Teuchos::RCP<const Tpetra::Map<LO,GO,Node> >
  createMeshMap (const LO& blockSize, const Tpetra::Map<LO,GO,Node>& pointMap)
    typedef Teuchos::OrdinalTraits<Tpetra::global_size_t> TOT;
    typedef Tpetra::Map<LO,GO,Node> map_type;

    //calculate mesh GIDs
    Teuchos::ArrayView<const GO> pointGids = pointMap.getNodeElementList();
    Teuchos::Array<GO> meshGids;
    GO indexBase = pointMap.getIndexBase();

    // Use hash table to track whether we've encountered this GID previously.  This will happen
    // when striding through the point DOFs in a block.  It should not happen otherwise.
    // I don't use sort/make unique because I don't want to change the ordering.
    Tpetra::Details::HashTable<GO,int> hashTable(pointGids.size());
    for (int i=0; i<pointGids.size(); ++i) {
      GO meshGid = (pointGids[i]-indexBase) / blockSize + indexBase;
      if (hashTable.get(meshGid) == -1) {
        hashTable.add(meshGid,1);   //(key,value)

    Teuchos::RCP<const map_type> meshMap = Teuchos::rcp( new map_type(TOT::invalid(), meshGids(), 0, pointMap.getComm()) );
    return meshMap;

    // special constructor for generating a given subblock of a strided map
    static RCP<StridedMap> Build(const RCP<const StridedMap>& map, LocalOrdinal stridedBlockId) {
      TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(stridedBlockId < 0, Exceptions::RuntimeError,
                                 "Xpetra::StridedMapFactory::Build: constructor expects stridedBlockId > -1.");
      TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(map->getStridedBlockId() != -1, Exceptions::RuntimeError,
                                 "Xpetra::StridedMapFactory::Build: constructor expects a full map (stridedBlockId == -1).");

      std::vector<size_t> stridingInfo = map->getStridingData();

      Teuchos::ArrayView<const GlobalOrdinal> dofGids = map->getNodeElementList();
      // std::sort(dofGids.begin(),dofGids.end()); // TODO: do we need this?

      // determine nStridedOffset
      size_t nStridedOffset = 0;
      for (int j = 0; j < map->getStridedBlockId(); j++)
        nStridedOffset += stridingInfo[j];

      size_t numMyBlockDofs = (stridingInfo[stridedBlockId] * map->getNodeNumElements()) / map->getFixedBlockSize();
      std::vector<GlobalOrdinal> subBlockDofGids(numMyBlockDofs);

      // TODO fill vector with dofs
      LocalOrdinal ind = 0;
      for (typename Teuchos::ArrayView< const GlobalOrdinal >::iterator it = dofGids.begin(); it!=dofGids.end(); ++it)
        if (map->GID2StridingBlockId(*it) == Teuchos::as<size_t>(stridedBlockId))
          subBlockDofGids[ind++] = *it;

      const Teuchos::ArrayView<const LocalOrdinal> subBlockDofGids_view(&subBlockDofGids[0],subBlockDofGids.size());

      return rcp(new StridedMap(map->lib(), Teuchos::OrdinalTraits<global_size_t>::invalid(), subBlockDofGids_view, map->getIndexBase(), stridingInfo, map->getComm(), stridedBlockId, map->getNode()));
Teuchos::Array<bool> createResponseTable(
    int count,
    const std::string selectionType,
    int index,
    const Teuchos::ArrayView<const int> &list)
  Teuchos::Array<bool> result;

  if (count > 0) {
    if (selectionType == "All") {
      result.resize(count, true);
    } else if (selectionType == "Last") {
      result = createResponseTableFromIndex(count - 1, count);
    } else if (selectionType == "AllButLast") {
      result.resize(count - 1, true);
    } else if (selectionType == "Index") {
      result = createResponseTableFromIndex(index, count);
    } else if (selectionType == "List") {
      result.resize(count, false);
      for (Teuchos::ArrayView<const int>::const_iterator it = list.begin(), it_end = list.end(); it != it_end; ++it) {
        result.at(*it) = true;
    } else {

