EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL COMMethodCall::call(ExecState* execState) {
    COMMethodCall* callee = jsCast<COMMethodCall*>(execState->callee());
    if (execState->argumentCount() != callee->_parameterCells.size()) {
        // TODO: error

    COMInterop* interop = jsCast<GlobalObject*>(execState->lexicalGlobalObject())->interop();

    size_t numberOfABIParameters = callee->_parameterCells.size() + (callee->_isVoid ? 1 : 2);

    HRESULT hr;

    Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<IUnknown> self;
    hr = interop->wrap(execState->thisValue(), callee->_methodInterface, self.GetAddressOf());

    void** vtable = *reinterpret_cast<void***>(self.Get());
    void* fn = vtable[callee->_methodIndex];

    WTF::Vector<void*> arguments;

    IUnknown* thisValue = self.Get();

    for (int i = 0; i < callee->_parameterCells.size(); i++) {
        JSCell* type = callee->_parameterCells[i].get();
        void* buffer = _alloca(std::max(sizeof(ffi_arg), callee->_parameterTypes[i + 1]->size));
        getFFIMethodTable(type)->marshalJSToNative(type, execState, execState->uncheckedArgument(i), buffer);

    void* returnBuffer = nullptr;
    if (!callee->_isVoid) {
        returnBuffer = _alloca(std::max(sizeof(ffi_arg), callee->_parameterTypes[numberOfABIParameters - 1]->size));

    ffi_call(&callee->_cif, FFI_FN(fn), &hr, arguments.data());

    JSValue jsResult;
    if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
        _com_error error(hr, nullptr);
        jsResult = execState->vm().throwException(execState, createError(execState, error.ErrorMessage()));
    } else if (!callee->_isVoid) {
        JSCell* returnType = callee->_returnType.get();
        jsResult = getFFIMethodTable(returnType)->marshalNativeToJS(returnType, execState, returnBuffer);
    } else {
        jsResult = jsUndefined();

    return JSValue::encode(jsResult);
static void write_string(WTF::Vector<char>& v, const WebCore::String& str)
    unsigned strLen = str.length();
    // Only do work if the string has data.
    if (strLen) {
        // Determine how much to grow the vector. Use the worst case for utf8 to
        // avoid reading the string twice. Add sizeof(unsigned) to hold the
        // string length in utf8.
        unsigned vectorLen = v.size() + sizeof(unsigned);
        unsigned length = (strLen << 2) + vectorLen;
        // Grow the vector. This will change the value of v.size() but we
        // remember the original size above.
        // Grab the position to write to.
        char* data = v.begin() + vectorLen;
        // Write the actual string
        int l = SkUTF16_ToUTF8(str.characters(), strLen, data);
        LOGV("Writing string       %d %.*s", l, l, data);
        // Go back and write the utf8 length. Subtract sizeof(unsigned) from
        // data to get the position to write the length.
        memcpy(data - sizeof(unsigned), (char*)&l, sizeof(unsigned));
        // Shrink the internal state of the vector so we match what was
        // actually written.
        v.shrink(vectorLen + l);
    } else
        v.append((char*)&strLen, sizeof(unsigned));
Exemple #3
void SpellCheckerClientImpl::checkGrammarOfString(const String& text, WTF::Vector<GrammarDetail>& details, int* badGrammarLocation, int* badGrammarLength)
    if (badGrammarLocation)
        *badGrammarLocation = -1;
    if (badGrammarLength)
        *badGrammarLength = 0;

    if (!m_webView->spellCheckClient())
    WebVector<WebTextCheckingResult> webResults;
    m_webView->spellCheckClient()->checkTextOfParagraph(text, WebTextCheckingTypeGrammar, &webResults);
    if (!webResults.size())

