Esempio n. 1
OSErr IACdrivefilelist (tyFScallback handlespecroutine) {
	the opendoc and printdoc required events take a list of filespecs as a 
	parameter. we factor out the common code, and make it a little easier for an
	application to handle these events.
	you supply a callback routine that handles a single filespec, you could
	print it or open it, depending on which of the required events is being

	AEDesc desc;
	long ctfiles;
	DescType actualtype;
	long actualsize;
	AEKeyword actualkeyword;
	FSSpec fs;
	long i;
	OSErr ec;
	ec = AEGetKeyDesc (IACglobals.event, keyDirectObject, typeAEList, &desc);
	IACglobals.errorcode = ec;
	if (ec != noErr) 
		return (ec);
	ec = AECountItems (&desc, &ctfiles);
	IACglobals.errorcode = ec;
	if (ec != noErr) 
		return (ec);
	for (i = 1; i <= ctfiles; i ++) {
		ec = AEGetNthPtr (
			&desc, i, typeFSS, &actualkeyword, &actualtype, 
			(Ptr) &fs, sizeof (fs), &actualsize);
		IACglobals.errorcode = ec;
		if (ec != noErr) {
			AEDisposeDesc (&desc);
			return (ec);
		if (!(*handlespecroutine) (&fs))
			return (-1);
		} /*for*/
	return (noErr);
	} /*IACdrivefilelist*/
Esempio n. 2
	Extract the keyData parameter data from an apple event
void AECoreClass::GetEventKeyDataParameter(const AppleEvent *appleEvent, DescType requestedType, AEDesc *data)
	StAEDesc	keyData;

	OSErr	err = AEGetKeyDesc(appleEvent, keyAEData, requestedType, &keyData);
	ExtractData(&keyData, data);
Esempio n. 3
// Counts how many files are in the apple event
short CountFiles(AppleEvent *message)
	AEDesc		fileListDesc;
	long		numFiles;
	OSErr		err;
	/* extract the list of aliases into fileListDesc */
	err = AEGetKeyDesc(message, keyDirectObject, typeAEList, &fileListDesc);
	if (err!=noErr)
		return 0;
	/* count the list elements */
	err = AECountItems(&fileListDesc, &numFiles);

	return	err ? 0 : numFiles; 
Esempio n. 4
DesktopWindow* GetWindowFromObjectAndKey(const AEDescList* desc, AEKeyword keyword)
	DescType data_desc;
	MacSize data_size;
	OSErr err;
	DesktopWindow* win = NULL;
	err = AESizeOfKeyDesc(desc, keyword, &data_desc, &data_size);
	if (err == noErr)
		if (data_desc == cLongInteger) {
			// window ID
			int winID = 0;
			err = AEGetKeyPtr(desc, keyword, cLongInteger, &data_desc, &winID, sizeof(winID), &data_size);
			if (err == noErr) {
				if (winID == -1)
					win = g_application->GetActiveDesktopWindow(FALSE);
					win = GetDesktopWindowForExportID(winID, true);
		else if (data_desc == typeObjectSpecifier) {
			// window object
			AEDesc winObject;
			err = AEGetKeyDesc(desc, keyword, typeObjectSpecifier, &winObject);
			if (err == noErr) {
				win = GetWindowFromAEDesc(&winObject);
		else if (data_desc == typeUnicodeText || data_desc == typeChar) {
			// window name
			uni_char* name = GetNewStringFromObjectAndKey(desc, keyword);
			if (name) {
				win = GetNamedWindow(name, true, NULL);
				delete [] name;
		win = g_application->GetActiveDesktopWindow(FALSE);
	return win;
Esempio n. 5
// Extracts all the files from a Finder print or open apple event and call the routine specified
// on each of them
OSErr ForEachFileDo(const AppleEvent *message,AEFileProc theirProc)
	OSErr		err = noErr;
	AEDesc		fileListDesc;
	long		numFiles;
	DescType	actualType;
	long		actualSize;
	AEKeyword	actualKeyword;
	FSSpec		oneFile;
	long		index;
	/* extract the list of aliases into fileListDesc */
	err = AEGetKeyDesc(message, keyDirectObject, typeAEList, &fileListDesc);
	if (err!=noErr)
		return err;
	/* count the list elements */
	err = AECountItems(&fileListDesc, &numFiles);
	if (err != noErr)
		return err;
	/* get each from list and process it */		
	for (index = 1; index <= numFiles; index ++)
		err = AEGetNthPtr(&fileListDesc, index, typeFSS, &actualKeyword,
							&actualType, (Ptr)&oneFile, sizeof(oneFile), &actualSize);
		if (err != noErr)
			return err;
		/* oneFile contains FSSpec of file in question */
		if (err)
	return err;
Esempio n. 6
static pascal OSErr HandleOdoc(const AEDescList *aevt, AEDescList *reply,long refCon) 
	AEDesc FileListDescription;
	DescType MyFileType;
	long DataSize;
	AEKeyword MyKeyword;
	FSSpec TheFileSpec;
	Word i;
	Foo_t *FooPtr;
	/* First, I see if any files are present */
	FileListDescription.descriptorType = typeWildCard;		/* Any file */
	FileListDescription.dataHandle = 0;				/* No handle (Yet) */
	if (!AEGetKeyDesc(aevt,keyDirectObject,typeAEList,&FileListDescription)) {
		/* Now load each and every file */

