Esempio n. 1
Creator::Creator(QWidget *parent)
    : QWidget(parent)
	_modifier = 0;



	// populate values to comboboxes
	ui.modifierCombo->addItem("None", QVariant(NoneModifier));
	ui.modifierCombo->addItem("Canny", QVariant(CannyModifier));

	// connections
	// Global application
	// shortcuts
	_shortcuts.push_back(new QShortcut(QKeySequence("Ctrl+s"), this));
	_shortcuts.push_back(new QShortcut(QKeySequence("Alt+a"), this));
	_shortcuts.push_back(new QShortcut(QKeySequence("Alt+n"), this));
	connect(_shortcuts[0], SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(SaveSettings()));
	connect(_shortcuts[1], SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(AddPoint()));
	connect(_shortcuts[2], SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(AddNewPoint()));

	// worker connects
	connect(this, SIGNAL(modeChangedSignal(int)), _capturer.GetWorker(), SLOT(SetMode(int)));
	connect(ui.renderer, SIGNAL( DescChangedSignal(PositionDesc&)), this, SLOT(FillActive(PositionDesc&)));

	// rendered connects
	connect(ui.renderGroup, SIGNAL(buttonClicked(int)), ui.renderer, SLOT(ChangeRenderStyle(int)));
	ui.renderGroup->setId(ui.renderPointsButton, RenderPoints);
	ui.renderGroup->setId(ui.renderWireframeButton, RenderWireframe);
	ui.renderGroup->setId(ui.renderFullButton, RenderComplete);

	connect(ui.loadButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(LoadModel()));
	connect(ui.renderer, SIGNAL(reportSignal(MessageLevel, const QString &)), ui.infobox, SLOT(Report(MessageLevel, const QString&)));
	connect(ui.reloadShadersButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), ui.renderer, SLOT(ChangeShaders()));
	connect(ui.lockGroup, SIGNAL(buttonClicked(int)), ui.renderer, SLOT(ChangeActiveKeyPos(int)));
	ui.lockGroup->setId(ui.cameraRadioButton, PositionCamera);
	ui.lockGroup->setId(ui.modelRadioButton, PositionModel);
	ui.lockGroup->setId(ui.lightRadioButton, PositionLight);

	// videorender connections
	connect(ui.applyDescButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(ChangeActiveDesc()));
	connect(ui.saveSettingsButton, SIGNAL(clicked(void)), this, SLOT(SaveSettings()));
	connect(ui.playButton, SIGNAL(clicked(void)), this, SLOT(PlayVideo()));
	connect(ui.pauseButton, SIGNAL(clicked(void)), this, SLOT(Pause(void)));
	connect(ui.cloudPoints, SIGNAL(Finished(void)), this, SLOT(EnablePlay()));
	connect(ui.cloudPoints, SIGNAL(reportSignal(MessageLevel, const QString &)), ui.infobox, SLOT(Report(MessageLevel, const QString&)));
	connect(ui.createMeshButton, SIGNAL(clicked()),this, SLOT(StartCreating()));
	//connect(ui.nextFrameButton, SIGNAL(clicked(void)), ui.cloudPoints, SLOT(RequestNextFrame()));
	//connect(ui.prevFrameButton, SIGNAL(clicked(void)), ui.cloudPoints, SLOT(RequestPrevFrame()));
	connect(ui.stopButton, SIGNAL(clicked(void)), this, SLOT(Stop(void)));
	connect(ui.featuresCheckbox, SIGNAL(clicked(void)), this, SLOT(FeaturesFromFrame()));
	connect(ui.stopButton, SIGNAL(clicked(void)), this, SLOT(Stop()));
	connect(ui.greyCheckBox, SIGNAL(clicked(void)), this, SLOT(ShowGreyFrame(void)));
	connect(ui.newButton, SIGNAL(clicked(void)), this, SLOT(CreateNew(void)));

