/* option 1) select keyframe directly under mouse */ static void mouse_graph_keys(bAnimContext *ac, const int mval[2], short select_mode, short curves_only) { SpaceIpo *sipo = (SpaceIpo *)ac->sl; tNearestVertInfo *nvi; BezTriple *bezt = NULL; /* find the beztriple that we're selecting, and the handle that was clicked on */ nvi = find_nearest_fcurve_vert(ac, mval); /* check if anything to select */ if (nvi == NULL) return; /* deselect all other curves? */ if (select_mode == SELECT_REPLACE) { /* reset selection mode */ select_mode = SELECT_ADD; /* deselect all other keyframes (+ F-Curves too) */ deselect_graph_keys(ac, 0, SELECT_SUBTRACT, true); /* deselect other channels too, but only only do this if * selection of channel when the visibility of keyframes * doesn't depend on this */ if ((sipo->flag & SIPO_SELCUVERTSONLY) == 0) ANIM_deselect_anim_channels(ac, ac->data, ac->datatype, 0, ACHANNEL_SETFLAG_CLEAR); } /* if points can be selected on this F-Curve */ // TODO: what about those with no keyframes? if ((curves_only == 0) && ((nvi->fcu->flag & FCURVE_PROTECTED) == 0)) { /* only if there's keyframe */ if (nvi->bezt) { bezt = nvi->bezt; /* used to check bezt seletion is set */ /* depends on selection mode */ if (select_mode == SELECT_INVERT) { /* keyframe - invert select of all */ if (nvi->hpoint == NEAREST_HANDLE_KEY) { if (BEZSELECTED(bezt)) { BEZ_DESEL(bezt); } else { BEZ_SEL(bezt); } } /* handles - toggle selection of relevant handle */ else if (nvi->hpoint == NEAREST_HANDLE_LEFT) { /* toggle selection */ bezt->f1 ^= SELECT; } else { /* toggle selection */ bezt->f3 ^= SELECT; } } else { /* if the keyframe was clicked on, select all verts of given beztriple */ if (nvi->hpoint == NEAREST_HANDLE_KEY) { BEZ_SEL(bezt); } /* otherwise, select the handle that applied */ else if (nvi->hpoint == NEAREST_HANDLE_LEFT) bezt->f1 |= SELECT; else bezt->f3 |= SELECT; } } else if (nvi->fpt) { // TODO: need to handle sample points } } else { KeyframeEditFunc select_cb; KeyframeEditData ked; /* initialize keyframe editing data */ memset(&ked, 0, sizeof(KeyframeEditData)); /* set up BezTriple edit callbacks */ select_cb = ANIM_editkeyframes_select(select_mode); /* select all keyframes */ ANIM_fcurve_keyframes_loop(&ked, nvi->fcu, NULL, select_cb, NULL); } /* only change selection of channel when the visibility of keyframes doesn't depend on this */ if ((sipo->flag & SIPO_SELCUVERTSONLY) == 0) { /* select or deselect curve? */ if (bezt) { /* take selection status from item that got hit, to prevent flip/flop on channel * selection status when shift-selecting (i.e. "SELECT_INVERT") points */ if (BEZSELECTED(bezt)) nvi->fcu->flag |= FCURVE_SELECTED; else nvi->fcu->flag &= ~FCURVE_SELECTED; } else { /* didn't hit any channel, so just apply that selection mode to the curve's selection status */ if (select_mode == SELECT_INVERT) nvi->fcu->flag ^= FCURVE_SELECTED; else if (select_mode == SELECT_ADD) nvi->fcu->flag |= FCURVE_SELECTED; } } /* set active F-Curve (NOTE: sync the filter flags with findnearest_fcurve_vert) */ /* needs to be called with (sipo->flag & SIPO_SELCUVERTSONLY) otherwise the active flag won't be set [#26452] */ if (nvi->fcu->flag & FCURVE_SELECTED) { int filter = (ANIMFILTER_DATA_VISIBLE | ANIMFILTER_CURVE_VISIBLE | ANIMFILTER_NODUPLIS); ANIM_set_active_channel(ac, ac->data, ac->datatype, filter, nvi->fcu, ANIMTYPE_FCURVE); } /* free temp sample data for filtering */ MEM_freeN(nvi); }
