Esempio n. 1
static void dc_callvm_argFloat_mips_o32(DCCallVM* in_self, DCfloat x)
  DCCallVM_mips_o32* self = (DCCallVM_mips_o32*)in_self;

  dcVecAppend(&self->mVecHead, &x, sizeof(DCfloat) );
  if (self->mArgCount < 2) {
#if defined(DC__Endian_LITTLE)
    self->mRegData.u[self->mArgCount].f[0] = x;
    self->mRegData.u[self->mArgCount].f[1] = x;
#if 0
    self->mRegData.u[self->mArgCount].f[1] = x;
   call kernel
        lwc1	$f12, 4($5)       <--- byte offset 4
	lwc1	$f13, 0($5)
	lwc1	$f14, 12($5)      <--- byte offset 12 
	lwc1	$f15, 8($5)
        lwc1	$f12, 0($5)       <--- byte offset 4
	lwc1	$f13, 4($5)
	lwc1	$f14, 8($5)      <--- byte offset 12 
	lwc1	$f15, 12($5)

#if defined(DC__Endian_LITTLE)
    /* index 0 and 2 */
    self->mRegData.floats[self->mArgCount*2] = x;
    /* index 1 and 3 */
    self->mRegData.floats[self->mArgCount*2+1] = x;
Esempio n. 2
asm void
  bsp_flash_init( void )

extern uint32_t _internal_ram_end;
enum { BIUCR = 0xC3F8801Cul };

    mflr  r7                  /**< no stack available here      */

    lis   r5, __set_value@h   /**< __set_value fcall - source   */
    ori   r5, r5, __set_value@l
                              /**< __set_value fcall - dest     */
    lis   r6, _internal_ram_end@h
    ori   r6, r6, (_internal_ram_end-sizeof(__set_value))@l
                              /**< unrolled copy                */
    lwz   r4, 0(r5)           /**< __set_value[0]               */
    stw   r4, 0(r6)
    lwz   r4, 4(r5)           /**< __set_value[1]               */
    stw   r4, 4(r6)
    lwz   r4, 8(r5)           /**< __set_value[2]               */
    stw   r4, 8(r6)
    lwz   r4, 12(r5)          /**< __set_value[3]               */
    stw   r4, 12(r6)

    lis   r4, BIUCR@h         /**< BIUCR (base)                 */
    ori   r4, r4, BIUCR@l     /*                                */

    lis   r3, 0x0001          /**< 82MHz operation, I+D prefetch*/
    ori   r3, r3, 0x6B55      /*   enabled                      */
    xor   r5, r5, r5          /**< BIUCR+0=BIUCR                */
    mtlr  r6                  /**< addr of __set_value()        */

    lis   r3, (3<<14)         /**< 3 buf inst, 1 buf data       */
    li    r5, 8               /**< BIUCR+8=BIUCR2               */
    mtlr  r6                  /**< addr of __set_value()        */

    xor   r3, r3, r3          /**< NO prefetching on Bank1      */
    li    r5, 12              /**< BIUCR+12=PFCR3               */
    mtlr  r6                  /**< addr of __set_value()        */

    mtlr  r7
Esempio n. 3
void transCALL(FILE *f, WORD p, WORD q)
addi $sp, $sp, -16\n\
sw   $s2, 0($sp)\n\
sw   $s0, 8($sp)\n\
addi $s0, $sp, 12\n\
addi $sp, $sp, 16\n\
jal  label%d\n",q);
Esempio n. 4
// Files
void LoadToVRAM(const char* filename, u16 x, u16 y)
	filename; x; y;
	//subRom.SX = (u16)filename; 
	//subRom.SY = 0; 
	//subRom.DX = x; 
	//subRom.DY = y; 
	//subRom.NX = 0; 
	//subRom.NY = 0; 
	//subRom.CLR = 0;
	//subRom.ARG = 0;
	//subRom.CMD = 0;

