Exemple #1
void DumpRenderTreeSupportEfl::evaluateScriptInIsolatedWorld(const Evas_Object* ewkFrame, int worldID, JSObjectRef globalObject, const String& script)
    WebCore::Frame* coreFrame = EWKPrivate::coreFrame(ewkFrame);
    if (!coreFrame)

    // Comment from mac: Start off with some guess at a frame and a global object, we'll try to do better...!
    WebCore::JSDOMWindow* anyWorldGlobalObject = coreFrame->script()->globalObject(WebCore::mainThreadNormalWorld());

    // Comment from mac: The global object is probably a shell object? - if so, we know how to use this!
    JSC::JSObject* globalObjectObj = toJS(globalObject);
    if (!strcmp(globalObjectObj->classInfo()->className, "JSDOMWindowShell"))
        anyWorldGlobalObject = static_cast<WebCore::JSDOMWindowShell*>(globalObjectObj)->window();

    // Comment from mac: Get the frame from the global object we've settled on.
    WebCore::Frame* globalFrame = anyWorldGlobalObject->impl()->frame();
    if (!globalFrame)

    WebCore::ScriptController* proxy = globalFrame->script();
    if (!proxy)

    static WTF::HashMap<int, WTF::RefPtr<WebCore::DOMWrapperWorld > > worldMap;

    WTF::RefPtr<WebCore::DOMWrapperWorld> scriptWorld;
    if (!worldID)
        scriptWorld = WebCore::ScriptController::createWorld();
    else {
        WTF::HashMap<int, RefPtr<WebCore::DOMWrapperWorld > >::const_iterator it = worldMap.find(worldID);
        if (it != worldMap.end())
            scriptWorld = (*it).second;
        else {
            scriptWorld = WebCore::ScriptController::createWorld();
            worldMap.set(worldID, scriptWorld);

    // The code below is only valid for JSC, V8 specific code is to be added
    // when V8 will be supported in EFL port. See Qt implemenation.
    proxy->executeScriptInWorld(scriptWorld.get(), script, true);