Esempio n. 1
void AZ_ifpack_solve(double x[], double b[], int options[], double params[],
              int indx[], int bindx[], int rpntr[], int cpntr[], int bpntr[],
              double val[], int data_org[], double status[], int proc_config[])
  AZ_MATRIX *Amat;

   Amat    = AZ_matrix_create(data_org[AZ_N_internal]+data_org[AZ_N_border]);

   options[AZ_output] = 1;
   if (data_org[AZ_matrix_type] == AZ_MSR_MATRIX) 
      AZ_set_MSR(Amat, bindx, val, data_org, 0, NULL, AZ_LOCAL);
   else if (data_org[AZ_matrix_type] == AZ_VBR_MATRIX)
      AZ_set_VBR(Amat, rpntr, cpntr, bpntr, indx, bindx, val,
                 data_org, 0, NULL, AZ_LOCAL);
   else {
      fprintf(stderr,"Unknown matrix type (%d)\n",data_org[AZ_matrix_type]);
      fprintf(stderr,"Matrix-free is now available via AZ_iterate()\n");

  AZ_ifpack_iterate(x, b, options, params, status, proc_config, Amat);


Esempio n. 2
void init_guess_and_rhs(int update_index[], int update[], double *x[],double
                        *ax[],int data_org[], double val[], int indx[], int
                        bindx[], int rpntr[], int cpntr[], int bpntr[], int

 * Set the initial guess and the right hand side where the right hand side
 * is obtained by doing a matrix-vector multiplication.
 * Author: Ray Tuminaro, Div 1422, SNL
 * Date :  3/15/95
 * Parameters
 *    update_index   ==      On input, ordering of update and external
 *                           locally on this processor. For example
 *                           'update_index[i]' gives the index location
 *                           of the block which has the global index
 *                           'update[i]'.
 *    update         ==      On input, list of pts to be updated on this node
 *    data_org       ==      On input, indicates how data is set on this node.
 *                           For example, data_org[] contains information on
 *                           how many unknowns are internal, external and
 *                           border unknowns as well as which points need
 *                           to be communicated. See User's Guide for more
 *                           details.
 *    val, indx,     ==      On input, holds matrix nonzeros. See User's Guide
 *    bindx, rpntr,          for more details.
 *    cpntr, bpntr
 *    x              ==      On output, 'x' is allocated and set to all zeros.
 *    ax             ==      On output, 'ax' is allocated and is set to the
 *                           result of a matrix-vector product.


  int i,j;
  int temp,num;
  double sum = 0.0;
  AZ_MATRIX *Amat;

  temp = data_org[AZ_N_int_blk]  + data_org[AZ_N_bord_blk];
  num  = data_org[AZ_N_internal] + data_org[AZ_N_border];

  /* allocate vectors */

  i       = num + data_org[AZ_N_external];
  *x      = (double *) AZ_allocate((i+1)*sizeof(double));
  *ax     = (double *) AZ_allocate((i+1)*sizeof(double));
  if (*ax == NULL) {
    (void) fprintf(stderr, "Not enough space in init_guess_and_rhs() for ax\n");
  for (j = 0 ; j < i ; j++ ) (*x)[j] = 0.0;
  for (j = 0 ; j < i ; j++ ) (*ax)[j] = 0.0;

  /* initialize 'x' to a function which will be used in matrix-vector product */

  if (data_org[AZ_matrix_type] == AZ_VBR_MATRIX) {
    for (i = 0; i < temp; i++) {
      for (j = rpntr[i]; j < rpntr[i+1]; j++) {
        (*x)[j] = (double) (update[i]) + (double)(j-rpntr[i]) /
  else {
    for (i = 0; i < temp; i++) {
      (*x)[i] = (double) (update[i]) / (double) (num_PDE_eqns);