	//calibration connects
	connect(ui.loadCalibrationButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(LoadCalibration(void)));
	connect(ui.runCalibrationButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(RunCalibration(void)));
	connect(ui.calibrationFolderButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(LoadCalibrationImages()));
	connect(ui.applyCalibrationButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(SendParameters()));
	connect(ui.playUndistortedButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(ShowUndistorted()));
	connect(ui.saveCalibrationButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(SaveCalibration()));

	connect(&_capturer, SIGNAL(imageReadySignal(cv::Mat)), ui.cloudPoints, SLOT(setImage(cv::Mat)));

	connect(&_capturer, SIGNAL(reportSignal(MessageLevel, const QString &)), ui.cloudPoints, SLOT(Report(MessageLevel, const QString &)));
	connect(_capturer.GetWorker(), SIGNAL(camParametersSignal(cv::Mat, cv::Mat)), ui.cloudPoints, SLOT(ShowParameters(cv::Mat, cv::Mat)));
	connect(ui.cloudPoints, SIGNAL(setCalibrationSignal(CalibrationSet)), _capturer.GetWorker(), SLOT(ChangeCalibration(CalibrationSet)));

	// comparer connects
	connect(ui.compareNext, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(GetNextImagePair()));
	connect(this, SIGNAL(PreparePairSignal(int, int)), _capturer.GetWorker(), SLOT(PreparePair(int,int)));
	connect(_capturer.GetWorker(), SIGNAL(imagePairSignal(cv::Mat, cv::Mat)), this, SLOT(SetCompare(cv::Mat, cv::Mat)));
	connect(ui.applyModifierButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(SetModifier()));
	//connect(ui.comparePrev, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(GetPrevImagePair()));

	// rest of the initialization
Esempio n. 2
 *  Compute Gradient of I
int Lgm_Grad_I( Lgm_Vector *v0, Lgm_Vector *GradI, Lgm_MagModelInfo *mInfo ) {

    Lgm_Vector  u, Pa, Pb;
    double  rat, H, h, a, b, SS, Sa, Sb, I, f[6], r;
    int     i, N;

     * We want to compute the gradient of I at the point v0.
     * This requires 3 derivatives: one each in x, y and z directions.
     * We will try a fairly acurate difference scehme:
     *      f_0^(1) = 1/(60h)  ( f_3 - 9f_2 + 45f_1  - 45f_-1 + 9f_-2 - f_-3 )
     * See page 450 of CRC standard Math tables 28th edition.

     *  Set h to a smallish value
//    h = 5e-2;
    h = 0.1;
//    h = 0.2;

    switch ( DIFF_SCHEME ) {
        case USE_SIX_POINT:
            N = 3;
        case USE_FOUR_POINT:
            N = 2;
        case USE_TWO_POINT:
            N = 1;

    // User should set these?
    mInfo->Lgm_I_Integrator        = DQAGS;
    mInfo->Lgm_I_Integrator_epsabs = 0.0;
    mInfo->Lgm_I_Integrator_epsrel = 1e-5;

    /* X-component */
    mInfo->UseInterpRoutines = 1;
    if (mInfo->VerbosityLevel > 0) printf("\t\tComputing dIdx: h = %g\n", h);
    for (i=-N; i<=N; ++i){

        if (i!=0) { // dont need the center value in our difference scheme
            u = *v0; H = (double)i*h; u.x += H;

             * Trace to southern mirror point
            if ( Lgm_TraceToMirrorPoint( &u, &Pa, &Sa, mInfo->Bm, -1.0, mInfo->Lgm_TraceToMirrorPoint_Tol, mInfo ) > 0 ) {

                 * Trace to northern mirror point
                if ( Lgm_TraceToMirrorPoint( &Pa, &Pb, &SS, mInfo->Bm, 1.0, mInfo->Lgm_TraceToMirrorPoint_Tol, mInfo ) > 0 ) {

                    r  = Lgm_Magnitude( &Pb );
                    //mInfo->Hmax = SS/200.0;
                    mInfo->Hmax = SS/(double)mInfo->nDivs;
                    Lgm_TraceLine2( &Pa, &Pb, (r-1.0)*Re, 0.5*SS-mInfo->Hmax, 1.0, 1e-7, FALSE, mInfo );

