Esempio n. 1
// Write the IPv4 headers
char *write_ipv4(char *bufferptr, unsigned short identifier, unsigned char *local_ip, unsigned char *dest_ip) {
  // Grab a reference to the beggining of the header so we can come back and
  // calculate the checksum
  char *start = bufferptr;

  // IP version 4 and 20 bytes header
  APPEND_BYTE(bufferptr, 0x45);

  // Set services field to zero
  APPEND_BYTE(bufferptr, 0);

  // Length of the packet (28 bytes)
  APPEND_SHORT(bufferptr, IP_LEN);

  // ID
  APPEND_SHORT(bufferptr, identifier);

  // Flags (don't fragment)
  APPEND_BYTE(bufferptr, 0x40);

  // Offset (zero)
  APPEND_BYTE(bufferptr, 0);

  // TTL
  APPEND_BYTE(bufferptr, TTL);

  // ICMP
  APPEND_BYTE(bufferptr, 1);

  // Zeroed checksum
  char *checksumstart = bufferptr;
  APPEND_SHORT(bufferptr, 0);

  // Source IP
  APPEND_BYTES(bufferptr, local_ip, IP_ADDR_LEN);

  // Destination IP
  APPEND_BYTES(bufferptr, dest_ip, IP_ADDR_LEN);

  // Calculate the checksum
  unsigned short checksum = in_cksum((short unsigned int *)start, IP_HEADER_LEN);
  memcpy(checksumstart, &checksum, 2);

  return bufferptr;
Esempio n. 2
*/	void Crash(REBINT id, ...)
**		Print a failure message and abort.
**		LATIN1 ONLY!! (For now)
**		The error is identified by id number, which can reference an
**		error message string in the boot strings block.
**		Note that lower level error messages should not attempt to
**		use the %r (mold value) format (uses higher level functions).
**		See panics.h for list of crash errors.
	va_list args;
	REBYTE *msg;
	REBINT n = 0;

	va_start(args, id);

	if (Reb_Opts->crash_dump) {
		Dump_Stack(0, 0);

	// "REBOL PANIC #nnn:"
	Form_Int(buf + LEN_BYTES(buf), id);

	// "REBOL PANIC #nnn: put error message here"
	// The first few error types only print general error message.
	// Those errors > RP_STR_BASE have specific error messages (from boot.r).
	if      (id < RP_BOOT_DATA) n = CM_DEBUG;
	else if (id < RP_INTERNAL) n = CM_BOOT;
	else if (id < RP_ASSERTS)  n = CM_INTERNAL;
	else if (id < RP_DATATYPE) n = CM_ASSERT;
	else if (id < RP_STR_BASE) n = CM_DATATYPE;
	else if (id > RP_STR_BASE + RS_MAX - RS_ERROR) n = CM_DEBUG;

	// Use the above string or the boot string for the error (in boot.r):
	msg = (REBYTE*)(n >= 0 ? Crash_Msgs[n] : BOOT_STR(RS_ERROR, id - RP_STR_BASE - 1));
	Form_Var_Args(buf + LEN_BYTES(buf), CRASH_BUF_SIZE - 1 - LEN_BYTES(buf), msg, args);

	n = LEN_BYTES(Crash_Msgs[CM_CONTACT]);
	if ((LEN_BYTES(buf) + n) < (CRASH_BUF_SIZE - 1))
		APPEND_BYTES(buf, Crash_Msgs[CM_CONTACT], n);

	// Convert to OS-specific char-type:
#ifdef disable_for_now //OS_WIDE_CHAR   /// win98 does not support it
		REBCHR s1[512];
		REBCHR s2[2000];

		n = TO_OS_STR(s1, Crash_Msgs[CM_ERROR], LEN_BYTES(Crash_Msgs[CM_ERROR]));
		if (n > 0) s1[n] = 0; // terminate
		else OS_EXIT(200); // bad conversion

		n = TO_OS_STR(s2, buf, LEN_BYTES(buf));
		if (n > 0) s2[n] = 0;
		else OS_EXIT(200);

		OS_CRASH(s1, s2);
	OS_CRASH(Crash_Msgs[CM_ERROR], buf);