  return result;
  MatrixAdapter<Matrix>::do_getCcs(const Teuchos::ArrayView<scalar_t> nzval,
				   const Teuchos::ArrayView<global_ordinal_t> rowind,
				   const Teuchos::ArrayView<typename MatrixAdapter<Matrix>::global_size_t> colptr,
				   typename MatrixAdapter<Matrix>::global_size_t& nnz,
				   const Teuchos::Ptr<const Tpetra::Map<local_ordinal_t,global_ordinal_t,node_t> > colmap,
		       EDistribution distribution,
				   EStorage_Ordering ordering,
				   col_access ca) const
    using Teuchos::RCP;
    using Teuchos::ArrayView;
    using Teuchos::OrdinalTraits;
    RCP<const type> get_mat;
    if( *colmap == *this->col_map_ ){
      // No need to redistribute
      get_mat = rcp(this,false); // non-owning
    } else {
      get_mat = get(colmap, distribution);

    // If all is well and good, then colmap == cmap
    RCP<const Tpetra::Map<scalar_t,local_ordinal_t,global_ordinal_t> > cmap = get_mat->getColMap();
    TEUCHOS_ASSERT( *colmap == *cmap );

    ArrayView<global_ordinal_t> node_elements = cmap->getNodeElementList();
    if( node_elements.size() == 0 ) return; // no more contribution
    typename ArrayView<global_ordinal_t>::iterator col_it, col_end;
    col_end = node_elements.end();

    size_t colptr_ind = OrdinalTraits<size_t>::zero();
    global_ordinal_t colInd = OrdinalTraits<global_ordinal_t>::zero();
    for( col_it = node_elements.begin(); col_it != col_end; ++col_it ){
      colptr[colptr_ind++] = colInd;
      size_t colNNZ = getGlobalColNNZ(*col_it);
      size_t nnzRet = 0;
      ArrayView<global_ordinal_t> rowind_view = rowind.view(colInd,colNNZ);
      ArrayView<scalar_t> nzval_view = nzval.view(colInd,colNNZ);
      getGlobalColCopy(*col_it, rowind_view, nzval_view, nnzRet);
      // It was suggested that instead of sorting each row's indices
      // individually, that we instead do a double-transpose at the
      // end, which would also lead to the indices being sorted.
      if( ordering == SORTED_INDICES ){
        Tpetra::sort2(rowind_view.begin(), rowind_view.end(), nzval_view.begin());
			  "Number of values returned different from "
                          "number of values reported");
      colInd += colNNZ;
    colptr[colptr_ind] = nnz = colInd;
 /// \brief Constructor.
 /// \brief matrix [in] The original input matrix.  This Container
 ///   will construct a local diagonal block from the rows given by
 ///   <tt>localRows</tt>.
 /// \param localRows [in] The set of (local) rows assigned to this
 ///   container.  <tt>localRows[i] == j</tt>, where i (from 0 to
 ///   <tt>getNumRows() - 1</tt>) indicates the Container's row, and
 ///   j indicates the local row in the calling process.  Subclasses
 ///   must always pass along these indices to the base class.
 Container (const Teuchos::RCP<const row_matrix_type>& matrix,
            const Teuchos::ArrayView<const local_ordinal_type>& localRows) :
   inputMatrix_ (matrix),
   localRows_ (localRows.begin (), localRows.end ())
     matrix.is_null (), std::invalid_argument, "Ifpack2::Container: "
     "The constructor's input matrix must be non-null.");
  pack (const Teuchos::ArrayView<const LocalOrdinal>& exportLIDs,
	Teuchos::Array<GlobalOrdinal>& exports,
	const Teuchos::ArrayView<size_t>& numPacketsPerLID,
	size_t& constantNumPackets,
	Distributor& distor) const
    using Teuchos::Array;
    typedef LocalOrdinal LO;
    typedef GlobalOrdinal GO;
    typedef Map<LO, GO, Node> map_type;
    const char tfecfFuncName[] = "packAndPrepare";
    (void) distor; // forestall "unused argument" compiler warning

      exportLIDs.size() != numPacketsPerLID.size(), std::runtime_error,
      ": exportLIDs and numPacketsPerLID must have the same size.");

    const map_type& srcMap = * (this->getRowMap ());
    constantNumPackets = 0;