    // Convert a list of WebTextCheckingResults to a list of GrammarDetails. If
    // the converted vector of GrammarDetails has grammar errors, we set
    // badGrammarLocation and badGrammarLength to tell WebKit that the input
    // text has grammar errors.
    for (size_t i = 0; i < webResults.size(); ++i) {
        if (webResults[i].decoration == WebTextDecorationTypeGrammar) {
            GrammarDetail detail;
            detail.location = webResults[i].location;
            detail.length = webResults[i].length;
            detail.userDescription = webResults[i].replacement;
    if (!details.size())
    if (badGrammarLocation)
        *badGrammarLocation = 0;
    if (badGrammarLength)
        *badGrammarLength = text.length();
bool parseSuboriginHeader(const String& header, Suborigin* suborigin, WTF::Vector<String>& messages)
    Vector<String> headers;
    header.split(',', true, headers);

    if (headers.size() > 1)
        messages.append("Multiple Suborigin headers found. Ignoring all but the first.");

    Vector<UChar> characters;

    const UChar* position = characters.data();
    const UChar* end = position + characters.size();

    skipWhile<UChar, isASCIISpace>(position, end);

    String name;
    position = parseSuboriginName(position, end, name, messages);
    if (!position)
        return false;


    while (position < end) {
        skipWhile<UChar, isASCIISpace>(position, end);
        if (position == end)
            return true;

        String optionName;
        position = parseSuboriginPolicyOption(position, end, optionName, messages);

        if (!position) {
            return false;

        Suborigin::SuboriginPolicyOptions option = getSuboriginPolicyOptionFromString(optionName);
        if (option == Suborigin::SuboriginPolicyOptions::None)
            messages.append("Ignoring unknown suborigin policy option " + optionName + ".");

    return true;
FileChooserPrivate::chooseFiles(const String* str, int items)
    WTF::Vector<WebCore::String> ws;

    for (int i=0; i<items; i++) {
TEST(FontDescriptionTest, TestHashCollision)
    FontWeight weights[] = {
    FontStretch stretches[] {
    FontStyle styles[] = {
    FontVariant variants[] = {

    FontDescription source;
    WTF::Vector<unsigned> hashes;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < WTF_ARRAY_LENGTH(weights); i++) {
        for (size_t j = 0; j < WTF_ARRAY_LENGTH(stretches); j++) {
            for (size_t k = 0; k < WTF_ARRAY_LENGTH(styles); k++) {
                for (size_t m = 0; m < WTF_ARRAY_LENGTH(variants); m++) {
                    unsigned hash = source.styleHashWithoutFamilyList();

Exemple #7
WTF::Vector <BackingStoreClient*> BackingStoreClient::children() const
    WTF::Vector<BackingStoreClient*> children;
    for (Frame* child = m_frame->tree()->firstChild(); child; child = child->tree()->nextSibling()) {
        BlackBerry::WebKit::BackingStoreClient* client =

        if (client)

    return children;
static void write_item(WTF::Vector<char>& v, WebCore::HistoryItem* item)
    // Original url
    write_string(v, item->originalURLString());

    // Url
    write_string(v, item->urlString());

    // Title
    write_string(v, item->title());

    // Form content type
    write_string(v, item->formContentType());

    // Form data
    const WebCore::FormData* formData = item->formData();
    if (formData) {
        write_string(v, formData->flattenToString());
        // save the identifier as it is not included in the flatten data
        int64_t id = formData->identifier();
        v.append((char*)&id, sizeof(int64_t));
    } else
        write_string(v, WebCore::String()); // Empty constructor does not allocate a buffer.

    // Target
    write_string(v, item->target());

    AndroidWebHistoryBridge* bridge = item->bridge();
    LOG_ASSERT(bridge, "We should have a bridge here!");
    // Screen scale
    const int scale = bridge->scale();
    LOGV("Writing scale %d", scale);
    v.append((char*)&scale, sizeof(int));
    const int screenWidthScale = bridge->screenWidthScale();
    LOGV("Writing screen width scale %d", screenWidthScale);
    v.append((char*)&screenWidthScale, sizeof(int));

    // Document state
    const WTF::Vector<WebCore::String>& docState = item->documentState();
    WTF::Vector<WebCore::String>::const_iterator end = docState.end();
    unsigned stateSize = docState.size();
    LOGV("Writing docState     %d", stateSize);
    v.append((char*)&stateSize, sizeof(unsigned));
    for (WTF::Vector<WebCore::String>::const_iterator i = docState.begin(); i != end; ++i) {
        write_string(v, *i);

