Esempio n. 1
 * addKERNEL - add the KERNEL module to the library load (WOW)
static void addKERNEL( void )
#if 0
     * there are bugs in the way VDMDBG.DLL implements some of this
     * stuff, so this is currently disabled
    MODULEENTRY                 me;
    thread_info                 *ti;
    IMAGE_NOTE                  im;
    int                         rc;

    ti = FindThread( DebugeeTid );
    me.dwSize = sizeof( MODULEENTRY );
    for( rc = pVDMModuleFirst( ProcessInfo.process_handle, ti->thread_handle, &me, NULL, 0 );
         rc != 0;
         rc = pVDMModuleNext( ProcessInfo.process_handle, ti->thread_handle, &me, NULL, 0 ) )
        if( !memicmp( me.szModule, "KERNEL", 6 ) ) {
            memcpy( &im.Module, &me.szModule, sizeof( me.szModule ) );
            memcpy( &im.FileName, &me.szExePath, sizeof( me.szExePath ) );
            AddLib( TRUE, &im );
        me.dwSize = sizeof( MODULEENTRY );
    IMAGE_NOTE                  im;

     * this is a giant kludge, but it works.  Since KERNEL is already
     * loaded in the WOW , we never get a DLL load notification, so
     * we can't show any symbols.  This fakes up the necessary information
    strcpy( im.Module, "KERNEL" );
    GetSystemDirectory( im.FileName, sizeof( im.FileName ) );
    strcat( im.FileName, "\\KRNL386.EXE" );
    AddLib( TRUE, &im );

Esempio n. 2
 * AddInitialLibs - called the first time we can get information
 * about loaded shared libs.
int AddInitialLibs( struct link_map *first_lmap )
    struct link_map     lmap;
    struct link_map     *dbg_lmap;
    int                 count = 0;

    dbg_lmap = first_lmap;
    while( dbg_lmap != NULL ) {
        if( !GetLinkMap( pid, dbg_lmap, &lmap ) ) break;
        AddLib( &lmap );
        dbg_lmap = lmap.l_next;
    return( count );
Esempio n. 3
 * AddOneLib - called when dynamic linker is adding a library. Unfortunately
 * we don't get told which library, so we just have to zip through the list
 * until we find one we don't know about yet.
int AddOneLib( struct link_map *first_lmap )
    struct link_map     lmap;
    struct link_map     *dbg_lmap;
    int                 count = 0;
    lib_load_info       *lli;

    dbg_lmap = first_lmap;
    while( dbg_lmap != NULL ) {
        if( !GetLinkMap( pid, dbg_lmap, &lmap ) ) break;
        lli = FindLib( (addr_off)lmap.l_ld );
        if( lli == NULL ) {
            AddLib( &lmap );
        dbg_lmap = lmap.l_next;
    return( count );
Esempio n. 4
 * addAllWOWModules - add all modules as libraries.  This is invoked if
 *                    WOW was already running, since we will get no
 *                    lib load notifications if it was.
static void addAllWOWModules( void )
    MODULEENTRY         me;
    thread_info         *ti;
    IMAGE_NOTE          im;
    int                 rc;

    ti = FindThread( DebugeeTid );
    me.dwSize = sizeof( MODULEENTRY );
    for( rc = pVDMModuleFirst( ProcessInfo.process_handle, ti->thread_handle, &me, NULL, 0 );
         rc != 0 && strcmp( me.szModule, WOWAppInfo.modname ) != 0;
         rc = pVDMModuleNext( ProcessInfo.process_handle, ti->thread_handle, &me, NULL, 0 ) )
        memcpy( &im.Module, &me.szModule, sizeof( me.szModule ) );
        memcpy( &im.FileName, &me.szExePath, sizeof( me.szExePath ) );
        AddLib( TRUE, &im );
        me.dwSize = sizeof( MODULEENTRY );