  /* Reorder 'x' so that it conforms to the transformed matrix */

  if (application == 2) {

    /* take out the constant vector. Used for the */
    /* finite element problem because it is singular */

    sum = AZ_gsum_double(sum, proc_config);
    i   = AZ_gsum_int(num, proc_config);
    if (i != 0) sum = sum / ((double) i);
    for (i = 0; i < num; i++) (*x)[i] -= sum;
  Amat = AZ_matrix_create(num);

  if (data_org[AZ_matrix_type] == AZ_MSR_MATRIX)
     AZ_set_MSR(Amat, bindx, val, data_org, 0, NULL, AZ_LOCAL);
  else if (data_org[AZ_matrix_type] == AZ_VBR_MATRIX)
     AZ_set_VBR(Amat, rpntr,cpntr, bpntr, indx,bindx, val, data_org, 0, NULL,AZ_LOCAL);

  Amat->matvec(*x, *ax, Amat, proc_config);
  AZ_matrix_destroy( &Amat );

  for (i = 0; i < num; i++) (*x)[i] = 0.0;

} /* init_guess_and_rhs */
Esempio n. 3
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  char  global[]="global";
  char  local[]="local";

  int    proc_config[AZ_PROC_SIZE];/* Processor information.                */
  int    options[AZ_OPTIONS_SIZE]; /* Array used to select solver options.  */
  double params[AZ_PARAMS_SIZE];   /* User selected solver paramters.       */
  int    *data_org;
                                   /* Array to specify data layout          */
  double status[AZ_STATUS_SIZE];   /* Information returned from AZ_solve(). */
  int    *update;                  /* vector elements updated on this node. */
  int    *external;
                                   /* vector elements needed by this node.  */
  int    *update_index;
                                   /* ordering of update[] and external[]   */
  int    *extern_index;
                                   /* locally on this processor.            */
  int    *indx;   /* MSR format of real and imag parts */
  int    *bindx;
  int    *bpntr;
  int    *rpntr;
  int    *cpntr;
  AZ_MATRIX *Amat;
  double *val;
  double *x, *b, *xexact, *xsolve;
  int    n_nonzeros, n_blk_nonzeros;
  int    N_update;           /* # of block unknowns updated on this node    */
  int    N_local;
                                 /* Number scalar equations on this node */
  int    N_global, N_blk_global; /* Total number of equations */
  int    N_external, N_blk_eqns;

  double *val_msr;
  int *bindx_msr;
  double norm, d ;

  int matrix_type;

  int has_global_indices, option;
  int i, j, m, mp ;
  int ione = 1;

  double * xnull; /* will contain difference of given exact solution and computed solution*/
  double * Axnull; /* Product of A time xnull */
  double norm_Axnull;

#ifdef AZTEC_MPI
  double MPI_Wtime(void) ;
  double time ;
#ifdef AZTEC_MPI

  /* get number of processors and the name of this processor */
#ifdef AZTEC_MPI

  printf("proc %d of %d is alive\n",
	 proc_config[AZ_node],proc_config[AZ_N_procs]) ;

#ifdef AZTEC_MPI

  if(argc != 3) 
    perror("error: enter name of data and partition file on command line") ; 
  if(argc != 2) perror("error: enter name of data file on command line") ; 
  /* Set exact solution to NULL */
  xexact = NULL;

  /* Read matrix file and distribute among processors.  
     Returns with this processor's set of rows */ 

  read_hb(argv[1], proc_config, &N_global, &n_nonzeros, 
	  &val_msr,  &bindx_msr, &x, &b, &xexact);
  create_vbr(argv[2], proc_config, &N_global, &N_blk_global,
	     &n_nonzeros, &n_blk_nonzeros, &N_update, &update,
	     bindx_msr, val_msr, &val, &indx, 
	     &rpntr, &cpntr, &bpntr, &bindx);

  if(proc_config[AZ_node] == 0) 
      free ((void *) val_msr);
      free ((void *) bindx_msr);
      free ((void *) cpntr);
    matrix_type = AZ_VBR_MATRIX;

#ifdef AZTEC_MPI

  distrib_vbr_matrix( proc_config, N_global, N_blk_global, 
		      &n_nonzeros, &n_blk_nonzeros,
		      &N_update, &update, 
		      &val, &indx, &rpntr, &cpntr, &bpntr, &bindx, 
		      &x, &b, &xexact);

    read_hb(argv[1], proc_config, &N_global, &n_nonzeros,
             &val,  &bindx, &x, &b, &xexact);

