Exemple #1
TreeModelItem::TreeModelItem( const Tomahawk::artist_ptr& artist, TreeModelItem* parent, int row )
    : QObject( parent )
    , m_artist( artist )
    this->parent = parent;
    fetchingMore = false;
    m_isPlaying = false;

    if ( parent )
        if ( row < 0 )
            parent->children.append( this );
            row = parent->children.count() - 1;
            parent->children.insert( row, this );

        this->model = parent->model;

    toberemoved = false;

    connect( artist.data(), SIGNAL( updated() ), SIGNAL( dataChanged() ) );
Exemple #2
PlayableItem::PlayableItem( const Tomahawk::artist_ptr& artist, PlayableItem* parent, int row )
    : QObject( parent )
    , m_artist( artist )
    init( parent, row );

    connect( artist.data(), SIGNAL( updated() ), SIGNAL( dataChanged() ) );
Exemple #3
Album::get( const Tomahawk::artist_ptr& artist, const QString& name, bool autoCreate )
    int albid = Database::instance()->impl()->albumId( artist->id(), name, autoCreate );
    if ( albid < 1 && autoCreate )
        return album_ptr();

    return Album::get( albid, name, artist );
Exemple #4
PlaylistModel::append( const Tomahawk::artist_ptr& artist )
    if ( artist.isNull() )

    connect( artist.data(), SIGNAL( tracksAdded( QList<Tomahawk::query_ptr> ) ),
                              SLOT( append( QList<Tomahawk::query_ptr> ) ) );

    if ( rowCount( QModelIndex() ) == 0 )
        setTitle( artist->name() );
        setDescription( tr( "All tracks by %1" ).arg( artist->name() ) );
        m_isTemporary = true;

    append( artist->playlistInterface()->tracks() );
Exemple #5
Album::Album( const QString& name, const Tomahawk::artist_ptr& artist )
    : QObject()
    , m_waitingForId( true )
    , m_name( name )
    , m_artist( artist )
    , m_coverLoaded( false )
    , m_coverLoading( false )
    , m_cover( 0 )
    tDebug( LOGVERBOSE ) << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Creating album:" << name << artist->name();
    m_sortname = DatabaseImpl::sortname( name );
Exemple #6
AudioEngine::playItem( const Tomahawk::artist_ptr& artist )
    playlistinterface_ptr pli = artist->playlistInterface( Mixed );
    if ( pli->isFinished() )
        if ( !pli->tracks().count() )
                new ErrorStatusMessage( tr( "Sorry, Tomahawk couldn't find the artist '%1'" ).arg( artist->name() ), 15 ) );

            if ( isStopped() )
                emit stopped(); // we do this so the original caller knows we couldn't find this track
            playItem( pli, pli->tracks().first() );
        NewClosure( artist.data(), SIGNAL( tracksAdded( QList<Tomahawk::query_ptr>, Tomahawk::ModelMode, Tomahawk::collection_ptr ) ),
                    const_cast<AudioEngine*>(this), SLOT( playItem( Tomahawk::artist_ptr ) ), artist );
Exemple #7
inline QString
albumCacheKey( const Tomahawk::artist_ptr& artist, const QString& albumName )
    return QString( "%1\t\t%2" ).arg( artist->name().toLower() ).arg( albumName.toLower() );
ArtistInfoWidget::ArtistInfoWidget( const Tomahawk::artist_ptr& artist, QWidget* parent )
    : QWidget( parent )
    , ui( new Ui::ArtistInfoWidget )
    , m_artist( artist )
    QWidget* widget = new QWidget;
    ui->setupUi( widget );

    connect( artist.data(), SIGNAL( statsLoaded() ), SLOT( onArtistStatsLoaded() ) );

    ui->lineAbove->setStyleSheet( QString( "QFrame { border: 1px solid %1; }" ).arg( TomahawkStyle::HEADER_BACKGROUND.name() ) );
    ui->lineBelow->setStyleSheet( QString( "QFrame { border: 1px solid black; }" ) );
    ui->lineAbove2->setStyleSheet( QString( "QFrame { border: 1px solid black; }" ) );
    ui->lineBelow2->setStyleSheet( QString( "QFrame { border: 1px solid %1; }" ).arg( TomahawkStyle::HEADER_BACKGROUND.name() ) );

