bool CWebServer::LoadCert(std::string &skey, std::string &scert) { XFILE::CFile file; XFILE::auto_buffer buf; const char* keyFile = "special://userdata/server.key"; const char* certFile = "special://userdata/server.pem"; if (!file.Exists(keyFile) || !file.Exists(certFile)) return false; if (file.LoadFile(keyFile, buf) > 0) { skey.resize(buf.length()); skey.assign(buf.get()); file.Close(); } else CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "WebServer %s: Error loading: %s", __FUNCTION__, keyFile); if (file.LoadFile(certFile, buf) > 0) { scert.resize(buf.length()); scert.assign(buf.get()); file.Close(); } else CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "WebServer %s: Error loading: %s", __FUNCTION__, certFile); if (!skey.empty() && !scert.empty()) { CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "WebServer %s: found server key: %s, certificate: %s, HTTPS support enabled", __FUNCTION__, keyFile, certFile); return true; } return false; }
int CNfoFile::Load(const CStdString& strFile) { Close(); XFILE::CFile file; if (file.Open(strFile)) { m_size = (int)file.GetLength(); try { m_doc = new char[m_size+1]; m_headofdoc = m_doc; } catch (...) { CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "%s: Exception while creating file buffer",__FUNCTION__); return 1; } if (!m_doc) { file.Close(); return 1; } file.Read(m_doc, m_size); m_doc[m_size] = 0; file.Close(); return 0; } return 1; }
TEST(TestFile, Write) { XFILE::CFile *file; const char str[] = "TestFile.Write test string\n"; char buf[30]; memset(&buf, 0, sizeof(buf)); ASSERT_TRUE((file = XBMC_CREATETEMPFILE("")) != NULL); file->Close(); ASSERT_TRUE(file->OpenForWrite(XBMC_TEMPFILEPATH(file), true)); EXPECT_EQ((int)sizeof(str), file->Write(str, sizeof(str))); file->Flush(); EXPECT_EQ(0, file->GetPosition()); file->Close(); ASSERT_TRUE(file->Open(XBMC_TEMPFILEPATH(file))); EXPECT_EQ(0, file->GetPosition()); EXPECT_EQ((int64_t)sizeof(str), file->Seek(0, SEEK_END)); EXPECT_EQ(0, file->Seek(0, SEEK_SET)); EXPECT_EQ((int64_t)sizeof(str), file->GetLength()); EXPECT_EQ(sizeof(str), file->Read(buf, sizeof(buf))); file->Flush(); EXPECT_EQ((int64_t)sizeof(str), file->GetPosition()); EXPECT_TRUE(!memcmp(str, buf, sizeof(str))); file->Close(); EXPECT_TRUE(XBMC_DELETETEMPFILE(file)); }
bool CScraperUrl::Get(const SUrlEntry& scrURL, string& strHTML, CHTTP& http) { CURL url(scrURL.m_url); http.SetReferer(scrURL.m_spoof); CStdString strCachePath; if (!scrURL.m_cache.IsEmpty()) { CUtil::AddFileToFolder(g_advancedSettings.m_cachePath,"scrapers\\"+scrURL.m_cache,strCachePath); if (XFILE::CFile::Exists(strCachePath)) { XFILE::CFile file; file.Open(strCachePath); char* temp = new char[(int)file.GetLength()]; file.Read(temp,file.GetLength()); strHTML.append(temp,temp+file.GetLength()); file.Close(); delete[] temp; return true; } } if (scrURL.m_post) { CStdString strOptions = url.GetOptions(); strOptions = strOptions.substr(1); url.SetOptions(""); CStdString strUrl; url.GetURL(strUrl); if (!http.Post(strUrl, strOptions, strHTML)) return false; } else if (!http.Get(scrURL.m_url, strHTML)) return false; if (scrURL.m_url.Find(".zip") > -1) { XFILE::CFileZip file; CStdString strBuffer; int iSize = file.UnpackFromMemory(strBuffer,strHTML); if (iSize) { strHTML.clear(); strHTML.append(strBuffer.c_str(),; } } if (!scrURL.m_cache.IsEmpty()) { CStdString strCachePath; CUtil::AddFileToFolder(g_advancedSettings.m_cachePath,"scrapers\\"+scrURL.m_cache,strCachePath); XFILE::CFile file; if (file.OpenForWrite(strCachePath,true,true)) file.Write(,strHTML.size()); file.Close(); } return true; }