/* select strip directly under mouse */ static void mouse_nla_strips(bContext *C, bAnimContext *ac, const int mval[2], short select_mode) { ListBase anim_data = {NULL, NULL}; bAnimListElem *ale = NULL; int filter; SpaceNla *snla = (SpaceNla *)ac->sl; View2D *v2d = &ac->ar->v2d; Scene *scene = ac->scene; NlaStrip *strip = NULL; int channel_index; float xmin, xmax; float x, y; /* use View2D to determine the index of the channel (i.e a row in the list) where keyframe was */ UI_view2d_region_to_view(v2d, mval[0], mval[1], &x, &y); UI_view2d_listview_view_to_cell(v2d, 0, NLACHANNEL_STEP(snla), 0, (float)NLACHANNEL_HEIGHT_HALF(snla), x, y, NULL, &channel_index); /* x-range to check is +/- 7 (in screen/region-space) on either side of mouse click * (that is the size of keyframe icons, so user should be expecting similar tolerances) */ xmin = UI_view2d_region_to_view_x(v2d, mval[0] - 7); xmax = UI_view2d_region_to_view_x(v2d, mval[0] + 7); /* filter data */ filter = (ANIMFILTER_DATA_VISIBLE | ANIMFILTER_LIST_VISIBLE | ANIMFILTER_LIST_CHANNELS); ANIM_animdata_filter(ac, &anim_data, filter, ac->data, ac->datatype); /* try to get channel */ ale = BLI_findlink(&anim_data, channel_index); if (ale == NULL) { /* channel not found */ printf("Error: animation channel (index = %d) not found in mouse_nla_strips()\n", channel_index); ANIM_animdata_freelist(&anim_data); return; } else { /* found some channel - we only really should do somethign when its an Nla-Track */ if (ale->type == ANIMTYPE_NLATRACK) { NlaTrack *nlt = (NlaTrack *)ale->data; /* loop over NLA-strips in this track, trying to find one which occurs in the necessary bounds */ for (strip = nlt->strips.first; strip; strip = strip->next) { if (BKE_nlastrip_within_bounds(strip, xmin, xmax)) break; } } /* remove active channel from list of channels for separate treatment (since it's needed later on) */ BLI_remlink(&anim_data, ale); /* free list of channels, since it's not used anymore */ ANIM_animdata_freelist(&anim_data); } /* if currently in tweakmode, exit tweakmode before changing selection states * now that we've found our target... */ if (scene->flag & SCE_NLA_EDIT_ON) WM_operator_name_call(C, "NLA_OT_tweakmode_exit", WM_OP_EXEC_DEFAULT, NULL); /* for replacing selection, firstly need to clear existing selection */ if (select_mode == SELECT_REPLACE) { /* reset selection mode for next steps */ select_mode = SELECT_ADD; /* deselect all strips */ deselect_nla_strips(ac, 0, SELECT_SUBTRACT); /* deselect all other channels first */ ANIM_deselect_anim_channels(ac, ac->data, ac->datatype, 0, ACHANNEL_SETFLAG_CLEAR); } /* only select strip if we clicked on a valid channel and hit something */ if (ale) { /* select the strip accordingly (if a matching one was found) */ if (strip) { select_mode = selmodes_to_flagmodes(select_mode); ACHANNEL_SET_FLAG(strip, select_mode, NLASTRIP_FLAG_SELECT); /* if we selected it, we can make it active too * - we always need to clear the active strip flag though... * - as well as selecting its track... */ deselect_nla_strips(ac, DESELECT_STRIPS_CLEARACTIVE, 0); if (strip->flag & NLASTRIP_FLAG_SELECT) { strip->flag |= NLASTRIP_FLAG_ACTIVE; /* Highlight NLA-Track */ if (ale->type == ANIMTYPE_NLATRACK) { NlaTrack *nlt = (NlaTrack *)ale->data; nlt->flag |= NLATRACK_SELECTED; ANIM_set_active_channel(ac, ac->data, ac->datatype, filter, nlt, ANIMTYPE_NLATRACK); } } } /* free this channel */ MEM_freeN(ale); } }
