROTECTED REGION END -----*/ // WebSocketDSClass::erase_dynamic_attributes }
void ZmqEventSupplier::create_event_socket() { if (event_pub_sock == NULL) { // // Create the Publisher socket for real events and bind it // If the user has specified one IP address on the command line, // re-use it in the endpoint // event_pub_sock = new zmq::socket_t(zmq_context,ZMQ_PUB); int linger = 0; event_pub_sock->setsockopt(ZMQ_LINGER,&linger,sizeof(linger)); event_endpoint = "tcp://"; if (ip_specified == true) { event_endpoint = event_endpoint + user_ip + ':'; } else { event_endpoint = event_endpoint + "*:"; } // // Set a publisher HWM // Tango::Util *tg = Tango::Util::instance(); DServer *admin_dev = tg->get_dserver_device(); int hwm = tg->get_user_pub_hwm(); if (hwm == -1) hwm = admin_dev->zmq_pub_event_hwm; event_pub_sock->setsockopt(ZMQ_SNDHWM,&hwm,sizeof(hwm)); // // Bind the publisher socket to one ephemeral port // tango_bind(event_pub_sock,event_endpoint); // // If needed, replace * by host IP address in enpoint string // if (ip_specified == false) { event_endpoint.replace(6,1,host_ip); } } }
Tango::DevLong DServer::un_lock_device(const Tango::DevVarLongStringArray *in_data) { NoSyncModelTangoMonitor mon(this); cout4 << "In un_lock_device command for device " << in_data->svalue[0] << endl; // // Get client identification // Tango::client_addr *cl = get_client_ident(); if (cl == NULL) { Except::throw_exception((const char*)"API_CantGetClientIdent", (const char*)"Cannot retrieve client identification", (const char*)"DServer::un_lock_device"); } cout4 << "Client identification = " << *cl << endl; if ((cl->client_ident == false) && (in_data->lvalue[0] == 0)) { Except::throw_exception((const char*)"API_ClientTooOld", (const char*)"Your client cannot un-lock devices. You are using a too old Tango release. Please, update to tango V7 or more", (const char*)"DServer::un_lock_device"); } // // Get the device and unlock it // DevLong ctr = 0; Tango::Util *tg = Tango::Util::instance(); for (unsigned int loop = 0;loop < in_data->svalue.length();++loop) { string d_name(in_data->svalue[loop]); if (d_name == get_name()) ctr = ext->lock_ctr; else { DeviceImpl *the_dev = tg->get_device_by_name(d_name); ctr = the_dev->unlock((bool)in_data->lvalue[0]); } if (loop > 0) ctr = 0; } return ctr; }
Tango::DevVarLongStringArray *DServer::dev_lock_status(Tango::ConstDevString dev_name) { NoSyncModelTangoMonitor mon(this); cout4 << "In dev_lock_status command for device " << dev_name << endl; // // Get the device and get its lock status // string d_name(dev_name); Tango::Util *tg = Tango::Util::instance(); DeviceImpl *the_dev = tg->get_device_by_name(d_name); return the_dev->lock_status(); }
void ZmqEventSupplier::push_heartbeat_event() { time_t delta_time; time_t now_time; // // Heartbeat - check wether a heartbeat event has been sent recently // if not then send it. A heartbeat contains no data, it is used by the // consumer to know that the supplier is still alive. // Tango::Util *tg = Tango::Util::instance(); DServer *adm_dev = tg->get_dserver_device(); now_time = time(NULL); delta_time = now_time - adm_dev->last_heartbeat_zmq; cout3 << "ZmqEventSupplier::push_heartbeat_event(): delta time since last heartbeat " << delta_time << endl; if (heartbeat_name_init == false) { // // Build heartbeat name // This is something like // tango://host:port/dserver/exec_name/inst_name.heartbeat when using DB // tango://host:port/dserver/exec_name/inst_name#dbase=no.heartbeat when using file as database // heartbeat_event_name = heartbeat_event_name + adm_dev->get_full_name(); if (Util::_FileDb == true) heartbeat_event_name = heartbeat_event_name + MODIFIER_DBASE_NO; heartbeat_event_name = heartbeat_event_name + ".heartbeat"; heartbeat_name_init = true; } // // We here