Esempio n. 1
//	ProcessFreeResources
//	Free the resources associated with a process.  This assumes the
//	process isn't currently on any queue.
void ProcessFreeResources (PCB *pcb) {
  int i = 0;

  dbprintf ('p', "ProcessFreeResources: function started\n");

  // Allocate a new link for this pcb on the freepcbs queue
  if ((pcb->l = AQueueAllocLink(pcb)) == NULL) {
    printf("FATAL ERROR: could not get Queue Link in ProcessFreeResources!\n");
  // Set the pcb's status to available
  pcb->flags = PROCESS_STATUS_FREE;
  // Insert the link into the freepcbs queue
  if (AQueueInsertLast(&freepcbs, pcb->l) != QUEUE_SUCCESS) {
    printf("FATAL ERROR: could not insert PCB link into freepcbs queue in ProcessFreeResources!\n");

  // Free the process's memory.
  for (i = 0; i < pcb->npages; i++) {
    MemoryFreePte (pcb->pagetable[i]);
  // Free the page allocated for the system stack
  MemoryFreePage (pcb->sysStackArea / MEMORY_PAGE_SIZE);
  ProcessSetStatus (pcb, PROCESS_STATUS_FREE);
  dbprintf ('p', "ProcessFreeResources: function complete\n");
Esempio n. 2
// Removes link "l" from the queue that it belongs to, and
// adds it back to the global queue of free links.
int AQueueRemove (Link **pl) {
  extern Queue freeLinks;
  Link *l = NULL;

  dbprintf('q', "AQueueRemove: removing link\n");

  if (!pl) return QUEUE_FAIL;
  if (!(*pl)) return QUEUE_FAIL;
  l = *pl; // Just for convenience so I don't have to keep typing *pl
  if (!l->queue) return QUEUE_FAIL;

  // First, fix the queue's first and last pointers
  if (AQueueFirst(l->queue) == l) l->queue->first = l->next; // l was first item on queue
  if (AQueueLast(l->queue) == l)  l->queue->last = l->prev;  // l was last item on queue

  // Next, reconnect the list around l
  if (l->prev) l->prev->next = l->next;
  if (l->next) l->next->prev = l->prev;

  // Update the number of items in the queue

  // Clear the link, and add it back to the link back to the list of free links
  AQueueInsertLast(&freeLinks, l);

  *pl = NULL;
Esempio n. 3
//	SemWait
//	Wait on a semaphore.  As described in Section 6.4 of _OSC_,
//	we decrement the counter and suspend the process if the
//	semaphore's value is less than 0.  To ensure atomicity,
//	interrupts are disabled for the entire operation, but must be
//      turned on before going to sleep.
int SemWait (Sem *sem) {
  Link	*l;
  int		intrval;
  if (!sem) return SYNC_FAIL;

  intrval = DisableIntrs ();
  dbprintf ('I', "SemWait: Old interrupt value was 0x%x.\n", intrval);
  dbprintf ('s', "SemWait: Proc %d waiting on sem %d, count=%d.\n", GetCurrentPid(), (int)(sem-sems), sem->count);
  if (sem->count <= 0) {
    dbprintf('s', "SemWait: putting process %d to sleep\n", GetCurrentPid());
    if ((l = AQueueAllocLink ((void *)currentPCB)) == NULL) {
      printf("FATAL ERROR: could not allocate link for semaphore queue in SemWait!\n");
    if (AQueueInsertLast (&sem->waiting, l) != QUEUE_SUCCESS) {
      printf("FATAL ERROR: could not insert new link into semaphore waiting queue in SemWait!\n");
    // Don't decrement couter here because that's handled in SemSignal for us
  } else {
    sem->count--; // Decrement internal counter
    dbprintf('s', "SemWait: Proc %d granted permission to continue by sem %d\n", GetCurrentPid(), (int)(sem-sems));
  RestoreIntrs (intrval);
  return SYNC_SUCCESS;
Esempio n. 4
//	CondHandleWait
//	This function makes the calling process block on the condition variable
//	till either ConditionHandleSignal or ConditionHandleBroadcast is
//	received. The process calling CondHandleWait must have acquired the
//	lock associated with the condition variable (the lock that was passed
//	to CondCreate. This implies the lock handle needs to be stored
//	somewhere. hint! hint!) for this function to
//	succeed. If the calling process has not acquired the lock, it does not
//	block on the condition variable, but a value of 1 is returned
//	indicating that the call was not successful. Return value of 0 implies
//	that the call was successful.
//	This function should be written in such a way that the calling process
//	should release the lock associated with this condition variable before
//	going to sleep, so that the process that intends to signal this
//	process could acquire the lock for that purpose. After waking up, the
//	blocked process should acquire (i.e. wait on) the lock associated with
//	the condition variable. In other words, this process does not
//	"actually" wake up until the process calling CondHandleSignal or
//	CondHandleBroadcast releases the lock explicitly.
int CondWait(Cond *c) {
  Link	*l;
  int   intrval;
  if (!c) return SYNC_FAIL;

  // Conds are atomic
  intrval = DisableIntrs ();
  dbprintf ('I', "CondWait: Old interrupt value was 0x%x.\n", intrval);

  // Check to see if the current process owns the lock
  if (c->lock->pid != GetCurrentPid()) {
    dbprintf('s', "CondWait: Proc %d does not own cond %d\n", GetCurrentPid(), (int)(c-conds));
    return SYNC_FAIL;

  dbprintf ('s', "CondWait: Proc %d waiting on cond %d.  Putting to sleep.\n", GetCurrentPid(), (int)(c-conds));
  if ((l = AQueueAllocLink ((void *)currentPCB)) == NULL) {
    printf("FATAL ERROR: could not allocate link for cond queue in CondWait!\n");
  if (AQueueInsertLast (&c->waiting, l) != QUEUE_SUCCESS) {
    printf("FATAL ERROR: could not insert new link into cond waiting queue in CondWait!\n");
  // Release the lock before going to sleep
  RestoreIntrs(intrval); // Don't want interrupts disabled while we sleep
  // Immediately acquire the lock upon waking
  return SYNC_SUCCESS;
Esempio n. 5
//	ProcessFreeResources
//	Free the resources associated with a process.  This assumes the
//	process isn't currently on any queue.
void ProcessFreeResources (PCB *pcb) {
  int i = 0;
  // Allocate a new link for this pcb on the freepcbs queue
  if ((pcb->l = AQueueAllocLink(pcb)) == NULL) {
    printf("FATAL ERROR: could not get Queue Link in ProcessFreeResources!\n");
  // Set the pcb's status to available
  pcb->flags = PROCESS_STATUS_FREE;
  // Insert the link into the freepcbs queue
  if (AQueueInsertLast(&freepcbs, pcb->l) != QUEUE_SUCCESS) {
    printf("FATAL ERROR: could not insert PCB link into freepcbs queue in ProcessFreeResources!\n");

  // STUDENT: Free any memory resources on process death here.
  for(i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
  for(i = usrsp; i <= MEM_ADDRESS_TO_PAGE(MEM_MAX_VIRTUAL_ADDRESS); i++) {
  MemoryFreePage (pcb->sysStackArea / MEM_PAGESIZE);
  ProcessSetStatus (pcb, PROCESS_STATUS_FREE);
  dbprintf ('p', "ProcessFreeResources: function complete\n");
Esempio n. 6
// void MboxOpen(mbox_t);
// Open the mailbox for use by the current process.  Note
// that it is assumed that the internal lock/mutex handle 
// of the mailbox and the inuse flag will not be changed 
// during execution.  This allows us to get the a valid 
// lock handle without a need for synchronization.
// Returns MBOX_FAIL on failure.
// Returns MBOX_SUCCESS on success.
int MboxOpen(mbox_t handle) {
    Link *l;

    if(!&mboxs[handle]) return MBOX_FAIL;

    if ((l = AQueueAllocLink ((void *)GetCurrentPid())) == NULL) {
        printf("FATAL ERROR: could not allocate link for pid queue in Mbox Open!\n");

    if (AQueueInsertLast (&mboxs[handle].pids, l) != QUEUE_SUCCESS) {
        printf("FATAL ERROR: could not insert new link into pid queue in Mbox Open!\n");

    return MBOX_SUCCESS;
Esempio n. 7
//	ProcessFreeResources
//	Free the resources associated with a process.  This assumes the
//	process isn't currently on any queue.
void ProcessFreeResources (PCB *pcb) {
  int i = 0;
  uint32 page;

  // Allocate a new link for this pcb on the freepcbs queue
  if ((pcb->l = AQueueAllocLink(pcb)) == NULL) {
    printf("FATAL ERROR: could not get Queue Link in ProcessFreeResources!\n");
  // Set the pcb's status to available
  pcb->flags = PROCESS_STATUS_FREE;
  // Insert the link into the freepcbs queue
  if (AQueueInsertLast(&freepcbs, pcb->l) != QUEUE_SUCCESS) {
    printf("FATAL ERROR: could not insert PCB link into freepcbs queue in ProcessFreeResources!\n");

  // STUDENT: Free any memory resources on process death here.

