static WebCore::Frame* getFrameFromHandle(void* objectHandle)
    WebCore::Node* node = static_cast<WebCore::Node*>(objectHandle);
    if (!node->inDocument())
        return 0;
    WebCore::Document* document = node->document();
    if (!document)
        return 0;
    return document->frame();
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE WebHTMLRepresentation::documentSource(
        /* [retval][out] */ BSTR* source)
    if (!source)
        return E_FAIL;

    *source = 0;

    HRESULT hr = S_OK;

    COMPtr<IWebDataSource> dataSource;
    hr = m_frame->dataSource(&dataSource);
    if (FAILED(hr))
        return hr;

    COMPtr<IStream> data;
    hr = dataSource->data(&data);
    if (FAILED(hr))
        return hr;

    STATSTG stat;
    hr = data->Stat(&stat, STATFLAG_NONAME);
    if (FAILED(hr))
        return hr;

    if (stat.cbSize.HighPart || !stat.cbSize.LowPart)
        return E_FAIL;

    Vector<char> dataBuffer(stat.cbSize.LowPart);
    ULONG read;
    hr = data->Read(, static_cast<ULONG>(dataBuffer.size()), &read);
    if (FAILED(hr))
        return hr;

    WebCore::Frame* frame = core(m_frame);
    if (!frame)
        return E_FAIL;

    WebCore::Document* doc = frame->document();
    if (!doc)
        return E_FAIL;

    WebCore::TextResourceDecoder* decoder = doc->decoder();
    if (!decoder)
        return E_FAIL;

    *source = WebCore::BString(decoder->encoding().decode(, dataBuffer.size())).release();
    return S_OK;
bool ViewNavigationDelegate::ClickElementById(const char* id)
	if(!id || !id[0])
		return false;

	IOverlayInputClient* pOverlayInputClient = mView->GetOverlayInputClient();


	bool elementClicked = false;

	WebCore::Frame* pFrame = mView->GetFrame();
		WebCore::Document* document = pFrame->document();

		if (document)
			WebCore::Element* element = document->getElementById(id);

			if (element && element->isHTMLElement())
				WebCore::HTMLElement* htmlElement = (WebCore::HTMLElement*)element;
				elementClicked = true;


		pFrame = pFrame->tree()->traverseNext();

	return elementClicked;
Exemple #4
bool DumpRenderTreeSupportEfl::elementDoesAutoCompleteForElementWithId(const Evas_Object* ewkFrame, const String& elementId)
    DRT_SUPPORT_FRAME_GET_OR_RETURN(ewkFrame, frame, false);

    WebCore::Document* document = frame->document();

    WebCore::HTMLInputElement* inputElement = static_cast<WebCore::HTMLInputElement*>(document->getElementById(elementId));

    if (!inputElement)
        return false;

    return inputElement->isTextField() && !inputElement->isPasswordField() && inputElement->shouldAutocomplete();
Exemple #5
bool DumpRenderTreeSupportEfl::pauseSVGAnimation(Evas_Object* ewkFrame, const char* animationId, const char* elementId, double time)
    WebCore::Frame* frame = EWKPrivate::coreFrame(ewkFrame);

    if (!frame)
        return false;

    WebCore::Document* document = frame->document();

    if (!document || !document->svgExtensions())
        return false;

    WebCore::Element* element = document->getElementById(animationId);

    if (!element || !WebCore::SVGSMILElement::isSMILElement(element))
        return false;

    return document->accessSVGExtensions()->sampleAnimationAtTime(elementId, static_cast<WebCore::SVGSMILElement*>(element), time);
    return false;
Exemple #6
bool DumpRenderTreeSupportEfl::elementDoesAutoCompleteForElementWithId(const Evas_Object* ewkFrame, const String& elementId)
    WebCore::Frame* frame = EWKPrivate::coreFrame(ewkFrame);

    if (!frame)
        return false;

    WebCore::Document* document = frame->document();