#ifdef AZTEC_MPI

  distrib_msr_matrix(proc_config, N_global, &n_nonzeros, &N_update,
		  &update, &val, &bindx, &x, &b, &xexact);

#ifdef DEBUG
  for (i = 0; i<N_update; i++)
    if (val[i] == 0.0 ) printf("Zero diagonal at row %d\n",i);
    matrix_type = AZ_MSR_MATRIX;
  /* convert matrix to a local distributed matrix */
    cpntr = NULL;
  AZ_transform(proc_config, &external, bindx, val, update,
	       &update_index, &extern_index, &data_org, 
	       N_update, indx, bpntr, rpntr, &cpntr,

  printf("Processor %d: Completed AZ_transform\n",proc_config[AZ_node]) ;
      has_global_indices = 0;
      option = AZ_LOCAL;

  N_local = rpntr[N_update];
  N_local = N_update;

  Amat = AZ_matrix_create(N_local);

  AZ_set_VBR(Amat, rpntr, cpntr, bpntr, indx, bindx, val, data_org,
          N_update, update, option);
  AZ_set_MSR(Amat, bindx, val, data_org, N_update, update, option);

  printf("proc %d Completed AZ_create_matrix\n",proc_config[AZ_node]) ;

#ifdef AZTEC_MPI

  /* initialize AZTEC options */
  AZ_defaults(options, params);
  options[AZ_solver]  = AZ_gmres;
  options[AZ_precond] = AZ_sym_GS; 
  options[AZ_poly_ord] = 1;
  options[AZ_graph_fill] = 1;
  params[AZ_rthresh] = 0.0E-7;
  params[AZ_athresh] = 0.0E-7;
  options[AZ_overlap] = 1;
  params[AZ_ilut_fill] = 2.0;
  params[AZ_drop] = 0.01;
  options[AZ_overlap] = 0;
  options[AZ_reorder] = 0;
  params[AZ_rthresh] = 1.0E-1;
  params[AZ_athresh] = 1.0E-1;
  options[AZ_precond] = AZ_dom_decomp ;
  options[AZ_subdomain_solve] = AZ_bilu_ifp;
  options[AZ_reorder] = 0;
  options[AZ_graph_fill] = 0;
  params[AZ_rthresh] = 1.0E-7;
  params[AZ_athresh] = 1.0E-7;
 options[AZ_poly_ord] = 1;
 options[AZ_precond] = AZ_Jacobi;
  params[AZ_omega] = 1.0;
  options[AZ_precond] = AZ_none ;

  options[AZ_poly_ord] = 1;
  options[AZ_precond] = AZ_Jacobi ;
  options[AZ_scaling] = AZ_sym_row_sum ;
  options[AZ_scaling] = AZ_sym_diag;

  options[AZ_conv] = AZ_noscaled;
  options[AZ_scaling] = AZ_Jacobi ;

  options[AZ_precond] = AZ_dom_decomp ;
  options[AZ_subdomain_solve] = AZ_icc ;
  options[AZ_subdomain_solve] = AZ_ilut ;
  params[AZ_omega] = 1.2;
  params[AZ_ilut_fill] = 2.0;
  params[AZ_drop] = 0.01;
  options[AZ_reorder] = 0;
  options[AZ_overlap] = 0;
  options[AZ_type_overlap] = AZ_symmetric;

  options[AZ_precond] = AZ_dom_decomp ;
  options[AZ_subdomain_solve] = AZ_bilu ;
  options[AZ_graph_fill] = 0;
  options[AZ_overlap] = 0;

  options[AZ_precond] = AZ_dom_decomp ;
  options[AZ_subdomain_solve] = AZ_bilu_ifp ;
  options[AZ_graph_fill] = 0;
  options[AZ_overlap] = 0;
  params[AZ_rthresh] = 1.0E-3;
  params[AZ_athresh] = 1.0E-3;

 options[AZ_poly_ord] = 1;
 options[AZ_precond] = AZ_Jacobi ; */

  options[AZ_kspace] = 600 ;

  options[AZ_max_iter] = 600 ;
  params[AZ_tol] = 1.0e-14;

#ifdef BGMRES
  options[AZ_gmres_blocksize] = 3;
  options[AZ_gmres_num_rhs] = 1;