    QHBoxLayout* l = new QHBoxLayout( ui->statsWidget );
    m_playStatsGauge = new StatsGauge( ui->statsWidget );
    m_playStatsGauge->setText( tr( "YOUR ARTIST RANK" ) );
    m_playStatsGauge->setInvertedAppearance( true );

    l->addSpacerItem( new QSpacerItem( 0, 1, QSizePolicy::Minimum, QSizePolicy::MinimumExpanding ) );
    l->addWidget( m_playStatsGauge );
    l->addSpacerItem( new QSpacerItem( 0, 1, QSizePolicy::Minimum, QSizePolicy::MinimumExpanding ) );
    ui->statsWidget->setLayout( l );
    TomahawkUtils::unmarginLayout( l );

    m_pixmap = TomahawkUtils::defaultPixmap( TomahawkUtils::DefaultArtistImage, TomahawkUtils::Original, QSize( 48, 48 ) );
    ui->cover->setPixmap( TomahawkUtils::defaultPixmap( TomahawkUtils::DefaultArtistImage, TomahawkUtils::Grid, ui->cover->size() ) );
    ui->cover->setShowText( false );

        m_relatedModel = new PlayableModel( ui->relatedArtists );
        ui->relatedArtists->setPlayableModel( m_relatedModel );
        ui->relatedArtists->proxyModel()->sort( -1 );
        ui->relatedArtists->setEmptyTip( tr( "Sorry, we could not find any related artists!" ) );

        ui->relatedArtists->setAutoFitItems( true );
    /*    ui->relatedArtists->setWrapping( false );
        ui->relatedArtists->setVerticalScrollBarPolicy( Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff );
        ui->relatedArtists->setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy( Qt::ScrollBarAsNeeded );*/
        ui->relatedArtists->delegate()->setItemSize( QSize( 170, 170 ) );

        TomahawkStyle::stylePageFrame( ui->relatedArtists );
        TomahawkStyle::stylePageFrame( ui->artistFrame );
        TomahawkStyle::styleScrollBar( ui->relatedArtists->verticalScrollBar() );

        ui->albums->setAutoResize( true );
        ui->albums->setVerticalScrollBarPolicy( Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff );
    /*    ui->albums->setWrapping( false );
        ui->albums->setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy( Qt::ScrollBarAsNeeded );*/
        ui->albums->delegate()->setItemSize( QSize( 170, 170 ) );
        ui->albums->proxyModel()->setHideDupeItems( true );

        m_albumsModel = new PlayableModel( ui->albums );
        ui->albums->setPlayableModel( m_albumsModel );
        ui->albums->proxyModel()->sort( -1 );
        ui->albums->setEmptyTip( tr( "Sorry, we could not find any albums for this artist!" ) );

        ui->albums->setStyleSheet( QString( "QListView { background-color: %1; }" ).arg( TomahawkStyle::HEADER_BACKGROUND.name() ) );
        TomahawkStyle::stylePageFrame( ui->albumFrame );
        TomahawkStyle::styleScrollBar( ui->albums->verticalScrollBar() );

        m_topHitsModel = new PlaylistModel( ui->topHits );
        AlbumItemDelegate* del = new AlbumItemDelegate( ui->topHits, ui->topHits->proxyModel() );
        ui->topHits->setPlaylistItemDelegate( del );
        ui->topHits->proxyModel()->setStyle( PlayableProxyModel::Short );
        ui->topHits->setPlayableModel( m_topHitsModel );
        ui->topHits->setSortingEnabled( false );
        ui->topHits->setEmptyTip( tr( "Sorry, we could not find any top hits for this artist!" ) );
        ui->topHits->setAutoResize( true );
        ui->topHits->setAlternatingRowColors( false );

