Esempio n. 1
max_rel_inner_error(pcbem3d bem, helmholtz_data * hdata, pcavector x,
		    boundary_func3d rhs)
  uint      nx, nz, npoints;
  field    *ydata;
  uint      i, j;
  real      error, maxerror;
  real      eta_bw =
    REAL_SQRT(ABSSQR(bem->kvec[0]) + ABSSQR(bem->kvec[1]) +

  nx = 20;
  nz = 20;
  npoints = nx * nz;

  xdata = (real(*)[3]) allocreal(3 * npoints);
  npoints = 0;
  for (j = 0; j < nz; ++j) {
    for (i = 0; i < nx; ++i) {
      xdata[npoints][0] = -1.0 + (2.0 / (nx - 1)) * i;
      xdata[npoints][1] = 0.0;
      xdata[npoints][2] = -1.0 + (2.0 / (nz - 1)) * j;
      if (REAL_SQR(xdata[npoints][0]) + REAL_SQR(xdata[npoints][2]) < 1) {

  ydata = allocfield(npoints);

#pragma omp parallel for
  for (j = 0; j < npoints; ++j) {
    ydata[j] = eval_brakhage_werner_c(bem, x, eta_bw, xdata[j]);

  j = 0;
  maxerror =
    ABS(ydata[j] -
	rhs(xdata[j], NULL, hdata)) / ABS(rhs(xdata[j], NULL, hdata));
  for (j = 1; j < npoints; ++j) {
    error =
      ABS(ydata[j] -
	  rhs(xdata[j], NULL, hdata)) / ABS(rhs(xdata[j], NULL, hdata));

    maxerror = error > maxerror ? error : maxerror;


  return maxerror;
Esempio n. 2
rhs_dirichlet_point_helmholtzbem3d(const real * x, const real * n,
				   const void *data)

  helmholtz_data *hdata = (helmholtz_data *) data;
  field    *kvec = hdata->kvec;
  field     k =
    REAL_SQRT(ABSSQR(kvec[0]) + ABSSQR(kvec[1]) + ABSSQR(kvec[2]));
  real     *s = hdata->source;

  real      r =
    REAL_SQRT(REAL_SQR(x[0] - s[0]) + REAL_SQR(x[1] - s[1]) +
	      REAL_SQR(x[2] - s[2]));

  (void) n;

  return cexp(I * k * r) / r;
Esempio n. 3
rhs_neumann_point_helmholtzbem3d(const real * x, const real * n,
				 const void *data)
  helmholtz_data *hdata = (helmholtz_data *) data;
  field    *kvec = hdata->kvec;
  field     k =
    REAL_SQRT(ABSSQR(kvec[0]) + ABSSQR(kvec[1]) + ABSSQR(kvec[2]));
  real     *s = hdata->source;

  real      r =
    REAL_SQRT(REAL_SQR(x[0] - s[0]) + REAL_SQR(x[1] - s[1]) +
	      REAL_SQR(x[2] - s[2]));

  field     res;

  res = cexp(I * k * r) / (r * r * r) * (I * k * r - 1.0);
  res = res
    * (n[0] * (x[0] - s[0]) + n[1] * (x[1] - s[1]) + n[2] * (x[2] - s[2]));

  return res;
Esempio n. 4
/* Compute the L_2-error for constant basis functions */
static real
L2gamma_c_diff_norm2(pbem2d bem, pavector x, boundary_func2d rhs)
  pccurve2d gr = bem->gr;
  const     real(*gr_x)[2] = (const real(*)[2]) gr->x;
  const     uint(*gr_e)[2] = (const uint(*)[2]) gr->e;
  const     real(*gr_n)[2] = (const real(*)[2]) gr->n;
  const preal gr_g = (const preal) gr->g;
  uint      n = x->dim;
  uint      nq = bem->sq->n_single;
  real     *xx = bem->sq->x_single;
  real     *ww = bem->sq->w_single;

  const real *A, *B, *N;
  uint      e, q;
  real      norm, sum, X[2], tx, Ax, Bx;

  assert(n == gr->edges);

  norm = 0.0;
  for (e = 0; e < n; ++e) {
    A = gr_x[gr_e[e][0]];
    B = gr_x[gr_e[e][1]];
    N = gr_n[e];

    sum = 0.0;

    for (q = 0; q < nq; ++q) {
      tx = xx[q];
      Ax = 1.0 - tx;
      Bx = tx;