bool CPFCManager::GetDefsFile(const CStdString& strPath, TiXmlDocument& xmlDocument) { // CStdString strTemp = strPath; // // if (!URIUtils::IsURL(strTemp)) { // CURL::Encode(strTemp); // } CURL urlPath(strPath); CStdString strFile = urlPath.GetHostName(); URIUtils::CreateArchivePath(strFile, "pfc", strPath, DEFSFILE); char* defFile; CStdString strDoc; XFILE::CFile file; if (file.Open(strFile)) { int size = (int) file.GetLength(); try { defFile = new char[size + 1]; } catch (...) { CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "%s: Exception while creating file buffer", __FUNCTION__); return false; } if (!defFile) { file.Close(); return false; } file.Read(defFile, size); defFile[size] = 0; strDoc = defFile; file.Close(); free(defFile); } // Laureon: Convert the document to UTF8... if (strDoc.Find("encoding=") == -1) g_charsetConverter.unknownToUTF8(strDoc); xmlDocument.Parse(strDoc.c_str()); if (!xmlDocument.RootElement()) return false; return true; }
bool CKaraokeLyricsTextKAR::Load() { XFILE::CFile file; bool succeed = true; m_reportedInvalidVarField = false; // Clear the lyrics array clearLyrics(); if (file.LoadFile(m_midiFile, m_midiData) <= 0) return false; file.Close(); // Parse MIDI try { parseMIDI(); } catch ( const char * p ) { CLog::Log( LOGERROR, "KAR lyrics loader: cannot load file: %s", p ); succeed = false; } m_midiData.clear(); return succeed; }
bool CCurlFile::Download(const CStdString& strURL, const CStdString& strFileName, LPDWORD pdwSize) { CLog::Log(LOGINFO, "Download: %s->%s", strURL.c_str(), strFileName.c_str()); CStdString strData; if (!Get(strURL, strData)) return false; XFILE::CFile file; if (!file.OpenForWrite(strFileName, true)) { CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "Unable to open file %s: %u", strFileName.c_str(), GetLastError()); return false; } if (strData.size()) file.Write(strData.c_str(), strData.size()); file.Close(); if (pdwSize != NULL) { *pdwSize = strData.size(); } return true; }
// This test will fail until ActionDeleteFolder has a proper implementation TEST(TestFileOperationJob, ActionDeleteFolder) { XFILE::CFile *tmpfile; CStdString tmpfilepath, destpath; CFileItemList items; CFileOperationJob job; ASSERT_TRUE((tmpfile = XBMC_CREATETEMPFILE(""))); tmpfilepath = XBMC_TEMPFILEPATH(tmpfile); tmpfile->Close(); destpath = tmpfilepath; destpath += ".deletefolder"; ASSERT_FALSE(XFILE::CFile::Exists(destpath)); CFileItemPtr item(new CFileItem(destpath)); item->SetPath(destpath); item->m_bIsFolder = true; item->Select(true); items.Add(item); job.SetFileOperation(CFileOperationJob::ActionCreateFolder, items, destpath); EXPECT_EQ(CFileOperationJob::ActionCreateFolder, job.GetAction()); EXPECT_TRUE(job.DoWork()); EXPECT_TRUE(XFILE::CDirectory::Exists(destpath)); job.SetFileOperation(CFileOperationJob::ActionDeleteFolder, items, destpath); EXPECT_EQ(CFileOperationJob::ActionDeleteFolder, job.GetAction()); EXPECT_TRUE(job.DoWork()); EXPECT_FALSE(XFILE::CDirectory::Exists(destpath)); EXPECT_TRUE(XBMC_DELETETEMPFILE(tmpfile)); }
