Esempio n. 1
// Defines a new package.
Package * package_new(VirtualMachine *vm) {
	// Increment the size of the packages array
	uint32_t index = vm->packages_count++;
	ARRAY_REALLOC(vm->packages, Package);

	// Initialise the package
	Package *package = &vm->packages[index];
	package->name = NULL;
	ARRAY_INIT(package->functions, Function *, 4);
	return package;
Esempio n. 2
// Defines a new function and associates it with the given
// package, or with the global namespace if `package` is
// NULL.
Function * fn_new(VirtualMachine *vm, Package *package, uint16_t *index) {
	// Increment the size of the functions array
	uint32_t fn_index = vm->functions_count++;
	ARRAY_REALLOC(vm->functions, Function);

	// Set the index
	if (index != NULL) {
		*index = fn_index;

	// Initialise the function
	Function *fn = &vm->functions[fn_index];
	fn->name = NULL;
	fn->length = 0;
	fn->package = NULL;

	// Add the function to the package's function list
	uint32_t package_index = package->functions_count++;
	ARRAY_REALLOC(package->functions, Function *);
	package->functions[package_index] = fn;

	return fn;
Esempio n. 3
static int ighmm_hlist_prop_forward (ghmm_dmodel * mo, hypoList * h, hypoList ** hplus,
				     int labels, int *nr_s, int *max_out) {
#define CUR_PROC "ighmm_hlist_prop_forward"
  int i, j, c, k;
  int i_id, j_id, g_nr;
  int no_oldHyps = 0, newHyps = 0;
  hypoList *hP = h;
  hypoList **created;

  ARRAY_MALLOC (created, labels);

  /* extend the all hypotheses with the labels of out_states
     of all states in the hypotesis */
  while (hP != NULL) {

    /* lookup table for labels, created[i]!=0 iff the current hypotheses
       was propagated forward with label i */
    for (c = 0; c < labels; c++)
      created[c] = NULL;

    /* extend the current hypothesis and add all states which may have
       probability greater null */
    for (i = 0; i < hP->gamma_states; i++) {
      /* skip impossible states */
      if (hP->gamma_a[i] == 1.0)
      i_id = hP->gamma_id[i];
      for (j = 0; j < mo->s[i_id].out_states; j++) {
        j_id = mo->s[i_id].out_id[j];
        c = mo->label[j_id];

        /* create a new hypothesis with label c */
        if (!created[c]) {
          ighmm_hlist_insert (hplus, c, hP);
          created[c] = *hplus;
          /* initiallize gamma-array with safe size (number of states */
          ARRAY_MALLOC ((*hplus)->gamma_id, m_min (nr_s[c], hP->gamma_states * max_out[hP->hyp_c]));
          (*hplus)->gamma_id[0] = j_id;
          (*hplus)->gamma_states = 1;
        /* add a new gamma state to the existing hypothesis with c */
        else {
          g_nr = created[c]->gamma_states;
          /* search for state j_id in the gamma list */
          for (k = 0; k < g_nr; k++)
            if (j_id == created[c]->gamma_id[k])
          /* add the state to the gamma list */
          if (k == g_nr) {
            created[c]->gamma_id[g_nr] = j_id;
            created[c]->gamma_states = g_nr + 1;
    /* reallocating gamma-array to the correct size */
    for (c = 0; c < labels; c++) {
      if (created[c]) {
        ARRAY_CALLOC (created[c]->gamma_a, created[c]->gamma_states);
        ARRAY_REALLOC (created[c]->gamma_id, created[c]->gamma_states);
        created[c] = NULL;
    hP = hP->next;

  /* printf("Created %d new Hypotheses.\n", newHyps); */
  free (created);
  return (no_oldHyps);
STOP:     /* Label STOP from ARRAY_[CM]ALLOC */
  GHMM_LOG(LCONVERTED, "ighmm_hlist_prop_forward failed\n");
  exit (1);
#undef CUR_PROC
Esempio n. 4
int *ghmm_dmodel_label_kbest (ghmm_dmodel * mo, int *o_seq, int seq_len, int k, double *log_p)
#define CUR_PROC "ghmm_dl_kbest"
  int i, t, c, l, m;            /* counters */
  int no_oldHyps;               /* number of hypotheses until position t-1 */
  int b_index, i_id;            /* index for addressing states' b arrays */
  int no_labels = 0;
  int exists, g_nr;
  int *states_wlabel;
  int *label_max_out;
  char *str;

  /* logarithmized transition matrix A, log(a(i,j)) => log_a[i*N+j],
     1.0 for zero probability */
  double **log_a;