        QPalette p = ui->topHits->palette();
        p.setColor( QPalette::Text, TomahawkStyle::PAGE_TRACKLIST_TRACK_SOLVED );
        p.setColor( QPalette::BrightText, TomahawkStyle::PAGE_TRACKLIST_TRACK_UNRESOLVED );
        p.setColor( QPalette::Foreground, TomahawkStyle::PAGE_TRACKLIST_NUMBER );
        p.setColor( QPalette::Highlight, TomahawkStyle::PAGE_TRACKLIST_HIGHLIGHT );
        p.setColor( QPalette::HighlightedText, TomahawkStyle::PAGE_TRACKLIST_HIGHLIGHT_TEXT );

        ui->topHits->setPalette( p );
        TomahawkStyle::stylePageFrame( ui->topHits );
        TomahawkStyle::stylePageFrame( ui->trackFrame );

        QFont f = ui->biography->font();
        f.setFamily( "Titillium Web" );

        QPalette p = ui->biography->palette();
        p.setColor( QPalette::Text, TomahawkStyle::HEADER_TEXT );

        ui->biography->setFont( f );
        ui->biography->setPalette( p );
        ui->biography->setOpenLinks( false );
        ui->biography->setOpenExternalLinks( true );

        ui->biography->document()->setDefaultStyleSheet( QString( "a { text-decoration: none; font-weight: bold; color: %1; }" ).arg( TomahawkStyle::HEADER_LINK.name() ) );
        TomahawkStyle::stylePageFrame( ui->biography );
        TomahawkStyle::styleScrollBar( ui->biography->verticalScrollBar() );

        connect( ui->biography, SIGNAL( anchorClicked( QUrl ) ), SLOT( onBiographyLinkClicked( QUrl ) ) );

        QFont f = ui->artistLabel->font();
        f.setFamily( "Titillium Web" );

        QPalette p = ui->artistLabel->palette();
        p.setColor( QPalette::Foreground, TomahawkStyle::HEADER_LABEL );

        ui->artistLabel->setFont( f );
        ui->artistLabel->setPalette( p );

        QFont f = ui->label->font();
        f.setFamily( "Pathway Gothic One" );

        QPalette p = ui->label->palette();
        p.setColor( QPalette::Foreground, TomahawkStyle::PAGE_CAPTION );

        ui->label->setFont( f );
        ui->label_2->setFont( f );
        ui->label->setPalette( p );
        ui->label_2->setPalette( p );

        QFont f = ui->albumLabel->font();
        f.setFamily( "Pathway Gothic One" );

        QPalette p = ui->albumLabel->palette();
        p.setColor( QPalette::Foreground, TomahawkStyle::HEADER_TEXT );

        ui->albumLabel->setFont( f );
        ui->albumLabel->setPalette( p );

        QScrollArea* area = new QScrollArea();
        area->setWidgetResizable( true );
        area->setVerticalScrollBarPolicy( Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOn );
        area->setWidget( widget );

        QPalette pal = palette();
        pal.setBrush( backgroundRole(), TomahawkStyle::HEADER_BACKGROUND );
        area->setPalette( pal );
        area->setAutoFillBackground( true );
        area->setFrameShape( QFrame::NoFrame );
        area->setAttribute( Qt::WA_MacShowFocusRect, 0 );

        QVBoxLayout* layout = new QVBoxLayout();
        layout->addWidget( area );
        setLayout( layout );
        TomahawkUtils::unmarginLayout( layout );

        QPalette pal = palette();
        pal.setBrush( backgroundRole(), TomahawkStyle::PAGE_BACKGROUND );
        ui->widget->setPalette( pal );
        ui->widget->setAutoFillBackground( true );

    MetaPlaylistInterface* mpl = new MetaPlaylistInterface();
    mpl->addChildInterface( ui->relatedArtists->playlistInterface() );
    mpl->addChildInterface( ui->topHits->playlistInterface() );
    mpl->addChildInterface( ui->albums->playlistInterface() );
    m_plInterface = playlistinterface_ptr( mpl );

    load( artist );