  // TODO CHANGE FOR 2 LEVEL Free Resource
  // JSM - free all physical pages corresponding to valid page table entries in process
  for (i = 0; i < MEM_L1_PAGE_TABLE_SIZE; i++)
  	if(pcb->pagetable[i] & MEM_PTE_VALID) // For every page currently valid in page table
  		pcb->pagetable[i] &= ~(MEM_PTE_VALID);  // Invalidate page table entry
  		page = (pcb->pagetable[i]) / MEM_PAGE_SIZE;
  		dbprintf ('p', "Preparing to free physical page #%d\n", page);
  		MemoryFreePage(page); // Free page in freemap
	dbprintf ('p', "Preparing to free physical page #%d (System Stack)\n", (pcb->sysStackArea / MEM_PAGE_SIZE) );
	MemoryFreePage(pcb->sysStackArea / MEM_PAGE_SIZE); // Free page in freemap


  dbprintf ('p', "Free Resources DONE!\n\n");

  ProcessSetStatus (pcb, PROCESS_STATUS_FREE);
Esempio n. 8
//	ProcessWakeup
//	Wake up a process from its slumber.  This only involves putting
//	it on the run queue; it's not guaranteed to be the next one to
//	run.
//	NOTE: This must only be called from an interrupt or trap.  It
//	need not be followed immediately by ProcessSchedule() because
//	the currently running process is unaffected.
void ProcessWakeup (PCB *wakeup) {
  dbprintf ('p',"Waking up PID %d.\n", (int)(wakeup - pcbs));
  // Make sure it's not yet a runnable process.
  ASSERT (wakeup->flags & PROCESS_STATUS_WAITING, "Trying to wake up a non-sleeping process!\n");
  ProcessSetStatus (wakeup, PROCESS_STATUS_RUNNABLE);
  if (AQueueRemove(&(wakeup->l)) != QUEUE_SUCCESS) {
    printf("FATAL ERROR: could not remove wakeup PCB from waitQueue in ProcessWakeup!\n");
  if ((wakeup->l = AQueueAllocLink(wakeup)) == NULL) {
    printf("FATAL ERROR: could not get link for wakeup PCB in ProcessWakeup!\n");
  if (AQueueInsertLast(&runQueue, wakeup->l) != QUEUE_SUCCESS) {
    printf("FATAL ERROR: could not insert link into runQueue in ProcessWakeup!\n");
Esempio n. 9
//	ProcessSuspend
//	Place a process in suspended animation until it's
//	awakened by ProcessAwaken.
//	NOTE: This must only be called from an interrupt or trap.  It
//	should be immediately followed by ProcessSchedule().
void ProcessSuspend (PCB *suspend) {
  // Make sure it's already a runnable process.
  dbprintf ('p', "Suspending PCB 0x%x (%s).\n", (int)suspend, suspend->name);
  ASSERT (suspend->flags & PROCESS_STATUS_RUNNABLE, "Trying to suspend a non-running process!\n");
  ProcessSetStatus (suspend, PROCESS_STATUS_WAITING);
  if (AQueueRemove(&(suspend->l)) != QUEUE_SUCCESS) {
    printf("FATAL ERROR: could not remove process from run Queue in ProcessSuspend!\n");
  if ((suspend->l = AQueueAllocLink(suspend)) == NULL) {
    printf("FATAL ERROR: could not get Queue Link in ProcessSuspend!\n");
  if (AQueueInsertLast(&waitQueue, suspend->l) != QUEUE_SUCCESS) {
    printf("FATAL ERROR: could not insert suspend PCB into waitQueue!\n");
Esempio n. 10
//	ProcessSuspend
//	Place a process in suspended animation until it's
//	awakened by ProcessAwaken.
//	NOTE: This must only be called from an interrupt or trap.  It
//	should be immediately followed by ProcessSchedule().
void ProcessSuspend (PCB *suspend) {
  // Make sure it's already a runnable process.
  dbprintf ('p', "ProcessSuspend (%d): function started\n", GetCurrentPid());
  ASSERT (suspend->flags & PROCESS_STATUS_RUNNABLE, "Trying to suspend a non-running process!\n");
  ProcessSetStatus (suspend, PROCESS_STATUS_WAITING);

  if (AQueueRemove(&(suspend->l)) != QUEUE_SUCCESS) {
    printf("FATAL ERROR: could not remove process from run Queue in ProcessSuspend!\n");
  if ((suspend->l = AQueueAllocLink(suspend)) == NULL) {
    printf("FATAL ERROR: could not get Queue Link in ProcessSuspend!\n");
  if (AQueueInsertLast(&waitQueue, suspend->l) != QUEUE_SUCCESS) {
    printf("FATAL ERROR: could not insert suspend PCB into waitQueue!\n");
  dbprintf ('p', "ProcessSuspend (%d): function complete\n", GetCurrentPid());
Esempio n. 11
int AQueueModuleInit() {
  int i;
  if (AQueueInit(&freeLinks) != QUEUE_SUCCESS) {
    printf("FATAL ERROR: could not initialize freeLinks queue in AQueueModuleInit!\n");
  dbprintf ('q', "Initializing %d links.\n", QUEUE_MAX_LINKS);
  for (i = 0; i < QUEUE_MAX_LINKS; i++) {
    // Initialize link structure
    linkpool[i].next = NULL;
    linkpool[i].prev = NULL;
    linkpool[i].object = NULL;
    // Add link to freeLinks queue
    if (AQueueInsertLast(&freeLinks, &(linkpool[i])) != QUEUE_SUCCESS) {
      printf("FATAL ERROR: could not insert link into freeLinks in AQueueModuleInit!\n"); // Adds structure to global queue of free links
Esempio n. 12
//	LockHandleAcquire
//	This routine acquires a lock given its handle. The handle must be a 
//	valid handle for this routine to succeed. In that case this routine 
//	returns SYNC_FAIL. Otherwise the routine returns SYNC_SUCCESS.
//	Your implementation should be such that if a process that already owns
//	the lock calls LockHandleAcquire for that lock, it should not block.
int LockAcquire(Lock *k) {
  Link	*l;
  int		intrval;
  if (!k) return SYNC_FAIL;

  // Locks are atomic
  intrval = DisableIntrs ();
  dbprintf ('I', "LockAcquire: Old interrupt value was 0x%x.\n", intrval);

  // Check to see if the current process owns the lock
  if (k->pid == GetCurrentPid()) {
    dbprintf('s', "LockAcquire: Proc %d already owns lock %d\n", GetCurrentPid(), (int)(k-locks));
    return SYNC_SUCCESS;

  dbprintf ('s', "LockAcquire: Proc %d asking for lock %d.\n", GetCurrentPid(), (int)(k-locks));
  if (k->pid >= 0) { // Lock is already in use by another process
    dbprintf('s', "LockAcquire: putting process %d to sleep\n", GetCurrentPid());
    if ((l = AQueueAllocLink ((void *)currentPCB)) == NULL) {
      printf("FATAL ERROR: could not allocate link for lock queue in LockAcquire!\n");
    if (AQueueInsertLast (&k->waiting, l) != QUEUE_SUCCESS) {
      printf("FATAL ERROR: could not insert new link into lock waiting queue in LockAcquire!\n");
  } else {
    dbprintf('s', "LockAcquire: lock is available, assigning to proc %d\n", GetCurrentPid());
    k->pid = GetCurrentPid();
  return SYNC_SUCCESS;
Esempio n. 13
//	ProcessFreeResources
//	Free the resources associated with a process.  This assumes the
//	process isn't currently on any queue.
void ProcessFreeResources (PCB *pcb) {
  int i,j;
  uint32 entry, page;
  uint32 *p;

  // Allocate a new link for this pcb on the freepcbs queue
  if ((pcb->l = AQueueAllocLink(pcb)) == NULL) {
    printf("FATAL ERROR: could not get Queue Link in ProcessFreeResources!\n");
  // Set the pcb's status to available
  pcb->flags = PROCESS_STATUS_FREE;
  // Insert the link into the freepcbs queue
  if (AQueueInsertLast(&freepcbs, pcb->l) != QUEUE_SUCCESS) {
    printf("FATAL ERROR: could not insert PCB link into freepcbs queue in ProcessFreeResources!\n");

  // STUDENT: Free any memory resources on process death here.

