Exemple #1
 types::none_type insert(types::list<T> &seq, long n, F &&value)
   n = n % (1 + seq.size()); // +1 because we want to be able to insert at
                             // the end of seq
   if (n < 0)
     n += seq.size();
   seq.insert(n, std::forward<F>(value));
   return __builtin__::None;
Exemple #2
 long index(types::list<T> &seq, T const &x)
   long index_value = seq.index(x);
   if (index_value == seq.size())
     throw types::ValueError(__builtin__::anonymous::str(x) +
                             " is not in list");
   return index_value;
Exemple #3
 types::ndarray<T, N>
 select(types::list<types::ndarray<U, N>> const &condlist,
        types::list<types::ndarray<T, N>> const &choicelist, T _default)
   types::ndarray<T, N> out(choicelist[0].shape(), _default);
   for (long i = 0; i < out.flat_size(); ++i)
     for (long j = 0; j < condlist.size(); ++j)
       if (condlist[j].buffer[i]) {
         out.buffer[i] = choicelist[j].buffer[i];
   return out;
Exemple #4
 types::ndarray<typename U::type, U::value>
 select(types::list<T> const &condlist, types::list<U> const &choicelist,
        typename U::dtype _default)
   constexpr size_t N = U::value;
   auto &&choicelist0_shape = choicelist[0].shape();
   types::ndarray<T, N> out(choicelist0_shape, _default);
   types::ndarray<T, N> selected(choicelist0_shape(), false);
   long size = selected.flat_size();
   for (long i = 0; i < condlist.size() && size != 0; i++)
     size =
         _select(choicelist[i].begin(), choicelist[i].end(), out.begin(),
                 selected.begin(), condlist.begin(), size, utils::int_<N>());
   return out;