bool Gif::IsAnimated(const char* file) { if (!m_dll.IsLoaded()) return false; if (m_isAnimated < 0) { m_filename = file; m_isAnimated = 0; GifFileType* gif = nullptr; XFILE::CFile gifFile; if (!gifFile.Open(file) || !Open(gif, &gifFile, ReadFromVfs)) return false; if (gif) { if (Slurp(gif) && gif->ImageCount > 1) m_isAnimated = 1; Close(gif); gifFile.Close(); } } return m_isAnimated > 0; }
TEST_F(TestRegExpLog, DumpOvector) { CRegExp regex; CStdString logfile, logstring; char buf[100]; unsigned int bytesread; XFILE::CFile file; logfile = CSpecialProtocol::TranslatePath("special://temp/") + "xbmc.log"; EXPECT_TRUE(CLog::Init(CSpecialProtocol::TranslatePath("special://temp/"))); EXPECT_TRUE(XFILE::CFile::Exists(logfile)); EXPECT_TRUE(regex.RegComp("^(?<first>Test)\\s*(?<second>.*)\\.")); EXPECT_EQ(0, regex.RegFind("Test string.")); regex.DumpOvector(LOGDEBUG); CLog::Close(); EXPECT_TRUE(file.Open(logfile)); while ((bytesread = file.Read(buf, sizeof(buf) - 1)) > 0) { buf[bytesread] = '\0'; logstring.append(buf); } file.Close(); EXPECT_FALSE(logstring.empty()); EXPECT_STREQ("\xEF\xBB\xBF", logstring.substr(0, 3).c_str()); EXPECT_TRUE(regex.RegComp(".*DEBUG: regexp ovector=\\{\\[0,12\\],\\[0,4\\]," "\\[5,11\\]\\}.*")); EXPECT_GE(regex.RegFind(logstring), 0); EXPECT_TRUE(XFILE::CFile::Delete(logfile)); }
bool CJpegIO::Open(const CStdString &texturePath, unsigned int minx, unsigned int miny, bool read) { m_texturePath = texturePath; unsigned int imgsize = 0; XFILE::CFile file; if (file.Open(m_texturePath.c_str(), 0)) { imgsize = (unsigned int)file.GetLength(); m_inputBuff = new unsigned char[imgsize]; m_inputBuffSize = file.Read(m_inputBuff, imgsize); file.Close(); if ((imgsize != m_inputBuffSize) || (m_inputBuffSize == 0)) return false; } else return false; if (!read) return true; if (Read(m_inputBuff, m_inputBuffSize, minx, miny)) return true; return false; }
void CAirTunesServer::SetCoverArtFromBuffer(const char *buffer, unsigned int size) { XFILE::CFile tmpFile; const char *tmpFileName = "special://temp/airtunes_album_thumb.jpg"; if(!size) return; if (tmpFile.OpenForWrite(tmpFileName, true)) { int writtenBytes=0; writtenBytes = tmpFile.Write(buffer, size); tmpFile.Close(); if(writtenBytes) { //reset to empty before setting the new one //else it won't get refreshed because the name didn't change g_infoManager.SetCurrentAlbumThumb(""); g_infoManager.SetCurrentAlbumThumb(tmpFileName); //update the ui CGUIMessage msg(GUI_MSG_NOTIFY_ALL,0,0,GUI_MSG_REFRESH_THUMBS); g_windowManager.SendThreadMessage(msg); } } }
bool COMXImage::CreateThumbnailFromSurface(unsigned char* buffer, unsigned int width, unsigned int height, unsigned int format, unsigned int pitch, const CStdString& destFile) { if(format != XB_FMT_A8R8G8B8 || !buffer) { CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "%s::%s : %s failed format=0x%x\n", CLASSNAME, __func__, destFile.c_str(), format); return false; } if(!Encode(buffer, height * pitch, width, height, pitch)) { CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "%s::%s : %s encode failed\n", CLASSNAME, __func__, destFile.c_str()); return false; } XFILE::CFile file; if (file.OpenForWrite(destFile, true)) { CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "%s::%s : %s width %d height %d\n", CLASSNAME, __func__, destFile.c_str(), width, height); file.Write(GetEncodedData(), GetEncodedSize()); file.Close(); return true; } return false; }
