Esempio n. 1
Boolean AEComparisons::CompareEnumeration(DescType oper, const AEDesc *desc1, const AEDesc *desc2)
	OSErr		err	= noErr;
	Boolean		result = false;
	long	 		lhs;
	long   		rhs;
	StAEDesc 		charDesc;
	// Make each number is a long integer (in case it's a short integer or other integer type) 
	// before extracting the data */
	err = AECoerceDesc(desc1, typeChar, &charDesc);

	lhs = **(long **)(charDesc.dataHandle);
	err = AECoerceDesc(desc2, typeChar, &charDesc);

	rhs = **(long **)charDesc.dataHandle;
	switch (oper) 
		case kAEEquals:
			result = (lhs == rhs);	// equality is the only test that makes sense for enumerators

	return result;
Esempio n. 2
Boolean AEComparisons::CompareInteger(DescType oper, const AEDesc *desc1, const AEDesc *desc2)
	OSErr		err	= noErr;
	Boolean		result = false;
	long	 		lhs;
	long   		rhs;
	StAEDesc 		longDesc;
	// Make each number is a long integer (in case it's a short integer or other integer type) 
	// before extracting the data */
	err = AECoerceDesc(desc1, typeLongInteger, &longDesc);

	lhs = **(long **)(longDesc.dataHandle);
	err = AECoerceDesc(desc2, typeLongInteger, &longDesc);

	rhs = **(long **)longDesc.dataHandle;
	switch (oper) 
		case kAEEquals:
			result = (lhs == rhs);
		case kAELessThan:
			result = (lhs < rhs);
		case kAELessThanEquals:
			result = (lhs <= rhs);
		case kAEGreaterThan:
			result = (lhs > rhs);
		case kAEGreaterThanEquals:
			result = (lhs >= rhs);

	return result;
Esempio n. 3
Boolean nav_file_filter(AEDesc *theItem,void *info,void *callBackUD,NavFilterModes filterMode)
    char					*c,filename[256];
    NavFileOrFolderInfo		*filefolder;
    AEDesc					desc;
	HFSUniStr255			uniname;
    CFStringRef				cfstr;
    FSRef					fref;
    if ((theItem->descriptorType!=typeFSS) && (theItem->descriptorType!=typeFSRef)) return(FALSE);

    if (filefolder->isFolder) return(TRUE);


    if (c==NULL) return(FALSE);
Esempio n. 4
pascal OSErr MoreAEGetCFStringFromDescriptor(const AEDesc* pAEDesc, CFStringRef* pCFStringRef)
  AEDesc    uniAEDesc = {typeNull, NULL};
  OSErr    anErr;

  if (NULL == pCFStringRef)
    return paramErr;

  anErr = AECoerceDesc(pAEDesc, typeUnicodeText, &uniAEDesc);
  if (noErr == anErr)
    if (typeUnicodeText == uniAEDesc.descriptorType)
          Size bufSize = AEGetDescDataSize(&uniAEDesc);
          Ptr buf = NewPtr(bufSize);

          if ((noErr == (anErr = MemError())) && (NULL != buf))
              anErr = AEGetDescData(&uniAEDesc, buf, bufSize);
              if (noErr == anErr)
                  *pCFStringRef = CFStringCreateWithCharacters(kCFAllocatorDefault, (UniChar*) buf, bufSize / (Size) sizeof(UniChar));

  return (anErr);
}//end MoreAEGetCFStringFromDescriptor
Esempio n. 5
static VALUE
rbosa_element_data (int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
    VALUE       coerce_type;
    AEDesc      coerced_desc;
    AEDesc *    desc;
    OSErr       error;
    void *      data;
    Size        datasize;
    VALUE       retval;
    bool        to_4cc;

    rb_scan_args (argc, argv, "01", &coerce_type);
    to_4cc = false;

    desc  = rbosa_element_aedesc (self);
    if (!NIL_P (coerce_type)) {
        FourCharCode code;

        code = RVAL2FOURCHAR (coerce_type);
        error = AECoerceDesc (desc, code, &coerced_desc);
        if (error != noErr)
            rb_raise (rb_eRuntimeError, "Cannot coerce desc to type %s : %s (%d)", 
                      RVAL2CSTR (coerce_type), error_code_to_string (error), error);
        desc = &coerced_desc;
        to_4cc = code == 'type';

    datasize = AEGetDescDataSize (desc);
    data = (void *)malloc (datasize);
    if (data == NULL) 
        rb_fatal ("cannot allocate memory");
    error = AEGetDescData (desc, data, datasize);
    if (error == noErr) {
        if (to_4cc)
            *(DescType*)data = CFSwapInt32HostToBig (*(DescType*)data);
        retval = rb_str_new (data, datasize);
    else {
        retval = Qnil;