    WebCore::HTMLInputElement* inputElement = static_cast<WebCore::HTMLInputElement*>(document->getElementById(elementId));

    if (!inputElement)
        return false;

    return inputElement->isTextField() && !inputElement->isPasswordField() && inputElement->shouldAutocomplete();
bool ViewNavigationDelegate::JumpToNearestElement(EA::WebKit::JumpDirection direction, bool scrollIfElementNotFound)

	// Note by Arpit Baldeva:
	// We have a problem here. mpModalInputClient object is supposed to be used for Modal input only however the only class using this object 
	// is html SELECT element(implemented as a popup). But in reality, html SELECT element is NOT modal. So it is little ill-conceived. 
	// For example, in all the browsers, if you scroll the mouse wheel on the frame, the SELECT element disappears and the actual frame scrolls.

	// For any modal input needs on a web page, the users are advised to use the Z-layer technique with Javascript/CSS -

	// The problem we want to solve here is have the SELECT element respond to the controller input correctly(select element one by one).
	// But the button event information is lost by the time we are in the EA::WebKit::View. For the foreseeable future, there is no candidate
	// other than html SELECT element which is implemented as a modal popup inside EAWebKit. So inside EA::WebKit::View, we create a dummy
	// button event from the Jump direction and make SELECT respond to it. If any other object starts using the modal input, this would need to be
	// revisited. But then, we'll need to solve a plethora of issues. So we do minimum work here to not break other things.

	IOverlayInputClient* pOverlayInputClient = mView->GetOverlayInputClient();

	bool handledByOverlayInputClient = false;
		EA::WebKit::ButtonEvent btnEvent;
			case EA::WebKit::JumpLeft:
			btnEvent.mID = EA::WebKit::kButton0;
			handledByOverlayInputClient = pOverlayInputClient->OnButtonEvent(btnEvent);
		case EA::WebKit::JumpUp:
				btnEvent.mID = EA::WebKit::kButton1;
				handledByOverlayInputClient =  pOverlayInputClient->OnButtonEvent(btnEvent);
			case EA::WebKit::JumpRight:
			btnEvent.mID = EA::WebKit::kButton2;
			handledByOverlayInputClient =  pOverlayInputClient->OnButtonEvent(btnEvent);
		case EA::WebKit::JumpDown:
				btnEvent.mID = EA::WebKit::kButton3;
				handledByOverlayInputClient =  pOverlayInputClient->OnButtonEvent(btnEvent);
			// We don't return and allow any other button press to go to the main View. At the same time, we make the SELECT element lose focus.

		return true;

	int lastX, lastY;
	mView->GetCursorPosition(lastX, lastY);

	// Following is a shortcut to drive navigation from a page.
	switch (direction)
	case EA::WebKit::JumpRight:
		if (GetFixedString(mCachedNavigationRightId)->compare(""))
			if (!GetFixedString(mCachedNavigationRightId)->compare("ignore"))
				return false;

			if (JumpToId(GetFixedString(mCachedNavigationRightId)->c_str()))
				return true;

	case EA::WebKit::JumpDown:
		if (GetFixedString(mCachedNavigationDownId)->compare(""))
			if (!GetFixedString(mCachedNavigationDownId)->compare("ignore"))
				return false;

			if (JumpToId(GetFixedString(mCachedNavigationDownId)->c_str()))
				return true;

	case EA::WebKit::JumpLeft:
		if (GetFixedString(mCachedNavigationLeftId)->compare(""))
			if (!GetFixedString(mCachedNavigationLeftId)->compare("ignore"))
				return false;

			if (JumpToId(GetFixedString(mCachedNavigationLeftId)->c_str()))
				return true;

	case EA::WebKit::JumpUp:
		if (GetFixedString(mCachedNavigationUpId)->compare(""))
			if (!GetFixedString(mCachedNavigationUpId)->compare("ignore"))
				return false;

			if (JumpToId(GetFixedString(mCachedNavigationUpId)->c_str()))
				return true;

		EAW_FAIL_MSG("Should not have got here\n");

	// Iterate over all the frames and find the closest element in any of all the frames.
	WebCore::Frame* pFrame		= mView->GetFrame();
	float currentRadialDistance = FLT_MAX; // A high value to start with so that the max distance between any two elements in the surface is under it.
	WebCore::Node* currentBestNode = NULL;
		WebCore::Document* document = pFrame->document();

