Esempio n. 1
qboolean CanAlly (edict_t *ent, edict_t *other, int range)
	// you can't ally with yourself
	if (ent == other)
		return false;

	if (!ValidAlly(ent) || !ValidAlly(other))
		return false;
	// check for max allies
	// alianza con la mitad del server activo (vrxchile v1.3)
	// si uno de los dos tiene una alianza con mas de la mitad de los jugadores activos, no se pueden aliar.
	if (   ((numAllies(ent) + 1) > ActivePlayers()/2) || 
		((numAllies(other) + 1) > ActivePlayers()/2) ) 
		return false;
	// are we already allied?
	if (IsAlly(ent, other))
		return false;
	// vrxchile v1.3 encourages alliances ASAP.
	// are we out of range?
	/*if (range && (entdist(ent, other) > range))
		return false;*/
	// can we see each other?
	/*if (range && !visible(ent, other))
		return false;*/

	// only allow allies that are close in level
	// FIXME: we should get an average or median player level if there are >1 allies
	if (abs(ent->myskills.level - other->myskills.level) > ALLY_MAX_LEVEL_DELTA)
		return false;
	// only allow allies when their level isn't too high, and server has enough players
	/*if ((ent->myskills.level > AveragePlayerLevel()*1.5) || (other->myskills.level > AveragePlayerLevel()*1.5) || (ActivePlayers() < 6))
		return false;
	//4.5 only allow allies if they have the same combat preferences
	//if (ent->myskills.respawns != other->myskills.respawns)
	if (!invasion->value && !pvm->value && !ffa->value) // pvp, always allow no matter the preferences.
		return true; 

	if (((ent->myskills.respawns & HOSTILE_PLAYERS) != (other->myskills.respawns & HOSTILE_PLAYERS))
		|| ((ent->myskills.respawns & HOSTILE_MONSTERS) != (other->myskills.respawns & HOSTILE_MONSTERS)))
		return false;
	return true;
Esempio n. 2
float TimeFormula()
	int base = 4*60;
	int playeramt = ActivePlayers() * 8;
	int levelamt = invasion_difficulty_level * 7;
	int cap = 60;
	int rval = base - playeramt - levelamt;

	if (invasion->value == 2) // hard mode
		cap = 50;

	if (rval < cap)
		rval = cap;

	return rval;
Esempio n. 3
void INV_SpawnMonsters (edict_t *self)
	int		players, max_monsters;
	edict_t *e=NULL;

	PVM_TotalMonsters(self, true);

	players = max_monsters = total_players();

	// there are still monsters alive
	if ((self->num_monsters_real > 0) && (self->count == MONSTERSPAWN_STATUS_IDLE))
		// if there's nobody playing, remove all monsters
		if (players < 1)
			return; // don't spawn any monsters.
		if (level.intermissiontime)
			if (self->num_monsters_real)
		if (invasion_data.limitframe > level.time) // we still got time?
			self->nextthink = level.time + FRAMETIME;
			gi.bprintf(PRINT_HIGH, "Time's up!\n");
			if (invasion_data.boss && invasion_data.boss->deadflag != DEAD_DEAD) // out of time for the boss.
				G_PrintGreenText(va("You failed to eliminate the commander soon enough!\n"));
				gi.WriteByte (svc_temp_entity);
				gi.WriteByte (TE_BOSSTPORT);
				gi.WritePosition (invasion_data.boss->s.origin);
				gi.multicast (invasion_data.boss->s.origin, MULTICAST_PVS);
				invasion_data.boss = NULL;
			// increase the difficulty level for the next wave
			if (invasion->value == 1)
				invasion_difficulty_level += 1; 
				invasion_difficulty_level += 2; // Hard mode.
			invasion_data.printedmessage = 0;
			gi.sound(&g_edicts[0], CHAN_VOICE, gi.soundindex("misc/tele_up.wav"), 1, ATTN_NONE, 0);
	}else // Timeout has happened or all monsters eliminated
		invasion_data.mspawned = self->num_monsters_real;

	if (players < 1)
		// if there's nobody playing, then wait until some join
		self->nextthink = level.time + FRAMETIME;

	switch (invasion_difficulty_level)
	case 1: max_monsters = 10; break;
	case 2: max_monsters = 20; break;
	case 3: max_monsters = 25; break;
	case 4: max_monsters = 30; break;
	case 5:
	case 6:
	case 7:
	case 8:
	case 9:
	case 10:
		max_monsters = 35; break; // vrxcl 3.2b decrease for not saturating the server hard.

	default: max_monsters = 40;

	if (!(invasion_difficulty_level % 5))
		if (invasion->value == 1)
			max_monsters = 4*(ActivePlayers()-1);
		else if (invasion->value == 2)
			max_monsters = 6*(ActivePlayers()-1);

	if (!invasion_data.printedmessage)
		invasion_data.limitframe = level.time + TimeFormula();
		if (invasion_difficulty_level == 1)
			if (invasion->value == 1)
				gi.bprintf(PRINT_HIGH, "The invasion begins!\n");
				gi.bprintf(PRINT_HIGH, "The invasion... begins.\n");
		if (invasion_difficulty_level % 5)
			gi.bprintf(PRINT_HIGH, "Welcome to level %d. %d monsters incoming!\n", invasion_difficulty_level, max_monsters);
			gi.bprintf(PRINT_HIGH, "Welcome to level %d.\n", invasion_difficulty_level, max_monsters);
		G_PrintGreenText(va("Timelimit: %dm %ds.\n", (int)TimeFormula() / 60, (int)TimeFormula() % 60));

		gi.sound(&g_edicts[0], CHAN_VOICE, gi.soundindex("misc/talk1.wav"), 1, ATTN_NONE, 0);

		BossCheck(e, self);

		invasion_data.printedmessage = 1;
	while ( ((e = INV_GetMonsterSpawn(e)) != NULL) && invasion_data.mspawned < max_monsters)
		int randomval = GetRandom(1, 9);

		if (invasion_difficulty_level % 5 && invasion->value == 1) // nonboss stage? easy mode?
			while ( randomval == 5 ) // disallow medics
				randomval = GetRandom(1, 8);

		if (!INV_SpawnDrone(self, e, randomval))

	if (invasion_data.mspawned == max_monsters)
		// increase the difficulty level for the next wave
		invasion_difficulty_level += 1;
		invasion_data.printedmessage = 0;
		invasion_data.mspawned = 0;

	self->nextthink = level.time + FRAMETIME;