#define EXTROM  #0x015F
#define BLTVD   #0x019D
#define SX		#0xF562 // X-coordinate of the source
#define SY		#0xF564 // Y-coordinate of the source
#define DX		#0xF566 // X-coordinate of the destination
#define DY		#0xF568 // Y-coordinate of the destination
#define NX		#0xF56A // number of dots in the X direction
#define NY		#0xF56C // number of dots in the Y direction
#define CDUMMY	#0xF56E // dummy (not required to be set)
#define ARG		#0xF56F // selects the direction and expansion RAM (same as VDP R#45)
#define LOGOP	#0xF570 // logical operation code (same as the logical operation code of VDP) 

		;// Init data
		ld		l,4(ix)
		ld		h,5(ix)
		ld		(SX), hl
		ld		l,6(ix)
		ld		h,7(ix)
		ld		(DX), hl
		ld		l,8(ix)
		ld		h,9(ix)
		ld		(DY), hl
		xor		a 
		ld		(ARG), a ;// ARG doit toujours être mis à zéro !!!
		ld		(LOGOP), a ;// Idem LOGOP
		;// Call BLTVD function
		ld		hl, #0xF562
		ld		ix, BLTVD
		call	EXTROM
Esempio n. 5
static void dc_callvm_argFloat_mips_o32(DCCallVM* in_self, DCfloat x)
  DCCallVM_mips_o32* self = (DCCallVM_mips_o32*)in_self;

  dcVecAppend(&self->mVecHead, &x, sizeof(DCfloat));

#if defined(DC__ABI_HARDFLOAT)
  if (self->mArgCount < 2) {
    /* @@@ unsure if we should zero init, here; seems to work as-is */
# if defined(DC__Endian_LITTLE)
    self->mRegData.u[self->mArgCount].f[0] = x;
# else
    self->mRegData.u[self->mArgCount].f[1] = x; // floats in regs always right justified
# endif
# if 0
    self->mRegData.u[self->mArgCount].f[1] = x;
   call kernel
	lwc1  $f12,  4($5)    <--- byte offset 4
	lwc1  $f13,  0($5)
	lwc1  $f14, 12($5)    <--- byte offset 12 
	lwc1  $f15,  8($5)
	lwc1  $f12,  0($5)    <--- byte offset 4
	lwc1  $f13,  4($5)
	lwc1  $f14,  8($5)    <--- byte offset 12 
	lwc1  $f15, 12($5)

#  if defined(DC__Endian_LITTLE)
    /* index 0 and 2 */
    self->mRegData.floats[self->mArgCount*2] = x;
#  else
    /* index 1 and 3 */
    self->mRegData.floats[self->mArgCount*2+1] = x;
#  endif
# endif
Esempio n. 6

extern "C" void abort (void);

int glob = 0;

int other ();
extern "C" int stubfn ();
int localfn () { return other (); }

asm void foo(int arg)
  mflr r0
  stmw r30,(-8)(r1)
  stw r0,8(r1)
  stwu r1,(-80)(r1)
  bl stubfn
  addi r1,r1,80
  lwz r0,8(r1)
  lmw r30,(-8)(r1)
  mtlr r0
  b localfn

void bar (int arg)
  stubfn ();
  localfn ();
Esempio n. 7

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// This function handles IRQ's for the P6502 by jumping to the address
// at 0xFFFE.
asm void N6502::_IRQ()
	lbz		r5,_F(r3)
	andi.	r7,r5,I_FLAG
	// save regs
	stw		r24,-4(SP)
	stw		r25,-8(SP)
	stw		r27,-12(SP)

	lwz		r8,_MEM_X(r3)
	lbz		r6,_SP(r3)			// setup regs for _PUSHB macro
	lwz		r27,RAMSeg1_Ind(r8)
	addi	r25,r6,0x100
	lhz		r24,_PC(r3)

	li		r9,D_FLAG
	srwi	r7,r24,8			// push pc,flags
	li		r8,B_FLAG
	_pushb	(r7)
	not		r8,r8
	not		r9,r9
	_pushb	(r24)