                    ReplaceFirstPoint( 0.0, mInfo->Bm, &Pa, mInfo );
                    AddNewPoint( SS,  mInfo->Bm, &Pb, mInfo );
                    InitSpline( mInfo );

                    mInfo->Lgm_I_integrand_S         = 0.0;
                    mInfo->Lgm_I_integrand_FirstCall = TRUE;
                    mInfo->Lgm_n_I_integrand_Calls   = 0;
                    mInfo->Sm_South = 0.0;
                    mInfo->Sm_North = SS;
                    if ( SS <= 1e-5 ) {
                        // if FL length is small, use an approx expression for I
                        rat = mInfo->Bmin/mInfo->Bm;
                        if ((1.0-rat) < 0.0) {
                            I = 0.0;
                        } else {
                            // Eqn 2.66b in Roederer
                            I = SS*sqrt(1.0 - rat);
                    } else {
                        I = Iinv_interped( mInfo  );

                    if (mInfo->VerbosityLevel > 2) printf("I = %g Lgm_n_I_integrand_Calls = %d\n", I, mInfo->Lgm_n_I_integrand_Calls );

                    FreeSpline( mInfo );

                } else {
                    printf("\t\tMirror point below %g km in Southern Hemisphere\n", mInfo->Lgm_LossConeHeight);

            } else {
                printf("\t\tMirror point below %g km in Northern Hemisphere\n", mInfo->Lgm_LossConeHeight);

            f[i+N] = I;


        GradI->x = (f[6] - 9.0*f[5] + 45.0*f[4] - 45.0*f[2] + 9.0*f[1] - f[0])/(60.0*h);
    } else if (DIFF_SCHEME == USE_FOUR_POINT){
        GradI->x = (-f[4] + 8.0*f[3] - 8.0*f[1] + f[0])/(12.0*h);
    } else if (DIFF_SCHEME == USE_TWO_POINT){
        GradI->x = (f[2] - f[0])/(2.0*h);

    /* Y-component */
    if (mInfo->VerbosityLevel > 0) printf("\t\tComputing dIdy: h = %g\n", h);
    for (i=-N; i<=N; ++i){

        if (i!=0) { // dont need the center value in our difference scheme
            u = *v0; H = (double)i*h; u.y += H;

             * Trace to southern mirror point
            if ( Lgm_TraceToMirrorPoint( &u, &Pa, &Sa, mInfo->Bm, -1.0, mInfo->Lgm_TraceToMirrorPoint_Tol, mInfo ) > 0 ) {

                 * Trace to northern mirror point
                if ( Lgm_TraceToMirrorPoint( &Pa, &Pb, &SS, mInfo->Bm, 1.0, mInfo->Lgm_TraceToMirrorPoint_Tol, mInfo ) > 0 ) {

                    r  = Lgm_Magnitude( &Pb );
                    //mInfo->Hmax = SS/200.0;
                    mInfo->Hmax = SS/(double)mInfo->nDivs;
                    Lgm_TraceLine2( &Pa, &Pb, (r-1.0)*Re, 0.5*SS-mInfo->Hmax, 1.0, 1e-7, FALSE, mInfo );

                    ReplaceFirstPoint( 0.0, mInfo->Bm, &Pa, mInfo );
                    AddNewPoint( SS,  mInfo->Bm, &Pb, mInfo );
                    InitSpline( mInfo );

                    mInfo->Lgm_I_integrand_S         = 0.0;
                    mInfo->Lgm_I_integrand_FirstCall = TRUE;
                    mInfo->Lgm_n_I_integrand_Calls   = 0;
                    mInfo->Sm_South = 0.0;
                    mInfo->Sm_North = SS;
                    if ( SS <= 1e-5 ) {
                        // if FL length is small, use an approx expression for I
                        rat = mInfo->Bmin/mInfo->Bm;
                        if ((1.0-rat) < 0.0) {
                            I = 0.0;
                        } else {
                            // Eqn 2.66b in Roederer
                            I = SS*sqrt(1.0 - rat);
                    } else {
                        I = Iinv_interped( mInfo  );

                    if (mInfo->VerbosityLevel > 2) printf("I = %g Lgm_n_I_integrand_Calls = %d\n", I, mInfo->Lgm_n_I_integrand_Calls );
                    FreeSpline( mInfo );

