/// After simulation compare the positions of points to the theoretical positions.
        bool runTest(double /*convergenceAccuracy*/)
            // Init simulation
            // xin
            typename  InDOFs::ReadVecCoord x = this->inDofs->readPositions();
            InVecCoord xin(x.size());
            // xout
            typename  OutDOFs::ReadVecCoord xelasticityDofs = this->outDofs->readPositions();
            OutVecCoord xout(xelasticityDofs.size());

            // Apply affine transform to each dof
            InVecCoord parentNew(xin.size());

            // Expected children positions: rotation from affine constraint
            OutVecCoord expectedChildCoords(xout.size());
            for(size_t i=0;i<xout.size();++i)
                OutFrame &f = expectedChildCoords[i].getF();
                f = testedRotation;

           // run the mapping test
           return Inherited::runTest(xin,xout,parentNew,expectedChildCoords);

        /// After simulation compare the positions of deformation gradients to the theoretical positions.
        bool runTest(double convergenceAccuracy)
            // Init simulation

            // Get dofs positions
            typename  InDOFs::ReadVecCoord x = this->inDofs->readPositions();
            // xin 
            InVecCoord xin(x.size());
            // xout
            typename  OutDOFs::ReadVecCoord xelasticityDofs = this->outDofs->readPositions();
            OutVecCoord xout(xelasticityDofs.size());

            // Initialize parameters to test convergence
            size_t numNodes = xin.size();
            InVecCoord xPrev(numNodes);
            InVecCoord dx(numNodes); 
            bool hasConverged = true;

            for (size_t i=0; i<numNodes; i++)
                xPrev[i] = CPos(0,0,0);

            // Animate
                hasConverged = true;
                typename InDOFs::ReadVecCoord xCurrent = this->inDofs->readPositions();

                // Compute dx
                for (size_t i=0; i<xCurrent.size(); i++)
                    // Translation
                    dx[i].getCenter() = xCurrent[i].getCenter()-xPrev[i].getCenter();
                    dx[i].getOrientation() = xCurrent[i].getOrientation().inverse()*xPrev[i].getOrientation();
                    // Test convergence
                    if(dx[i].norm()>convergenceAccuracy) hasConverged = false;

                // xprev = xCurrent
                for (size_t i=0; i<numNodes; i++)
            while(!hasConverged); // not converged

            // Parent new : Get simulated positions
            typename InDOFs::WriteVecCoord xinNew = this->inDofs->writePositions();
            // New position of parents
            InVecCoord parentNew(xinNew.size());
            for(size_t i=0; i<xinNew.size();++i)
                parentNew[i] = xinNew[i];
            // Expected children positions: rotation from affine constraint
            typename OutDOFs::WriteVecCoord xoutNew = this->outDofs->writePositions();
            OutVecCoord expectedChildCoords(xoutNew.size());
            for(size_t i=0;i<xoutNew.size();++i)
                OutFrame &f = expectedChildCoords[i].getF();
                f = testedRotation;

           // run the mapping test
           return Inherited::runTest(xin,xout,parentNew,expectedChildCoords);