    // Is target item
    LOGV("Writing isTargetItem %d", item->isTargetItem());

    // Children count
    unsigned childCount = item->children().size();
    LOGV("Writing childCount   %d", childCount);
    v.append((char*)&childCount, sizeof(unsigned));
Exemple #9
void JavaBridge::UpdatePluginDirectories(JNIEnv* env, jobject obj,
        jobjectArray array, jboolean reload) {
    WTF::Vector<WTF::String> directories;
    int count = env->GetArrayLength(array);
    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
        jstring dir = (jstring) env->GetObjectArrayElement(array, i);
        directories.append(jstringToWtfString(env, dir));
    WebCore::PluginDatabase *pluginDatabase =
    // refreshPlugins() should refresh both PluginDatabase and Page's PluginData
Exemple #10
WTF::Vector<WebCore::String>JavaBridge::getSupportedKeyStrengthList() {
    WTF::Vector<WebCore::String> list;
    JNIEnv* env = JSC::Bindings::getJNIEnv();
    AutoJObject obj = getRealObject(env, mJavaObject);
    jobjectArray array = (jobjectArray) env->CallObjectMethod(obj.get(),
    int count = env->GetArrayLength(array);
    for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
        jstring keyStrength = (jstring) env->GetObjectArrayElement(array, i);
        list.append(to_string(env, keyStrength));
    return list;
// ReverseBidi is a trimmed-down version of GraphicsContext::drawBidiText()
void ReverseBidi(UChar* chars, int len) {
    using namespace WTF::Unicode;
    WTF::Vector<UChar> result;
    TextRun run(chars, len);
    BidiResolver<TextRunIterator, BidiCharacterRun> bidiResolver;
    BidiRunList<BidiCharacterRun>& bidiRuns = bidiResolver.runs();
    bidiResolver.setStatus(BidiStatus(LeftToRight, LeftToRight, LeftToRight,
        BidiContext::create(0, LeftToRight, false)));
    bidiResolver.setPosition(TextRunIterator(&run, 0));
    bidiResolver.createBidiRunsForLine(TextRunIterator(&run, len));
    if (!bidiRuns.runCount())
    BidiCharacterRun* bidiRun = bidiRuns.firstRun();
    while (bidiRun) {
        int bidiStart = bidiRun->start();
        int bidiStop = bidiRun->stop();
        int size = result.size();
        int bidiCount = bidiStop - bidiStart;
        result.append(chars + bidiStart, bidiCount);
        if (bidiRun->level() % 2) {
            UChar* start = &result[size];
            UChar* end = start + bidiCount;
            // reverse the order of any RTL substrings
            while (start < end) {
                UChar temp = *start;
                *start++ = *--end;
                *end = temp;
            start = &result[size];
            end = start + bidiCount - 1;
            // if the RTL substring had a surrogate pair, restore its order
            while (start < end) {
                UChar trail = *start++;
                if (!U16_IS_SURROGATE(trail))
                start[-1] = *start; // lead
                *start++ = trail;
        bidiRun = bidiRun->next();
    memcpy(chars, &result[0], len * sizeof(UChar));
Exemple #12
    WTF::Vector<WebCore::String> directories;
    JNIEnv* env = JSC::Bindings::getJNIEnv();
    AutoJObject obj = getRealObject(env, mJavaObject);
    jobjectArray array = (jobjectArray)
                         env->CallObjectMethod(obj.get(), mGetPluginDirectories);
    int count = env->GetArrayLength(array);
    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
        jstring dir = (jstring) env->GetObjectArrayElement(array, i);
        directories.append(to_string(env, dir));
    return directories;
void EditorClient::getGuessesForWord(const String& word, WTF::Vector<String>& guesses)
    GSList* langs = webkit_web_settings_get_spell_languages(m_webView);

    for (; langs; langs = langs->next) {
        size_t numberOfSuggestions;
        size_t i;