                } else {
                    printf("\t\tMirror point below %g km in Southern Hemisphere\n", mInfo->Lgm_LossConeHeight);

            } else {
                printf("\t\tMirror point below %g km in Northern Hemisphere\n", mInfo->Lgm_LossConeHeight);

            f[i+N] = I;


        GradI->y = (f[6] - 9.0*f[5] + 45.0*f[4] - 45.0*f[2] + 9.0*f[1] - f[0])/(60.0*h);
    } else if (DIFF_SCHEME == USE_FOUR_POINT){
        GradI->y = (-f[4] + 8.0*f[3] - 8.0*f[1] + f[0])/(12.0*h);
    } else if (DIFF_SCHEME == USE_TWO_POINT){
        GradI->y = (f[2] - f[0])/(2.0*h);

    /* Z-component */
    if (mInfo->VerbosityLevel > 0) printf("\t\tComputing dIdz: h = %g\n", h);
    for (i=-N; i<=N; ++i){

        if (i!=0) { // dont need the center value in our difference scheme
            u = *v0; H = (double)i*h; u.z += H;

             * Trace to southern mirror point
            if ( Lgm_TraceToMirrorPoint( &u, &Pa, &Sa, mInfo->Bm, -1.0, mInfo->Lgm_TraceToMirrorPoint_Tol, mInfo ) > 0 ) {

                 * Trace to northern mirror point
                if ( Lgm_TraceToMirrorPoint( &Pa, &Pb, &SS, mInfo->Bm, 1.0, mInfo->Lgm_TraceToMirrorPoint_Tol, mInfo ) > 0 ) {

                    r  = Lgm_Magnitude( &Pb );
                    //mInfo->Hmax = SS/200.0;
                    mInfo->Hmax = SS/(double)mInfo->nDivs;
                    Lgm_TraceLine2( &Pa, &Pb, (r-1.0)*Re, 0.5*SS-mInfo->Hmax, 1.0, 1e-7, FALSE, mInfo );

                    ReplaceFirstPoint( 0.0, mInfo->Bm, &Pa, mInfo );
                    AddNewPoint( SS,  mInfo->Bm, &Pb, mInfo );
                    InitSpline( mInfo );

                    mInfo->Lgm_I_integrand_S         = 0.0;
                    mInfo->Lgm_I_integrand_FirstCall = TRUE;
                    mInfo->Lgm_n_I_integrand_Calls   = 0;
                    mInfo->Sm_South = 0.0;
                    mInfo->Sm_North = SS;
                    if ( SS <= 1e-5 ) {
                        // if FL length is small, use an approx expression for I
                        rat = mInfo->Bmin/mInfo->Bm;
                        if ((1.0-rat) < 0.0) {
                            I = 0.0;
                        } else {
                            // Eqn 2.66b in Roederer
                            I = SS*sqrt(1.0 - rat);
                    } else {
                        I = Iinv_interped( mInfo  );

                    if (mInfo->VerbosityLevel > 2) printf("I = %g Lgm_n_I_integrand_Calls = %d\n", I, mInfo->Lgm_n_I_integrand_Calls );
                    FreeSpline( mInfo );

                } else {
                    printf("\t\tMirror point below %g km in Southern Hemisphere\n", mInfo->Lgm_LossConeHeight);

            } else {
                printf("\t\tMirror point below %g km in Northern Hemisphere\n", mInfo->Lgm_LossConeHeight);

            f[i+N] = I;


        GradI->z = (f[6] - 9.0*f[5] + 45.0*f[4] - 45.0*f[2] + 9.0*f[1] - f[0])/(60.0*h);
    } else if (DIFF_SCHEME == USE_FOUR_POINT){
        GradI->z = (-f[4] + 8.0*f[3] - 8.0*f[1] + f[0])/(12.0*h);
    } else if (DIFF_SCHEME == USE_TWO_POINT){
        GradI->z = (f[2] - f[0])/(2.0*h);