TEST(TestFileOperationJob, ActionMove) { XFILE::CFile *tmpfile; CStdString tmpfilepath, destpath, destfile; CFileItemList items; CFileOperationJob job; ASSERT_TRUE((tmpfile = XBMC_CREATETEMPFILE(""))); tmpfilepath = XBMC_TEMPFILEPATH(tmpfile); tmpfile->Close(); CFileItemPtr item(new CFileItem(tmpfilepath)); item->SetPath(tmpfilepath); item->m_bIsFolder = false; item->Select(true); items.Add(item); URIUtils::GetDirectory(tmpfilepath, destpath); destpath = URIUtils::AddFileToFolder(destpath, "move"); destfile = URIUtils::AddFileToFolder(destpath, URIUtils::GetFileName(tmpfilepath)); ASSERT_FALSE(XFILE::CFile::Exists(destfile)); ASSERT_TRUE(XFILE::CDirectory::Create(destpath)); job.SetFileOperation(CFileOperationJob::ActionMove, items, destpath); EXPECT_EQ(CFileOperationJob::ActionMove, job.GetAction()); EXPECT_TRUE(job.DoWork()); EXPECT_FALSE(XFILE::CFile::Exists(tmpfilepath)); EXPECT_TRUE(XFILE::CFile::Exists(destfile)); EXPECT_TRUE(XFILE::CFile::Delete(destfile)); EXPECT_TRUE(XFILE::CDirectory::Remove(destpath)); }
TEST(TestFileUtils, DeleteItemString) { XFILE::CFile *tmpfile; ASSERT_NE(nullptr, (tmpfile = XBMC_CREATETEMPFILE(""))); tmpfile->Close(); //Close tmpfile before we try to delete it EXPECT_TRUE(CFileUtils::DeleteItem(XBMC_TEMPFILEPATH(tmpfile))); }
bool CPODocument::LoadFile(const std::string &pofilename) { XFILE::CFile file; if (!file.Open(pofilename)) return false; int64_t fileLength = file.GetLength(); if (fileLength < 18) // at least a size of a minimalistic header { file.Close(); CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "POParser: non valid length found for string file: %s", pofilename.c_str()); return false; } m_POfilelength = static_cast<size_t> (fileLength); m_strBuffer.resize(m_POfilelength+1); m_strBuffer[0] = '\n'; unsigned int readBytes = file.Read(&m_strBuffer[1], m_POfilelength); file.Close(); if (readBytes != m_POfilelength) { CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "POParser: actual read data differs from file size, for string file: %s", pofilename.c_str()); return false; } ConvertLineEnds(pofilename); // we make sure, to have an LF at the end of buffer if (*m_strBuffer.rbegin() != '\n') { m_strBuffer += "\n"; } m_POfilelength = m_strBuffer.size(); if (GetNextEntry() && m_Entry.Type == MSGID_FOUND) return true; CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "POParser: unable to read PO file header from file: %s", pofilename.c_str()); return false; }
//======================================================================== int CFileURLProtocol::Close(AML_URLContext *h) { CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "CFileURLProtocol::Close"); XFILE::CFile *cfile = (XFILE::CFile*)h->priv_data; cfile->Close(); delete cfile; return 0; }