    // Set numPacketsPerLID[i] to the number of entries owned by the
    // calling process in (local) row exportLIDs[i] of the graph, that
    // the caller wants us to send out.  Compute the total number of
    // packets (that is, entries) owned by this process in all the
    // rows that the caller wants us to send out.
    size_t totalNumPackets = 0;
    Array<GO> row;
    for (LO i = 0; i < exportLIDs.size (); ++i) {
      const GO GID = srcMap.getGlobalElement (exportLIDs[i]);
      size_t row_length = this->getNumEntriesInGlobalRow (GID);
      numPacketsPerLID[i] = row_length;
      totalNumPackets += row_length;

    exports.resize (totalNumPackets);

    // Loop again over the rows to export, and pack rows of indices
    // into the output buffer.
    size_t exportsOffset = 0;
    for (LO i = 0; i < exportLIDs.size (); ++i) {
      const GO GID = srcMap.getGlobalElement (exportLIDs[i]);
      size_t row_length = this->getNumEntriesInGlobalRow (GID);
      row.resize (row_length);
      size_t check_row_length = 0;
      this->getGlobalRowCopy (GID, row (), check_row_length);
      typename Array<GO>::const_iterator row_iter = row.begin();
      typename Array<GO>::const_iterator row_end = row.end();
      size_t j = 0;
      for (; row_iter != row_end; ++row_iter, ++j) {
        exports[exportsOffset+j] = *row_iter;
      exportsOffset += row.size ();
DTKInterpolationAdapter::update_variable_values(std::string var_name, Teuchos::ArrayView<GlobalOrdinal> missed_points)
  MPI_Comm old_comm = Moose::swapLibMeshComm(*comm->getRawMpiComm());

  System * sys = find_sys(var_name);
  unsigned int var_num = sys->variable_number(var_name);

  bool is_nodal = sys->variable_type(var_num).family == LAGRANGE;

  Teuchos::RCP<FieldContainerType> values = values_to_fill[var_name]->field();

  // Create a vector containing true or false for each point saying whether it was missed or not
  // We're only going to update values for points that were not missed
  std::vector<bool> missed(values->size(), false);

  for (Teuchos::ArrayView<const GlobalOrdinal>::const_iterator i=missed_points.begin();
      i != missed_points.end();
    missed[*i] = true;

  unsigned int i=0;
  // Loop over the values (one for each node) and assign the value of this variable at each node
  for (FieldContainerType::iterator it=values->begin(); it != values->end(); ++it)
    // If this point "missed" then skip it
    if (missed[i])

    const DofObject * dof_object = NULL;

    if (is_nodal)
      dof_object = mesh.node_ptr(vertices[i]);
      dof_object = mesh.elem(elements[i]);

    if (dof_object->processor_id() == mesh.processor_id())
      // The 0 is for the component... this only works for LAGRANGE!
      dof_id_type dof = dof_object->dof_number(sys->number(), var_num, 0);
      sys->solution->set(dof, *it);



  // Swap back
// Map a reference point to the physical space of an entity.
void MoabEntityLocalMap::mapToPhysicalFrame( 
    const Entity& entity,
    const Teuchos::ArrayView<const double>& reference_point,
    const Teuchos::ArrayView<double>& physical_point ) const
    cacheEntity( entity );

