Exemple #1
    void LoweringVisitor::create_reduction_function(OpenMP::Reduction* red,
            Nodecl::NodeclBase construct,
            TL::Type reduction_type,
            TL::Symbol& basic_reduction_function,
            TL::Symbol& vector_reduction_function)
            basic_reduction_function = create_basic_reduction_function_c(red, construct);

            // This is not yet well supported in Nanos++
            if (!reduction_type.is_array())
                vector_reduction_function = create_vector_reduction_function_c(red, construct);
        else if (IS_FORTRAN_LANGUAGE)
            basic_reduction_function = create_basic_reduction_function_fortran(red, construct);
            internal_error("Code unreachable", 0);
    static TL::Symbol create_initializer_function_fortran(
            OpenMP::Reduction* red,
            TL::Type reduction_type,
            Nodecl::NodeclBase construct)
        std::string fun_name;
            std::stringstream ss;
            ss << "nanos_ini_" << red << "_" << reduction_type.get_internal_type() << "_" << simple_hash_str(construct.get_filename().c_str());
            fun_name = ss.str();

        Nodecl::NodeclBase initializer = red->get_initializer().shallow_copy();

        TL::Type omp_out_type = reduction_type,
                 omp_ori_type = reduction_type;

        // These sources are only used in array reductions
        TL::Source omp_out_extra_attributes,

        if (reduction_type.is_array())
            Source dims_descr;
            TL::Type t = reduction_type;
            int rank = 0;
            if (t.is_fortran_array())
                rank = t.fortran_rank();

            dims_descr << "(";
            omp_out_extra_attributes << ", POINTER, DIMENSION(";

            int i;
            for (i = 0; i < rank; i++)
                if (i != 0)
                    dims_descr << ",";
                    omp_out_extra_attributes << ",";

                dims_descr << "LBOUND(omp_orig, DIM = " << (rank - i) << ")"
                    << ":"
                    << "UBOUND(omp_orig, DIM = " << (rank - i) << ")"

                omp_out_extra_attributes << ":";
                t = t.array_element();

            dims_descr << ")";
            omp_out_extra_attributes << ")";

            omp_out_type = t;

            extra_stuff_array_red << "ALLOCATE(omp_out" << dims_descr <<")\n";

        Source src;
        src << "SUBROUTINE " << fun_name << "(omp_out, omp_orig)\n"
            <<    "IMPLICIT NONE\n"
            <<    as_type(omp_out_type) << omp_out_extra_attributes << " ::  omp_out\n"
            <<    as_type(omp_ori_type) <<  " :: omp_orig\n"
            <<    extra_stuff_array_red
            <<    "omp_out = " << as_expression(initializer) << "\n"
            << "END SUBROUTINE " << fun_name << "\n"

        TL::Scope global_scope = construct.retrieve_context().get_global_scope();
        Nodecl::NodeclBase function_code = src.parse_global(global_scope);
        TL::Symbol function_sym = global_scope.get_symbol_from_name(fun_name);

        ERROR_CONDITION(!function_sym.is_valid(), "Symbol %s not found", fun_name.c_str());

        // As the initializer function is needed during the instantiation of
        // the task, this function should be inserted before the construct

        return function_sym;
    Type Type::fix_references_()
        if ((IS_C_LANGUAGE && this->is_any_reference())
                || (IS_CXX_LANGUAGE && this->is_rebindable_reference()))
            TL::Type ref = this->references_to();
            if (ref.is_array())
                // T (&a)[10] -> T * const
                // T (&a)[10][20] -> T (* const)[20]
                ref = ref.array_element();

            // T &a -> T * const a
            TL::Type ptr = ref.get_pointer_to();
            if (!this->is_rebindable_reference())
                ptr = ptr.get_const_type();
            return ptr;
        else if (IS_FORTRAN_LANGUAGE && this->is_any_reference())
            return this->references_to();
        else if (this->is_array())
            if (this->array_is_region())
                Nodecl::NodeclBase lb, reg_lb, ub, reg_ub;
                this->array_get_bounds(lb, ub);
                this->array_get_region_bounds(reg_lb, reg_ub);
                TL::Scope sc = array_type_get_region_size_expr_context(this->get_internal_type());

                return this->array_element().fix_references_().get_array_to_with_region(lb, ub, reg_lb, reg_ub, sc);
                Nodecl::NodeclBase size = this->array_get_size();
                TL::Scope sc = array_type_get_array_size_expr_context(this->get_internal_type());

                return this->array_element().fix_references_().get_array_to(size, sc);
        else if (this->is_pointer())
            TL::Type fixed = this->points_to().fix_references_().get_pointer_to();

            cv_qualifier_t cv_qualif = CV_NONE;
            ::advance_over_typedefs_with_cv_qualif(this->get_internal_type(), &cv_qualif);

            fixed = ::get_cv_qualified_type(fixed.get_internal_type(), cv_qualif);

            return fixed;
        else if (this->is_function())
            // Do not fix unprototyped functions
            if (this->lacks_prototype())
                return (*this);

            cv_qualifier_t cv_qualif = CV_NONE;
            ::advance_over_typedefs_with_cv_qualif(this->get_internal_type(), &cv_qualif);

            ref_qualifier_t ref_qualifier = function_type_get_ref_qualifier(this->get_internal_type());
            TL::Type fixed_result = this->returns().fix_references_();
            bool has_ellipsis = 0;

            TL::ObjectList<TL::Type> fixed_parameters = this->parameters(has_ellipsis);
            for (TL::ObjectList<TL::Type>::iterator it = fixed_parameters.begin();
                    it != fixed_parameters.end();
                *it = it->fix_references_();

            TL::ObjectList<TL::Type> nonadjusted_fixed_parameters = this->nonadjusted_parameters();
            for (TL::ObjectList<TL::Type>::iterator it = nonadjusted_fixed_parameters.begin();
                    it != nonadjusted_fixed_parameters.end();
                *it = it->fix_references_();

            TL::Type fixed_function = fixed_result.get_function_returning(

            fixed_function = TL::Type(get_cv_qualified_type(fixed_function.get_internal_type(), cv_qualif));

            return fixed_function;
        // Note: we are not fixing classes
            // Anything else must be left untouched
            return (*this);