        SpellLanguage* lang = static_cast<SpellLanguage*>(langs->data);
        gchar** suggestions = enchant_dict_suggest(lang->speller, word.utf8().data(), -1, &numberOfSuggestions);

        for (i = 0; i < numberOfSuggestions && i < 10; i++)

        if (numberOfSuggestions > 0)
            enchant_dict_free_suggestions(lang->speller, suggestions);
void TilesManager::paintedSurfacesCleanup(GLWebViewState* state)
    // PaintedSurfaces are created by LayerAndroid with a refcount of 1,
    // and just transferred to new (corresponding) layers when a new layer tree
    // is received.
    // PaintedSurface also keep a reference on the Layer it currently has, so
    // when we unref the tree of layer, those layers with a PaintedSurface will
    // still be around if we do nothing.
    // Here, if the surface does not have any associated layer, it means that we
    // received a new layer tree without a corresponding layer (i.e. a layer
    // using a texture has been removed by webkit).
    // In that case, we remove the PaintedSurface from our list, and unref it.
    // If the surface does have a layer, but the GLWebViewState associated to
    // that layer is different from the one passed in parameter, it means we can
    // also remove the surface (and we also remove/unref any layer that surface
    // has). We do this when we deallocate GLWebViewState (i.e. the webview has
    // been destroyed) and also when we switch to a page without
    // composited layers.

    WTF::Vector<PaintedSurface*> collect;
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_paintedSurfaces.size(); i++) {
        PaintedSurface* surface = m_paintedSurfaces[i];

        Layer* drawing = surface->drawingLayer();
        Layer* painting = surface->paintingLayer();

        XLOG("considering PS %p, drawing %p, painting %p", surface, drawing, painting);

        bool drawingMatchesState = state && drawing && (drawing->state() == state);
        bool paintingMatchesState = state && painting && (painting->state() == state);

        if ((!painting && !drawing) || drawingMatchesState || paintingMatchesState) {
            XLOG("trying to remove PS %p, painting %p, drawing %p, DMS %d, PMS %d",
                 surface, painting, drawing, drawingMatchesState, paintingMatchesState);
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < collect.size(); i++) {
        PaintedSurface* surface = collect[i];
void EditorClient::getGuessesForWord(const String& word, WTF::Vector<String>& guesses)
    GSList* dicts = webkit_web_settings_get_enchant_dicts(m_webView);

    for (; dicts; dicts = dicts->next) {
        size_t numberOfSuggestions;
        size_t i;

        EnchantDict* dict = static_cast<EnchantDict*>(dicts->data);
        gchar** suggestions = enchant_dict_suggest(dict, word.utf8().data(), -1, &numberOfSuggestions);

        for (i = 0; i < numberOfSuggestions && i < 10; i++)

        if (numberOfSuggestions > 0)
            enchant_dict_free_suggestions(dict, suggestions);
void TilesManager::discardTexturesVector(unsigned long long sparedDrawCount,
                                         WTF::Vector<TileTexture*>& textures,
                                         bool deallocateGLTextures)
    const unsigned int max = textures.size();
    int dealloc = 0;
    WTF::Vector<int> discardedIndex;
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < max; i++) {
        TextureOwner* owner = textures[i]->owner();
        if (!owner || owner->drawCount() < sparedDrawCount) {
            if (deallocateGLTextures) {
                // deallocate textures' gl memory
            } else if (owner) {
                // simply detach textures from owner

    bool base = textures == m_textures;
    // Clean up the vector of TileTextures and reset the max texture count.
    if (discardedIndex.size()) {
        android::Mutex::Autolock lock(m_texturesLock);
        for (int i = discardedIndex.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--)

        int remainedTextureNumber = textures.size();
        int* countPtr = base ? &m_currentTextureCount : &m_currentLayerTextureCount;
        if (remainedTextureNumber < *countPtr) {
            ALOGV("reset currentTextureCount for %s tiles from %d to %d",
                  base ? "base" : "layer", *countPtr, remainedTextureNumber);
            *countPtr = remainedTextureNumber;


    ALOGV("Discarded %d %s textures (out of %d %s tiles)",
          dealloc, (deallocateGLTextures ? "gl" : ""),
          max, base ? "base" : "layer");
static void WebHistoryClose(JNIEnv* env, jobject obj, jint frame)
    LOG_ASSERT(frame, "Close needs a valid Frame pointer!");
    WebCore::Frame* pFrame = (WebCore::Frame*)frame;