	d_moab_evaluator->eval( reference_point.getRawPtr(),
				physical_point.getRawPtr() )
CrsWrapper_GraphBuilder<Scalar, LocalOrdinal, GlobalOrdinal, Node>::
CrsWrapper_GraphBuilder (const Teuchos::RCP<const Map<LocalOrdinal, GlobalOrdinal, Node> >& map)
 : graph_(),
  Teuchos::ArrayView<const GlobalOrdinal> rows = map->getNodeElementList ();
  const LocalOrdinal numRows = static_cast<LocalOrdinal> (rows.size ());
  for (LocalOrdinal i = 0; i < numRows; ++i) {
    graph_[rows[i]] = new std::set<GlobalOrdinal>;
Teuchos::Array< int >
computeCommIndexes(int rank,
                   const Teuchos::ArrayView< int > & commStrides)
  Teuchos::Array< int > result(commStrides.size());
  for (int axis = 0; axis < commStrides.size(); ++axis)
    result[axis] = rank / commStrides[axis];
    rank         = rank % commStrides[axis];
  return result;
void CUDANode::readyBuffers(Teuchos::ArrayView<Teuchos::ArrayRCP<const char> > buffers, Teuchos::ArrayView<Teuchos::ArrayRCP<char> > ncBuffers)
  for (size_t i=0; i < buffers.size(); ++i) {
  for (size_t i=0; i < ncBuffers.size(); ++i) {
DenseContainer<MatrixType, LocalScalarType>::
DenseContainer (const Teuchos::RCP<const row_matrix_type>& matrix,
                const Teuchos::ArrayView<const local_ordinal_type>& localRows) :
    Container<MatrixType> (matrix, localRows),
    numRows_ (localRows.size ()),
    diagBlock_ (numRows_, numRows_),
    ipiv_ (numRows_, 0)
    using Teuchos::Array;
    using Teuchos::ArrayView;
    using Teuchos::RCP;
    using Teuchos::rcp;
    using Teuchos::toString;
    typedef Tpetra::Map<local_ordinal_type, global_ordinal_type, node_type> map_type;
    typedef typename ArrayView<const local_ordinal_type>::size_type size_type;
        ! matrix->hasColMap (), std::invalid_argument, "Ifpack2::DenseContainer: "
        "The constructor's input matrix must have a column Map.");

    // Check whether the input set of local row indices is correct.
    const map_type& rowMap = * (matrix->getRowMap ());
    const size_type numRows = localRows.size ();
    bool rowIndicesValid = true;
    Array<local_ordinal_type> invalidLocalRowIndices;
    for (size_type i = 0; i < numRows; ++i) {
        if (! rowMap.isNodeLocalElement (localRows[i])) {
            rowIndicesValid = false;
            invalidLocalRowIndices.push_back (localRows[i]);
        ! rowIndicesValid, std::invalid_argument, "Ifpack2::DenseContainer: "
        "On process " << rowMap.getComm ()->getRank () << " of "
        << rowMap.getComm ()->getSize () << ", in the given set of local row "
        "indices localRows = " << toString (localRows) << ", the following "
        "entries are not valid local row indices on the calling process: "
        << toString (invalidLocalRowIndices) << ".");

#ifdef HAVE_MPI
    RCP<const Teuchos::Comm<int> > localComm =
        rcp (new Teuchos::MpiComm<int> (MPI_COMM_SELF));
    RCP<const Teuchos::Comm<int> > localComm =
        rcp (new Teuchos::SerialComm<int> ());
#endif // HAVE_MPI

    // FIXME (mfh 25 Aug 2013) What if the matrix's row Map has a
    // different index base than zero?
    const global_ordinal_type indexBase = 0;
    localMap_ = rcp (new map_type (numRows_, indexBase, localComm));
void CrsMatrixWrapper<ST>::ypAx(const Teuchos::ArrayView<ST>& y,
                                const Teuchos::ArrayView<const ST>& x) const
    RCP<VectorType<ST> > X = rcp(new VectorType<ST>(mat.getRowMap(), x, x.size(), 1));
    RCP<VectorType<ST> > Y = rcp(new VectorType<ST>(mat.getRowMap(), y, y.size(), 1));

    const ST alpha = Teuchos::ScalarTraits<ST>::one();
    const ST beta = Teuchos::ScalarTraits<ST>::one();

    // Y = beta*Y + alpha*A*X
    mat.apply(*X, *Y, Teuchos::NO_TRANS, alpha, beta);
    Y->get1dCopy(y, y.size());
void DropNegativeEntriesFactory<Scalar, LocalOrdinal, GlobalOrdinal, Node>::Build(Level& currentLevel) const {
    FactoryMonitor m(*this, "Matrix filtering (springs)", currentLevel);

    RCP<Matrix> Ain = Get< RCP<Matrix> >(currentLevel, "A");

