Esempio n. 1
void AddNewShape(const std::vector<std::string> & inputParts, std::vector<std::shared_ptr<CShape>> & figures, std::vector<std::shared_ptr<sf::Shape>> & shapes)
	if (inputParts.size() == 4 && inputParts[0].compare(std::string("point")) == 0)
		AddPoint(inputParts, figures, shapes);
	else if (inputParts.size() == 6 && inputParts[0].compare(std::string("line")) == 0)
		AddLine(inputParts, figures, shapes);
	else if (inputParts.size() == 9 && inputParts[0].compare(std::string("triangle")) == 0)
		AddTriangle(inputParts, figures, shapes);
	else if (inputParts.size() == 7 && inputParts[0].compare(std::string("rectangle")) == 0)
		AddRectangle(inputParts, figures, shapes);
	else if (inputParts.size() == 6 && inputParts[0].compare(std::string("circle")) == 0 && std::stod(inputParts[3]) >= 0)
		AddCircle(inputParts, figures, shapes);
		throw std::invalid_argument("Incorrect command");
// only find object_no.
int YARPObjectContainer::Segment (int object_no, YARPImageOf<YarpPixelBGR>& scan, YARPImageOf<YarpPixelBGR>& out, int& xx, int& yy)
	if (!m_active)
		printf ("YARPObjectContainer: need to update stats first\n");
		xx = yy = 0;
		return -1;

	double x, y, quality;
	m_locator[object_no].BackProject (scan, m_backp[object_no]);

	double ex, ey;
	m_locator[object_no].GetExtent (ex, ey);

	ex *= SCALE;
	ey *= SCALE;

	bool valid = false;

	if (m_locator[object_no].Find (ex, ey, x, y, quality) >= 0)
		double mean = 0, stddev = 0;
		const double THR = 4.0;		// it was 2.0
		m_locator[object_no].GetExpectancy (mean, stddev);

		valid = (fabs(quality - mean) < stddev * THR) ? true : false;

#ifdef _DEBUG
		printf ("object: %d location: %lf %lf q: %lf\n", object_no, x, y, quality);

	if (valid)
		YarpPixelBGR red;
		red.r = 255;
		red.g = red.b = 0;

		double betterx = x;
		double bettery = y;
		AddRectangle (m_backp[object_no], red, int(betterx+.5), int(bettery+.5), int (ex/2+.5), int (ey/2+.5));

		//AddCircleOutline (m_backp[object_no], red, int(max_x+.5), int(max_y+.5), 10);
		AddCircle (m_backp[object_no], red, int(betterx+.5), int(bettery+.5), 5);

		// return processed image.
		out.PeerCopy (m_backp[object_no]);

		xx = int (betterx + .5);
		yy = int (bettery + .5);
		xx = yy = 0;

	return (valid) ? 0 : -1;
Esempio n. 3
void ai09::sharifcup_play_2nd ( void )
	ERRTSetObstacles(cmf, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
	AddRectangle(700, -1050, 210, 210);
	OwnRobot[cmf].target.Angle = 90;
	ERRTNavigate2Point(cmf, Vec2(200, -1500), 0, 100, &VELOCITY_PROFILE_AROOM);
    Status GraphicsPath::AddRectangles( const RectF* rects, INT count )
        if ( !rects )
            return SetStatus( InvalidParameter );

        Status status = Ok;
        for ( int i = 0; i < count; i++ )
            status = AddRectangle( rects[ i ] );
        return status;
Esempio n. 5
void wxGraphicsPathData::AddRoundedRectangle( wxDouble x, wxDouble y, wxDouble w, wxDouble h, wxDouble radius)
    if ( radius == 0 )
        MoveToPoint( x + w, y + h / 2);
        AddArcToPoint(x + w, y + h, x + w / 2, y + h, radius);
        AddArcToPoint(x, y + h, x, y + h / 2, radius);
        AddArcToPoint(x, y , x + w / 2, y, radius);
        AddArcToPoint(x + w, y, x + w, y + h / 2, radius);
// only find object and orientation.
int YARPObjectContainer::FindSimple (YARPImageOf<YarpPixelBGR>& scan, YARPImageOf<YarpPixelBGR>& out)
	if (!m_active)
		printf ("YARPObjectContainer: need to update stats first\n");
		m_last_known_object = -1;
		m_orientation = 0;
		m_displacement = 0;
		return -1;

