int Win::Main (Win::Instance hInst, char const * cmdParam, int cmdShow) { try { TheOutput.Init ("Unit Test"); // Create top window class Win::Class::TopMaker topWinClass ("UnitTestClass", hInst); topWinClass.Register (); // Create Window Controller (needs access to MessagePrepro) Win::MessagePrepro msgPrepro; TopCtrl ctrl; // Create top window (hidden) Win::TopMaker topWin ("Unit Test", "UnitTestClass", hInst); Win::Dow::Handle appWin = topWin.Create (&ctrl); appWin.Show (cmdShow); // The main message loop return msgPrepro.Pump (); } catch (Win::Exception e) { TheOutput.Display (e); } catch (...) { Win::ClearError (); TheOutput.Display ("Internal error: Unknown exception", Out::Error); } return 0; }
FocusBar::Ctrl * FocusBar::Use::MakeBarWindow (Win::Dow::Handle hwndParent, unsigned id, unsigned associatedId, Focus::Ring & focusRing) { std::auto_ptr<FocusBar::Ctrl> newCtrl (new FocusBar::Ctrl (id, associatedId, focusRing)); Win::ChildMaker focusMaker (_className, hwndParent, id); Win::Dow::Handle win = focusMaker.Create (newCtrl.get ()); FocusBar::Ctrl * ctrl = newCtrl.get (); _ctrls.push_back (newCtrl); win.Show (); return ctrl; }