  // JSM - free all physical pages corresponding to valid page table entries in process
  for (i = 0; i < MEM_L1_PAGE_TABLE_SIZE; i++)
  	if(pcb->pagetable[i] != 0) // For every page currently valid in L1 Page Table
  		dbprintf ('p', "\nFreeing L2 PT entries from L1 PT index #%d\n", i);
  		dbprintf ('p', "L1P1 index #%d Contents: %d\n", i, pcb->pagetable[i]);
  		dbprintf ('p', "Start of corresponding L2PT Block: %d\n", (uint32)(level2_pt_block));
  		entry = ((pcb->pagetable[i])-(uint32)(level2_pt_block))/(sizeof(level2_pt));
  		dbprintf ('p', "Level2_pt_block entry for L1 PT index #%d is: %d\n\n", i, entry);

  		p = (uint32 *)&level2_pt_block[entry];
  	  for (j = 0; j < MEM_L2_PAGE_TABLE_SIZE; j++)
  	  	if(*(p+j) & MEM_PTE_VALID) // For every page currently valid in page table
  	  		dbprintf ('p', "Invalidating L1_idx: %d, L2_idx:%d\n", i, j);
  	  		*(p+j) &= ~(MEM_PTE_VALID);  // Invalidate page table entry
  	  		page = (*(p+j) / MEM_PAGE_SIZE);
  	  		dbprintf ('p', "Preparing to free physical page #%d\n", page);
  	  		MemoryFreePage(page); // Free page in freemap
  	  // Invalidate L1 Page Table Entry
  	  pcb->pagetable[i] = 0;

	dbprintf ('p', "\nPreparing to free physical page #%d (System Stack)\n", (pcb->sysStackArea / MEM_PAGE_SIZE) );
	MemoryFreePage(pcb->sysStackArea / MEM_PAGE_SIZE); // Free page in freemap


  dbprintf ('M', "Free Resources DONE!\n\n");
	for(i=0; i<MEM_FREEMAP_SIZE_IN_WORDS; i++)
		dbprintf('M', "Freemap Int #%d value: 0x%.8X\n", i, freemap[i]);
	dbprintf('m', "\n");
	for(i=0; i<MEM_FREEMAP_PT_SIZE_IN_WORDS; i++)
		dbprintf('M', "freemap_pt index #%d value: 0x%.8X\n", i, pt_freemap[i]);

  ProcessSetStatus (pcb, PROCESS_STATUS_FREE);
Esempio n. 14
//	ProcessFork
//	Create a new process and make it runnable.  This involves the
//	following steps:
//	* Allocate resources for the process (PCB, memory, etc.)
//	* Initialize the resources
//	* Place the PCB on the runnable queue
//	NOTE: This code has been tested for system processes, but not
//	for user processes.
int ProcessFork (VoidFunc func, uint32 param, char *name, int isUser) {
  int i;                   // Loop index variable
  int fd, n;               // Used for reading code from files.
  int start, codeS, codeL; // Used for reading code from files.
  int dataS, dataL;        // Used for reading code from files.
  int addr = 0;            // Used for reading code from files.
  unsigned char buf[100];  // Used for reading code from files.
  uint32 *stackframe;      // Stores address of current stack frame.
  PCB *pcb;                // Holds pcb while we build it for this process.
  int intrs;               // Stores previous interrupt settings.
  uint32  initial_user_params[MAX_ARGS+2]; // Initial memory for user parameters (argc, argv)
                                           // initial_user_params[0] = argc
                                           // initial_user_params[1] = argv, points to initial_user_params[2]
                                           // initial_user_params[2] = address of string for argv[0]
                                           // initial_user_params[3] = address of string for argv[1]
                                           //                           ...
  uint32 argc=0;           // running counter for number of arguments
  uint32 offset;           // Used in parsing command line argument strings, holds offset (in bytes) from
                           // beginning of the string to the current argument.
  uint32 initial_user_params_bytes;  // total number of bytes in initial user parameters array
  int newPage;

  intrs = DisableIntrs ();
  dbprintf ('I', "Old interrupt value was 0x%x.\n", intrs);
  dbprintf ('p', "Entering ProcessFork args=0x%x 0x%x %s %d\n", (int)func,
	    param, name, isUser);
  // Get a free PCB for the new process
  if (AQueueEmpty(&freepcbs)) {
    printf ("FATAL error: no free processes!\n");
    exitsim ();	// NEVER RETURNS!
  pcb = (PCB *)AQueueObject(AQueueFirst (&freepcbs));
  dbprintf ('p', "Got a link @ 0x%x\n", (int)(pcb->l));
  if (AQueueRemove (&(pcb->l)) != QUEUE_SUCCESS) {
    printf("FATAL ERROR: could not remove link from freepcbsQueue in ProcessFork!\n");
  // This prevents someone else from grabbing this process
  ProcessSetStatus (pcb, PROCESS_STATUS_RUNNABLE);

  // At this point, the PCB is allocated and nobody else can get it.
  // However, it's not in the run queue, so it won't be run.  Thus, we
  // can turn on interrupts here.
  RestoreIntrs (intrs);

  // Copy the process name into the PCB.
  dstrcpy(pcb->name, name);

  // This section initializes the memory for this process
  // Allocate 1 page for system stack, 1 page for user stack (at top of
  // virtual address space), and 4 pages for user code and global data.
  // STUDENT: allocate pages for a new process here.  The
  // code below assumes that you set the "stackframe" variable
  // equal to the last 4-byte-aligned address in physical page
  // for the system stack.
  // Pages for code and global data and Heap
  pcb->npages = 5;
  for(i = 0; i < pcb->npages; i++) {
    newPage = MemoryAllocPage();
    if(newPage == MEM_FAIL) {
      printf ("FATAL: couldn't allocate memory - no free pages!\n");
      ProcessFreeResources (pcb);
      return PROCESS_FORK_FAIL;
    pcb->pagetable[i] = MemorySetupPte (newPage);
  // Initialize nodes in pool
  for (i = 1; i <= MEM_HEAP_MAX_NODES; i++) {
    pcb->htree_array[i].parent = NULL;
    pcb->htree_array[i].cleft = NULL;
    pcb->htree_array[i].crght = NULL;
    pcb->htree_array[i].index = i;
    pcb->htree_array[i].size = -1;
    pcb->htree_array[i].addr = -1;
    pcb->htree_array[i].inuse = 0;
    pcb->htree_array[i].order = -1;
  // Initialize Heap tree
  pcb->htree_array[1].size = MEM_PAGESIZE;
  pcb->htree_array[1].addr = 0;
  pcb->htree_array[1].order = 7;
  // user stack
  pcb->npages += 1;
  newPage = MemoryAllocPage();
  if(newPage == MEM_FAIL) {
    printf ("FATAL: couldn't allocate user stack - no free pages!\n");
    ProcessFreeResources (pcb);
  pcb->pagetable[MEM_ADDRESS_TO_PAGE(MEM_MAX_VIRTUAL_ADDRESS)] = MemorySetupPte (newPage);

  // for system stack
  newPage = MemoryAllocPage ();
  if(newPage == MEM_FAIL) {
    printf ("FATAL: couldn't allocate system stack - no free pages!\n");
    ProcessFreeResources (pcb);

  pcb->sysStackArea = newPage * MEM_PAGESIZE;
  // Stacks grow down from the top.  The current system stack pointer has
  // to be set to the bottom of the interrupt stack frame, which is at the
  // high end (address-wise) of the system stack.
  stackframe = (uint32 *)(pcb->sysStackArea + MEM_PAGESIZE - 4);
  dbprintf('p', "ProcessFork: SystemStack page=%d sysstackarea=0x%x\n", newPage, pcb->sysStackArea);

  // Now that the stack frame points at the bottom of the system stack memory area, we need to
  // move it up (decrement it) by one stack frame size because we're about to fill in the
  // initial stack frame that will be loaded for this PCB when it gets switched in by
  // ProcessSchedule the first time.

  // The system stack pointer is set to the base of the current interrupt stack frame.
  pcb->sysStackPtr = stackframe;
  // The current stack frame pointer is set to the same thing.
  pcb->currentSavedFrame = stackframe;

  dbprintf ('p', "Setting up PCB @ 0x%x (sys stack=0x%x, mem=0x%x, size=0x%x)\n",
    (int)pcb, pcb->sysStackArea, pcb->pagetable[0], pcb->npages * MEM_PAGESIZE);

  // This section sets up the stack frame for the process.  This is done
  // so that the frame looks to the interrupt handler like the process
  // was "suspended" right before it began execution.  The standard
  // mechanism of swapping in the registers and returning to the place
  // where it was "interrupted" will then work.