    WebCore::BackForwardList* list = pFrame->page()->backForwardList();
    RefPtr<WebCore::HistoryItem> current = list->currentItem();
    // Remove each item instead of using close(). close() is intended to be used
    // right before the list is deleted.
    WebCore::HistoryItemVector& entries = list->entries();
    int size = entries.size();
    for (int i = size - 1; i >= 0; --i)
    // Add the current item back to the list.
    if (current) {
        // addItem will update the children to match the newly created bridge

         * The Grand Prix site uses anchor navigations to change the display.
         * WebKit tries to be smart and not load child frames that have the
         * same history urls during an anchor navigation. This means that the
         * current history item stored in the child frame's loader does not
         * match the item found in the history tree. If we remove all the
         * entries in the back/foward list, we have to restore the entire tree
         * or else a HistoryItem might have a deleted parent.
         * In order to restore the history tree correctly, we have to look up
         * all the frames first and then look up the history item. We do this
         * because the history item in the tree may be null at this point.
         * Unfortunately, a HistoryItem can only search its immediately
         * children so we do a breadth-first rebuild of the tree.

        // Keep a small list of child frames to traverse.
        WTF::Vector<WebCore::Frame*> frameQueue;
        // Fix the top-level item.
        WebCore::Frame* child = pFrame->tree()->firstChild();
        // Remember the parent history item so we can search for a child item.
        RefPtr<WebCore::HistoryItem> parent = current;
        while (child) {
            // Use the old history item since the current one may have a
            // deleted parent.
            WebCore::HistoryItem* item = parent->childItemWithTarget(child->tree()->name());
            // Append the first child to the queue if it exists. If there is no
            // item, then we do not need to traverse the children since there
            // will be no parent history item.
            WebCore::Frame* firstChild;
            if (item && (firstChild = child->tree()->firstChild()))
            child = child->tree()->nextSibling();
            // If we don't have a sibling for this frame and the queue isn't
            // empty, use the next entry in the queue.
            if (!child && !frameQueue.isEmpty()) {
                child = frameQueue.at(0);
                // Figure out the parent history item used when searching for
                // the history item to use.
                parent = child->tree()->parent()->loader()->history()->currentItem();
static bool read_item_recursive(WebCore::HistoryItem* newItem,
        const char** pData, int length)
    if (!pData || length < HISTORY_MIN_SIZE)
        return false;

    const WebCore::TextEncoding& e = WebCore::UTF8Encoding();
    const char* data = *pData;
    const char* end = data + length;
    int sizeofUnsigned = (int)sizeof(unsigned);

    // Read the original url
    // Read the expected length of the string.
    int l;
    memcpy(&l, data, sizeofUnsigned);
    // Increment data pointer by the size of an unsigned int.
    data += sizeofUnsigned;
    if (l) {
        LOGV("Original url    %d %.*s", l, l, data);
        // If we have a length, check if that length exceeds the data length
        // and return null if there is not enough data.
        if (data + l < end)
            newItem->setOriginalURLString(e.decode(data, l));
            return false;
        // Increment the data pointer by the length of the string.
        data += l;
    // Check if we have enough data left to continue.
    if (end - data < sizeofUnsigned)
        return false;

    // Read the url
    memcpy(&l, data, sizeofUnsigned);
    data += sizeofUnsigned;
    if (l) {
        LOGV("Url             %d %.*s", l, l, data);
        if (data + l < end)
            newItem->setURLString(e.decode(data, l));
            return false;
        data += l;
    if (end - data < sizeofUnsigned)
        return false;

    // Read the title
    memcpy(&l, data, sizeofUnsigned);
    data += sizeofUnsigned;
    if (l) {
        LOGV("Title           %d %.*s", l, l, data);
        if (data + l < end)
            newItem->setTitle(e.decode(data, l));
            return false;
        data += l;
    if (end - data < sizeofUnsigned)
        return false;

    // Generate a new ResourceRequest object for populating form information.
    WebCore::String formContentType;
    WTF::PassRefPtr<WebCore::FormData> formData = NULL;

