Exemple #1
IniFilePtr IniFile::ConstructFromFile(vfs::Path filename)
	// Start parsing
	std::ifstream iniFile(filename.toString().c_str());

	if (!iniFile)
		Logger::warning( "[IniFile]: Cannot open file " + filename.toString() );
		return IniFilePtr();

	return ConstructFromStream(iniFile);
Exemple #2
void IniFile::ExportToFile(vfs::Path file, const std::string& headerComments) const
	std::ofstream stream(file.toString().c_str());

	if (!headerComments.empty())
		// Split the header text into lines and export it as INI comment
		std::vector<std::string> lines = StringHelper::split( headerComments, "\n" );

		for (std::size_t i = 0; i < lines.size(); ++i)
			stream << "# " << lines[i] << std::endl;

		// add some additional line break after the header
		stream << std::endl;

	for (Sections::const_iterator i = _settings.begin(); i != _settings.end(); ++i)
		stream << "[" << i->first << "]" << std::endl;

		for (Options::const_iterator kv = i->second.begin(); kv != i->second.end(); ++kv)
			stream << kv->key << " = " << kv->value << std::endl;
		stream << std::endl;
VariantMap SaveAdapter::load( const vfs::Path& filename )
  Logger::warning( "SaveAdapter: try load model from " + filename.toString() );
  NFile f = NFile::open( filename );

  return load( f );
bool Addon::open(vfs::Path path)
  _d->library = ::LoadLibraryA(path.toString().c_str());
# else
  _d->library = ::dlopen(path.toString().c_str(), RTLD_LAZY);
# endif

  if( _d->library != 0 )
    _d->isOpened = true;
    _d->funcInit = _d->initFunction<addonInitFunctor>( "initialize" );
    _d->funcGetVersion = _d->initFunction<addonGetVersionFunctor>( "getVersion" );
    _d->funcGetLevel = _d->initFunction<addonGetLevelFunctor>( "getLevel" );

  return _d->isOpened;
void PictureBank::Impl::loadAtlas(const vfs::Path& filePath)
  if( !filePath.exist() )
    Logger::warning( "PictureBank: cant find atlas " + filePath.toString() );

  VariantMap info = config::load( filePath );

  vfs::Path texturePath = info.get( "texture" ).toString();

  vfs::NFile file = vfs::NFile::open( texturePath );

  Picture mainTexture;
  if( file.isOpen() )
    mainTexture = PictureLoader::instance().load( file );
    Logger::warning( "PictureBank: load atlas failed for texture" + texturePath.toString() );
    mainTexture = Picture::getInvalid();

  //SizeF mainRectSize = mainTexture.size().toSizeF();
  if( !info.empty() )
    VariantMap items = info.get( framesSection ).toMap();
    for( auto& i : items )
      VariantList rInfo = i.second.toList();
      Picture pic = mainTexture;
      Point start( rInfo.get( 0 ).toInt(), rInfo.get( 1 ).toInt() );
      Size size( rInfo.get( 2 ).toInt(), rInfo.get( 3 ).toInt() );

      pic.setOriginRect( Rect( start, size ) );
      setPicture( i.first, pic );
void PictureInfoBank::initialize(vfs::Path filename)
  Logger::warning( "PictureInfoBank: start load offsets from " + filename.toString() );
  VariantMap m = config::load( filename );

  foreach( it, m )
    Variant v = it->second;
    Logger::warning( "Set offset for " + it->first );
    if( v.type() == Variant::Map )
      VariantMap vm = v.toMap();
      int startIndex = vm[ "start" ];
      int stopIndex = vm[ "stop" ];
      std::string rc = vm[ "rc" ].toString();
      Point offset = vm[ "offset" ].toPoint();
      _d->setRange( rc.empty() ? it->first : rc, startIndex, stopIndex, offset );
    else if( v.type() == Variant::List )
      VariantList vl = v.toList();
      _d->setOne( it->first, vl.get( idxIndex ), vl.get( idxXOffset ), vl.get( idxYOffset ) );
Exemple #7
void Game::Impl::initFontCollection( vfs::Path resourcePath )
    Logger::warning( "Game: load fonts" );
    std::string fontname = SETTINGS_STR( font );
    FontCollection::instance().initialize( resourcePath.toString(), fontname );