  /* matrix of hypotheses, holds for every position in the sequence a list
     of hypotheses */
  hypoList **h;
  hypoList *hP;

  /* vectors for rows in the matrices */
  int *hypothesis;

  /* pointer & prob. of the k most probable hypotheses for each state
     - matrices of dimensions #states x k:  argm(i,l) => argmaxs[i*k+l] */
  double *maxima;
  hypoList **argmaxs;

  /* pointer to & probability of most probable hypothesis in a certain state */
  hypoList *argmax;
  double sum;

  /* break if sequence empty or k<1: */
  if (seq_len <= 0 || k <= 0)
    return NULL;

  ARRAY_CALLOC (h, seq_len);

  /* 1. Initialization (extend empty hypothesis to #labels hypotheses of
         length 1): */

  /* get number of labels (= maximum label + 1)
     and number of states with those labels */
  ARRAY_CALLOC (states_wlabel, mo->N);
  ARRAY_CALLOC (label_max_out, mo->N);
  for (i = 0; i < mo->N; i++) {
    c = mo->label[i];
    if (c > no_labels)
      no_labels = c;
    if (mo->s[i].out_states > label_max_out[c])
      label_max_out[c] = mo->s[i].out_states;
  /* add one to the maximum label to get the number of labels */
  ARRAY_REALLOC (states_wlabel, no_labels);
  ARRAY_REALLOC (label_max_out, no_labels);

  /* initialize h: */
  hP = h[0];
  for (i = 0; i < mo->N; i++) {
    if (mo->s[i].pi > KBEST_EPS) {
      /* printf("Found State %d with initial probability %f\n", i, mo->s[i].pi); */
      exists = 0;
      while (hP != NULL) {
        if (hP->hyp_c == mo->label[i]) {
          /* add entry to the gamma list */
          g_nr = hP->gamma_states;
          hP->gamma_id[g_nr] = i;
          hP->gamma_a[g_nr] =
            log (mo->s[i].pi) +
            log (mo->s[i].b[get_emission_index (mo, i, o_seq[0], 0)]);
          hP->gamma_states = g_nr + 1;
          exists = 1;
          hP = hP->next;
      if (!exists) {
        ighmm_hlist_insert (&(h[0]), mo->label[i], NULL);
        /* initiallize gamma-array with safe size (number of states) and add the first entry */
        ARRAY_MALLOC (h[0]->gamma_a, states_wlabel[mo->label[i]]);
        ARRAY_MALLOC (h[0]->gamma_id, states_wlabel[mo->label[i]]);
        h[0]->gamma_id[0] = i;
        h[0]->gamma_a[0] =
          log (mo->s[i].pi) +
          log (mo->s[i].b[get_emission_index (mo, i, o_seq[0], 0)]);
        h[0]->gamma_states = 1;
        h[0]->chosen = 1;
      hP = h[0];
  /* reallocating the gamma list to the real size */
  hP = h[0];
  while (hP != NULL) {
    ARRAY_REALLOC (hP->gamma_a, hP->gamma_states);
    ARRAY_REALLOC (hP->gamma_id, hP->gamma_states);
    hP = hP->next;

  /* calculate transition matrix with logarithmic values: */
  log_a = kbest_buildLogMatrix (mo->s, mo->N);

  /* initialize temporary arrays: */
  ARRAY_MALLOC (maxima, mo->N * k);                             /* for each state save k */
  ARRAY_MALLOC (argmaxs, mo->N * k);

  /*------ Main loop: Cycle through the sequence: ------*/
  for (t = 1; t < seq_len; t++) {

    /* put o_seq[t-1] in emission history: */
    update_emission_history (mo, o_seq[t - 1]);

    /* 2. Propagate hypotheses forward and update gamma: */
    no_oldHyps =
      ighmm_hlist_prop_forward (mo, h[t - 1], &(h[t]), no_labels, states_wlabel,
    /* printf("t = %d (%d), no of old hypotheses = %d\n", t, seq_len, no_oldHyps); */