    // Read the form content type
    memcpy(&l, data, sizeofUnsigned);
    data += sizeofUnsigned;
    if (l) {
        LOGV("Content type    %d %.*s", l, l, data);
        if (data + l < end)
            formContentType = e.decode(data, l);
            return false;
        data += l;
    if (end - data < sizeofUnsigned)
        return false;

    // Read the form data
    memcpy(&l, data, sizeofUnsigned);
    data += sizeofUnsigned;
    if (l) {
        LOGV("Form data       %d %.*s", l, l, data);
        if (data + l < end)
            formData = WebCore::FormData::create(data, l);
            return false;
        data += l;
        // Read the identifier
            int64_t id;
            int size = (int)sizeof(int64_t);
            memcpy(&id, data, size);
            data += size;
            if (id)
    if (end - data < sizeofUnsigned)
        return false;

    // Set up the form info
    if (formData != NULL) {
        WebCore::ResourceRequest r;

    // Read the target
    memcpy(&l, data, sizeofUnsigned);
    data += sizeofUnsigned;
    if (l) {
        LOGV("Target          %d %.*s", l, l, data);
        if (data + l < end)
            newItem->setTarget(e.decode(data, l));
            return false;
        data += l;
    if (end - data < sizeofUnsigned)
        return false;

    AndroidWebHistoryBridge* bridge = newItem->bridge();
    LOG_ASSERT(bridge, "There should be a bridge object during inflate");
    // Read the screen scale
    memcpy(&l, data, sizeofUnsigned);
    LOGV("Screen scale    %d", l);
    data += sizeofUnsigned;
    memcpy(&l, data, sizeofUnsigned);
    LOGV("Screen width scale    %d", l);
    data += sizeofUnsigned;

    if (end - data < sizeofUnsigned)
        return false;

    // Read the document state
    memcpy(&l, data, sizeofUnsigned);
    LOGV("Document state  %d", l);
    data += sizeofUnsigned;
    if (l) {
        // Check if we have enough data to at least parse the sizes of each
        // document state string.
        if (data + l * sizeofUnsigned >= end)
            return false;
        // Create a new vector and reserve enough space for the document state.
        WTF::Vector<WebCore::String> docState;
        while (l--) {
            // Check each time if we have enough to parse the length of the next
            // string.
            if (end - data < sizeofUnsigned)
                return false;
            int strLen;
            memcpy(&strLen, data, sizeofUnsigned);
            data += sizeofUnsigned;
            if (data + strLen < end)
                docState.append(e.decode(data, strLen));
                return false;
            LOGV("\t\t%d %.*s", strLen, strLen, data);
            data += strLen;
    // Check if we have enough to read the next byte
    if (data >= end)
        return false;

    // Read is target item
    // Cast the value to unsigned char in order to make a negative value larger
    // than 1. A value that is not 0 or 1 is a failure.
    unsigned char c = (unsigned char)data[0];
    if (c > 1)
        return false;
    LOGV("Target item     %d", c);
    if (end - data < sizeofUnsigned)
        return false;

    // Read the child count
    memcpy(&l, data, sizeofUnsigned);
    LOGV("Child count     %d", l);
    data += sizeofUnsigned;
    *pData = data;
    if (l) {
        // Check if we have the minimum amount need to parse l children.
        if (data + l * HISTORY_MIN_SIZE >= end)
            return false;
        while (l--) {
            // No need to check the length each time because read_item_recursive
            // will return null if there isn't enough data left to parse.
            WTF::PassRefPtr<WebCore::HistoryItem> child = WebCore::HistoryItem::create();
            // Set a bridge that will not call into java.
            child->setBridge(new WebHistoryItem(static_cast<WebHistoryItem*>(bridge)));
            // Read the child item.
            if (!read_item_recursive(child.get(), pData, end - data)) {
                return false;
    return true;
Exemple #19
static void writeItem(WTF::Vector<char>& vector, WebCore::HistoryItem* item)
    // Original url
    writeString(vector, item->originalURLString());

    // Url
    writeString(vector, item->urlString());

    // Title
    writeString(vector, item->title());

    // Form content type
    writeString(vector, item->formContentType());