#ifdef DEBUG
  if (proc_config[AZ_N_procs]==1)
    write_vec("rhs.dat", N_local, b);

  /* xsolve is a little longer vector needed to account for external 
     entries.  Make it and copy x (initial guess) into it. 

  if (has_global_indices)
      N_external = 0;
      N_external = data_org[AZ_N_external];

  xsolve  = (double *) calloc(N_local + N_external, 
			   sizeof(double)) ;

  for (i=0; i<N_local; i++) xsolve[i] = x[i];

  /* Reorder rhs and xsolve to match matrix ordering from AZ_transform */
  if (!has_global_indices)
      AZ_reorder_vec(b, data_org, update_index, rpntr) ;
      AZ_reorder_vec(xsolve, data_org, update_index, rpntr) ;

  AZ_check_vbr(N_update, data_org[AZ_N_ext_blk], AZ_LOCAL, 
	       bindx, bpntr, cpntr, rpntr, proc_config);
  AZ_check_msr(bindx, N_update, N_external, AZ_LOCAL, proc_config);

  printf("Processor %d of %d N_local = %d N_external = %d NNZ = %d\n",

  /* solve the system of equations using b  as the right hand side */

  Prec = AZ_precond_create(Amat,AZ_precondition, NULL);

  AZ_iterate(xsolve, b, options, params, status, proc_config,
	     Amat, Prec, NULL);
  /*AZ_ifpack_iterate(xsolve, b, options, params, status, proc_config,

  if (proc_config[AZ_node]==0)
      printf("True residual norm = %22.16g\n",status[AZ_r]);
      printf("True scaled res    = %22.16g\n",status[AZ_scaled_r]);
      printf("Computed res norm  = %22.16g\n",status[AZ_rec_r]);


   xnull  = (double *) calloc(N_local + N_external, sizeof(double)) ;
   Axnull  = (double *) calloc(N_local + N_external, sizeof(double)) ;
   for (i=0; i<N_local; i++) xnull[i] = xexact[i];
   if (!has_global_indices)  AZ_reorder_vec(xnull, data_org, update_index, rpntr);
   for (i=0; i<N_local; i++) xnull[i] -= xsolve[i]; /* fill with nullerence */
   Amat->matvec(xnull, Axnull, Amat, proc_config);

   norm_Axnull = AZ_gvector_norm(N_local, 2, Axnull, proc_config);

   if (proc_config[AZ_node]==0) printf("Norm of A(xexact-xsolve) = %12.4g\n",norm_Axnull);
   free((void *) xnull);
   free((void *) Axnull);

  /* Get solution back into original ordering */
   if (!has_global_indices) {
     AZ_invorder_vec(xsolve, data_org, update_index, rpntr, x);
     free((void *) xsolve);
  else {
    free((void *) x);
    x = xsolve;

#ifdef DEBUG
  if (proc_config[AZ_N_procs]==1)
      write_vec("solution.dat", N_local, x);
  if (xexact != NULL)
      double sum = 0.0;
      double largest = 0.0;
      for (i=0; i<N_local; i++) sum += fabs(x[i]-xexact[i]);
 printf("Processor %d:  Difference between exact and computed solution = %12.4g\n",
      for (i=0; i<N_local; i++) largest = AZ_MAX(largest,fabs(xexact[i]));
 printf("Processor %d:  Difference divided by max abs value of exact   = %12.4g\n",


  free((void *) val);
  free((void *) bindx);
  free((void *) rpntr);
  free((void *) bpntr);
  free((void *) indx);
  free((void *) b);
  free((void *) x);
  if (xexact!=NULL) free((void *) xexact);

  AZ_free((void *) update);
  AZ_free((void *) update_index);
  AZ_free((void *) external); 
  AZ_free((void *) extern_index);
  AZ_free((void *) data_org);
  if (cpntr!=NULL) AZ_free((void *) cpntr);

#ifdef AZTEC_MPI
  MPI_Finalize() ;

/* end main
return 0 ;
Esempio n. 4
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	int num_PDE_eqns=5, N_levels=3;
    /* int nsmooth=1; */

	int    leng, level, N_grid_pts, coarsest_level;