			WebCore::FrameView* pFrameView = document->view();
			WebCore::IntPoint scrollOffset;

			// We figure out the start position(It is center of the currently hovered element almost all the time but can be slightly different 
			// due to scroll sometimes).
			mCentreX = lastX + scrollOffset.x();
			mCentreY = lastY + scrollOffset.y();

			DocumentNavigator navigator(mView, document, direction, WebCore::IntPoint(mCentreX, mCentreY), mBestNodeX, mBestNodeY, mBestNodeWidth, mBestNodeHeight, mJumpNavigationParams.mNavigationTheta, mJumpNavigationParams.mStrictAxesCheck, currentRadialDistance);

				currentBestNode			= navigator.GetBestNode();
				currentRadialDistance	= navigator.GetBestNodeRadialDistance();


		pFrame = pFrame->tree()->traverseNext();

	bool foundSomething = false;
	if (currentBestNode) //We found the node to navigate. Move the cursor and we are done.
		foundSomething = true;
		MoveMouseCursorToNode(currentBestNode, false);
	else if(scrollIfElementNotFound)// Node is not found. 
		// Based on the intended direction of movement, scroll so that some newer elements are visible.
		int cursorPosBeforeScrollX, cursorPosBeforeScrollY;
		mView->GetCursorPosition(cursorPosBeforeScrollX, cursorPosBeforeScrollY);

		case EA::WebKit::JumpDown:
				ScrollOnJump(true, -120, mJumpNavigationParams.mNumLinesToAutoScroll);

		case EA::WebKit::JumpUp:
				ScrollOnJump(true, 120, mJumpNavigationParams.mNumLinesToAutoScroll);
		case EA::WebKit::JumpRight:
				ScrollOnJump(false, -120, mJumpNavigationParams.mNumLinesToAutoScroll);
		case EA::WebKit::JumpLeft:
				ScrollOnJump(false, 120, mJumpNavigationParams.mNumLinesToAutoScroll);
				EAW_ASSERT_MSG(false, "Should not reach here\n");

		// We move the mouse cursor back to the location where the last best node was found. This is so that we don't end up with the cursor being in no man's land. While that may work 
		// for ordinary sites, it may not work well with customized pages that leverage CSS to visually indicate current position rather than a cursor graphic.
		// We don't call MoveMouseCursorToNode() with last cached node as there are edge cases where we may be holding an invalid node. Using a cached frame and checking against the
		// current valid frames safeguards against that.

		WebCore::IntSize scrollOffset;
		WebCore::Frame* pFrame1	= mView->GetFrame();
			if(pFrame1 == mBestNodeFrame)//Find the frame where last best node existed.
					scrollOffset = pFrame1->view()->scrollOffset();//We read scroll offset here as it could have changed in the switch statement above.
			pFrame1 = pFrame1->tree()->traverseNext();
		int targetcursorPosAfterScrollX, targetcursorPosAfterScrollY;
		targetcursorPosAfterScrollX = mBestNodeX + mBestNodeWidth / 2 - scrollOffset.width();
		targetcursorPosAfterScrollY = mBestNodeY + mBestNodeHeight/ 2 - scrollOffset.height();

		EA::WebKit::MouseMoveEvent moveEvent;
		memset( &moveEvent, 0, sizeof(moveEvent) );
		const int cursorInset = 5;// Make cursor stay inside 5 pixels from boundaries. No known issues but added this as a safety measure so that we do not lose cursor ever.
		int width = mView->GetSize().mWidth;
		int height = mView->GetSize().mHeight;

		moveEvent.mX	= Clamp( cursorInset, targetcursorPosAfterScrollX, width - cursorInset );
		moveEvent.mY	= Clamp( cursorInset, targetcursorPosAfterScrollY, height - cursorInset );

		// We intentionally don't call JumpToNearestElement(direction, false) here to avoid recursion. We do it in the overloaded function above.
	return foundSomething;