Esempio n. 1
// HUDAutomapCoordWidget::ticker
// Updates automap coordinate widgets.
void HUDAutomapCoordWidget::ticker()
   player_t *plyr;
   fixed_t x, y, z;
   static char coordxstr[16];
   static char coordystr[16];
   static char coordzstr[16];

   if(!automapactive || !hu_showcoords)
      message = NULL;
   plyr = &players[displayplayer];

   AM_Coordinates(plyr->mo, x, y, z);

   if(coordType == COORDTYPE_X)
      sprintf(coordxstr, "%cX: %-5d", hu_coordscolor + 128, x >> FRACBITS);
      message = coordxstr;
Esempio n. 2
// HU_Drawer()
// Draw all the pieces of the heads-up display
// Passed nothing, returns nothing
void HU_Drawer(void)
  char* s;
  player_t* plr;
  char ammostr[80];  //jff 3/8/98 allow plenty room for dehacked mods
  char healthstr[80];//jff
  char armorstr[80]; //jff
  int i;

  plr = &players[displayplayer];         // killough 3/7/98
  // draw the automap widgets if automap is displayed
  if (automapactive)
    fixed_t x, y, z; // killough 10/98:
    void AM_Coordinates(const mobj_t*, fixed_t*, fixed_t*, fixed_t*);

    // map title
    HUlib_drawTextLine(&w_title, false);

    // killough 10/98: allow coordinates to display non-following pointer
    AM_Coordinates(plr->mo, &x, &y, &z);

    //jff 2/16/98 output new coord display
    // x-coord
    sprintf(hud_coordstrx, "X: %-5d", x >> FRACBITS); // killough 10/98
    s = hud_coordstrx;
    while (*s)
      HUlib_addCharToTextLine(&w_coordx, *s++);
    HUlib_drawTextLine(&w_coordx, false);

    //jff 3/3/98 split coord display into x,y,z lines
    // y-coord
    sprintf(hud_coordstry, "Y: %-5d", y >> FRACBITS); // killough 10/98
    s = hud_coordstry;
    while (*s)
      HUlib_addCharToTextLine(&w_coordy, *s++);
    HUlib_drawTextLine(&w_coordy, false);

    //jff 3/3/98 split coord display into x,y,z lines
    //jff 2/22/98 added z
    // z-coord
    sprintf(hud_coordstrz, "Z: %-5d", z >> FRACBITS); // killough 10/98
    s = hud_coordstrz;
    while (*s)
      HUlib_addCharToTextLine(&w_coordz, *s++);
    HUlib_drawTextLine(&w_coordz, false);

  // draw the weapon/health/ammo/armor/kills/keys displays if optioned
  //jff 2/17/98 allow new hud stuff to be turned off
  // killough 2/21/98: really allow new hud stuff to be turned off COMPLETELY
    hud_active > 0 &&                // hud optioned on
    hud_displayed &&                 // hud on from fullscreen key
    scaledviewheight == SCREENHEIGHT && // fullscreen mode is active
    !automapactive                   // automap is not active
    HU_MoveHud();                  // insure HUD display coords are correct

    // do the hud ammo display
    // clear the widgets internal line
    strcpy(hud_ammostr, "AMM ");
    if (weaponinfo[plr->readyweapon].ammo == am_noammo)
      // special case for weapon with no ammo selected - blank bargraph + N/A
      strcat(hud_ammostr, "\x7f\x7f\x7f\x7f\x7f\x7f\x7f N/A"); = colrngs[CR_GRAY];
      int ammo = plr->ammo[weaponinfo[plr->readyweapon].ammo];
      int fullammo = plr->maxammo[weaponinfo[plr->readyweapon].ammo];
      int ammopct = (100 * ammo) / fullammo;
      int ammobars = ammopct / 4;