  /* See Aztec User's Guide for more information on the */
  /* variables that follow.                             */

  int    proc_config[AZ_PROC_SIZE], options[AZ_OPTIONS_SIZE];
  double params[AZ_PARAMS_SIZE], status[AZ_STATUS_SIZE];

  /* data structure for matrix corresponding to the fine grid */

  int    *data_org = NULL, *update = NULL, *external = NULL;
  int    *update_index = NULL, *extern_index = NULL;
  int    *cpntr = NULL;
  int    *bindx = NULL, N_update, iii;
  double *val = NULL;
	double *xxx, *rhs;

	ML *ml;
	FILE *fp;
  int ch,i;
   struct AZ_SCALING *scaling;
double solve_time, setup_time, start_time;
ML_Aggregate *ag;
int *ivec;
ML_Operator *B, *C, *D;
int *vbr_cnptr, *vbr_rnptr, *vbr_indx, *vbr_bindx, *vbr_bnptr, total_blk_rows;
int total_blk_cols, blk_space, nz_space;
double *vbr_val;
struct ML_CSR_MSRdata *csr_data;

#ifdef ML_MPI

  /* get number of processors and the name of this processor */

  AZ_set_proc_config(proc_config, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
  AZ_set_proc_config(proc_config, AZ_NOT_MPI);

#ifdef binary
	if (fp==NULL)
			printf("couldn't open file .data\n");
#ifdef binary
        fread(&leng, sizeof(int), 1, fp);



  /* initialize the list of global indices. NOTE: the list of global */
  /* indices must be in ascending order so that subsequent calls to  */
  /* AZ_find_index() will function properly. */

  AZ_read_update(&N_update, &update, proc_config, N_grid_pts, num_PDE_eqns,

  AZ_read_msr_matrix(update, &val, &bindx, N_update, proc_config);

  /* This code is to fix things up so that we are sure we have */
  /* all block (including the ghost nodes the same size.       */

  AZ_block_MSR(&bindx, &val, N_update, num_PDE_eqns, update);

  AZ_transform(proc_config, &external, bindx, val,  update, &update_index,
	       &extern_index, &data_org, N_update, 0, 0, 0, &cpntr,

  Amat = AZ_matrix_create( leng );


  AZ_set_MSR(Amat, bindx, val, data_org, 0, NULL, AZ_LOCAL);

  Amat->matrix_type  = data_org[AZ_matrix_type];

  data_org[AZ_N_rows]  = data_org[AZ_N_internal] + data_org[AZ_N_border];


total_blk_rows = N_update/num_PDE_eqns;
total_blk_cols = total_blk_rows;
blk_space      = total_blk_rows*20;
nz_space       = blk_space*num_PDE_eqns*num_PDE_eqns;

vbr_cnptr = (int    *) ML_allocate(sizeof(int   )*(total_blk_cols+1));
vbr_rnptr = (int    *) ML_allocate(sizeof(int   )*(total_blk_cols+1));
vbr_bnptr = (int    *) ML_allocate(sizeof(int   )*(total_blk_cols+2));
vbr_indx  = (int    *) ML_allocate(sizeof(int   )*(blk_space+1));
vbr_bindx = (int    *) ML_allocate(sizeof(int   )*(blk_space+1));
vbr_val   = (double *) ML_allocate(sizeof(double)*(nz_space+1));

for (i = 0; i <= total_blk_cols; i++) vbr_cnptr[i] = num_PDE_eqns;

  AZ_msr2vbr(vbr_val, vbr_indx, vbr_rnptr,  vbr_cnptr, vbr_bnptr,
                vbr_bindx, bindx, val,
                total_blk_rows, total_blk_cols, blk_space,
                nz_space, -1);

  data_org[AZ_N_rows]  = data_org[AZ_N_internal] + data_org[AZ_N_border];
  data_org[AZ_N_int_blk]  = data_org[AZ_N_internal]/num_PDE_eqns;
  data_org[AZ_N_bord_blk] = data_org[AZ_N_bord_blk]/num_PDE_eqns;
  data_org[AZ_N_ext_blk]  = data_org[AZ_N_ext_blk]/num_PDE_eqns;
  data_org[AZ_matrix_type] = AZ_VBR_MATRIX;