compare delta_time to 8 and not to 10. // This is necessary because, sometimes the polling thread is some // milli second in advance. The computation here is done in seconds // So, if the polling thread is in advance, delta_time computed in // seconds will be 9 even if in reality it is 9,9 // if (delta_time >= 8) { int nb_event = 1; cout3 << "ZmqEventSupplier::push_heartbeat_event(): detected heartbeat event for " << heartbeat_event_name << endl; cout3 << "ZmqEventSupplier::push_heartbeat_event(): delta _time " << delta_time << endl; if (double_send_heartbeat == true) { nb_event = 2; double_send_heartbeat = false; } while (nb_event != 0) { // // Create zmq message // zmq::message_t name_mess(heartbeat_event_name.size()); memcpy(,(void *),heartbeat_event_name.size()); bool endian_mess_sent = false; bool call_mess_sent = false; try { // // For debug and logging purposes // if (nb_event == 1) { if (omniORB::trace(20)) { omniORB::logger log; log << "ZMQ: Pushing some data" << '\n'; } if (omniORB::trace(30)) { { omniORB::logger log; log << "ZMQ: Event name" << '\n'; } omni::giopStream::dumpbuf((unsigned char *),name_mess.size()); { omniORB::logger log; log << "ZMQ: Endianess" << '\n'; } omni::giopStream::dumpbuf((unsigned char *),endian_mess.size()); { omniORB::logger log; log << "ZMQ: Call info" << '\n'; } omni::giopStream::dumpbuf((unsigned char *),heartbeat_call_mess.size()); } } // // Push the event // adm_dev->last_heartbeat_zmq = now_time; heartbeat_pub_sock->send(name_mess,ZMQ_SNDMORE); heartbeat_pub_sock->send(endian_mess,ZMQ_SNDMORE); endian_mess_sent = true; heartbeat_pub_sock->send(heartbeat_call_mess,0); call_mess_sent = true; // // For reference counting on zmq messages which do not have a local scope // endian_mess.copy(&endian_mess_2); heartbeat_call_mess.copy(&heartbeat_call_mess_2); nb_event--; } catch(...) { cout3 << "ZmqEventSupplier::push_heartbeat_event() failed !\n"; if (endian_mess_sent == true) endian_mess.copy(&endian_mess_2); if (call_mess_sent == true) heartbeat_call_mess.copy(&heartbeat_call_mess_2); TangoSys_OMemStream o; o << "Can't push ZMQ heartbeat event for event "; o << heartbeat_event_name; if (zmq_errno() != 0) o << "\nZmq error: " << zmq_strerror(zmq_errno()) << ends; else o << ends; Except::throw_exception((const char *)"DServer_Events", o.str(), (const char *)"ZmqEventSupplier::push_heartbeat_event"); } } } }
void ZmqEventSupplier::create_mcast_socket(string &mcast_data,int rate,McastSocketPub &ms) { // // Create the Publisher socket for real events and bind it // If the user has specified one IP address on the command line, // re-use it in the endpoint // ms.pub_socket = new zmq::socket_t(zmq_context,ZMQ_PUB); ms.endpoint = MCAST_PROT; if (ip_specified == true) { ms.endpoint = ms.endpoint + user_ip + ';'; } else { ApiUtil *au = ApiUtil::instance(); vector<string> adrs; au->get_ip_from_if(adrs); for (unsigned int i = 0;i < adrs.size();++i) { if (adrs[i].find("127.") == 0) continue; ms.endpoint = ms.endpoint + adrs[i] + ';'; break; } } ms.endpoint = ms.endpoint + mcast_data; int linger = 0; ms.pub_socket->setsockopt(ZMQ_LINGER,&linger,sizeof(linger)); // // Change multicast hops // Tango::Util *tg = Tango::Util::instance(); DServer *admin_dev = tg->get_dserver_device(); int nb_hops = admin_dev->mcast_hops; ms.pub_socket->setsockopt(ZMQ_MULTICAST_HOPS,&nb_hops,sizeof(nb_hops)); // // Change PGM rate to default value (80 Mbits/sec) or to user defined value // int local_rate = rate; ms.pub_socket->setsockopt(ZMQ_RATE,&local_rate,sizeof(local_rate)); // // Bind the publisher socket to the specified port // if (zmq_bind(*(ms.pub_socket),ms.endpoint.c_str()) != 0) { TangoSys_OMemStream o; o << "Can't bind ZMQ socket with endpoint "; o << ms.endpoint; o << "\nZmq error: " << zmq_strerror(zmq_errno()) << ends; Except::throw_exception((const char *)"DServer_Events", o.str(), (const char *)"ZmqEventSupplier::create_mcast_event_socket"); } // // The connection string returned to client does not need the host IP at all // ms.endpoint = MCAST_PROT + mcast_data; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { INSTALL_CRASH_HANDLER; Tango::Util *tg = 0; try { //- bootstraping for yat Socket yat::Socket::init(); //- bootstraping for galil stuffs galil::ObjectManager::init(); // Initialise the device server //---------------------------------------- tg = Tango::Util::init(argc,argv); // Create the device server singleton // which will create everything //---------------------------------------- tg->server_init(false); // Run the endless loop //---------------------------------------- cout << "Ready to accept request" << endl; tg->server_run(); } catch (const bad_alloc&) { cout << "Can't allocate memory to store device object !!!" << endl; cout << "Exiting" << endl; } catch (CORBA::Exception &e) { Tango::Except::print_exception(e); cout << "Received a CORBA_Exception" << endl; cout << "Exiting" << endl; } catch (...) { cout << "Received an unknown exception" << endl; cout << "Exiting" << endl; } try { tg->server_cleanup(); } catch (...) { //- ignore any error from "server_cleanup" } //- release galil stuffs galil::ObjectManager::close(); //- bootstraping for yat Socket yat::Socket::terminate(); return(0); }
void DServer::class_factory() { #ifdef _TG_WINDOWS_ Tango::Util *tg = Tango::Util::instance(); string exe_name = tg->get_ds_exec_name(); exe_name = exe_name + ".exe"; HMODULE mod; FARPROC proc; convertor conv; PTR tmp; if (tg->is_py_ds() == false) { if ((mod = GetModuleHandle(exe_name.c_str())) == NULL) { cerr << "Oups, no class defined in this server. Exiting ..." << endl; exit(-1); } } else { if ((mod = GetModuleHandle(TANGO_PY_MOD_NAME)) == NULL) { cerr << "Oups, no class defined in this server. Exiting ..." << endl; exit(-1); } } // // Use the mangled name to find the user DServer::class_factory method // // Due to the fact that on Windows 64 bits we have both _WIN32 and _WIN64 // defined, start by testing _WIN64 (See tango_config.h) // #ifdef _WIN64 if ((proc = GetProcAddress(mod,"?class_factory@DServer@Tango@@AEAAXXZ")) == NULL) #elif _WIN32 /* WIN32 */ if ((proc = GetProcAddress(mod,"?class_factory@DServer@Tango@@AAEXXZ")) == NULL) #endif { cerr << "Oups, no class defined in this server. Exiting ..." << endl; exit(-1); } else { conv.d = &DServer::stop_polling; conv.s = proc; tmp = conv.d; (this->*tmp)(); } #elif __darwin__ Tango::Util *tg = Tango::Util::instance(); string exe_name = tg->get_ds_exec_name(); exe_name = exe_name; void *mod; void *proc; convertor conv; PTR tmp; if (tg->is_py_ds() == false) { if ((mod = dlopen (exe_name.c_str(), RTLD_LAZY )) == NULL) { cerr << "Oups, no class defined in this server. Exiting ..." << endl; exit(-1); } } else { /* if ((mod = GetModuleHandle(TANGO_PY_MOD_NAME)) == NULL) { cerr << "Oups, no class defined in this server. Exiting ..." << endl; exit(-1); } */ } // // Use the mangled name to find the user DServer::class_factory method // // Due to the fact that on Windows 64 bits we have both WIN32 and WIN64 // defined, start by testing WIN64 (See tango_config.h) // if ((proc = dlsym (mod,"_ZN5Tango7DServer13class_factoryEv")) == NULL) { cerr << "error : " << dlerror() << endl; cerr << "Oups, no class defined in this server. Exiting ..." << endl; exit(-1); } else { conv.d = &DServer::stop_polling; conv.s = proc; tmp = conv.d; (this->*tmp)(); } #else cerr << "Oups, no class defined in this server. Exiting ..." << endl; exit(-1); #endif }