    if (!NIL_P (coerce_type))
        AEDisposeDesc (&coerced_desc); 
    free (data);

    if (error != noErr)
        rb_raise (rb_eRuntimeError, "Cannot get desc data : %s (%d)", 
                  error_code_to_string (error), error);
    return retval; 
Esempio n. 6
pascal OSErr AECoreClass::CompareObjectsCallback(	DescType			comparisonOperator, 	// operator to use
											const AEDesc *		object,				// left-hand side
											const AEDesc *		descriptorOrObject, 		// right-hand side
											Boolean *			result)
	OSErr	err = noErr;
		OSErr		err = noErr;
		StAEDesc		desc1;
		StAEDesc		desc2;

		// This first AEDesc is a token to a specific object, so we resolve it.
		AECoreClass::GetAECoreHandler()->ExtractData(object, &desc1);
		// A second AEDesc is either a token to another object or an AEDesc containing literal data.
		AECoreClass::GetAECoreHandler()->ExtractData(descriptorOrObject, &desc2);	

		// Make sure the data type extracted from the second AEDesc is the same as the
		// data specified by the first AEDesc.
		if (desc1.descriptorType != desc2.descriptorType) 
			StAEDesc		temp;
			// Create a temporary duplicate of desc2 and coerce it to the
			// requested type. This could call a coercion handler you have
			// installed. If there are no errors, stuff the coerced value back into desc2
			err = AEDuplicateDesc(&desc2, &temp);
			err = AECoerceDesc(&temp, desc1.descriptorType, &desc2);

		AEDispatchHandler*	handler = AECoreClass::GetDispatchHandlerForClass(desc1.descriptorType);
		if (handler)
			handler->CompareObjects(comparisonOperator, &desc1, &desc2, result);
			*result = AEComparisons::TryPrimitiveComparison(comparisonOperator, &desc1, &desc2);
	catch (OSErr catchErr)
		err = catchErr;
	catch (...)
		err = paramErr;
	return err;
static OSStatus GetFSRefFromAEDesc( AEDesc* fileObject, FSRef* returnRef )
    OSStatus 	theErr = noErr;
    AEDesc		theDesc;
    if ((theErr = AECoerceDesc( fileObject, typeFSRef, &theDesc )) == noErr)
	theErr = AEGetDescData( &theDesc, returnRef, sizeof ( FSRef ) );
	AEDisposeDesc( &theDesc );
    return theErr;
// does an in-place coercion!
void ThrowIfCantCoerce( AEDesc* data, DescType desiredType )
#if !defined(_PLATFORM_WIN32_) || !defined(PORTING_HACK)
	if ( data->descriptorType == desiredType )
		return ;

	AEDesc newDesc ;
	THROW_IF_ERROR( AECoerceDesc( data, desiredType, &newDesc ) ) ;
	AEDisposeDesc( data ) ;
	*data = newDesc ;
#endif // !defined(_PLATFORM_WIN32_) || !defined(PORTING_HACK)
Esempio n. 9
pascal Boolean CrossPlatformFilterCallback(
    AEDesc *theItem,
    void *info,
    void *callBackUD,
    NavFilterModes filterMode )
    OpenUserDataRecPtr data = (OpenUserDataRecPtr) callBackUD ;

    if (filterMode == kNavFilteringBrowserList)
        // We allow navigation to all folders. For files, we check against the current
        // filter string.
        // However, packages should be dealt with like files and not like folders. So
        // check if a folder is a package before deciding what to do.
        NavFileOrFolderInfo* theInfo = (NavFileOrFolderInfo*) info ;
        FSRef fsref;

        if ( theInfo->isFolder )
            // check bundle bit (using Finder Services - used by OS9 on some bundles)
            FSCatalogInfo catalogInfo;
            if (FSGetCatalogInfo (&fsref, kFSCatInfoFinderInfo, &catalogInfo, NULL, NULL, NULL) != noErr)
                return true;

            // Check bundle item (using Launch Services - used by OS-X through info.plist or APP)
            LSItemInfoRecord lsInfo;
            if (LSCopyItemInfoForRef(&fsref, kLSRequestBasicFlagsOnly, &lsInfo ) != noErr)
                return true;