  // The previous stack frame pointer is set to 0, meaning there is no
  // previous frame.
  dbprintf('p', "ProcessFork: stackframe = 0x%x\n", (int)stackframe);
  stackframe[PROCESS_STACK_PREV_FRAME] = 0;

  // STUDENT: setup the PTBASE, PTBITS, and PTSIZE here on the current
  // stack frame.
  // Set the base of the level 1 page table.  If there's only one page
  // table level, this is it.  For 2-level page tables, put the address
  // of the level 1 page table here.  For 2-level page tables, we'll also
  // have to build up the necessary tables....
  stackframe[PROCESS_STACK_PTBASE] = (uint32)(&(pcb->pagetable[0]));

  // Set the size (maximum number of entries) of the level 1 page table.
  // In our case, it's just one page, but it could be larger.

  // Set the number of bits for both the level 1 and level 2 page tables.
  // This can be changed on a per-process basis if desired.  For now,
  // though, it's fixed.

  if (isUser) {
    dbprintf ('p', "About to load %s\n", name);
    fd = ProcessGetCodeInfo (name, &start, &codeS, &codeL, &dataS, &dataL);
    if (fd < 0) {
      // Free newPage and pcb so we don't run out...
      ProcessFreeResources (pcb);
      return (-1);

    dbprintf ('p', "File %s -> start=0x%08x\n", name, start);
    dbprintf ('p', "File %s -> code @ 0x%08x (size=0x%08x)\n", name, codeS,
    dbprintf ('p', "File %s -> data @ 0x%08x (size=0x%08x)\n", name, dataS,

    while ((n = ProcessGetFromFile (fd, buf, &addr, sizeof (buf))) > 0) {
      dbprintf ('i', "Placing %d bytes at vaddr %08x.\n", n, addr - n);
      // Copy the data to user memory.  Note that the user memory needs to
      // have enough space so that this copy will succeed!
      MemoryCopySystemToUser (pcb, buf, (char *)(addr - n), n);
    FsClose (fd);

    // STUDENT: setup the initial user stack pointer here as the top
    // of the process's virtual address space (4-byte aligned).
    dbprintf('p', "ProcessFork: UserStack usrsp=0x%x\n", stackframe[PROCESS_STACK_USER_STACKPOINTER]);

    // This part is setting up the initial user stack with argc and argv.

    // Copy the entire set of strings of command line parameters onto the user stack.
    // The "param" variable is a pointer to the start of a sequenial set of strings,
    // each ending with its own '\0' character.  The final "string" of the sequence
    // must be an empty string to indicate that the sequence is done.  Since we
    // can't figure out how long the set of strings actually is in this scenario,
    // we have to copy the maximum possible string length and parse things manually.
    MemoryCopySystemToUser (pcb, (char *)param, (char *)stackframe[PROCESS_STACK_USER_STACKPOINTER], SIZE_ARG_BUFF);

    // Now that the main string is copied into the user space, we need to setup
    // argv as an array of pointers into that string, and argc as the total
    // number of arguments found in the string.  The first call to get_argument
    // should return 0 as the offset of the first string.
    offset = get_argument((char *)param);

    // Compute the addresses in user space of where each string for the command line arguments
    // begins.  These addresses make up the argv array.
    for(argc=0; argc < MAX_ARGS; argc++) {
      // The "+2" is because initial_user_params[0] is argc, and initial_user_params[1] is argv.
      // The address can be found as the current stack pointer (which points to the start of
      // the params list) plus the byte offset of the parameter from the beginning of
      // the list of parameters.
      initial_user_params[argc+2] = stackframe[PROCESS_STACK_USER_STACKPOINTER] + offset;
      offset = get_argument(NULL);
      if (offset == 0) {
        initial_user_params[argc+2+1] = 0; // last entry should be a null value
    // argc is currently the index of the last command line argument.  We need it to instead
    // be the number of command line arguments, so we increment it by 1.

    // Now argc can be stored properly
    initial_user_params[0] = argc;

    // Compute where initial_user_params[3] will be copied in user space as the
    // base of the array of string addresses.  The entire initial_user_params array
    // of uint32's will be copied onto the stack.  We'll move the stack pointer by
    // the necessary amount, then start copying the array.  Therefore, initial_user_params[3]
    // will reside at the current stack pointer value minus the number of command line
    // arguments (argc).
    initial_user_params[1] = stackframe[PROCESS_STACK_USER_STACKPOINTER] - (argc*sizeof(uint32));

    // Now copy the actual memory.  Remember that stacks grow down from the top of memory, so
    // we need to move the stack pointer first, then do the copy.  The "+2", as before, is
    // because initial_user_params[0] is argc, and initial_user_params[1] is argv.
    initial_user_params_bytes = (argc + 2) * sizeof(uint32);

    stackframe[PROCESS_STACK_USER_STACKPOINTER] -= initial_user_params_bytes;
    MemoryCopySystemToUser (pcb, (char *)initial_user_params, (char *)(stackframe[PROCESS_STACK_USER_STACKPOINTER]), initial_user_params_bytes);

    // Set the correct address at which to execute a user process.
    stackframe[PROCESS_STACK_IAR] = (uint32)start;

    // Flag this as a user process
    pcb->flags |= PROCESS_TYPE_USER;
  } else {
    // Don't worry about messing with any code here for kernel processes because
    // there aren't any kernel processes in DLXOS.

    // Set r31 to ProcessExit().  This will only be called for a system
    // process; user processes do an exit() trap.
    stackframe[PROCESS_STACK_IREG+31] = (uint32)ProcessExit;

    // Set the stack register to the base of the system stack.
    //stackframe[PROCESS_STACK_IREG+29]=pcb->sysStackArea + MEM_PAGESIZE;

    // Set the initial parameter properly by placing it on the stack frame
    // at the location pointed to by the "saved" stack pointer (r29).
    *((uint32 *)(stackframe[PROCESS_STACK_IREG+29])) = param;

    // Set up the initial address at which to execute.  This is done by
    // placing the address into the IAR slot of the stack frame.
    stackframe[PROCESS_STACK_IAR] = (uint32)func;

    // Set the initial value for the interrupt status register

    // Mark this as a system process.
    pcb->flags |= PROCESS_TYPE_SYSTEM;

  // Place the PCB onto the run queue.
  intrs = DisableIntrs ();
  if ((pcb->l = AQueueAllocLink(pcb)) == NULL) {
    printf("FATAL ERROR: could not get link for forked PCB in ProcessFork!\n");
  if (AQueueInsertLast(&runQueue, pcb->l) != QUEUE_SUCCESS) {
    printf("FATAL ERROR: could not insert link into runQueue in ProcessFork!\n");
  RestoreIntrs (intrs);

  // If this is the first process, make it the current one
  if (currentPCB == NULL) {
    dbprintf ('p', "Setting currentPCB=0x%x, stackframe=0x%x\n",
	      (int)pcb, (int)(pcb->currentSavedFrame));
    currentPCB = pcb;

  dbprintf ('p', "Leaving ProcessFork (%s)\n", name);
  // Return the process number (found by subtracting the PCB number
  // from the base of the PCB array).
  return (pcb - pcbs);
Esempio n. 15
int ProcessRealFork (PCB* ppcb) {
  PCB *cpcb;                // Holds pcb while we build it for this process.
  int intrs;               // Stores previous interrupt settings.
  int newPage;
  int i;
  uint32 *stackframe;

  intrs = DisableIntrs ();
  dbprintf ('I', "Old interrupt value was 0x%x.\n", intrs);
  dbprintf ('p', "Entering ProcessRealFork ppcb=%d\n", GetPidFromAddress(ppcb));
  // Get a free PCB for the new process
  if (AQueueEmpty(&freepcbs)) {
    printf ("FATAL error: no free processes!\n");
    exitsim (); // NEVER RETURNS!
  cpcb = (PCB *)AQueueObject(AQueueFirst (&freepcbs));
  dbprintf ('p', "Got a link @ 0x%x\n", (int)(cpcb->l));
  if (AQueueRemove (&(cpcb->l)) != QUEUE_SUCCESS) {
    printf("FATAL ERROR: could not remove link from freepcbsQueue in ProcessFork!\n");
  // This prevents someone else from grabbing this process
  ProcessSetStatus (cpcb, PROCESS_STATUS_RUNNABLE);
  // cpcb shares code and global data with ppcb
  for(i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
    ppcb->pagetable[i] |= MEM_PTE_READONLY;
  // user stack is also shared at first