    LocalOrdinal nDofsPerNode = Ain->GetFixedBlockSize();

    // create new empty Operator
    Teuchos::RCP<Matrix> Aout = MatrixFactory::Build(Ain->getRowMap(), Ain->getGlobalMaxNumRowEntries(), Xpetra::StaticProfile);

    size_t numLocalRows = Ain->getNodeNumRows();
    for(size_t row=0; row<numLocalRows; row++) {
        GlobalOrdinal grid = Ain->getRowMap()->getGlobalElement(row);

        int rDofID = Teuchos::as<int>(grid % nDofsPerNode);

        // extract row information from input matrix
        Teuchos::ArrayView<const LocalOrdinal> indices;
        Teuchos::ArrayView<const Scalar> vals;
        Ain->getLocalRowView(row, indices, vals);

        // just copy all values in output
        Teuchos::ArrayRCP<GlobalOrdinal> indout(indices.size(),Teuchos::ScalarTraits<GlobalOrdinal>::zero());
        Teuchos::ArrayRCP<Scalar>        valout(indices.size(),Teuchos::ScalarTraits<Scalar>::zero());

        size_t nNonzeros = 0;
        for(size_t i=0; i<(size_t)indices.size(); i++) {
            GlobalOrdinal gcid = Ain->getColMap()->getGlobalElement(indices[i]); // global column id

            int cDofID = Teuchos::as<int>(gcid % nDofsPerNode);
            if(rDofID == cDofID && Teuchos::ScalarTraits<Scalar>::magnitude(vals[i]) >= Teuchos::ScalarTraits<Scalar>::magnitude(Teuchos::ScalarTraits<Scalar>::zero())) {
                indout [nNonzeros] = gcid;
                valout [nNonzeros] = vals[i];

        Aout->insertGlobalValues(Ain->getRowMap()->getGlobalElement(row), indout.view(0,indout.size()), valout.view(0,valout.size()));

    Aout->fillComplete(Ain->getDomainMap(), Ain->getRangeMap());

    // copy block size information

    GetOStream(Statistics0, 0) << "Nonzeros in A (input): " << Ain->getGlobalNumEntries() << ", Nonzeros after filtering A: " << Aout->getGlobalNumEntries() << std::endl;

    Set(currentLevel, "A", Aout);
Exemple #15
  void MapTransferFactory<Scalar, LocalOrdinal, GlobalOrdinal, Node, LocalMatOps>::Build(Level & fineLevel, Level & coarseLevel) const {
    typedef Xpetra::Matrix<Scalar, LocalOrdinal, GlobalOrdinal, Node, LocalMatOps> OperatorClass; //TODO
    typedef Xpetra::Map<LocalOrdinal, GlobalOrdinal, Node> MapClass;
    typedef Xpetra::MapFactory<LocalOrdinal, GlobalOrdinal, Node> MapFactoryClass;

    Monitor m(*this, "Contact Map transfer factory");

    if (fineLevel.IsAvailable(mapName_, mapFact_.get())==false) {
        GetOStream(Runtime0, 0) << "MapTransferFactory::Build: User provided map " << mapName_ << " not found in Level class." << std::endl;

    // fetch map extractor from level
    RCP<const MapClass> transferMap = fineLevel.Get<RCP<const MapClass> >(mapName_,mapFact_.get());

    // Get default tentative prolongator factory
    // Getting it that way ensure that the same factory instance will be used for both SaPFactory and NullspaceFactory.
    // -- Warning: Do not use directly initialPFact_. Use initialPFact instead everywhere!
    RCP<const FactoryBase> tentPFact = GetFactory("P");
    if (tentPFact == Teuchos::null) { tentPFact = coarseLevel.GetFactoryManager()->GetFactory("Ptent"); }
    TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(!coarseLevel.IsAvailable("P",tentPFact.get()),Exceptions::RuntimeError, "MueLu::MapTransferFactory::Build(): P (generated by TentativePFactory) not available.");
    RCP<OperatorClass> Ptent = coarseLevel.Get<RCP<OperatorClass> >("P", tentPFact.get());

    std::vector<GlobalOrdinal > coarseMapGids;