  AZ_set_VBR(Amat, vbr_rnptr, vbr_cnptr, vbr_bnptr, vbr_indx, vbr_bindx,
             vbr_val, data_org, 0, NULL, AZ_LOCAL);

  Amat->matrix_type  = data_org[AZ_matrix_type];

  start_time = AZ_second();

  ML_Create(&ml, N_levels);

  /* set up discretization matrix and matrix vector function */

  AZ_ML_Set_Amat(ml, N_levels-1, N_update, N_update, Amat, proc_config);

  ML_Aggregate_Create( &ag );
   To run SA:
     a) set damping factor to 1 and use power method
        ML_Aggregate_Set_DampingFactor(ag, 4./3.);
   To run NSA:
     a) set damping factor to 0
        ML_Aggregate_Set_DampingFactor(ag, 0.);
   To run NSR
     a) set damping factor to 1 and use power method
        ML_Aggregate_Set_DampingFactor(ag, 1.);
        ag->Restriction_smoothagg_transpose = ML_FALSE;
     b) hack code so it calls the energy minimizing restriction
          line 2973 of ml_agg_genP.c
     c) turn on the NSR flag in ml_agg_energy_min.cpp
   To run Emin
     a) set min_eneryg = 2 and keep_agg_info = 1;
      ag->cheap_minimizing_energy = 0;
      ag->block_scaled_SA = 1;
  ag->block_scaled_SA = 1;

  ML_Aggregate_Set_NullSpace(ag, num_PDE_eqns, num_PDE_eqns, NULL, N_update);
  ML_Aggregate_Set_MaxCoarseSize( ag, 20);

ML_Aggregate_Set_RandomOrdering( ag );
ML_Aggregate_Set_DampingFactor(ag, .1);
ag->drop_tol_for_smoothing = 1.0e-3;
ML_Aggregate_Set_Threshold(ag, 1.0e-3);
ML_Aggregate_Set_MaxCoarseSize( ag, 300);

	coarsest_level = ML_Gen_MultiLevelHierarchy_UsingAggregation(ml, N_levels-1, ML_DECREASING, ag);
	coarsest_level = N_levels - coarsest_level;
	if ( proc_config[AZ_node] == 0 )
		printf("Coarse level = %d \n", coarsest_level);

	/* set up smoothers */

        AZ_defaults(options, params);

	for (level = N_levels-1; level > coarsest_level; level--) {
          /* This is the Aztec domain decomp/ilu smoother that we */
          /* usually use for this problem.                        */

          options[AZ_precond] = AZ_dom_decomp;
          options[AZ_subdomain_solve] = AZ_ilut;
          params[AZ_ilut_fill] = 1.0;
          options[AZ_reorder] = 1;
          ML_Gen_SmootherAztec(ml, level, options, params,
                        proc_config, status, AZ_ONLY_PRECONDITIONER,

          /*  Sparse approximate inverse smoother that acutally does both */
          /*  pre and post smoothing.                                     */

          ML_Gen_Smoother_ParaSails(ml , level, ML_PRESMOOTHER, nsmooth,
                                parasails_sym, parasails_thresh,
                                parasails_nlevels, parasails_filter,
                                parasails_loadbal, parasails_factorized);

          parasails_thresh /= 4.;

          /* This is the symmetric Gauss-Seidel smoothing. In parallel,    */
          /* it is not a true Gauss-Seidel in that each processor          */
          /* does a Gauss-Seidel on its local submatrix independent of the */
          /* other processors.                                             */
	  ML_Gen_Smoother_SymGaussSeidel(ml,level,ML_PRESMOOTHER, nsmooth,1.);

          /* Block Gauss-Seidel with block size equal to #DOF per node.    */
          /* Not a true Gauss-Seidel in that each processor does a         */
          /* Gauss-Seidel on its local submatrix independent of the other  */
          /* processors.                                                   */

                                           nsmooth,0.67, num_PDE_eqns);
                                           nsmooth, 0.67, num_PDE_eqns);

                                                1, 1.0, num_PDE_eqns);