static void mouse_action_keys(bAnimContext *ac, const int mval[2], short select_mode, bool column, bool same_channel) { ListBase anim_data = {NULL, NULL}; DLRBT_Tree anim_keys; bAnimListElem *ale; int filter; View2D *v2d = &ac->ar->v2d; bDopeSheet *ads = NULL; int channel_index; bool found = false; float frame = 0.0f; /* frame of keyframe under mouse - NLA corrections not applied/included */ float selx = 0.0f; /* frame of keyframe under mouse */ float key_hsize; float x, y; rctf rectf; /* get dopesheet info */ if (ac->datatype == ANIMCONT_DOPESHEET) ads = ac->data; /* use View2D to determine the index of the channel (i.e a row in the list) where keyframe was */ UI_view2d_region_to_view(v2d, mval[0], mval[1], &x, &y); UI_view2d_listview_view_to_cell(v2d, 0, ACHANNEL_STEP(ac), 0, (float)ACHANNEL_HEIGHT_HALF(ac), x, y, NULL, &channel_index); /* x-range to check is +/- 7px for standard keyframe under standard dpi/y-scale (in screen/region-space), * on either side of mouse click (size of keyframe icon) */ key_hsize = ACHANNEL_HEIGHT(ac) * 0.8f; /* standard channel height (to allow for some slop) */ key_hsize = roundf(key_hsize / 2.0f); /* half-size (for either side), but rounded up to nearest int (for easier targetting) */ UI_view2d_region_to_view(v2d, mval[0] - (int)key_hsize, mval[1], &rectf.xmin, &rectf.ymin); UI_view2d_region_to_view(v2d, mval[0] + (int)key_hsize, mval[1], &rectf.xmax, &rectf.ymax); /* filter data */ filter = (ANIMFILTER_DATA_VISIBLE | ANIMFILTER_LIST_VISIBLE | ANIMFILTER_LIST_CHANNELS); ANIM_animdata_filter(ac, &anim_data, filter, ac->data, ac->datatype); /* try to get channel */ ale = BLI_findlink(&anim_data, channel_index); if (ale == NULL) { /* channel not found */ printf("Error: animation channel (index = %d) not found in mouse_action_keys()\n", channel_index); ANIM_animdata_freelist(&anim_data); return; } else { /* found match - must return here... */ AnimData *adt = ANIM_nla_mapping_get(ac, ale); ActKeyColumn *ak, *akn = NULL; /* make list of keyframes */ BLI_dlrbTree_init(&anim_keys); if (ale->key_data) { switch (ale->datatype) { case ALE_SCE: { Scene *scene = (Scene *)ale->key_data; scene_to_keylist(ads, scene, &anim_keys, NULL); break; } case ALE_OB: { Object *ob = (Object *)ale->key_data; ob_to_keylist(ads, ob, &anim_keys, NULL); break; } case ALE_ACT: { bAction *act = (bAction *)ale->key_data; action_to_keylist(adt, act, &anim_keys, NULL); break; } case ALE_FCURVE: { FCurve *fcu = (FCurve *)ale->key_data; fcurve_to_keylist(adt, fcu, &anim_keys, NULL); break; } } } else if (ale->type == ANIMTYPE_SUMMARY) { /* dopesheet summary covers everything */ summary_to_keylist(ac, &anim_keys, NULL); } else if (ale->type == ANIMTYPE_GROUP) { // TODO: why don't we just give groups key_data too? bActionGroup *agrp = (bActionGroup *)ale->data; agroup_to_keylist(adt, agrp, &anim_keys, NULL); } else if (ale->type == ANIMTYPE_GPLAYER) { // TODO: why don't we just give gplayers key_data too? bGPDlayer *gpl = (bGPDlayer *)ale->data; gpl_to_keylist(ads, gpl, &anim_keys); } else if (ale->type == ANIMTYPE_MASKLAYER) { // TODO: why don't we just give masklayers key_data too? MaskLayer *masklay = (MaskLayer *)ale->data; mask_to_keylist(ads, masklay, &anim_keys); } /* start from keyframe at root of