    // loop over local rows of Ptent
    for(size_t row=0; row<Ptent->getNodeNumRows(); row++) {

      GlobalOrdinal grid = Ptent->getRowMap()->getGlobalElement(row);
      if(transferMap->isNodeGlobalElement(grid)) {

        Teuchos::ArrayView<const LocalOrdinal> indices;
        Teuchos::ArrayView<const Scalar> vals;
        Ptent->getLocalRowView(row, indices, vals);

        for(size_t i=0; i<(size_t)indices.size(); i++) {
          // mark all columns in Ptent(grid,*) to be coarse Dofs of next level transferMap
          GlobalOrdinal gcid = Ptent->getColMap()->getGlobalElement(indices[i]);
      } // end if isNodeGlobalElement(grid)

    // build column maps
    std::sort(coarseMapGids.begin(), coarseMapGids.end());
    coarseMapGids.erase(std::unique(coarseMapGids.begin(), coarseMapGids.end()), coarseMapGids.end());
    Teuchos::ArrayView<GlobalOrdinal> coarseMapGidsView (&coarseMapGids[0],coarseMapGids.size());
    Teuchos::RCP<const MapClass> coarseTransferMap = MapFactoryClass::Build(Ptent->getColMap()->lib(), -1, coarseMapGidsView, Ptent->getColMap()->getIndexBase(), Ptent->getColMap()->getComm());

    // store map extractor in coarse level
    coarseLevel.Set(mapName_, coarseTransferMap, mapFact_.get());
Exemple #16
void RTOpC::apply_op_impl(
    const Teuchos::ArrayView<const ConstSubVectorView<Scalar> > &sub_vecs,
    const Teuchos::ArrayView<const SubVectorView<Scalar> > &targ_sub_vecs,
    const Teuchos::Ptr<ReductTarget> &_reduct_obj
  ) const

  using Teuchos::Workspace;
  Teuchos::WorkspaceStore* wss =

  const int num_vecs = sub_vecs.size();
  const int num_targ_vecs = targ_sub_vecs.size();

  RTOp_ReductTarget reduct_obj = RTOp_REDUCT_OBJ_NULL;
    reduct_obj = (*this)(*_reduct_obj);

  int k;
  Workspace<RTOp_SubVector>        c_sub_vecs(wss,num_vecs,false);
  for( k = 0; k < num_vecs; ++k ) {
    const SubVector& v = sub_vecs[k];
  Workspace<RTOp_MutableSubVector>  c_targ_sub_vecs(wss,num_targ_vecs,false);
  for( k = 0; k < num_targ_vecs; ++k ) {
    const MutableSubVector& v = targ_sub_vecs[k];

  const int err = RTOp_apply_op(
    ,num_vecs,       num_vecs       ? &c_sub_vecs[0]      : (RTOp_SubVector*)NULL
    ,num_targ_vecs,  num_targ_vecs  ? &c_targ_sub_vecs[0] : (RTOp_MutableSubVector*)NULL
    err==RTOp_ERR_INVALID_NUM_VECS, InvalidNumVecs
    ,"RTOpC::apply_op(...): Error, "
    "RTOp_apply_op(...) returned RTOp_ERR_INVALID_NUM_VECS" );
    err==RTOp_ERR_INVALID_NUM_TARG_VECS, InvalidNumTargVecs
    ,"RTOpC::apply_op(...): Error, "
    "RTOp_apply_op(...) returned RTOp_ERR_INVALID_NUM_TARG_VECS" );
    err!=0, UnknownError
    ,"RTOpC::apply_op(...): Error, "
    "RTOp_apply_op(...) returned != 0 with unknown meaning" );