      // build the numeric amount init string
      sprintf(ammostr, "%d/%d", ammo, fullammo);
      // build the bargraph string
      // full bargraph chars
      for (i = 4; i < 4 + ammobars / 4;)
        hud_ammostr[i++] = 123;
      // plus one last character with 0,1,2,3 bars
      switch (ammobars % 4)
      case 0:
      case 1:
        hud_ammostr[i++] = 126;
      case 2:
        hud_ammostr[i++] = 125;
      case 3:
        hud_ammostr[i++] = 124;
      // pad string with blank bar characters
      while (i < 4 + 7)
        hud_ammostr[i++] = 127;
      hud_ammostr[i] = '\0';
      strcat(hud_ammostr, ammostr);

      // set the display color from the percentage of total ammo held
      if (ammopct < ammo_red) = colrngs[CR_RED];
      else if (ammopct < ammo_yellow) = colrngs[CR_GOLD];
      else = colrngs[CR_GREEN];
    // transfer the init string to the widget
    s = hud_ammostr;
    while (*s)
      HUlib_addCharToTextLine(&w_ammo, *s++);
    // display the ammo widget every frame
    HUlib_drawTextLine(&w_ammo, false);

    // do the hud health display
      int health = plr->health;
      int healthbars = health > 100 ? 25 : health / 4;

      // clear the widgets internal line

      // build the numeric amount init string
      sprintf(healthstr, "%3d", health);
      // build the bargraph string
      // full bargraph chars
      for (i = 4; i < 4 + healthbars / 4;)
        hud_healthstr[i++] = 123;
      // plus one last character with 0,1,2,3 bars
      switch (healthbars % 4)
      case 0:
      case 1:
        hud_healthstr[i++] = 126;
      case 2:
        hud_healthstr[i++] = 125;
      case 3:
        hud_healthstr[i++] = 124;
      // pad string with blank bar characters
      while (i < 4 + 7)
        hud_healthstr[i++] = 127;
      hud_healthstr[i] = '\0';
      strcat(hud_healthstr, healthstr);

      // set the display color from the amount of health posessed
      if (health < health_red) = colrngs[CR_RED];
      else if (health < health_yellow) = colrngs[CR_GOLD];
      else if (health <= health_green) = colrngs[CR_GREEN];
      else = colrngs[CR_BLUE];

      // transfer the init string to the widget
      s = hud_healthstr;
      while (*s)
        HUlib_addCharToTextLine(&w_health, *s++);
    // display the health widget every frame
    HUlib_drawTextLine(&w_health, false);

    // do the hud armor display
      int armor = plr->armorpoints;
      int armorbars = armor > 100 ? 25 : armor / 4;

      // clear the widgets internal line
      // build the numeric amount init string
      sprintf(armorstr, "%3d", armor);
      // build the bargraph string
      // full bargraph chars
      for (i = 4; i < 4 + armorbars / 4;)
        hud_armorstr[i++] = 123;
      // plus one last character with 0,1,2,3 bars
      switch (armorbars % 4)
      case 0:
      case 1:
        hud_armorstr[i++] = 126;
      case 2:
        hud_armorstr[i++] = 125;
      case 3:
        hud_armorstr[i++] = 124;
      // pad string with blank bar characters
      while (i < 4 + 7)
        hud_armorstr[i++] = 127;
      hud_armorstr[i] = '\0';
      strcat(hud_armorstr, armorstr);

      // set the display color from the amount of armor posessed =
        armor < armor_red ? colrngs[CR_RED] :
        armor < armor_yellow ? colrngs[CR_GOLD] :
        armor <= armor_green ? colrngs[CR_GREEN] : colrngs[CR_BLUE];

      // transfer the init string to the widget
      s = hud_armorstr;
      while (*s)
        HUlib_addCharToTextLine(&w_armor, *s++);
    // display the armor widget every frame
    HUlib_drawTextLine(&w_armor, false);

    // do the hud weapon display
      int w, ammo, fullammo, ammopct;

      // clear the widgets internal line
      i = 4;
      hud_weapstr[i] = '\0';      //jff 3/7/98 make sure ammo goes away

      // do each weapon that exists in current gamemode
      for (w = 0; w <= wp_supershotgun; w++) //jff 3/4/98 show fists too, why not?
        int ok = 1;
        //jff avoid executing for weapons that do not exist
        switch (gamemode)
        case shareware:
          if (w >= wp_plasma && w != wp_chainsaw)
            ok = 0;
        case retail:
        case registered:
          if (w >= wp_supershotgun)
            ok = 0;
        case commercial:
        if (!ok) continue;

        ammo = plr->ammo[weaponinfo[w].ammo];
        fullammo = plr->maxammo[weaponinfo[w].ammo];
        ammopct = 0;