		i = 1;
		FooPtr = (Foo_t *)refCon;
		while (!AEGetNthPtr(&FileListDescription,i,typeFSS,&MyKeyword,&MyFileType,(Ptr)&TheFileSpec,sizeof(FSSpec),&DataSize)) {
			char CurrentName[256];
			char *DirName;
			if ([0]) {		/* Must have some name! */
				PStr2CStr(CurrentName,(char *);	/* Convert to "C" */[0] = 0;	/* Zap the filename */
				DirName = GetFullPathFromMacFSSpec(&TheFileSpec);	/* Get the directory */
				if (DirName) {
					SetAPrefix(8,DirName);		/* Set my directory */
					FooPtr->Result = FALSE;		/* Hit me! */
					if (FooPtr->Proc(CurrentName)) {	/* Process the file */
			++i;		/* Next */
	AEDisposeDesc(&FileListDescription);		/* Release the file list */
	return noErr;
Esempio n. 7
Boolean GetFileFromObjectAndKey(const AEDescList* desc, AEKeyword keyword, FSRef* file, Boolean create)
	DescType data_desc;
	MacSize data_size;
	OSErr err;
	err = AESizeOfKeyDesc(desc, keyword, &data_desc, &data_size);
	if (err == noErr)
		if (data_desc == typeObjectSpecifier) {
			// file object...
			AEDesc fileObject;
			err = AEGetKeyDesc(desc, keyword, typeObjectSpecifier, &fileObject);
			if (err == noErr)
				Boolean ok = GetFileFromObjectAndKey(&fileObject, keyAEKeyData, file, create);
				return ok;
		else if (data_desc == typeChar && data_size <= 255) {
			// file path...
			FSRef spec;
			Str255 path;
			err = AEGetKeyPtr(desc, keyword, typeChar, &data_desc, &path[1], 255, &data_size);
			path[0] = data_size;
			if (err == noErr)
				FSRef folderRef;
				OpString unicode_path;
				unicode_path.SetL((const char*)path);
				err = FSFindFolder(kLocalDomain, kVolumeRootFolderType, kDontCreateFolder, &folderRef);
				// FIXME: ismailp - test rhoroughly
				err = FSMakeFSRefUnicode(&folderRef, unicode_path.Length(), (const UniChar*)unicode_path.CStr(), kTextEncodingUnknown, &spec);    //FSMakeFSSpec(0, 0, path, &spec);
				if (create && (err == noErr || err == fnfErr))
					if (noErr == err)
					err = FSCreateFileUnicode(&spec, 0, NULL, kFSCatInfoNone, NULL, file, NULL);
		else if (data_desc == typeAlias) {
			// file alias...
			Handle alias = NewHandle(data_size);
			FSRef spec;
			err = AEGetKeyPtr(desc, keyword, typeAlias, &data_desc, *alias, data_size, &data_size);
			if (err == noErr)
				Boolean changed;
				err = FSResolveAlias(NULL, (AliasHandle)alias, &spec, &changed);
				if (create && (err == noErr || err == fnfErr))
					if (noErr == err)
					err = FSCreateFileUnicode(&spec, 0, NULL, kFSCatInfoNone, NULL, file, NULL); //FSpCreate(&spec, '\?\?\?\?', '\?\?\?\?', NULL);
		else {
			err = paramErr;
	return (err == noErr);
Esempio n. 8
static OSErr OpenDocEventHandler(const AppleEvent *theAppleEvent,
                                 AppleEvent *reply,
                                 long handlerRefcon) {

    char** argv  = NULL;
    int no;
    AEDesc fileListDesc = {'NULL', NULL};
    long numFiles;
    long actualSize;
    long index;
    OSErr err;
    DescType actualType;
    AEKeyword actualKeyword;
    FSSpec aFile;
    FSRef theFile;
    UInt8 fullPath[MAXPATHLEN];
    bool openWithWebStart = true;
    CFURLRef jnlpLocation = NULL;

    // Load up our list of file descriptors
    err = AEGetKeyDesc(theAppleEvent, keyDirectObject, typeAEList, &fileListDesc);

    if(err) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Error getting key desc\n");
        return err;

    // How many files do we have to deal with?
    err = AECountItems(&fileListDesc, &numFiles);

    if(err) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Error counting items\n");
        return err;

    // Iterate through all of the files, and try to send them through the JNLP java code.
    for(index = 1; index <= numFiles; index++) {

        err = AEGetNthPtr(&fileListDesc, index, typeFSS, &actualKeyword,
                          &actualType, (Ptr)&aFile, sizeof(aFile), &actualSize);

        if(err) {
            fprintf(stderr, "Error getting file pointer\n");
            return err;

        // Mac stuff to turn the file representation we get into a workable pathname
        FSpMakeFSRef(&aFile, &theFile);
        FSRefMakePath(&theFile, fullPath, sizeof(fullPath));

        // See if we have an application for this JNLP file.  If so, use that instead.
        jnlpLocation = FindJnlpURLInFile(fullPath);

        if (jnlpLocation != NULL) {
            CFURLRef applicationURL = FindJNLPApplicationPackage(jnlpLocation);

            if (applicationURL != NULL) {
                OSStatus result = LSOpenCFURLRef(applicationURL, NULL);

                if (result == noErr) {
                    openWithWebStart = false;


        if (openWithWebStart) {
            // Three arguments -- app name, file to open, and null.
            argv = (char**)malloc(sizeof(char*) * 3);
            no = 0;
            argv[no++] = GetWebStartAppName();
            argv[no++] = fullPath;
            argv[no] = NULL;

            // Call into our main app.
            main(no, argv);

        openWithWebStart = TRUE;

    return noErr;