	YarpPixelBGR red;
	red.r = 255;
	red.g = red.b = 0;

	double x, y, quality;
	double max_quality = 0; 
	int max_obj = -1;
	double max_x = 0, max_y = 0;

	const int NOBJ = m_canonical_stats->m_goodneurons;

	for (int obj = 0; obj < NOBJ; obj++)
		m_locator[obj].BackProject (scan, m_backp[obj]);

		double ex, ey;
		m_locator[obj].GetExtent (ex, ey);

		ex *= SCALE;
		ey *= SCALE;

		if (m_locator[obj].Find (ex, ey, x, y, quality) >= 0)
			double mean = 0, stddev = 0;
			const double THR = 2.0;
			m_locator[obj].GetExpectancy (mean, stddev);

			bool thr_cond = (fabs(quality - mean) < stddev * THR) ? true : false;

#ifdef _DEBUG
			printf ("object: %d location: %lf %lf q: %lf\n", obj, x, y, quality);
			if (quality > max_quality && thr_cond)
				max_quality = quality;
				max_obj = obj;
				max_x = x;
				max_y = y;

	m_last_known_object = max_obj;

	if (max_obj == -1)
		printf ("I (COG) don't know about this object, if there's one at all!\n");
		m_orientation = 0;
		m_displacement = 0;
		return -1;

	// if max_quality is not good enough then skip the following search.
	// if pointiness is not good enough then skip the following search.
#ifdef _DEBUG
	printf ("object is %d, improving position\n", max_obj);

	double ex, ey;
	m_locator[max_obj].GetExtent (ex, ey);
	ex *= SCALE;
	ey *= SCALE;

	// try to improve the position estimation.
	double betterx = 0, bettery = 0;
	m_locator[max_obj].ImprovedSearch (scan, ex, ey, max_x, max_y, betterx, bettery);

#ifdef _DEBUG
	printf ("object is %d, looking for orientation\n", max_obj);

	double angle = -1;
	double angle2 = -1;
	double ave = 0;
	double std = 0;
	m_locator[max_obj].GetNumberOfPoints (ave, std);

	// need to add a threshold on pointiness!
	YARPSearchRotation sr (50, 0.0);
	sr.Search (int(m_canonical_stats->m_neuron_numbers(max_obj+1)), *m_canonical, scan, betterx, bettery, ave, std, angle, angle2);
	// store for future use.
	m_orientation = angle;
	m_displacement = 0;

#ifdef _DEBUG
	printf ("orientation: %lf\n", angle * radToDeg);
	int x1 = betterx + cos(angle) * 40;
	int y1 = bettery + sin(angle) * 40;
	int x2 = betterx - cos(angle) * 40;
	int y2 = bettery - sin(angle) * 40;
	AddSegment (m_backp[max_obj], red, x1, y1, x2, y2);
	AddRectangle (m_backp[max_obj], red, int(betterx+.5), int(bettery+.5), int (ex/2+.5), int (ey/2+.5));

	AddCircleOutline (m_backp[max_obj], red, int(max_x+.5), int(max_y+.5), 10);
	AddCircle (m_backp[max_obj], red, int(betterx+.5), int(bettery+.5), 5);

	// return processed image.
	out.PeerCopy (m_backp[max_obj]);

	return 0;
int YARPObjectContainer::Find (YARPImageOf<YarpPixelBGR>& scan, YARPImageOf<YarpPixelBGR>& out, int& bestaction)
	if (!m_active)
		printf ("YARPObjectContainer: need to update stats first\n");
		bestaction = -1;
		m_last_known_object = -1;
		m_orientation = 0;
		m_displacement = 0;
		return -1;

	YarpPixelBGR red;
	red.r = 255;
	red.g = red.b = 0;

	double x, y, quality;
	double max_quality = 0; 
	int max_obj = -1;
	double max_x = 0, max_y = 0;

	const int NOBJ = m_canonical_stats->m_goodneurons;

	for (int obj = 0; obj < NOBJ; obj++)
		m_locator[obj].BackProject (scan, m_backp[obj]);

		double ex, ey;
		m_locator[obj].GetExtent (ex, ey);

		ex *= SCALE;
		ey *= SCALE;

		if (m_locator[obj].Find (ex, ey, x, y, quality) >= 0)
			double mean = 0, stddev = 0;
			const double THR = 2.0;
			m_locator[obj].GetExpectancy (mean, stddev);

			bool thr_cond = (fabs(quality - mean) < stddev * THR) ? true : false;

			printf ("object: %d location: %lf %lf q: %lf\n", obj, x, y, quality);

			if (quality > max_quality && thr_cond)
				max_quality = quality;
				max_obj = obj;
				max_x = x;
				max_y = y;

	m_last_known_object = max_obj;

	if (max_obj == -1)
		printf ("I (COG) don't know about this object, if there's one at all!\n");
		bestaction = -1;
		m_orientation = 0;
		m_displacement = 0;
		return -1;