        // skip weapons not currently posessed
        if (!plr->weaponowned[w])

        ammopct = fullammo ? (100 * ammo) / fullammo : 100;

        // display each weapon number in a color related to the ammo for it
        hud_weapstr[i++] = '\x1b'; //jff 3/26/98 use ESC not '\' for paths
        if (weaponinfo[w].ammo == am_noammo) //jff 3/14/98 show berserk on HUD
          hud_weapstr[i++] = plr->powers[pw_strength] ? '0' + CR_GREEN : '0' + CR_GRAY;
        else if (ammopct < ammo_red)
          hud_weapstr[i++] = '0' + CR_RED;
        else if (ammopct < ammo_yellow)
          hud_weapstr[i++] = '0' + CR_GOLD;
          hud_weapstr[i++] = '0' + CR_GREEN;
        hud_weapstr[i++] = '0' + w + 1;
        hud_weapstr[i++] = ' ';
        hud_weapstr[i] = '\0';

      // transfer the init string to the widget
      s = hud_weapstr;
      while (*s)
        HUlib_addCharToTextLine(&w_weapon, *s++);
    // display the weapon widget every frame
    HUlib_drawTextLine(&w_weapon, false);

    if (hud_active > 1)
      int k;

      hud_keysstr[4] = '\0';    //jff 3/7/98 make sure deleted keys go away
      //jff add case for graphic key display
      if (!deathmatch && hud_graph_keys)
        i = 0;
        hud_gkeysstr[i] = '\0'; //jff 3/7/98 init graphic keys widget string
        // build text string whose characters call out graphic keys from fontk
        for (k = 0; k < 6; k++)
          // skip keys not possessed
          if (!plr->cards[k])

          hud_gkeysstr[i++] = '!' + k; // key number plus '!' is char for key
          hud_gkeysstr[i++] = ' ';     // spacing
          hud_gkeysstr[i++] = ' ';
        hud_gkeysstr[i] = '\0';
      else // not possible in current code, unless deathmatching,
        i = 4;
        hud_keysstr[i] = '\0';  //jff 3/7/98 make sure deleted keys go away

        // if deathmatch, build string showing top four frag counts
        if (deathmatch) //jff 3/17/98 show frags, not keys, in deathmatch
          int top1 = -999, top2 = -999, top3 = -999, top4 = -999;
          int idx1 = -1, idx2 = -1, idx3 = -1, idx4 = -1;
          int fragcount, m;

          // scan thru players
          for (k = 0; k < MAXPLAYERS; k++)
            // skip players not in game
            if (!playeringame[k])

            fragcount = 0;
            // compute number of times they've fragged each player
            // minus number of times they've been fragged by them
            for (m = 0; m < MAXPLAYERS; m++)
              if (!playeringame[m]) continue;
              fragcount += (m != k) ?  players[k].frags[m] : -players[k].frags[m];

            // very primitive sort of frags to find top four
            if (fragcount > top1)
              top4 = top3;
              top3 = top2;
              top2 = top1;
              top1 = fragcount;
              idx4 = idx3;
              idx3 = idx2;
              idx2 = idx1;
              idx1 = k;
            else if (fragcount > top2)
              top4 = top3;
              top3 = top2;
              top2 = fragcount;
              idx4 = idx3;
              idx3 = idx2;
              idx2 = k;
            else if (fragcount > top3)
              top4 = top3;
              top3 = fragcount;
              idx4 = idx3;
              idx3 = k;
            else if (fragcount > top4)
              top4 = fragcount;
              idx4 = k;

          // killough 11/98: replaced cut-and-pasted code with function

          // if the biggest number exists,
          // put it in the init string
          i = HU_top(i, idx1, top1);

          // if the second biggest number exists,
          // put it in the init string
          i = HU_top(i, idx2, top2);

