Esempio n. 1
 * Allocate a new BUF_SIZE buffer and add it to the queue specified by
 * 'context' and 'streamId'.
static void
queueNewBuffer(CUcontext context, uint32_t streamId)
  size_t size = BUF_SIZE;
  uint8_t *buffer = (uint8_t *)malloc(size+ALIGN_SIZE);
  CUPTI_CALL(cuptiActivityEnqueueBuffer(context, streamId, ALIGN_BUFFER(buffer, ALIGN_SIZE), size));
 * Allocate a new buffer and add it to the queue specified by a CUDA context.
 * @param cuCtx the CUDA context, specifying the queue
 * @return pointer to the created buffer
static uint8_t* vt_cuptiact_queueNewBuffer(CUcontext cuCtx)
  uint8_t *buffer = (uint8_t *)malloc(vt_cuptiact_bufSize);
  VT_CUPTI_CALL(cuptiActivityEnqueueBuffer(cuCtx, 0, ALIGN_BUFFER(buffer, 8), 
  return buffer;
Esempio n. 3
/* Returns pointer to and size of free codec RAM. Aligns to CACHEALIGN_SIZE. */
void *codec_get_buffer_callback(size_t *size)
    void *buf = &codecbuf[codec_size];
    ssize_t s = CODEC_SIZE - codec_size;

    if (s <= 0)
        return NULL;

    *size = s;

    return buf;
Esempio n. 4
/* Initialize buffer manager */
buflib_init(struct buflib_context *ctx, void *buf, size_t size)
    union buflib_data *bd_buf = buf;

    /* Align on sizeof(buflib_data), to prevent unaligned access */
    ALIGN_BUFFER(bd_buf, size, sizeof(union buflib_data));
    size /= sizeof(union buflib_data);
    /* The handle table is initialized with no entries */
    ctx->handle_table = bd_buf + size;
    ctx->last_handle = bd_buf + size;
    ctx->first_free_handle = bd_buf + size - 1;
    ctx->first_free_block = bd_buf;
    ctx->buf_start = bd_buf;
    /* A marker is needed for the end of allocated data, to make sure that it
     * does not collide with the handle table, and to detect end-of-buffer.
    ctx->alloc_end = bd_buf;
    ctx->compact = true;
Esempio n. 5
    IN PCHAR DiskName,


Routine Description:

    Given an ARC disk name, reads the MBR and adds its signature to the list of


    Diskname - Supplies the name of the disk.

    IsCdRom - Indicates whether the disk is a CD-ROM.

Return Value:

    TRUE - Success

    FALSE - Failure


    UCHAR SectorBuffer[2048+256];
    UCHAR Partition[100];
    ULONG DiskId;
    ULONG Status;
    LARGE_INTEGER SeekValue;
    PUCHAR Sector;
    ULONG i;
    ULONG Sum;
    ULONG Count;
    ULONG SectorSize;

    if (IsCdRom) {
        SectorSize = 2048;
    } else {
        SectorSize = 512;

    Signature = BlAllocateHeap(sizeof(ARC_DISK_SIGNATURE));
    if (Signature==NULL) {

    Signature->ArcName = BlAllocateHeap(strlen(DiskName)+2);
    if (Signature->ArcName==NULL) {
#if defined(_i386_)
    // NTDETECT creates an "eisa(0)..." arcname for detected
    // BIOS disks on an EISA machine.  Change this to "multi(0)..."
    // in order to be consistent with the rest of the system
    // (particularly the arcname in boot.ini)
    if (_strnicmp(DiskName,"eisa",4)==0) {
    } else {
        strcpy(Signature->ArcName, DiskName);
        strcpy(Partition, DiskName);
    strcpy(Signature->ArcName, DiskName);
    strcpy(Partition, DiskName);

    strcat(Partition, "partition(0)");

    Status = ArcOpen(Partition, ArcOpenReadOnly, &DiskId);
    if (Status != ESUCCESS) {

    // Read in the first sector
    Sector = ALIGN_BUFFER(SectorBuffer);
    if (IsCdRom) {
        // For a CD-ROM, the interesting data starts at 0x8000.
        SeekValue.QuadPart = 0x8000;
    } else {
        SeekValue.QuadPart = 0;
    Status = ArcSeek(DiskId, &SeekValue, SeekAbsolute);
    if (Status == ESUCCESS) {
        Status = ArcRead(DiskId,
    if (Status != ESUCCESS) {