	// if max_quality is not good enough then skip the following search.
	// if pointiness is not good enough then skip the following search.
	printf ("object is %d, improving position\n", max_obj);

	double ex, ey;
	m_locator[max_obj].GetExtent (ex, ey);
	ex *= SCALE;
	ey *= SCALE;

	// try to improve the position estimation.
	double betterx = 0, bettery = 0;
	m_locator[max_obj].ImprovedSearch (scan, ex, ey, max_x, max_y, betterx, bettery);

	printf ("object is %d, looking for orientation\n", max_obj);

	double angle = -1;
	double angle2 = -1;
	double ave = 0;
	double std = 0;
	m_locator[max_obj].GetNumberOfPoints (ave, std);

	// need to add a threshold on pointiness!
	YARPSearchRotation sr (50, 0.0);
	sr.Search (int(m_canonical_stats->m_neuron_numbers(max_obj+1)), *m_canonical, scan, betterx, bettery, ave, std, angle, angle2);
	// store for future use.
	m_orientation = angle;
	m_displacement = 0;

	printf ("orientation: %lf\n", angle * radToDeg);
	int x1 = betterx + cos(angle) * 40;
	int y1 = bettery + sin(angle) * 40;
	int x2 = betterx - cos(angle) * 40;
	int y2 = bettery - sin(angle) * 40;
	AddSegment (m_backp[max_obj], red, x1, y1, x2, y2);
	AddRectangle (m_backp[max_obj], red, int(betterx+.5), int(bettery+.5), int (ex/2+.5), int (ey/2+.5));

	AddCircleOutline (m_backp[max_obj], red, int(max_x+.5), int(max_y+.5), 10);
	AddCircle (m_backp[max_obj], red, int(betterx+.5), int(bettery+.5), 5);

	// return processed image.
	out.PeerCopy (m_backp[max_obj]);

	// angle is the current orientation.
	// search for the best affordance.
	const double affordance = m_canonical_stats->GetPrincipalAffordance (max_obj);
	double o1 = angle+affordance;
	double o2 = angle-affordance;
	printf ("---- object: %d, affordance: %lf, test1: %lf, test2: %lf\n", max_obj, affordance*radToDeg, o1*radToDeg, o2*radToDeg);

	if (o1 > pi/2) o1 -= pi;
	if (o1 < -pi/2) o1 += pi;
	if (o2 > pi/2) o2 -= pi;
	if (o2 < -pi/2) o2 += pi;

	double score1 = 0;
	double score2 = 0;
	int bestaction1 = m_canonical_stats->GetBestActionGeneric (o1, score1);
	int bestaction2 = m_canonical_stats->GetBestActionGeneric (o2, score2);

	printf ("---- score(s) %lf %lf\n", score1, score2);

	if (score1 < score2)
		bestaction = bestaction1;
		bestaction = bestaction2;

	printf ("the best action for this object in this position is %d\n", bestaction);

	return 0;
Esempio n. 8
void UIModel::SetToNumber(int n)

	XMFLOAT3 standardNormal = { 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f };
	XMFLOAT3 pos[4];
	pos[0] = { -m_width / 2 ,0.0f, +m_height / 2, };
	pos[1] = { +m_width / 2 ,0.0f, +m_height / 2, };
	pos[2] = { +m_width / 2 ,0.0f, -m_height / 2, };
	pos[3] = { -m_width / 2 ,0.0f, -m_height / 2, };
	XMFLOAT3 normal = { 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f };
	XMFLOAT4 rgba;
	switch (n)
	case 0:
		rgba = { 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f };
	case 1:
		rgba = { 1.0f, 165.0f/255.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f };
	case 2:
		rgba = { 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f };
	case 3:
		rgba = { 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f };
	case 4:
		rgba = { 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f };
	case 5:
		rgba = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f };
	case 6:
		//dark blue
		rgba = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.6f, 1.0f };
	case 7:
		rgba = { 0.3f, 0.1f, 0.6f, 1.0f };
	case 8:
		rgba = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f };
	case 9:
		rgba = { 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f };
	MyVertex v1 = { pos[0], rgba, normal,{ 0.0f, 0.0f } };
	MyVertex v2 = { pos[1], rgba, normal,{ 1.0f, 0.0f } };
	MyVertex v3 = { pos[2], rgba, normal,{ 1.0f, 1.0f } };
	MyVertex v4 = { pos[3], rgba, normal,{ 0.0f, 1.0f } };

	AddRectangle(v1, v2, v3, v4);
BOOL CRectangleBestPacker::AddRectangle(CSubImage* pcSubImage)
	return AddRectangle(&pcSubImage->mcImageRect, pcSubImage);
BOOL CRectangleBestPacker::AddRectangle(CImageCel* pcImageCel)
	return AddRectangle(&pcImageCel->GetSubImage()->mcImageRect, pcImageCel);