bool CKaraokeLyricsTextLRC::Load() { XFILE::CFile file; // Clear the lyrics array clearLyrics(); if ( !file.Open( m_lyricsFile ) ) return false; unsigned int lyricSize = (unsigned int) file.GetLength(); if ( !lyricSize ) { CLog::Log( LOGERROR, "LRC lyric loader: lyric file %s has zero length", m_lyricsFile.c_str() ); return false; } // Read the file into memory array std::vector<char> lyricData( lyricSize ); file.Seek( 0, SEEK_SET ); // Read the whole file if ( file.Read( &lyricData[0], lyricSize) != lyricSize ) return false; // disk error? file.Close(); // Parse the correction value int timing_correction = MathUtils::round_int( g_advancedSettings.m_karaokeSyncDelayLRC * 10 ); unsigned int offset = 0; CStdString ext, songfilename = getSongFile(); URIUtils::GetExtension( songfilename, ext ); // Skip windoze UTF8 file prefix, if any, and reject UTF16 files if ( lyricSize > 3 ) { if ( (unsigned char)lyricData[0] == 0xFF && (unsigned char)lyricData[1] == 0xFE ) { CLog::Log( LOGERROR, "LRC lyric loader: lyrics file is in UTF16 encoding, must be in UTF8" ); return false; } // UTF8 prefix added by some windoze apps if ( (unsigned char)lyricData[0] == 0xEF && (unsigned char)lyricData[1] == 0xBB && (unsigned char)lyricData[2] == 0xBF ) offset = 3; } if (checkMultiTime(&lyricData[offset], lyricSize - offset)) return ParserMultiTime(&lyricData[offset], lyricSize - offset, timing_correction); else return ParserNormal(&lyricData[offset], lyricSize - offset, timing_correction); }
TEST(TestFile, Rename) { XFILE::CFile *file; CStdString path1, path2; ASSERT_TRUE((file = XBMC_CREATETEMPFILE("")) != NULL); file->Close(); path1 = XBMC_TEMPFILEPATH(file); ASSERT_TRUE((file = XBMC_CREATETEMPFILE("")) != NULL); file->Close(); path2 = XBMC_TEMPFILEPATH(file); EXPECT_TRUE(XFILE::CFile::Delete(path1)); EXPECT_FALSE(XFILE::CFile::Exists(path1)); EXPECT_TRUE(XFILE::CFile::Exists(path2)); EXPECT_TRUE(XFILE::CFile::Rename(path2, path1)); EXPECT_TRUE(XFILE::CFile::Exists(path1)); EXPECT_FALSE(XFILE::CFile::Exists(path2)); EXPECT_TRUE(XFILE::CFile::Delete(path1)); }
TEST(TestFile, Exists) { XFILE::CFile *file; ASSERT_TRUE((file = XBMC_CREATETEMPFILE("")) != NULL); file->Close(); EXPECT_TRUE(XFILE::CFile::Exists(XBMC_TEMPFILEPATH(file))); EXPECT_FALSE(XFILE::CFile::Exists("")); EXPECT_TRUE(XBMC_DELETETEMPFILE(file)); }
HRESULT CNfoFile::Load(const CStdString& strFile) { Close(); XFILE::CFile file; if (file.Open(strFile, true)) { m_size = (int)file.GetLength(); m_doc = new char[m_size+1]; if (!m_doc) { file.Close(); return E_FAIL; } file.Read(m_doc, m_size); m_doc[m_size] = 0; file.Close(); return S_OK; } return E_FAIL; }
TEST(TestFile, Copy) { XFILE::CFile *file; std::string path1, path2; ASSERT_NE(nullptr, file = XBMC_CREATETEMPFILE("")); file->Close(); path1 = XBMC_TEMPFILEPATH(file); ASSERT_NE(nullptr, file = XBMC_CREATETEMPFILE("")); file->Close(); path2 = XBMC_TEMPFILEPATH(file); EXPECT_TRUE(XFILE::CFile::Delete(path1)); EXPECT_FALSE(XFILE::CFile::Exists(path1)); EXPECT_TRUE(XFILE::CFile::Exists(path2)); EXPECT_TRUE(XFILE::CFile::Copy(path2, path1)); EXPECT_TRUE(XFILE::CFile::Exists(path1)); EXPECT_TRUE(XFILE::CFile::Exists(path2)); EXPECT_TRUE(XFILE::CFile::Delete(path1)); EXPECT_TRUE(XFILE::CFile::Delete(path2)); }