BST, traversing until we find one within the range that was clicked on */ for (ak = anim_keys.root; ak; ak = akn) { if (IN_RANGE(ak->cfra, rectf.xmin, rectf.xmax)) { /* set the frame to use, and apply inverse-correction for NLA-mapping * so that the frame will get selected by the selection functions without * requiring to map each frame once again... */ selx = BKE_nla_tweakedit_remap(adt, ak->cfra, NLATIME_CONVERT_UNMAP); frame = ak->cfra; found = true; break; } else if (ak->cfra < rectf.xmin) akn = ak->right; else akn = ak->left; } /* remove active channel from list of channels for separate treatment (since it's needed later on) */ BLI_remlink(&anim_data, ale); /* cleanup temporary lists */ BLI_dlrbTree_free(&anim_keys); /* free list of channels, since it's not used anymore */ ANIM_animdata_freelist(&anim_data); } /* for replacing selection, firstly need to clear existing selection */ if (select_mode == SELECT_REPLACE) { /* reset selection mode for next steps */ select_mode = SELECT_ADD; /* deselect all keyframes */ deselect_action_keys(ac, 0, SELECT_SUBTRACT); /* highlight channel clicked on */ if (ELEM(ac->datatype, ANIMCONT_ACTION, ANIMCONT_DOPESHEET)) { /* deselect all other channels first */ ANIM_deselect_anim_channels(ac, ac->data, ac->datatype, 0, ACHANNEL_SETFLAG_CLEAR); /* Highlight Action-Group or F-Curve? */ if (ale && ale->data) { if (ale->type == ANIMTYPE_GROUP) { bActionGroup *agrp = ale->data; agrp->flag |= AGRP_SELECTED; ANIM_set_active_channel(ac, ac->data, ac->datatype, filter, agrp, ANIMTYPE_GROUP); } else if (ELEM(ale->type, ANIMTYPE_FCURVE, ANIMTYPE_NLACURVE)) { FCurve *fcu = ale->data; fcu->flag |= FCURVE_SELECTED; ANIM_set_active_channel(ac, ac->data, ac->datatype, filter, fcu, ale->type); } } } else if (ac->datatype == ANIMCONT_GPENCIL) { /* deselect all other channels first */ ANIM_deselect_anim_channels(ac, ac->data, ac->datatype, 0, ACHANNEL_SETFLAG_CLEAR); /* Highlight GPencil Layer */ if ((ale && ale->data) && (ale->type == ANIMTYPE_GPLAYER)) { bGPDlayer *gpl = ale->data; gpl->flag |= GP_LAYER_SELECT; //gpencil_layer_setactive(gpd, gpl); } } else if (ac->datatype == ANIMCONT_MASK) { /* deselect all other channels first */ ANIM_deselect_anim_channels(ac, ac->data, ac->datatype, 0, ACHANNEL_SETFLAG_CLEAR); /* Highlight GPencil Layer */ if ((ale && ale->data) && (ale->type == ANIMTYPE_MASKLAYER)) { MaskLayer *masklay = ale->data; masklay->flag |= MASK_LAYERFLAG_SELECT; //gpencil_layer_setactive(gpd, gpl); } } } /* only select keyframes if we clicked on a valid channel and hit something */ if (ale) { if (found) { /* apply selection to keyframes */ if (column) { /* select all keyframes in the same frame as the one we hit on the active channel * [T41077]: "frame" not "selx" here (i.e. no NLA corrections yet) as the code here * does that itself again as it needs to work on multiple datablocks */ actkeys_mselect_column(ac, select_mode, frame); } else if (same_channel) { /* select all keyframes in the active channel */ actkeys_mselect_channel_only(ac, ale, select_mode); } else { /* select the nominated keyframe on the given frame */ actkeys_mselect_single(ac, ale, select_mode, selx); } } /* free this channel */ MEM_freeN(ale); } }