  //! Print the given array of strings, in YAML format, to \c out.
  static void
  printStringArray (std::ostream& out,
                    const Teuchos::ArrayView<const std::string>& array)
    typedef Teuchos::ArrayView<std::string>::const_iterator iter_type;

    out << "[";
    for (iter_type iter = array.begin(); iter != array.end(); ++iter) {
      out << "\"" << *iter << "\"";
      if (iter + 1 != array.end()) {
        out << ", ";
    out << "]";
  const Teuchos::ArrayView<const MultiVecAdapter<Epetra_MultiVector>::scalar_t>& new_data,
  size_t lda,
    const Tpetra::Map<MultiVecAdapter<Epetra_MultiVector>::local_ordinal_t,
                      MultiVecAdapter<Epetra_MultiVector>::node_t> > source_map)
  using Teuchos::rcpFromPtr;
  using Teuchos::as;

  const size_t num_vecs  = getGlobalNumVectors();
  // TODO: check that the following const_cast is safe
  double* data_ptr = const_cast<double*>(new_data.getRawPtr());

  // Optimization for ROOTED
  // TODO: Element-wise copy rather than using importer
  if ( num_vecs == 1 && mv_->Comm().MyPID() == 0 && mv_->Comm().NumProc() == 1 ) {
	  const multivec_t source_mv(Copy, *mv_map_, data_ptr, as<int>(lda), as<int>(num_vecs));
	  const Epetra_Import importer(*mv_map_, *mv_map_); //trivial - map does not change
	  mv_->Import(source_mv, importer, Insert);
  else {
    const Epetra_BlockMap e_source_map
      = *Util::tpetra_map_to_epetra_map<local_ordinal_t,global_ordinal_t,global_size_t,node_t>(*source_map);
    const multivec_t source_mv(Copy, e_source_map, data_ptr, as<int>(lda), as<int>(num_vecs));
    const Epetra_Import importer(*mv_map_, e_source_map);
    mv_->Import(source_mv, importer, Insert);
 * \brief Map a point to the reference space of an entity. Return the
bool BoxImpl::mapToReferenceFrame( 
    const Teuchos::ArrayView<const double>& point,
    const Teuchos::ArrayView<double>& reference_point ) const
    reference_point.assign( point );
    return true;
Exemple #20
void TpetraMatrix::zero_local(std::size_t m, const dolfin::la_index* rows)

  for (std::size_t i = 0 ; i != m; ++i)
    Teuchos::ArrayView<const dolfin::la_index> cols;
    Teuchos::ArrayView<const double> data;
    _matA->getLocalRowView(rows[i], cols, data);
    std::vector<double> z(cols.size(), 0);
    Teuchos::ArrayView<const double> dataz(z);

    _matA->replaceLocalValues(rows[i], cols, dataz);
    void diff_type_get_copy<MV,S>::
    apply (const Teuchos::Ptr<const MV>& mv,
           const Teuchos::ArrayView<S>& v,
           const size_t& ldx,
           Teuchos::Ptr<const Tpetra::Map<typename MV::local_ordinal_t, typename MV::global_ordinal_t, typename MV::node_t> > distribution_map,
           EDistribution distribution )
      typedef typename MV::scalar_t mv_scalar_t;
      typedef typename Teuchos::Array<mv_scalar_t>::size_type size_type;

        mv.getRawPtr () == NULL, std::invalid_argument,
        "Amesos2::diff_type_get_copy::apply: mv is null.");
        distribution_map.getRawPtr () == NULL, std::invalid_argument,
        "Amesos2::diff_type_get_copy::apply: distribution_map is null.");

      const size_type vals_length = v.size ();
      Teuchos::Array<mv_scalar_t> vals_tmp (vals_length);

      mv->get1dCopy (vals_tmp (), ldx, distribution_map, distribution);
      for (size_type i = 0; i < vals_length; ++i) {
        v[i] = Teuchos::as<S> (vals_tmp[i]);
Exemple #22
size_type computeSize(const Teuchos::ArrayView< DIM_TYPE > & dimensions)
  size_type result = 1;
  for (int axis = 0; axis < dimensions.size(); ++axis)
    result *= dimensions[axis];
  return result;
Exemple #23
void Tpetra_RowGraph<MatrixType>::getLocalRowCopy(local_ordinal_type LocalRow,
                                              const Teuchos::ArrayView<local_ordinal_type> &Indices,
                                              size_t &NumEntries) const
  Teuchos::Array<scalar_type> Values(Indices.size());
  A_->getLocalRowCopy(LocalRow,Indices,Values (),NumEntries);
void Simple2DModelEvaluator<Scalar>::set_p(const Teuchos::ArrayView<const Scalar> &p)
  TEUCHOS_ASSERT_EQUALITY(p_.size(), p.size());
CrsWrapper_GraphBuilder<Scalar, LocalOrdinal, GlobalOrdinal, Node>::
insertGlobalValues (GlobalOrdinal globalRow,
                    const Teuchos::ArrayView<const GlobalOrdinal> &indices,
                    const Teuchos::ArrayView<const Scalar> &values)
  typename std::map<GlobalOrdinal,std::set<GlobalOrdinal>*>::iterator
    iter = graph_.find (globalRow);

