void BASE_SCREEN::AddGrid( const wxRealPoint& size, EDA_UNITS_T aUnit, int id ) { double x, y; wxRealPoint new_size; GRID_TYPE new_grid; switch( aUnit ) { case MILLIMETRES: x = size.x / 25.4; y = size.y / 25.4; break; default: case INCHES: case UNSCALED_UNITS: x = size.x; y = size.y; break; } new_size.x = x * GetInternalUnits(); new_size.y = y * GetInternalUnits(); new_grid.m_Id = id; new_grid.m_Size = new_size; AddGrid( new_grid ); }
void BASE_SCREEN::AddGrid( const wxRealPoint& size, int id ) { GRID_TYPE grid; grid.m_Size = size; grid.m_CmdId = id; AddGrid( grid ); }
void BASE_SCREEN::AddGrid( const wxRealPoint& size, EDA_UNITS_T aUnit, int id ) { wxRealPoint new_size; GRID_TYPE new_grid; new_size.x = From_User_Unit( aUnit, size.x ); new_size.y = From_User_Unit( aUnit, size.y ); new_grid.m_CmdId = id; new_grid.m_Size = new_size; AddGrid( new_grid ); }
GBR_SCREEN::GBR_SCREEN( const wxSize& aPageSizeIU ) : BASE_SCREEN( SCREEN_T ) { for( unsigned i = 0; i < DIM( gbrZoomList ); ++i ) m_ZoomList.push_back( gbrZoomList[i] ); for( unsigned i = 0; i < DIM( gbrGridList ); ++i ) AddGrid( gbrGridList[i] ); // Set the working grid size to a reasonable value (in 1/10000 inch) SetGrid( DMIL_GRID( 500 ) ); m_Active_Layer = B_Cu; // default active layer = bottom layer SetZoom( ZOOM_FACTOR( 350 ) ); // a default value for zoom InitDataPoints( aPageSizeIU ); }
PL_EDITOR_SCREEN::PL_EDITOR_SCREEN( const wxSize& aPageSizeIU ) : BASE_SCREEN( SCREEN_T ) { for( unsigned i = 0; i < DIM( pl_editorZoomList ); ++i ) m_ZoomList.push_back( pl_editorZoomList[i] ); for( unsigned i = 0; i < DIM( pl_editorGridList ); ++i ) AddGrid( pl_editorGridList[i] ); // pl_editor uses the same frame position as schematic and board editors m_Center = false; // Set the working grid size to a reasonable value SetGrid( MM_GRID( 1.0 ) ); SetZoom( ZOOM_FACTOR( 350 ) ); // a default value for zoom InitDataPoints( aPageSizeIU ); m_NumberOfScreens = 2; }
SCH_SCREEN::SCH_SCREEN( KIWAY* aKiway ) : BASE_SCREEN( SCH_SCREEN_T ), KIWAY_HOLDER( aKiway ), m_paper( wxT( "A4" ) ) { SetZoom( 32 ); for( unsigned i = 0; i < DIM( SchematicZoomList ); i++ ) m_ZoomList.push_back( SchematicZoomList[i] ); for( unsigned i = 0; i < DIM( SchematicGridList ); i++ ) AddGrid( SchematicGridList[i] ); SetGrid( wxRealPoint( 50, 50 ) ); // Default grid size. m_refCount = 0; // Suitable for schematic only. For libedit and viewlib, must be set to true m_Center = false; InitDataPoints( m_paper.GetSizeIU() ); }
SCH_SCREEN::SCH_SCREEN() : BASE_SCREEN( SCH_SCREEN_T ), m_paper( wxT( "A4" ) ) { size_t i; SetZoom( 32 ); for( i = 0; i < SCHEMATIC_ZOOM_LIST_CNT; i++ ) m_ZoomList.push_back( SchematicZoomList[i] ); for( i = 0; i < SCHEMATIC_GRID_LIST_CNT; i++ ) AddGrid( SchematicGridList[i] ); SetGrid( wxRealPoint( 50, 50 ) ); // Default grid size. m_refCount = 0; // Suitable for schematic only. For libedit and viewlib, must be set to true m_Center = false; InitDataPoints( m_paper.GetSizeIU() ); }
PCB_SCREEN::PCB_SCREEN( const wxSize& aPageSizeIU ) : BASE_SCREEN( SCREEN_T ) { // D(wxSize displayz = wxGetDisplaySize();) // D(printf( "displayz x:%d y:%d lastZoomFactor: %.16g\n", displayz.x, displayz.y, pcbZoomList[DIM(pcbZoomList)-1] );) for( unsigned i = 0; i < DIM( pcbZoomList ); ++i ) m_ZoomList.push_back( pcbZoomList[i] ); for( unsigned i = 0; i < DIM( pcbGridList ); ++i ) AddGrid( pcbGridList[i] ); // Set the working grid size to a reasonable value (in 1/10000 inch) SetGrid( DMIL_GRID( 500 ) ); m_Active_Layer = F_Cu; // default active layer = front layer m_Route_Layer_TOP = F_Cu; // default layers pair for vias (bottom to top) m_Route_Layer_BOTTOM = B_Cu; SetZoom( DEFAULT_ZOOM ); // a default value for zoom InitDataPoints( aPageSizeIU ); }