Exemple #1
HRESULT ExchangeAdmin::DeleteProfile(wstring strProfile)
    HRESULT hr = S_OK;
    Zimbra::Util::ScopedBuffer<char> strProfName;

    WtoA((LPWSTR)strProfile.c_str(), strProfName.getref());
    // delete profile
    if (FAILED(hr = m_pProfAdmin->DeleteProfile((LPTSTR)strProfName.get(), 0)) && (hr !=
        throw ExchangeAdminException(hr, L"DeleteProfile(): DeleteProfile Failed.",
    return hr;
Exemple #2
HRESULT ExchangeAdmin::CreateProfile(wstring strProfileName, wstring strMailboxName, wstring
    HRESULT hr = S_OK;
    Zimbra::Util::ScopedBuffer<char> strServer;
    Zimbra::Util::ScopedBuffer<char> strMBName;
    Zimbra::Util::ScopedBuffer<char> strProfName;
    Zimbra::Util::ScopedBuffer<char> strProfPwd;
    Zimbra::Util::ScopedInterface<IMsgServiceAdmin> pSvcAdmin;
    Zimbra::Util::ScopedInterface<IMAPITable> pMsgSvcTable;
    Zimbra::Util::ScopedRowSet pSvcRows;
    SPropValue rgval[2] = { 0 };
    SPropValue sProps = { 0 };
    SRestriction sres;
    WCHAR errDescrption[256] = {};

    // Columns to get from HrQueryAllRows.
    enum { iSvcName, iSvcUID, cptaSvc };

    SizedSPropTagArray(cptaSvc, sptCols) = { cptaSvc, PR_SERVICE_NAME, PR_SERVICE_UID };
    WtoA((LPWSTR)strProfileName.c_str(), strProfName.getref());
    WtoA((LPWSTR)strPassword.c_str(), strProfPwd.getref());
    // create new profile
    if (FAILED(hr = m_pProfAdmin->CreateProfile((LPTSTR)strProfName.get(),
            (LPTSTR)strProfPwd.get(), NULL, 0)))
        throw ExchangeAdminException(hr, L"CreateProfile(): CreateProfile Failed.", 
    // Get an IMsgServiceAdmin interface off of the IProfAdmin interface.
    if (FAILED(hr = m_pProfAdmin->AdminServices((LPTSTR)strProfName.get(),
            (LPTSTR)strProfPwd.get(), NULL, 0, pSvcAdmin.getptr())))
        wcscpy(errDescrption, L"CreateProfile(): AdminServices Failed.");
        goto CRT_PROFILE_EXIT;
    // Create the new message service for Exchange.
    if (FAILED(hr = pSvcAdmin->CreateMsgService((LPTSTR)"MSEMS", (LPTSTR)"MSEMS", NULL, NULL)))
        wcscpy(errDescrption, L"CreateProfile(): CreateMsgService Failed.");
        goto CRT_PROFILE_EXIT;
    // Need to obtain the entry id for the new service. This can be done by getting the message service table
    // and getting the entry that corresponds to the new service.
    if (FAILED(hr = pSvcAdmin->GetMsgServiceTable(0, pMsgSvcTable.getptr())))
        wcscpy(errDescrption, L"CreateProfile(): GetMsgServiceTable Failed.");
        goto CRT_PROFILE_EXIT;
    sres.rt = RES_CONTENT;
    sres.res.resContent.ulFuzzyLevel = FL_FULLSTRING;
    sres.res.resContent.ulPropTag = PR_SERVICE_NAME;
    sres.res.resContent.lpProp = &sProps;

    sProps.ulPropTag = PR_SERVICE_NAME;
    sProps.Value.lpszA = "MSEMS";
    // Query the table to obtain the entry for the newly created message service.
    if (FAILED(hr = HrQueryAllRows(pMsgSvcTable.get(), (LPSPropTagArray) & sptCols, NULL, NULL,
            0, pSvcRows.getptr())))
        wcscpy(errDescrption, L"CreateProfile(): HrQueryAllRows Failed.");
        goto CRT_PROFILE_EXIT;
    // Set up a SPropValue array for the properties that you have to configure.
    if (pSvcRows->cRows > 0)
        // First, the exchange server name.
        ZeroMemory(&rgval[0], sizeof (SPropValue));
        rgval[0].ulPropTag = PR_PROFILE_UNRESOLVED_SERVER;
        WtoA((LPWSTR)m_strServer.c_str(), strServer.getref());
        rgval[0].Value.lpszA = (LPSTR)strServer.get();

        // Next, the user's AD name.
        ZeroMemory(&rgval[1], sizeof (SPropValue));
        rgval[1].ulPropTag = PR_PROFILE_UNRESOLVED_NAME;
        WtoA((LPWSTR)strMailboxName.c_str(), strMBName.getref());
        rgval[1].Value.lpszA = (LPSTR)strMBName.get();

        // Configure the message service by using the previous properties.
        // int trials = 10;
        int trials = 2;
        int itrTrials = 0;

        hr = 0x81002746;                        // WSAECONNRESET
        while ((hr == 0x81002746) && (itrTrials < trials))
            hr = pSvcAdmin->ConfigureMsgService(
                (LPMAPIUID)pSvcRows->aRow->lpProps[iSvcUID].Value.bin.lpb, NULL, 0, 2, rgval);
            //if (hr == 0x81002746)
                // Sleep(30000);
        if (FAILED(hr))
            /* =
             * pSvcAdmin->ConfigureMsgService((LPMAPIUID)pSvcRows->aRow->lpProps[iSvcUID].
             *   Value.bin.lpb,NULL, 0, 2, rgval)))*/
            wcscpy(errDescrption, L"CreateProfile(): ConfigureMsgService Failed.");
            goto CRT_PROFILE_EXIT;
	if (hr != S_OK)
        throw ExchangeAdminException(hr, errDescrption, ERR_CREATE_EXCHPROFILE, __LINE__, __FILE__);
		//Create supporting OL profile entries else crash may happen!
			throw ExchangeAdminException(hr, L"ExchangeAdmin::CreateProfile()::SetOLProfileRegistryEntries Failed.",
/*		Zimbra::Util::ScopedBuffer<char> strProfName;
		WtoA((LPWSTR)strProfileName.c_str(), strProfName.getref());
    return hr;