    /*-- calculate new gamma: --*/
    hP = h[t];
    /* cycle through list of hypotheses */
    while (hP != NULL) {

      for (i = 0; i < hP->gamma_states; i++) {
        /* if hypothesis hP ends with label of state i:
           gamma(i,c):= log(sum(exp(a(j,i)*exp(oldgamma(j,old_c)))))
           + log(b[i](o_seq[t]))
           else: gamma(i,c):= -INF (represented by 1.0) */
        i_id = hP->gamma_id[i];
        hP->gamma_a[i] = ighmm_log_gamma_sum (log_a[i_id], &mo->s[i_id], hP->parent);
        b_index = get_emission_index (mo, i_id, o_seq[t], t);
        if (b_index < 0) {
          hP->gamma_a[i] = 1.0;
          if (mo->order[i_id] > t)
          else {
            str = ighmm_mprintf (NULL, 0,
                           "i_id: %d, o_seq[%d]=%d\ninvalid emission index!\n",
                           i_id, t, o_seq[t]);
            GHMM_LOG(LCONVERTED, str);
            m_free (str);
          hP->gamma_a[i] += log (mo->s[i_id].b[b_index]);
        /*printf("%g = %g\n", log(mo->s[i_id].b[b_index]), hP->gamma_a[i]); */
        if (hP->gamma_a[i] > 0.0) {
          GHMM_LOG(LCONVERTED, "gamma to large. ghmm_dl_kbest failed\n");
          exit (1);
      hP = hP->next;

    /* 3. Choose the k most probable hypotheses for each state and discard all
	   hypotheses that were not chosen: */

    /* initialize temporary arrays: */
    for (i = 0; i < mo->N * k; i++) {
      maxima[i] = 1.0;
      argmaxs[i] = NULL;

    /* cycle through hypotheses & calculate the k most probable hypotheses for
       each state: */
    hP = h[t];
    while (hP != NULL) {
      for (i = 0; i < hP->gamma_states; i++) {
        i_id = hP->gamma_id[i];
        if (hP->gamma_a[i] > KBEST_EPS)
        /* find first best hypothesis that is worse than current hypothesis: */
        for (l = 0;
             l < k && maxima[i_id * k + l] < KBEST_EPS
             && maxima[i_id * k + l] > hP->gamma_a[i]; l++);
        if (l < k) {
          /* for each m>l: m'th best hypothesis becomes (m+1)'th best */
          for (m = k - 1; m > l; m--) {
            argmaxs[i_id * k + m] = argmaxs[i_id * k + m - 1];
            maxima[i_id * k + m] = maxima[i_id * k + m - 1];
          /* save new l'th best hypothesis: */
          maxima[i_id * k + l] = hP->gamma_a[i];
          argmaxs[i_id * k + l] = hP;
      hP = hP->next;

    /* set 'chosen' for all hypotheses from argmaxs array: */
    for (i = 0; i < mo->N * k; i++)
      /* only choose hypotheses whose prob. is at least threshold*max_prob */
      if (maxima[i] != 1.0
          && maxima[i] >= KBEST_THRESHOLD + maxima[(i % mo->N) * k])
        argmaxs[i]->chosen = 1;

    /* remove hypotheses that were not chosen from the lists: */
    /* remove all hypotheses till the first chosen one */
    while (h[t] != NULL && 0 == h[t]->chosen)
      ighmm_hlist_remove (&(h[t]));
    /* remove all other not chosen hypotheses */
    if (!h[t]) {
      GHMM_LOG(LCONVERTED, "No chosen hypothesis. ghmm_dl_kbest failed\n");
      exit (1);
    hP = h[t];
    while (hP->next != NULL) {
      if (1 == hP->next->chosen)
        hP = hP->next;
        ighmm_hlist_remove (&(hP->next));
  /* dispose of temporary arrays: */
  /* transition matrix is no longer needed from here on */
  for (i=0; i<mo->N; i++)

  /* 4. Save the hypothesis with the highest probability over all states: */
  hP = h[seq_len - 1];
  argmax = NULL;
  *log_p = 1.0;                 /* log_p will store log of maximum summed probability */
  while (hP != NULL) {
    /* sum probabilities for each hypothesis over all states: */
    sum = ighmm_cvector_log_sum (hP->gamma_a, hP->gamma_states);
    /* and select maximum sum */
    if (sum < KBEST_EPS && (*log_p == 1.0 || sum > *log_p)) {
      *log_p = sum;
      argmax = hP;
    hP = hP->next;

  /* found a valid path? */
  if (*log_p < KBEST_EPS) {
    /* yes: extract chosen hypothesis: */
    ARRAY_MALLOC (hypothesis, seq_len);
    for (i = seq_len - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
      hypothesis[i] = argmax->hyp_c;
      argmax = argmax->parent;
    /* no: return 1.0 representing -INF and an empty hypothesis */
    hypothesis = NULL;

  /* dispose of calculation matrices: */
  hP = h[seq_len - 1];
  while (hP != NULL)
    ighmm_hlist_remove (&hP);
  free (h);
  return hypothesis;
STOP:     /* Label STOP from ARRAY_[CM]ALLOC */
  GHMM_LOG(LCONVERTED, "ghmm_dl_kbest failed\n");
  exit (1);
#undef CUR_PROC