        ML_Gen_CoarseSolverSuperLU( ml, coarsest_level);
	ML_Gen_Solver(ml, ML_MGW, N_levels-1, coarsest_level);
	AZ_defaults(options, params);

        options[AZ_solver]   = AZ_gmres;
        options[AZ_scaling]  = AZ_none;
        options[AZ_precond]  = AZ_user_precond;
        options[AZ_conv]     = AZ_r0;
        options[AZ_output]   = 1;
        options[AZ_max_iter] = 1500;
        options[AZ_poly_ord] = 5;
        options[AZ_kspace]   = 130;
        params[AZ_tol]       = 1.0e-8;
options[AZ_precond] = AZ_dom_decomp;
options[AZ_subdomain_solve] = AZ_ilut;
params[AZ_ilut_fill] = 2.0;

	AZ_set_ML_preconditioner(&Pmat, Amat, ml, options);
setup_time = AZ_second() - start_time;

	xxx = (double *) malloc( leng*sizeof(double));
	rhs=(double *)malloc(leng*sizeof(double));

	for (iii = 0; iii < leng; iii++) xxx[iii] = 0.0;

        /* Set rhs */

        fp = fopen("AZ_capture_rhs.mat","r");
        if (fp == NULL) {
           if (proc_config[AZ_node] == 0) printf("taking random vector for rhs\n");
           AZ_random_vector(rhs, data_org, proc_config);
           AZ_reorder_vec(rhs, data_org, update_index, NULL);
        else {
	   ivec =(int *)malloc((leng+1)*sizeof(int));
           AZ_input_msr_matrix("AZ_capture_rhs.mat", update, &rhs, &ivec,
                                N_update, proc_config);
           AZ_reorder_vec(rhs, data_org, update_index, NULL);

        /* Set x */

        fp = fopen("AZ_capture_init_guess.mat","r");
        if (fp != NULL) {
	   ivec =(int *)malloc((leng+1)*sizeof(int));
           AZ_input_msr_matrix("AZ_capture_init_guess.mat",update, &xxx, &ivec,
                                N_update, proc_config);
           AZ_reorder_vec(xxx, data_org, update_index, NULL);

        /* if Dirichlet BC ... put the answer in */

        for (i = 0; i < data_org[AZ_N_internal]+data_org[AZ_N_border]; i++) {
           if ( (val[i] > .99999999) && (val[i] < 1.0000001))
              xxx[i] = rhs[i];

        fp = fopen("AZ_no_multilevel.dat","r");
        scaling = AZ_scaling_create();
start_time = AZ_second();
        if (fp != NULL) {
           options[AZ_precond] = AZ_none;
           options[AZ_scaling] = AZ_sym_diag;
           options[AZ_ignore_scaling] = AZ_TRUE;

           options[AZ_keep_info] = 1;
           AZ_iterate(xxx, rhs, options, params, status, proc_config, Amat, NULL, scaling);

           options[AZ_pre_calc] = AZ_reuse;
           options[AZ_conv] = AZ_expected_values;
           if (proc_config[AZ_node] == 0)
              printf("\n-------- Second solve with improved convergence test -----\n");
           AZ_iterate(xxx, rhs, options, params, status, proc_config, Amat, NULL, scaling);
           if (proc_config[AZ_node] == 0)
              printf("\n-------- Third solve with improved convergence test -----\n");
           AZ_iterate(xxx, rhs, options, params, status, proc_config, Amat, NULL, scaling);
        else {
           options[AZ_keep_info] = 1;
           AZ_iterate(xxx, rhs, options, params, status, proc_config, Amat, Pmat, scaling);
           options[AZ_pre_calc] = AZ_reuse;
           options[AZ_conv] = AZ_expected_values;
           if (proc_config[AZ_node] == 0)
              printf("\n-------- Second solve with improved convergence test -----\n");
           AZ_iterate(xxx, rhs, options, params, status, proc_config, Amat, Pmat, scaling);
           if (proc_config[AZ_node] == 0)
              printf("\n-------- Third solve with improved convergence test -----\n");
           AZ_iterate(xxx, rhs, options, params, status, proc_config, Amat, Pmat, scaling);
   solve_time = AZ_second() - start_time;

   if (proc_config[AZ_node] == 0)
      printf("Solve time = %e, MG Setup time = %e\n", solve_time, setup_time);

