// mapped to: std::basic_string<char> * nextView2(int i, long int l, std::string & s, bool * const b, char c) const; ulxr::MethodResponse UlxrIdlTestServer::nextView2 (const ulxr::MethodCall &calldata) { try { int p0 = (int) ulxr::Integer(calldata.getParam(0)).getInteger(); long int p1 = (long int) ulxr::Integer(calldata.getParam(1)).getInteger(); std::string p2 = (std::string) ulxr::getLatin1(ulxr::RpcString(calldata.getParam(2)).getString()); bool p3 = (bool) ulxr::Boolean(calldata.getParam(3)).getBoolean(); char p4 = (char) ulxr::Integer(calldata.getParam(4)).getInteger(); std::string retval = *server.nextView2(p0, p1, p2, &p3, p4); return ulxr::MethodResponse (ulxr::RpcString (ULXR_GET_STRING(retval))); } catch(std::exception &ex) { ulxr::CppString s = ULXR_PCHAR("C++ exception caught when invoking 'std::basic_string<char> * nextView2(int i, long int l, std::string & s, bool * const b, char c) const;'\n "); s += ULXR_GET_STRING(ex.what()); return ulxr::MethodResponse(ulxr::ApplicationError, s); } catch(...) { ulxr::CppString s = ULXR_PCHAR("Unknown exception caught when invoking 'std::basic_string<char> * nextView2(int i, long int l, std::string & s, bool * const b, char c) const;'"); return ulxr::MethodResponse(ulxr::ApplicationError, s); } }
ulxr::MethodResponse checkaccess (const ulxr::MethodCall &calldata) { ulxr::RpcString rpcs = calldata.getParam(0); std::string s = "Access allow"; ulxr::MethodResponse resp; resp.setResult(ulxr::RpcString(s)); return resp; }
ulxr::MethodResponse echo(const ulxr::MethodCall &args) { // args: int, boolean, double, date, date, string, base64, array of int, struct {int, array of struct {string, bool} } int myIntArg = ulxr::Integer(args.getParam(0)).getInteger(); bool myBoolArg = ulxr::Boolean(args.getParam(1)).getBoolean(); double myDoubleArg = ulxr::Double(args.getParam(2)).getDouble(); std::string myDateArg1 = ulxr::DateTime(args.getParam(3)).getDateTime(); std::string myDateArg2 = ulxr::DateTime(args.getParam(4)).getDateTime(); std::string myStrArg = ulxr::RpcString(args.getParam(5)).getString(); std::string myB64Arg = ulxr::Base64(args.getParam(6)).getString(); std::vector<int> myArrIntArg = deserializeIntArray<std::vector<int> >(ulxr::Array(args.getParam(7))); MyStruct myStructArg = deserializeMyStruct(ulxr::Struct(args.getParam(8))); ulxr::MethodResponse resp; ulxr::Struct myRetVal; myRetVal << ulxr::make_member("arg1", ulxr::Integer(myIntArg)) << ulxr::make_member("arg2", ulxr::Boolean(myBoolArg)) << ulxr::make_member("arg3", ulxr::Double(myDoubleArg)) << ulxr::make_member("arg4", ulxr::DateTime(myDateArg1)) << ulxr::make_member("arg5", ulxr::DateTime(myDateArg2)) << ulxr::make_member("arg6", ulxr::RpcString(myStrArg)) << ulxr::make_member("arg7", ulxr::Base64(myB64Arg)) << ulxr::make_member("arg8", serializeIntContainer<std::vector<int> >(myArrIntArg)) << ulxr::make_member("arg9", serializeMyStruct(myStructArg)); resp.setResult(myRetVal); return resp; }
// mapped to: std::string * inline_func::free_function2(long int * i, float f); (there are overloaded methods) ulxr::MethodResponse UlxrIdlTestFuncs_inline_func__free_function2 (const ulxr::MethodCall &calldata) { try { long int p0 = (long int) ulxr::Integer(calldata.getParam(0)).getInteger(); float p1 = (float) ulxr::Double(calldata.getParam(1)).getDouble(); std::string retval = *inline_func::free_function2(&p0, p1); return ulxr::MethodResponse (ulxr::RpcString (ULXR_GET_STRING(retval))); } catch(std::exception &ex) { ulxr::CppString s = ULXR_PCHAR("C++ exception caught when invoking 'std::string * inline_func::free_function2(long int * i, float f);'\n "); s += ULXR_GET_STRING(ex.what()); return ulxr::MethodResponse(ulxr::ApplicationError, s); } catch(...) { ulxr::CppString s = ULXR_PCHAR("Unknown exception caught when invoking 'std::string * inline_func::free_function2(long int * i, float f);'"); return ulxr::MethodResponse(ulxr::ApplicationError, s); } }
ulxr::MethodResponse check (const ulxr::MethodCall &calldata) { pid_t pid=getpid(); std::cout<<"It is a check query. Process handle pid: "<<pid<<std::endl; ulxr::RpcString rpcs = calldata.getParam(0); std::string s = "It is RPC server." "Your query string is: "+rpcs.getString(); ulxr::MethodResponse resp; resp.setResult(ulxr::RpcString(s)); return resp; }