TEST_F(TestZipFile, Read) { XFILE::CFile file; char buf[20]; memset(&buf, 0, sizeof(buf)); std::string reffile, strpathinzip; CFileItemList itemlist; reffile = XBMC_REF_FILE_PATH("xbmc/filesystem/test/"); CURL zipUrl = URIUtils::CreateArchivePath("zip", CURL(reffile), ""); ASSERT_TRUE(XFILE::CDirectory::GetDirectory(zipUrl, itemlist, "", XFILE::DIR_FLAG_NO_FILE_DIRS)); EXPECT_GT(itemlist.Size(), 0); EXPECT_FALSE(itemlist[0]->GetPath().empty()); strpathinzip = itemlist[0]->GetPath(); ASSERT_TRUE(file.Open(strpathinzip)); EXPECT_EQ(0, file.GetPosition()); EXPECT_EQ(1616, file.GetLength()); EXPECT_EQ(sizeof(buf), static_cast<size_t>(file.Read(buf, sizeof(buf)))); file.Flush(); EXPECT_EQ(20, file.GetPosition()); EXPECT_TRUE(!memcmp("About\n-----\nXBMC is ", buf, sizeof(buf) - 1)); EXPECT_TRUE(file.ReadString(buf, sizeof(buf))); EXPECT_EQ(39, file.GetPosition()); EXPECT_STREQ("an award-winning fr", buf); EXPECT_EQ(100, file.Seek(100)); EXPECT_EQ(100, file.GetPosition()); EXPECT_EQ(sizeof(buf), static_cast<size_t>(file.Read(buf, sizeof(buf)))); file.Flush(); EXPECT_EQ(120, file.GetPosition()); EXPECT_TRUE(!memcmp("ent hub for digital ", buf, sizeof(buf) - 1)); EXPECT_EQ(220, file.Seek(100, SEEK_CUR)); EXPECT_EQ(220, file.GetPosition()); EXPECT_EQ(sizeof(buf), static_cast<size_t>(file.Read(buf, sizeof(buf)))); file.Flush(); EXPECT_EQ(240, file.GetPosition()); EXPECT_TRUE(!memcmp("rs, XBMC is a non-pr", buf, sizeof(buf) - 1)); EXPECT_EQ(1596, file.Seek(-(int64_t)sizeof(buf), SEEK_END)); EXPECT_EQ(1596, file.GetPosition()); EXPECT_EQ(sizeof(buf), static_cast<size_t>(file.Read(buf, sizeof(buf)))); file.Flush(); EXPECT_EQ(1616, file.GetPosition()); EXPECT_TRUE(!memcmp("multimedia jukebox.\n", buf, sizeof(buf) - 1)); EXPECT_EQ(-1, file.Seek(100, SEEK_CUR)); EXPECT_EQ(1616, file.GetPosition()); EXPECT_EQ(0, file.Seek(0, SEEK_SET)); EXPECT_EQ(sizeof(buf), static_cast<size_t>(file.Read(buf, sizeof(buf)))); file.Flush(); EXPECT_EQ(20, file.GetPosition()); EXPECT_TRUE(!memcmp("About\n-----\nXBMC is ", buf, sizeof(buf) - 1)); EXPECT_EQ(0, file.Seek(0, SEEK_SET)); EXPECT_EQ(-1, file.Seek(-100, SEEK_SET)); file.Close(); }
TEST_F(Testlog, Log) { std::string logfile, logstring; char buf[100]; unsigned int bytesread; XFILE::CFile file; CRegExp regex; std::string appName = CCompileInfo::GetAppName(); StringUtils::ToLower(appName); logfile = CSpecialProtocol::TranslatePath("special://temp/") + appName + ".log"; EXPECT_TRUE(CLog::Init(CSpecialProtocol::TranslatePath("special://temp/").c_str())); EXPECT_TRUE(XFILE::CFile::Exists(logfile)); CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "debug log message"); CLog::Log(LOGINFO, "info log message"); CLog::Log(LOGNOTICE, "notice log message"); CLog::Log(LOGWARNING, "warning log message"); CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "error log message"); CLog::Log(LOGSEVERE, "severe log message"); CLog::Log(LOGFATAL, "fatal log message"); CLog::Log(LOGNONE, "none type log message"); CLog::Close(); EXPECT_TRUE(file.Open(logfile)); while ((bytesread = file.Read(buf, sizeof(buf) - 1)) > 0) { buf[bytesread] = '\0'; logstring.append(buf); } file.Close(); EXPECT_FALSE(logstring.empty()); EXPECT_STREQ("\xEF\xBB\xBF", logstring.substr(0, 3).c_str()); EXPECT_TRUE(regex.RegComp(".*DEBUG: debug log message.*")); EXPECT_GE(regex.RegFind(logstring), 0); EXPECT_TRUE(regex.RegComp(".