    // Form data
    const WebCore::FormData* formData = item->formData();
    if (formData) {
        // write a flag means formData is not null.
        unsigned flag = FLAG_NOT_NULL;
        vector.append((char*)&flag, sizeof(unsigned));
        //LOGD("Writing Form data if {} Tag");
        /*guoxiaolei 20120827 end>*/
        writeString(vector, formData->flattenToString());
        // save the identifier as it is not included in the flatten data
        int64_t id = formData->identifier();
        //LOGD("Writing the identifier       %d ", id);
        /*guoxiaolei 20120827 end>*/
        vector.append((char*)&id, sizeof(int64_t));
    } else{
        //LOGD("Writing Form data else {} Tag");
        //write_string(v, WTF::String()); // Empty constructor does not allocate a buffer.
        // write a flag means formData is null.
        unsigned flag = FLAG_IS_NULL;
        vector.append((char*)&flag, sizeof(unsigned));
    /*guoxiaolei 20120827 end>*/

    // Target
    writeString(vector, item->target());

    AndroidWebHistoryBridge* bridge = item->bridge();
    ALOG_ASSERT(bridge, "We should have a bridge here!");
    // Screen scale
    const float scale = bridge->scale();
    ALOGV("Writing scale           %f", scale);
    vector.append((char*)&scale, sizeof(float));
    const float textWrapScale = bridge->textWrapScale();
    ALOGV("Writing text wrap scale %f", textWrapScale);
    vector.append((char*)&textWrapScale, sizeof(float));

    // Scroll position.
    const int scrollX = item->scrollPoint().x();
    vector.append((char*)&scrollX, sizeof(int));
    const int scrollY = item->scrollPoint().y();
    vector.append((char*)&scrollY, sizeof(int));

    // Document state
    const WTF::Vector<WTF::String>& docState = item->documentState();
    WTF::Vector<WTF::String>::const_iterator end = docState.end();
    unsigned stateSize = docState.size();
    ALOGV("Writing docState        %d", stateSize);
    vector.append((char*)&stateSize, sizeof(unsigned));
    for (WTF::Vector<WTF::String>::const_iterator i = docState.begin(); i != end; ++i) {
        writeString(vector, *i);

    // Is target item
    ALOGV("Writing isTargetItem    %d", item->isTargetItem());

    // Children count
    unsigned childCount = item->children().size();
    ALOGV("Writing childCount      %d", childCount);
    vector.append((char*)&childCount, sizeof(unsigned));
void FrameLoaderClientAndroid::dispatchDidFailProvisionalLoad(const ResourceError& error) {
    // Ignore ErrorInterrupted since it is due to a policy interruption. This
    // is caused by a decision to download the main resource rather than
    // display it.
    if (error.errorCode() == InternalErrorInterrupted
            || error.errorCode() == InternalErrorCancelled) {
        // If we decided to download the main resource or if the user cancelled
        // it, make sure we report that the load is done.

    AssetManager* am = globalAssetManager();

    // Check to see if the error code was not generated internally
    WebCore::PlatformBridge::rawResId id = WebCore::PlatformBridge::NoDomain;
    if ((error.errorCode() == ErrorFile ||
            error.errorCode() == ErrorFileNotFound) &&
            (!error.localizedDescription().isEmpty())) {
        id = WebCore::PlatformBridge::LoadError;
    String filename = m_webFrame->getRawResourceFilename(id);
    if (filename.isEmpty())

    // Grab the error page from the asset manager
    Asset* a = am->openNonAsset(
            filename.utf8().data(), Asset::ACCESS_BUFFER);
    if (!a)

    // Take the failing url and encode html entities so javascript urls are not
    // executed.
    CString failingUrl = error.failingURL().utf8();
    WTF::Vector<char> url;
    int len = failingUrl.length();
    const char* data = failingUrl.data();
    for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
        char c = data[i];
        if ((c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z')
                || (c >= '0' && c <= '9'))
        else {
            char buf[16];
            int res = sprintf(buf, "&#%d;", c);
            buf[res] = 0;
            url.append(buf, res);

    // Replace all occurances of %s with the failing url.
    String s = UTF8Encoding().decode((const char*)a->getBuffer(false), a->getLength());