static int mouse_nla_channels(bContext *C, bAnimContext *ac, float x, int channel_index, short selectmode) { ListBase anim_data = {NULL, NULL}; bAnimListElem *ale; int filter; View2D *v2d = &ac->ar->v2d; int notifierFlags = 0; /* get the channel that was clicked on */ /* filter channels */ filter = (ANIMFILTER_DATA_VISIBLE | ANIMFILTER_LIST_VISIBLE | ANIMFILTER_LIST_CHANNELS); ANIM_animdata_filter(ac, &anim_data, filter, ac->data, ac->datatype); /* get channel from index */ ale = BLI_findlink(&anim_data, channel_index); if (ale == NULL) { /* channel not found */ if (G.debug & G_DEBUG) printf("Error: animation channel (index = %d) not found in mouse_anim_channels()\n", channel_index); ANIM_animdata_freelist(&anim_data); return 0; } /* action to take depends on what channel we've got */ // WARNING: must keep this in sync with the equivalent function in anim_channels_edit.c switch (ale->type) { case ANIMTYPE_SCENE: { Scene *sce = (Scene *)ale->data; AnimData *adt = sce->adt; /* set selection status */ if (selectmode == SELECT_INVERT) { /* swap select */ sce->flag ^= SCE_DS_SELECTED; if (adt) adt->flag ^= ADT_UI_SELECTED; } else { sce->flag |= SCE_DS_SELECTED; if (adt) adt->flag |= ADT_UI_SELECTED; } notifierFlags |= (ND_ANIMCHAN | NA_SELECTED); break; } case ANIMTYPE_OBJECT: { bDopeSheet *ads = (bDopeSheet *)ac->data; Scene *sce = (Scene *)ads->source; Base *base = (Base *)ale->data; Object *ob = base->object; AnimData *adt = ob->adt; if (nlaedit_is_tweakmode_on(ac) == 0) { /* set selection status */ if (selectmode == SELECT_INVERT) { /* swap select */ base->flag ^= SELECT; ob->flag = base->flag; if (adt) adt->flag ^= ADT_UI_SELECTED; } else { Base *b; /* deselect all */ /* TODO: should this deselect all other types of channels too? */ for (b = sce->base.first; b; b = b->next) { b->flag &= ~SELECT; b->object->flag = b->flag; if (b->object->adt) b->object->adt->flag &= ~(ADT_UI_SELECTED | ADT_UI_ACTIVE); } /* select object now */ base->flag |= SELECT; ob->flag |= SELECT; if (adt) adt->flag |= ADT_UI_SELECTED; } /* change active object - regardless of whether it is now selected [T37883] */ ED_base_object_activate(C, base); /* adds notifier */ if ((adt) && (adt->flag & ADT_UI_SELECTED)) adt->flag |= ADT_UI_ACTIVE; /* notifiers - channel was selected */ notifierFlags |= (ND_ANIMCHAN | NA_SELECTED); } break; } case ANIMTYPE_FILLACTD: /* Action Expander */ case ANIMTYPE_DSMAT: /* Datablock AnimData Expanders */ case ANIMTYPE_DSLAM: case ANIMTYPE_DSCAM: case ANIMTYPE_DSCACHEFILE: case ANIMTYPE_DSCUR: case ANIMTYPE_DSSKEY: case ANIMTYPE_DSWOR: case ANIMTYPE_DSNTREE: case ANIMTYPE_DSPART: case ANIMTYPE_DSMBALL: case ANIMTYPE_DSARM: case ANIMTYPE_DSMESH: case ANIMTYPE_DSTEX: case ANIMTYPE_DSLAT: case ANIMTYPE_DSLINESTYLE: case ANIMTYPE_DSSPK: case ANIMTYPE_DSGPENCIL: { /* sanity checking... */ if (ale->adt) { /* select/deselect */ if (selectmode == SELECT_INVERT) { /* inverse selection status of this AnimData block only */ ale->adt->flag ^= ADT_UI_SELECTED; } else { /* select AnimData block by itself */ ANIM_deselect_anim_channels(ac, ac->data, ac->datatype, 0, ACHANNEL_SETFLAG_CLEAR); ale->adt->flag |= ADT_UI_SELECTED; } /* set active? */ if ((ale->adt) && (ale->adt->flag & ADT_UI_SELECTED)) ale->adt->flag |= ADT_UI_ACTIVE; } notifierFlags |= (ND_ANIMCHAN | NA_SELECTED); break; } case ANIMTYPE_NLATRACK: { NlaTrack *nlt = (NlaTrack *)ale->data; AnimData *adt = ale->adt; short offset; /* offset for start of channel (on LHS of channel-list) */ if (ale->id) { /* special exception for materials and particles */ if (ELEM(GS(ale->id->name), ID_MA, ID_PA)) offset = 21 + NLACHANNEL_BUTTON_WIDTH; else offset = 14; } else offset = 0; if (x >= (v2d->cur.xmax - NLACHANNEL_BUTTON_WIDTH)) { /* toggle protection (only if there's a toggle there) */ nlt->flag ^= NLATRACK_PROTECTED; /* notifier flags - channel was edited */ notifierFlags |= (ND_ANIMCHAN | NA_EDITED); } else if (x >= (v2d->cur.xmax - 2 * NLACHANNEL_BUTTON_WIDTH)) { /* toggle mute */ nlt->flag ^= NLATRACK_MUTED; /* notifier flags - channel was edited */ notifierFlags |= (ND_ANIMCHAN | NA_EDITED); } else if (x <= ((NLACHANNEL_BUTTON_WIDTH * 2) + offset)) { /* toggle 'solo' */ BKE_nlatrack_solo_toggle(adt, nlt); /* notifier flags - channel was edited */ notifierFlags |= (ND_ANIMCHAN | NA_EDITED); } else if (nlaedit_is_tweakmode_on(ac) == 0) { /* set selection */ if (selectmode == SELECT_INVERT) { /* inverse selection status of this F-Curve only */ nlt->flag ^= NLATRACK_SELECTED; } else { /* select F-Curve by itself */ ANIM_deselect_anim_channels(ac, ac->data, ac->datatype, 0, ACHANNEL_SETFLAG_CLEAR); nlt->flag |= NLATRACK_SELECTED; } /* if NLA-Track is selected now, make NLA-Track the 'active' one in the visible list */ if (nlt->flag & NLATRACK_SELECTED) ANIM_set_active_channel(ac, ac->data, ac->datatype, filter, nlt, ANIMTYPE_NLATRACK); /* notifier flags - channel was selected */ notifierFlags |= (ND_ANIMCHAN | NA_SELECTED); } break; } case ANIMTYPE_NLAACTION: { AnimData *adt = BKE_animdata_from_id(ale->id); /* button region... */ if (x >= (v2d->cur.xmax - NLACHANNEL_BUTTON_WIDTH)) { if (nlaedit_is_tweakmode_on(ac) == 0) { /* 'push-down' action - only usable when not in TweakMode */ /* TODO: make this use the operator instead of calling the function directly * however, calling the operator requires that we supply the args, and that works with proper buttons only */ BKE_nla_action_pushdown(adt); } else { /* when in tweakmode, this button becomes the toggle for mapped editing */ adt->flag ^= ADT_NLA_EDIT_NOMAP; } /* changes to NLA-Action occurred */ notifierFlags |= ND_NLA_ACTCHANGE; } /* OR rest of name... */ else { /* NOTE: rest of NLA-Action name doubles for operating on the AnimData block * - this is useful when there's no clear divider, and makes more sense in * the case of users trying to use this to change actions * - in tweakmode, clicking here gets us out of tweakmode, as changing selection * while in tweakmode is really evil! * - we disable "solo" flags too, to make it easier to work with stashed actions * with less trouble */ if (nlaedit_is_tweakmode_on(ac)) { /* exit tweakmode immediately */ nlaedit_disable_tweakmode(ac, true); /* changes to NLA-Action occurred */ notifierFlags |= ND_NLA_ACTCHANGE; } else { /* select/deselect */ if (selectmode == SELECT_INVERT) { /* inverse selection status of this AnimData block only */ adt->flag ^= ADT_UI_SELECTED; } else { /* select AnimData block by itself */ ANIM_deselect_anim_channels(ac, ac->data, ac->datatype, 0, ACHANNEL_SETFLAG_CLEAR); adt->flag |= ADT_UI_SELECTED; } /* set active? */ if (adt->flag & ADT_UI_SELECTED) adt->flag |= ADT_UI_ACTIVE; notifierFlags |= (ND_ANIMCHAN | NA_SELECTED); } } break; } default: if (G.debug & G_DEBUG) printf("Error: Invalid channel type in mouse_nla_channels()\n"); break; } /* free channels */ ANIM_animdata_freelist(&anim_data); /* return the notifier-flags set */ return notifierFlags; }