            // If it's not a bundle, then it's a normal folder and it passes our filter
            FileInfo *fileInfo = (FileInfo *) catalogInfo.finderInfo;
            if ( !(fileInfo->finderFlags & kHasBundle) &&
                 !(lsInfo.flags & (kLSItemInfoIsApplication | kLSItemInfoIsPackage)) )
                return true;
            AECoerceDesc (theItem, typeFSRef, theItem);
            if ( AEGetDescData (theItem, &fsref, sizeof (FSRef)) == noErr)
                wxString file = wxMacFSRefToPath( &fsref ) ;
                return CheckFile( file , theInfo->fileAndFolder.fileInfo.finderInfo.fdType , data ) ;

    return true;
Esempio n. 10
static PyObject *AEDesc_AECoerceDesc(AEDescObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
	PyObject *_res = NULL;
	OSErr _err;
	DescType toType;
	AEDesc result;

	if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
	                      AE_GetOSType, &toType))
		return NULL;
	_err = AECoerceDesc(&_self->ob_itself,
	if (_err != noErr) return AE_MacOSError(_err);
	_res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
	                     AE_AEDesc_New, &result);
	return _res;
Esempio n. 11
static VALUE
__rbosa_insertion_loc_new (VALUE rcv, FourCharCode code)
    AEDesc *  self_desc;
    AEDesc    rec;
    AEDesc    pos_desc;
    AEDesc    new_desc;

    self_desc = rbosa_element_aedesc (rcv);
    AECreateList (NULL, 0, true, &rec);
    AEPutParamDesc (&rec, keyAEObject, self_desc);
    AECreateDesc (code, NULL, 0, &pos_desc);
    AEPutParamPtr (&rec, keyAEPosition, typeEnumerated, &pos_desc, 4);
    AECoerceDesc (&rec, typeInsertionLoc, &new_desc);
    AEDisposeDesc (&rec);

    return rbosa_element_make (cOSAElement, &new_desc, Qnil);
Esempio n. 12
// A proper object descriptor has 4 parts:
// - What class it is
// - How it is being identified (in our case an ID number, specified by formUniqueID)
// - The identification itself
// - The parent of the object
OSErr CreateAEDescFromID(unsigned int id_num, DescType object_type, AEDesc* item_desc)
	AEDesc item_record;
	unsigned int form = formUniqueID;
	OSStatus err;
	err = AECreateList(NULL, 0, true, &item_record);
	if (err == noErr) {
		AERecord * record = &item_record;
		err = AEPutKeyPtr(record, keyAEDesiredClass, cType, &object_type, sizeof(object_type));
		err |= AEPutKeyPtr(record, keyAEContainer, typeNull, NULL, 0);	// No parent
		err |= AEPutKeyPtr(record, keyAEKeyForm, cEnumeration, &form, sizeof(form));
		err |= AEPutKeyPtr(record, keyAEKeyData, typeUInt32, &id_num, sizeof(id_num));
		if (err == noErr)
			err = AECoerceDesc(record, typeObjectSpecifier, item_desc);
	return err;
Esempio n. 13
static PyObject *AEDesc_AECoerceDesc(AEDescObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
	PyObject *_res = NULL;
	OSErr _err;
	DescType toType;
	AEDesc result;
#ifndef AECoerceDesc
	if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
	                      PyMac_GetOSType, &toType))
		return NULL;
	_err = AECoerceDesc(&_self->ob_itself,
	if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
	_res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
	                     AEDescX_New, &result);
	return _res;
Esempio n. 14
pascal Boolean CrossPlatformFilterCallback(
    AEDesc *theItem,
    void *info,
    void *callBackUD,
    NavFilterModes filterMode )
    bool display = true;
    OpenUserDataRecPtr data = (OpenUserDataRecPtr) callBackUD ;

    if (filterMode == kNavFilteringBrowserList)
        NavFileOrFolderInfo* theInfo = (NavFileOrFolderInfo*) info ;
        if ( !theInfo->isFolder )
            AECoerceDesc (theItem, typeFSRef, theItem); 
            FSRef fsref ;
            if ( AEGetDescData (theItem, &fsref, sizeof (FSRef)) == noErr )
#if 1
                memcpy( &fsref , *theItem->dataHandle , sizeof(FSRef) ) ;
                wxString file = wxMacFSRefToPath( &fsref ) ;
                display = CheckFile( file , theInfo->fileAndFolder.fileInfo.finderInfo.fdType , data ) ;
                CFStringRef itemUTI = NULL;
                OSStatus status = LSCopyItemAttribute (&fsref, kLSRolesAll, kLSItemContentType, (CFTypeRef*)&itemUTI);
                if (status == noErr)
                    display = UTTypeConformsTo (itemUTI, CFSTR("public.text") );
                    CFRelease (itemUTI);  