      X[0] = A[0] * Ax + B[0] * Bx;
      X[1] = A[1] * Ax + B[1] * Bx;

      sum += ww[q] * ABSSQR(rhs(X, N) - x->v[e]);

    norm += sum * gr_g[e];

  norm = REAL_SQRT(norm);

  return norm;
Esempio n. 5
static void
test_h2matrix_system(const char *apprxtype, pcamatrix Vfull,
		     pcamatrix KMfull, pblock block, pbem3d bem_slp,
		     ph2matrix V, pbem3d bem_dlp, ph2matrix KM, bool linear,
		     bool exterior, real low, real high)
  struct _eval_A eval;
  helmholtz_data hdata;
  pavector  x, b;
  real      errorV, errorKM, error_solve, eps_solve;
  uint      steps;
  boundary_func3d rhs = (boundary_func3d) rhs_dirichlet_point_helmholtzbem3d;

  eps_solve = 1.0e-12;
  steps = 1000;

  printf("Testing: %s H2matrix %s\n"
	 (exterior == true ? "exterior" : "interior"), apprxtype);

  assemble_bem3d_h2matrix_row_clusterbasis(bem_slp, V->rb);
  assemble_bem3d_h2matrix_col_clusterbasis(bem_slp, V->cb);
  SCHEDULE_OPENCL(0, 1, assemble_bem3d_h2matrix, bem_slp, block, V);

  assemble_bem3d_h2matrix_row_clusterbasis(bem_dlp, KM->rb);
  assemble_bem3d_h2matrix_col_clusterbasis(bem_dlp, KM->cb);
  SCHEDULE_OPENCL(0, 1, assemble_bem3d_h2matrix, bem_dlp, block, KM);

  eval.V = V;
  eval.Vtype = H2MATRIX;
  eval.KM = KM;
  eval.KMtype = H2MATRIX;
  eval.eta =
    REAL_SQRT(ABSSQR(bem_slp->kvec[0]) + ABSSQR(bem_slp->kvec[1]) +

  hdata.kvec = bem_slp->kvec;
  hdata.source = allocreal(3);
  if (exterior) {
    hdata.source[0] = 0.0, hdata.source[1] = 0.0, hdata.source[2] = 0.2;
  else {
    hdata.source[0] = 0.0, hdata.source[1] = 0.0, hdata.source[2] = 5.0;

  errorV = norm2diff_amatrix_h2matrix(V, Vfull) / norm2_amatrix(Vfull);
  printf("rel. error V       : %.5e\n", errorV);
  errorKM = norm2diff_amatrix_h2matrix(KM, KMfull) / norm2_amatrix(KMfull);
  printf("rel. error K%c0.5*M : %.5e\n", (exterior == true ? '-' : '+'),

  x = new_avector(Vfull->rows);
  b = new_avector(KMfull->cols);

  printf("Solving Dirichlet problem:\n");

  integrate_bem3d_const_avector(bem_dlp, rhs, b, (void *) &hdata);

  solve_gmres_bem3d(HMATRIX, &eval, b, x, eps_solve, steps);

  error_solve = max_rel_outer_error(bem_slp, &hdata, x, rhs);

  printf("max. rel. error : %.5e       %s\n", error_solve,
	 (IS_IN_RANGE(low, error_solve, high) ? "    okay" : "NOT okay"));

  if (!IS_IN_RANGE(low, error_solve, high))


Esempio n. 6
eval_brakhage_werner_c(pcbem3d bem, pcavector w, field eta, real * x)
  pcsurface3d gr = bem->gr;
  const     real(*gr_x)[3] = (const real(*)[3]) gr->x;
  const     uint(*gr_t)[3] = (const uint(*)[3]) gr->t;
  const     real(*gr_n)[3] = (const real(*)[3]) gr->n;
  const preal gr_g = (const preal) gr->g;
  const uint rows = gr->triangles;
  const field *kvec = bem->kvec;

  uint      nq = bem->sq->n_single;
  real     *xx = bem->sq->x_single;
  real     *yy = bem->sq->y_single;
  real     *ww = bem->sq->w_single + 3 * nq;

  const real *A, *B, *C, *ns;
  uint      s, ss, q;
  real      gs_fac, dx, dy, dz, tx, sx, Ax, Bx, Cx, norm, rnorm, norm2;
  field     k, sum;

  field     res;

  k = REAL_SQRT(ABSSQR(kvec[0]) + ABSSQR(kvec[1]) + ABSSQR(kvec[2]));

   *  integrate kernel function over first variable with constant basisfunctions

  res = 0.0;

  for (s = 0; s < rows; ++s) {
    ss = s;
    gs_fac = gr_g[ss] * 0.0795774715459476679;
    ns = gr_n[ss];
    A = gr_x[gr_t[ss][0]];
    B = gr_x[gr_t[ss][1]];
    C = gr_x[gr_t[ss][2]];

    sum = 0.0;

    for (q = 0; q < nq; ++q) {
      tx = xx[q];
      sx = yy[q];
      Ax = 1.0 - tx;
      Bx = tx - sx;
      Cx = sx;

      dx = x[0] - (A[0] * Ax + B[0] * Bx + C[0] * Cx);
      dy = x[1] - (A[1] * Ax + B[1] * Bx + C[1] * Cx);
      dz = x[2] - (A[2] * Ax + B[2] * Bx + C[2] * Cx);

      norm2 = dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz;
      rnorm = REAL_RSQRT(norm2);
      norm = norm2 * rnorm;
      rnorm *= rnorm * rnorm;

      sum += ww[q]
	* cexp(I * k * norm)
	* rnorm
	* ((1.0 - I * k * norm) * (dx * ns[0] + dy * ns[1] + dz * ns[2]) - I
	   * eta * norm2);

    res += sum * gs_fac * w->v[ss];

  return res;