Esempio n. 3
void ActiveTrack::AddPointNow( bool do_add_point )
    wxDateTime now = wxDateTime::Now();

    if( m_prev_dist < 0.0005 )              // avoid zero length segs
        if( !do_add_point ) return;

    if( m_prev_time.IsValid() ) if( m_prev_time == now )                    // avoid zero time segs
        if( !do_add_point ) return;

    vector2D gpsPoint( gLon, gLat );

    // The dynamic interval algorithm will gather all track points in a queue,
    // and analyze the cross track errors for each point before actually adding
    // a point to the track.

    switch( trackPointState ) {
        case firstPoint: {
            TrackPoint *pTrackPoint = AddNewPoint( gpsPoint, now.ToUTC() );
            m_lastStoredTP = pTrackPoint;
            trackPointState = secondPoint;
            do_add_point = false;
        case secondPoint: {
            vector2D pPoint( gLon, gLat );
            skipPoints.push_back( pPoint );
            skipTimes.push_back( now.ToUTC() );
            trackPointState = potentialPoint;
        case potentialPoint: {
            if( gpsPoint == skipPoints[skipPoints.size()-1] ) break;

            unsigned int xteMaxIndex = 0;
            double xteMax = 0;

            // Scan points skipped so far and see if anyone has XTE over the threshold.
            for( unsigned int i=0; i<skipPoints.size(); i++ ) {
                double xte = GetXTE( m_lastStoredTP->m_lat, m_lastStoredTP->m_lon, gLat, gLon, skipPoints[i].lat, skipPoints[i].lon );
                if( xte > xteMax ) {
                    xteMax = xte;
                    xteMaxIndex = i;
            if( xteMax > m_allowedMaxXTE ) {
                TrackPoint *pTrackPoint = AddNewPoint( skipPoints[xteMaxIndex], skipTimes[xteMaxIndex] );
                pSelect->AddSelectableTrackSegment( m_lastStoredTP->m_lat, m_lastStoredTP->m_lon,
                        pTrackPoint->m_lat, pTrackPoint->m_lon,
                        m_lastStoredTP, pTrackPoint, this );

                m_prevFixedTP = m_fixedTP;
                m_fixedTP = m_removeTP;
                m_removeTP = m_lastStoredTP;
                m_lastStoredTP = pTrackPoint;
                for( unsigned int i=0; i<=xteMaxIndex; i++ ) {

                // Now back up and see if we just made 3 points in a straight line and the middle one
                // (the next to last) point can possibly be eliminated. Here we reduce the allowed
                // XTE as a function of leg length. (Half the XTE for very short legs).
                if( GetnPoints() > 2 ) {
                    double dist = DistGreatCircle( m_fixedTP->m_lat, m_fixedTP->m_lon, m_lastStoredTP->m_lat, m_lastStoredTP->m_lon );
                    double xte = GetXTE( m_fixedTP, m_lastStoredTP, m_removeTP );
                    if( xte < m_allowedMaxXTE / wxMax(1.0, 2.0 - dist*2.0) ) {
                        TrackPoints.push_back( m_lastStoredTP );
                        pSelect->DeletePointSelectableTrackSegments( m_removeTP );
                        pSelect->AddSelectableTrackSegment( m_fixedTP->m_lat, m_fixedTP->m_lon,
                                m_lastStoredTP->m_lat, m_lastStoredTP->m_lon,
                                m_fixedTP, m_lastStoredTP, this );
                        delete m_removeTP;
                        m_removeTP = m_fixedTP;
                        m_fixedTP = m_prevFixedTP;

            skipPoints.push_back( gpsPoint );
            skipTimes.push_back( now.ToUTC() );

    // Check if this is the last point of the track.
    if( do_add_point ) {
        TrackPoint *pTrackPoint = AddNewPoint( gpsPoint, now.ToUTC() );
        pSelect->AddSelectableTrackSegment( m_lastStoredTP->m_lat, m_lastStoredTP->m_lon,
                pTrackPoint->m_lat, pTrackPoint->m_lon,
                m_lastStoredTP, pTrackPoint, this );

    m_prev_time = now;