*INFO: info log message.*")); EXPECT_GE(regex.RegFind(logstring), 0); EXPECT_TRUE(regex.RegComp(".*NOTICE: notice log message.*")); EXPECT_GE(regex.RegFind(logstring), 0); EXPECT_TRUE(regex.RegComp(".*WARNING: warning log message.*")); EXPECT_GE(regex.RegFind(logstring), 0); EXPECT_TRUE(regex.RegComp(".*ERROR: error log message.*")); EXPECT_GE(regex.RegFind(logstring), 0); EXPECT_TRUE(regex.RegComp(".*SEVERE: severe log message.*")); EXPECT_GE(regex.RegFind(logstring), 0); EXPECT_TRUE(regex.RegComp(".*FATAL: fatal log message.*")); EXPECT_GE(regex.RegFind(logstring), 0); EXPECT_TRUE(regex.RegComp(".*NONE: none type log message.*")); EXPECT_GE(regex.RegFind(logstring), 0); EXPECT_TRUE(XFILE::CFile::Delete(logfile)); }
bool COMXImage::CreateThumbnailFromSurface(unsigned char* buffer, unsigned int width, unsigned int height, unsigned int format, unsigned int pitch, const CStdString& destFile) { if(format != XB_FMT_A8R8G8B8 || !buffer) return false; // the omx encoder needs alligned sizes if(width%16 || height%16) { unsigned int new_width = (width + 15)&~15; unsigned int new_height = (height + 15)&~15; unsigned int new_pitch = new_width * 4; unsigned int size = new_height * new_pitch; unsigned char *dstBuffer = (unsigned char *)malloc(size); unsigned char *dst = dstBuffer; unsigned char *src = buffer; if(!dstBuffer) return false; memset(dst, 0x0, size); for(unsigned int y = 0; y < height; y++) { memcpy(dst, src, pitch); src += pitch; dst += new_pitch; } if(!Encode(dstBuffer, size, new_width, new_height)) { free(dstBuffer); return false; } free(dstBuffer); } else { if(!Encode(buffer, height * pitch, width, height)) return false; } XFILE::CFile file; if (file.OpenForWrite(destFile, true)) { CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "%s::%s : %s width %d height %d\n", CLASSNAME, __func__, destFile.c_str(), width, height); file.Write(GetEncodedData(), GetEncodedSize()); file.Close(); return true; } return false; }
TEST(TestFile, Delete) { XFILE::CFile *file; CStdString path; ASSERT_TRUE((file = XBMC_CREATETEMPFILE("")) != NULL); file->Close(); path = XBMC_TEMPFILEPATH(file); EXPECT_TRUE(XFILE::CFile::Exists(path)); EXPECT_TRUE(XFILE::CFile::Delete(path)); EXPECT_FALSE(XFILE::CFile::Exists(path)); }
TEST(TestRarFile, Read) { XFILE::CFile file; char buf[20]; memset(&buf, 0, sizeof(buf)); CStdString reffile, strrarpath, strpathinrar; CFileItemList itemlist; reffile = XBMC_REF_FILE_PATH("xbmc/filesystem/test/reffile.txt.rar"); URIUtils::CreateArchivePath(strrarpath, "rar", reffile, ""); ASSERT_TRUE(XFILE::CDirectory::GetDirectory(strrarpath, itemlist, "", XFILE::DIR_FLAG_NO_FILE_DIRS)); strpathinrar = itemlist[0]->GetPath(); ASSERT_TRUE(file.Open(strpathinrar)); EXPECT_EQ(0, file.GetPosition()); EXPECT_EQ(1616, file.GetLength()); EXPECT_EQ(sizeof(buf), file.Read(buf, sizeof(buf))); file.Flush(); EXPECT_EQ(20, file.GetPosition()); EXPECT_TRUE(!memcmp("About\n-----\nXBMC is ", buf, sizeof(buf) - 1)); EXPECT_TRUE(file.ReadString(buf, sizeof(buf))); EXPECT_EQ(39, file.GetPosition()); EXPECT_STREQ("an award-winning fr", buf); EXPECT_EQ(100, file.Seek(100)); EXPECT_EQ(100, file.GetPosition()); EXPECT_EQ(sizeof(buf), file.Read(buf, sizeof(buf))); file.Flush(); EXPECT_EQ(120, file.GetPosition()); EXPECT_TRUE(!memcmp("ent