    // Check to see whether this disk has a valid partition table signature or not.
        Signature->ValidPartitionTable = FALSE;
    } else {
        Signature->ValidPartitionTable = TRUE;

    Signature->Signature = ((PULONG)Sector)[PARTITION_TABLE_OFFSET/2-1];

    // compute the checksum
    Sum = 0;
    for (i=0; i<(SectorSize/4); i++) {
        Sum += ((PULONG)Sector)[i];
    Signature->CheckSum = ~Sum + 1;



Esempio n. 6
IsCdfsFileStructure (
    IN ULONG DeviceId,
    IN PVOID StructureContext


Routine Description:

    This routine determines if the partition on the specified channel
    contains a Cdfs file system volume.


    DeviceId - Supplies the file table index for the device on which
        read operations are to be performed.

    StructureContext - Supplies a pointer to a Hpfs file structure context.

Return Value:

    A pointer to the Cdfs entry table is returned if the partition is
    recognized as containing a Cdfs volume. Otherwise, NULL is returned.


    UCHAR UnalignedSector[CD_SECTOR_SIZE + 256];

    PRAW_ISO_VD RawVd;
    PRAW_DIR_REC RootDe;

    UCHAR DescType;
    UCHAR Version;

    BOOLEAN IsoVol;
    BOOLEAN HsgVol;

    STRING IsoVolId;
    STRING HsgVolId;

    STRING DiskId;

    ULONG DiskOffset;

    //  Capture in our global variable the Cdfs Structure context record

    CdfsStructureContext = (PCDFS_STRUCTURE_CONTEXT)StructureContext;
    RtlZeroMemory((PVOID)CdfsStructureContext, sizeof(CDFS_STRUCTURE_CONTEXT));

    //  Compute the properly aligned buffer for reading in cdrom
    //  sectors.

    RawVd = ALIGN_BUFFER( UnalignedSector );

    //  Initialize the string Id's to match.

    RtlInitString( &IsoVolId, ISO_VOL_ID );
    RtlInitString( &HsgVolId, HSG_VOL_ID );

    DiskId.Length = 5;
    DiskId.MaximumLength = 5;

    //  We initially start at the first volume descriptor.


    //  We loop, reading in volume descriptors until we find either
    //  a primary, terminator or a sector that cannot contain either.

    while (TRUE) {

        //  Initialize the Hsg boolean.

        HsgVol = FALSE;

        //  Read the sector at our current position.  Return NULL on an
        //  error

        if (CdfsReadDisk( DeviceId,
                          RawVd ) != ESUCCESS) {

            return NULL;

        //  Compare the Id string in the volume descriptor with the Iso
        //  and Hsg values.

        DiskId.Buffer = RVD_STD_ID( RawVd, TRUE );

        IsoVol = (BOOLEAN)(CdfsCompareNames( &DiskId, &IsoVolId ) == EqualTo);

        if (!IsoVol) {

            //  Repeat the test with the Hsg Id string.

            DiskId.Buffer = RVD_STD_ID( RawVd, FALSE );

            HsgVol = (BOOLEAN)(CdfsCompareNames( &DiskId, &HsgVolId ) == EqualTo);

            //  If neither, then return NULL.

            if (!HsgVol) {

                return NULL;

        //  Get the volume descriptor type and standard version number.

        DescType = RVD_DESC_TYPE( RawVd, IsoVol );
        Version = RVD_VERSION( RawVd, IsoVol );

        //  Return NULL, if the version is incorrect or this is a terminal
        //  volume descriptor.

        if (Version != VERSION_1
            || DescType == VD_TERMINATOR) {

            return NULL;

        //  If this is a primary volume descriptor, then our search is over.

        if (DescType == VD_PRIMARY) {

            //  Update the fields of the Cdfs context structure that apply
            //  to the volume.