    return display;
Esempio n. 15
Boolean LLFilePicker::navOpenFilterProc(AEDesc *theItem, void *info, void *callBackUD, NavFilterModes filterMode)
	Boolean		result = true;
	ELoadFilter filter = *((ELoadFilter*) callBackUD);
	OSStatus	error = noErr;
	if (filterMode == kNavFilteringBrowserList && filter != FFLOAD_ALL && (theItem->descriptorType == typeFSRef || theItem->descriptorType == typeFSS))
		// navInfo is only valid for typeFSRef and typeFSS
		NavFileOrFolderInfo	*navInfo = (NavFileOrFolderInfo*) info;
		if (!navInfo->isFolder)
			AEDesc	desc;
			error = AECoerceDesc(theItem, typeFSRef, &desc);
			if (error == noErr)
				FSRef	fileRef;
				error = AEGetDescData(&desc, &fileRef, sizeof(fileRef));
				if (error == noErr)
					LSItemInfoRecord	fileInfo;
					error = LSCopyItemInfoForRef(&fileRef, kLSRequestExtension | kLSRequestTypeCreator, &fileInfo);
					if (error == noErr)
						if (filter == FFLOAD_IMAGE)
							if (fileInfo.filetype != 'JPEG' && fileInfo.filetype != 'JPG ' && 
								fileInfo.filetype != 'BMP ' && fileInfo.filetype != 'TGA ' &&
								fileInfo.filetype != 'BMPf' && fileInfo.filetype != 'TPIC' &&
								fileInfo.filetype != 'PNG ' &&
								(fileInfo.extension && (CFStringCompare(fileInfo.extension, CFSTR("jpeg"), kCFCompareCaseInsensitive) != kCFCompareEqualTo &&
								CFStringCompare(fileInfo.extension, CFSTR("jpg"), kCFCompareCaseInsensitive) != kCFCompareEqualTo &&
								CFStringCompare(fileInfo.extension, CFSTR("bmp"), kCFCompareCaseInsensitive) != kCFCompareEqualTo &&
								CFStringCompare(fileInfo.extension, CFSTR("tga"), kCFCompareCaseInsensitive) != kCFCompareEqualTo &&
								CFStringCompare(fileInfo.extension, CFSTR("png"), kCFCompareCaseInsensitive) != kCFCompareEqualTo))
								result = false;
						else if (filter == FFLOAD_WAV)
							if (fileInfo.filetype != 'WAVE' && fileInfo.filetype != 'WAV ' && 
								(fileInfo.extension && (CFStringCompare(fileInfo.extension, CFSTR("wave"), kCFCompareCaseInsensitive) != kCFCompareEqualTo && 
								CFStringCompare(fileInfo.extension, CFSTR("wav"), kCFCompareCaseInsensitive) != kCFCompareEqualTo))
								result = false;
						else if (filter == FFLOAD_ANIM)
							if (fileInfo.filetype != 'BVH ' && 
								(fileInfo.extension && (CFStringCompare(fileInfo.extension, CFSTR("bvh"), kCFCompareCaseInsensitive) != kCFCompareEqualTo))
								result = false;
						else if (filter == FFLOAD_GEOMETRY)
							if (fileInfo.filetype != 'SLG ' && 
								(fileInfo.extension && (CFStringCompare(fileInfo.extension, CFSTR("slg"), kCFCompareCaseInsensitive) != kCFCompareEqualTo))
								result = false;
						else if (filter == FFLOAD_SLOBJECT)
							llwarns << "*** navOpenFilterProc: FFLOAD_SLOBJECT NOT IMPLEMENTED ***" << llendl;
						else if (filter == FFLOAD_RAW)
							if (fileInfo.filetype != '\?\?\?\?' && 
								(fileInfo.extension && (CFStringCompare(fileInfo.extension, CFSTR("raw"), kCFCompareCaseInsensitive) != kCFCompareEqualTo))
								result = false;
						if (fileInfo.extension)
	return result;
Esempio n. 16
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//	AddCommandToAEDescList
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
static OSStatus AddCommandToAEDescList(
	ConstStr255Param		inCommandString,
	TextEncoding			inEncoding,
	DescType				inDescType,
	SInt32					inCommandID,
	MenuItemAttributes		inAttributes,
	UInt32					inModifiers,
	AEDescList*				ioCommandList)
	OSStatus theError = noErr;
	AERecord theCommandRecord = { typeNull, NULL };
	printf( "AddCommandToAEDescList: Trying to add an item.\n" );