  // copy parent pcb to child pcb
  bcopy((char *)ppcb, (char *)cpcb, sizeof(PCB));
  // At this point, the PCB is allocated and nobody else can get it.
  // However, it's not in the run queue, so it won't be run.  Thus, we
  // can turn on interrupts here.
  RestoreIntrs (intrs);

  // for system stack
  newPage = MemoryAllocPage ();
  if(newPage == MEM_FAIL) {
    printf ("FATAL: couldn't allocate system stack - no free pages!\n");
    ProcessFreeResources (cpcb);
  cpcb->sysStackArea = newPage * MEM_PAGESIZE;
  // copy system stack from ppcb to cpcb
  bcopy((char *)(ppcb->sysStackArea), (char *)(cpcb->sysStackArea), MEM_PAGESIZE);
  dbprintf('p', "ProcessRealFork: SystemStack page=%d sysstackarea=0x%x\n", newPage, cpcb->sysStackArea);
  // printf("ProcessRealFork: parent_sysstackarea=0x%x child_sysstackarea=0x%x\n", ppcb->sysStackArea, cpcb->sysStackArea);

  // Stacks grow down from the top.  The current system stack pointer has
  // to be set to the bottom of the interrupt stack frame, which is at the
  // high end (address-wise) of the system stack.
  stackframe = (uint32 *)(cpcb->sysStackArea + MEM_PAGESIZE - 4);

  // Now that the stack frame points at the bottom of the system stack memory area, we need to
  // move it up (decrement it) by one stack frame size because we're about to fill in the
  // initial stack frame that will be loaded for this PCB when it gets switched in by
  // ProcessSchedule the first time.

  // The system stack pointer is set to the base of the current interrupt stack frame.
  cpcb->sysStackPtr = stackframe;
  // The current stack frame pointer is set to the same thing.
  cpcb->currentSavedFrame = stackframe;

  dbprintf ('p', "Setting up PCB @ 0x%x (sys stack=0x%x, mem=0x%x, size=0x%x)\n",
    (int)cpcb, cpcb->sysStackArea, cpcb->pagetable[0], cpcb->npages * MEM_PAGESIZE);

  // STUDENT: setup the PTBASE, PTBITS, and PTSIZE here on the current
  // stack frame.
  // Set the base of the level 1 page table.  If there's only one page
  // table level, this is it.  For 2-level page tables, put the address
  // of the level 1 page table here.  For 2-level page tables, we'll also
  // have to build up the necessary tables....
  stackframe[PROCESS_STACK_PTBASE] = (uint32)(&(cpcb->pagetable[0]));

  // Place the PCB onto the run queue.
  intrs = DisableIntrs ();
  if ((cpcb->l = AQueueAllocLink(cpcb)) == NULL) {
    printf("FATAL ERROR: could not get link for forked PCB in ProcessFork!\n");
  if (AQueueInsertLast(&runQueue, cpcb->l) != QUEUE_SUCCESS) {
    printf("FATAL ERROR: could not insert link into runQueue in ProcessFork!\n");
  RestoreIntrs (intrs);
  ProcessSetResult(cpcb, 0);
  ProcessSetResult(ppcb, GetPidFromAddress(cpcb));
  printf("\nIn ProcessRealFork:\n");
  printf("----- Page table of parent process PID:%d -----\n", GetPidFromAddress(ppcb));
  printf("\n----- Page table of child process PID: %d -----\n", GetPidFromAddress(cpcb));

  dbprintf ('p', "Leaving ProcessRealFork cpcbid=%d\n", GetPidFromAddress(cpcb));
Esempio n. 16
// int MboxSend(mbox_t handle,int length, void* message);
// Send a message (pointed to by "message") of length
// "length" bytes to the specified mailbox.  Messages of
// length 0 are allowed.  The call 
// blocks when there is not enough space in the mailbox.
// Messages cannot be longer than MBOX_MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH.
// Note that the calling process must have opened the 
// mailbox via MboxOpen.
// Returns MBOX_FAIL on failure.
// Returns MBOX_SUCCESS on success.
int MboxSend(mbox_t handle, int length, void* message) {
    int i;
    int qlen;
    Link *l;
    int exists = 0;
    //check if mailbox is real
    if(!&mboxs[handle]) return MBOX_FAIL;

    //check if pid opened this mailbox
    if(!AQueueEmpty(&mboxs[handle].pids ) ){
        qlen = AQueueLength(&mboxs[handle].pids); 
        l = AQueueFirst(&mboxs[handle].pids);

        for(i=0; i < qlen; i++){
            if((int)AQueueObject(l) == GetCurrentPid()){
                exists = 1; 

            l = AQueueNext(l);
       //actuall checks if pid exists 
        if(exists == 0){
            return MBOX_FAIL;

        //check if message longer than max length
        if(length > MBOX_MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH) {
            return MBOX_FAIL;
        //check for space in mailbox 

        if((SemHandleWait(mboxs[handle].s_msg_empty)) == SYNC_FAIL ){
            printf("bad sem handle wait in mbox send\n");

        if(LockHandleAcquire(mboxs[handle].l) != SYNC_SUCCESS){
            printf("FATAL ERROR: could not get lock in Mbox send!\n");

        for(i=0; i<MBOX_NUM_BUFFERS; i++){
            if(mbox_messages[i].inuse == 0){
                mbox_messages[i].inuse = 1;

        //creating mbox_message structure
        dstrncpy(mbox_messages[i].message, (char *) message, length);
        mbox_messages[i].length = length;

        if ((l = AQueueAllocLink(&mbox_messages[i])) == NULL) {
            printf("FATAL ERROR: could not allocate link for pid queue in Mbox Open!\n");

        //add message to end of queue
        AQueueInsertLast(&mboxs[handle].messages, l);

        if(LockHandleRelease(mboxs[handle].l) != SYNC_SUCCESS){
            printf("FATAL ERROR: could not release lock in Mbox send!\n");

        if(SemHandleSignal(mboxs[handle].s_msg_full) == SYNC_FAIL){
            printf("bad sem handle signal in mbox send\n");

        return MBOX_FAIL;

    return MBOX_SUCCESS;

Esempio n. 17
// int MboxSend(mbox_t handle,int length, void* message);
// Send a message (pointed to by "message") of length
// "length" bytes to the specified mailbox.  Messages of
// length 0 are allowed.  The call 
// blocks when there is not enough space in the mailbox.
// Messages cannot be longer than MBOX_MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH.
// Note that the calling process must have opened the 
// mailbox via MboxOpen.
// Returns MBOX_FAIL on failure.
// Returns MBOX_SUCCESS on success.
int MboxSend(mbox_t handle, int length, void* message) {

	int intrs;
	int wasEmpty = 0;
	Link * mbuffer_link;

	if(MailBox[handle].inuse == 0)
		printf("Currently passed mailbox handle : %d by calling process : %d is unallocated\n", handle, GetCurrentPid());
		return MBOX_FAIL;

	if(MailBox[handle].procs_link[GetCurrentPid()] == false)
		printf("Mailbox : %d not already opened by calling proces :%d\n", handle, GetCurrentPid());
		return MBOX_FAIL;

	intrs = DisableIntrs();


	while(AQueueLength(&MailBox[handle].buffers) == MBOX_MAX_BUFFERS_PER_MBOX || used_buffers == MBOX_NUM_BUFFERS)

	//printf("Buffer size of queue before inserting messager by : %d is : %d\n", GetCurrentPid(), AQueueLength(&MailBox[handle].buffers));

	if(AQueueLength(&MailBox[handle].buffers) == 0)
		wasEmpty = 1;

	if(AQueueLength(&MailBox[handle].buffers) != MBOX_MAX_BUFFERS_PER_MBOX)
			printf("Messge passed by user process : %d larger than accepted message length (Messge length sent - %d)", GetCurrentPid(), length);
			return MBOX_FAIL;
		bcopy(message, Messg_Buffers[used_buffers++].message, 8); 
		Messg_Buffers[used_buffers - 1].size = length;

		//printf("Original Message : %s Copied  : %s in : %d\n", (char *)message, (char *)(Messg_Buffers[used_buffers - 1].message), handle);

		if((mbuffer_link = AQueueAllocLink(&Messg_Buffers[used_buffers - 1])) == QUEUE_FAIL)
			printf("FATAL Error : Link object could not be created for message buffer : %d in process : %d",used_buffers - 1, GetCurrentPid());

		if(AQueueInsertLast(&MailBox[handle].buffers, mbuffer_link) != QUEUE_SUCCESS)
			printf("FATAL Error : Link object could not be created for message buffer : %d in process : %d",used_buffers - 1, GetCurrentPid());