            CdfsStructureContext->IsIsoVol = IsoVol;
            CdfsStructureContext->LbnBlockSize = RVD_LB_SIZE( RawVd, IsoVol );
            CdfsStructureContext->LogicalBlockCount = RVD_VOL_SIZE( RawVd, IsoVol );

            //  Get the information on the root directory and save it in
            //  the context structure.

            RootDe = (PRAW_DIR_REC) (RVD_ROOT_DE( RawVd, IsoVol ));

            CdfsGetDirectoryInfo( RootDe,
                                  &CdfsStructureContext->RootDirSize );

            //  Exit the loop.


        //  Otherwise move to the next sector.

        DiskOffset += CD_SECTOR_SIZE;

    //  Initialize the file entry table.

    CdfsDeviceEntryTable.Open  = CdfsOpen;
    CdfsDeviceEntryTable.Close = CdfsClose;
    CdfsDeviceEntryTable.Read  = CdfsRead;
    CdfsDeviceEntryTable.Seek  = CdfsSeek;
    CdfsDeviceEntryTable.Write = CdfsWrite;
    CdfsDeviceEntryTable.GetFileInformation = CdfsGetFileInformation;
    CdfsDeviceEntryTable.SetFileInformation = CdfsSetFileInformation;
    CdfsDeviceEntryTable.BootFsInfo = &CdfsBootFsInfo;

    //  And return the address of the table to our caller.

    return &CdfsDeviceEntryTable;
Esempio n. 7
    IN PSTRING Name,
    OUT PBOOLEAN IsDirectory


Routine Description:

    This routine walks through the current directory in the Cdfs
    context structure, looking for a match for 'Name'.  We will find
    the first non-multi-extent, non-interleave file.  We will ignore
    any version number for the file.  The details about the file, if
    found, are stored in the Cdfs context structure.


    Name - This is the name of the file to search for.

    IsDirectory - Supplies the address of a boolean where we store
                  whether this is or is not a directory.

Return Value:

    ESUCCESS is returned if the operation is successful. Otherwise,
    an unsuccessful status is returned that describes the reason for failure.


    ARC_STATUS Status;

    ULONG SectorOffset;
    ULONG SectorDiskOffset;
    ULONG DirentOffset;
    ULONG RemainingBytes;

    BOOLEAN ReadSector;
    BOOLEAN SearchForMultiEnd;

    UCHAR UnalignedBuffer[CD_SECTOR_SIZE + 256];

    PUCHAR RawSector;


    COMPARISON_RESULTS ComparisonResult;

    //  Initialize the local variables.

    RawSector = ALIGN_BUFFER( UnalignedBuffer );

    SearchForMultiEnd = FALSE;

    //  Remember where we are within the disk, sector and directory file.

    SectorOffset = CdfsStructureContext->DirSectorOffset;
    SectorDiskOffset = CdfsStructureContext->DirDiskOffset - SectorOffset;
    DirentOffset = 0;

    ReadSector = FALSE;

    //  If this is the root directory, then we can return immediately.

    if (Name->Length == 1
        && *Name->Buffer == '\\') {

        *IsDirectory = TRUE;

        //  The structure context is already filled in.

        return ESUCCESS;

    //  Compute the remaining bytes in this sector.

    RemainingBytes = CD_SECTOR_SIZE - SectorOffset;

    //  Loop until the directory is exhausted or a matching dirent for the
    //  target name is found.

    while (TRUE) {

        //  If the current offset is beyond the end of the directory,
        //  raise an appropriate status.

        if (DirentOffset >= CdfsStructureContext->DirSize) {

            return ENOENT;

        //  If the remaining bytes in this sector is less than the
        //  minimum needed for a dirent, then move to the next sector.

        if (RemainingBytes < MIN_DIR_REC_SIZE) {

            SectorDiskOffset += CD_SECTOR_SIZE;
            DirentOffset += RemainingBytes;
            SectorOffset = 0;
            RemainingBytes = CD_SECTOR_SIZE;
            ReadSector = FALSE;


        //  If we have not read in the sector, do so now.

        if (!ReadSector) {

            Status = CdfsReadDisk( CdfsFileTableEntry->DeviceId,
                                   RawSector );

            if (Status != ESUCCESS) {

                return Status;

            ReadSector = TRUE;

        //  If the first byte of the next dirent is '\0', then we move to
        //  the next sector.