	// create an apple event record for our command
	theError = AECreateList( NULL, kAEDescListFactorNone, true, &theCommandRecord );
	require_noerr( theError, AddCommandToAEDescList_fail );
	// stick the command text into the AERecord
	if ( inCommandString != NULL )
		if ( inDescType == typeChar )
			theError = AEPutKeyPtr( &theCommandRecord, keyAEName, typeChar,
				&inCommandString[1], StrLength( inCommandString ) );
			require_noerr( theError, AddCommandToAEDescList_fail );
		else if ( inDescType == typeStyledText )
			AERecord	textRecord;
			WritingCode	writingCode;
			AEDesc		textDesc;
			theError = AECreateList( NULL, kAEDescListFactorNone, true, &textRecord );
			require_noerr( theError, AddCommandToAEDescList_fail );
			theError = AEPutKeyPtr( &textRecord, keyAEText, typeChar,
				&inCommandString[1], StrLength( inCommandString ) );
			require_noerr( theError, AddCommandToAEDescList_fail );
			RevertTextEncodingToScriptInfo( inEncoding, &writingCode.theScriptCode,
				&writingCode.theLangCode, NULL );
			theError = AEPutKeyPtr( &textRecord, keyAEScriptTag, typeIntlWritingCode,
				&writingCode, sizeof( writingCode ) );
			require_noerr( theError, AddCommandToAEDescList_fail );

			theError = AECoerceDesc( &textRecord, typeStyledText, &textDesc );
			require_noerr( theError, AddCommandToAEDescList_fail );
			theError = AEPutKeyDesc( &theCommandRecord, keyAEName, &textDesc );
			require_noerr( theError, AddCommandToAEDescList_fail );
			AEDisposeDesc( &textRecord );
		else if ( inDescType == typeIntlText )
			IntlText*	intlText;
			ByteCount	size = sizeof( IntlText ) + StrLength( inCommandString ) - 1;
			// create an IntlText structure with the text and script
			intlText = (IntlText*) malloc( size );
			RevertTextEncodingToScriptInfo( inEncoding, &intlText->theScriptCode,
				&intlText->theLangCode, NULL );
			BlockMoveData( &inCommandString[1], &intlText->theText, StrLength( inCommandString ) );
			theError = AEPutKeyPtr( &theCommandRecord, keyAEName, typeIntlText, intlText, size );
			free( (char*) intlText );
			require_noerr( theError, AddCommandToAEDescList_fail );
		else if ( inDescType == typeUnicodeText )
			CFStringRef str = CFStringCreateWithPascalString( NULL, inCommandString, inEncoding );
			if ( str != NULL )
				Boolean doFree = false;
				CFIndex sizeInChars = CFStringGetLength( str );
				CFIndex sizeInBytes = sizeInChars * sizeof( UniChar );
				const UniChar* unicode = CFStringGetCharactersPtr( str );
				if ( unicode == NULL )
					doFree = true;
					unicode = (UniChar*) malloc( sizeInBytes );
					CFStringGetCharacters( str, CFRangeMake( 0, sizeInChars ), (UniChar*) unicode );
				theError = AEPutKeyPtr( &theCommandRecord, keyAEName, typeUnicodeText, unicode, sizeInBytes );
				CFRelease( str );
				if ( doFree )
					free( (char*) unicode );
				require_noerr( theError, AddCommandToAEDescList_fail );
		else if ( inDescType == typeCFStringRef )
			CFStringRef str = CFStringCreateWithPascalString( NULL, inCommandString, inEncoding );
			if ( str != NULL )
				theError = AEPutKeyPtr( &theCommandRecord, keyAEName, typeCFStringRef, &str, sizeof( str ) );
				require_noerr( theError, AddCommandToAEDescList_fail );
				// do not release the string; the Contextual Menu Manager will release it for us
	// stick the command ID into the AERecord
	if ( inCommandID != 0 )
		theError = AEPutKeyPtr( &theCommandRecord, keyContextualMenuCommandID,
				typeLongInteger, &inCommandID, sizeof( inCommandID ) );
		require_noerr( theError, AddCommandToAEDescList_fail );
	// stick the attributes into the AERecord
	if ( inAttributes != 0 )
		theError = AEPutKeyPtr( &theCommandRecord, keyContextualMenuAttributes,
				typeLongInteger, &inAttributes, sizeof( inAttributes ) );
		require_noerr( theError, AddCommandToAEDescList_fail );
	// stick the modifiers into the AERecord
	if ( inModifiers != 0 )
		theError = AEPutKeyPtr( &theCommandRecord, keyContextualMenuModifiers,
				typeLongInteger, &inModifiers, sizeof( inModifiers ) );
		require_noerr( theError, AddCommandToAEDescList_fail );
	// stick this record into the list of commands that we are
	// passing back to the CMM
	theError = AEPutDesc(
			ioCommandList, 			// the list we're putting our command into
			0, 						// stick this command onto the end of our list
			&theCommandRecord );	// the command I'm putting into the list
	// clean up after ourself; dispose of the AERecord
	AEDisposeDesc( &theCommandRecord );