	//printf("Message inserted by process : %d using buffer : %d with current count : %d\n", GetCurrentPid(), buffer_no, AQueueLength(&MailBox[handle].buffers));




  return MBOX_SUCCESS;
Esempio n. 18
//	ProcessFork
//	Create a new process and make it runnable.  This involves the
//	following steps:
//	* Allocate resources for the process (PCB, memory, etc.)
//	* Initialize the resources
//	* Place the PCB on the runnable queue
//	NOTE: This code has been tested for system processes, but not
//	for user processes.
int ProcessFork (VoidFunc func, uint32 param, char *name, int isUser) {
  int i,j;                   // Loop index variable
  int fd, n;               // Used for reading code from files.
  int start, codeS, codeL; // Used for reading code from files.
  int dataS, dataL;        // Used for reading code from files.
  int addr = 0;            // Used for reading code from files.
  unsigned char buf[100];  // Used for reading code from files.
  uint32 *stackframe;      // Stores address of current stack frame.
  PCB *pcb;                // Holds pcb while we build it for this process.
  int intrs;               // Stores previous interrupt settings.
  uint32  initial_user_params[MAX_ARGS+2]; // Initial memory for user parameters (argc, argv)
                                           // initial_user_params[0] = argc
                                           // initial_user_params[1] = argv, points to initial_user_params[2]
                                           // initial_user_params[2] = address of string for argv[0]
                                           // initial_user_params[3] = address of string for argv[1]
                                           //                           ...
  uint32 argc=0;           // running counter for number of arguments
  uint32 offset;           // Used in parsing command line argument strings, holds offset (in bytes) from 
                           // beginning of the string to the current argument.
  uint32 initial_user_params_bytes;  // total number of bytes in initial user parameters array

  int newpage;
  int index;
  int *p;

  intrs = DisableIntrs ();
  dbprintf ('I', "ProcessFork-Old interrupt value was 0x%x.\n", intrs);
  dbprintf ('p', "ProcessFork-Entering ProcessFork args=0x%x 0x%x %s %d\n", (int)func,
	    param, name, isUser);
  // Get a free PCB for the new process
  if (AQueueEmpty(&freepcbs)) {
    printf ("ProcessFork-FATAL error: no free processes!\n");
    exitsim ();	// NEVER RETURNS!
  pcb = (PCB *)AQueueObject(AQueueFirst (&freepcbs));
  dbprintf ('p', "ProcessFork-Got a link @ 0x%x\n", (int)(pcb->l));
  if (AQueueRemove (&(pcb->l)) != QUEUE_SUCCESS) {
    printf("ProcessFork-FATAL ERROR: could not remove link from freepcbsQueue in ProcessFork!\n");
  // This prevents someone else from grabbing this process
  ProcessSetStatus (pcb, PROCESS_STATUS_RUNNABLE);

  // At this point, the PCB is allocated and nobody else can get it.
  // However, it's not in the run queue, so it won't be run.  Thus, we
  // can turn on interrupts here.
  RestoreIntrs (intrs);

  // Copy the process name into the PCB.
  dstrcpy(pcb->name, name);

  // This section initializes the memory for this process
  // Allocate 1 page for system stack, 1 page for user stack (at top of
  // virtual address space), and 4 pages for user code and global data.

  // STUDENT: allocate pages for a new process here.  The
  // code below assumes that you set the "stackframe" variable
  // equal to the last 4-byte-aligned address in physical page
  // for the system stack.

  // JSM, allocate 6 physical pages for new process

  // First, get L2 Page Table for index 0 of L1 Page Table
  index = MemoryAllocateL2PT();
	if (index == -1)
		printf ("ProcessFork-FATAL: couldn't allocate L2 Page Table for index 0 of L1 Page Table - no free page tables!\n");
		exitsim ();	// NEVER RETURNS!
  // Assign L1 entry to address of start of L2 Page Table
	pcb->pagetable[0] = (uint32)&level2_pt_block[index];

	p = (uint32 *)pcb->pagetable[0];//L2

  // Allocate 4 pages for code and data
  for(i = 0; i < 4; i++)
		newpage = MemoryAllocatePage();
		if (newpage == 0)
			printf ("ProcessFork-FATAL: couldn't allocate memory - no free pages!\n");
			exitsim ();	// NEVER RETURNS!
		dbprintf('p', "ProcessFork-Allocating physical page #%d (Address 0x%.8X) for process virtual page #%d (data/code)\n", newpage, (newpage*MEM_PAGE_SIZE), i);

		*(p+i) = ((newpage*MEM_PAGE_SIZE) | MEM_PTE_VALID);
		dbprintf('p', "Contents at 0x%.8X: 0x%.8X\n\n", (int)(p+i), *(p+i));
	//YF ADDED allocate page for heap
  // First, initialize the heapfree map
  for (j=0; j<MEM_MAX_HEAP_FREEMAP; j++){
  	pcb->HeapFreeMap[j] = 0;
  for (j =0; j<MEM_MAX_HEAP_POINTER_ARRAY; j++){
  	pcb->HeapPtrSizes[j] = 0;

  index = MemoryAllocateL2PT();
	if (index == -1)
		printf ("ProcessFork-FATAL: couldn't allocate L2 Page Table for index 0 of L1 Page Table - no free page tables!\n");
		exitsim ();	// NEVER RETURNS!
  // Assign L1 entry to address of start of L2 Page Table
	pcb->pagetable[0] = (uint32)&level2_pt_block[index];
	p = (uint32 *)pcb->pagetable[0];

	newpage = MemoryAllocatePage();
	if (newpage == 0)
		printf ("ProcessFork-FATAL: couldn't allocate memory - no free pages!\n");
		exitsim ();	// NEVER RETURNS!
	dbprintf('p', "ProcessFork-Allocating physical page #%d (Address 0x%.8X) for process virtual page #%d (Heap Allocation)\n", newpage, (newpage*MEM_PAGE_SIZE), i);
	//address for catch in Memory translate. UserHeap Address =0x4000 =
	*(p+i) = ((newpage*MEM_PAGE_SIZE) | MEM_PTE_VALID | MEM_PTE_HEAP); //TODO ProcessFork: marked as a heap.
	pcb->userHeapArea = (uint32 *)(newpage*MEM_PAGE_SIZE);
	dbprintf('p', "Heap area is at physical address:0x%.8X   L2 Address: 0x%.8X\n", (int)(newpage*MEM_PAGE_SIZE), *(p+i));
	dbprintf('p', "Contents at 0x%.8X: 0x%.8X\n\n", (int)(p+i), *(p+i));
	//Done with Heap allocation

  // Allocate page for user stack
  // First, get L2 Page Table for index 15 of L1 Page Table
  index = MemoryAllocateL2PT();
	if (index == -1)
		printf ("ProcessFork-FATAL: couldn't allocate L2 Page Table for index 0 of L1 Page Table - no free page tables!\n");
		exitsim ();	// NEVER RETURNS!
  // Assign L1 entry to address of start of L2 Page Table
	pcb->pagetable[MEM_L1_PAGE_TABLE_SIZE-1] = (uint32)&level2_pt_block[index];
	p = (uint32 *)pcb->pagetable[MEM_L1_PAGE_TABLE_SIZE-1];

	newpage = MemoryAllocatePage();
	if (newpage == 0)
		printf ("ProcessFork-FATAL: couldn't allocate memory - no free pages!\n");
		exitsim ();	// NEVER RETURNS!
	dbprintf('p', "ProcessFork-Allocating physical page #%d (Address 0x%.8X) for process virtual page #%d (user stack)\n\n", newpage, (newpage*MEM_PAGE_SIZE), (MEM_L1_PAGE_TABLE_SIZE*MEM_L2_PAGE_TABLE_SIZE)-1);

	dbprintf('p', "Contents at 0x%.8X: 0x%.8X\n\n", (int)(p+(MEM_L2_PAGE_TABLE_SIZE-1)), *(p+(MEM_L2_PAGE_TABLE_SIZE-1)));

  // Allocate page for system stack
	newpage = MemoryAllocatePage();
	if (newpage == 0)
		printf ("ProcessFork-FATAL: couldn't allocate memory - no free pages!\n");
		exitsim ();	// NEVER RETURNS!
	dbprintf('p', "ProcessFork-Allocating physical page #%d (Address 0x%.8X) for process system stack\n\n", newpage, (newpage*MEM_PAGE_SIZE));
	pcb->sysStackArea = newpage * MEM_PAGE_SIZE;
	stackframe = (uint32 *)(pcb->sysStackArea + (MEM_PAGE_SIZE-4));
	dbprintf('p', "ProcessFork-Initializing system stack pointer to 0x%.8X\n\n", (uint32)stackframe);


  // Now that the stack frame points at the bottom of the system stack memory area, we need to
  // move it up (decrement it) by one stack frame size because we're about to fill in the
  // initial stack frame that will be loaded for this PCB when it gets switched in by 
  // ProcessSchedule the first time.