        if (*(RawSector + SectorOffset) == '\0') {

            SectorDiskOffset += CD_SECTOR_SIZE;
            DirentOffset += RemainingBytes;
            SectorOffset = 0;
            RemainingBytes = CD_SECTOR_SIZE;
            ReadSector = FALSE;


        RawDe = (PRAW_DIR_REC) ((PUCHAR) RawSector + SectorOffset);

        //  If the size of this dirent extends beyond the end of this sector
        //  we abort the search.

        if ((ULONG)RawDe->DirLen > RemainingBytes) {

            return EINVAL;

        //  We have correctly found the next dirent.  We first check whether
        //  we are looking for the last dirent for a multi-extent.

        if (SearchForMultiEnd) {

            //  If this is the last of a multi-extent we change our search
            //  state.

            if (!FlagOn( DE_FILE_FLAGS( CdfsStructureContext->IsIsoVol, RawDe ),
                         ISO_ATTR_MULTI )) {

                SearchForMultiEnd = TRUE;

        //  If this is a multi-extent dirent, we change our search state.

        } else if (FlagOn( DE_FILE_FLAGS( CdfsStructureContext->IsIsoVol, RawDe ),
                           ISO_ATTR_MULTI )) {

            SearchForMultiEnd = TRUE;

        //  If this is a file match, we update the Cdfs context structure
        //  and the 'IsDirectory' flag.

        } else {

            ComparisonResult = CdfsFileMatch( RawDe, Name );

            if (ComparisonResult == EqualTo) {

                CdfsGetDirectoryInfo( RawDe,
                                      &CdfsStructureContext->DirSize );

                *IsDirectory = FlagOn( DE_FILE_FLAGS( CdfsStructureContext->IsIsoVol, RawDe ),
                                       ISO_ATTR_DIRECTORY );

                return ESUCCESS;

            //  If we have passed this file in the directory, then
            //  exit with the appropriate error code.

            } else if (ComparisonResult == GreaterThan) {

                return ENOENT;

        //  Otherwise we simply compute the next sector offset, disk offset
        //  and file offset.

        SectorOffset += RawDe->DirLen;
        DirentOffset += RawDe->DirLen;
        RemainingBytes -= RawDe->DirLen;

    return ESUCCESS;
Esempio n. 8
/* Initialized the OSD and set its backbuffer */
static bool _osd_init(struct osd *osd, unsigned flags, void *backbuf,
                      size_t backbuf_size, osd_draw_cb_fn_t draw_cb,
                      int *width, int *height, size_t *bufused)

    if (!draw_cb)
        return false;

    if (!backbuf)
        return false;

    void *backbuf_orig = backbuf; /* Save in case of ptr advance */
    ALIGN_BUFFER(backbuf, backbuf_size, MAX(FB_DATA_SZ, 4));

    if (!backbuf_size)
        return false;

    if (flags & OSD_INIT_MAJOR_HEIGHT)
        if (!height || *height <= 0)
            return false;

        if ((flags & (OSD_INIT_MINOR_MIN | OSD_INIT_MINOR_MAX)) &&
            (!width || *width <= 0))
            return false;
        if (!width || *width <= 0)
            return false;

        if ((flags & (OSD_INIT_MINOR_MIN | OSD_INIT_MINOR_MAX)) &&
            (!height || *height <= 0))
            return false;

    /* Store requested sizes in max(width|height) */
    if (width)
        osd->maxwidth = *width;
        osd->maxwidth = LCD_WIDTH;

    if (height)
        osd->maxheight = *height;
        osd->maxheight = LCD_HEIGHT;

    if (!osd->init_buffers(osd, flags, backbuf, &backbuf_size))
        osd->maxwidth = osd->maxheight = 0;
        return false;

    osd->draw_cb = draw_cb;

    if (bufused)
        *bufused = backbuf_size + (backbuf_orig - backbuf);

    if (width)
        *width = osd->maxwidth;

    if (height)
        *height = osd->maxheight;

    /* Set the default position to the whole thing */
    osd->set_viewport_pos(&osd->vp, 0, 0, osd->maxwidth, osd->maxheight);

    osd->status = OSD_HIDDEN; /* Ready when you are */

    return true;