    return theError;
} // AddCommandToAEDescList
Esempio n. 17
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//	SampleCMPluginExamineContext
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//	The implementation of the ExamineContext test interface function.
static OSStatus SampleCMPluginExamineContext(
	void*				thisInstance,
	const AEDesc*		inContext,
	AEDescList*			outCommandPairs )
	// Sequence the command ids
	SInt32	theCommandID = 1;
	SInt32	result;

	printf( "SampleCMPlugin->SampleCMPluginExamineContext(): instance 0x%x, inContext 0x%x, outCommandPairs 0x%x\n",
			( unsigned ) thisInstance,
			( const unsigned ) inContext,
			( unsigned ) outCommandPairs );

	// Verify that we've got an up-to-date CMM
	verify_noerr( Gestalt( gestaltContextualMenuAttr, &result ) );
	if ( ( result & ( 1 << gestaltContextualMenuHasAttributeAndModifierKeys ) ) != 0 )
		printf( "SampleCMPlugin: CMM supports Attributes and Modifiers keys\n" );
		printf( "SampleCMPlugin: CMM DOES NOT support Attributes and Modifiers keys\n" );
	if ( ( result & ( 1 << gestaltContextualMenuHasUnicodeSupport ) ) != 0 )
		printf( "SampleCMPlugin: CMM supports typeUnicodeText and typeCFStringRef\n" );
		printf( "SampleCMPlugin: CMM DOES NOT support typeUnicodeText and typeCFStringRef\n" );
	// this is a quick sample that looks for text in the context descriptor
	// make sure the descriptor isn't null
	if ( inContext != NULL )
		AEDesc theTextDesc = { typeNull, NULL };
		Str15 theDescriptorType;
		AddCommandToAEDescList( "\pInside SampleCMPlugin!", kTextEncodingMacRoman, typeChar,
				theCommandID++, 0, 0, outCommandPairs );

		AddCommandToAEDescList( "\pキャンセル", kTextEncodingMacJapanese, typeIntlText, theCommandID++,
				0, 0, outCommandPairs );
		AddCommandToAEDescList( "\p-A separator item", kTextEncodingMacRoman, typeChar,
				0, 0, 0, outCommandPairs );
		AddCommandToAEDescList( "\p-A non-separator item", kTextEncodingMacRoman, typeChar, 
				theCommandID++, kMenuItemAttrIgnoreMeta, 0, outCommandPairs );
		AddCommandToAEDescList( NULL, 0, typeNull, 0, kMenuItemAttrSeparator, 0, outCommandPairs );
		AddCommandToAEDescList( NULL, 0, typeNull, 0, 0, 0, outCommandPairs );
		AddCommandToAEDescList( "\pキャンセル", kTextEncodingMacJapanese, typeUnicodeText, theCommandID++,
				0, 0, outCommandPairs );
		// tell the raw type of the descriptor
		theDescriptorType[0] = 4;
		*( DescType* )( &theDescriptorType[1] ) = inContext->descriptorType;
		AddCommandToAEDescList( theDescriptorType, kTextEncodingMacRoman, typeChar,
				theCommandID++, 0, 0, outCommandPairs );
		// try to get text out of the context descriptor; make sure to
		// coerce it, cuz the app may have passed an object specifier or
		// styled text, etc.
		if ( AECoerceDesc( inContext, typeChar, &theTextDesc ) == noErr )
			printf( "SampleCMPluginExamineContext: Able to coerce to text object.\n" );
			// add a text only command to our command list
			AddCommandToAEDescList( "\pWe got text!", kTextEncodingMacRoman, typeChar, 
					theCommandID++, 0, 0, outCommandPairs );
			printf( "SampleCMPluginExamineContext: Unable to coerce to text object.\n" );
			// add a text only command to our command list
			AddCommandToAEDescList( "\pCan't Coerce.  8(", kTextEncodingMacRoman, typeChar,
					theCommandID++, 0, 0, outCommandPairs );
		AEDisposeDesc( &theTextDesc );
		// Just for kicks, let's create a submenu for our plugin
		CreateSampleSubmenu( outCommandPairs );
		// Let's also demonstrate dynamic items in a contextual menu
		CreateSampleDynamicItems( outCommandPairs );
		printf( "SampleCMPluginExamineContext: Hey! What's up with the NULL descriptor?\n" );
		// we have a null descriptor
		AddCommandToAEDescList( "\pNULL Descriptor", kTextEncodingMacRoman, typeChar,
				theCommandID++, 0, 0, outCommandPairs );

