Exemple #1
/// Binds a test result type to a statement parameter.
/// \param stmt The statement to which to bind the parameter.
/// \param field The name of the parameter; must exist.
/// \param type The result type to bind.
store::bind_test_result_type(sqlite::statement& stmt, const char* field,
                             const model::test_result_type& type)
    switch (type) {
    case model::test_result_broken:
        stmt.bind(field, "broken");

    case model::test_result_expected_failure:
        stmt.bind(field, "expected_failure");

    case model::test_result_failed:
        stmt.bind(field, "failed");

    case model::test_result_passed:
        stmt.bind(field, "passed");

    case model::test_result_skipped:
        stmt.bind(field, "skipped");

Exemple #2
/// Queries a time delta from a statement.
/// \param stmt The statement from which to get the column.
/// \param column The name of the column holding the value.
/// \return The parsed value if all goes well.
/// \throw integrity_error If the value in the specified column is invalid.
store::column_delta(sqlite::statement& stmt, const char* column)
    const int id = stmt.column_id(column);
    if (stmt.column_type(id) != sqlite::type_integer)
        throw store::integrity_error(F("Time delta in column %s is not an "
                                       "integer") % column);
    return datetime::delta::from_microseconds(stmt.column_int64(id));
Exemple #3
/// Binds a string to a statement parameter.
/// If the string is not empty, this binds the string itself.  Otherwise, it
/// binds a NULL value.
/// \param stmt The statement to which to bind the parameter.
/// \param stmt The statement to which to bind the field.
/// \param field The name of the parameter; must exist.
/// \param str The string to bind.
store::bind_optional_string(sqlite::statement& stmt, const char* field,
                            const std::string& str)
    if (str.empty())
        stmt.bind(field, sqlite::null());
        stmt.bind(field, str);
Exemple #4
/// Formats the column names of a statement for output as CSV.
/// \param stmt The statement whose columns to format.
/// \return A comma-separated list of column names.
cli::format_headers(sqlite::statement& stmt)
    std::string output;
    int i = 0;
    for (; i < stmt.column_count() - 1; ++i)
        output += stmt.column_name(i) + ',';
    output += stmt.column_name(i);
    return output;
Exemple #5
/// Queries a timestamp from a statement.
/// \param stmt The statement from which to get the column.
/// \param column The name of the column holding the value.
/// \return The parsed value if all goes well.
/// \throw integrity_error If the value in the specified column is invalid.
store::column_timestamp(sqlite::statement& stmt, const char* column)
    const int id = stmt.column_id(column);
    if (stmt.column_type(id) != sqlite::type_integer)
        throw store::integrity_error(F("Timestamp in column %s is not an "
                                       "integer") % column);
    const int64_t value = stmt.column_int64(id);
    if (value < 0)
        throw store::integrity_error(F("Timestamp in column %s must be "
                                       "positive") % column);
    return datetime::timestamp::from_microseconds(value);
Exemple #6
/// Queries an optional string from a statement.
/// \param stmt The statement from which to get the column.
/// \param column The name of the column holding the value.
/// \return The parsed value if all goes well.
/// \throw integrity_error If the value in the specified column is invalid.
store::column_optional_string(sqlite::statement& stmt, const char* column)
    const int id = stmt.column_id(column);
    switch (stmt.column_type(id)) {
    case sqlite::type_text:
        return stmt.column_text(id);
    case sqlite::type_null:
        return "";
        throw integrity_error(F("Invalid string type in column %s") % column);
Exemple #7
/// Queries a boolean value from a statement.
/// \param stmt The statement from which to get the column.
/// \param column The name of the column holding the value.
/// \return The parsed value if all goes well.
/// \throw integrity_error If the value in the specified column is invalid.
store::column_bool(sqlite::statement& stmt, const char* column)
    const int id = stmt.column_id(column);
    if (stmt.column_type(id) != sqlite::type_text)
        throw store::integrity_error(F("Boolean value in column %s is not a "
                                       "string") % column);
    const std::string value = stmt.column_text(id);
    if (value == "true")
        return true;
    else if (value == "false")
        return false;
        throw store::integrity_error(F("Unknown boolean value '%s'") % value);
Exemple #8
/// Formats a row of a statement for output as CSV.
/// \param stmt The statement whose current row to format.
/// \return A comma-separated list of values.
cli::format_row(sqlite::statement& stmt)
    std::string output;
    int i = 0;
    for (; i < stmt.column_count() - 1; ++i)
        output += cli::format_cell(stmt, i) + ',';
    output += cli::format_cell(stmt, i);
    return output;
Exemple #9
/// Queries a test result type from a statement.
/// \param stmt The statement from which to get the column.
/// \param column The name of the column holding the value.
/// \return The parsed value if all goes well.
/// \throw integrity_error If the value in the specified column is invalid.
store::column_test_result_type(sqlite::statement& stmt, const char* column)
    const int id = stmt.column_id(column);
    if (stmt.column_type(id) != sqlite::type_text)
        throw store::integrity_error(F("Result type in column %s is not a "
                                       "string") % column);
    const std::string type = stmt.column_text(id);
    if (type == "passed") {
        return model::test_result_passed;
    } else if (type == "broken") {
        return model::test_result_broken;
    } else if (type == "expected_failure") {
        return model::test_result_expected_failure;
    } else if (type == "failed") {
        return model::test_result_failed;
    } else if (type == "skipped") {
        return model::test_result_skipped;
    } else {
        throw store::integrity_error(F("Unknown test result type %s") % type);
Exemple #10
/// Formats a particular cell of a statement result.
/// \param stmt The statement whose cell to format.
/// \param index The index of the cell to format.
/// \return A textual representation of the cell.
cli::format_cell(sqlite::statement& stmt, const int index)
    switch (stmt.column_type(index)) {
    case sqlite::type_blob: {
        const sqlite::blob blob = stmt.column_blob(index);
        return F("BLOB of %s bytes") % blob.size;