// mapped to: std::string * first_url4(long int li); (there are overloaded methods) ulxr::MethodResponse UlxrIdlTestServer::first_url4_ovr2 (const ulxr::MethodCall &calldata) { try { long int p0 = (long int) ulxr::Integer(calldata.getParam(0)).getInteger(); std::string retval = *server.first_url4(p0); return ulxr::MethodResponse (ulxr::RpcString (ULXR_GET_STRING(retval))); } catch(std::exception &ex) { ulxr::CppString s = ULXR_PCHAR("C++ exception caught when invoking 'std::string * first_url4(long int li);'\n "); s += ULXR_GET_STRING(ex.what()); return ulxr::MethodResponse(ulxr::ApplicationError, s); } catch(...) { ulxr::CppString s = ULXR_PCHAR("Unknown exception caught when invoking 'std::string * first_url4(long int li);'"); return ulxr::MethodResponse(ulxr::ApplicationError, s); } }
// mapped to: int getNumPages(const std::wstring & s); ulxr::MethodResponse UlxrIdlTestServer::getNumPages (const ulxr::MethodCall &calldata) { try { std::wstring p0 = (std::wstring) ulxr::getUnicode(ulxr::RpcString(calldata.getParam(0)).getString()); long int retval = server.getNumPages(p0); return ulxr::MethodResponse (ulxr::Integer (retval)); } catch(std::exception &ex) { ulxr::CppString s = ULXR_PCHAR("C++ exception caught when invoking 'int getNumPages(const std::wstring & s);'\n "); s += ULXR_GET_STRING(ex.what()); return ulxr::MethodResponse(ulxr::ApplicationError, s); } catch(...) { ulxr::CppString s = ULXR_PCHAR("Unknown exception caught when invoking 'int getNumPages(const std::wstring & s);'"); return ulxr::MethodResponse(ulxr::ApplicationError, s); } }
// mapped to: const std::basic_string<wchar_t> * getObject(const std::string & s); ulxr::MethodResponse UlxrIdlTestServer::getObject (const ulxr::MethodCall &calldata) { try { std::string p0 = (std::string) ulxr::getLatin1(ulxr::RpcString(calldata.getParam(0)).getString()); std::wstring retval = *server.getObject(p0); return ulxr::MethodResponse (ulxr::RpcString (ULXR_GET_STRING(retval))); } catch(std::exception &ex) { ulxr::CppString s = ULXR_PCHAR("C++ exception caught when invoking 'const std::basic_string<wchar_t> * getObject(const std::string & s);'\n "); s += ULXR_GET_STRING(ex.what()); return ulxr::MethodResponse(ulxr::ApplicationError, s); } catch(...) { ulxr::CppString s = ULXR_PCHAR("Unknown exception caught when invoking 'const std::basic_string<wchar_t> * getObject(const std::string & s);'"); return ulxr::MethodResponse(ulxr::ApplicationError, s); } }
// mapped to: void getNumObjects(std::string s); ulxr::MethodResponse UlxrIdlTestServer::getNumObjects (const ulxr::MethodCall &calldata) { try { std::string p0 = (std::string) ulxr::getLatin1(ulxr::RpcString(calldata.getParam(0)).getString()); server.getNumObjects(p0); return ulxr::MethodResponse (ulxr::Void()); } catch(std::exception &ex) { ulxr::CppString s = ULXR_PCHAR("C++ exception caught when invoking 'void getNumObjects(std::string s);'\n "); s += ULXR_GET_STRING(ex.what()); return ulxr::MethodResponse(ulxr::ApplicationError, s); } catch(...) { ulxr::CppString s = ULXR_PCHAR("Unknown exception caught when invoking 'void getNumObjects(std::string s);'"); return ulxr::MethodResponse(ulxr::ApplicationError, s); } }
// mapped to: wchar_t * const first_url4(double li); (there are overloaded methods) ulxr::MethodResponse UlxrIdlTestServer::first_url4_ovr0 (const ulxr::MethodCall &calldata) { try { double p0 = (double) ulxr::Double(calldata.getParam(0)).getDouble(); std::wstring retval = server.first_url4(p0); return ulxr::MethodResponse (ulxr::RpcString (ULXR_GET_STRING(retval))); } catch(std::exception &ex) { ulxr::CppString s = ULXR_PCHAR("C++ exception caught when invoking 'wchar_t * const first_url4(double li);'\n "); s += ULXR_GET_STRING(ex.what()); return ulxr::MethodResponse(ulxr::ApplicationError, s); } catch(...) { ulxr::CppString s = ULXR_PCHAR("Unknown exception caught when invoking 'wchar_t * const first_url4(double li);'"); return ulxr::MethodResponse(ulxr::ApplicationError, s); } }
// mapped to: void funcs::free_function1(int i); (there are overloaded methods) ulxr::MethodResponse UlxrIdlTestFuncs_funcs__free_function1_ovr0 (const ulxr::MethodCall &calldata) { try { int p0 = (int) ulxr::Integer(calldata.getParam(0)).getInteger(); funcs::free_function1(p0); return ulxr::MethodResponse (ulxr::Void()); } catch(std::exception &ex) { ulxr::CppString s = ULXR_PCHAR("C++ exception caught when invoking 'void funcs::free_function1(int i);'\n "); s += ULXR_GET_STRING(ex.what()); return ulxr::MethodResponse(ulxr::ApplicationError, s); } catch(...) { ulxr::CppString s = ULXR_PCHAR("Unknown exception caught when invoking 'void funcs::free_function1(int i);'"); return ulxr::MethodResponse(ulxr::ApplicationError, s); } }