  // The system stack pointer is set to the base of the current interrupt stack frame.
  pcb->sysStackPtr = stackframe;
  // The current stack frame pointer is set to the same thing.
  pcb->currentSavedFrame = stackframe;

  // This section sets up the stack frame for the process.  This is done
  // so that the frame looks to the interrupt handler like the process
  // was "suspended" right before it began execution.  The standard
  // mechanism of swapping in the registers and returning to the place
  // where it was "interrupted" will then work.

  // The previous stack frame pointer is set to 0, meaning there is no
  // previous frame.
  dbprintf('m', "ProcessFork-ProcessFork: stackframe = 0x%x\n", (int)stackframe);
  stackframe[PROCESS_STACK_PREV_FRAME] = 0;

  // STUDENT: setup the PTBASE, PTBITS, and PTSIZE here on the current
  // stack frame.

  // JSM added PTBASE, PTBITS, and PTSIZE on stack frame
  stackframe[PROCESS_STACK_PTBASE] = (uint32)&(pcb->pagetable[0]);
  dbprintf('p', "ProcessFork-PTBASE: 0x%.8X\n\n", (uint32)&(pcb->pagetable[0]));
  dbprintf('p', "ProcessFork-PTSIZE: 0x%.8X\n\n", MEM_L1_PAGE_TABLE_SIZE);
  dbprintf('p', "ProcessFork-PTBITS: 0x%.8X\n\n", (MEM_L2FIELD_FIRST_BITNUM << 16) | MEM_L1FIELD_FIRST_BITNUM);


  if (isUser) {//user prog .dlx.obj
    dbprintf ('p', "ProcessFork-About to load %s\n", name);
    fd = ProcessGetCodeInfo (name, &start, &codeS, &codeL, &dataS, &dataL);
    if (fd < 0) {
      // Free newpage and pcb so we don't run out...
      ProcessFreeResources (pcb);
      return (-1);

    dbprintf ('p', "ProcessFork-File %s -> start=0x%08x\n", name, start);
    dbprintf ('p', "ProcessFork-File %s -> code @ 0x%08x (size=0x%08x)\n", name, codeS,
    dbprintf ('p', "ProcessFork-File %s -> data @ 0x%08x (size=0x%08x)\n", name, dataS,

    while ((n = ProcessGetFromFile (fd, buf, &addr, sizeof (buf))) > 0) {
      dbprintf ('p', "ProcessFork-Placing %d bytes at vaddr %08x.\n", n, addr - n);
      // Copy the data to user memory.  Note that the user memory needs to
      // have enough space so that this copy will succeed!
      MemoryCopySystemToUser (pcb, buf, (char *)(addr - n), n);
    FsClose (fd);

    // STUDENT: setup the initial user stack pointer here as the top
    // of the process's virtual address space (4-byte aligned).

    // JSM initialized user stack pointer
    dbprintf('p', "ProcessFork-USER_STACKPOINTER: 0x%.8X\n\n", stackframe[PROCESS_STACK_USER_STACKPOINTER]);

    // This part is setting up the initial user stack with argc and argv.

    // Copy the entire set of strings of command line parameters onto the user stack.
    // The "param" variable is a pointer to the start of a sequenial set of strings,
    // each ending with its own '\0' character.  The final "string" of the sequence
    // must be an empty string to indicate that the sequence is done.  Since we
    // can't figure out how long the set of strings actually is in this scenario,
    // we have to copy the maximum possible string length and parse things manually.
    MemoryCopySystemToUser (pcb, (char *)param, (char *)stackframe[PROCESS_STACK_USER_STACKPOINTER], SIZE_ARG_BUFF);

    // Now that the main string is copied into the user space, we need to setup
    // argv as an array of pointers into that string, and argc as the total
    // number of arguments found in the string.  The first call to get_argument
    // should return 0 as the offset of the first string.
    offset = get_argument((char *)param);
    // Compute the addresses in user space of where each string for the command line arguments
    // begins.  These addresses make up the argv array.
    for(argc=0; argc < MAX_ARGS; argc++) {
      // The "+2" is because initial_user_params[0] is argc, and initial_user_params[1] is argv.
      // The address can be found as the current stack pointer (which points to the start of
      // the params list) plus the byte offset of the parameter from the beginning of
      // the list of parameters.
      initial_user_params[argc+2] = stackframe[PROCESS_STACK_USER_STACKPOINTER] + offset;
      offset = get_argument(NULL);
      if (offset == 0) {
        initial_user_params[argc+2+1] = 0; // last entry should be a null value
    // argc is currently the index of the last command line argument.  We need it to instead
    // be the number of command line arguments, so we increment it by 1.

    // Now argc can be stored properly
    initial_user_params[0] = argc;

    // Compute where initial_user_params[3] will be copied in user space as the 
    // base of the array of string addresses.  The entire initial_user_params array
    // of uint32's will be copied onto the stack.  We'll move the stack pointer by
    // the necessary amount, then start copying the array.  Therefore, initial_user_params[3]
    // will reside at the current stack pointer value minus the number of command line
    // arguments (argc).
    initial_user_params[1] = stackframe[PROCESS_STACK_USER_STACKPOINTER] - (argc*sizeof(uint32));

    // Now copy the actual memory.  Remember that stacks grow down from the top of memory, so 
    // we need to move the stack pointer first, then do the copy.  The "+2", as before, is 
    // because initial_user_params[0] is argc, and initial_user_params[1] is argv.
    initial_user_params_bytes = (argc + 2) * sizeof(uint32);

    stackframe[PROCESS_STACK_USER_STACKPOINTER] -= initial_user_params_bytes;
    MemoryCopySystemToUser (pcb, (char *)initial_user_params, (char *)(stackframe[PROCESS_STACK_USER_STACKPOINTER]), initial_user_params_bytes);

    // Set the correct address at which to execute a user process.
    stackframe[PROCESS_STACK_IAR] = (uint32)start;

    // Flag this as a user process
    pcb->flags |= PROCESS_TYPE_USER;
  } else {
    // Don't worry about messing with any code here for kernel processes because
    // there aren't any kernel processes in DLXOS.

    // Set r31 to ProcessExit().  This will only be called for a system
    // process; user processes do an exit() trap.
    stackframe[PROCESS_STACK_IREG+31] = (uint32)ProcessExit;

    // Set the stack register to the base of the system stack.
    //stackframe[PROCESS_STACK_IREG+29]=pcb->sysStackArea + MEM_PAGESIZE;

    // Set the initial parameter properly by placing it on the stack frame
    // at the location pointed to by the "saved" stack pointer (r29).
    *((uint32 *)(stackframe[PROCESS_STACK_IREG+29])) = param;

    // Set up the initial address at which to execute.  This is done by
    // placing the address into the IAR slot of the stack frame.
    stackframe[PROCESS_STACK_IAR] = (uint32)func;

    // Set the initial value for the interrupt status register

    // Mark this as a system process.
    pcb->flags |= PROCESS_TYPE_SYSTEM;

  // Place the PCB onto the run queue.
  intrs = DisableIntrs ();
  if ((pcb->l = AQueueAllocLink(pcb)) == NULL) {
    printf("FATAL ERROR: could not get link for forked PCB in ProcessFork!\n");
  if (AQueueInsertLast(&runQueue, pcb->l) != QUEUE_SUCCESS) {
    printf("FATAL ERROR: could not insert link into runQueue in ProcessFork!\n");
  RestoreIntrs (intrs);