void DServer::lock_device(const Tango::DevVarLongStringArray *in_data) { NoSyncModelTangoMonitor mon(this); string dev_name(in_data->svalue[0]); int lock_validity = in_data->lvalue[0]; cout4 << "In lock_device command for device " << dev_name << ", lock validity = " << lock_validity << endl; // // Get client identification // Tango::client_addr *cl = get_client_ident(); if (cl == NULL) { Except::throw_exception((const char*)"API_CantGetClientIdent", (const char*)"Cannot retrieve client identification", (const char*)"DServer::lock_device"); } cout4 << "Client identification = " << *cl << endl; if (cl->client_ident == false) { Except::throw_exception((const char*)"API_ClientTooOld", (const char*)"Your client cannot lock devices. You are using a too old Tango release. Please, update to tango V7 or more", (const char*)"DServer::lock_device"); } // // Transform device name to lower case // Tango::Util *tg = Tango::Util::instance(); string local_dev_name(get_name()); transform(local_dev_name.begin(),local_dev_name.end(),local_dev_name.begin(),::tolower); string d_name_lower(dev_name); transform(d_name_lower.begin(),d_name_lower.end(),d_name_lower.begin(),::tolower); // // Refuse to lock the admin device // if (d_name_lower == local_dev_name) { Except::throw_exception((const char *)"API_DeviceUnlockable", (const char *)"Impossible to lock device server administration device", (const char *)"DServer::lock_device"); } // // Get device ptr // DeviceImpl *the_dev; the_dev = tg->get_device_by_name(dev_name); // // Refuse to lock database device // string &cl_name = the_dev->get_device_class()->get_name(); if (::strcmp(cl_name.c_str(),DATABASE_CLASS) == 0) { Except::throw_exception((const char *)"API_DeviceUnlockable", (const char *)"Impossible to lock database device", (const char *)"DServer::lock_device"); } // // Mark the device as locked // the_dev->lock(cl,lock_validity); }
void DServer::re_lock_devices(const Tango::DevVarStringArray *dev_name_list) { NoSyncModelTangoMonitor mon(this); cout4 << "In re_lock_devices command" << endl; CORBA::ULong loop; CORBA::ULong nb_dev = dev_name_list->length(); for (loop = 0;loop < nb_dev;loop++) cout4 << "Device to re-lock: " << (*dev_name_list)[loop] << endl; // // Get client identification // Tango::client_addr *cl = get_client_ident(); if (cl == NULL) { Except::throw_exception((const char*)"API_CantGetClientIdent", (const char*)"Cannot retrieve client identification", (const char*)"DServer::re_lock_devices"); } cout4 << "Client identification = " << *cl << endl; if (cl->client_ident == false) { Except::throw_exception((const char*)"API_ClientTooOld", (const char*)"Your client cannot re_lock devices. You are using a too old Tango release. Please, update to tango V7 or more", (const char*)"DServer::re_lock_devices"); } // // ReLock the devices // If we have an error in this loop, memorize it and throw the exception at the // end of the loop // Tango::Util *tg = Tango::Util::instance(); DevErrorList errors; long nb_error = 0; for (loop = 0;loop < nb_dev;loop++) { string d_name((*dev_name_list)[loop]); // // Get device ptr // DeviceImpl *the_dev = NULL; try { the_dev = tg->get_device_by_name(d_name); } catch (Tango::DevFailed &e) { errors.length(nb_error + 1); errors[nb_error].desc = CORBA::string_dup(e.errors[0]; errors[nb_error].reason = CORBA::string_dup(e.errors[0]; errors[nb_error].origin = CORBA::string_dup(e.errors[0]; errors[nb_error].severity = e.errors[0].severity; nb_error++; } // // ReLock the device // try { the_dev->relock(cl); } catch (Tango::DevFailed &e) { errors.length(nb_error + 1); errors[nb_error].desc = CORBA::string_dup(e.errors[0]; errors[nb_error].reason = CORBA::string_dup(e.errors[0]; errors[nb_error].origin = CORBA::string_dup(e.errors[0]; errors[nb_error].severity = e.errors[0].severity; nb_error++; } } // // Throw the exception if we had one during the loop // if (nb_error != 0) { throw Tango::DevFailed(errors); } }