	// samsung shkim 
	// \frameworks\base\core\res\res\raw-XX\nodomain.html or loaderror.html
	// These error pages does not have <viewport> tag, it is loaded as low zoom scale
	if( s.contains( "viewport" ) == false )
		s = s.replace( "<head>", "<head> <meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no\"/>" );
    s = s.replace("%s", String(url.data(), url.size()));

    // Replace all occurances of %e with the error text
    s = s.replace("%e", error.localizedDescription());

    // Create the request and the substitute data and tell the FrameLoader to
    // load with the replacement data.
    // use KURL(const char*) as KURL(const String& url) can trigger ASSERT for
    // invalidate URL string.
    loadDataIntoFrame(m_frame, KURL(ParsedURLString, data), error.failingURL(), s);

    // Delete the asset.
    delete a;
static bool readItemRecursive(WebCore::HistoryItem* newItem,
        const char** pData, int length)
    if (!pData || length < HISTORY_MIN_SIZE) {
        ALOGW("readItemRecursive() bad params; pData=%p length=%d", pData, length);
        return false;

    const char* data = *pData;
    const char* end = data + length;
    String content;

    // Read the original url
    if (readString(data, end, content, "Original url"))
        return false;

    // Read the url
    if (readString(data, end, content, "Url"))
        return false;

    // Read the title
    if (readString(data, end, content, "Title"))
        return false;

    // Generate a new ResourceRequest object for populating form information.
    // Read the form content type
    WTF::String formContentType;
    if (!readString(data, end, formContentType, "Content type"))
        return false;

    // Read the form data size
    unsigned formDataSize;
    if (!readUnsigned(data, end, formDataSize, "Form data size"))
        return false;

    // Read the form data
    WTF::RefPtr<WebCore::FormData> formData;
    if (formDataSize) {
        ALOGV("Reading Form data       %d %.*s", formDataSize, formDataSize, data);
        if ((end < data) || ((size_t)(end - data) < formDataSize)) {
            ALOGW("\tNot enough data to read form data; returning");
            return false;
        formData = WebCore::FormData::create(data, formDataSize);
        data += formDataSize;
        // Read the identifier
        int64_t id;
        if (!readInt64(data, end, id, "Form id"))
            return false;
        if (id)

    // Set up the form info
    if (formData != NULL) {
        WebCore::ResourceRequest r;

    // Read the target
    if (readString(data, end, content, "Target"))
        return false;

    AndroidWebHistoryBridge* bridge = newItem->bridge();
    ALOG_ASSERT(bridge, "There should be a bridge object during inflate");

    // Read the screen scale
    float fValue;
    if (readFloat(data, end, fValue, "Screen scale"))
        return false;

    // Read the text wrap scale
    if (readFloat(data, end, fValue, "Text wrap scale"))
        return false;

    // Read scroll position.
    int scrollX;
    if (!readInt(data, end, scrollX, "Scroll pos x"))
        return false;
    int scrollY;
    if (!readInt(data, end, scrollY, "Scroll pos y"))
        return false;
    newItem->setScrollPoint(IntPoint(scrollX, scrollY));

    // Read the document state
    unsigned docStateCount;
    if (!readUnsigned(data, end, docStateCount, "Doc state count"))
        return false;
    if (docStateCount) {
        // Create a new vector and reserve enough space for the document state.
        WTF::Vector<WTF::String> docState;
        while (docStateCount--) {
            // Read a document state string
            if (readString(data, end, content, "Document state"))
                return false;

    // Read is target item
    bool c;
    if (readBool(data, end, c, "Target item"))
        return false;

    // Read the child count
    unsigned count;
    if (!readUnsigned(data, end, count, "Child count"))
        return false;
    *pData = data;
    if (count) {
        while (count--) {
            // No need to check the length each time because read_item_recursive
            // will return null if there isn't enough data left to parse.
            WTF::RefPtr<WebCore::HistoryItem> child = WebCore::HistoryItem::create();
            // Set a bridge that will not call into java.
            child->setBridge(new WebHistoryItem(static_cast<WebHistoryItem*>(bridge)));
            // Read the child item.
            if (!readItemRecursive(child.get(), pData, end - data))
                return false;
    return true;