          // if the third biggest number exists,
          // put it in the init string
          i = HU_top(i, idx3, top3);

          // if the fourth biggest number exists,
          // put it in the init string
          i = HU_top(i, idx4, top4);

          hud_keysstr[i] = '\0';
        } //jff 3/17/98 end of deathmatch clause
        else // build alphabetical key display (not used currently)
          // scan the keys
          for (k = 0; k < 6; k++)
            // skip any not possessed by the displayed player's stats
            if (!plr->cards[k])

            // use color escapes to make text in key's color
            hud_keysstr[i++] = '\x1b'; //jff 3/26/98 use ESC not '\' for paths
            switch (k)
            case 0:
              hud_keysstr[i++] = '0' + CR_BLUE;
              hud_keysstr[i++] = 'B';
              hud_keysstr[i++] = 'C';
              hud_keysstr[i++] = ' ';
            case 1:
              hud_keysstr[i++] = '0' + CR_GOLD;
              hud_keysstr[i++] = 'Y';
              hud_keysstr[i++] = 'C';
              hud_keysstr[i++] = ' ';
            case 2:
              hud_keysstr[i++] = '0' + CR_RED;
              hud_keysstr[i++] = 'R';
              hud_keysstr[i++] = 'C';
              hud_keysstr[i++] = ' ';
            case 3:
              hud_keysstr[i++] = '0' + CR_BLUE;
              hud_keysstr[i++] = 'B';
              hud_keysstr[i++] = 'S';
              hud_keysstr[i++] = ' ';
            case 4:
              hud_keysstr[i++] = '0' + CR_GOLD;
              hud_keysstr[i++] = 'Y';
              hud_keysstr[i++] = 'S';
              hud_keysstr[i++] = ' ';
            case 5:
              hud_keysstr[i++] = '0' + CR_RED;
              hud_keysstr[i++] = 'R';
              hud_keysstr[i++] = 'S';
              hud_keysstr[i++] = ' ';
            hud_keysstr[i] = '\0';
    // display the keys/frags line each frame
    if (hud_active > 1)
      HUlib_clearTextLine(&w_keys);      // clear the widget strings

      // transfer the built string (frags or key title) to the widget
      s = hud_keysstr; //jff 3/7/98 display key titles/key text or frags
      while (*s)
        HUlib_addCharToTextLine(&w_keys, *s++);
      HUlib_drawTextLine(&w_keys, false);

      //jff 3/17/98 show graphic keys in non-DM only
      if (!deathmatch) //jff 3/7/98 display graphic keys
        // transfer the graphic key text to the widget
        s = hud_gkeysstr;
        while (*s)
          HUlib_addCharToTextLine(&w_gkeys, *s++);
        // display the widget
        HUlib_drawTextLine(&w_gkeys, false);

    // display the hud kills/items/secret display if optioned
    if (!hud_nosecrets)
      if (hud_active > 1)
        // clear the internal widget text buffer
        //jff 3/26/98 use ESC not '\' for paths
        // build the init string with fixed colors
        sprintf(hud_monsecstr, "STS \x1b\x36K \x1b\x33%d/%d"
                " \x1b\x37I \x1b\x33%d/%d \x1b\x35S \x1b\x33%d/%d",
                plr->killcount, totalkills,
                plr->itemcount, totalitems,
                plr->secretcount, totalsecret);
        // transfer the init string to the widget
        s = hud_monsecstr;
        while (*s)
          HUlib_addCharToTextLine(&w_monsec, *s++);
      // display the kills/items/secrets each frame, if optioned
      if (hud_active > 1)
        HUlib_drawTextLine(&w_monsec, false);

  //jff 3/4/98 display last to give priority
  // jff 4/24/98 Erase current lines before drawing current
  // needed when screen not fullsize
  // killough 11/98: only do it when not fullsize
  if (scaledviewheight < 200)

  //jff 4/21/98 if setup has disabled message list while active, turn it off
  // if the message review is enabled show the scrolling message review
  // if the message review not enabled, show the standard message widget
  // killough 11/98: simplified

  if (message_list)

  // display the interactive buffer for chat entry