    case sqlite::type_float:
        return F("%s") % stmt.column_double(index);

    case sqlite::type_integer:
        return F("%s") % stmt.column_int64(index);

    case sqlite::type_null:
        return "NULL";

    case sqlite::type_text:
        return stmt.column_text(index);

 /// Constructor.
 impl(store::read_backend& backend_) :
         "SELECT test_programs.test_program_id, "
         "    test_programs.interface, "
         "    test_cases.test_case_id, test_cases.name, "
         "    test_results.result_type, test_results.result_reason, "
         "    test_results.start_time, test_results.end_time "
         "FROM test_programs "
         "    JOIN test_cases "
         "    ON test_programs.test_program_id = test_cases.test_program_id "
         "    JOIN test_results "
         "    ON test_cases.test_case_id = test_results.test_case_id "
         "ORDER BY test_programs.absolute_path, test_cases.name"))
     _valid = _stmt.step();
Exemple #12
/// Binds a time delta to a statement parameter.
/// \param stmt The statement to which to bind the parameter.
/// \param field The name of the parameter; must exist.
/// \param delta The value to bind.
store::bind_delta(sqlite::statement& stmt, const char* field,
                  const datetime::delta& delta)
    stmt.bind(field, static_cast< int64_t >(delta.to_microseconds()));
Exemple #13
/// Binds a boolean value to a statement parameter.
/// \param stmt The statement to which to bind the parameter.
/// \param field The name of the parameter; must exist.
/// \param value The value to bind.
store::bind_bool(sqlite::statement& stmt, const char* field, const bool value)
    stmt.bind(field, value ? "true" : "false");
Exemple #14
/// Binds a timestamp to a statement parameter.
/// \param stmt The statement to which to bind the parameter.
/// \param field The name of the parameter; must exist.
/// \param timestamp The value to bind.
store::bind_timestamp(sqlite::statement& stmt, const char* field,
                      const datetime::timestamp& timestamp)
    stmt.bind(field, timestamp.to_microseconds());