Esempio n. 1
static Size GetBorderAndPaddingSize(CachedStyle *s)
    Padding pad = s->padding;
    int dx = pad.left + pad.right;
    int dy =  + pad.bottom;
    AddBorders(dx, dy, s);
    return Size(dx, dy);
TH2F* FixAndSetBorders( const TH2& hist, const char* name=0, const char* title=0, Double_t val=0 ) {
    TH2F* hist0 = (TH2F*)hist.Clone(); // histogram we can modify

    MirrorBorders( *hist0 );    // mirror values of border bins into overflow bins

    TH2F* hist1 = AddBorders( *hist0, "hist1", "hist1" );   
    // add new border of bins around original histogram,
    // ... so 'overflow' bins become normal bins
    SetBorders( *hist1, val );                              
    // set overflow bins to value 1

    TH2F* histX = AddBorders( *hist1, "histX", "histX" );   
    // add new border of bins around original histogram,
    // ... so 'overflow' bins become normal bins

    TH2F* hist3 = (TH2F*)histX->Clone();
    hist3->SetName( name!=0 ? name : "hist3" );
    hist3->SetTitle( title!=0 ? title : "hist3" );

    delete hist0; delete hist1; delete histX;
    return hist3; // this can be used for filled contour histograms