hub for digital ", buf, sizeof(buf) - 1)); EXPECT_EQ(220, file.Seek(100, SEEK_CUR)); EXPECT_EQ(220, file.GetPosition()); EXPECT_EQ(sizeof(buf), file.Read(buf, sizeof(buf))); file.Flush(); EXPECT_EQ(240, file.GetPosition()); EXPECT_TRUE(!memcmp("rs, XBMC is a non-pr", buf, sizeof(buf) - 1)); EXPECT_EQ(1596, file.Seek(-(int64_t)sizeof(buf), SEEK_END)); EXPECT_EQ(1596, file.GetPosition()); EXPECT_EQ(sizeof(buf), file.Read(buf, sizeof(buf))); file.Flush(); EXPECT_EQ(1616, file.GetPosition()); EXPECT_TRUE(!memcmp("multimedia jukebox.\n", buf, sizeof(buf) - 1)); EXPECT_EQ(1716, file.Seek(100, SEEK_CUR)); EXPECT_EQ(1716, file.GetPosition()); EXPECT_EQ(0, file.Seek(0, SEEK_SET)); EXPECT_EQ(sizeof(buf), file.Read(buf, sizeof(buf))); file.Flush(); EXPECT_EQ(20, file.GetPosition()); EXPECT_TRUE(!memcmp("About\n-----\nXBMC is ", buf, sizeof(buf) - 1)); EXPECT_EQ(0, file.Seek(0, SEEK_SET)); EXPECT_EQ(-1, file.Seek(-100, SEEK_SET)); file.Close(); }
TEST(TestFile, Stat) { XFILE::CFile *file; struct __stat64 buffer; ASSERT_TRUE((file = XBMC_CREATETEMPFILE("")) != NULL); EXPECT_EQ(0, file->Stat(&buffer)); file->Close(); EXPECT_TRUE(buffer.st_mode | _S_IFREG); EXPECT_EQ(-1, XFILE::CFile::Stat("", &buffer)); EXPECT_EQ(ENOENT, errno); EXPECT_TRUE(XBMC_DELETETEMPFILE(file)); }
/* The tests for XFILE::CFileFactory are tested indirectly through * XFILE::CFile. Since most parts of the VFS require some form of * network connection, the settings and VFS URLs must be given as * arguments in the main testsuite program. */ TEST_F(TestFileFactory, Read) { XFILE::CFile file; std::string str; unsigned int size, i; unsigned char buf[16]; int64_t count = 0; std::vector<std::string> urls = CXBMCTestUtils::Instance().getTestFileFactoryReadUrls(); std::vector<std::string>::iterator it; for (it = urls.begin(); it < urls.end(); ++it) { std::cout << "Testing URL: " << *it << std::endl; ASSERT_TRUE(file.Open(*it)); std::cout << "file.GetLength(): " << testing::PrintToString(file.GetLength()) << std::endl; std::cout << "file.Seek(file.GetLength() / 2, SEEK_CUR) return value: " << testing::PrintToString(file.Seek(file.GetLength() / 2, SEEK_CUR)) << std::endl; std::cout << "file.Seek(0, SEEK_END) return value: " << testing::PrintToString(file.Seek(0, SEEK_END)) << std::endl; std::cout << "file.Seek(0, SEEK_SET) return value: " << testing::PrintToString(file.Seek(0, SEEK_SET)) << std::endl; std::cout << "File contents:" << std::endl; while ((size = file.Read(buf, sizeof(buf))) > 0) { str = StringUtils::Format(" %08llX", count); std::cout << str << " "; count += size; for (i = 0; i < size; i++) { str = StringUtils::Format("%02X ", buf[i]); std::cout << str; } while (i++ < sizeof(buf)) std::cout << " "; std::cout << " ["; for (i = 0; i < size; i++) { if (buf[i] >= ' ' && buf[i] <= '~') std::cout << buf[i]; else std::cout << "."; } std::cout << "]" << std::endl; } file.Close(); } }
bool CFileCurl::ReadFile(const CStdString &fileName, CStdString &out) { XFILE::CFile file; if (file.Open(fileName)) { char buffer[16384]; unsigned int size_read; while( (size_read = file.Read(buffer, sizeof(buffer)) ) > 0 ) out.append(buffer, size_read); file.Close(); return true; } return false; }