	return noErr;
Esempio n. 18
PPOpenPanel::ReturnCodes PPOpenPanel::runModal()
	ReturnCodes result = ReturnCodeCANCEL;
	OSStatus err = noErr;
	NavDialogRef theOpenDialog;
	NavDialogCreationOptions dialogOptions;
	if ((err = NavGetDefaultDialogCreationOptions(&dialogOptions)) == noErr)
		dialogOptions.modality = kWindowModalityAppModal;
		dialogOptions.windowTitle = CFStringCreateWithCString(NULL, caption, kCFStringEncodingASCII);
		err = NavCreateChooseFileDialog(&dialogOptions, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &theOpenDialog);
		if (theOpenDialog)
			err = NavDialogRun(theOpenDialog);
			NavReplyRecord reply;
			err = NavDialogGetReply (theOpenDialog, &reply);
			if (err == noErr)
				// retrieve filename
				AEDesc actualDesc;
				FSRef fileToOpen;
				//HFSUniStr255 theFileName;
				//CFStringRef fileNameCFString;
				err = AECoerceDesc(&reply.selection, typeFSRef, &actualDesc);
				err = AEGetDescData(&actualDesc, reinterpret_cast<void*>(&fileToOpen), sizeof(FSRef));
				// gib ihm
				int len = PATH_MAX;
				char* buffer = new char[PATH_MAX+1];
				FSRefMakePath (&fileToOpen, (UInt8*)buffer, len);			
				fileName = buffer;
				delete[] buffer;
				result = ReturnCodeOK;
		if (dialogOptions.windowTitle)
	return result;

Esempio n. 19
boolean coercetolist (tyvaluerecord *val, tyvaluetype type) {
	4/14/93 dmb: support list <-> record coercion when empty, but don't allow 
	it otherwise
	2.1b8 dmb: coercing a list to a record creates a true record
	4.1b2 dmb: use stringtolist for string values
	register tyvaluerecord *v = val;
	register tyvaluetype vtype = (*v).valuetype;
	hdllistrecord hlist = nil;
	long size;
	if (vtype == type)
		return (true);
	switch (vtype) {
		case novaluetype:
			if (flinhibitnilcoercion)
				return (false);
			if (type == listvaluetype)
				return (makelistvalue (nil, v));
				return (makerecordvalue (nil, false, v));
		case externalvaluetype:
			langbadexternaloperror (badexternaloperationerror, *v);
			return (false);
		case listvaluetype:
		case recordvaluetype:
			if (!langgetlistsize (v, &size))
				return (false);
			if (size > 0) {
				langcoerceerror (v, type);
				return (false);
			if (!opnewlist (&hlist, type == recordvaluetype))
				return (false);
		case pointvaluetype: {
			Point pt = swappoint ((*v).data.pointvalue);
			if (!makeintegerlist (v, type, &pt, 2, &hlist))
				return (false);
		case rgbvaluetype: {
			RGBColor rgb = **(*v).data.rgbvalue;
			if (!makeintegerlist (v, type, &rgb, 3, &hlist))
				return (false);
		case rectvaluetype: {
			Rect r = **(*v).data.rectvalue;
			if (!makeintegerlist (v, type, &r, 4, &hlist))
				return (false);
		case objspecvaluetype:
		case binaryvaluetype: {
			AEDesc vdesc, listdesc;
			OSErr err;
			boolean fl;
			if (!coercetobinary (v))
				return (false);
			binarytodesc ((*v).data.binaryvalue, &vdesc); // still in temp stack
			err = AECoerceDesc (&vdesc, langgettypeid (type), &listdesc);
			if (err != noErr) {
				if (err == errAECoercionFail) {
					coercevalue (v, vtype); /*back to it's original type for the error message*/
					langcoerceerror (v, type);
					oserror (err);
				return (false);
			fl = langipcconvertaelist (&listdesc, v);
			AEDisposeDesc (&listdesc);
			return (fl);
		case stringvaluetype:
			if (stringtolist (v, type))
				return (true);
			/*else fall through...*/
			create a list containing the item. note that this does not 
			emulate version 4.x's AE functionality, where the value 
			might be coerceable to a list directly.

