Exemple #1
bool Characterization::canExecute(Feature* task)
	// is argOnly set?
	if (argOnly.getValue().size() > 0)
		vector<string> onlies = argOnly.getValue();
		vector<string>::iterator i;

		for(i=onlies.begin(); i != onlies.end(); ++i)
			string onlyFeat = *i;

			if (onlyFeat.compare(task->getName()) == 0)
				VerboseOutput::println(string("Characterization"), "option --only: extract feature only '" + onlyFeat + "'");
				return true;
		return false;

	bool result = true;

	// check if a certain level is requested
	if( (task->getLevel() == argLevel.getValue()) ||
		((argLevel.getValue() == 0) && (task->getLevel() < 4)) ) 
		// check if certain features should be skipped
		vector<string> nos = argNO.getValue();
		vector<string>::iterator i;

		for(i=nos.begin(); i != nos.end(); ++i)
			string no = *i;

			if (no.compare(task->getName()) == 0)
				result = false;
		result = false;

	return result;
Exemple #2
static std::unique_ptr<cMemorySettingsRepository> ParseArguments(int argc, char ** argv)
		// Parse the comand line args:
		TCLAP::CmdLine cmd("Cuberite");
		TCLAP::ValueArg<int> slotsArg    ("s", "max-players",         "Maximum number of slots for the server to use, overrides setting in setting.ini", false, -1, "number", cmd);
		TCLAP::MultiArg<int> portsArg    ("p", "port",                "The port number the server should listen to", false, "port", cmd);
		TCLAP::SwitchArg commLogArg      ("",  "log-comm",            "Log server client communications to file", cmd);
		TCLAP::SwitchArg commLogInArg    ("",  "log-comm-in",         "Log inbound server client communications to file", cmd);
		TCLAP::SwitchArg commLogOutArg   ("",  "log-comm-out",        "Log outbound server client communications to file", cmd);
		TCLAP::SwitchArg crashDumpFull   ("",  "crash-dump-full",     "Crashdumps created by the server will contain full server memory", cmd);
		TCLAP::SwitchArg crashDumpGlobals("",  "crash-dump-globals",  "Crashdumps created by the server will contain the global variables' values", cmd);
		TCLAP::SwitchArg noBufArg        ("",  "no-output-buffering", "Disable output buffering", cmd);
		TCLAP::SwitchArg runAsServiceArg ("d", "service",             "Run as a service on Windows, or daemon on UNIX like systems", cmd);
		cmd.parse(argc, argv);

		// Copy the parsed args' values into a settings repository:
		auto repo = cpp14::make_unique<cMemorySettingsRepository>();
		if (slotsArg.isSet())
			int slots = slotsArg.getValue();
			repo->AddValue("Server", "MaxPlayers", static_cast<Int64>(slots));
		if (portsArg.isSet())
			for (auto port: portsArg.getValue())
				repo->AddValue("Server", "Port", static_cast<Int64>(port));
		if (commLogArg.getValue())
			g_ShouldLogCommIn = true;
			g_ShouldLogCommOut = true;
			g_ShouldLogCommIn = commLogInArg.getValue();
			g_ShouldLogCommOut = commLogOutArg.getValue();
		if (noBufArg.getValue())
			setvbuf(stdout, nullptr, _IONBF, 0);

		// Set the service flag directly to cRoot:
		if (runAsServiceArg.getValue())
			cRoot::m_RunAsService = true;

		// Apply the CrashDump flags for platforms that support them:
		#if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(_WIN64) && defined(_MSC_VER)  // 32-bit Windows app compiled in MSVC
			if (crashDumpGlobals.getValue())
				g_DumpFlags = static_cast<MINIDUMP_TYPE>(g_DumpFlags | MiniDumpWithDataSegs);
			if (crashDumpFull.getValue())
				g_DumpFlags = static_cast<MINIDUMP_TYPE>(g_DumpFlags | MiniDumpWithFullMemory);
		#endif  // 32-bit Windows app compiled in MSVC

		return repo;
	catch (const TCLAP::ArgException & exc)
		printf("Error reading command line %s for arg %s", exc.error().c_str(), exc.argId().c_str());
		return cpp14::make_unique<cMemorySettingsRepository>();