   AZ_free((void *) Amat->data_org);
   AZ_free((void *) Amat->val);
   AZ_free((void *) Amat->bindx);
   AZ_free((void *) update);
   AZ_free((void *) external);
   AZ_free((void *) extern_index);
   AZ_free((void *) update_index);
   if (Amat  != NULL) AZ_matrix_destroy(&Amat);
   if (Pmat  != NULL) AZ_precond_destroy(&Pmat);

#ifdef ML_MPI

  return 0;

Esempio n. 5
int create_and_transform_simple_matrix(int matrix_type,
                                    int N,
                                    double diag_term,
                                    int* proc_config,
                                    AZ_MATRIX*& Amat,
                                    int*& external,
                                    int*& update_index,
                                    int*& external_index)
  //We're going to create a very simple tri-diagonal matrix with diag_term
  //on the diagonal, and -1.0 on the off-diagonals.

  Amat = AZ_matrix_create(N);

  int* update = new int[N];
  int i;
  int numprocs = proc_config[AZ_N_procs];
  int first_eqn = proc_config[AZ_node]*N;
  int adjustment = 0;
  for(i=0; i<N; ++i) {
    update[i] = first_eqn+i;
    if (update[i] == 0 || update[i] == numprocs*N-1) ++adjustment;

  int* data_org;

  //global row 0 and global-N-1 (N*numprocs-1) will have 2 nonzeros in the first
  //and last rows, and there will be 3 nonzeros in all other rows.
  //If you are brave enough to attempt to modify any of the following code,
  //bear in mind that the number of nonzeros per row (3) is hard-coded in
  //a few places.

  int nnz = 3*N - adjustment;
  double* val = new double[nnz+2];
  int* bindx = new int[nnz+2];
  int* indx = NULL;
  int* rpntr = NULL;
  int* cpntr = NULL;
  int* bpntr = NULL;

  int offs = N+1;
  for(i=0; i<N; ++i) {
    val[i] = diag_term;
    bindx[i] = offs;
    int num_off_diagonals = 2;
    if (update[i]==0 || update[i]==numprocs*N-1) num_off_diagonals = 1;
    offs += num_off_diagonals;
  bindx[N] = offs;

  for(i=0; i<N; ++i) {
    int global_row = update[i];

    if (global_row > 0) {
      int ks = bindx[i];
      val[ks] = -1.0;
      bindx[ks] = global_row-1;
    if (global_row < numprocs*N-1) {
      int ke = bindx[i+1]-1;
      val[ke] = -1.0;
      bindx[ke] = global_row+1;

  if (matrix_type == AZ_VBR_MATRIX) {
    //AZ_transform allocates cpntr
    rpntr = new int[N+1];
    bpntr = new int[N+1];
    indx  = new int[nnz+2];

    offs = 0;
    for(i=0; i<N; ++i) {
      rpntr[i] = i;
      bpntr[i] = offs;

      if (update[i]==0 || update[i]==numprocs*N-1) offs += 2;
      else offs += 3;
    rpntr[N] = N;
    bpntr[N] = offs;

    for(i=0; i<N; ++i) {
      int global_col = update[i] - 1;
      if (update[i]==0) ++global_col;

      for(int j=bpntr[i]; j<=bpntr[i+1]-1; ++j) {
        if (global_col == update[i]) val[j] = diag_term;
        else val[j] = -1.0;

        bindx[j] = global_col++;

    for(i=0; i<nnz+2; ++i) {
      indx[i] = i;

  AZ_transform(proc_config, &external, bindx, val, update, &update_index,
               &external_index, &data_org, N, indx, bpntr, rpntr,
               &cpntr, matrix_type);

  if (matrix_type == AZ_MSR_MATRIX) {
    AZ_set_MSR(Amat, bindx, val, data_org, N, update, AZ_LOCAL);
  else {
    AZ_set_VBR(Amat, rpntr, cpntr, bpntr, indx, bindx, val, data_org,
               N, update, AZ_LOCAL);

  Amat->must_free_data_org = 1;