    iter == graph_.end(), std::runtime_error,
    "Tpetra::CrsWrapper_GraphBuilder::insertGlobalValues could not find row "
    << globalRow << " in the graph. Super bummer man. Hope you figure it out.");

  std::set<GlobalOrdinal>& cols = * (iter->second);

  for (typename Teuchos::ArrayView<const GlobalOrdinal>::size_type i = 0;
       i < indices.size (); ++i) {
    cols.insert (indices[i]);

  const global_size_t row_length = static_cast<global_size_t> (cols.size ());
  if (row_length > max_row_length_) {
    max_row_length_ = row_length;
// Map a point to the reference space of an entity. Return the parameterized
// point.
bool MoabEntityLocalMap::mapToReferenceFrame( 
    const Entity& entity,
    const Teuchos::ArrayView<const double>& physical_point,
    const Teuchos::ArrayView<double>& reference_point ) const
    cacheEntity( entity );

    int is_inside = -1;

    // Ignore the error code on this one because of the ridiculous
    // tolerancing/convergence scheme used in the implementation.
	physical_point.getRawPtr(), d_newton_tol, 
	d_inclusion_tol, reference_point.getRawPtr(), &is_inside );
    return (is_inside > 0);
void addNodesToPart(
    const Teuchos::ArrayView<const stk::mesh::EntityId> &nodeIds,
    stk::mesh::Part &samplePart,
    stk::mesh::BulkData& bulkData)
  const stk::mesh::PartVector samplePartVec(1, &samplePart);
  const stk::mesh::Selector locallyOwned = stk::mesh::MetaData::get(bulkData).locally_owned_part();

  BulkModification mod(bulkData);
  typedef Teuchos::ArrayView<const stk::mesh::EntityId>::const_iterator Iter;
  for (Iter it = nodeIds.begin(), it_end = nodeIds.end(); it != it_end; ++it) {
    stk::mesh::Entity node = bulkData.get_entity(stk::topology::NODE_RANK, *it);
    if (bulkData.is_valid(node) && locallyOwned(bulkData.bucket(node))) {
      bulkData.change_entity_parts(node, samplePartVec);
Exemple #28
Teuchos::Array< SIZE_TYPE >
computeStrides(const Teuchos::ArrayView< DIM_TYPE > & dimensions,
               const Layout layout)
  // In the MDArray<T>(const MDArrayView<T> &) constructor, I try to
  // pass the MDArrayView dimensions to computeStrides(), but they
  // come in as ArrayView<const T> (for reasons I can't determine) and
  // cause all sorts of const-correctness problems.  So I copy them
  // into a new Array<T> and pass its reference to the main
  // computeStrides() function.  Fortunately, the array of dimensions
  // is small.
  Teuchos::Array< DIM_TYPE > nonConstDims(0);
  return computeStrides< SIZE_TYPE, DIM_TYPE >(nonConstDims, layout);
void Simple2DModelEvaluator<Scalar>::set_x0(const Teuchos::ArrayView<const Scalar> &x0_in)
  TEUCHOS_ASSERT_EQUALITY(x_space_->dim(), x0_in.size());
  Thyra::DetachedVectorView<Scalar> x0(x0_);
bool CloudDomain<1>::pointInDomain( 
    const Teuchos::ArrayView<const double>& coords ) const
    DTK_REQUIRE( coords.size() == 1 );
    DTK_CHECK( d_bounds[0] <= d_bounds[1] );

    return ( coords[0] >= d_bounds[0] && coords[0] <= d_bounds[1] )
	? true : false;