  // If this is the first process, make it the current one
  if (currentPCB == NULL) {
    dbprintf ('p', "Setting currentPCB=0x%x, stackframe=0x%x\n",
	      (int)pcb, (int)(pcb->currentSavedFrame));
    currentPCB = pcb;

  dbprintf ('p', "Leaving ProcessFork (%s)\n", name);
  // Return the process number (found by subtracting the PCB number
  // from the base of the PCB array).
  return (pcb - pcbs);
Esempio n. 19
//	ProcessFork
//	Create a new process and make it runnable.  This involves the
//	following steps:
//	* Allocate resources for the process (PCB, memory, etc.)
//	* Initialize the resources
//	* Place the PCB on the runnable queue
//	NOTE: This code has been tested for system processes, but not
//	for user processes.
int ProcessFork (VoidFunc func, uint32 param, char *name, int isUser) {
  int		fd, n;
  int		start, codeS, codeL, dataS, dataL;
  uint32	*stackframe;
  int		newPage;
  PCB		*pcb;
  int	addr = 0;
  int		intrs;
  unsigned char buf[100];
  uint32 dum[MAX_ARGS+8], count, offset;
  char *str;

  dbprintf ('p', "ProcessFork (%d): function started\n", GetCurrentPid());
  intrs = DisableIntrs ();
  dbprintf ('I', "Old interrupt value was 0x%x.\n", intrs);
  dbprintf ('p', "Entering ProcessFork args=0x%x 0x%x %s %d\n", (int)func,
	    param, name, isUser);
  // Get a free PCB for the new process
  if (AQueueEmpty(&freepcbs)) {
    printf ("FATAL error: no free processes!\n");
    GracefulExit ();	// NEVER RETURNS!
  pcb = (PCB *)AQueueObject(AQueueFirst (&freepcbs));
  dbprintf ('p', "Got a link @ 0x%x\n", (int)(pcb->l));
  if (AQueueRemove (&(pcb->l)) != QUEUE_SUCCESS) {
    printf("FATAL ERROR: could not remove link from freepcbsQueue in ProcessFork!\n");
  // This prevents someone else from grabbing this process
  ProcessSetStatus (pcb, PROCESS_STATUS_RUNNABLE);

  // At this point, the PCB is allocated and nobody else can get it.
  // However, it's not in the run queue, so it won't be run.  Thus, we
  // can turn on interrupts here.
  dbprintf ('I', "Before restore interrupt value is 0x%x.\n", (int)CurrentIntrs());
  RestoreIntrs (intrs);
  dbprintf ('I', "New interrupt value is 0x%x.\n", (int)CurrentIntrs());

  // Copy the process name into the PCB.
  dbprintf('p', "ProcessFork: Copying process name (%s) to pcb\n", name);
  dstrcpy(pcb->name, name);

  // This section initializes the memory for this process
  // For now, we'll use one user page and a page for the system stack.
  // For system processes, though, all pages must be contiguous.
  // Of course, system processes probably need just a single page for
  // their stack, and don't need any code or data pages allocated for them.
  pcb->npages = 1;
  newPage = MemoryAllocPage ();
  if (newPage == 0) {
    printf ("aFATAL: couldn't allocate memory - no free pages!\n");
    GracefulExit ();	// NEVER RETURNS!
  pcb->pagetable[0] = MemorySetupPte (newPage);
  newPage = MemoryAllocPage ();
  if (newPage == 0) {
    printf ("bFATAL: couldn't allocate system stack - no free pages!\n");
    GracefulExit ();	// NEVER RETURNS!
  pcb->sysStackArea = newPage * MEMORY_PAGE_SIZE;

  // Stacks grow down from the top.  The current system stack pointer has
  // to be set to the bottom of the interrupt stack frame, which is at the
  // high end (address-wise) of the system stack.
  stackframe = ((uint32 *)(pcb->sysStackArea + MEMORY_PAGE_SIZE)) -
  // The system stack pointer is set to the base of the current interrupt
  // stack frame.
  pcb->sysStackPtr = stackframe;
  // The current stack frame pointer is set to the same thing.
  pcb->currentSavedFrame = stackframe;

  dbprintf ('p',
	    "Setting up PCB @ 0x%x (sys stack=0x%x, mem=0x%x, size=0x%x)\n",
	    (int)pcb, pcb->sysStackArea, pcb->pagetable[0],
	    pcb->npages * MEMORY_PAGE_SIZE);

  // This section sets up the stack frame for the process.  This is done
  // so that the frame looks to the interrupt handler like the process
  // was "suspended" right before it began execution.  The standard
  // mechanism of swapping in the registers and returning to the place
  // where it was "interrupted" will then work.

  // The previous stack frame pointer is set to 0, meaning there is no
  // previous frame.
  stackframe[PROCESS_STACK_PREV_FRAME] = 0;

  // Set the base of the level 1 page table.  If there's only one page
  // table level, this is it.  For 2-level page tables, put the address
  // of the level 1 page table here.  For 2-level page tables, we'll also
  // have to build up the necessary tables....
  stackframe[PROCESS_STACK_PTBASE] = (uint32)&(pcb->pagetable[0]);

  // Set the size (maximum number of entries) of the level 1 page table.
  // In our case, it's just one page, but it could be larger.
  stackframe[PROCESS_STACK_PTSIZE] = pcb->npages;

  // Set the number of bits for both the level 1 and level 2 page tables.
  // This can be changed on a per-process basis if desired.  For now,
  // though, it's fixed.
					  + (MEMORY_L2_PAGE_SIZE_BITS << 16));

  if (isUser) {
    dbprintf ('p', "About to load %s\n", name);
    fd = ProcessGetCodeInfo (name, &start, &codeS, &codeL, &dataS, &dataL);
    if (fd < 0) {
      // Free newpage and pcb so we don't run out...
      ProcessFreeResources (pcb);
      return (-1);
    dbprintf ('p', "File %s -> start=0x%08x\n", name, start);
    dbprintf ('p', "File %s -> code @ 0x%08x (size=0x%08x)\n", name, codeS,
    dbprintf ('p', "File %s -> data @ 0x%08x (size=0x%08x)\n", name, dataS,
    while ((n = ProcessGetFromFile (fd, buf, &addr, sizeof (buf))) > 0) {
      dbprintf ('p', "Placing %d bytes at vaddr %08x.\n", n, addr - n);
      // Copy the data to user memory.  Note that the user memory needs to
      // have enough space so that this copy will succeed!
      MemoryCopySystemToUser (pcb, buf, addr - n, n);
    FsClose (fd);
    // Set the initial stack pointer correctly.  Currently, it's just set
    // to the top of the (single) user address space allocated to this
    // process.
    str = (char *)param;
    // Copy the initial parameter to the top of stack
    MemoryCopySystemToUser (pcb, (char *)str,
			    (char *)stackframe[PROCESS_STACK_IREG+29],
    offset = get_argument((char *)param);

    dum[2] = MEMORY_PAGE_SIZE - SIZE_ARG_BUFF + offset; 
      dum[count] = MEMORY_PAGE_SIZE - SIZE_ARG_BUFF + offset;
    dum[0] = count-2;
    dum[1] = MEMORY_PAGE_SIZE - SIZE_ARG_BUFF - (count-2)*4;
    MemoryCopySystemToUser (pcb, (char *)dum,
			    (char *)(stackframe[PROCESS_STACK_IREG+29]-count*4),
    stackframe[PROCESS_STACK_IREG+29] -= 4*count;
    // Set the correct address at which to execute a user process.
    stackframe[PROCESS_STACK_IAR] = (uint32)start;
    pcb->flags |= PROCESS_TYPE_USER;
  } else {
    // Set r31 to ProcessExit().  This will only be called for a system
    // process; user processes do an exit() trap.
    stackframe[PROCESS_STACK_IREG+31] = (uint32)ProcessExit;

    // Set the stack register to the base of the system stack.
    stackframe[PROCESS_STACK_IREG+29]=pcb->sysStackArea + MEMORY_PAGE_SIZE-32;

    // Set the initial parameter properly by placing it on the stack frame
    // at the location pointed to by the "saved" stack pointer (r29).
    *((uint32 *)(stackframe[PROCESS_STACK_IREG+29])) = param;

    // Set up the initial address at which to execute.  This is done by
    // placing the address into the IAR slot of the stack frame.
    stackframe[PROCESS_STACK_IAR] = (uint32)func;

    // Set the initial value for the interrupt status register

    // Mark this as a system process.
    pcb->flags |= PROCESS_TYPE_SYSTEM;

  // Place PCB onto run queue
  intrs = DisableIntrs ();
  if ((pcb->l = AQueueAllocLink(pcb)) == NULL) {
    printf("FATAL ERROR: could not get link for forked PCB in ProcessFork!\n");
  if (AQueueInsertLast(&runQueue, pcb->l) != QUEUE_SUCCESS) {
    printf("FATAL ERROR: could not insert link into runQueue in ProcessFork!\n");
  RestoreIntrs (intrs);

  // If this is the first process, make it the current one
  if (currentPCB == NULL) {
    dbprintf ('p', "Setting currentPCB=0x%x, stackframe=0x%x\n", (int)pcb, (int)(pcb->currentSavedFrame));
    currentPCB = pcb;

  dbprintf ('p', "Leaving ProcessFork (%s)\n", name);
  // Return the process number (found by subtracting the PCB number
  // from the base of the PCB array).
  dbprintf ('p', "ProcessFork (%d): function complete\n", GetCurrentPid());

  return (pcb - pcbs);