			if (!opnewlist (&hlist, type == recordvaluetype))
				return (false);
			if (!langpushlistval (hlist, nil, v)) {
				opdisposelist (hlist);
				langcoerceerror (v, type);
				return (false);
	disposevaluerecord (*v, true);
	return (setheapvalue ((Handle) hlist, type, v));
	} /*coercetolist*/
Esempio n. 20
pascal void NavEventProc( NavEventCallbackMessage callBackSelector, 
                                NavCBRecPtr callBackParms, void* callBackUD )
    OurSaveDialogData *dialogDataP = (OurSaveDialogData*)callBackUD;
    OSStatus 	err = noErr;		        
    switch( callBackSelector )
	case kNavCBUserAction:
	    NavReplyRecord 	reply;
	    NavUserAction 	userAction = 0;
	    if ((err = NavDialogGetReply( callBackParms->context, &reply )) == noErr )
		OSStatus tempErr;
		userAction = NavDialogGetUserAction( callBackParms->context );
		switch( userAction )
		    case kNavUserActionSaveAs:
			if ( dialogDataP != NULL ){
			    AEDesc	actualDesc;
			    if (
                                (err = AECoerceDesc( &reply.selection, typeFSRef, &actualDesc )) 
                                        == noErr
				// the coercion succeeded as an FSRef, 
                                // so use HFS+ APIs to save the file:
				err = DoFSRefSave( dialogDataP, &reply, &actualDesc);
				AEDisposeDesc( &actualDesc );
                                // the coercion failed as an FSRef, so get the FSSpec and 
                                // save the file
                                    FSRef's don't exist on systems prior to MacOS 9 so 
                                    there it is necessary to have a different approach as shown in 
                                    the Nav Services sample in the CarbonSDK. Since this code is 
                                    used on MacOS X only, this is not an issue.
				// assert(...)
		    case kNavUserActionCancel:
		    case kNavUserActionNewFolder:
		tempErr = NavDisposeReply( &reply );
		    err = tempErr;
	case kNavCBTerminate:
	    if( dialogDataP != NULL )
		    NavDialogDispose(dialogDataP->dialogRef );
            	dialogDataP->dialogRef = NULL;
Esempio n. 21
OSErr MyAECoerceDescPtr(AEDesc theAEDesc, DescType toType, Ptr dataPtr,
    					Size maximumSize, Size* actualSize)
/* this routine plugs a hole that's been nagging at me in the AppleEvents
  interface.  It takes a descriptor and coerces it to a desired type; but
  instead of returning a descriptor, it returns data in a buffer specified
  by the caller.
  INPUTS:	theAEDesc		descriptor to be coerced
  			toType			type to coerce it to
			dataPtr			ptr to data buffer
			maximumSize		maximum length in bytes of data to be returned
			actualSize		actual length in bytes of data for the descriptor
  OUTPUTS:	error code (noErr if none)
  NOTES:	12/16/91	BHM		(1) Changed to avoid unecessary duplication when the type
  								doesn't really change (this should also enable it to handle
								typeWildCard better)
								(2) We don't need to dispose of newDesc because it is a direct
								copy (not a duplicate) of either theAEDesc or resultDesc - that
								is, it contains the same handle
			03/12/92	BHM		Added special case to deal with NIL data handles (which should only 
								occur for typeNull, I believe)
	short myErr;
	AEDesc newDesc;
	Size transferSize;

  myErr = errAECoercionFail;
  /* to avoid unnecessary duplication, check old type vs. new type */
  if ((theAEDesc.descriptorType == toType) || (toType == typeWildCard))
      newDesc = theAEDesc;
	  /* must coerce to new type */
	  myErr = AECoerceDesc(&theAEDesc, toType, &resultDesc); 
	  if (myErr)
	  	goto exit;
	  newDesc = resultDesc;
//  WITH newDesc DO
	  /* special-case for NIL handle */	/* should I **CHECK to make sure it's typeNull here? */
	  if (newDesc.dataHandle == kODNULL)
		  actualSize = 0;
		  myErr = noErr;
		  goto exit;
	  /* not NIL handle - get the size */
      *actualSize = ODGetHandleSize((ODHandle)newDesc.dataHandle);
		myErr = MemError();
		if (myErr)
	  		goto exit;
	  /* calculate number of bytes to move */
	  transferSize = *actualSize;
	  if (maximumSize < transferSize)
	  	transferSize = maximumSize;
	  /* move the data */
//	  HLock(newDesc.dataHandle);
	  ODBlockMove(*(newDesc.dataHandle), dataPtr, transferSize);
//	  HUnlock(newDesc.dataHandle);
	}	/* of WITH newDesc */
  /* everything fine */
  myErr = noErr;
exit:	/* finish up */
  return myErr;
}	/* MyAECoerceDescPtr */